Motivational inspirational quotes in spanish
55 Inspirational Quotes in Spanish to Motivate You
Inside: A collection of motivational and inspirational quotes in Spanish (frases inspiradoras).
Working towards a goal? Trying to motivate a classroom of Spanish learners? Overcoming feelings of failure?
If that’s you, you’re not alone:
We all have motivation that ebbs and flows.
This selection of quotes will inspire you to get up and make the most of every day.
The Spanish language has a special poetry to it, and you’ll find these quotes both inspiring and beautiful.
Pick a few of your favorites to post around your home or classroom to keep everyone inspired!
Related: Quotes to Motive Your Language Learning
There are a lot of motivational quotes here, so I’ve broken them up into themes to make your browsing easier.
Here are the categories in case you’re looking for something specific:
- 10 Quotes on Making the Most of Every Day
(Aprovechar cada día al máximo) - 8 Quotes to Inspire You to Dream and Feel
(Frases para soñar y sentir) - 10 Inspiring Spanish Quotes on Taking Risks
(Atrévate a arriesgarte) - 10 Motivating Spanish Quotes After Failure
(Motivación después de un fracaso) - 10 Inspiring Quotes on Self-Improvement
(Mejorar a ti mismo) - 7 Inspiring Spanish Quotes on Overcoming Obstacles
(Superar los obstáculos)
Making the most of Every Day
1. “Huele las rosas. Huele el café. Lo que sea que te haga feliz.”
– Rita Moreno
2. “Saboreo la vida. Cuando tienes algo que amenaza la vida … te empuja a dar un paso atrás y realmente apreciar el valor de la vida y sacar de ella lo que puedas”.
– Sonia Sotomayor
3. “No cuentes los días, haz que los días cuenten”.
– Muhammad Ali
4. “Sólo se vive una vez. Pero si lo haces bien, una vez basta”.
– Mae West
5. “Cada tic-tac es un segundo de la vida que pasa, huye, y no se repite. Y hay en ella tanta intensidad, tanto interés, que el problema es solo saberla vivir. Que cada uno lo resuelva como pueda“.
.- Frida Kahlo
6. “Solo tendréis el presente. No perdáis energía llorando por el ayer o soñando con el mañana”.
– Isabel Allende
7. “No es la muerte lo que debes temer, sino nunca empezar a vivir.”
—Marco Aurelio
8. “Cada minuto es una oportunidad de cambiar el mundo”.
– Dolores Huerta
9. “Las experiencias de hoy son los recuerdos del mañana”.
– Isabel Allende
10. “Cuando te levantes por la mañana piensa en qué privilegio es estar vivo, pensar, disfrutar, amar.”
—Marco Aurelio
Inspired to Dream and Feel
1. “Tienes que creer. Nunca tengas miedo de soñar.”
– Gloria Estefan
2. “Para hacer realidad un gran sueño, el primer requisito es una gran capacidad de soñar; el segundo es la persistencia”.
– César Chávez
3. “Si tienes un sueño, no dejes que nadie te lo quite.”
– Selena Quintanilla
4. “No es verdad que las personas paren de perseguir sueños porque se hacen viejos. Se hacen viejos porque dejar de perseguir sueños”.
– Gabriel García Márquez
5. “Pies, ¿para qué los quiero si tengo alas para volar?”
– Frida Kahlo
6. La felicidad es interior, no exterior; por lo tanto, no depende de lo que tenemos, sino de lo que somos.
– Pablo Neruda
7. “La esperanza no es algo que tienes. La esperanza es algo que creas con tus acciones. La esperanza es contagiosa.”
– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
8. “Ya todos estamos en edad de tirar por la borda los sentimientos que no nos sirven para nada, y quedarnos sólo con aquellos que nos ayudan a vivir”.
– Isabel Allende
Taking Risks and Overcoming Fear
1. “Apunta a la luna. Si fallas, podrías dar a una estrella”.
– William Clement Stone
2. “Da el primer paso con fe. No tienes que ver todas las escaleras, sólo da el primer paso.”
– Martin Luther King
3. “Solo aquellos que se arriesgan a ir demasiado lejos pueden descubrir lo lejos que pueden llegar”.
– T.S. Eliot
4. “En ese lugar entre tu zona de confort y tu sueño es donde está la verdadera vida”.
– Helen Keller
5. “La vida es como montar en bicicleta. Para mantener el equilibrio tienes que avanzar”.
—Albert Einstein
6. “Todos tenemos una reserva de fuerza interior insospechada, que surge cuando la vida nos pone a prueba”.
– Isabel Allende
7. “Siempre estoy haciendo cosas que no sé hacer, de manera que tengo que aprender como hacerlo”.
– Pablo Picasso
8. “Nada en la vida debe ser temido, solamente comprendido. Es hora de comprender más y temer menos.“
– Marie Curie
9. “El temor es bueno, es el sistema de alarma del cuerpo: nos avisa del peligro. Pero a veces el peligro es inevitable y entonces hay que dominar el miedo.”
– Isabel Allende
10. “El miedo es inevitable, tengo que aceptarlo, pero no puedo permitir que me paralice “.
– Isabel Allende
Spanish Quotes on Overcoming Failure
1. “El éxito es su propia recompensa, pero el fracaso también es un gran maestro y no debe ser temido”.
– Sonia Sotomayor
2. “Si tienes miedo de que puedes fallar, nunca harás el trabajo”.
– César Chávez
3. “Es imposible vivir sin fracasar en algo, a no ser que vivas con tanto cuidado que dé igual si has vivido o no –en cuyo caso, ya has fracasado”.
– J.K. Rowling
4. “Si te caes siete veces, levántate ocho”.
– Proverbio chino
5. “Pues de resultas del dolor, hay algunos que nacen, otros crecen, otros mueren, y otros que nacen y no mueren, otros que sin haber nacido mueren y otros que no nacen ni mueren.”
– César Vallejo
6. “El hombre que se levanta es más grande que el que nunca ha caído”.
– Concepción Arenal
7. “Cuando me equivoco, aprenderé de la lección y pasaré a enfrentar otros retos. Para mí, de eso se trata crear tu propia vida. Hacer tu mejor trabajo mientras eres tu mejor ‘yo.’”
