True colors blue personality type

Real Colors personality temperament tool – Part 5: Blue

Michelle Neff, Michigan State University Extension -

This fifth and final article in a series on the Real Colors personality temperament tool explores the Real Color Blue and what it means to be dominant in that color.

Understanding our own personality temperament is important when working with others and when working through differences. Michigan 4-H Youth Program and Michigan State University Extension uses a tool called Real Colors to help youth and adults discover their personality strengths. There are four different colors that represent characteristic categories. Everyone has each color, but one color may be more dominate than any of the others in your personality. The four colors include Gold, Green, Blue and Orange.

Those with Blue color personality strengths tend to be enthusiastic, sympathetic, communicative, compassionate, idealistic, sincere and imaginative. They care and want to contribute to everything they are a part of. Relationships are important to blues.

Blue personality temperaments can be good listeners, talk about the possibilities and like to do new things. Conflict or disharmony can upset a Blue. They show concern for feelings in others and have tactful ways of communicating.

When working with Blues, it is important to reassure them of their self-worth and recognize their accomplishments. It is also important to be empathetic with them as well as believe and trust them. Give Blues opportunities to demonstrate creativity, work with and mentor others and communicate.

It is important to remember that people are not all one color, but have all four colors. Some people are more dominate in one Real Color. Learning to observe clues can be helpful when working with people to figure out what color they may be. Clues can come in what you hear and what you see.

To review the other colors and information about Real Color, read the rest of the articles in this series listed below.

If you are interested in learning more about Real Colors workshops and how MSU Extension can help your organization work together as a team, please contact your local MSU Extension office.

Other articles in this series:
  • Real Colors: A tool for discovering personality temperament – Part 1
  • Real Colors personality temperament tool – Part 2: Gold
  • Real Colors personality temperament tool – Part 3: Green
  • Real Colors personality temperament tool – Part 4: Orange

This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. For more information, visit https://extension. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit To contact an expert in your area, visit, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).

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7 Blue Personality Type Traits

What is a blue personality?

Or what does it mean to have a blue personality type? 

Who knew your favorite color could say so much about you?

Even if you don’t wear blue all the time, you feel drawn to the color wherever you see it.

It echoes something in you. 

So, why not explore that?

Learning about the key personality traits of the blue type can help you better understand yourself and your connection to the color blue. 

What’s in this post:


The Blue Personality 

Someone with a blue personality tends to be calm and caring. If you have this personality type, you love to help and encourage others.  

Your relationships are built on mutual trust and thrive on effective communication.

You’re able to remain grounded even in stressful situations, and others often look to you for guidance and stability. 

7 Blue Personality Traits

What traits go with the blue personality? If this type is yours, you’ll likely find many characteristics you connect with as you read on. Remember to honor your qualities and find ways to use and develop your strengths.

1. You Always See the Best in Others

You overlook someone’s faults first.

You prefer to look at their strengths and good qualities. You know everyone is flawed, so you choose to focus your energy on someone’s positive attributes — including their strengths and how far they’ve come. 

Because of this, people tend to feel more confident, valued, and comfortable around you. You bring out the best in them. 

2. You Enjoy Words of Affirmation.

Words of encouragement and affirmation give you life. You never miss an opportunity to tell someone you care about them. 

You’re constantly reminding people of what you appreciate about them.

In turn, you want others to do the same for you. You feel undervalued if you don’t receive words of affirmation regularly. In relationships, you never get tired of sweet messages or hearing “I love you.” 

3. You Lead by Example. 

When it comes to leading others, you’d rather not give them a set of rules to follow or expectations to meet. Correcting and criticizing others is definitely not your jam. 

You prefer to lead by example, showing rather than telling people how to behave in certain situations and toward certain people. Yet even when those you’re trying to lead decide to take a different approach, you’re not quick to judge them for it. 

You’re more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt. 

4. You’re Good at De-escalating Stressful Situations. 

In heated arguments, your friends may look to you as a mediator. You have calm natural energy about you, and you value both sides of the story. While others may become agitated and lash out, you are more likely to listen and understand.

This quality makes you excellent at resolving conflicts. And while you love to feel useful, this work can be emotionally draining. 

Self-compassion is something you might forget in your zeal to fix things for others. 

Other True Colors Personality Types

Are You A Gold Personality Type?

9 Characteristics Of The Orange Personality Type

9 Traits Of The Abstract Thinking Green Personality Type

5. You Value Your Relationships

Other people are important to you. You put a lot of energy into maintaining and nurturing your relationships. It can often feel as though you’re the one putting in most of the work. 

