Wellbutrin controlled substance
Is Wellbutrin (Bupropion) a Stimulant Narcotic, or Benzodiazepine?
Despite the benefits of Wellbutrin, there has been anecdotal evidence that Wellbutrin may have a potential to be misused and addictive.
Wellbutrin is the brand name of a medication called bupropion. Bupropion is available by prescription as an antidepressant and smoking cessation aid. In the U.S. and Canada, it’s one of the most widely prescribed antidepressants. Wellbutrin is also prescribed for the treatment of seasonal affective disorder or SAD, especially in fall and winter. Despite the benefits, there has been anecdotal evidence that Wellbutrin may have a potential to be misused. So, is Wellbutrin a narcotic?
Article at a Glance:
- Wellbutrin (brand name for bupropion) is a prescription medication used for depression and smoking cessation.
- Wellbutrin works differently than other antidepressants and may also treat anxiety.
- Wellbutrin is not a narcotic because it does not bind to opioid receptors.
- However, there is potential for misuse with Wellbutrin because it can act as a stimulant and cause physical dependence.
- Overall, Wellbutrin is a generally safe and well-tolerated prescription but should only be taken as directed by a physician.
How Does Wellbutrin Work?
Wellbutrin is believed to work on patients differently than many other commonly prescribed antidepressants. Wellbutrin is part of a specific class of antidepressants called aminoketones. There are chemical differences between aminoketones and drugs like Zoloft and Paxil, which are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs. Wellbutrin affects certain levels of brain neurotransmitters — specifically, dopamine and norepinephrine.
While primarily used for depression and to help people stop smoking, one off-label use of Wellbutrin is treating anxiety disorders. This medication can be particularly useful in patients who have both depression and anxiety, according to some reports. However, information is mixed on the use of Wellbutrin for anxiety. Other reports show Wellbutrin can cause new or worse anxiety in some people, especially if they are being treated for depression.
As with most prescription drugs, there are possible risks of Wellbutrin. One is the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors, particularly in children, teens and young adults. This warning isn’t exclusive to Wellbutrin and is included with most antidepressants. When young people are prescribed Wellbutrin, it’s important for the people around them to watch for unusual changes in mood. One unique side effect of Wellbutrin compared to other antidepressants is weight loss. Most other antidepressants can cause weight gain, while anecdotal evidence shows Wellbutrin is linked to weight loss. Despite this possible effect, Wellbutrin isn’t currently approved by the FDA as a weight management drug.
Wellbutrin has a lengthy list of common side effects. Some of these include:
- Constipation
- Headache
- Nausea and vomiting
- Dry mouth
- Tremors
- Insomnia
Severe side effects are possible as well, including irregular heartbeat, seizures, depression, suicidal ideation, and hallucinations.
People are advised not to drink alcohol while on Wellbutrin, or at least should keep their intake minimal. There are possible drug interactions between Wellbutrin and other antidepressants, especially SSRIs.
Is Wellbutrin a Stimulant?
Wellbutrin is not typically considered a stimulant, though it may act like a stimulant if misused. Stimulants work by activating receptors in the brain that speed up the body’s normal function.
Wellbutrin does not directly act on these receptors like stimulants do, but it does increase levels of a chemical in the brain called dopamine. Dopamine can have a stimulant-type effect on the body. However, Wellbutrin normally increases dopamine levels slowly over a longer period of time and will not cause a sudden effect like stimulants would.
Is Wellbutrin a Benzodiazepine?
Wellbutrin is not a benzodiazepine. Benzodiazepines work by stimulating receptors in the brain called GABA receptors, causing an effect that depresses normal activity and brain function. Wellbutrin does not act on these receptors and is therefore not considered a benzodiazepine.
Is Wellbutrin a Narcotic?
Narcotics are a specific class of drugs, also known as opioids. Narcotics include prescription painkillers and the street drug heroin. Narcotics are derived from opium or are synthesized in a way that makes them have effects similar to opium-based drugs. This drug class affects the central nervous system by binding to certain receptors located there. Narcotics relieve pain, but they are also highly addictive and can cause a fatal overdose because they lower breathing rates. Narcotics especially suppress respiration when used at high doses.
People wonder, is Wellbutrin a narcotic? There is some confusion about Wellbutrin being a narcotic because it does have the potential for misuse. However, Wellbutrin isn’t a narcotic. It affects neurotransmitters in the brain, but it doesn’t bind to opioid receptors as narcotics do. Wellbutrin also isn’t a controlled substance in the sense that narcotics are.
How Does Wellbutrin Make You Feel?
While Wellbutrin isn’t a narcotic, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have the potential for misuse. For the most part, Wellbutrin is considered to be a relatively safe antidepressant. However, since Wellbutrin affects the “feel-good” brain neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine, it is sometimes taken to achieve a stimulant-like high. When Wellbutrin is taken in high doses or in dangerous ways, such as intravenously, it may act similarly to a stimulant, such as Adderall or cocaine. People who use Wellbutrin recreationally may use dangerously high doses of up to 1200 mg at a time, while the maximum daily dose of the drug is 450 mg for prescription use.
Along with injecting Wellbutrin, some recreational users will crush the tablets to snort them. This provides all of the effects of the drug directly into the bloodstream at one time and bypasses the time-release elements of Wellbutrin. It’s extremely dangerous, however, and can cause serious health problems. For example, Wellbutrin can be caustic when it’s injected. It can damage tissues significantly as a result. High doses of Wellbutrin can also increase the risk of seizures. In some places, such as Canada, recreational Wellbutrin use has led to the rise of the nickname “poor man’s cocaine.”
Another reason Wellbutrin is often confused with or compared to narcotics is because it does cause physical dependence in many users. Physical dependence isn’t the same as a psychological addiction. Dependence means the person’s body depends on the presence of the drug. If someone is dependent on Wellbutrin and tries to stop using it suddenly, they may go through withdrawal. The potential for withdrawal makes it important that the person taking the drug doesn’t stop taking Wellbutrin suddenly without speaking to their health care professional. As with other antidepressants, a doctor will usually recommend patients taper down their dosage of Wellbutrin gradually.
For the most part, Wellbutrin is considered a relatively safe and well-tolerated antidepressant. It’s not a narcotic, but there has been a rise in misuse of the drug, especially lately. When taken in high doses or illicit ways, such as injecting dissolved tablets, some people may experience a stimulant-like high. Taking Wellbutrin in this way can be dangerous or deadly, however. Wellbutrin isn’t a narcotic, and it’s not especially addictive, but it can lead to physical dependence, so patients should be aware of this when taking it. As with any prescription drug, it should be taken only as directed by a physician.