– Jennifer Lopez
8. “Solo aquellos que se atreven a sufrir grandes fracasos son capaces de conseguir grandes éxitos”.
– Will Smith
9. “Si te caíste ayer, levántate hoy”.
– H. G. Wells
Spanish Quotes on Self-Improvement
Being the best version of yourself.
1. “Sé el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo.”
– Mahatma Gandhi
2. “Permite la posibilidad de que lo mejor de ti todavía esté dentro de ti, esperando emerger.”
– Lin-Manuel Miranda
3. “Qué maravilloso es que nadie tenga que esperar ni un segundo para empezar a mejorar el mundo“.
– Anne Frank
4. “Cada uno de nosotros tendrá que tomar las decisiones que nos permitan ser las versiones más grandes de nosotros mismos”.
– Julia Alvarez
5. “La excelencia no es un acto, es un hábito”.
– Aristóteles
6. “Donde hay un árbol que plantar, plántalo tú. Donde hay un error que enmendar, enmiéndalo tú. Donde haya un esfuerzo que todos esquivan, hazlo tú. Sé tú el que aparta la piedra del camino”.
-Gabriela Mistral
7. “Soy la única cosa en la vida que puedo controlar. Soy inimitable; Soy un original. No me estoy quedando atrás ni llego tarde. No me quedo quieto: estoy al acecho”.
– Lin-Manuel Miranda
8. “Estoy obsesionada con convertirme en una mujer cómoda en su propia piel”.
– Sandra Cisneros
9. “Sí sé una cosa sobre mí: no me mido según las expectativas de los demás ni dejo que otros definan mi valor”.
– Sonia Sotomayor
10. “Cuando dejo ir lo que soy, me convierto en lo que debería ser”.
– Lao Tzu
Overcoming Obstacles
1. “Mucha gente creció con desafíos, como yo. No siempre me pasaban cosas felices a mí o a mi alrededor. Pero cuando miras el núcleo de la bondad dentro de ti, el optimismo y la esperanza, te das cuenta de que proviene del entorno en el que creciste”.
– Sonia Sotomayor
2. “Siempre parece imposible… hasta que se hace”.
– Nelson Mandela
3. “Cuanto más grande es la dificultad, más gloria hay en superarla”.
– Epicuro
4. “Si no puedes volar, corre; si no puedes correr, camina; si no puedes caminar, arrástrate, pero hagas lo que hagas sigue moviéndote hacia adelante”.
– Martin Luther King
5. “No importa su raza o pasado, todo es posible”.
– Sylvia Mendez
6. “Enfrenta los obstáculos a medida que se presenten, no pierdas energía temiendo lo que pueda haber en el futuro”.
– Isabel Allende
7. “Al final del día, podemos aguantar mucho más de lo que pensamos que podemos”.
– Frida Kahlo
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In general, Spaniards are very optimistic. Perhaps this is due to their culture, to the sunny climate, or to their easy-going and social character.
These facts have had a huge impact on their regional expressions, that’s why if you spend some time there, you will notice the wide variety of positive quotes in Spanish they constantly use!
The main aim of this article is to allow you to learn some of these most famous positive quotes in Spanish. And that you can use them as Instagram captions or when you travel to Spain.
I sincerely hope you enjoy this piece of reading and I am sure that by learning some of the expressions mentioned above, you will be an expert in transmitting a good vibe as a native Spanish speaker!
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Table of Contents
1. Cada día trae nuevas opciones
Cada día trae nuevas opciones is one of the easiest quotes in Spanish to talk about life’s opportunities for us. This short Spanish quote can be used in a wide variety of contexts.
For example, it may be used not only when referring to career opportunities, but also to personal matters. Let me show you why!
The literal significance of Cada día trae nuevas opciones is ‘everyday brings us new options’ and it allows you to remind yourself and others that always something good awaits!
2. Haz de cada día tu obra maestra
As mentioned before, there are several short Spanish quotes that may make your day and haz de cada día tu obra maestra is definitely one of my favourites!
Its literal translation is ‘Make every day your masterpiece’ and I love how it highlights the importance of making the most of each and every day. For this reason, it can be used to fight against routine.
3. La mejor manera de predecir el futuro es inventarlo
Amazing quotes in Spanish usually will encourage you to pursue your goals. Indeed, it is what this positive phrase is trying to accomplish.
The literal meaning of La mejor manera de predecir el futuro es inventarlo is ‘The best way to predict the future is to invent it’. As you may notice, it is certainly a powerful way to lighten up your friends’ and relatives’ mood.
4. Siempre parece imposible hasta que se convierte en realidad
The message of this quote is similar to the world-wide known ‘Impossible is nothing’, which was popularized by Nike’s advertisements.
In this case, Siempre parece imposible hasta que se convierte en realidad can be also used as a claim for hope even in adverse situations because its literal meaning is ‘It always seems impossible until it comes true’.
Indeed, there is probably not a better way to show your support to those fighting for a good cause or for an achievement they really deserve.
5. No he fallado, simplemente he encontrado formas que no funcionan
Talking about positive quotes in Spanish, this one is on my top ten list!
No he fallado, simplemente he encontrado formas que no funcionan is a nice quote in Spanish that acknowledges the positive side of experimenting in order to finally succeed.
The phrase can be translated as ‘I haven’t failed, I just found solutions that didn’t work’.
6. Es igual de importante el viaje que el destino
It seems important to recall that focusing on our life goals is important; however, we also need to value the process that will allow us to achieve them.
If we want to express this idea in a genuine Spanish way, Es igual de importante el viaje que el destino is the perfect quote!
This phrase can be literally translated as ‘It’s just as important the trip as the destination’.
This Spanish saying can also be used as a great Spanish love quote.
7. Piensa en todas las cosas bellas que hay a tu alrededor y sé feliz
Several motivational quotes in Spanish can be heard when friends are trying to help each other. In my humble opinion, it is one of the cutest ones!
Saying Piensa en todas las cosas bellas que hay a tu alrededor y sé feliz means ‘ Think of all the beautiful things around you and be happy’. No further comments, just remind to yourself every day!