You go out of your way to make someone feel loved and appreciated. But when others don’t speak your love language, it can be difficult for you to feel valued by them.

Other love languages can be just as powerful, but only if you see them. Don’t forget to make heart-to-heart communication a regular part of your time together. 

6. You Are Loyal and Sincere

The people you love can always count on you to be there for them and be honest with them. You’re a genuine person, and your authenticity is refreshing. But loyal and dependable as you are, it can still be difficult for others to see what you need. 

You want so badly to be what others need you to be for them. Sometimes you forget to honor your own needs. Be as real with yourself as you are with others. 

7. You Love to Get Involved

Helping others makes you feel good. Because of this, you enjoy volunteer work and are quick to offer help to your friends and family. You’re unlikely to simply watch problems play out. You want to be part of the solution, no matter how much work it is.  

Once you undertake a labor of love, you’re all in. As long as you believe in it, you keep going until it’s done and done well. 

FAQ about the Blue Personality Type 

Now that you’re familiar with key blue personality traits let’s tackle some of the biggest questions that come up. 

How do you deal with a blue personality?

Show them appreciation for their gifts and for all they do. And remind them to take care of their own needs, too, or they might just forget those in their drive to help others. Be prepared to offer support and encouragement when they need it. 

What do blue personalities need?

Blue personalities need encouragement as well as constant reminders that they are valued. Without these affirmations, they feel underappreciated or taken for granted.

Blue personalities also need to be taken care of from time to time. They’re more likely to focus on others and often forget to prioritize their own needs. Helping them take care of themselves shows that you care and make them feel valued.

What are blue personality careers?

People with blue personalities tend to excel at jobs that require helping and guiding others. They may enjoy teaching, counseling, volunteering, and caretaking jobs. Someone with a blue personality is always looking for ways to improve the lives of others.

What celebrities have a blue personality?

Are you wondering about others who might share your blue personality traits? Look no further than some of these well-known people who are also blues.

  • Michael Jackson 
  • Mr. Rogers 
  • Oprah Winfrey 
  • Mozart 
  • Jimmy Carter
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson

Are you one of the caring blue personalities in the world?

If you’re now confident you’re a primary blue personality, you have plenty to be proud of. You do need to be mindful, though, of your tendency to put your own needs on the backburner so you can be there for others. 

No one suffers from you being there for yourself and honoring your own needs. And you can’t help others when you’re spiraling from burnout. 

The worlds needs you to thrive as a blue personality. And you deserve that as much as anyone else.

Color personality types according to Max Lüscher

The foundations of the psychological approach to the study of colors were laid down and put into practice by the Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher (1923 - 2017).

He believes that color perception is objective and universal, but color preferences are subjective.

Max Lüscher - psychology of color

With the help of the Lüscher color test, one can determine the psychological well-being of a person at the moment.

As a rule, the psychologist offers the test-taker eight cards of different colors and asks them to arrange them in order of preference. nine0003

In the first place is the color that is most pleasant to a person, then - those that are less pleasant. The latter are the colors for which the subject feels the least sympathy.

On the Internet, the Luscher color test is presented in all its modifications - full and abbreviated, short - with an interpretation of the test results.

Four colors - blue, green, red and yellow - reflect the basic psychological needs of people:

satisfaction with something, attachment to something, self-affirmation, activity, striving for a goal, expectation of something good, need for success. nine0003

Luscher distinguishes four color personality types

Characterizes these types as follows:

Blue - the need for deep affection.

Green - the need to defend one's own position.

Red - the need for achievement, possession, leadership.

Yellow - the need for emotional involvement, the brightness of experiences and communication.

That need, which is leading, determines the individual-personal type of a person. nine0003

When assigning a person to one or another "color type", the decisive role is played by the assessment of the behavior of the person.

At the same time, a person belonging to one of the four main types of personality can behave in a completely opposite way. It depends on what role he is currently playing.

When a person pursues a typical goal for him, which is a kind of idol for him, then the role he plays is called the “idol role”. And, conversely, what he does to protect himself from something, to avoid something - all this is his “protection role”. nine0003

For example, a person who implements the red type of behavior accepts every challenge thrown to him, because he wants to act strongly and successfully. This is his idol role. And he plays the role of protection when he feels that the demands placed on him are excessively overstated, when he defends himself against such demands, when he is angry and annoyed, when he falls into impotent rage.

