Thought challenging worksheet
Challenging Negative Automatic Thoughts: 5 Worksheets (+PDF)
Automatic thoughts are images, words, or other kinds of mental activity that pop into your head in response to a trigger.
These thoughts can seem mundane or unimportant, but they can, in fact, be extremely impactful. The types of automatic thoughts a person has can affect their health outcomes as well as their overall quality of life.
This article will cover what automatic thinking is and how it affects people’s lives, what automatic thoughts look like, and how to break the cycle of negativity with positive thoughts.
Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Emotional Intelligence Exercises for free. These science-based exercises will not only enhance your ability to understand and work with your emotions but will also give you the tools to foster the emotional intelligence of your clients, students, or employees.
This Article Contains:
- What Is Automatic Thinking?
- Our Cognitive Bias: Construction of the Self-Concept
- Aaron Beck’s Cognitive Triad
- 50+ Examples of Positive and Negative Automatic Thoughts
- Cognitive Restructuring of Core Beliefs and Automatic Thoughts
- 5 CBT Worksheets For Challenging Negative Self-Talk and Automatic Thoughts
- A Take-Home Message
- References
What Is Automatic Thinking?
Automatic thinking refers to automatic thoughts that stem from beliefs people hold about themselves and the world (Soflau & David, 2017). Automatic thoughts can be considered “surface-level, non-volitional, stream-of-consciousness cognitions” that “can appear in the form of descriptions, inferences, or situation-specific evaluations” (Soflau & David, 2017).
As the name indicates, these automatic thoughts cannot be controlled by people directly, since they are reflexive reactions based on the beliefs people hold about themselves and the world. However, people can indirectly control these thoughts by challenging the beliefs that lead to them.
Relevant research into automatic thinking began with Aaron Beck’s research into how negative automatic thoughts affect the development of depression (Beck et al., 1979). Before long, researchers decided that positive automatic thoughts were also important to study, and particularly the relationship between both positive and negative automatic thoughts (Ingram & Wisnicki, 1988).
Studies have indicated that there are a variety of consequences of being disposed toward negative automatic thoughts rather than positive automatic thoughts.
In a study by Riley et al., their focus was on the relationship between automatic thoughts and depression in a research group of people living with HIV/AIDS. They found that in people with both depression and HIV/AIDS, negative automatic thoughts are associated with depressive symptoms, and vice versa (Riley et al., 2017).
In athletes, negative automatic thoughts can lead to burnout (Chang et al., 2017). Finally, in a sample of university students, negative automatic thoughts led to more mental health symptoms and decreased levels of self-esteem (Hicdurmaz et al., 2017).
Our Cognitive Bias: Construction of the Self-Concept
Self-concept refers to how people perceive themselves and their past experiences, their abilities, their prospects for the future, and any other aspects of the self.
Aaron Beck’s cognitive triad (discussed below) deals with self-concept and the construction of the self. The basic idea of how our self-concepts and cognitive biases affect our lives has to do with automatic thoughts.
For example, someone with a negative self-referential schema is more likely to take things personally, leading to automatic thoughts like “People are not talking to me because I am an unlikable person,” rather than exploring other possibilities (Disner et al., 2017). A negative self-referential schema can also lead to more severe symptoms of depression.
Most importantly, a negative self-concept can lead to an unending cycle of negative thoughts.
This is because people with negative self-referential schemas exhibit attentional biases. For example, when asked to decide whether an adjective describes themselves or not, people with depression are more likely than a control group to select negative adjectives (Disner et al., 2017).
Depressive people also show an attentional bias by being quicker than healthy the control group to endorse negative adjectives and quicker to reject positive adjectives (Disner et al., 2017).
In turn, being likelier to endorse negative adjectives is correlated with longer depressive episodes (as reported afterward), demonstrating the cycle of negativity.
Aaron Beck’s Cognitive Triad
According to psychiatrist Aaron Beck and colleagues,
“[the] cognitive triad consists of three major cognitive patterns that induce the patient to regard himself, his future, and his experiences in an idiosyncratic manner.”
According to Beck’s cognitive triad, someone who is depressed will automatically have a negative view of themselves, their experiences (that is, the things that the world around them causes to happen to them), and their future. According to this model, “the other signs and symptoms of the depressive syndrome” are “consequences of the activation of the negative cognitive patterns” (Beck et al., 1979).