If you or a loved one is struggling with the weight of an addiction to prescription drugs or anything else, get in touch with The Recovery Village. Whether you just want to ask questions, learn more or get specific information about going to treatment and how to pay for it, we’re here to provide you with answers.
Editor – Jonathan Strum
Jonathan Strum graduated from the University of Nebraska Omaha with a Bachelor's in Communication in 2017 and has been writing professionally ever since. Read more
Medically Reviewed By – Benjamin Caleb Williams, RN
Benjamin Caleb Williams is a board-certified Emergency Nurse with several years of clinical experience, including supervisory roles within the ICU and ER settings. Read more
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How Long Does Wellbutrin Stay in Your System?
U.S. National Library of Medicine. “Bupropion.” MedlinePlus, February 5, 2018. Accessed March 22, 2022.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Prescription Stimulants DrugFacts.” June 2018. Accessed March 22, 2022.
Food and Drug Administration. “WELLBUTRIN® (bupropion hydrochloride) Tablets.” GlaxoSmithKline, 2009. Accessed March 22, 2022.
Haefely, W. “Benzodiazepine interactions with GABA receptors.” Neuroscience Letters, June 1984. Accessed March 22, 2022.
Coryell, Williams. “Drug Treatment of Depression.” Merck Manual, August 2021. Accessed March 22, 2022.
Medical Disclaimer
The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.
Is Wellbutrin (Bupropion) A Controlled Substance?
Wellbutrin, also called bupropion, is a prescription medication that has been misused but is not categorized as a controlled substance. Bupropion hydrochloride, the main compound of Wellbutrin, is used to treat bipolar disorder and seizures.
Wellbutrin is not a legally classified controlled substance, unlike some other brand-name prescription medications.
This medication is used to treat a number of mental health complications, and medication needs vary from person to person depending on the treatment needed.
For this reason, Wellbutrin is available in both immediate-release and extended-release formats. However, while not legally controlled, the medication can still be misused and abused.
Why Wellbutrin Is Not A Controlled Substance
Wellbutrin is not a controlled substance, though it acts similar to other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI).
It is not a narcotic or an opioid, so it does not necessitate a legal classification as a controlled substance — unlike other antidepressant sedatives, such as benzodiazepines.
Non-Addictive Medication
Wellbutrin does not produce a high, and thus does not possess typical addictive qualities.
Faster-acting agents, such as benzodiazepines produce sedative effects that can be felt within 30 minutes of ingestion.
However, it takes weeks for Wellbutrin to produce positive management of symptoms, since it is not a direct dopamine-releasing or GABA-producing (y-Aminobutyric acid) medication.
Though Wellbutrin is not generally addictive, use of it over time can produce a physical dependence, abuse of it may produce effects characteristic of a Wellbutrin addiction.
Wellbutrin Does Not Produce A High
While there have been some reported cases of people snorting crushed Wellbutrin pills to produce a high, doctors have noted that Wellbutrin does not produce euphoric sensations.
However, if you take excessive amounts of Wellbutrin in an unapproved manner, such as by snorting or ingestion, the brain can be flooded and overwhelmed with neurotransmitters.
These neurotransmitters dump excessive amounts of norepinephrine and dopamine, which can produce somewhat stimulant effects — earning Wellbutrin the nickname ‘poor man’s cocaine.’
However, the effects of stimulants and Wellbutrin are very different, as Wellbutrin is a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI), not a stimulant such as amphetamine.
What Class Of Drugs Is Wellbutrin In?
Wellbutrin falls under a class of drugs called norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRI), and are also known as aminoketone medications, which are antidepressant drugs.
The active ingredients in these non-stimulant medications work to access different parts of the central nervous system (CNS) to balance chemicals in the brain.
How Wellbutrin Works In The Body
The effects of bupropion on the brain are technically largely unknown, though we have some ideas.
Wellbutrin specifically operates as an NDRI to balance chemical production and distribution in the CNS.
This drug comes in extended-release tablets (also called sustained-release tablets) called Wellbutrin SR or Wellbutrin XL.
The active ingredient in Wellbutrin, once ingested, is slowly released into the brain and improves cognitive function by maintaining neurotransmitter production in certain areas of the CNS.
Specifically, it keeps dopamine and norepinephrine active in the brain’s neurons for extended periods of time so the brain can maintain focus and concentration.
Does Wellbutrin Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder?
Wellbutrin is currently the most commonly prescribed prescription drug used in the treatment of depression for both major depressive disorder (MDD) and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
Pharmaceutical manufacturers and healthcare providers alike have determined the most efficacious type of bupropion for treating both SAD and MDD to be Wellbutrin XL (bupropion HCL).
This type of Wellbutrin is usually prescribed under the brand name Zyban, or a slightly modified compound, called bupropion hydrobromide (Aplenzin).
Signs Of Wellbutrin Abuse
Signs of Wellbutrin abuse may fly under the radar if the person currently misusing the drug does so by means of oral ingestion.
However — and this is being seen specifically in Canada and China, but less so in the United States — Wellbutrin is being dissolved into soluble solutions, then injected.
This leads to obvious visual signs of drug abuse, such as skin lesions, veinal bruising, and collapsed veins. However, there are some less-apparent signs of Wellbutrin that are important to recognize.
Some of the serious side effects of Wellbutrin abuse may include:
- increased risk of seizures
- constipation
- blurred vision and antagonized glaucoma-related symptoms
- vertigo
- agitation
- constant dry mouth
- weight loss or excessive weight gain, leading to eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia
- high blood pressure
- increased heart rate (tachycardia)
- chest pain
Is Wellbutrin Abuse Dangerous?
Wellbutrin, as far as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is concerned, is a safe medication when daily doses are taken as prescribed by healthcare professionals.
Long-term use, too, has not proven to cause adverse effects, though some people may experience allergic reactions to the medication.
Wellbutrin, as with many other medications, does have an extensive list of known drug interactions that can produce unpleasant but common side effects.
However, physical dependence is a possibility, which can lead to cravings, suicidal thoughts, and other mental health complications as the brain attempts to reorient itself.
Wellbutrin may be lethal when mixed with other potent drug combinations or drugs of abuse, such as alcohol, opioids, cocaine, heroin, and others.
