Vyvanse for aspergers
Lisdexamfetamine User Reviews for Asperger Syndrome
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Lisdexamfetamine has an average rating of 7.6 out of 10 from a total of 7 reviews for the off-label treatment of Asperger Syndrome. 57% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 14% reported a negative experience.
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Was diagnosed with "high functioning" autism and put on Vyvanse. Meds work great except I can't dissociate any more and now have massive sensory overload and no coping skills. Also wondering if it is the vyvanse directly causing the overload (though GP said unlikely). Help?
Very Long:
Heads up for mentions of metal health problems and trauma. I added subheadings so you can skip sections or find detail as desired.
Current Situation
The Problem
The Questions Appendix A - further detail on dissociation Appendix B - further detail on life history
CURRENT SITUATION I am a 27yo person diagnosed with "high functioning Aspergers"/ASD with ADHD tendencies earlier this year. I saw the psychiatrist as a last resort because nothing was working for my mental health symptoms and I just went in with "I don't care what's wrong with me, just give me the meds that will fix it." I was surprised/suspicious at first having had a narrow preconceived idea of what autism is and having convinced myself I had an unusual form of Anxiety/PTSD.
In hindsight the ASD diagnosis shouldn't have been a surprise given that I was flagged for it in primary school, again in early uni, and again last year when my regular psychologist asked if I'd considered it. Having done a lot of reading in the last 3 months, I regret not pursuing it earlier as it explains a lot ("atypical panic attacks" and "episodes" or... meltdowns?). Anyway, I digress.
The psychiatrist prescribed 30mg vyvanse which was bumped up to 40mg after a month as I was crashing too early in the evening. It works a charm. Took some wrangling to direct my focus efficiently etc. but I feel like I am experiencing life properly for the first time in years. I can connect with my partner/friends and have meaningful conversations that I remember later. I am enjoying my hobbies and interests again. I am experiencing emotions like joy and excitement after years of drifting between vague nothingness and depression. I can keep on top of organising work/uni/housework without having to spend half a day in bed after getting through my 3 shifts. Even my joint hypermobility pain has improved because no fatigue means I'm using muscles rather than locking and leaning on joints. My partner and family have said I seem more like myself than I have in a long while and that I seem happy and confident. It is like I have woken up after a decade or more of being a half person.
2. THE PROBLEM Since taking Vyvanse I've been feeling "more autistic" i.e. less able to cope socially, sensory issues, more obsessive about my habits and routines. My regular, excellent GP thought it was unlikely that Vyvanse was causing this change and it is more likely that I've essentially deleted a coping mechanism. Vyvanse keeps me extremely tethered to reality. I can barely daydream on purpose anymore. Dissociation/derealisation has been a core (not healthy) coping mechanism for years - see section below for details. This is great for my memory and functionality but not so much for my emotional and sensory regulation.
Now when I go out, the lights are too much, the noise is too much and I don't know how the hell I ever talked to people. I work in a store with fluorescent lights, radio and TVs blaring ads on repeat and it used to annoy me a bit but now after about 3 hours of my shift I feel like I'm on a hair trigger. I have a reputation for remaining chill that's about to go out of the window. Even talking to people I'm comfortable with is a trial with eye contact feeling super intense and me being hyper aware of my own voice/face/hands. I have a elderly cat who sometimes misses the litter tray but we have a cleaning protocol so it was no big deal. The other day I walked in to the apartment, smelled cat pee and burst into tears. I was so overwhelmed I had to go and sit on the other side of the apartment for an hour with a soap bar to smell before I could chill out enough to even find the source of the smell, then cried on and off the rest of the night.
Previously I could brush off the urge to fidget with no effort. I still picked my nails, tapped fingers, talked to myself quietly but I could stop if necessary and they're all easy to hide. Now I feel like everything I got scolded for as a kid has come back with a vengeance. The big ones are shaking my head repeatedly, contorting/hyperextending my fingers, tilting my head back suddenly, rocking forward on my toes and noises (hissing through teeth, clicking tongue, huffing and popping lips). I've been trying to do it when I'm in an empty section or in the bathroom but I'm so self conscious that people I've worked with for years will think I've suddenly decided to put all this on. Also some people seem to find these behaviours distressing.
Overall I think the Vyvanse is having such a positive effect that I don't want to stop it, but I'm worried this side of it is reducing other aspects of my functioning.
Anyone have any experience similar to mine?