It’s also one of the most popular Spanish captions for Instagram.
8. Vive la vida al máximo y céntrate en lo positivo
Vive la vida al máximo y céntrate en lo positivo is the equivalent to say ‘Live life to the fullest and focus on the positive’. It is a sophisticated or more detailed version of the traditional Carpe Diem.
As you may notice at this point of the article, there are lots of life quotes in Spanish that can make your day! Let’s continue with some more of them!
9. Suprime lo negativo, enfatiza lo positivo
A phrase with a similar meaning to the mentioned in the previous section is Suprime lo negativo, enfatiza lo positivo. The literal significance of this inspiring quote is ‘Suppress the negative, emphasize the positive’.
As the vast majority of inspirational quotes in Spanish, it will allow you to express that being optimistic is key to achieve happiness.
10. Una actitud positiva puede hacer que los sueños se conviertan en realidad
If you want to remark the great value of the willingness to pursue your life goals, these may be some of the most useful and positive words in Spanish to achieve your purpose!
Una actitud positiva puede hacer que los sueños se conviertan en realidad means ‘A positive attitude can make dreams come true’ and this phrase may be really useful to cheer up those who are going through a difficult moment of their lives.
11. No hay mayor riqueza que la vida misma
When focusing on quotes about life in Spanish, No hay mayor riqueza que la vida misma is useful to acknowledge the intrinsic value of every moment we are alive.
Indeed, the literal translation of this phrase is ‘There is no greater wealth than life itself’ and it can be easily understood because if there is no life, there is nothing at all.
12. Solo yo puedo cambiar mi vida
This is one of the most powerful quotes in Spanish about life and it can be used to vindicate the importance of our role in our own lives.
Solo yo puedo cambiar mi vida means ‘Only I can change my life’ which will reaffirm not only your power as an individual but also the one that derives from the decisions you make and the actions you do.
13. Aprende del pasado, vive el presente y trabaja para el futuro
In order to personally or professionally improve, it seems important to learn from the mistakes we made in the past.
However, it is also important to acknowledge the importance of the present to get where we want in the future.
Some of the most famous quotes in Spanish are related to the idea I just mentioned; indeed, Aprende del pasado, vive el presente y trabaja para el futuro is one of those.
Its literal significance is ‘Learn from the past, live the present and work for the future’.
14. El éxito ocurre cuando tus sueños son más grandes que tus excusas
Some inspiring quotes in Spanish will provide you the motivation you need in order to get closer to your objectives.
If you are wondering about how to reach success, you just have to pay attention to this piece of advice: El éxito ocurre cuando tus sueños son más grandes que tus excusas.
The literal significance of this phrase is ‘Success happens when your dreams are bigger than your excuses’.
15. La felicidad no es una meta, sino una actitud
La felicidad no es una meta, sino una actitud may be considered one of the most famous Spanish quotes about happiness. The literal meaning of this phrase is ‘Happiness is not a goal, but an attitude’.
It can be used when there is a need to remind you that happiness shouldn’t be considered as something you aspire to achieve.
Instead, it is a state of mind in which you must constantly work.
16. El primer paso no te lleva donde quieres ir, pero te saca de donde estás
Inspiring quotes in Spanish that will make your day are aimed to make you dream big and to take small steps towards achieving your ambitions.
In this case, we can use El primer paso no te lleva donde quieres ir, pero te saca de donde estás to encourage our friends and relatives to acknowledge the huge importance of every single action done to get what they want.
It can be translated as ‘The first step doesn’t get you where you want to go, but it gets you where you are’
17. En la vida solo está derrotado aquel que deja de soñar
If you have been trying to find some Spanish life quotes that will give you food for thought, this phrase can be considered one of them!
En la vida solo está derrotado aquel que deja de soñar means ‘In life, only the one who stops dreaming is defeated’, which is undoubtedly a really optimistic way of thinking, that will encourage you to never give up.
18. Nunca es demasiado tarde para ser la persona que podrías haber sido
At a certain age, some people think that they can’t change their professional career or the way they deal with their personal relationships.
If you find someone struggling with this kind of negative thoughts, you may want to let them know that ‘it is never too late to be the person you could have been’.
Precisely, the previous quote is the literal translation of ‘Nunca es demasiado tarde para ser la persona que podrías haber sido’.
It is one of the Spanish quotes with translation into English to express this feeling.
19. Una persona positiva convierte sus problemas en retos, nunca en obstáculos
Among the wide range of positive adjectives in Spanish, the most popular ones are: positive, optimistic, and persevering. Our quote refers to all these significances in the same sentence.
Una persona positiva convierte sus problemas en retos, nunca en obstáculos can be literaly translated as ‘A positive person turns his problems into challenges, never obstacles’.
So, as you may have noticed, this Spanish quote allows us to know how an optimistic person would act against adverse situations.
20. Con entusiasmo, todo es posible
I think we all agree on the fact that being enthusiastic may be essential to reach our dreams and goals. If this is the case, I’m sure you will love one of the most popular positive quotes in Spanish!
Con entusiasmo, todo es posible is to say ‘With enthusiasm, anything is possible’, and it definitely seems a good phrase to guide those who are inclined to stop fighting for their dreams. Surrender is not an option!
21. Disfruta de la vida que son dos días
This is one of the most popular Spanish quotes about life. As a result, it is likely to be heard among friends in an informal context and is often used as a Spanish quote about friendship.
More specifically, it is quite common to resort to this phrase when someone is going through a breakup and you want to raise their mood.
It can be translated as ‘Enjoy life because it is just two days’ and its main aim is to keep the vibe light because nothing is so important when you are aware of the fact that life is short.
22. Será imposible… hasta que lo consigas
Thinking about some of the best Spanish quotes to make your day, it just came to my mind the following one: Será imposible… hasta que lo consigas.
Its literal significance is ‘It will be impossible… until you get it’, which is the ideal short phrase to cheer someone up!
23. Los grandes árboles de la naturaleza surgieron de indefensas semillas
I think this may be considered as one of the most beautiful Spanish phrases about self-improvement.