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- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2009/018644s039s040.pdf - National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
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On the issue of bupropion | hand-help.ru
- bupropion
- treatment and law
- analogues and derivatives
- expert chemist Dmitry Gladyshev
- lawyer Dmitry Ustyuzhaninov
- lawyer Konstantin Kuzminykh
In the current year, we have repeatedly received questions related to the initiation of criminal cases on crimes related to the circulation of drugs containing bupropion. Various compositions are charged, incl. composition of Art. 229.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (on smuggling). A typical situation is that a citizen of the Russian Federation transports through the border of the Russian Federation (or orders by mail) consignments with pills (for example, Ziban, UNIDEP), according to the instructions for which, as well as numerous information on the Internet, the drug is a remedy for smoking tobacco, not containing nicotine (unlike Nicorette preparations). A citizen with these pills is detained, and after receiving an expert’s certificate that bupropion was found in the pills, which, in accordance with the criteria of paragraph 6 of the note to the List of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, subject to control in the Russian Federation (this paragraph was introduced by the Decree Government of the Russian Federation No. 1178 dated 19.11.12) is a derivative of a narcotic drug - ephedron (methcathinone). That is, we are immediately talking about the position of list 1 of the List - "ephedron and its derivatives.
" When applying to the tablets the position of the List that a narcotic drug is all mixtures that include the substance of the list and with an average weight of 1 tablet in the range of 0.3 - 0.4 grams, the size of the seized drug usually occurs large (from 2.5 grams , i.e. less than 10 tablets) and even especially large (from 500 grams - this is if a detainee has a lot of convales with such tablets). I must say that if a person keeps such pills with him for the purpose of his own use (to refrain from smoking), then he will still have, in any case, a significant size on his hands, i.e. at least 1 tablet, the mass of which is still greater than the significant size (0.2 g) established for ephedron and its derivatives. In other words, not only the carriers of these pills, but even those who use them with a conscientious goal proclaimed by the Government of the Russian Federation - quitting smoking, find themselves in the field of criminal justice due to the formal presence in their actions of signs of crimes provided for in Article 228 or Article 228.
1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the most minimal - part 1 of article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, crimes under which the courts usually consider in a special order with the imposition of punishment in the form of a fine or a minimum term of imprisonment using Art. 73 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, i.e. conditionally. Well, and if a person, in order to quit smoking, tried such pills several times, and making sure that they were effective, he took them to his smoking friend, who had already tried to quit smoking more than once, then in accordance with the explanations of the relevant Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court RF No. 14 - 2006, this will already be the sale of a drug in the sense of Art. 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, even under part 1 of which there is a possibility of sentencing in the form of real imprisonment . Without ORM "test purchase" law enforcement practice here will not do the same .
Some statistics. According to media reports with links to data from Rosstat of Russia, 22.5% of the population smokes daily . A detailed report on the 2009 global adult survey on tobacco use is available on the website of Rosstat of Russia , according to which 43.9million adult population of the country in 2009 were active tobacco smokers, and among them 32.1%, i.e. 14 million people during the year at least 1 time tried to quit smoking. Some of them, when trying to quit smoking, used the appropriate drugs recommended by medicine. According to section 5.2 of the same report of the Rosstat of Russia, 20.1% of those who quit smoking, i.e. 2.8 million people resorted to medications. It is known that nicotine is a fairly strong legal drug, and the situation with its consumption over the course of 10 years cannot change very significantly. And, therefore, it is reasonable to assume that at the level of the Russian Federation, hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens have the potential to be in the field of the above-mentioned law enforcement practice of combating the trafficking of bupropion. That is, the social significance of the topic is such that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia would be obliged to give appropriate explanations to the population on central television before the introduction of such a practice into work.
As you can see on the Internet, doctors were the first to help patients, explaining in the official conclusion of the Russian Society of Psychiatrists that the antidepressant bupropion is not a drug . By the way, not only the nature of the action of bupropion differs from the action of ephedron, but also the effective doses of these substances differ many times.
The issue of the formal validity of law enforcement practice in relation to the circulation of bupropion , taking into account the nature of the questions received, should be dealt with separately. The fact is that some applicants referred to the fact that the structural formula of bupropion, in comparison with the structural formula of ephedron, allegedly does not meet the criteria of Note 6 to the List and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1178 - 2012. The results of such a discussion between lawyers from the prosecution and the sides of the defense - the investigator and the lawyer - even "manuals" for experts are beginning to be used (given in the section of the site - http://www.hand-help.ru/doc22.html ). Here I would like to focus on the fact that the methodological recommendations of the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia cannot be not only the basis for a guilty verdict, but even the basis for initiating a criminal case. The Government of the Russian Federation does not delegate to expert institutions the resolution of the issue of which substances are drug derivatives and which are not - in any case, since November 19, 2012, when the criteria for classifying a substance as derivatives were established by Decree No. 1178. Some strange precedents before 2012 took place in practice, but after November 2012, when Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1178 of 19.11.12 and item 6 was included in the List, the law enforcer no longer had any reason to appeal to the methodological recommendations of the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
In fact, these recommendations are not intended for the law enforcer, but exclusively for the expert (who should not bring them to court), and more precisely, for those experts of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs who do not have sufficient training in the field of organic chemistry (in particular, on the topic - the nomenclature of organic substances) independently find it difficult to apply the criteria above the specified Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1178. And these recommendations have absolutely no (especially legal) meaning, and if an expert begins to refer to them as the only source of his knowledge that the substance is a drug derivative, then he thereby demonstrates his incompetence, because . to the relevant questions, he is obliged to explain why the structural formula of the substance he studied corresponds to the criteria for derivatives designated by the Government of the Russian Federation. If the investigator in the charge or the judge in the verdict begins to refer to methodological recommendations as the main evidence, then by doing so they demonstrate their lack of competence, but not in matters of special knowledge, but in legal matters.
If we compare the structural formulas of ephedron and bupropion available on the Internet, it is not difficult to see that they are really similar in that in the structure of bupropion in the meta position of the benzene ring there is a chlorine (Cl) substituent, and instead of a methyl group (i.e. CH3 ) at nitrogen (ephedron), bupropion has a C4H9 group.
