Wellbutrin anxiety reddit

Wellbutrin for anxiety? : Anxiety

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Discussion and support for sufferers and loved ones of any anxiety disorder.

Created Sep 15, 2008





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Elon Musk On Twitter Says Wellbutrin Should Be Taken Off Market, Here’s The Pushback

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who has expressed plans to buy Twitter, got quite a response for a tweet on ... [+] Wellbutrin, an antidepressant medication. (Photo by Christian Marquardt - Pool/Getty Images)

Getty Images

Elon Musk is not a medical doctor. He’s not a psychiatrist or any other type of mental health professional. But on Friday, he expressed a very strong opinion about Wellbutrin, an anti-depressant medication, on Twitter. Yes, Twitter, that social media platform that he plans on buying for $44 billion, which is about $44 billion more than most people will ever have. Take a look at how Musk responded to a tweet from Netscape co-founder Marc Andreessen about a different medication Adderall:

From Twitter

From Twitter

As you can see, Andreessen had originally tweeted, “Everyone thinks our present society was caused by social media. I'm wondering whether Adderall plus ubiquitous Google searches have bigger effects.” Note that Andreessen, who’s not a medical doctor or other mental health professional either, didn’t specifically mention Wellbutrin but instead pasted a passage that mentioned Wellbutrin without specifying from where he got that passage. Nevertheless, Musk decided to throw in a well, how about Wellbutrin type of reply: “Wellbutrin is way worse than Adderall imo. It should be taken off the market. Every time that drug has come up in conversation, someone at the table has a suicide or near suicide story.”

Presumably, Musk used “imo” to stand for “in my opinion” rather than “intrepid marine officer”, “intelligent medical object”, or “I monetize otters.” Maybe this was a disclaimer just in case someone accused him of offering medical advice. Regardless, on social media, such a qualifier may go unnoticed, especially if you don’t emphasize “imobidhrme,” which would stand for “in my opinion because I don’t have real medical expertise. ” Remember when podcaster Joe Rogan said, “I’m not a doctor, I’m a bleeping moron,” and “I’m not a respected source of information, even for me,” as I covered for Forbes? Well, has that stopped people from taking medical advice from Rogan? And has that kept Rogan from continuing to make claims about Covid-19 vaccines and medications such as ivermectin? Add over $260 billion in net worth, and do you have a similar situation with Musk?

Let’s take a look at the specifics of what Musk tweeted. Saying that Wellbutrin is worse than Adderall is a bit like saying, “a can opener is way worse than a hedge trimmer.” Sure, both medications do affect neurotransmitters, the chemicals that nerve cells in your brain use to communicate with each other. However, they do fall into different categories of medications. Wellbutrin, known generically as bupropion, is an aminoketone antidepressant or a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, whereas Adderall, known generically as dextroamphetamine/amphetamine is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. The strengths, limitations, risks, and usefulness of both Wellbutrin and Adderall really depend on how specifically they are being used.


The two medications tend to be used for very different things too. Doctors may prescribe Wellbutrin to treat either major depressive disorder or seasonal affective disorder, which is when depression episodes tend to come in the Fall and Winter months. Wellbutrin happens to have the same active ingredient as the smoking cessation medication Zyban. Thus, doctors may also prescribe Wellbutrin in an off-label manner to help people trying to quit smoking.

By contrast, doctors tend to use Adderall to treat either attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or narcolepsy. ADHD is not the same as depression, although a given person may have both conditions. With ADHD, you have a lot of difficulty with maintaining attention, experiencing hyperactivity, and being impulsive. Keep in mind that there are formal criteria that mental health professionals use to diagnose ADHD. So don’t think that you have ADHD just because you complain that too many people on Tinder are looking for long-term relationships.

Narcolepsy isn’t the same as depression either. It’s a chronic sleep disorder where you can have episodes of being extremely drowsy and suddenly falling asleep during the daytime. Again narcolepsy is a formal diagnosis with specific criteria. Not being able to stay awake after you’ve spent the whole night watching cat videos does not necessarily mean that you have narcolepsy.