According to Beck, this is because a depressed person “tends to perceive his present, his future, and the outside world (the cognitive triad) in a negative way and consequently shows a biased interpretation of his experiences, negative expectancies as to the probable success of anything he undertakes, and a massive amount of self-criticism” (Beck et al. , 1979).
In other words, people who are depressed have a negative view of themselves and their lives, and these negative views lead to further symptoms of depression.
These symptoms of depression often then lead people to have a negative view of themselves and their lives, creating a cycle of negativity.
50+ Examples of Positive and Negative Automatic Thoughts
So, how do automatic thoughts actually present themselves? Since automatic thinking research began with negative thoughts, we’ll start with negative automatic thoughts.
According to the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire (ATQ-30) developed by Steven Hollon and Philip Kendall in 1980, some examples of negative automatic thoughts include:
“I feel like I’m up against the world.” “I’m no good.” “Why can’t I ever succeed?” “No one understands me.” “I’ve let people down.” “I don’t think I can go on.” “I wish I were a better person. ![]() “I’m so weak.” “My life’s not going the way I want it to.” “I’m so disappointed in myself.” “Nothing feels good anymore.” “I can’t stand this anymore.” “I can’t get started.” “What’s wrong with me?” “I wish I were somewhere else.” | “I can’t get things together.” “I hate myself.” “I’m worthless.” “Wish I could just disappear.” “What’s the matter with me?” “I’m a loser.” “My life is a mess.” “I’m a failure.” “I’ll never make it.” “I feel so helpless.” “Something has to change.” “There must be something wrong with me.” “My future is bleak.” “It’s just not worth it.” “I can’t finish anything.” |
The revised version of the automatic thoughts questionnaire (ATQ-R) (Kendall et al., 1989), which is a measure still used as a basis for automatic thinking research (Koseki et al., 2013), lists the following positive items as additional examples of automatic thoughts (along with the 30 negative thoughts listed above):
“I’m proud of myself.![]() “I feel fine.” “No matter what happens, I know I’ll make it.” “I can accomplish anything.” “I feel good.” | “I’m warm and comfortable.” “I feel confident I can do anything I set my mind to.” “I feel very happy.” “This is super!” “I’m luckier than most people.” |
According to Rick Ingram and Kathy Wisnicki (1988), some more examples of positive automatic thoughts include:
“I am respected by my peers.” “I have a good sense of humor.” “My future looks bright.” “I will be successful.” “I’m fun to be with.” “I am in a great mood.” “There are many people who care about me.” “I’m proud of my accomplishments.” “I will finish what I start.” “I have many good qualities.” “I am comfortable with life.” “I have a good way with others.” “I am a lucky person.” “I have friends who support me.” “Life is exciting.” | “I enjoy a challenge.” “My social life is terrific. ![]() “There’s nothing to worry about.” “I’m so relaxed.” “My life is running smoothly.” “I’m happy with the way I look.” “I take good care of myself.” “I deserve the best in life.” “Bad days are rare.” “I have many useful qualities.” “There is no problem that is hopeless.” “I won’t give up.” “I state my opinions with confidence.” “My life keeps getting better.” “Today I’ve accomplished a lot.” |
Cognitive Restructuring of Core Beliefs and Automatic Thoughts
Positive automatic thoughts can offset the negative effects of both negative automatic thoughts and stress in general.
For example, people with frequent positive automatic thoughts are likely to respond to stress by feeling that their lives are more meaningful, while people with infrequent positive automatic thoughts are likely to respond to stress by feeling that their lives are less meaningful (Boyraz & Lightsey, 2012).
Furthermore, higher levels of positive automatic thoughts are correlated with higher levels of happiness (Lightsey, 1994).
This indicates that in order to have better mental health outcomes, one should reduce their negative automatic negative thoughts and increase their positive automatic thoughts. This is because negative thinking is natural and it’s impossible to completely eliminate it, but outweighing negative thoughts with positive thoughts is possible.
One way to do this is with cognitive restructuring (CR), which involves (Hope et al., 2010):
- Identification of problematic cognitions known as automatic thoughts;
- Identification of the cognitive distortions in the automatic thoughts;
- A rational disputation of automatic thoughts with Socratic dialogue;
- Development of a rational rebuttal to the automatic thoughts.