So, types:


The main theme in their lives is emotional attachment and the need for mutual understanding. Blue seeks to build harmonious relationships with the people around him. nine0003

Role idol (+ blue)

Need for peace, intense need for affection, sensitivity, sentimentality.

Protection role (- blue)

Anxiety, impatience, dissatisfaction, loneliness, turning away from a partner, irritability.

The desire for satisfaction is at the heart of the blue idol role. Intoxication and oblivion become its goal: either by intoxicating the flesh with the help of wild life, gluttony, alcoholism, the use of sedatives and sleeping pills, or by reducing spiritual claims (for example, reducing them to the level of "crossword" intelligence). nine0003

The protection role of the blue type of behavior arises because of the fear of emptiness (before the absence of experiences) and of deprivation. Fear of the absence of experiences gives rise to inner anxiety.

In order to protect themselves, "blue" people enclose their personal emotional sphere with a fence, blocking real and sincere emotional relationships.


The main theme in the life of the green type is self-affirmation, self-development. A mature person strives for self-expression and self-actualization. nine0003

Role-idol (+ green)

The will to self-affirmation, the tension of the will, the claim to significance.

Protection role (- green)

Protection against restrictions, against undermining.

The pursuit of significance and vanity are at the heart of the green-type idol role. Self-doubt for him is a completely unbearable state. Any means of increasing self-importance are used; academic titles, for example, will provide lifelong prestige and status, and so on. nine0003

The protective role is generated by the fear of dependence and coercion.

Adequate behavior assumes that a person is capable of both demanding and refusing. Whoever has excessive or uncompromising claims, who wants everyone to admire him and love him, he ignores reality. When they do not want to give up anything, then they cannot decide on anything. In this case, people begin to feel driven into a dead end.

Green is not only the most intense and stubborn, but also the most uninfluenceable type of behavior. nine0003


The main theme of harmonious development is the desire for success, to achieve the set goals.

Role-idol (+ red)

Purposefulness, assertive desire for experiences.

Protection role (- red)

Excessive demands, irritability.

The desire for excitement is at the heart of the role-idol of the red type. Fear of emptiness and boredom leads to a search for new stimuli. But since he needs more and more new experiences, he is inevitably forced to be constantly active. He strives for achievements in big and small, for the benefit of others or to their detriment. nine0003

The protective role comes from the fear of over-activity and overexcitation.

The one who strikes the table with his fist, or draws something through his teeth, his excitement has reached the level of over-irritation. Overexcitation leads to depression if the satisfaction of important needs becomes impossible and one has to admit one's own powerlessness. Hence arises the depressive need for sleep or alcohol to intoxicate oneself and numb one's suffering.


The main theme is development and creativity. With harmonious development, it is aimed at expanding "spiritual horizons".

Idol role (+ yellow)

Escape from problems, illusory expectation of the future.

Role-protection (- yellow)

Tense expectation, concern, anxiety.

The desire for freedom lies at the heart of the idol role.

For example, many people spend two months every year on various trips or read newspapers for hours every day. In both of these cases, they are attracted not by the real, not the true goal, but by the desire for the unknown, for change, the thirst for the new. Such curiosity is an escape from the present, if it, the present, is experienced and perceived as unsatisfactory. nine0003

The protective role stems from the fear of loss. The surrounding world is a wide field of relations, which, due to its constant change, constantly requires the individual to change his own position.

And any change in reality, the breadth of new opportunities, cause fear in yellow people. They feel lost, helpless in the face of reality.

Interpretation of color preferences
Do you like blue (+)

You can be classified as a calm, balanced person who manages to achieve harmony in relationships with others. You also have an amazing ability to listen to the desires of your body and recognize the impending overwork or emotional breakdown in time. nine0003

Blue does not like or irritates (-)

at the moment you are forced to abandon the smooth flow of life, to live in a state of mobilization of all your forces. Perhaps this is due to some important task or event, the result of which depends on your career or fate in general.

I like gray (+)

Gray means neutrality in all areas of life (“neither this nor that”). People who prefer gray work a lot and, accordingly, get very tired. nine0003

You don't like or irritate gray (-)

If you don't choose a gray shade under any circumstances, it means that you strive with all your might for new impressions and don't want to let routine into your life.

Yellow (+)

Those who choose this palette believe in miracles.