It is specially suitable to address to children because los grandes árboles de la naturaleza surgieron de indefensas semillas can be translated as ‘the great trees of nature sprang from helpless seeds’, which is a cute parallelism.
It’s also one of the most inspirational Spanish quotes.
24. Si nunca has cometido un error, es porque nunca has arriesgado
Si nunca has cometido un error, es porque nunca has arriesgado is one of the phrases that should appear on positive quotes in Spanish ranking.
It can be used to comfort someone who is going through a difficult moment because he or she made a mistake.
This sentence means ‘If you’ve never made a mistake, it’s because you’ve never risked’ and as I have previously mentioned, is it essential to try in order to win!
This is also a great suggestion when looking for funny Spanish quotes.
25. Todos los momentos son especiales; solo tienes que decidir celebrarlos
Some positive quotes in Spanish may be used in a romantic context. For example, if you tell your partner Todos los momentos son especiales; solo tienes que decidir celebrarlos, you will be showing how much you appreciate the time you spend together.
It can be translated as ‘All the moments are special; you just have to decide to celebrate them’. As you may notice, it deserves a privileged place in our ranking of romantic Spanish phrases!
Short FAQ about positive quotes in Spanish
How to say quotes in Spanish?
The literal translation of ‘quotes’ in Spanish is citas. However, it is important to know that citas also means dates, otherwise, you can get some funny Spanish phrases when translating certain sentences.
What are some Spanish quotes for Instagram bio with meaning?
Sé tu mismo may be considered a meaningful quote for your Instagram bio; especially when you are posting a picture of yourself.
It can be translated as ‘Be yourself’ and it seems appropriate to vindicate your uniqueness while encouraging others to be real.
Be careful with the hashtag you choose, as there are several positive and negative words in Spanish whose meaning depends on the context!
What are some positive Spanish phrases of encouragement?
What are some positive Spanish phrases of encouragement?
In order to encourage others to be positive in Spanish, you should learn the following sentence: La motivación mueve montañas.
Its literal significance is ‘Motivation moves mountains’, which means that it is possible to attract what you want if you don’t give up.
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Statuses and quotes in Spanish with online translation
J amás te rindas, pase lo que pase.
Never give up no matter what.
(Jamás - never, te - a particle that indicates that the verb is reflexive (rendirse) , rindas - the verb is in the form subjunctive, pase lo que pase - no matter what happens or no matter what - remember the expression.)
Yo mismo me hago la vida.
I build my own life.
(mismo - himself, me - a particle that indicates that the verb is reflexive (hacerse), hago - the verb is in the form simple present tense)
Cualquiera se puede equivocar, incluso yo.
Anyone can make mistakes, even me.
(Cualquiera - any, se - a particle that indicates that the verb is reflexive (equivokarse - to err), but in this case, the verb poder (to be able) is conjugated, because with constructions verb + verb - only the first verb is conjugated, and the second verb remains unchanged. Incluso - including, including)
Flota como una mariposa, pica como una abeja.
Flutter like a butterfly, pity like a bee.
No llores porque se termino, sonrie porque sucedio.
Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it was.
Agradezco a mi destino.
I thank my destiny.
El ganador se lo lleva todo.
Winner takes all.
No hay nada imposible.
Nothing is impossible.
No dejes que te paren.
Don't let yourself be stopped.
No lamento nada. No tengo miedo de nada.
Nothing to regret. I'm not afraid of anything.
No sé que pasara mañana, lo importante es ser feliz hoy!
I don't know what will happen tomorrow... the main thing is to be happy today!
No te pongas triste cuando entiendas tus errores.
Don't be sad when you realize your mistakes.
El tiempo no cura.
Time does not heal.
El futuro pertenece a quienes creen en sus sueños.
The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.
Amar es el más poderoso hechizo para ser amado.
To love is the most powerful means of being loved.
Amar hasta el último suspiro, hasta el último latido del corazón.
Love until the last breath, until the last heartbeat.
Amor apasionado.
Passionate love.
Ángel mío, estate conmigo, tú ve delante de mí y yo te seguiré.
My angel, be with me, you go ahead, and I follow you.
Aunque no tengas nada, tienes la vida, donde lo hay todo.
Even if you have nothing, you have a life that has everything.
Bajo el ala de un angel.
Under the wing of an angel.
Bebemos, cantamos y amamos.
We drink, we sing and we love.
Busco la verdad.
Looking for the truth.
A cada uno lo suyo.
To each his own.
Creo en mi estrella.
I believe in my star.
Cuando el amor no es locura, no es amor.
If love is not madness, it is not love.
Cuando las personas se van - déjales ir. El destino expulsa a los de mas. No significa que son malos. Significa que su papel en tu vida ya está representado.
When people leave, let go. Fate rules out the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played.
Loque eres hoy es el resultado de tus decisiones en el pasado. lo que seas manana sera consecuencia de lo que hagashoy. - Who you are today is the result of your decisions in the past. Who you become tomorrow will be the result of what you do today.
Una vez que consigues lo que quieres, tienes algo que perder.
When you get what you want, you have something to lose.
Cuando veas caer una estrella, recuérdame.
When you see a falling star, remember me.
Desearía ser una lágrima tuya... para nacer en tus ojos, vivir en tus mejillas y morir en tus labios.
I would like to be your tear ... in order to be born in your eyes, to live on your cheeks to die on your lips.
Dios desea lo que quiere la mujer.
What a woman wants is what pleases God.
El amor es la fuerza y la razón por la que el mundo sigue dando vueltas.
Love is the force and the reason why the earth rotates.
Un corazón es una riqueza que no se vende ni se compra, pero que se regala.
The heart is a wealth that cannot be sold and cannot be bought, but can only be given.
Eres mi debilidad.
You is my weakness.
Eres mi fuerza.
You are my strength.
Eres mi vida.
You are my life.
La felicidad y el amor me llevan de la mano en la vida.
Happiness and love lead me by the hand through life.
Felicidad es estar en armonia con la vida.
Happiness is being in harmony with life.
Solo mi amor siempre está conmigo.
Forever and ever, my love is with me.
Gracias a mis padres por haberme dado la vida.
Thank you parents for life.
Gracias por hacerme feliz.