Research in CR with automatic thoughts indicates that effective CR might focus on negative self-evaluative automatic thoughts, especially ones triggered by certain situations.
One example could be someone whose automatic thought when faced with an uncomfortable situation is, “I don’t know what to say” (Hope et al., 2010). Focusing on this type of thought is helpful because it can easily be disproved with exposure and role-playing.
Another effective CR method when dealing with other-referent automatic thoughts (as opposed to self-referent automatic thoughts) is to minimize the consequences of the negative automatic thoughts. For example, a person could ask herself, “So what if she thinks you are boring?”
Aside from CR, research indicates that people with higher levels of dispositional mindfulness are less likely to experience automatic negative thoughts, potentially because they can more easily let go of negative thoughts or direct their attention elsewhere (Frewen et al., 2008).
That study also indicated that a mindfulness intervention derived from both mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy was effective at reducing negative thoughts.
This indicates that along with positive thinking, mindfulness is another way to counteract negative automatic thinking.
5 CBT Worksheets for Challenging Negative Self-Talk and Automatic Thoughts
For practical ways to challenge and dispute negative automatic thinking, one can try using one of these worksheets.
They’re based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy, commonly referred to as CBT.
Getting Rid of ANTS: Automatic Negative Thoughts
This simple worksheet starts out by offering some information about automatic thoughts and their consequences.
The rest of the worksheet is split into three columns: Trigger, Automatic Negative Thought (ANT), and Adaptive Thought, and aims to help people understand and dispute (if necessary) their automatic thoughts. This worksheet is a great introduction to automatic thoughts.
Identifying ANTs: Challenging Different Types of Automatic Thought
Identifying ANTS gives an overview of ten different types of ANTS and what they look like in daily life.
In the space provided, you can practice identifying each type of ANT, to help you better understand your subconscious thoughts and take the first step toward replacing them.
Along with the exercise, you’ll find five Challenge Questions you can use to tackle each ANT when you notice it popping up.
Thought/Feeling Record Worksheet
This worksheet focuses on specific negative automatic thoughts, one at a time, and examine what triggers them, as well as their consequences.
This exercise can help people understand their negative automatic thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts. It’s excellent for someone looking to extensively examine their individual thoughts.
Positive Replacement Thoughts Worksheet
This Positive Replacement Thoughts Worksheet also asks users to list all the automatic negative thoughts that come to their minds, then asks them to thoughtfully come up with alternative positive thoughts with which they can replace the negative thoughts.
It is more concise than the two Thought Records above, and since it does not offer information about automatic thoughts, it is a good option for someone who understands the concept and is ready to start replacing their negative thoughts with positive ones.
Questions for Challenging Thoughts
Another simple resource, this one-page worksheet serves as an appendix of questions focused on challenging automatic thoughts.
It includes a list of questions that users can use to dispute negative thoughts, and works well with any of the other Automatic Thoughts exercises on this page.
This straightforward tool is a great grab-and-go option for people who want to use Socratic Questioning and fact-checking techniques in dealing with automatic negative thoughts.
A Take-Home Message
Negative automatic thinking not only leads to poor mental health outcomes, but it can also lead to a cycle of negativity—certain mental health issues can lead to increased negative thoughts, and vice versa.
While these thoughts can seem impossible to avoid, it’s possible to use positive thinking to counteract them. And through CBT methods, people can train themselves to think more positive thoughts in general.
At times, “the power of positive thinking” sounds like it’s just a pseudo-inspirational cliché. In this case, though, having healthy beliefs about oneself can lead to more positive automatic thoughts, which can indeed be beneficial.
Most importantly, thinking positive thoughts and having positive beliefs is absolutely free of cost, so it doesn’t hurt to try it out.
What do you think of negative automatic thoughts? Have you ever confronted your negative automatic thoughts, and if so, how did you do it? We’d love to know your thoughts in the comments below.
We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Emotional Intelligence Exercises for free.
- Beck, A. T., Rush, A. J., Shaw, B. F., & Emery, G. (1979). Cognitive Therapy of Depression.
New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
- Boyraz, G., & Lightsey, O. R. (2012). Can Positive Thinking Help? Positive Automatic Thoughts as Moderators of the Stress-Meaning Relationship. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 82(2), 267-277.