With vyvanse specifically or just having to learn to cope without checking out?
Has anyone found that the positives of a medication were outweighed by reduction in functioning?
Should I just focus on figuring out my limits and trying new stuff like the noise reducing earplugs and stuff?
I know there are a lot of resources out there for ASD adults but it's so overwhelming and I don't even know what my problem is, never mind where to start. ..
Any advice, relatable comments or anything at all would be much appreciated.
APPENDIX A: DISSOCIATION/DEREALISATION My current psychologist has discussed this behaviour with me using both the terms "dissociation and derealisation" but tbh I'm not sure on the differences of which one I do.
Early in life, I learnt to "check out" as a coping mechanism. It was made clear to me that screaming/crying/refusing to speak/biting my arm/hiding were all punishable behaviours. So when I wanted to do those or if something shitty was happening (see tragic origin story section below), I would slide my eyes over to one side until they hurt and go into daydream mode. I got so good at it that I could take in what was being said to me and respond accordingly whilst being on a different planet. In my head, it was more like I was actually the fictional character in the magic world and whatever was happening in real life was a simulation running in the background or something. As a bonus, I essentially had a large database of worlds, characters and items in my head at all times so I was great at English and creative writing at school and was excited when I got praised for it. It always caught up to me eventually and after a while something insignificant would happen like a sibling using my notepad for crayon drawing and I would have a tantrum (meltdown?).
I have pretty much never stopped doing this for about 20 years. As an adult with more complex responsibilities, it became less about being in a whole other world and more like slipping into a space adjacent to this one: I would just feel like I was floating through life and even stuff I knew should upset/frighten me kind of barely scratched the surface. I totally lost control over it as well - I didn't have to slide my eyes over any more because it would just happen as soon as anything mildly triggering occurred e.g. a raised voice, bright lights, loud noises, food/fabric textures, someone touching me unexpectedly, someone "acting angry" near me, ad infinitum. After bad things happened like the passing of a pet, I would be checked out for months at a time and have little recollection of anything that had happened. This was vaguely scary but I was too distanced to even work up any emotions about it except when I was having an episode. Speaking of, after extended checking out I would inevitably have what we called "episodes", where I would get super depressed to the point I felt I hadn't made any progress in a decade or I would get anxious to the point that I couldn't leave the house and my grip on reality started to feel tenuous because I'd start seeing/hearing bugs in my peripheral or feel like things were crawling on me. Fun stuff.
Mildly traumatic childhood featuring parental conflict/divorce, consistent severe emotional abuse/dependence/control until age 20 and a brief sprinkling of grooming by a paedophile around age 8
Often scolded/criticised for: baby voice/monotone, standing weird, sitting weird, raptor arms, not listening i.e. not looking at person talking, being a crybaby/immature (but also being told I was mature for my age), fidgeting, tantrums I was too old for, being painfully shy, reading and ignoring people, being scruffy/dirty, being clumsy, being untidy/messy, daydreaming, being rude/direct/a know-it-all with adults
Learnt from a young age to: pretend to be normal, be quiet and agree with people, manipulate situations so that someone else was the target of bullying and not me; read when people are angry; memorise whole set of rules of social engagements
Grew up in small primary school and small selective high school, straight A student thriving on routine, structure and enormous fear of failure
Hospitalised as a young teen for mystery illness followed by many months of scarred legs and severe chronic fatigue (ie requiring a nap after showering levels)
Moved internationally with parent whilst still recovering, did not cope with change, started failing subjects at school, became severely anxious and depressed with self harm and suicidal tendency, became underweight due to obsessive food habits e.
g. eating extremely neatly or with food shredded to tiny pieces, refusing to eat in public/with unfamiliar people.
Had dramatic mental breakdown in first year of uni, crashed car, was taken to parent's psychologist
Finally moved out of home, got job, met supportive partner and adopted cats that have saved my life more than once. Sought out my own help, went on SSRIs which weren't ideal but scraped me through whilst I unlearnt self hatred and negative thought patterns.
Sought help for physical health issues and making slow progress. Continued with therapy and reached a point where depression/anxiety/ptsd were low level and manageable but stalled in progress with being spacey and emotionally unstable > referred to psychiatrist > ASD diagnosis > current situation.
Speeds | BigBro.cc - once you come here you will regret it, but you will like it!

