Tiger personality type
TIGER PEOPLE | "Born leader" is the key word for the Tigers. They are always in the lead and are most likely the ones to cry out "Let's Go"! Noble and Fearless, Tigers are respected for their courage, even from those working against them. Tiger people are daring fighters, they are capable of standing up to the better end for what they think is right. Although they could be selfish from time to time in the little things, they are capable of great generosity. Tigers are unpredictable, always tense. and like to be in a hurry. |
Tiger people are difficult to resist, for they are magnetic characters and their natural air of authority confers a certain prestige on them. They are tempestuous yet calm, warm-hearted yet fearsome, courageous in the face of danger yet yielding and soft in mysterious, unexpected places. |
| Tigers are very confident, perhaps too confident sometimes.
Because Tigers are urgent people and always in a hurry to get things done right, they usually choose to operate alone. Tigers like to work, they are hard-working and dynamic. If you assign a task to a Tiger, the job will be undertaken and accomplished with enthusiasm and efficiency. Tigers make money, but they are not directly interested in money. Still, the Tiger needs not worry about money: just when he fears the money is gone, more seems to show up. Tigers are sensitive, emotional. They are capable of great love, but they become too intense about it. They are also territorial and possessive, if you are a friend of a Tiger, he wants you to take his side against the bad guys and because the Tiger is so adorable, you often do. As lovers, Tigers are passionate and romantic, but the real challenge for the Tiger is to grasp the true meaning of moderation. |
(1 - least compatible, 100 - most compatible)Rat | 65 - In order to success, both must endure. | |
Ox | 33 - Almost impossible to make it work. | |
Tiger | 52 - Two tigers?! Not recommended. | >|
Rabbit | 46 - Difficult. Possible convenience marriage | |
Dragon | 76 - Despite minor difficulties, it's good for marriage. | |
Snake | 69 - Difficult to see what they could see in each other. | |
Horse | 86 - Why not, they have lots in commons. | |
Goat | 24 - One of the worst combinations. | |
Monkey | 81 - These two make eager loves. | |
Rooster | 55 - Not a balanced relationship. | |
Dog | 89 - Good! A balanced and harmonic relationship.![]() | |
Pig | 79 - They are very different, but this will work. |
Queen Elizabeth II | Marilyn Monroe | Sun, Yet San | C.A. Lindbergh | Karl Marx | Beethoven |
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Animal in You
Tiger Characteristics: Handsome • Discerning • Curious • Fashionable • Conceited
Scientific Name: Panthera tigris
Collective Term: A bolt of tigers
Poised, Graceful and Powerful
Tigers are handsome and powerful people with an innate self-confidence and elegance. There's a sense of immediacy and an aura of electricity that surrounds it, and when it walks into a room, it feels like something is about to happen. Once a tiger has found its groove, it will focus on its goal with a brightly burning intensity. Male tigers, when out of their element, are sometimes mistaken for beefcake, but when you see them in their offices wearing their power suits you’ll soon realize that you're dealing with incisive, authoritarian individuals.
Defining the Tiger Personality
In social situations, the tiger is an excellent host and there is no such thing as a casual party in its home. Guests can always expect a memorable occasion with an extravagance of food and drink, and yet, there is a distinct coldness to its den. Having sacrificed comfort for style, the tiger outfits its house with austere and modern furniture, and comfortably worn easy chairs are replaced every few years.
Unlike the family oriented lion, tigers are solitary creatures who hate to lie around doing nothing. In this regard they have more in common with wildcats and leopards, who are always on the move, and because of this antisocial aspect, it can be difficult to discern a tiger's true motives: They are considered unpredictable and enigmatic. They have a strong aversion to routine in their daily life, and their spontaneity and energy infect others who are graced with their presence.
The Tiger Personality's Career
Tigers dislike small talk in the workplace and expect professionalism from coworkers, demanding the highest standards in their business dealings. With their killer instincts, tigers make excellent trial lawyers and have no hesitation in using aggression to their advantage. Acutely aware of their ability to intimidate, its single-mindedness enhances the tiger's reputation as a force to be reckoned with.
Because of their preference for solitude, however, tigers are not natural leaders. While perfectly capable of assuming the role of a CEO, they prefer the challenges inherent in self-employment. Tiger businesses are invariably successful and cover a wide range of industries, from engineering to retailing.
Tigers in the Wild
The tiger is a magnificent animal and with its splendid carriage and sinuous grace, can grow to lengths of more than ten feet and weigh more than five hundred pounds. The tiger is an excellent swimmer but, unlike most members of the cat family, is a poor climber.