- Chang, K. H., Lu, F. J. H., Chyi, T., Hsu, Y. W., Chan, S. W., & Wang, E. T. W. (2017). Examining the stress-burnout relationship: the mediating role of negative thoughts. PeerJ, 5(1), e4181.
- Disner, S. G., Shumake, J. D., & Beevers, C. G. (2017). Self-referential schemas and attentional bias predict severity and naturalistic course of depression symptoms. Cognition & Emotion, 31(4), 632-644.
- Frewen, P. A., Evans, E. M., Maraj, N., Dozois, D. J. A., & Partridge, K. (2008). Letting Go: Mindfulness and Negative Automatic Thinking. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 32(6), 758-774.
- Hicdurmaz, D., Inci, F., & Karahan, S. (2017). Predictors of Mental Health Symptoms, Automatic Thoughts, and Self-Esteem Among University Students.
Psychological Reports, 120(4), 650-669.
- Hollon, S. D., & Kendall, P. C. (1980). Cognitive self-statements in depression: Development of an automatic thoughts questionnaire. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 4(4), 383-395.
- Hope, D. A., Burns, J. A., Hayes, S. A., Herbert, J. D., & Warner, M. D. (2010). Automatic Thoughts and Cognitive Restructuring in Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 34(1), 1-12.
- Ingram, R. E., & Wisnicki, K. S. (1988). Assessment of Positive Automatic Cognition. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56(6), 898-902.
- Kendall, P. C., Howard, B. L., & Hays, R. C. (1989). Self-referent speech and psychopathology: The balance of positive and negative thinking. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 13(6), 583-598.
- Koseki, S., Noda, T., Yokoyama, S., Kunisato, Y., Ito, D., Suyama, H., Matsuda, T., Sugimura, Y.
, Ishihara, N., Shimizu, Y., Nakazawa, K., Yoshida, S., Arima, K., & Suzuki, S. (2013). The relationship between positive and negative automatic thought and activity in the prefrontal and temporal cortices: A multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 151(1), 352-359.
- Lightsey, O. R. (1994). Thinking Positive as a Stress Buffer – The Role of Positive Automatic Cognitions in Depression and Happiness. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 41(3), 325-334.
- Rana, M., Sthapit, S., & Sharma, V. D. (2017). Assessment of Automatic Thoughts in Patients with Depressive Illness at a Tertiary Hospital in Nepal. Journal of the Nepal Medical Association, 56(206), 248-255
- Riley, K. E., Lee, J. S., & Safren, S. A. (2017). The Relationship Between Automatic Thoughts and Depression in a Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for People Living with HIV/AIDS: Exploring Temporality and Causality. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 41(5), 712-719.
- Soflau, R., & David, D. O. (2017). A Meta-Analytical Approach of the Relationships Between the Irrationality of Beliefs and the Functionality of Automatic Thoughts. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 41(2), 178-192.
8 Printable Negative Self-Talk Worksheets for 2023
by Jessa Pangilinan
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Negative self-talk is one of the most difficult habits to avoid. More often than not, we find ourselves thinking or saying things we do not mean to, allowing our inner demons to come out and play.
In moments like this, how do you deal with those voices?
How do you shift your thoughts and feelings and have a positive mindset?
In this post, we share with you seven printable negative self-talk worksheets that can help you challenge and change your thoughts. Think of it as a form of meditation—it’s time to rewire your brain and start manifesting your dreams.
Let’s check them out!
What You Will Learn
- 1. 14-Step Guide to Stopping Negative Self Talk
- 2. Challenging Negative Thoughts
- 3. On Fighting Negative Self-Talk
- 4. Positive Self-Talk for Middle Schoolers
- 5. How to Challenge Negative Thoughts
- 6. Positive and Negative Thoughts
- 7. Changing Thoughts
- 8. Challenge and Reframe Negative Thoughts
- Final Thoughts on Negative Self-Talk Worksheets
1. 14-Step Guide to Stopping Negative Self Talk
Download PDF
Here’s one we have personally designed for you—a step-by-step guide to stop your negative self-talk habit. As you can see, it consists of 14 steps that focus not just on the way you talk to yourself, but also the way you think. Ultimately, it is centered on mindfulness.
