Touch aversion quiz

Touch Starved Quiz - Personality Quizzes

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Take this Touch Starved Quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

English Conversation About Cosmetic

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English Conversation About Cosmetic

Touch starvation is a situation that occurs when you do not receive as much physical touch as you are accustomed to – or any touch at all. You seek interaction yet are unable to communicate with others for various reasons. It is sometimes referred to as touch deprivation or skin hunger.

People may experience touch deprivation as a result of social isolation during the COVID-19 epidemic. It can, however, occur with any absence of physical touches, such as youngsters in orphanages and elderly individuals in hospitals who do not receive enough positive contact.

Why Is Touch Important?
Human touch is an important aspect of how we engage with people. We shake coworkers’ hands, embrace our loved ones, and give our friends high-fives. We connect through physical contact.

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The skin is your body’s largest organ, and it delivers both positive and bad touch sensations to your brain. When you engage in pleasant touches, such as a hug, your brain releases oxytocin. This makes you feel good, strengthens emotional and social relationships, and reduces worry and dread.

This reaction occurs from the moment a child is born. Doctors advise mothers to hold and console their newborns frequently in order to encourage healthy development. Human-to-human interaction continues throughout our lives. Even when you’re an adult, human touch can help you sleep better, eat better, improve your immune system, and fight infections.

The Consequences of Touch Deprivation
You can become agitated, anxious, or depressed if you don’t get enough physical touch. In response to stress, your body produces a hormone known as cortisol. This can produce an increase in your heart rate, blood pressure, muscular tension, and breathing rate, all of which can be detrimental to your immunological and digestive systems.

These factors can contribute to poor sleep quality and an increased risk of illness. Diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure are just a few of the medical issues that could worsen.

Long-term touch deprivation may potentially result in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

How to Combat Touch Deprivation
Even if you are unable to physically engage with others, there are techniques to combat the consequences of touch deprivation:

Chat via video. Although video calls cannot completely replace physical contact, they do allow us to communicate with others visually. They may help to alleviate some of the symptoms of touch deprivation.

Online practice.

Yoga or gym courses online allow you to interact in a social setting, providing a welcoming environment in which you will feel less lonely.

About the quiz

Dancing and singing Even if you can’t see somebody, these activities can enhance your oxytocin levels.

Interacting with animals. Even though they aren’t human, playing with your pet can help you relax. Because it is a type of interaction, it may alleviate some of the symptoms of touch deprivation. According to research, when dog owners caress their pets, their oxytocin levels rise.

Is it limited to sensuous touch?
Certainly not. Positive touch of any kind is seen to be good.

Many people are missing out on workplace handshakes, pleasant embraces, or pats on the back as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which can lead to feelings of touch deprivation.

For some, the epidemic has also resulted in a decrease in sensuous touching, such as hand-holding, back-scratching, and foot rubbing.

Scientists discovered that a network of nerve fibers known as C-tactile afferents existed to recognize any type of light touch.

In fact, a 2017 study found that the best touching speed is around 3 centimeters per second.

This results in the production of oxytocin, popularly known as the “love hormone.”

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Quiz: What Kind of Physical Touch Would Destroy You?

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We are perfectly aware of the kind of physical contact that would kill you. Find the touch you’re yearning right now by taking this quiz on intimacy, romance, and erotica.

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What Exactly Does It Mean to Be Destroyed by a Physical Touch Mean?

If taken literally, it can allude to a fatal bodily assault. However, figuratively speaking, a touch that destroys you is one that you have been longing for and couldn’t bear if it actually happened.

The Physical Touch Quiz Explained

This self-assessment test provides insight into issues like “What kind of physical touch would kill me?”

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It evaluates your desires, fantasies, and sexuality to get precise findings, much like the love tester quiz.

Analyze your level of touch aversion.

Are you pretending to love your blanket while cuddling it? If yes, you’re absolutely touch-craved; don’t even bother to take the quiz.

But it is only a cursory examination. Don’t you want to know how much of a touch you desire? The test reveals how much you require attention, love, or even, er, ahem.

View recommended movies depending on your bodily cravings.

Assume you learned what form of physical contact would kill you. Now what? What is the strategy?

Are you going to hunt for someone to grovel to for a certain kind of love? If so, congratulations. But after taking the test, you should watch one of the recommended movies if you’re a lonely Incel.

A list of tremendously relatable movies and TV series that might make your day better—or possibly make you feel even more alone—is among the findings.

Please be aware that some of the films have a R rating. So, you know, if you’re underage, don’t watch them.

Find out whether you fall on the nice or naughty side of the spectrum.

Both good and bad physical contact have the potential to ruin you. Which one do you crave? But you can’t lie on the test.

We can tell if you like to “hold my hand, baby” or “use your fingers!” So, there’s no need in attempting to conceal your desires.

How Did #PhysicalTouch Become So Popular?

Users on TikTok submitted the findings of a test that determined how touch-starved they are and what kind of physical affection they desire as part of a green screen challenge that served as the catalyst for the entire phenomenon.