- #1
Speeds - from the English word "speed" ( speed ), the so-called amphetamine-type stimulants ( Amph / "met-amp" ). Also in the group of amphetamines (substituted) is MEF, also known as "Crystallius". More on this in a separate section.
In 1887, the racial Romanian chemist Lazar Edelaanu sat in Berlin and, suffering from nonsense, made all sorts of derivatives of ephedrine, which in the same year was isolated by another chemist, a racial Japanese, Nagayoshi Nagai (the Japanese, like the Chinese, were well aware of the strength of ephedra). He called the resulting khuita differently and put it on the shelves. Apparently, just for lulz. One of these substances turned out to be by no means khuita, but pure, unbadged amphicus. But Lazar didn't give a fuck about that. He stuck a piece of paper with the inscription "phenylisopropylamine" on a jar with a valuable drug and continued to suffer from garbage. Nagayoshi did not let up even in 1893 synthesized the same "meth-amp". But with the same consequences: he stuck a piece of paper on a jar and put it on a shelf.
In 1919, Akira Ogata, also a racial Japanese, apparently having heard a lot about the experiments of his compatriot colleague, intuitively understood that it should be shoveled, and not so sour, and, it seems, quietly got hooked on meth. When the components ran out, and / or bothering with the complex process of synthesizing a subject was already vain, Akira gathered the remains of the interaural ganglion, ephedrine, iodine, red phosphorus, hydrochloric acid, the worst gasoline, alkali, into a fist, and welded the screw for the first time in modern history. But, unlike the Soviet obebos of the 80s, he extinguished it with alkali and got the purest "meth-amp" at the output.
In 1927, ERJ, a racial Pindos from California, Gordon Alles, apparently having a hard time fucking pure ephedrine, decided to stir up something simpler and cheaper to manufacture and with fewer side effects. And muddied, only not from ephedra, but from simpler components. After tasting his concoction at 50mg (and you'll see how fucked up that is in the calculations below) intravenously, he suddenly felt unusually good. Having drunk for several hours with a colleague and having spent a sleepless night, he began to fool around under what guise they should be barking. Looking for a cure for asthma - his original goal - he continued, but at the same time began to explore the subject. Along the way, the subject was divided into enantiomers: it turned out that the right-twisted molecule is much better than the left-twisted one, with fewer side effects, although the left-handed one also has its own show off. The substance received a familiar name, which is an abbreviation: Alpha-MethylPHenylEThylAMINE. The dextrorotatory molecule was called dextroamphetamine, and the levorotatory molecule was called levoamphetamine, and they began to sell it in pharmacies under the name Benzedrine, as an inhaler for the common cold and pills for depression.
Ordinary Pindos quickly realized that the aforementioned medicine can not only treat a runny nose, and began to buy it in quantities of over 9000 per day. After the Second World War, pharmacologists also cut through the chip, and began to produce substances under various trademarks - methedrine ("meth-amph"), dexedrine (dextroamphetamine) and many others. Psychiatrists and other doctors also got rid of the subject and, to celebrate, began to prescribe to everyone. Europe also by that time began to be imbued with the topic, but ...
The rapidly growing number of practically legal obebos, among which, according to rumors, even President John F. Kennedy was not included in the plans of ZOG. And the drug turned out to be far from being as safe as it seemed before. Chemists did not take into account the addictive effect: being relatively safe in small doses, it causes addiction (it seems to be eboshit, and everything is in order with health - why stop then), due to which addiction occurs, and a larger dose is needed to achieve the desired effect, and with an increase in the dose, dick is clear, there are more and more side effects. In addition, many, having put a dick on the instructions for the medicine, began to fuck the subject along with the blue, which led to outbreaks of aggression and murders. Yes, and self-sawing on waste products has become more frequent, the most famous such incident, perhaps, occurred with Marilyn Monroe. It would seem, what does the subject have to do with it? And as always, nothing. It was just that the chick was removed from the amphetoses with barbitura, which she got hooked on, but the depression did not go away from her.
Kennedy, on the other hand, was epically drunk, and the subject began to be sold strictly according to prescriptions issued only by doctors with a special license, practically only for narcolepsy, childhood hyperkinesis and minimal impairment of brain function. The latter two diagnoses were later merged into one - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADD(H), and since then the number of people with this diagnosis, for some unknown reason, has increased by more than 100 times in some countries.