Using this worksheet can help you reframe your thoughts and rewire your brain. Here at HappierHuman, we believe that mindfulness is one of the most critical values for achieving sincere happiness and life satisfaction. Sometimes we just need to let our minds achieve peace and clarity.
If you want a simple yet meaningful worksheet on how to stop your negative self-talk, we suggest downloading this template!
2. Challenging Negative Thoughts
Designed by Therapist Aid and inspired by J.S. Beck’s book on cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), this worksheet aims to help people challenge their negative thoughts and self-talk by considering another person’s perspective. Each question allows you to talk to yourself in a more objective manner, making it seem like you are talking to a friend or family member.
Therapist Aid provides a disclaimer, stating that the worksheet assumes that the person answering has some basic knowledge of CBT. We have analyzed the questions and think they are still answerable, even if you have no knowledge of CBT. As long as you take the time to answer them, you will be able to assess yourself.
Try this worksheet when you have free time to challenge your negative thoughts. You can also build your goals, dreams, and plans after analyzing your answers.
3. On Fighting Negative Self-Talk
This is a rather fun worksheet to fill out. It was designed by Natalie Harney, an illustrator who struggled with fighting her inner demons before eventually becoming successful. She shares this worksheet in her blog to help more people silence the negative thoughts in their minds and become happier and healthier.
According to Harney, this worksheet helped a lot in honing her creativity and productivity. For her, breaking down negative thoughts and actually turning them into positive ones is one of the keys to success and happiness. This might also work for you, so we suggest getting a pen and paper and start writing down your thoughts and feelings.
You will need a separate paper when answering this negative self-talk worksheet, as it is simply a diagram without an answer sheet. Use your journal if you have one.
4. Positive Self-Talk for Middle Schoolers
Centervention believes that a positive mindset is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety. We agree, since there is a lot of research to back up this claim. Some studies even suggest that having a positive outlook on life can boost our immune system and make you physically healthy.
This positive self-talk worksheet aims to guide middle schoolers to practice positive thinking as early as their teenage years.
We have checked out this printable and also think it is a good fit for young adults. If you have teenagers or young adults at home, we suggest printing this sheet out for them.
5. How to Challenge Negative Thoughts
Atrapamente says that negative thinking is one of the most common problems people deal with. Dwelling on those thoughts will not take you anywhere, so it is a good idea to take steps to overcome them.
Check out these questions from Atrapamente and treat them as journal prompts whenever you write. Prepare a separate sheet of paper or dedicate a page from your journal where you can assess your thoughts and feelings. You don’t need to answer them all at once; one or two every day or week should suffice.
6. Positive and Negative Thoughts
Here’s a simple worksheet from Mylemarks that works for all ages. You will need to write down your negative thoughts first and then turn them into positive ones. As the organization says, your thoughts can help you determine how you will handle the situation you are in.
Negative thoughts will only make your stress and anxiety worse. If you want to live a happier and healthier life, you need to start learning how to live with a positive mindset—and these worksheets can help you with that.
7. Changing Thoughts
Here’s another worksheet from Mylemarks that is slightly more detailed. Maybe you can download and print both, using the previous one for your general thoughts and this one for your specific thoughts.

This is one of our favorite worksheets on this list. It’s not just about printing out the worksheet and answering it; you also have to follow a step-by-step procedure for changing and challenging your negative thoughts. MindMyPeelings goes the extra mile to help you overcome your negative thinking.
If you decide to use their worksheet, they have an entire article that talks about how you can handle your negative thoughts and turn them into positive ones. This is related to how you are supposed to answer their worksheet.
Final Thoughts on Negative Self-Talk WorksheetsWe hope that you were able to find the best negative self-talk worksheets for your situation. You can try one or all of the worksheets on this list and see which one works best for you.
It is ok to have negative thoughts sometimes, but it is important not to dwell on them. Change them into positive thoughts and thrive!