The concept was that you required a particular kind of connection, one that would positively emotionally devastate you.

The #Physicaltouch challenge became extremely popular throughout the pandemic and lockdown, which is awesome. As a result, a lot of people could identify with the findings because of social isolation and the no-physical-touch factor.

Unexpectedly Weird Things That Could Happen After the Quiz

A simple query like “Which type of touch would make me feel better?” may come to mind. However, the test has other ideas. Your opinions on affection, love, and intimacy might alter as a result of some of the findings. Therefore, plan accordingly.

You might learn something new about your sexuality.

The quiz challenges you to confront any erotic or fantastic tendencies you may have. As a result, when you read the results, you can learn about some previously unknown aspects of your sexual interests.

Your dearest friend could become your lover.

What if the physical contact that might kill you comes from a friend instead? After the exam, there are rumors that you might ask yourself, “Am I in love with my best friend?”

Your romantic life might be in doubt.

What if you’re already in a committed relationship but are still unsure of the kind of physical contact that would make you shiver? Does that imply you are a possessive individual? Does that imply that your partnership isn’t making you happy? We’ll see.

The findings contain some enlightening information that could alter how you perceive your current romantic situation.

You might become well-known.

About that, yes. Several #physicaltouch green screen TikToks have thousands of views, likes, and comments. Therefore, celebrity may be unavoidable after revealing your greatest aspirations to the world.

However, not every participant has the courage to share their fantasies of physical contact since, well, some of the findings are debatable.

No Joke, People Really Need to Touch Each Other

The image below shows search trends for “I need to be touched.” People are literally asking Google for help. (Talk about feeling lonely, eh?)

But that’s not all; a new study found that some kinds of physical contact, particularly those from close family and friends, might enhance your health. More frequent physical contact with a romantic partner, family, friends, and neighbors was linked to a lower risk of higher chronic inflammation after five years, according to science.

So, right, everything is amusing and stupid until you realize that loneliness will kill you. Just kidding, my lonely friend; everything will be alright.

Are you prepared to meet your physical destroyer?

Do you need a sweet hug right now? Do you wish to share a romantic moment by holding hands? Or do you have any inappropriate ideas and lewd impulses going through your head? The test exposes everything.

The test asks about backrubs, massages, caressing, holding, hugging, holding hands, kissing on the lips, and kissing on the face, among other common physical arousal behaviors. That’s not all, though. You might find more semi-odd, almost fetish-like cravings in your results.

How touch-starved you are will determine everything. Good luck with that, then.


The purpose of the test is to determine the type of physical contact you prefer. But because it uses comedy to liven up the outcomes, we encourage you to treat it lightly. If you believe any of the questions, choices, or outcomes are insulting or improper, kindly get in touch with us. We’ll deal with the situation as quickly as we can.

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I can't stand being touched by others


A person among people

Marina is 29 years old, has many friends, goes on dates, likes to dance... She gives the impression of a person who gets along with herself. Except for one thing: Marina cannot stand friendly hugs, other people's hands on her shoulder.

“I just cringe and sometimes I even start to choke when someone unexpectedly touches me. It's worse than being naked in public." Why is she so annoyed by ordinary gestures that another person would not pay attention to?

Invisible traces

“The body retains invisible traces of our past,” explains psychotherapist Margarita Zhamkochyan. - Often, those who are afraid of other people's touches had difficult tactile relationships with their parents in childhood, especially with their mother. This connection is best revealed by psychoanalysis: in the process of work, it often turns out that the mother squeezed the child too obsessively or, on the contrary, rarely hugged him.

If you carefully observe yourself, it may turn out that intolerance to touch is not of a general nature, but is directed at quite specific people - and often at the one who most attracts and causes a desire for intimacy. Perhaps there is a negative belief behind this: sex is always dirty and dangerous. It is also learned from parents and turns any touch into an indecent hint, almost an attempt, which must be resisted.

“In each case there is a different reason for the rejection of physical contact, but it always speaks of a person's desire to forget about the painful sensations experienced,” continues the psychotherapist.

The past is locked

“Hands remember!” we say when we remember some forgotten skill. We intuitively know that the body retains a memory of many of our past experiences. And we can describe our life in bodily images: “I was then very thin and weak”, “This scar is from those times when I fought all the time - then I could beat anyone”, “Grandma said that I have father’s hands” .

“Protecting ourselves from other people's touches, our body seems to be hiding something unpleasant from the past, from others and ourselves,” explains Margarita Zhamkochyan. “Sometimes a person may even experience imaginary skin diseases or other psychosomatic manifestations, as long as they don’t touch him – literally and figuratively.”

Boundary control

Of the five senses, only touch is mutual: not only do we touch the other, but he touches us. “If in a conversation someone starts touching me too often,” says 33-year-old Ksenia, “it immediately seems to me that he allows himself too much, almost manages me like property. It's annoying."

Many people find it difficult to draw boundaries between themselves and others: they either survive the invasion or attack themselves. Such people do not feel protected - either physically or psychologically - and instead of contacting the outside world, they defend themselves from it.