In the meantime, in the USSR drugs "Phenamine" and Czech "Pervitin" began to be sold, but they did not gain much popularity: no one was going to get off ethanol then. But the prisoners, who then made up an impressive percentage of the population of this country, clearly did not have enough ethanol. Some gloomy genius, nicknamed Juzy, who is well acquainted with the subject, rummaged through the prison first-aid kit and found cough medicine and iodine there. The chirkash of matchboxes then contained a much higher percentage of red phosphorus, and toilets were cleaned with hydrochloric acid. Fucking gasoline, of course, was not a problem either. So the subject spread throughout this country in the form of a suspicious liquid, containing mainly "meth-amp", as well as its combination with iodine and all sorts of unreacted components, and received the name "screw". For some reason, no one bothered with additional cleaning and leaching until the end 90's, until an unknown resident of Kiev came up with this fucking thought.
- #2
Medical use
- Pendos and almost all foreigners now prescribe amphetamines, mainly for children and adults with attention deficit disorder under the names Adderall and Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine).
The latest invention, Vyvanse (lisdexamphetamine), is claimed to be the least toxic variety of Amph, with the least addiction potential, as it only inserts when taken orally. In addition, the subject is used in a fairly wide range of mental disorders associated with autism, such as Asperger's syndrome, however, much less frequently than in ADD (G). In pendosia, about 1,500,000 people are officially planted on the subject by psychiatrists, with which they are quite satisfied. Also, the subject, due to its ability to speed up the metabolism (not of the same substances, but of substances) and, of course, the ability to suppress appetite, is prescribed for obesity. In Israel, it is also used in medicine, and, therefore, it is kosher. Children are prescribed Amfa's closest relative, methylphenidate, known under the brand name Ritalin, which causes less hypertension and tachycardia than dextroamphetamine. "meth-amp" (under the brand name Desoxyn) is prescribed for the same symptoms, but much less frequently.
These drugs are also used for symptoms of narcolepsy. According to recent studies, dextroamphetamine is able to restore speech in people who have lost this ability as a result of a pruflink stroke. So it goes. It is quite logical: the subject is able to make even the one who does not know how to speak.
But not everything is so simple. Firstly, the usual prescribed daily dose (some receive up to 200 mg per day) is 30 mg (in speeds, usually 10 - 20% of Ampha itself, that is, 30 mg = 1/6 - 1/3 g of powder from a bag ( but don't immediately start looking for symptoms of ADD in yourself (especially since almost every third person can find them), but read on). Well, if you really get into the chemical jungle, then Amph, which is present in speeds in the form of a racemate, in other words, a mixture of isomers: levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine. In medicine, dextroamphetamine (a dextrorotatory stereoisomer) is mainly used. He is the least dangerous. Levoamphetamine (a left-handed stereoisomer) is used less frequently, and only to correct the effect of dextroamphetamine.
Dex encourages movement less, it gives a feeling of calm and self-confidence. And to jerk on the dance floor and creak your jaws is more motivated by levoamphetamine, in medicine, nobody fucking needs it. It is possible to isolate the desired isomer only in the laboratory, and, of course, none of the manufacturers of ampha for obebos will ever bother with this for the obvious reason, and also because this would greatly increase the cost of the product. Moreover, among what badyazhat the subject, there may be substances that are an order of magnitude more dangerous than the subject itself. Well, it must be remembered that even laboratory-purified dextroamphetamine is neurotoxic. However, to be completely honest, the reason for the poisoning of the brain by amphicom is not yet clear to scientists. It is most likely that the devastating effect on the brain is a consequence of the overheating of the body caused by amphetamine. Well, addiction and psychoses have not been canceled either, so even with medical use it is recommended to take breaks

- #3
Military applications Many pilots subsequently developed psychological dependence. Nevertheless, speeds are still used and are included in the first aid kits of the US Army special forces, supporting the frenzied flying torchmen. The well-known picture with the pilot was cut from a Canadian poster dedicated to the bombing of Canadians in Afghanistan by accelerated pendos in 2002.