He needs recognition of his abilities and respect from others. He hopes that sooner or later his life will change for the better and he will be able to enjoy happiness in all its manifestations. nine0003

Yellow (-)

If the yellow color is unpleasant for you, then you could be completely disappointed in your hopes and now it’s hard for you to believe that miracles happen in the world.

Such a mood can be caused by some kind of disappointment or failures that follow one after another. The one who chooses it can publicly and tacitly rebel against the conditions of life, work and his destiny in general. He protests against conventions, breaks stereotypes and rebels against injustice. nine0003

Black is annoying (-)

If you don't like black, then you have a difficult task ahead of you - learn to refuse people when necessary, and not be afraid to make the desired demands at work or in your personal life.

Red (+)

Red means striving for fame, success and prestige. It is chosen by people who have pronounced strong-willed qualities, wish to reveal their potential, achieve influence and conquer everyone with their own success.

Red (-)

If you feel a lack of vitality and weak potential, then most likely you will prefer it last.

I like green (+)

You are a person for whom it is important to realize your potential, assert yourself and arouse sympathy among others.

Green does not like or irritates (-)

If you choose the green card last, then at some point you could simply feel humiliated and defeated. nine0003

Perhaps your aspirations to improve, for example, your work were not crowned with recognition, so now it is easier for you to give in to principles than to persistently overcome obstacles.

Brown (+)

It is chosen by people who, more than anything else, want to avoid problems and conflicts in any area of ​​life. They do not want to waste their energy on solving complex tasks and dream of living in a cozy "shell".

Brown (-)

You are driven by the desire to "break out of the crowd". nine0003

Violet (+)

By choosing it, you are saying that all your thoughts and desires should come true. You can strive for "magical" relationships with others, believing that someday you will still be able to "bewitch" them with your charm and realize all your desires.

Violet (-)

If you don't like purple, then you exclude any possibility of achieving success in a "magical" way that involves minimum effort and guarantees maximum results. nine0003

Read on the same topic:

How color affects the mood and state of a person

Clothing as a “personality signal” (according to Max Luscher)

Psychology of living space

The color of our emotions

How to determine the type by posture

Thomas Erickson “There are only idiots around. If you think so, maybe you don't” - review - The Psychology of Effective Living


Thomas Erickson is a Swedish psychologist, business coach, coach, communications specialist, and author of two international bestsellers. nine0003

Difficulty of presentation

2 out of 5. Recommended also for journalists, teachers and leaders.

Target audience

Everyone who wants to become more tolerant of opposites, learn to understand those who cannot be understood.

Why read

The book offers a convenient system of work with the correct perception of individuals with different types of behavior, logic, temperament and values. The author offers to understand what is happening in other people's heads and souls, why we are interesting to others. nine0003

Reading together

It is always interesting to know how people work and how they feel when they are alone and in a team. The author wonders why some of us are silent while others are constantly chatting, why some are sympathetic and others are not. People have experience of communicating with each other, but have a vague understanding of the functioning of its mechanisms.

Regardless of our type of behavior, most of us think and behave differently. Flexibility and the ability to adapt to the needs of other people can be considered an index of our sociability, and for this we need a new level of competence in order to understand and accept the behaviors of others. We can be ourselves in two situations: when we are alone with ourselves and can do whatever we want, and when we are next to others like us. nine0003

Human behavior is relatively predictable, changeable, individual, stereotyped. You can observe it, decipher it, explain it, accept the fact that our heredity underlies the behavioral stereotype. Each person is valuable just like any other, since behavior is determined by basic values ​​and mood. We influence each other all the time and because of this we are divided into four types of behavior, represented in the form of colors. This model can help us understand not only others, but also ourselves. nine0003

1. The red type is dominant, has a quick reaction, strives for power. He is cautious, selective, does not like inaction. He never hides his true identity and therefore is easily visible in the crowd. He has dynamics and drive, courage and bravery, he is always honest. Speed ​​is synonymous with quality for him, he will stop at nothing if he really wants something.