Male and female tigers come together only when the tigress is in heat for a period a few weeks. During this time the tiger will not tolerate the presence of other males and will fight to the death to control the female.
Adult tigers have no natural enemies except man, but they have an unusually high mortality rate from infected wounds caused by porcupine quills. Although largely protected from human hunting, pressure from civilization and development has kept the tiger population on the verge of extinction.
Careers & Hobbies
Trial Lawyer • CEO • Engineer • Self-employed
Adventure • Sports • Parties • Action movies
Love & Friendship
When single, tigers can be unsettled and promiscuous. But their emotional detachment should not be confused with a desire to avoid tenderness; for intimacy is the tiger's greatest sensual tool. Offering its lover some deeply held secrets adds another dimension of eroticism to its lovemaking.
Marry it? Yes. Tame it? Never! It's hard to put one's finger on why the tiger struggles to settle down, but one theory has it that the tiger views marriage as a threat to its independence, even though tigers that have been married for a while will tell you that matrimony can be quite agreeable. Maybe it’s their impossible search for the perfect partner that keeps them on the prowl, although more than likely, we'll never understand the darker forces that frame its fearful symmetry.
It's not easy to resist the charms of a tiger personality and the moment you meet one, you'll want to be president of its fan club. But there's a price to pay for hanging around such a compelling beast... the tiger's wit is sharp and its appetites monstrous.
Famous Tiger Personalities
Jack Nicholson
You don't stay at the top of the Hollywood pyramid for 40 years unless you're tiger personality. It takes the guile, resourcefulness, and engaging visage that makes Nicholson just ... Jack.
James Bond
OK. So Bond's not a real person. But there's no question that Ian Fleming wrote him to be a tiger personality. Sleek, well-groomed, and able to handle any dangerous situation.
Tiger Woods
Talk about picking the right name for your child. Tiger Woods is the tiger personified. Tall, athletic, good looking and incomparably competitive.
Who do modern marketers prefer?
You can find them in each of us. How to do this by linking scientific theory with marketing practice was discussed in detail at the “Find the Beast in Yourself” seminar organized by EFKO in Krasnoyarsk.
Branding, that is, the development of a trademark and its promotion on the market, is a complex matter. Its key task is to make a person fall in love with an inanimate object, to evoke positive emotions. In order to lure a buyer, you need to know not only his needs, but also, as it turned out, his personality psychotypes. And here you can’t do without special knowledge. For those who aspire to them, the Biryuch Innovation Center, together with the EFKO company, organized a training meeting.
The seminar turned out to be not only useful, but also interesting, even exciting. Its participants were able to delve a little into themselves, finding out what exactly comes first for them: family, career, financial wealth. And this, by the way, is already a big step in personal development.
But for a real specialist, it is important not only to understand yourself. It is also necessary to clearly understand for whom exactly it works, for what audience, what psychotype of personality this or that brand creates. Because there is no one size fits all product. And here you can use the classification of psychological types by Carl Jung, described by a famous psychiatrist back in the 20th century and adapted to our time. These are just those "tigers", "hares", "elephants", "dogs" beloved by marketers, cunning "foxes", and also "dolphins".
“The boundaries between psychotypes are blurred, but each has dominant features of a psychotype,” said Andrey Lebedev, brand director of the Biryuch company. - The more intelligent and self-confident a person is, the more harmoniously all psychotypes are combined in him.
Of course, one seminar will not reveal all the depths of modern marketing, but the organizers managed to captivate the participants, show where to move in their development. And the EFKO company continues to look for young and talented people, guaranteeing interesting work and personal growth. You can join the team, for example, by taking part in competitions that EFKO organizes in its social networks.
Tiger . Confident, quick-tempered and strong personality. Ambitious, loves risk and independence. People of this type most often become entrepreneurs. For marketers, successful tigers are a tasty morsel. For them, create original and elite brands.
Elephant . The key trait is solidity and the need for dominance. Conservative and authoritarian, a little stubborn and always gets things done. Elephants are career oriented and high social status. They love solid brands with luxury elements.
Fox . This type of personality is not liked by brand managers. The main qualities are cunning, calculation and rationality. "Fox" is not driven by emotions, she is a strategist. Product packaging for such people should contain detailed information, and the price should not stand out from the average segment.
Hare . Fearful and driven are the defining characteristics of this psychotype. The key need is safety. Goods for hares symbolize protection, tenderness and care.