Ephedron (gross formula C10h23NO, total number of atoms - 25) Bupropion (gross formula C13h28ClNO, total number of atoms - 34) for a person who does not have a chemical education) points: 6. Derivatives of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances are substances of synthetic or natural origin, which are not included in independent positions in the state register of medicines or in this list, the chemical structure of which is formed by substitution ( formal substitution ) one or more hydrogen atoms , halogens and (or) hydroxyl groups in the chemical structure of the corresponding narcotic agent or psychotropic substance on others Divalent atoms or groups), the total number of carbon atoms in which should not exceed the number of carbon atoms in the initial chemical structure of the corresponding drug or psychotropic substance .

We decided to turn to the problem discussed in connection with bupropion also because this is one of the classic cases, which at the same time has already received public outcry independent names of derivatives. This problem has been known for a long time and it consists in the following. In the basic Federal Law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances”, among the concepts used by law (Article 1), the concept of “derivative of a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance” is absent. Instead, the law contains a fundamentally different basic concept - analogues of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances - substances of synthetic or natural origin prohibited for circulation in the Russian Federation, not included in the List of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation, chemical structure and properties which are similar to the chemical structure and properties of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the psychoactive effect of which they reproduce. Meanwhile, not taking into account the basic concepts established in Article 1 of the Federal Law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” used in the field of state drug control, the Government of the Russian Federation at one time (back in 2010) expanded the List by not of the concept provided for by the basic law - “derivatives of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances”, in fact, intruding into the exclusive competence of the legislator. By the way, the legislator in articles 228 and 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not apply the concept of “derivatives of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances”. Instead, the legislator uses the concept of "analogues", for which it requires the establishment of 2 mandatory criteria: 1) the similarity of the chemical structure with the structure of a specific drug name in the List; 2) the similarity of the psychoactive effect of a substance - an analogue with the psychoactive effect of a specific substance similar in structure to it from the List.
And this is a serious problem in the sense of violating the principle of legal certainty - incl. the general guarantee of Article 7 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Despite the fact that the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not contain a direct guarantee of the principle of legal certainty, the existence of such a principle as constitutional follows from a systematic interpretation of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The point is that although the legislator has the right to delegate certain powers to the Government of the Russian Federation, however, articles 4, 114 and 115 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and articles 2 and 3 of FKZ-2 of 12/17/1997 "On the Government of the Russian Federation" does not imply that the Government of the Russian Federation can exercise these powers in an arbitrary way. In Resolution No. 2-P dated 31.01.2008 (although it was issued on a different issue), the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation literally stated the following (quoted): 3.
1. From the constitutional principles of the rule of law, equality and justice, the requirement addressed to the legislator for certainty, clarity, unambiguity of the legal norm and its consistency with the current legal regulation follows. Within the meaning of Articles 4 (Part 2) and 15 (Part 1) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which establish the principle of the rule of law, in systemic unity with the provisions of its Articles 114 (Clause "g" of Part 1) and 115 (Part 1) and the Federal Constitutional Law " On the Government of the Russian Federation" (Articles 2 and 3), which require the Government of the Russian Federation to exercise rule-making powers on the basis of and in pursuance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and regulatory decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the principle of certainty and consistency of legislative regulation also applies to those legal norms by which the legislator delegates certain powers to the Government of the Russian Federation.
Otherwise, it would mean that the legislator can transfer to the Government of the Russian Federation powers that are indefinite in scope, and the Government of the Russian Federation can exercise them in an arbitrary way, which would violate the principle of separation of state power into legislative, executive and judicial (Article 10 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the subject of delegation, in any case, cannot be rule-making on those issues, the regulation of which, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, belongs to the exclusive prerogative of the legislator. In our opinion, the regulation by the Government of the Russian Federation of the spectrum of substances controlled as drugs through “derivatives” is precisely an exemplary arbitrary application by the Government of the Russian Federation of the powers delegated to it by the legislator. Moreover, such arbitrary use has become a “legal custom” in the field of drug control in the Russian Federation for many years.
The situation with bupropion is also interesting in that it is one of the examples showing the lack of scientific validity of the thesis that the current state of science makes it possible to determine the pharmacological properties of any new substance with 100% probability solely on the basis of its chemical structure . That is, note 6 to the List is based on the simple thesis that if the structure of any substance for which narcotic activity has already been reliably established is changed in accordance with the criteria of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. substance with 100% reliable analogous narcotic activity. At the same time, it is known that the narcogenic activity of a substance is one of the forms of manifestation of biological activity by substances. In other words, if we extrapolate this thesis to pharmacology in general, then the Government of the Russian Federation and the Russian Ministry of Health, in particular, could remove the mandatory clinical trials of new drugs on the basis that as soon as a new drug substance is similar in chemical structure to a substance, for which has long and reliably established effective pharmacological, medicinal properties, this is enough to immediately introduce into medical practice new drugs based on this new substance without conducting very expensive clinical trials. But unfortunately for 2019year, such an algorithm is still a plot for science fiction, which (the same, unfortunately) is taken as the basis for paragraph 6 of the note to the List and the corresponding paragraph of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1178 of November 19, 2012. narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances”, nor in the dispositions of Articles 228 and 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation did this fantastic thesis apply.
By the way, according to chemists and pharmacologists, the differences in the structure of bupropion and ephedron are significant: the total number of atoms in bupropion is 9 more, and one of them is a chlorine atom, the introduction of which into a molecule inevitably leads to a change in chemical properties, which means that the effect on the human body will vary. Replacing four atoms in a molecule with other atoms, and even more so with groups of atoms (-CH3) is also a very significant change in structure. This is confirmed by the following data:
- Bupropion was invented in 1969, received a US patent in 1974, and entered the drug market in 1985 under the patent name Wellbutrin.
The properties of bupropion are well studied. Indications for use (from the instructions for the medicinal product): for the treatment of depression, nicotine addiction, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (including in children), treatment of obesity and erectile dysfunction, an auxiliary component in the treatment of Crohn's disease and psoriasis ( https://medside.ru/bupropion ).
- According to the US government classification for psychiatric drugs, bupropion is non-abusable or has a low abuse potential. Two studies on drug addicts showed that the subjective effect of taking bupropion is fundamentally different from that of amphetamine, to which the same ephedron belongs. Unlike amphetamine, the subjects had no "narcotic pleasure" and no desire to repeat the drug (Rush CR, Kollins SH, Pazzaglia PJ (1998). “Discriminative-stimulus and participant-rated effects of methylphenidate, bupropion, and triazolam in d-amphetamine-trained humans”.