Moreover, Musk saying that Wellbutrin should be taken off the market is a pretty strong statement. So is using words like “every time” and “everyone.” Remember “every time” technically means every single time. Be very skeptical whenever anyone says “every time” or “everyone” about anything scientific, especially anything medical-related. Instead, real scientists tend to use more accurate words such as “usually”, “typically”, “more likely to”, or “tends to” as well as “many people” or “a majority of people” when referring to something that happens often, such as, “when you drop a cinder block on your foot, it tends to hurt” or “a majority of people do not like underwear made out of sandpaper.”

Why did Musk think that Wellbutrin should be taken off the market? While his tweet seemed to suggest that using the medication is associated with suicidal thoughts, Musk did not offer any scientific studies or hard data to justify his opinion. But Musk’s observations alone are not enough to make that conclusion. Just because bitcoin comes up every time a friend has mentioned squirrels in conversation doesn’t mean that squirrels are somehow controlling the crypto market. Similarly, Musk’s observations not only are undocumented but can also be skewed. When Musk said, “Every time that drug has come up in conversation, someone at the table,” whom exactly was Musk talking to, what kind of of conversations were occurring, and what kind of table was it? Was it one of those really small tables that are used in kindergartens? Musk’s tweet didn’t say, “imbo” for “in my billionaire’s opinion” but would his opinions carry as much weight if he were just some dude and not a billionaire?

One clear confounding factor is that those who are taking Wellbutrin likely have depression, which in some cases can have accompanying suicidal thoughts. So, just because such thoughts arise doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the result of the medication. You don’t claim that bandages cause bleeding do you?

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) does list a number of possible side effects for bupropion ranging from drowsiness to headaches to nausea and vomiting to anxiety to sleep disturbances to uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body to loss of appetite to excessive sweating to seizures to confusion to hallucinations to irrational fears to irregular heartbeats. This certainly doesn’t mean that everyone or even most people will experience all of these side effects. It does mean though that you shouldn’t be taking Wellbutrin on your own without the close guidance of a real mental health professional who is qualified to prescribe and monitor your use of Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin ain’t like chicken wings. You shouldn’t just take one when you are feeling down. (Although, you may want someone else to monitor your use of chicken wings too. )

Plenty of mental health professionals on Twitter pushed back on Musk’s assertions. For example, Jessi Gold, MD, MS, an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Washington University in St Louis School of Medicine, tweeted that Wellbutrin is “one of the most favored meds by my patients” and that she herself has been on the medication:

And David Reiss, MD, a psychiatrist in San Diego, CA, called Musk’s tweet “DANGEROUS medical misinformation” and emphasized that “any antidepressant can be dangerous if not appropriately prescribed and closely monitored” in the following tweet:

Meanwhile, those who said that they have undergone treatment for depression chimed in as well. For example, Matthew Cortland, a lawyer, urged, “Please do not take medical advice from Elon Musk,” and offered the following:

He emphasized the “need to increase access to ALL depression treatments” in the rest of his thread:

Cortland also highlighted a sentence, “Of note, the risk of a suicide attempt is inherent in major depression and may persist until remission occurs,” that appeared in the medical reference UpToDate:

Then there was author Stephanie Land, who wrote that “Wellbutrin changed my life. It probably saved it a bit too” in the following tweet:

Of course, Wellbutrin and Adderall are not for everyone. And as with many different medications, there are likely a number of people who are on such meds who really don’t need to be on them. At the same time, there may be people who could benefit from these medications that currently don’t have access to them. Regardless, blaming all of society’s problems on social media, Adderall, Google searches, or Wellbutrin alone greatly oversimplifies matters and really overlooks the complex system of contributing factors. For example, existing and widening socioeconomic disparities are major factors. And so has our society’s steady shift over the past several decades away from investing in, respecting, and following real science and real scientists.