2. Yellow type - inspiring. He also has a quick reaction, he does not like routine, he is impulsive in actions, he refuses isolation. This type has opportunities and prospects, he lives for life, joy and pleasure. Such a person likes to have fun himself and to entertain others, he is always in a good mood. He is verbose, makes decisions under the influence of feelings, not reason. There is no constraint in him, he is energetic and loves to communicate with anyone, he is a true optimist. The yellow type can find a solution where others have already given up hope. nine0003

3. Green type - stable. He has a calm reaction, makes every effort to build relationships, does not like change, avoids conflicts. This type is very balanced, does not like extreme sports, it is leisurely, calm, and does not stand out too much against the background of other colors. There are many such people, and that is why it is easy to deal with them. The green type will always lend a helping hand, does not require much and does not start a quarrel. He values ​​relationships and invests in positive emotions around him. He is interested in others more than in himself, is an indispensable member of the team, demonstrates trust in others. The motive for Green is to please someone, he is sensitive to other people's problems and hears what we are really saying. nine0003

4. Blue type - Analytical. He has a slow reaction, he is maximally organized, not interested in relationships, cautious, does not like interference. He does not stick out himself, but is attentive to what is happening around him. Blue is an analyst and researcher, a realist who sees mistakes and risks. He has no need to share knowledge with others, but he constantly lacks facts, he is looking for the devil in the details. This type is prone to duplication and insurance, building supersystems. He is endowed with logical thinking, clearly follows the instructions. nine0003

Others perceive all four types differently.

1. Red seems to them conflicting, selfish and arrogant, as well as stubborn and domineering, sometimes an aggressor. Red desperately fights for interests, convinces those who agree to listen to him that he does it better than others.

2. Yellow in the eyes of others looks funny, positive, cheerful. Many grimace at his endless stream of words, considering him an unceasing egocentric. Yellow inspires new ideas, he wants not to listen, but to speak. nine0003

3. Green, as a rule, is perceived as a friendly and helpful person who gravitates towards truthful statements. He is often accused of insincerity, because sometimes this truth is spoken behind the back of the person in question. He is rather passive, does not like to take sides in delicate matters. He tends to avoid trouble.

4. Blue is often criticized by others because he is reserved, evasive, distrustful, indecisive, slow, cold, etc. It is difficult for him to start new projects, as he is used to preparing for a long time and carefully. He is often suspicious and critical, and may share observations in a tactless manner. He happens to be well mainly in a familiar company and with his closest relatives. nine0003

Individuals and social groups use different body languages:

1. Reds shake hands tightly, use gestures of dominance and direct eye contact. They can be easily recognized from a distance. Adapting to their behavior is expressed in the following: you need to do what they ask, and as quickly as possible, pick up the pace and increase speed, stick only to the facts, not be afraid to express ideas.

2. Yellows willingly make contact, use expressive gestures, can often approach the interlocutor, they are friendly and open. You can adapt to their behavior in the following ways: start with important issues, create a warm and friendly atmosphere for them, take the initiative, help them clean up their affairs and agree on the exact time, allow them to devote themselves to the latest trends. nine0003

3. Greens do not like frank gestures, their actions are methodical, and they can get very close. When they are in harmony, they radiate calmness and confidence. Adapting to their behavior requires: Putting safety first, accepting that they don't think the way we do, respecting them, planning for them, being patient.

4. Blues like to distance themselves, use direct visual contact, closed gestures and postures. They practically do not use body language, do not give out true emotions. Adaptation to their behavior is expressed in the following: write down all joint questions and affairs, demonstrate awareness and preparedness, not be careless, explain to them the sensitivity of others. nine0003

To get feedback on each of the colors, we must:

1. In the case of red, don't send negative feedback if we're out of shape.

2. In the case of yellow, indulge and prompt him.

3. In the case of green, give concrete examples and use streamlined formulations, speak the same language with him.

4. In the case of blue, start with a warning, criticize carefully.

When a stressful situation occurs, the manifestations of the usual traits of a person's character and behavior become aggravated. Red becomes the aggressor, yellow becomes offended, green falls into apathy, and blue closes in on itself or finds fault with inconspicuous trifles. It is important not to create stressful conditions here. Once we figure out their top factors, we can be more vigilant and avoid falling into various traps. nine0003

Best Quote

“Behavior is like a gearbox. Different types of transmissions are required. Just like in a gearbox, the lever can be set right or wrong.”

What the book teaches

- To get an idea of ​​the color of a person, it is enough to observe him, and also pay attention to his behavior in a state of stress and pressure.

- The main behavioral types manifest themselves in different ways: Reds like to command and make decisions instantly, but are too authoritarian; yellow, with their outward lightness and carelessness, can absorb oxygen if given unlimited space; greens are charming and sociable, but can be unreliable partners; the blue ones are analytical and calculate every step, but when they are critical, they become suspicious of others. nine0003

- We do not have much leverage over our interlocutors, and if we are more attentive to what other people want in relation to a third-party perception of ourselves, our communication with him will become much more effective.

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