"Dog" . Favorite psychotype of a marketer, loyal and friendly people who try to maintain a favorable atmosphere around them. They value family. For people of this type, the packaging of goods should be tasty and voluminous: something that “is not ashamed to put on a plate. ”
Dolphin . Trustworthy, sociable and playful. The main need is to enjoy life. A brand for dolphins should be bright, cheerful and sure to bring pleasure.
Main page CATEGORIES: Archeology TOP 10 on the site Preparation of disinfectant solutions of various concentrations Technique of the lower direct ball delivery. Franco-Prussian War (causes and consequences) Organization of work of the treatment room Semantic and mechanical memorization, their place and role in the assimilation of knowledge Communication barriers and ways to overcome them Processing of reusable medical devices Samples of journalistic style text Four types of rebalancing Problems with answers for the All-Russian Olympiad in Law We will help you write your papers! DID YOU KNOW? The influence of society on a person Preparation of disinfectant solutions of various concentrations Practical work in geography for grade 6 Organization of work of the treatment room Changes in inanimate nature in autumn Treatment room cleaning Solfeggio. Beam systems. Determination of support reactions and pinching moments | ⇐ PreviousPage 21 of 42Next ⇒ The Tiger is energy personified. He is a frondeur, often quite undisciplined. He has a quick temper, he always rebels against the senior in rank. He is from the tree from which revolutionaries are made, _ leaders. Unfortunately, like all leaders, he does not always deserve the trust that he is given, and when he shouts "Forward!", As in business, so in love, as well as in war, people should think before acting, and sometimes even restrain him for the tails. The tiger could bring disaster. He has a great taste for risk, up to recklessness, to unconscious actions, it is difficult to resist his magnetism. His natural power gives him some prestige. He hates to obey, but he makes others obey. He is respected. No one dares to tell him the truth. And even when they try to destroy him, he is respected and honored. If he can think before acting and listen to advice about caution, he can achieve great success. Tiger-man A sharp, quick-tempered fighter, he is able to sacrifice himself for the cause. Stubborn and stubborn, litigious and petty, he is often in conflict with someone. An egoist in small things, he is capable of disinterestedness in great deeds. Narrow-minded, he doesn't trust anyone. The tiger always goes ahead, despises established authority, hierarchy and conservative minds. Paradoxically, he can retreat before making an important decision until the moment when it is too late to make it. A tiger can be a military commander or a leader of an enterprise. He can even become a dangerous gangster. He will love all activities that involve risk. The same applies to the Tiger women, who will be the first to declare war.
Straight Tiger will not be interested in money, but he will be able to make a fortune. This is a man of extraordinary action. Tiger Woman Tiger Women will have many adventures that can often end badly. Ideal marriages A tiger in the house can save you from three great misfortunes: from a thief, from fire, from cunning people. However, if there are two tigers in the house, one of them must disappear. The Tiger can connect his life with the honest Horse, the Dragon, which will bring him strength and caution, with the Dog, which will always be there to defend great things. The Tiger must avoid the very smart Snake, which will understand this, and the Monkey, which is too cunning for him. However, the Tiger is in constant danger. In love, friendship and business, he should not trust the Monkey, unscrupulous and dexterous enough to fool him.
to annoy the Tiger, the Cat will climb a tree where a much heavier Tiger cannot climb, and pee on his face. In fact, they perfectly understand each other, as they belong to the same species. If Tiger - is a man, a woman...
In this marriage, the spouses need to come to a compromise in relations with the outside world. It is better for a wife to forget about the existence of strangers. The jealousy of the Tiger knows no bounds. The openness of the Rat woman delights such a husband only at home. Let's hope that mutual love and admiration will help overcome difficulties in sexual life. In economic terms, the marriage is beautiful. Buffalo Two wills, two loves. In real life, spouses have almost no common ground. She is a hostess, and even energetic, ruthless, demanding the same active tee from her husband. He is a servant and, moreover, loving peace, comfort, silence, not very energetic, an esthete by nature. A strong-willed husband cannot survive humiliation. The marriage has very little chance of being saved. But suddenly a miracle happens, and the hostess takes pity on her stupid and passive (from her point of view) husband, then life together is possible. However, look at the situation. Love will be replaced by jealousy ... you won't advise taking risks. Tiger Marriage is private. The wife, warmed by the love of her husband, completely dissolves in him. The husband's opinion is her
opinion. This is the standard of marriage of associates. In their house there will be silence * on, peace and comfort, the cult of food is quite possible. Cat/Rabbit Spiritual searches have something to rely on here, spouses belong to take-off signs that can materialize the word. The main thing is not to reduce this high style of relations to banal everyday conflicts: take-off signs do not like to do housework. The husband should forget about home construction, help his wife in everything. The wife should reduce her circle of acquaintances and focus on her husband. Only in this way will you avoid his terrible jealousy. Dragon Marriage is literally saturated with romanticism and dreams. The wife combines this with perseverance and determination. Snake The marriage of these two signs is somewhat aesthetic. Both are aristocrats not only in their souls, but also in their behavior, manner of dressing, striving for comfort and tranquility. Constant interpenetration, the need to live in each other's interests for a long time does not let go of love from this union.