Thank you for happiness.
Juntos para siempre.
Together forever.
La alegria no es mas que saber disfrutar de las cosas simples de la vida.
Joy is nothing more than being able to enjoy the simple things of life.
La distancia no importa si te llevo en mi corazón.
Distance doesn't matter if you're in my heart.
La paciencia tiene más poder que la fuerza.
Patience has more power than strength.
Siempre me quedara la voz suave del mar.
Forever with me will remain the soft voice of the sea.
La vida es un juego.
Life is a game.
La vida es una lucha.
Life is a fight.
Lograste hacerme feliz.
You made me happy.
Los angeles lo llaman alegría celestial, los demonios lo llaman sufrimiento infernal, los hombres lo llaman amor.
Angels call it heavenly joy, demons call it hellish suffering, people call it love.
Los milagros están donde creen en ellos.
Miracles are where they are believed.
Los sueños son la realidad. Lo principal es venir en mucha gana y hacer un paso adelante.
Dreams are reality. The main thing is to really want and take a step forward.
Lo más importante en la vida es amar y ser amado.
The main thing in life is to love and be loved.
Me juego la vida.
I play with my life.
Miángel, estate conmigo siempre.
My angel, always be with me.
Mi amor por ti será eterno.
My love for you will be eternal.
Mi amor, te necesito como el aire.
My love, I need you like air.
Mi vida, misreglas!
My life my rules!
Mientras respiro, espero.
While I breathe I hope.
Nada es eterno.
Nothing is eternal.
No te tomes la vida en serio, al fin y al cabo no saldras vivo de ella.
Don't take life seriously, you won't get out of it alive in the end.
Nuestro amor es eterno.
Our love is eternal.
Nunca te rindas.
Never give up.
Nunca te rindas aunque todo el mundo este en tu contra.
Never give up, even if the whole world is against you.
Nunca te arrepientas de lo que hiciste si en aquel momento estabas feliz!
Never regret what you did if at that moment you were happy!
Para conservar la felicidad, hay que compartirla.
To keep happiness, it must be shared.
Por muy larga que sea la tormenta, el sol siempre vuelve a brillar entre las nubes.
No matter how long the storm is, the sun always begins to shine between the clouds.
Conseguire todo lo que quiera.
I will get everything I want.
Sabemos quiénes somos, pero no sabemos quiénes podemos ser.
We know who we are, but we don't know who we can be.
Sé fiel al que te es fiel.
Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you.
Ser y no parecer.
Be, not seem to be.
Si algún día vas a pensar en mí, recuerda que tú mismo me has dejado ir.
If you ever miss me, remember that you yourself let me go.
Si no puedes convencerlos, confúndelos.
If you can't convince, confuse.
Si tu amor se apagó, dímelo a la cara, estoy aquí.
If your love is gone, tell me to my face, I'm here.
Quisiera estar contigo siempre, y que esto dure una eternidad.
I want to be with you always, and that it lasts forever.
Sigue tu sueno.
Follow your dream.
Solo adelante.
Only forward.
Sólo la vida que has vivido con el amor se puede llamar victoria.
Only a life lived with love can be called a victory.
Sonríele a tu sueño.
Smile at the dream.
Soy como el viento entre las alas: siempre al lado y siempre invisible.
I am like the wind between the wings, always there and always invisible.
Soy la mejor.
I am the best.
Sueña sin miedo.
Dream without fear.
A toda costa.
At any price.
Todo está en tus manos.
All in your hands.
Todos los hombres están a mis pies.
All men are at my feet.
Todo lo que pasa es para mejor.
Everything that is not done, everything is for the better.
Tus deseos son mi flaqueza.
Your desires are my weakness.
Vivir con el presente.
Live in the present.
Vivir para el amor.
Live for love.
Vivir significa luchar.
Live means fight.
Vivo con la esperanza.
I live in hope.
Quien si no yo.
Who if not me.
Yo mismo me hago la vida.
I build my own life.
Dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres.
Tell me who your friend is, I'll tell you who you are.
Quien calla, otorga.
Silence is gold.
Nunca ande por el camino trazado, porque el solo conduce adonde ya fueron otros
Never walk on a marked path, because it only leads where others have already walked.
Tu decides cuando es tu amanecer y cuando tu ocaso.
You decide when your sunrise and your sunset.
Suerte se llama a lo que sucede cuando, se reunen la preparacion y la oportunidad
Luck is what happens when preparation and opportunity come together.
Beautiful quotes in Spanish with translation (200 quotes)
Spanish is one of the most beautiful and sonorous languages. There are a huge number of well-established phrases and phrases in this language. In this collection you can find various quotes and aphorisms in Spanish, popular expressions and sayings of famous people. There are both long and short phrases filled with deep philosophical meaning and just cool and interesting statements. Beautiful quotes in Spanish with translation, see here.
Sabemos quiénes somos, pero no sabemos quiénes podemos ser.
We know who we are, but we don't know who we can be.
A cada uno lo suyo.
To each his own.
Amar es el m's poderoso hechizo para ser amado.
To love is the most powerful means of being loved.
Por muy larga que sea la tormenta, el sol siempre vuelve a brillar entre las nubes. No matter how long the storm is, the sun always begins to shine between the clouds.
Jamás te rindas, pase lo que pase.
Never give up no matter what.
Amar hasta el último suspiro, hasta el último latido del corazón.
Love until the last breath, until the last heartbeat.
Gracias a mis padres por haberme dado la vida.
Thank you parents for life.
Yo mismo me hago la vida.
I build my own life.
El orgullo te har? sentir fuerte, pero nunca feliz.
Pride will make you feel strong, but never happy.
Cuando las personas se van - d?jales ir. El destino expulsa a los de m's. No significa que son malos. Significa que su papel en tu vida ya est? representado.
When people leave, let them go. Fate eliminates the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played.
El instinto social de los hombres no se basa en el amor a la sociedad, sino en el miedo a la soledad.
People's social instincts are not based on love for society, but on the fear of being alone.
Flota como una mariposa, pica como una abeja.
Flutter like a butterfly, pity like a bee.
Aunque no tengas nada, tienes la vida, donde lo hay todo.