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology. 6 (1): 32 -44) . Comparison of bupropion (150 mg) and caffeine (178 mg) showed that caffeine was more abuseable, as it was described as providing more "higher" pleasure than bupropion (Zernig G, De Wit H, Telser S; et al (2004) “Subjective effects of slow-release bupropion versus caffeine as determined in a quasi-naturalistic setting.” Pharmacology 70(4): 206-15) . At the same time, caffeine does not apply to narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances. It is reported that the abuse of bupropion (using it in doses higher than recommended) can lead to an increased risk of seizures, since this side effect with bupropion is dose-dependent.
- Wellbutrin has the following analogues: Elontril, Nosnoq, Bupron, Ziban, Prolev, Voxra, Zintabac, Quomem and others. The main active ingredient of all these drugs is bupropion. These drugs are the so-called generics Wellbutrin, all of them undergo mandatory studies (biological, pharmacological and other), confirming their effectiveness.
Bupropion-based drugs are registered, and therefore approved for sale through the pharmacy network, in 65 countries, including Europe and the USA. In Russia, the British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline, one of the largest in the world, has registered its drug Wellbutrin in the State Register of Medicines of the Russian Federation indefinitely. In 2016, the manufacturing company left the Russian market and withdrew its registration. Nevertheless, bupropion under the trade name Wellbutrin (Wellbutrin) could be freely sold in Russia on a completely legal basis from 12.08.2010. to 22.08.2016 ( https://hep24.com , http://alpha-apteka.ru , https://farm7.ru etc.).
The second problem of criminal law enforcement practice in connection with the circulation of drugs containing bupropion is that point 6 of the note to the List focuses on the fact that a substance - a derivative should not be included in the State Register of Medicinal Substances. At the time of the preparation of this article, bupropion is not listed in the GRLS, although it is not difficult to see from the Internet that at present, a lot of sites offer the legal purchase of dosage forms of this substance as smoking cessation drugs, while bupropion has been excluded from the GRLS since 22.08 .2016, where it was previously represented by the only drug "Wellbutrin" - see Letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 08.22.2016 No. 20 - 3 / 1127 "Decision to cancel the state registration of the medicinal product and exclude it from the state register of medicines". However, the presence in note 6 of the List of the specified condition on the absence of a substance in the GRLS does not remove the general problem we have identified above. Otherwise, the population of the Russian Federation must be informed that the circulation of any substances that fall under the criteria established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1178 of 19 is prohibited in the Russian Federation.
.11.12, regardless of whether such substances have narcotic properties, if such substances are not included in the SRL. We believe that announcements of this kind fall within the exclusive competence of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, which has not yet adopted such a law.
Taking into account the nature and content of the appeals we received in connection with the criminal cases related to bupropion, unfortunately, we are forced to state the absence in the Russian Federation at the national level of remedies against criminal charges Art. 228 - 232 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation due to violation of the rules for the circulation of bupropion or its use. At the same time, to our deepest regret, the recommendation of a doctor to a patient to use a drug containing bupropion as a means of quitting smoking can lead to the initiation of a criminal case against the doctor on the grounds of a crime under Art. 230 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - inducement to use a drug. More judicial practice in cases of crimes Art. 230 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is considered here - /site-news/2019-12-16-sklonenie/ . Let us immediately note that at the district level (and this is the competence of district investigators, prosecutors and judges) it will hardly be possible to defend against such an accusation if extremely significant procedural violations are not committed by the criminal prosecution body.
It is also clear from the appeals that suspects / defendants in cases involving bupropion-containing drugs are sometimes quite subject to a measure of restraint in the form of detention. In law enforcement and judicial practice, the use of such a measure is quite consistent due to the formal compliance of the charge with the crimes described in Part 1 of Art. 4 or 5 tbsp. 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and involving punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 20 years, and under part 5 - up to life imprisonment. Appeal in such cases is often ineffective, but it should be carried out as a prerequisite for the exhaustion of remedies at the national level. At the same time, the question of the admissibility of filing a complaint with the ECtHR on a violation of Art. 5 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (in conjunction with Article 7 of the Convention) in connection with the accusation and detention is not obvious, but only discussed for each specific situation. The end of the violation nevertheless arises, as a general rule, after the entry into force of the court verdict (i.e., both after the conviction and after the consideration of the case by the appellate instance - this is not very soon from the moment of detention). An appeal to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a complaint about the verification of the constitutionality of the provisions of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 681 and Note 6 to it is possible, as well as an appeal to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation with a statement in the order of Chapter 21 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation.
But when predicting the effectiveness of such appeals, the following should be taken into account.
- By the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2014 No. AKPI14-523, the application for invalidating certain provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 1998 No. 681 “On approval of the list ....” - This solution is available online. The essence of the case was that K. applied to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation with the above statement in connection with the fact that a criminal case had been initiated against him under Art. 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in connection with another derivative of ephedron - JWH-018, at that time not yet included as an independent item in the List, i.e. on formal grounds, the situation was exactly the same as now with bupropion, with the exception that JHW-018 has narcotic properties, which can be seen even from Wikipedia, and the narcotic properties of bupropion are collectively denied, as mentioned above, even psychiatrists represented by their association.
The Applicant referred to the above arguments, incl. at st.st. 1 and 2 of the Federal Law "On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances", the disposition of Article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as certain provisions of the UN Convention 1961 (about drugs). Rejecting the applicant's arguments, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation pointed out that by including their derivatives in List 1 of the List along with specific narcotic drugs, the Government of the Russian Federation did not go beyond its competence, and the Resolution itself, in the opinion of the court, does not establish the criminality of the act, its punishability and other criminal - legal consequences, which are determined only by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in particular, its article 228. In the appellate instance, this decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation was left unchanged. Even earlier, there was a decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of September 11, 2013 in the case of NAKPI13-751 (the same is available on the Internet), from which it is clear that the subject of the appeal was directly the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No.