Worksheets in the literature lesson as a tool for comprehensive assessment in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard OOO
Savinova Diana Borisovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU secondary school No. 15, Neryungri RS (Ya)[email protected]
Worksheets at the lesson of literature as a tool for a comprehensive assessment in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC
Annotation. In my article, I will present the experience of creating worksheets, which, in my opinion, help to improve the quality of knowledge, allow students to achieve the highest productivity of independent work of students in the classroom, and also allow for a comprehensive assessment of the formation of students' competencies. Key words: work with information, an integrated system assessments, meta-subject results, universal learning activities. nine0003
Any work in any lesson is work with information that requires certain actions. The new GEF defines, in addition to the subject, meta-subject and personal results of mastering the main educational program. I understand that these results can be achieved within the framework of a lesson on the subject material. And the assessment of students' activities should become comprehensive in order to reflect not only subject, but also meta-subject skills of students. In high school, the study of the biography of a writer, a poet usually takes place traditionally: chronological tables, lectures, questions ... The amount of information is large, the activation of students' mental activity is zero. At best, they will patiently read the proposed material. Worksheets are designed to put the student in an active position towards the content of the text. So that the educational text becomes a means for the implementation of various mental operations (meta-subject methods of activity). The worksheet is a biography of the writer (poet) (example 1), adapted for the student's independent work: the necessary illustrative material, documents are added; some facts are presented in a streamlined, veiled manner; something is hidden, generalized, etc. The following is a series of questions and tasks for students (example 2).
Answering the question, completing the task, the student repeatedly rereads the text, returns to the information with which he must perform various operations: analysis, synthesis, identification of causal relationships, generalization, etc. The goal of the teacher - evaluating various educational activities - is implemented through an analytical table (example 3), which lists the skills of students. Each student is evaluated by the number of completed tasks designed to test different skills. Thus, the assessment becomes complex, taking into account the subject and meta-subject modes of action of students. nine0003
Example 1.
XFigure 1
THE FATE OF A HUMAN IN A TOTALITAR STATE. THE CASE OF MANDELSHTAM Perhaps there is no other poet whose fate would be so closely connected with creativity as that of Mandelstam. Fate and creativity, like intertwined snakes, pass through his whole life, leaving their imprint on everything. Osip Emilievich Mandelstam was born in Warsaw on January 15, 1891 in the family of a small businessman who traded in the sale and processing of leather. Mandelstam graduated from the Tenishev School, one of the best Petersburg schools. He spent his holidays in Pavlovsk, in Finland, in the Baltic states. The school gave him a solid knowledge in the humanities. Already in his school years, Osip Mandelstam began to become interested in poetry, music, and theater. The director of the Tenishevsky School V.V. contributed to the expansion and deepening of his literary interests. Gippius, symbolist poet. At 1907 1910 Mandelstam makes his first connections with the literary environment. He becomes a visitor to the so-called "tower" of Vyacheslav Ivanov, the apartment of this poet, where writers regularly gathered, mainly sharing his ideological and aesthetic searches and convictions with the owner of the house: Mikhail Kuzmin, Valery Bryusov, Alexander Blok, Fyodor Sologub. In 1911, Mandelstam entered the Faculty of History and Philology. By this time, he firmly entered the literary environment, he had contacts with the "Workshop of Poets" organized by N.
Gumilyov: A. Akhmatova, S. Gorodetsky, V. Narbut, M. Zenkevich. This connection will determine his literary experience. At 1913 Osip Mandelstam's first book "Stone" was published. This collection immediately placed the author in the ranks of mature and significant poets. In the first part of "Stone" Mandelstam combines the "sternness of Tyutchev" with the "gray song" of Verlaine, where "vague and clear are merged". Here, indeed, there is a kind of “two worlds”, the opposition of the earthly transient reality to the higher eternal world. In the second half of the “Stone”, in contrast to the deliberate sound writing and decorativeness, the “classical” form of the verse reigns, the equilibrium economy of style and image. At the same time, Mandelstam transforms mystical symbols into complex but tangible analogies, and secrets into intellectual problems, riddles. The key to this method is already in the title of the book. The name "stone" can be perceived as an anagram (try to rearrange the letters in the word) of the word AKME (this is the Greek word for the last (taken a month before his death) photograph of Mandelstam from a personal file in Butyrka prison.