Hitler used "meth-amp" (by the way, we recall that Hitler did not drink, did not smoke, did not eat meat and was all for a healthy lifestyle). It is also worth noting that in Nazi Germany, drug confectioners went quite far (by the standards of those times), and for the needs of the valiant Hans and Gunthers they produced sweet chocolates containing methamphetamine, called Panzerschokolade - for those who like to drive in a tank, and Fliegerschokolade - for conquerors firmaments on their flying cans. The Allied troops also liked to accelerate, but the chip was cut later than the Germans, therefore, when most of the Germans were already suffering from waste and psychosis, the Allies calmly fucked up the meth and fucked the Germans suffering from waste. So, during the war, the British troops alone sacked 72,000,000 tablets of methedrine (methamphetamine), which even led to say that "methedrine won the battle for Britain." As for the USSR, the story of the pilot Alexei Maresyev, described in The Tale of a Real Man, is characteristic, who crawled for 18 days in the snow with broken legs. Of course, there is not a word about the subject in the story, but we know ...
On the other hand, the subject is glorified in the well-known (and, by the way, suitable) Soviet patriotic novel “In August 44th”, where meth is unrestrictedly (and obviously not for the first time) guzzled by detective officer Tamantsev: “By appearance, color and I determined the size of the tablets - phenamine ... Thinking that I would hardly have to sleep today, I swallowed two phenamine tablets, and although I knew that their effect did not come immediately, I immediately felt a noticeable surge of strength ”(ch. 60). We are waiting for the novel to be banned by our kind Federal Drug Control Service and stocking up on popcorn. Especially for the Federal Drug Control Service, to make it easier to look for a book and make fires from it in the squares, we note that the original novel by Vladimir Bogomolov is called "The Moment of Truth", and under the title "In August 44th" the work is published for cattle, who only watched on TV the film adaptation of the same name and now on the wave of recognition should still buy a book and bring a profit to the publisher.
The synthesis of the sabzh itself (Amph and methamphetamine) was described in detail in Nos. 4 and 6 of the Applied Chemistry magazine for 1941. In the journals "Soviet Medicine" for 1942-1943 there is an appeal "The new drugs phenamine and pervitin help an additional 5 hours to fight for the cause of Lenin - Stalin against the fascist invaders!" Such cases. It is also known for certain that in some parts, in addition to the combat pile, 30 mg of Amfa was given to Soviet soldiers. In besieged Leningrad, chemists synthesized up to 10 kg of phenamine daily, and even after the blockade was lifted, little has changed in this regard ...
The Japanese, of course, also accelerated, and thoroughly. Kamikaze, going on their mission, according to popular beliefs, took a glass of sake. This is all bullshit, of course. That is, sake, they may have accepted, but, most likely, just “on the staff”, as a tribute to tradition. In addition to sake, the brave Japanese guys swallowed a whole lot of methamphetamine. Here it is worth paying special attention to the safety of using the drug: not a single kamikaze suffered from the use of a subject, everyone flew safely.
- #4
Obesnoe application
As written above, the abuse of the subject began to be practiced from the beginning of the 30s in Pendosia, and then in the rest of the world. In Nazi Germany, there was a belief that "meth-amp" (under the brand name Pervitin) was safer than coffee, which led to a huge number of obebos. The most famous of them was Adolf Hitler himself, who started with him every morning. So there is nothing surprising in his fiery speeches. So, everyone began to engage in this very abuse: from businessmen to housewives. The Japanese also turned out to be by no means fools and fucked up no less than in the rest of the world.
Since then, little has changed, except that the circle of consumers has narrowed a bit. In the United States, there has been a division into meth addicts and those who like to speed up with the help of kosher drugs, which is largely due to the level of income: meth there is much cheaper than the drug dextroamphetamine. The bulk of users of Adderall, Ritalin and other Dexedrine are university students and stockbrokers, as well as other people of active mental work. As a result of an anonymous test during a session in one of the Pendos colleges, it turned out that 35% of the students fucked up the subject. So it goes. So the typical Pendos consumer of Ritalin and Adderall is a geek. If you ended up in the States and SUDDENLY experienced an acute desire to speed up, look for bespectacled nerds (and if you live in the USA, a psychiatrist) and complain about attention deficit disorder. They will help you. These nerds, by the way, then grow into scientists, and the love for the subject does not disappear anywhere. So, one British scientist in an interview said something like this: "I could drink coffee, but this (Ritalin) is better." Nuff said. If you are looking for meth, then look for people with skin ulcers and decayed teeth - this is a typical longtime meth user. Meth is also held in high esteem by the Pendos Achtungs. In Europe, things are similar, except that the situation with medicines is more complicated there - European psychiatrists do not put everyone on the subject, but only every second.