1178 of 19.11.12. The appeal of citizen G. was also connected with substances of the JHW series and his prosecution under Part 3 of Art. 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Rejecting the application of G., the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation indicated that “the addition of a note to the List with paragraph 6 cannot be considered as a normative legal act that expands the grounds for bringing to criminal responsibility and violates the principle of criminal law regulation of bringing to criminal responsibility on the basis of the law. Thus, the contested provisions of the normative legal act do not violate the rights and freedoms of the applicant” . In addition, in both of the above-mentioned decisions, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation noted that “the concept of “derivatives” is a generally accepted chemical term, it is also used in a number of regulatory legal acts, including international ones” . By the way, the indication by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation that the content of the List does not establish the criminality of the act is not entirely clear, because.
the subject of criminal proceedings, in substantiating the argument about the existence of a criminal act, refers exclusively to the List. At the same time, we note that in 2013-2014. it was about substances of the JWS series, for which there was no conclusion of the collegiate body of psychiatrists that the substance (substance) of this series is not a drug. In the case of bupropion, such a conclusion exists and has been published.
- The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has already taken several decisions on complaints filed by citizens in connection with criminal prosecution (conviction) for crimes related to derivatives of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances not mentioned in the List as specific names. Recall that the expansion of the positions of the List at the expense of derivatives has taken place since 2010, and only in 2012 did the Government of the Russian Federation explain in a separate note what kind of concept it was. So, according to the ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2016 No.
407-O on the complaint of Galkin L.A., the applicant pointed out the uncertainty of the concept of “derivative”. In his criminal case, the version of the 2010 List was applied. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, considering the applicant’s complaint in 2016, noted that from 19.11.12, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1178 is in force, by which the criteria for classifying a substance as a derivative are determined, which was a refusal to accept the applicant's complaint for consideration. From another ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated July 19, 2016 No. 1668-O on the complaint of Grigorskikh R.A. it follows that the applicant was convicted in 2011 of crimes related to the substances AM-2201 and AM-1220, which at that time were not included as independent entries in the List. In the ruling on his complaint, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, in particular, stated: “Lists of substances that have a negative effect on the human body, as well as the sizes of these substances, do not have to be prescribed by law; the right to approve lists of such substances for the purposes of criminal law may also be granted to the Government of the Russian Federation, which in itself does not mean that it is empowered to carry out normative regulation on the issue of establishing the grounds for criminal liability (rulings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of February 8, 2007 N 290-O-P and N 292-O-P, dated February 7, 2008 N 79-O-O).
At the same time, the approval by the Government of the Russian Federation of the amounts of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances does not imply the possibility of criminal liability for crimes related to the illegal circulation of such drugs or substances, without an indication of this in the criminal law, and the corresponding resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation does not establish the criminality of an act, its punishability and other criminal legal consequences, which are determined only by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (rulings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2009year No. 1135-O-O, dated December 24, 2013 No. 2039-O, dated February 20, 2014 No. 417-O, etc.) ". Further, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation clarified that it is also possible to bring to criminal responsibility on the basis that experts come to the conclusion that a substance not mentioned in the List is a drug. In the ruling dated 20.
04.17 No. 839-O on the complaint of Mr. Safin A.M., where the applicant also drew attention to the issue of the uncertainty of the legal norm in connection with his criminal liability under Art. 228 and 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and sentencing to real deprivation of liberty, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, among other things, indicated: “the blanket nature of the norms in itself cannot testify to their unconstitutionality, since the regulatory norms that directly enshrine certain rules of conduct do not necessarily have to be contained in the same normative legal act as the norms providing for legal liability for their violation, but therefore, the assessment of the degree of certainty of the concepts contained in the law should be carried out based not only on the text of the law itself and the wording used in it, but also on their place in the system of normative prescriptions, as well as taking into account related offenses (Decree of May 27, 2003 N 9-P, dated March 31, 2011 N 3-P, dated February 14, 2013 N 4-P, dated June 17, 2014 N 18-P, dated July 16, 2015 N 22-P, etc.
) ". On July 17, 2018, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation considered the complaint of A.S. Shavkuta. with the issuance of ruling No. 2046-O on refusal to accept the complaint for consideration, indicating in it, in particular, that “Lists of substances that have a negative effect on the human body, as well as the sizes of these substances do not have to be provided for by law; the right to approve lists of such substances for the purposes of criminal law may also be granted to the Government of the Russian Federation, which in itself does not mean empowering it to carry out regulatory regulation on the issue of establishing the grounds for criminal liability (rulings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of February 8, 2007 N 290-O-P and N 292-O-P, dated February 7, 2008 N 79-O-O)”. And besides: “By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 30, 2010 N 882, in a number of positions of the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 1998 N 681, additionally included derivatives of the corresponding substances.
In addition, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2012 N 1178 "On Amendments to the List of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors Subject to Control in the Russian Federation" established that derivatives of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances are substances of synthetic or natural origin , which are not included in independent positions in the state register of medicines or in the specified list, the chemical structure of which is formed by the replacement (formal substitution) of one or more hydrogen atoms, halogens and (or) hydroxyl groups in the chemical structure of the corresponding narcotic drug or psychotropic substance with other monovalent and (or) divalent atoms or substituents (with the exception of hydroxyl and carboxyl groups), the total number of carbon atoms in which should not exceed the number of carbon atoms in the initial chemical structure of the corresponding drug otic drug or psychotropic substance (rulings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated 19July 2016 N 1668-O and April 20, 2017 N 839-O).
Accordingly, in legally defined cases, the prohibition of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances also applies to actions in relation to their derivatives.
From the above positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, it is obvious that the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation does not see any contradiction with the Constitution of the Russian Federation in that the Government of the Russian Federation should exclusively determine any content of the List of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and we recall that earlier (i.e. before 2012) the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation considered it acceptable that the decision on the composition of the crime related to drug trafficking should not be resolved by the List at all, but simply by expert means. Therefore, it is unreasonable to expect that the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation will consider the complaint in connection with the criminal case on bupropion in favor of the arguments about the uncertainty of the legal norm. For completeness, we note that the ECtHR rarely takes into consideration arguments about the violation of the principle of certainty of a legal norm within the meaning of Article 7 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Directly in our practice, the ECtHR refused to accept for consideration the applicant's complaint that he was convicted of a crime related to the trafficking of a drug derivative, even without establishing the name of the substance in the examination, sentence and decision of the Court of Appeal. In the same case, the ECtHR declared inadmissible the applicant’s argument about the violation of his rights guaranteed by Article 6 of the Convention that, in the absence of the name of the drug derivative in the expert’s opinion, the courts of first instance and appeal refused to question the expert in order to clarify the name of the substance and grounds, for which the expert concluded that the structure of the substance meets the criteria of item 6 of the List.