We have anxiety everywhere for young people - Newspaper Kommersant No.

209 (7410) dated 11/11/2022

On Thursday, a round table "The role of youth in supporting a special military operation" (SVO), organized by the Expert Institute for Social Research . All its young participants agreed that the youth of the NWO supports: some by rejecting Western brands, some by volunteering, and some by information. At the same time, sociologists argue that young Russians are less likely to approve of hostilities than their older compatriots. In this regard, the political scientist recalls that in Soviet times there were also Komsomol activists and informals, but the majority of young people were conformists.

Ilya Geraskin

Photo: Nina Zotina / RIA Novosti

Ilya Geraskin

Photo: Nina Zotina / RIA Novosti

“Young people love challenges, and it is obvious that the West has challenged them. But everyone quickly realized that instead of Nike, you can wear Forward and Bosco, and instead of Zara, you can wear Austin,” Ilya Geraskin, an analyst at the Center for Current Politics, cheerfully began. In his opinion, young people support the NWO, as they oppose discrimination against Russians by the West, understand that hostilities were inevitable, and support the thesis of President Vladimir Putin that "if a fight is inevitable, then you must strike first." “SVO killed the deep infantilism and conformist attitude of the young. They can no longer stay away from common problems, ”the expert assured. And towards the end of the discussion, he developed this thesis: “Under the current Putin generation, young people have not shown themselves so zealously ... They are now creating an example for the future and a reserve for future generations, how to show teeth in difficult times and achieve state goals.”

“Despite the fact that in the youth environment the attitude towards CBO is somewhat different than among older people, and despite the pacifism inherent in young people, the consequences of pressure from the West and simply disrespect for the personality of each individual and the consumer of a particular brand . .. have formed a young people respond: if you are like this, then we will be the same,” Artem Metelev, head of the State Duma Committee on Youth Affairs (United Russia), who spoke about the volunteer action “We are together”, picked up the idea.

Yunarmiya representative Serafim Ivanov mainly talked about how volunteers and citizen journalists help the inhabitants of the new Russian territories. In his story, there was a place for a certain journalist from Belgorod, who arrived in Kherson and covered a 16-year-old girl with his body while crossing from the right bank of the Dnieper to the left (both remained alive).

Dmitry Matyushenkov

Photo: Nina Zotina / RIA Novosti

Dmitry Matyushenkov

Photo: Nina Zotina / RIA Novosti

Young representatives of the parliamentary opposition, in their attitude to the SVO and volunteering, predictably turned out to be not in opposition. “When a volunteer comes, a spark ignites in the eyes of older people who live in the liberated territories. They feel that the state is next to them, that they will be helped, that they are not abandoned, ”said Dmitry Matyushenkov, member of the coordinating council of the LDPR youth organization, pathetically. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, Secretary of the Presidium of the Central Council of the A Just Russia - For Truth party for work with youth, dedicated her speech to party members who went to the front as volunteers or mobilization, and ended with a conversation about information work. “Young people very often ... do not always believe official reports, it is important for them to hear what their peers think ... We conduct conversations with students, patriotic quizzes,” she noted.

“1419 comments were given to the media. This is a large number, considering that there are several dozen people in the club. They work daily. More than 2.5 thousand publications were made in social networks. We also did analytical work. We created a platform on Zen, there are more than 150 publications.. . The total coverage of this work amounted to more than 50 million people,” political scientist Zaurbek Khugaev reported on the achievements of the Digoria expert club on the information front.

It should be noted that, although all participants in the discussion spoke about the support of the SVO by young people, according to sociologists, in this age group the approval of hostilities is still lower than the national average. Thus, according to the FOM poll conducted from March 18 to March 20, 73% of Russians considered the right decision to conduct SVO in general, and only 59% of Russians in the category of 18-30 years old.%. And according to the Russian Field poll (September 29 - October 1), 46% of respondents in Russia as a whole are in favor of continuing the CBO, but in the groups of 18-26 years and 27-34 years, the majority (59% and 53%, respectively) spoke in favor of the transition to peace negotiations.