As for the composition of the powder, it differs if you move from one country to another. However, badyagi there are 80-95% everywhere, but then the differences begin. Under the brand name "Speed" in Pendosia, Australia and Eastern Europe, all the way to Ukraine, you will only be sold dextromethamphetamine. In Western Europe and this country - mainly racemic amphik (dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine in a 1: 1 ratio). In Latin America, sabzh is not so popular, since coke is much cheaper than sabzh there.
About a subject in CCCP. Soviet obebos
In the turbulent nineties, accelerators were mainly represented by a cartoon and a propeller. Powders of incomprehensible content are now common for a lot of money, and the circle of consumers has expanded. Recently, they have been used mainly by overtime workers, lower and middle managers, bomb drivers, waiters, etc. Also, speeds are very loved by simplified versions of the proletariat - obebos and gopniks. Obyebosami - because they fuck, gopniks - because you can drink more vodka under speeds, well, nerds, especially in the northern capital, are gradually mastering all the charms and side effects of the subject.
Amph was produced in this country under the name "Phenaminum" (Phenaminum). Release form: tablets of 0.01 g in a package of 10 pieces. Methamphetamine was sold under the guise of the Czech drug Pervitin.
In addition, this country uses a completely Orthodox, but practically unknown in the West, locally prepared drug "Sydnocarb" (Cindy, Sydney - Phenylcarbamoyl-3-(b-phenylisopropyl)-sydnonimine), which has a stimulating effect, but does not have such strong side effects, like Amph. In the eighties, it was relatively cheap and enjoyed the same relative popularity not at all with obebos, but with students before the session, when it was necessary to nerd hard and not sleep at night. Sidnokarb was widely used by your special forces during the wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya.
In addition, there is information that long-term abuse of sidnocarb provokes microstrokes and depression. Depression, unlike the otkhodnyaks known to everyone who used AIDS, does not occur immediately, but SUDDENLY and in a rather severe form. If you can, in the end, stupidly sleep off on AIDS waste, then depression after a long devouring "Sydney" requires medical treatment and can poison the rest of the patient's life, not to mention microstrokes, which can generally lead to disability. At 19In 99, its release was stopped, but in 2003 they took pity and resumed again. Fortunately, this already belongs to history - now sydnocarb is difficult to access, but with episodic use, it still does not have such a deadly effect. However, compared with the subject, he is pretty lousy.
Well-Known Member
- #5
Joker wrote:
Speeds - from the English word "speed" ( speed ), the so-called amphetamine-type stimulants ( Amph / "met-amp" ).
Also in the group of amphetamines (substituted) is MEF, also known as "Crystallius". More on this in a separate section.
In 1887, the racial Romanian chemist Lazar Edelaanu sat in Berlin and, suffering from nonsense, made all sorts of derivatives of ephedrine, which in the same year was isolated by another chemist, a racial Japanese, Nagayoshi Nagai (the Japanese, like the Chinese, were well aware of the strength of ephedra). He called the resulting khuita differently and put it on the shelves. Apparently, just for lulz. One of these substances turned out to be by no means khuita, but pure, unbadged amphicus. But Lazar didn't give a fuck about that. He stuck a piece of paper with the inscription "phenylisopropylamine" on a jar with a valuable drug and continued to suffer from garbage. Nagayoshi did not let up even in 1893 synthesized the same "meth-amp". But with the same consequences: he stuck a piece of paper on a jar and put it on a shelf.In 1919, Akira Ogata, also a racial Japanese, apparently having heard a lot about the experiments of his compatriot colleague, intuitively understood that it should be shoveled, and not so sour, and, it seems, quietly got hooked on meth.
When the components ran out, and / or bothering with the complex process of synthesizing a subject was already vain, Akira gathered the remains of the interaural ganglion, ephedrine, iodine, red phosphorus, hydrochloric acid, the worst gasoline, alkali, into a fist, and welded the screw for the first time in modern history. But, unlike the Soviet obebos of the 80s, he extinguished it with alkali and got the purest "meth-amp" at the output.
In 1927, ERJ, a racial Pindos from California, Gordon Alles, apparently having a hard time fucking pure ephedrine, decided to stir up something simpler and cheaper to manufacture and with fewer side effects. And muddied, only not from ephedra, but from simpler components. After tasting his concoction at 50mg (and you'll see how fucked up that is in the calculations below) intravenously, he suddenly felt unusually good. Having drunk for several hours with a colleague and having spent a sleepless night, he began to fool around under what guise they should be barking.