However, all the above (and other) decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation do not inform us that the applicant applied in connection with his criminal prosecution (conviction) for actions related to the circulation of a substance, the structure of which, although falls under the criteria of paragraph 6 of the List, but which does not possess narcotic properties. Therefore, it is precisely in connection with bupropion that there is a reason for the higher courts to raise the question of whether the Government of the Russian Federation is authorized to restrict the circulation of such substances as drugs that do not have narcotic properties? But this question can be properly raised only with the involvement of authoritative experts not only in the field of psychiatry and narcology, but also in the field of psychopharmacology, so that from the conclusion it is clear whether ephedron and bupropion affect the same set of neuroreceptors, whether there are fundamental differences between these drugs not only in terms of clinical application, but also at the receptor level. But experts in the relevant fields know better how to correctly pose the question when comparing ephedron and bupropion. Although, of course, it is strange that individuals are forced to study and substantiate these issues in a situation where the Government of the Russian Federation - the subject of the formation of the List - did not bother to publish such detailed justifications, limiting itself to the fantastic thesis that, according to the structure of substances, it is possible with 100 percent probability predict its psychoactive properties.
At the present time, we are forced to state the absence of effective remedies at the national level, not only in case of criminal prosecution in connection with bupropion, but also in case of administrative liability under Art. 6.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for its use as a means of smoking cessation, as well as for concomitant use of Part 1 of Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation or Art. 6.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, at this stage, we are forced to recommend citizens to refuse storage, transportation or other circulation of drugs containing bupropion, in order to avoid criminal or administrative liability, since it is precisely such a formal requirement that the authorities of the Russian Federation have actually put forward today.
wellbutrin and weeds | Mixing Weed and Wellbutrin
Reviewed Michael Pohr, MD
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wellbutrin and weed
Most people who use marijuana do so for its mood-altering and relaxing properties. Weed gives people a high and allows them to relax. However, excessive use of marijuana can lead to unwanted results. It can increase the anxiety and depression a person experiences, and it may interact with certain other medications, including wellbutrin. It is important to remember that interactions occur with all types of drugs, to a greater or lesser extent, and this article details interactions when mixing wellbutrin and weed.
Mixing wellbutrin and weed
Studies have shown that anxiety is one of the leading symptoms caused by marijuana users and that there is a correlation between wellbutrin and weed and increased anxiety.
Anyone who mixes wellbutrin and weed is likely to experience side effects. This happens with all medications, whether weed or wellbutrin is mixed with them. Side effects can be harmful when mixing wellbutrin and weed. Doctors are more likely to refuse to prescribe wellbutrin to a patient if the person smokes or uses weed. Of course, this may be due to the lack of research and studies on mixing wellbutrin and weed.
Intensive, long-term use of weeds is harmful to humans. It alters the function and structure of the brain, and all pharmaceuticals and medications, including wellbutrin, are designed to affect the brain. There is a misplaced notion that pharmaceuticals and drugs only work on the affected parts of the body, but this is obviously not the case with Wellbutrin. For example, simple painkillers do not cure trauma, but simply interrupt the brain to process the pain caused by the injury. Then it would be wrong to say that the two drugs, Wellbutrin and Weed, do not interact. There will always be an interaction between Wellbutrin and Weed in the brain. 1 1. D. D. Brown and A. G. Winterstein, Potential Adverse Events and Drug Interactions in Medical and Consumer Use of Cannabidiol (CBD) - PMC, PubMed Central (PMC).; Retrieved September 27, 2022 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6678684/. This condition, reportedly caused by mixing wellbutrin and weed, describes a condition caused by marijuana use in which the user experiences episodes of severe vomiting, which are often so severe and painful that they make the person scream .
The medical term for modesty by mixing wellbutrin and weed is cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome or CS. For these reasons, some people choose to quit smoking weed.
It was first included in scientific reports in 2004. Since then, researchers have determined that shying is the result of persistent, long-term marijuana use, especially when the drug contains high levels of THC, marijuana's main psychoactive ingredient. Some experts believe that receptors in the gut are overstimulated by THC, which causes repeated cycles of vomiting.
In the long run, the person may become even more depressed. There is a belief that marijuana is completely natural and not harmful to human health. This is not true, and wellbutrin and weed can cause health problems the more a person consumes them.
How does the herb affect the effectiveness of wellbutrin?
The herb may interfere with how well the body absorbs and processes butrin. Therefore, the wellbutrin potency may be less effective. Marijuana inhibits the metabolism of wellbutrin. Lack of proper wellbutrin activity means that a person may have a delay in relieving major symptoms.
A person looking for a wellbutrin medicine that uses weed should talk to their doctor. It is important that the doctor is aware of the patient's use of the herb so that he can prescribe the correct medication and dosage of Wellbutrin. Or, depending on the level of interaction, they may choose a completely different drug. It is important for the physician to be aware of the patient's use of marijuana. The herb is being legalized in the US, so doctors should be open to talking about its use by patients.
Side effects of wellbutrin and weed
Many people may not realize that there are side effects and effects of mixing wellbutrin and weed, such as:
Interestingly, it is impossible to tell what effect mixing this substance with Weed will have on a person due to its own unique genetic makeup and tolerance. Under no circumstances is it recommended to mix wellbutrin and weed due to the potential for mild, moderate, and severe side effects. If you experience an adverse reaction to mixing wellbutrin and weed, be sure to contact your local emergency room. Even mixing small amounts of wellbutrin and Weed is not recommended.
Wellbutrin and weed combined
People who take wellbutrin and weed together will experience the effects of both substances. Technically, the specific effects and reactions that result from frequent use of wellbutrin and marijuana depend on whether you consume more weed relative to wellbutrin or more wellbutrin relative to weed.
Using significantly more herb and wellbutrin will result in sedation and lethargy, as well as synergistic effects resulting from the mixture of the two drugs.
People who take both weed and wellbutrin may experience effects such as:
- reduced motor reflexes from wellbutrin and weed
- dizziness from Weed and wellbutrin
- nausea and vomiting due to wellbutrin and weeds
Some people may also experience euphoria, depression, irritability, or both. The combination of the herb and wellbutrin results in significantly greater lethargy, which can easily develop into a coma, convulsions of respiratory depression, and death.
Mixing weed and wellbutrin
The primary effect of weed is to increase the concentration of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, which is found in the spinal cord and brainstem, and reduce its effect on neuronal transmitters. When weed is combined with wellbutrin, this primary effect is amplified, increasing the load on the body with unpredictable results.