Political scientist Alexei Makarkin believes that sociology is unlikely to have changed much by November, since the “crystallization of public opinion” took place in early March. In general, young people perceive what is happening more skeptically than the older generation, show less enthusiasm and emotional involvement, and would like the hostilities to end in negotiations, the expert notes. “A significant part of the youth steps aside, but if they are given a choice, then they are more for their own. Despite globalization and westernization, there is a desire to be with our people, to identify with Russia, as in sports competitions,” explains Mr. Makarkin. He also recalls that among young people there are representatives of completely different views: “Like in Soviet times, there was the Komsomol and its activists, and there was the so-called informal youth. And the majority in reality were conformists.

Andrey Vinokurov

Anxiety in children and adolescents with cancer

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is the experience of fear, confusion or anxiety, often experienced in response to a stressful situation. Thoughts and feelings of uneasiness and stress are common to anyone facing a serious illness such as childhood cancer. In most cases, children and adolescents are psychologically resilient and cope well with the difficulties during and after cancer.

But sometimes it happens that anxiety causes constant stress or interferes with daily life. This may be indicative of a particular anxiety disorder. Studies show that anxiety disorders are no more common in children with cancer than in other children. However, advice on coping with anxiety can be helpful to all children with cancer. A variety of resources and services help manage symptoms, improve mental health, and improve quality of life during and after treatment.

Signs and symptoms of anxiety in children and adolescents

Everyone experiences anxiety differently. This is especially true for children and teenagers. Young children may not be aware of their experiences. Older children and teenagers are not always willing to talk about their worries in order not to upset their parents or because they are afraid to make the situation worse.

Possible signs and symptoms of anxiety:

  • Feeling tense, anxious or afraid
  • Irritability or excessive touchiness
  • Difficulties with thinking or concentrating
  • Restlessness, inability to sit still
  • excessive tearfulness
  • Unwillingness to be alone, striving to be constantly with loved ones
  • Avoidance of activities or situations that cause disturbing thoughts or feelings
  • The need for constant encouragement
  • Signs of self-mutilation
  • Sleep disorders
  • Rapid heartbeat or breathing
  • Tense muscles
  • Headaches
  • Loss of appetite or change in eating habits
  • Indigestion, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea

Many of these symptoms may be a manifestation of physical illness or may occur as a side effect of cancer treatment. A mental health professional can help families recognize the symptoms of anxiety and how to better manage them.

Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents

An anxiety disorder is a persistent fear or worry that interferes with the patient's daily life or causes great stress. Anxiety is usually within the normal range of a person's thoughts and emotions. However, anxiety symptoms may also indicate the presence of an anxiety disorder or other mental illness requiring special treatment. If your child's anxiety symptoms get worse, interfere with daily life, or continue even after the stressful event has ended, talk to your care team.

Each anxiety disorder has a set of symptoms that point to a specific diagnosis. Some anxiety disorders may have similar symptoms and treatments. However, only an assessment by a specialist will allow you to choose the best method of treatment.

Types of anxiety disorders

  1. In separation anxiety disorder, a person experiences intense anxiety about being separated from another person. When it comes to children, it is often the fear of separation from one or both parents. The child is worried that if mom or dad leaves, something bad will happen. The thought of separation causes deep stress. Other symptoms of separation anxiety disorder can include extreme attachment, nightmares, and a desire to avoid being alone.

  2. A person with a specific phobia has an intense fear of a specific object or situation. This often causes the sufferer to worry about the cause of the phobia and take steps to avoid the object of fear or the event causing the phobia.

  3. In social anxiety disorder, a person experiences extreme fear or anxiety about situations of interacting with people or performing in front of others. A person may worry about being embarrassed and avoid certain situations. This often leads to problems at school or at work. A child with social anxiety disorder may appear shy or withdrawn.