August 1938the highest point of development, flowering, but also the point of a stone, is related in origin to the Indo-European word akmen - "stone"). The twenties for Mandelstam were a time of intensive and varied creative work. New poems were created, a new poetry collection "Tristia" (1922) was published. The poet continued to publish articles on literature, and his selected critical articles from 1910 to 1924 made up the collection On Poetry (1928). Mandelstam devoted a lot of time and effort to translation work. There were made, often dictated on a typewriter, translations of Jules Romain's "Dumbass", Georges Duhamel's "Letters to my friend Patagonian", Albert Daudistel's "Sacrifice", Frank Heller's "One Thousand and Second Night", William Sinclair's "Machine" and others. With great and loving attention the poet worked on translations from Walter Scott. From the beginning 1930s (until 1937, when Mandelstam wrote his last poems in Voronezh), Mandelstam's poetry accumulates the energy of challenge and "high" civil indignation, dating back to the ancient Roman poet Juvenal: A human pitiful charred mouth / Resents and "no" says.
This is how a masterpiece of civic lyrics is born “For the explosive prowess of the coming centuries...”
In the autumn of 1933, Osip Mandelstam wrote a short poem:
, The Kremlin mountaineer will be commemorated there. His fat fingers, like worms, are fat, And his words, like pood weights, are true. The cockroaches are laughing, and their tops are shining. And around him is a rabble of thin-necked leaders, He plays with the services of half-humans, Who meows who cries, who whimpers, Only he babaches and pokes. Like a horseshoe, a decree forges a decree Who in the groin, who in the forehead, who in the eyebrow, who in the eye. Whatever his execution, then raspberries And the broad chest of an Ossetian. nine0003
On the night of May 13-14, 1934, Osip Mandelstam was arrested. When it became known that Mandelstam was arrested for poems about Stalin, the poet's friends and relatives realized that there was nothing to hope for. And even earlier, before his arrest, everyone who knew these poems had no doubt that he would pay for them with his life. And suddenly a miracle happened. Not only was Mandelstam not shot, but he was not even sent to the "channel". The Mandelstams were allowed to settle anywhere, except for the twelve largest cities in the country (then it was called "minus twelve"). Not being able to choose for a long time (acquaintances, except in the twelve forbidden cities, they did not have anywhere), Osip Emilievich and Nadezhda Yakovlevna randomly named Voronezh. Mandelstam himself said that from the moment of his arrest, he was preparing for execution: "After all, this happens with us for lesser reasons." The investigator directly threatened to shoot not only him, but also all the "accomplices" (that is, those to whom Mandelstam read the poem). Killing a poet is nothing. This is the most simple. Stalin was smarter. He wanted to achieve more. He wanted to force Mandelstam to write other poems. Poems glorifying Stalin. Poems in exchange for life...
Example 2.
1. Formulate 2 questions to the text that require an ambiguous answer. 2. Using the information received in the text, as well as previously studied, answer the questions: a) what kind of education did the Tenishevsky school give? b) to which trend at the beginning of his creative path did Mandelstam belong? c) ideas of what trend interested him later? d) how many periods can be distinguished in the work of Mandelstam? Name them e) what foreign languages did Mandelstam master perfectly? 3. Based on the information in the text, formulate a) what is an ANAGRAM b) what is MINUS TWELVE 4. Using the information received, as well as your own erudition, guess a) why did Stalin want Mandelstam to write laudatory verses? b) how did Mandelstam's life end?5. What does Mandelstam accuse Stalin of? (See the poem "We live without feeling the country under us ... ª) 6. Transmit the content of the text in ONE sentence (use subordinate clauses, participial and adverbial constructions, homogeneous members, etc.) Example 3. Student's FI Ability to compose expanding questions (2b) The ability to use information to answer questions (4b) The ability to read what is not written, argue (4b) The ability to formulate definitions (2b) Subject knowledge (terms) (2b) The ability to draw up a general summary (0 -3b) Result nine0003
1 (1+1) 2A2G2D54A (1+1) 4B (1+1) 3a3b2b2b2b2b2B6
9000 9000 9000
0We see that different tasks test the formation of different skills. The maximum score for this work is 17 points. The teacher himself decides how to translate these scores into a mark for publication in the journal. In addition, this form of work implements not only the evaluating activity of the teacher, but also the formative one. When discussing the results, when the student, together with the teacher, easily finds the answer to a question that previously made it difficult, there is hope that next time he will not miss, highlight, compose ... The proposed material is designed for students in grade 11. But such tasks, corresponding to the age, volume of material, skills being formed and assessed, the teacher can easily compose for students of primary school age. Thus, the worksheets in the lesson allow us to approach the assessment of students' skills in a comprehensive manner. nine0003
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Results of an independent assessment of the MBDOU Kindergarten No.