The herb and wellbutrin affect dopamine levels in the brain, causing both mental and physical problems in the body. Large amounts of wellbutrin and the herb have more adverse effects, but the main medical advice is that smaller doses of wellbutrin can be just as harmful, and there is no way to know exactly how wellbutrin and the herb will affect a person before they take them.
Wellbutrin and weed combined
People who take wellbutrin and weed together will experience the effects of both substances. Using significantly more wellbutrin with weed will result in sedation and lethargy, as well as synergistic effects resulting from the mixture of the two drugs.
People who take both weed and wellbutrin may experience effects such as:
- decreased motor reflexes from wellbutrin and weed
- dizziness from weed and wellbutrin
- nausea and vomiting well
Some people may also experience euphoria, depression, irritability, or both. The combination of the herb and wellbutrin results in significantly greater lethargy, which can easily develop into a coma, convulsions of respiratory depression, and death.
Weed against wellbutrin
Taking wellbutrin in sufficient amounts increases the risk of heart failure. In addition, people under the influence of wellbutrin and the herb may have difficulty forming new memories. With anti-wellbutrin weed in the human body, they become confused and do not understand their surroundings. Due to the synergistic properties of wellbutrin, when mixed with weed, it can lead to confusion, anxiety, depression, and other psychiatric disorders. Chronic use of wellbutrin and weed can lead to irreversible changes in the brain. 2 2.G. Lafaye, L. Caril, L. Blech and A. Benyamine, Cannabis, cannabinoids and health - PMC, PubMed Central (PMC).; Retrieved September 27, 2022 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5741114/..
weed control wellbutrin weed, showed that the possibility of parasomnia (performing tasks in a dream) increases dramatically with the combination of wellbutrin and weed. Serious and dangerous side effects can occur when drugs mix in the body, and sleep disturbances are a common side effect of taking weed and wellbutrin at the same time.
When a small to moderate amount of weed is combined with wellbutrin, sleep disturbances such as sleep apnea may occur. According to the latest data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most emergency room visits and hospitalizations caused by too much weed have been linked to other substances such as wellbutrin.
How long after taking Wellbutrin can I smoke weed or eat food?
To avoid any residual toxicity, it is recommended to wait until wellbutrin has completely cleared your system before taking weed, even in small amounts.
Wellbutrin and weed overdose
In the event of an overdose of wellbutrin or if you are worried after mixing wellbutrin and herb, call emergency services or go to the nearest emergency room immediately.
If you are worried about someone who has taken too much wellbutrin or mixed weed with wellbutrin, call 911 or take them to get immediate medical attention. The best place for you or someone you care about in case of a medical emergency is under medical supervision. Be sure to let medical staff know that they have a mixture of wellbutrin and marijuana in their system.
Excessive weed consumption and the result of shyness, Ph.D., and anxiety disorder. It is advisable to stop smoking weed if you feel these symptoms.
Mixing wellbutrin with weed and antidepressants
Weed users who experience depression and anxiety can be prescribed antidepressant . There are some antidepressant users who also take wellbutrin and weed. These people may not realize that there are side effects and consequences of using wellbutrin, marijuana, and a number of antidepressants.
Research on weed, wellbutrin and antidepressants is almost zero. The reason there is so little information about the side effects of these two substances is mainly due to the fact that marijuana is illegal in most places, although a number of states in the United States have legalized the drug.
Self-medication with weed and wellbutrin
Many people suffer from depression caused by weed and wellbutrin. How much? According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), it is estimated that in any given year, about 16 million adults experience depression. Unfortunately, this number may not be correct due to underreporting. Many people do not report depression because they do not want to be seen as having a mental illness. The mental health stigma continues and people don't want to be labeled as depressed.
Possible side effects of mixing wellbutrin and the herb
Quitting weed to take wellbutrin Requesting payment The symptoms can be significant. Avid marijuana users should especially avoid cold turkeys. Side effects of weed avoidance include anxiety, irritability, sleep loss, appetite changes, and depression as a result of quitting weed and starting Wellbutrin.
A person starting to use wellbutrin should gradually reduce the amount of weed. When reducing the amount of weed, combine it with mindfulness techniques and/or yoga. Experts emphasize that non-drug treatments can significantly improve a person's mood.
The herb and wellbutrin can affect a person in different ways. Different types of marijuana cause different side effects. Side effects of weed and wellbutrin may include:
- loss of motor skills
- poor or lack of coordination
- low blood pressure
- short-term memory loss
- increased heart rate
- high blood pressure
- anxiety
- paranoia
- increased energy
- increased motivation
Mixing wellbutrin and the herb can also cause users to hallucinate. This makes marijuana a hallucinogen for some users. The herb causes different side effects in different people, making it a very potent medicine. Now, mixing wellbutrin or other mental health medications with weed can cause even more unwanted side effects.
Medicine mixing and weed control
Long-term use of weed can aggravate depression and anxiety. In addition, marijuana use may interfere with the full use of Wellbutrin. 3 3. D. D. Brown and A. G. Winterstein, Potential Adverse Events and Drug Interactions in Medical and Consumer Use of Cannabidiol (CBD) - PMC, PubMed Central (PMC).; Retrieved September 27, 2022 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6678684/. Weed intake should be reduced gradually to get the most benefit from prescription drugs. Marijuana is a drug and it is harmful to a person's health in the long run. The herb has many side effects and the effects are different for each person who consumes it, especially when mixed with wellbutrin.
If you are taking wellbutrin and also use alcohol or MDMA, you can investigate the effects of wellbutrin and alcohol, wellbutrin and cocaine as well as the wellbutrin and MDMA signal here.
For the effects of other drugs and weeds, refer to our Weeds and Other Drugs List A to L or our Weeds and Other Drugs List MZ.
Or you can find what you are looking for in our Alcohol and Drug Interaction Index A to L or Alcohol and Drug Interaction Index M to Z , Cocaine and Drug Interaction Index A to L or Cocaine and other drug interactions index M to Z or our MDMA and other drug interactions index A to L or MDMA and other drug interactions Index M to Z.
wellbutrin and weed
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1. D. D. Brown and A. G. Winterstein, Potential Adverse Events and Drug Interactions in Medical and Consumer Use of Cannabidiol (CBD) - PMC, PubMed Central (PMC).