Looking for a cure for asthma - his original goal - he continued, but at the same time began to explore the subject. Along the way, the subject was divided into enantiomers: it turned out that the right-twisted molecule is much better than the left-twisted one, with fewer side effects, although the left-handed one also has its own show off. The substance received a familiar name, which is an abbreviation: Alpha-MethylPHenylEThylAMINE. The dextrorotatory molecule was called dextroamphetamine, and the levorotatory molecule was called levoamphetamine, and they began to sell it in pharmacies under the name Benzedrine, as an inhaler for the common cold and pills for depression.
Ordinary Pindos quickly realized that the aforementioned medicine can not only treat a runny nose, and began to buy it in quantities of over 9000 per day. After the Second World War, pharmacologists also cut through the chip, and began to produce substances under various trademarks - methedrine ("meth-amph"), dexedrine (dextroamphetamine) and many others.
Psychiatrists and other doctors also got rid of the subject and, to celebrate, began to prescribe to everyone. Europe also by that time began to be imbued with the topic, but ...
The rapidly growing number of practically legal obebos, among which, according to rumors, even President John F. Kennedy was not included in the plans of ZOG. And the drug turned out to be far from being as safe as it seemed before. Chemists did not take into account the addictive effect: being relatively safe in small doses, it causes addiction (it seems to be eboshit, and everything is in order with health - why stop then), due to which addiction occurs, and a larger dose is needed to achieve the desired effect, and with an increase in the dose, dick is clear, there are more and more side effects. In addition, many, having put a dick on the instructions for the medicine, began to fuck the subject along with the blue, which led to outbreaks of aggression and murders. Yes, and self-sawing on waste products has become more frequent, the most famous such incident, perhaps, occurred with Marilyn Monroe.
It would seem, what does the subject have to do with it? And as always, nothing. It was just that the chick was removed from the amphetoses with barbitura, which she got hooked on, but the depression did not go away from her. Kennedy, on the other hand, was epically drunk, and the subject began to be sold strictly according to prescriptions issued only by doctors with a special license, practically only for narcolepsy, childhood hyperkinesis and minimal impairment of brain function. The latter two diagnoses were later merged into one - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADD(H), and since then the number of people with this diagnosis, for some unknown reason, has increased by more than 100 times in some countries.
In the meantime, in the USSR drugs "Phenamine" and Czech "Pervitin" began to be sold, but they did not gain much popularity: no one was going to get off ethanol then. But the prisoners, who then made up an impressive percentage of the population of this country, clearly did not have enough ethanol.
Some gloomy genius, nicknamed Juzy, who is well acquainted with the subject, rummaged through the prison first-aid kit and found cough medicine and iodine there. The chirkash of matchboxes then contained a much higher percentage of red phosphorus, and toilets were cleaned with hydrochloric acid. Fucking gasoline, of course, was not a problem either. So the subject spread throughout this country in the form of a suspicious liquid, containing mainly "meth-amp", as well as its combination with iodine and all sorts of unreacted components, and received the name "screw". For some reason, no one bothered with additional cleaning and leaching until the end 90's, until an unknown resident of Kiev came up with this fucking thought.
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Yes, there was a time I tried these fasteners in Sevastopol, they were available in 99 screw, this is the power of the side effects, problematic, well, if I returned it to the market, the hodgepodge would become people not interested, but they do it right now, but deeply, not everything I tried here pr
Don't Wake Sleepers
Give me the fucking gun and I'll speak my mind.

- #6
oleg.grihin wrote:
Yes, there was a time I tried these spices in Sevastopol, they were available at 99 screw is the power of the side effects, problematic well, if I returned it to the market, the hodgepodge would become people not interested, yes, they do it right now, but deeply, I tried everything here pr
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You are late for what happened before..... Alas...
Well-Known Member
- #7
Don't Wake the Sleepers wrote:
You are late for what happened before.
.... Alas...
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Alas, here it was problematic to take the city of Krasny
Don't Wake Sleepers
Give me the fucking gun and I'll speak my mind.
- #8
oleg.grihin wrote:
Alas, here it was problematic to take Krasny
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Here you could take EVERYTHING) despite the color of the city)
- #9
Interesting articles! Thanks

- #10
mini wrote:
Interesting articles! Thank you
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- #eleven
Butyrates and speeds are our worst enemies
Lone Wanderer
- #12
Speed is great, of course, but it's better not to get too carried away. ..
from space
- #13
not bad info
from space
- #14
Hokage wrote:
Speed is great, of course, but it's better not to get too carried away...