Even if you have nothing, you have a life that has everything.
Estáte conmigo siempre.
Be with me always.
No llores porque se terminó, sonríe porque sucedió.
Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it was.
Los sueños son la realidad. Lo principal es venir en mucha gana y hacer un paso adelante. Dreams are reality. The main thing is to really want and take a step forward.
Agradezco a mi destino.
I thank my destiny.
Un día todo irá bien: he aqui nuestra esperanza.
One day everything will be fine: this is our hope.
Cada paso con Dios.
Every step with God.
No te pongas triste cuando entiendas tus errors.
Do not be sad when you realize your mistakes.
El amor es la fuerza y la raz?n por la que el mundo sigue dando vueltas.
Love is the force and the reason why the Earth rotates.
Nunca te arrepientas de lo que hiciste si en aquel momento estabas feliz!
Never regret what you did if you were happy at that moment!
Mi ?ngel, estate conmigo siempre.
My angel, be always with me.
Si algún día vas a pensar en mí, recuerda que tú mismo me has dejado ir.
If you ever miss me, remember that it was you who let me go.
El ganador se lo lleva todo.
Winner takes all.
No hay nada imposible.
Nothing is impossible.
Tú dejaste a mi lado una parte de ti, voy a amarla y cuidarla, por si no querrás quedarte.
You left a part of yourself next to me, I will love and protect it if you don't want to stay.
Una vez que consigues lo que quieres, tienes algo que perder.
When you get what you want, you have something to lose.
Hasta el que está lejos se acerca si le tienes en tu corazón.
Even someone who is far away stands nearby if he is in your heart.
Sueña sin miedo.
Dream without fear.
Dios de la muerte.
God of death.
El amor es la fuerza y la razón por la que el mundo sigue dando vueltas.
Love is the force and reason why the Earth rotates.
Mis allegados siempre están en mi corazón.
Relatives are always in my heart.
El hombre que mas ha vivido no es aquel que mas anos ha cumplido, sino aquel que mas ha experimentado la vida.
The person who has lived longer is not the one who is older, but the one who has experienced more in life.
No dejes que te paren.
Don't let yourself be stopped.
A cada uno lo suyo.
To each his own.
No lamento nada. No tengo miedo de nada.
I don't regret anything. I'm not afraid of anything.
Casi desde el cielo.
Almost from heaven.
Nada es eterno.
Nothing lasts forever.
Un d?a todo ir? bien: he aqu? nuestra esperanza. Todo va bien hoy: he aqu? la ilusi?n.
One day everything will be fine: this is our hope. All is well today: this is an illusion.
Aunque miro al otro lado, mi corazón solo te ve a ti.
But even if I look the other way, my heart sees only you.
No te pongas triste cuando entiendas tus errores.
Do not be sad when you realize your mistakes.
Todo es para ti, mama.
All for you, mom.
Tus deseos son mi flaqueza.
Your desires are my weakness.
Eres mi fuerza.
You are my strength.
El tiempo no cura.
Time does not heal.
Cuando las personas se van - déjales ir.
When people leave, let them go.
Bajo el ala de un angel.
Under the wing of an angel.
La alegría no es más que saber disfrutar de las cosas simples de la vida.
Joy is nothing more than being able to enjoy the simple things of life.
Las religiones, como las luciernagas, necesitan de oscuridad para brillar.
Religions are like fireflies, they need darkness to shine.
Mientras respiro, espero.
While I breathe, I hope.
Quisiera estar contigo siempre, y que esto dure una eternidad.
I want to be with you always, and for it to last forever.
Amor apasionado.
Passionate love.
Desearía ser una lágrima tuya… para nacer en tus ojos, vivir en tus mejillas y morir en tus labios.
I would like to be your tear... to be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks and die on your lips.
Solo mi amor siempre está conmigo.
Forever and ever, my love is with me.
Cuando veas caer una estrella, recuérdame.
When you see a shooting star, remember me.
Si tu amor se apagó, dímelo a la cara, estoy aquí.
If your love is gone, say it to my face, I'm here.
Me juego la vida.
Playing with my life.
Lograste hacerme feliz.
You made me happy.
Bebemos, cantamos y amamos.
We drink, we sing and we love.
Sálvame y guardame.
Save and save.
Felicidad es estar en armonia con la vida.
Happiness is harmony with life.
Solamente tuya.
Only yours.
Cuando una puerta se cierra, otra se abre.
When one door closes, another opens.
No me importa que el mundo se termine si estamos juntos tú y yo.
It doesn't matter if the end of the world comes, if we are together - you and me.
Gracias por hacerme feliz.
Thank you for happiness.
Soy como el viento entre las alas: siempre al lado y siempre invisible.
I am like the wind between the wings, always there and always invisible.
Si no puedes convencerlos, confúndelos.
If you can't convince, confuse.
Nuestro amor es eterno.
Our love is eternal.
Soy la mejor.
I am the best.
Solo mi amor siempre está conmigo.
Forever and ever, my love is with me.
La vida es una lucha.
Life is a struggle.
Que laten siempre los corazones de los padres.
May the hearts of parents beat forever.
Con Dios.
With God.
No te tomes la vida en serio, al fin y al cabo no saldras vivo de ella.
Don't take life seriously, in the end you won't get out of it alive.
Para mi siempre estarás vivo.
You are always alive for me.
La distancia no importa si te llevo en mi corazón.
Distance does not matter if you are in my heart.
Un corazón es una riqueza que no se vende ni se compra, pero que se regala.
The heart is wealth that cannot be sold or bought, but can only be given.
Mi vida, misreglas!
My life is my rules!
Ser y no parecer.
To be and not to seem.
Todo lo que pasa es para major.
Everything that is not done is for the better.
Cuando el amor no es locura, no es amor.
If love is not madness, it is not love.
Mi amor, te necesito como el aire.
My love, I need you like air.
Cuando creiamos que teniamos todas las respuestas, de pronto, cambiaron todas las preguntas.
When we thought we had all the answers, suddenly the questions changed.
Te quiero y nunca te olvidare. Eres lo mejor que hubo en mi vida.
I love you and will never forget you. You are the best thing in my life.