Variant of an unstable marriage, where centrifugal tendencies are strong due to the energetic, open character of the wife and the leisurely, esoteric character of the husband. Goat/Sheep A catastrophe may become inevitable, despite the fact that the spouses are perfect for each other: a tender, sexy, familial wife and a loving, jealous husband. The pressure of the master-husband can be excessive - a sensitive wife is unlikely to withstand this. And the husband will be at a loss from her constant tantrums. What to wish? Don't breathe, freeze... Monkey This marriage is one of the most successful romantic marriages. The congenital aristocracy and intelligence of the spouses allow them to keep their feelings intact for a long time, not to yield to everyday life.
Rooster Marriage based on significant differences, where, over time, a sense of proportion becomes the main thing. A husband will never achieve from his wife such an absolute submission that he desires. Do not be jealous of the chosen one to the whole world. The wife must apply all her skill and talent to create an exquisite, ideal, and most importantly, calm home. Endless guests will only annoy the husband. The entire household in this marriage falls on the wife, it is difficult to force the husband to do anything around the house. Dog Purposeful, rather strong-willed nature of the wife does not allow her to live only in the interests of the family. The husband should not be jealous of her constantly emerging plans, ideas, her employment. Boar/Pig Both spouses are aesthetic signs. This is a wonderful additional quality for spiritual quests. The main thing is that the priority of one's own personality does not take precedence over spiritual unity. Much depends on the husband, since the Pig woman can exist in a huge range of life options. It is in his power to make her prefer a spiritual orientation. Life shouldn't be a problem. The wife simply will not notice that the husband has withdrawn himself from household chores.
A tiger born day or night should never expect a quiet life. However, he does not want her. Filled with accidents, his life will be passionate, stormy. And this life, the taste for risk, will push him to constantly play it. The first phase of Titra's life will be calm, without difficulties, the second - passionate and stormy. He will have to solve problems of all kinds: financial, personal relationships, marital - he will not be spared from anything. If these problems are not fully resolved, they may carry over into the third phase, which, however, will end up bringing him peace and tranquility if he lives to old age. Newer will depend on whether the Tiger was born at night or during the day. Born at night, especially around midnight, the Tiger will be freed from snares of all kinds and his life will be less turbulent in contrast to the Tiger who was born after sunrise, especially at noon. He will be passionate, sharp, exposed to many dangers. In any case, he will never be sad. Metal Tiger, 1950 The Metal Tiger has a very persistent character. He is vain, and although his plans may change from time to time, he will work selflessly until he achieves
his own. However, he is very impatient and quickly loses his temper if things don't go as planned. He has a bright appearance, he is respected, admired. Water Tiger, 1902.1962 This Tiger has versatile interests and loves experimental and research work. He has a flexible, penetrating mind, he is kind. Despite the fact that he can sometimes be surprisingly indecisive, in moments of crisis he always maintains restraint and calmness. He has an easy relationship with others, thanks to his abilities, he usually always achieves what he wants. The Water Tiger has an extremely rich imagination, and among his brethren there are many excellent speakers or talented writers.
The Wood Tiger has a pleasant, friendly disposition. Fire Tiger, 1926.1986 Whatever the Fire Tiger undertakes, he does everything with vivacity and enthusiasm. He is a man of action and is always ready to devote himself completely to what attracts him. _ He has certain leadership qualities and the ability to infect others with his enthusiasm. He is an unconditional optimist. He has a pleasant, benevolent character, he is witty and an excellent speaker.
This Tiger is responsible and balanced. He tries to be objective and fair in his judgments. Unlike other types of Tiger, he is more inclined to devote himself to one thing entirely, but sometimes he is so passionate that he does not take into account the opinions of others. |