    Social anxiety disorder, National Institute of Mental Health

  4. In panic disorder, a person experiences recurring, sudden panic attacks. Attacks are very unpleasant, but usually last only a few minutes. They may occur unexpectedly or be triggered by a frightening object or event. During a panic attack, there may be a rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, and trembling. Shortness of breath or a feeling of suffocation may occur. A panic attack is accompanied by feelings of intense fear, helplessness, or bad foreboding.

    Panic disorder, National Institute of Mental Health

  5. In generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), anxiety symptoms occur almost daily and last for at least six months. Symptoms include uncontrollable anxiety, irritability, restlessness, trouble concentrating, fatigue, increased muscle tone, and sleep disturbances. The symptoms can be severe enough to interfere with a person's normal life at home, school, or work.

    National Institute of Mental Health Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  6. In obsessive-compulsive disorder, a person is overwhelmed by repetitive, intrusive anxious thoughts or fears. They may be accompanied by an urgent need to perform certain actions (compulsive urges) in order to relieve tension. Examples of compulsions or compulsive behaviors include handwashing, counting, checking, or other repetitive activities. OCD usually develops in teenagers or young adults and can be hereditary. Often the patient knows that his thoughts and behavior are irrational, but he is unable to control them.

    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, National Institute of Mental Health

  7. Post-traumatic stress disorder may develop after a fearful, threatening or emotionally traumatic event. Symptoms of PTSD are re-experiencing the event, avoiding reminders of the trauma, irritability or fearfulness. Details of an event may be forgotten, or negative thoughts and feelings may arise: guilt, sadness, or hopelessness.

    PTSD, National Institute of Mental Health

Coping with anxiety is useful whether or not the patient has a diagnosable anxiety disorder. High levels of anxiety can:

  • Cause health problems and physical symptoms such as headaches, abdominal pain, nausea or diarrhea
  • Interfere with cancer treatment and procedures
  • Influence personal relationships
  • Interfering with study or work
  • Influence appetite, sleep, physical activity and other aspects of health
  • Increase the risk of other problems such as depression, alcohol or substance use, smoking, self-mutilation or eating disorders

In general, children with cancer are psychologically resilient and no more likely to develop an anxiety disorder than their healthy peers. At the same time, recommendations for overcoming anxiety can be useful to almost all patients with cancer at any stage of life.

Dr. Niki Jurbergs, child psychologist

Treating anxiety in children and adolescents

Managing anxiety symptoms is important for mental health and quality of life during and after cancer. It is best to use several different strategies to deal with anxiety. Professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, counselors, nurse psychologists, child adaptation specialists, music therapists, art therapists and priests will help with this.

Psychological Therapy for Anxiety

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy or "talk therapy" that teaches you how to change negative thoughts into positive ones and respond more effectively to different situations. Such therapy can help to adapt to specific objects, places, events, or thoughts that usually cause fear or anxiety.
  • Distraction Techniques: Distraction is an important tool for coping with anxiety. But this does not mean that you should just not think about what causes stress. Children can be distracted from disturbing thoughts or situations by engaging in enjoyable activities. For children, art therapy, music therapy and play therapy are very useful, which help patients control anxiety.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Strategies: Patients can learn specific techniques to help manage stress and anxiety and reduce their impact on mental health. The advantage of many of these strategies is that they can be applied almost anywhere and anytime. Examples of relaxation techniques include deep breathing, guided visualization, auto-training, and progressive muscle relaxation.
  • Psychosomatic Therapy: Many patients benefit from biofeedback, therapeutic massage, yoga, exercise and other psychosomatic therapies. Studies show that the use of these therapies can activate other nerve and chemical signals in the brain, thereby reducing anxiety levels.

Many of these therapies not only reduce anxiety, but also provide a number of other benefits such as reducing pain, nausea and depression.