El futuro pertenece a quienes creen en sus sueños.
The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.
Dios desea lo que quiere la mujer.
What a woman wants is what pleases God.
No hay nada imposible.
Nothing is impossible.
Solamente tuya.
Only yours.
Vivir con el presente.
Live in the present.
Vivir para el amor.
Live for love.
El destino es el que baraja las cartas, pero nosotros los que las jugamos.
Fate is the one that shuffles the cards, but we are the ones who play them.
Los angeles lo llaman alegría celestial, los demonios lo llaman sufrimiento infernal, los hombres lo llaman amor.
Angels call it heavenly joy, demons call it hellish suffering, people call it love.
Quien si no yo.
Who if not me.
Estoy a la vista de Dios.
I am in the sight of God.
Eres mi debilidad.
You are my weakness.
La felicidad y el amor me llevan de la mano en la vida.
Happiness and love lead me by the hand through life.
Gracias por hacerme feliz.
Thank you for happiness.
La paciencia tiene más poder que la fuerza.
Patience has more power than strength.
Los milagros están donde creen en ellos.
Miracles are where people believe in them.
Ser y no parecer.
To be and not to seem.
Sólo la vida que has vivido con el amor se puede llamar victoria.
Only a life lived with love can be called a victory.
Siempre me quedara la voz suave del mar.
The soft voice of the sea will stay with me forever.
Estoy loca de ti. If loco.
I'm crazy about you.
Solo adelante.
Only forward.
Solo Le pido a Dios - "Cuida a las personas que amo!"
I only ask the Almighty for one thing - "Keep the people I love!"
Creo en mi estrella.
I believe in my star.
Te echo mucho de menos, amor mío… Haces latir mi corazón…
I miss you, my love… You make my heart beat…
Sonríele a tu sueño.
Smile at the dream.
Cualquiera se puede equivocar, incluso yo.
Anyone can make mistakes, even me.
Eres todo lo que tengo. Y no me quiero morir. Sin poder otra vez. Volver a verte.
You are all I have. And I don't want to die. Failing again. To see you.
Nunca te rindas aunque todo el mundo este en tu contra.
Never give up, even if the whole world is against you.
En el corazón para siempre.
Forever in my heart.
Ángel mío, estate conmigo, tú ve delante de mí y yo te seguiré.
My angel, be with me, you go ahead, and I follow you.
Es muy temprano que nosotros vayamos al cielo.
It's too early for us to go to heaven.
Para conservar la felicidad, hay que compartirla.
To keep happiness, it must be shared.
Cuervo oscuro.
Dark Raven.
Todos los hombres están a mis pies.
All men are at my feet.
Quien si no yo.
Who if not me.
No hay ningun viento favorable para el que no sabe a que puerto se dirige.
There is not a single favorable wind for one who does not know which port to go to.
Quisiera compartir la eternidad contigo.
Let's divide eternity into two.
Soy la mejor.
I am the best.
Todo lo que pasa es para mejor.
Everything that is not done, everything is for the better.
Dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres.
Tell me who your friend is, I'll tell you who you are.
Quien calla, otorga.
Silence is golden.
Camino se hace al andar.
The walking one will master the road.
Que me odien, lo importante es que me tengan miedo.
Let them hate, as long as they are afraid.
Conseguire todo lo que quiera.
I will get everything I want.
Para mi siempre estarás vivo.
You are always alive for me.
Nunca ande por el camino trazado, porque el solo conduce adonde ya fueron otros.
Never walk on a marked path, because it only leads where others have already walked.
Сu?ntas cosas perdemos por miedo a perder!
How much we lose because we are afraid to lose!
Mis allegados siempre están en mi corazón.
Relatives are always in my heart.
Cuando las personas se van - déjales ir. El destino expulsa a los de mas. No significa que son malos. Significa que su papel en tu vida ya está representado.
When people leave, let them go. Fate rules out the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played.
El tiempo no cura.
Time does not heal.
Tu decides cuando es tu amanecer y cuando tu ocaso.
You decide when your sunrise and your sunset.
Suerte se llama a lo que sucede cuando, se reunen la preparacion y la oportunidad Luck is what happens when preparation and opportunity come together.
El amor alivia como la luz del sol tras lluvia.
Love soothes like sunlight after rain.
El arte es una mentira que nos acerca a la.
Art is an illusion that brings us closer to reality.
Angel de la muerte.
Angel of death.
Creo en mi estrella.
I believe in my star.
Camaradas y amigos, este es el camino de las penalidades, pero porél se va a Perú a ser ricos. Por allí vais al descanso en Panamá, pero a ser pobres. Escoged.
Comrades and friends, this is the road of suffering, but it leads to wealth in Peru. And she leads on vacation to Panama, but to poverty. The choice has been made.
Como no me he preocupado de nacer, no me preocupo de morir.
Just as I didn't worry about my birth, I don't worry about death either.
Cómo puede venir ningún bueno si no volvemos por la honra de Dios, es decir, si no cumplimos en seguida con nuestro deber de cristianos y civilizadores?
How can something good happen if we do not defend the good name of the Lord, that is, we do not immediately fulfill our duty as Christians and educators?
Cuando dicen que soy demasiado viejo para hacer una cosa, procuro hacerla enseguida.
When people say I'm too old to do something, I try to do it immediately.
Cuando una puerta se cierra, otra se abre.
When one door closes, another opens.
El hombre solo recurre a la verdad cuando anda corto de mentiras.
A person resorts to the truth only when he does not come to a lie.
El que lee mucho y andanda mucho, ve mucho y sabe mucho.
He who reads a lot and walks a lot sees a lot and knows a lot.
Tú y yo sin …ropa. Piénsalo…
You and me without… clothes. Think about it...
No tienes que prometerme la luna... me bastaría si sólo te sentarás conmigo un rato debajo de ella.
You don't have to promise me the moon... it's enough for me to just sit under it for a while with you.
Nunca trates de ser como no eres, quien te quiera te acepta con tus errores y virtudes.
Do not try to be what you are not. The one who loves you will accept all your advantages and disadvantages.
No vale la pena sufrir por alguien quien es feliz sin ti.