A person's main defense is inside: it is the feeling of one's “I”, oneself as a whole person

“Animals need external protective means to survive: shell, needles, claws…” says Margarita Zhamkochyan. - And a person has the main protection inside: this is the feeling of his "I", himself as an integral person who has the right to live among other people. And this protection makes us invulnerable to any intrusions, and therefore relieves us of painful experiences and the need to defend ourselves.

“As a child, I hated being patted on the cheek, being held close. I "fled" from adults - I dodged their hands, - recalls Svetlana, 28 years old. - I really began to suffer from physical contact at the age of 16. I blushed a lot when they only approached me - it doesn’t matter, a stranger or a friend. I developed eczema... Working with a psychoanalyst, I realized that the problem was in my confrontation with my mother: she wanted to completely own me, and I resisted it. To the extent that she turned her skin into a shell so that I would not be touched. Luckily, I've got over it now."

Advice to a stranger

Does he (she) avoid your kisses, dodges so as not to feel your hand on his shoulder? Do not get angry: in most cases, it is not you who are rejected, but the meaning that a person puts into your movements. Give in the initiative: for example, when meeting, do not try to hug, but say: “It's good that we met! Will you kiss me?" So you give the person the opportunity to resolve this issue himself and save him from the feeling of intrusion into personal space.

Offer a different greeting ritual, with or without touching, as long as it is pleasing to both.

What to do?

1. Investigate the reasons

Remind yourself of the most unpleasant touch and ask someone you trust to gently touch you that way. Listen to the feelings and associations that arise and mentally move back to the past. At some point, a forgotten memory will come - at first glance, not related to touch, but capable of suggesting how unpleasant experiences began.

2. Analyze the situation

What exactly is unpleasant for you in this touch? In what other situation or with another person was the same touch more acceptable to you? Such reflections will reduce anxiety.

3. Touch yourself

Learn to feel the pleasure of your own touch. Every evening, lubricate with cream and massage your hands, feet, use body milk. It will take the stress out of the day and also give you a pleasant and safe touch experience.

4. Strengthen your inner defenses

Feel exactly where in your body you feel your "I". Put your hand on this place. Describe the image that has arisen: is there light, space, form. What does it look like? Maybe this is a fire or a source . .. This will be your individual image of "I". If you do this exercise for 30-60 seconds once a week, you will notice how the image will gradually change and take a different place. This feeling of your “I”, that inner protection, will itself turn on at the right moments and support you.

About the expert

Margarita Zhamkochyan — psychotherapist, social psychologist, director of the psychological center of the Victoria Charitable Foundation.

Text: Olga Sulchinskaya Photo Source: Getty Images

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Textures of joy and sadness – News – IQ Research and Education Portal – National Research University Higher School of Economics

Touching various surfaces can evoke certain emotions. Psychologists came to this conclusion as a result of empirical research. Previously, emotional perception was studied mainly in visual and auditory modality. That is, the sensations of a person from what he saw or heard were considered. The new work made it possible to compile the first database of textures, touching which people associate with joy, fear, surprise, disgust, anger or sadness. The results of the study are published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition.

For analysis, Marina Iosifyan and Olga Korolkova invited 108 people aged 18 to 47 years. Each participant was blindfolded and asked to take turns touching different unknown surfaces with one hand. After touching each of the textures, the respondent was asked to rate on a 5-point scale how much the feeling of touch is associated with the six basic emotions. These include joy, fear, disgust, anger, surprise, and sadness.

A total of 21 textures were used in the experiment, namely: brick, granite, glass, glass shells (embossed), plasticine, leather, rabbit fur, metal sponge for washing dishes, rubber, velvet, silk, treated wood (smooth), prickly massage mat, raw wood (rough), tile, glass beads (smooth), sandpaper, marble, concrete, slime toy (its texture resembles slime) and clay.

After the respondents answered the researchers' questions, they were asked to take a test to determine the level of alexithymia. This is the name of the phenomenon in which a person has difficulty recognizing and describing their own emotions. The higher the level of alexithymia, the more difficult it is for him to distinguish and explain bodily sensations.

The results of the study showed that, in general, soft surfaces are more likely to evoke pleasant emotions, while hard surfaces are more unpleasant. However, this is not always the case. Plasticine, although soft, is associated with disgust. And glass pebbles, despite their hardness, are happy.

Basically, each of the textures offered to the respondents was associated with several emotions. So, a metal sponge for washing dishes caused fear, disgust, and anger at the same time. Almost all surfaces were perceived by the participants with surprise, which psychologists attribute to the blindfold effect. Also, emotional associations could be influenced by the sound that occurs when touching surfaces.

At the same time, the researchers noted the existence of differences in the intensity of felt emotions. So, if sadness was associated with tactile sensations from any surface, then only by 2 points out of 5.

People with a high level of alexithymia experienced negative emotions more intensely. Compared with other respondents, they were hypersensitive to disgust, anger and sadness.

Knowledge of what emotional associations arise with certain textures can be used in marketing (in the design of goods).

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