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It is doubtful that this is excellent. Coffee is still a normal thing, but nothing more, the rest is terrible chemistry
I don't know how to recover from psychosis on my wife. Spouse mi beche is psychotic for about one year. It’s a little bit of our previous marriage (I attributed the behavior to that to stress - that attracts your business, some of them failed because of this) and continue to be prejudiced on our child. The psychotic episode of beche is almost severely tipped from the use / abuse with the prescription of amphetamines (70m Vyvanse per day, 20m Adderal "slowly need"), but the psychosis lasts for a few months, the trace of this drug is hidden.
In addition, I lost my business, ruined my work for the sake of the honor of absence, for the sake of negotiating psychotic episodes, and incurred a significant debt. Maybe if you ruined your house, ty kato tryabvashe yes, you could take it for work and maybe you couldn’t and rent a house.
Toy maltretir verbally vsichkite me the closest friends, chiito friends later ruined, and dori me attacked one night, for some shut up.
Sega toy is significantly established (no voice, no more paranoia, a little bit of a referential idea), but our behavior is strange for this and the same thing. Vsshchnost tova me pissed off. Bow to that mi, but don’t take the siguren far away, for some reason I’ll take the saving belt (it’s a lot of it is true on the T-shirt mu) or that is truly mech. And without a commodity, there is no meaning, for some reason I can catch it from him. Bikh said, what a scum, after all, what a lot of scum for the scum, for that scum.Are you trying to improve the situation? Ako yes, how? Is it unfair for me to save him? It’s understandable, sometimes it’s thought for everything, somehow it’s a trick, it’s such a feeling, it’s like flying on the hilyadi of parquet, it’s sensible to all the poisons.
How can I recover from a psychotic episode on my spouse?
Dissuaded by Dr. Kristina Rundl, LCSW on 2018-05-8
Tova, something happened to your wife, more than an incident, like a car accident. That person who received a prescription for psychiatric medication under the direction of the doctor and that person became psychotic. Toi does not become intently psychotic. Brush, inflicted by an indignant psychosis, sabotaged extremes in your stomach and innocence, but this was never a bad intention. Expose the intention to this and that experience and get help. The result is not out of control.
Someone else is in some kind of physical disaster, he is suffering from the aftermath of the incident and his family is suffering. Not unusually different, but all feelings are like that. Ordinarily, mental illnesses are considered in different ways from the physical ones. Tova may be true of the fact that physical illnesses are not controllable. Psychic diseases, from a friend's country, it's easy to take it under control.
This is one very often crossed scenario: An individual is split into a family of si that is deprecated. The family is saying: “get over it, just get rid of it”, “it’s just a phase” or “just pay attention”. Mostly no support. Get rid of the varva family, make mental illnesses controllable; to the edge on the edge of the technical proposals for the individual and for the control. As an alternative, as a member of the family, it is clear that a person is diagnosed with cancer or has been rejected for an incident, in other cases, the family is more likely to respond with empathy and involvement.
It is important to foresee that a person is not chosen to be mentally ill. It's not appropriate to be angry at anyone who is mentally ill. Chowek yama controlled the development of mental illness.
Among patients with schizophrenia, for example, often from tyahnoto ills, people cannot and can not recognize when they are ill and, as a result, they do not take medicine. Members of the family have a lot of poison, which they love without recognizing what they get sick and refusing to take medicine for them. Realnost e, che bolestta lishava a lot of chorus with schizophrenia from the ability to let them realize that they are ill. Anger in the thesis of the situation is not completely disassembled, but it is not wrong, for not choosing anyone and being mentally ill.
Kazvat, why did you change your spouse? Toy scho ce improved. Maybe it’s just a question at the time, yes, it’s time for a husband, for someone you got married. Tova, something happened to him, it’s tragic for him, but it’s also for you. And two mata ste sacrifice to the bolestta mu.
For some reason, marry him. Imash something, something ty hares you in him. He changed it; the khorats are often ruled by vvvrazka. Whenever your partner is not your partner, you married someone, a lot of people overestimate the marriage, and some choose a divorce. Sprugt ve changed it for the sake of mental illness. That veche is not to be married, for someone else you are married. They may have married someone else, but maybe they’ll never eat anyone else.