It is not worth suffering because of someone who is happy without you.
What was between us - take it for yourself, and, please, let's go without this phrase about friends.
Siempre me voy a enamorar de quien de mi no se enamora.
I always fall in love with someone who doesn't love me.
Las mejores cosas de la vida, no son cosas. Son momentos, emociones y recuerdos.
The best things in life are not things at all. These are moments, emotions and memories.
Lo importante no es saber, sino tener el teléfono del que sabe.
It is important not to know, but to have the phone number of someone who knows.
My only function at work is to find a way not to be bored.
Quien hace lo que le apasiona, nunca tendrá trabajo.
The one who does what inspires him will never work.
Todos me dan consejos cuando yo necesito una copa de wiskey.
Everyone gives me advice, but I need a glass of whiskey.
Hay personas que merecen una palmadita. en la cara. Con una silla.
There are people who deserve a good slap. By the face. Chair.
Si quieres trabajar, siéntate y espera a que se te pase.
If you want to work, sit down, wait and everything will pass.
Each question can have 2 points of view: wrong and mine.
A veces pierdes lo que quieres, porque no valoras lo que tienes..
We often lose what we want because we do not appreciate what we have… malo, que cuando sucede algo bueno dudamos si es real.
We're so used to things being bad that when something good happens, we don't believe it's real!
En la vida, como en ajedrez, las piezas mayores pueden volverse sobre sus pasos, pero los peones solo tienen un sentido de avance. - In life, as in chess, senior pieces can turn, and pawns can only move forward.
Es para mi una alegría oír sonar el reloj; veo transcurrida una hora de mi vida y me creo un poco mas cerca de Dios.
It is a joy for me to hear the clock strike, I see that an hour of my life is passing and I think that I am a little closer to God.
Esta fuerza tiene el amor si es perfecto, que olvidamos nuestro contento por contentar a quien amamos.
If love is perfect, it is so powerful that we forget our joy in order to please the one we love.
La calidad de un pintor depende de la cantidad de pasado que lleve consigo.
The class of the artist depends on the amount of the past that he carries with him.
La diligencia en escuchar es el más breve camino hacia la ciencia.
Earnest listening is the shortest path to knowledge.
La hora perfecta de comer es, para el rico cuando tiene ganas, y para el pobre, cuando tiene qué.
The ideal time for a rich man to eat is when there is an appetite, and for a poor man when there is food.
La libertad es uno de los más preciados dones que a los hombres dieran los cielos.
Freedom is one of the most precious gifts heaven has given to people.
La mayor desgracia de la juventud actual es ya no pertenecer a ella.
The greatest misfortune of today's youth is to no longer belong to it.
La modestia en el hombre de talento es cosa honesta; en los grandes genios, hipocresia. — Modesty for a talented person is integrity, and for great geniuses it is hypocrisy.
La pintura es mas fuerte que yo, siempre consigue que haga lo que ella quiere.
Painting is stronger than me, always makes me do what she wants.
La única diferencia entre un loco y yo es que yo no estoy loco.
The only difference between a madman and me is that I am not mad.
La voz es la mujer más celosa del mundo. Vive contigo, vive ahí, tienes que tratarla muy bien, tienes que mimarle, tienes que ser muy cariñoso.
Voice is the most jealous woman in the world. She lives with you, here; you must treat her very well, you must pamper her, you must be very gentle.
Los milagros están donde creen en ellos.
Miracles are where people believe in them.
Más hermoso parece el soldado muerto en la batalla que sano en la huida.
A soldier who died in battle seems more beautiful than one who survived in flight.
No hay carga más pesada que una mujer liviana.
There is no burden heavier than a fickle woman.
Siempre me quedara la voz suave del mar.
The soft voice of the sea will stay with me forever.
Sólo los buenos beben, los malos, no necesitan alcohol para pecar !
Only the good drink, and the bad do not need alcohol to sin.
Todo es para ti, mama.
Everything for you mom.
Todas las experiencias son positivas. Si no hay sombras, no puede haber luz.
Any experience is positive. If there were no shadow, there would be no light.
Un pintor es un hombre que pinta lo que vende. Un artista, en cambio, es un hombre que vende lo que pinta.
A painter is a person who depicts what he sells. And a master is a person who sells what he depicts.
Me gustas cuando me dices palabras dulces.
I like it when you say kind words to me.
El amor alivia como la luz del sol tras lluvia.
Love soothes like sunlight after rain.
Siempre eres nueva. El ultimo de tus besos siempre fue el mas dulce; la ultima sonrisa, la mas brillante; el ultimo gesto, el mas gracil.
You are always new. The last of your kisses is always the sweetest, the last smile is the most brilliant, the last gesture is the most graceful.
Me parece que solo tuve recuerdos en blanco y negro hasta que apareciste.
It seems to me that I had only white and black memories until you appeared. But when you came, you brought smiles, red balloons, innocent surprises, champagne and joy into my life.
Solo hay una felicidad en la vida, amar y ser amada. Te amo.
There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. Love you.
Quiero bajarte el sol, la luna y las estrellas.
I want to get you the sun, moon and stars.
Eres la luz de mi sonrisa.
You are the light of my smile.
No soy nada sin ti. Tú eres mi todo.
I am nothing without you. You are all for me.
Amo tus ojos, tu cabello, tu rostro, tus manos.
I love your eyes, your hair, your face, your hands.
Abrázame y nunca me sueltes.
Hold me and never let go.
Tu voz es la melodia de mi vida, tu mirada es la luz que ilumina mi ser, tus manos son la armonia que apacigua y desata mi corazón.
Your voice is the melody of my life, your look is the light that illuminates my being, your hands are harmony, they calm and excite my heart.
Cosas que amo en esta vida: Despertar a tu lado, verte sonreir, verte dormida(o).
Things I love in this life: waking up next to you, seeing you smile, watching you sleep.
Es muy temprano que nosotros vayamos al cielo.
It's too early for us to go to heaven.
Quisiera compartir la eternidad contigo.
Let's divide eternity into two.
La bondad es algo lo que pueden ver los ciegos y oír los sordos.
Kindness is what the blind can see and the deaf can hear.