Medicines for treating anxiety in children and adolescents

Your doctor may prescribe a separate medicine to treat anxiety symptoms. Sometimes this or that medicine is prescribed to help the patient relax before the procedure. These drugs usually work quickly, but not for long.

Some patients may need long-acting drugs to treat their anxiety disorder. Such drugs do not help immediately. Some patients may be prescribed a combination of several drugs. The following medications may be used to treat anxiety disorders in children.

  • Fluoxetine (Prozac®)
  • Escitalopram (Lexapro®)
  • Sertraline (Zoloft®)
  • Venlafaxine (Effexor®)
  • Duloxetine (Cymbalta®)
  • Fluvoxamine (Luvox CR®)
  • Benzodiazepines, including diazepam (Valium®), alprazolam (Xanax®), and clonazepam (Klonopin®)

Patients taking anti-anxiety medications should be monitored by a physician to monitor the effects of the medications and possible side effects. It is important to carefully follow the dosage instructions. Patients should not increase doses or stop taking medications without consulting their doctor. If anxiety does not decrease, be sure to tell your doctor.

Questions to ask your doctor when prescribing medication to reduce anxiety:

  • When will anxiety symptoms improve?
  • Are there any contraindications for taking this drug with any other drugs or dietary supplements?
  • Should any activities be avoided?
  • What are the common side effects?
  • Which side effects should I be particularly concerned about?
  • What to do if the time of taking the drug was missed?
  • How long should I take this drug?

Anxiety medications can be unsafe if taken more often or in higher doses than prescribed, or stopped too soon. Be sure to check with your doctor before changing your dosage. Keep medicines in a safe place out of the reach of children.

Coping with anxiety: advice for parents and caregivers

  • Communicate openly. It can be difficult for parents and caregivers to talk to children about fears and concerns.
    • Try to talk regularly about your thoughts and feelings in familiar situations. And when the time comes for a difficult conversation, it will be easier.
    • Use a variety of words to describe feelings to help children understand emotions and discuss their worries.
    • Ask, don't guess. Use open-ended questions and try to really understand the child's point of view.
    • Acknowledge and respect your child's problems, even if you disagree.
    • If this is true and appropriate, admit that you sometimes have similar thoughts and feelings too. This makes it easier for children to believe that they are not “crazy” and not alone.
    • Keep a journal to keep track of your thoughts and feelings.
  • Reach out to friends and family. Social support is important for patients and families dealing with childhood cancer. Help kids and teens stay in touch with friends and find ways to focus on "normal" things.
  • Try contacting support groups. Patients and their relatives often find that it is easier for them to share their feelings about the disease with someone who has already had a similar experience. By joining a cancer support group, participating in group activities, or simply making new friends at the hospital, patients find a safe environment to talk about their worries and find ways to cope.
  • Use a variety of resources to help you manage your anxiety. Fighting cancer is a tough experience. Teach your child to use anxiety reduction skills even when things are going well. Then it will be easier to apply these strategies when they are really needed. It's good to know a few different ways to deal with anxiety. Sometimes the usual method is not suitable or does not help.
  • Try to manage your own anxiety and stress. Remain calm when your child is anxious. Children feel the mood of people close to them. Moreover, they learn coping strategies by observing others. Parents and caregivers should take care of their mental health. Find ways to deal with your own anxiety so your child knows they can do the same.
  • Teach your child to face their fears, not avoid them. Children and adolescents with anxiety often avoid fearful situations. Allowing a child to avoid situations that cause discomfort will reduce his anxiety at first, but in the long run it will not go away, if not increase at all. Praise and encourage your child when he makes an effort to cope with anxiety in a frightening situation.
  • Stay safe and comfortable without being overprotective. Parents strive to protect their children from trauma, both physical and emotional. With cancer, parents should be especially careful to allow the child to be independent to the best of his age. This helps the child develop confidence in their ability to adapt and solve problems.
  • If anxiety symptoms get worse, seek help for your child (or yourself).
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