The two coreys abuse

Biggest Reveals, Charlie Sheen, Corey Haim – Rolling Stone

Fifteen minutes into Monday night’s premiere of Corey Feldman’s long-awaited documentary, (My) Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys, the 48-year-old former child actor suddenly came sprinting down the aisle of the theater where the screening was being held. Flanked by four security guards, Feldman asked for the house lights to be turned on, and grabbed a microphone to address the crowd. There was a problem.

The documentary was supposed to have been made available for worldwide streaming at the same time as its Hollywood premiere, but Feldman had received word that the film’s website,, was down. He was concerned about “leaks” and didn’t want to continue with the screening if people at home were not watching along in real-time.

“You’re seeing it for yourself how people don’t want this to happen,” he declared, insinuating that something sinister was afoot.

In the ensuing confusion, there were shouts from the crowd of an “attack” on the website, and someone near the front of the stage suggested people were “hacking it in real time,” though it was unclear whether the site was actually hacked or just experiencing technical difficulties. After some tense discussion with his team — and an assist from a famous friend in the audience — Feldman decided the screening would continue.

“Some vicious people have tried to turn the tables on me,” he said, apologizing for the interruption. “But Rosanna Arquette said we should continue the film, so let’s do it. Let’s finish what we started.”

A film that Feldman has been teasing for the better part of three years, (My) Truth finally arrives this week, chronicling the actor’s long journey to bring awareness to the plight of child actors who, he claims, suffer abuse at the hands of the entertainment industry. It is also, Feldman explained at the premiere, a chance to honor a promise he made to his former co-star and late best friend, Corey Haim, to “tell his story.”

What that means, at least according to Feldman, is to reveal the names of the men who, he alleges, abused the two best friends-turned-surrogate brothers as they grew up in the glare of the Hollywood spotlight in the late Eighties and early Nineties.

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The documentary begins where Haim’s story came to an unfortunate end, with an audio recording of the 911 call Haim’s mother made after finding her son unresponsive in their Los Angeles home in 2010 (the release of My Truth comes on the 10th anniversary of Haim’s death). The actor, 38, was pronounced dead a few hours later, with the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office ruling his death due to pneumonia, debunking initial reports that Haim may have overdosed.

From there, the film explores the friendship between the “two Coreys” as they were commonly known, alternating between their successful career as child actors, and a contentious relationship that developed when Haim alluded to Feldman knowing about prior abuse the former had suffered as a child, without doing anything about it. That conversation was recorded as part of an episode of The Two Coreys, a reality show that aired for two seasons on A&E before Haim’s passing.

Feldman has long spoken about the abuse he claims that he and Haim suffered during their time as child actors. In an interview with Rolling Stone last year, the actor spoke out against two “industry men” who allegedly molested him at the age of 14, and revealed that a famous actor allegedly raped Haim, though Feldman stopped short of naming names.

In the new documentary, however, Feldman breaks his silence. In a scene that drew gasps from the audience at the premiere, Feldman names Charlie Sheen as Haim’s alleged rapist, with a detailed account that includes references to Crisco as lube, and two trailers that Feldman says hid the sex act from public view. The alleged assault happened, Feldman claims, on the set of Lucas, a coming-of-age film that cast Sheen’s “Cappie” as a protector of sorts for Haim’s titular character. The film — which also starred Winona Ryder and Courtney Thorne-Smith, among others — was released in 1986. Haim was 13 at the time of the alleged incident.

It’s unclear if the potential legal ramifications, which had dissuaded Feldman from speaking out previously, have been addressed, or if the actor is simply ready to speak — despite the consequences. Feldman doesn’t mention Sheen’s name again beyond the reveal, and Sheen is not interviewed nor given a statement in the film, though when The National Enquirer published the allegations in 2017,  Sheen categorically denied the claims. Hours after the premiere, Sheen spoke out publicly: “These sick, twisted and outlandish allegations never occurred. Period,” Sheen’s spokesperson told The Wrap. “I would urge everyone to consider the source and read what his mother Judy Haim has to say.” (A representative for Sheen did not respond to Rolling Stone’s request for additional comment.)

The allegations against Sheen, however, are supported in the documentary by Feldman’s ex-wife, Susie Sprague (who appeared in The Two Coreys), and Jamison Newlander, an actor who grew close to Feldman and Haim after co-starring with them in the 1987’s The Lost Boys. Both say Haim had revealed the alleged rape to them, and suggest that it was common knowledge in Hollywood circles but ultimately ignored.


Feldman had previously identified three other alleged abusers from his youth, calling out his former manager, Marty Weiss, for inappropriate behavior, along with Alphy Hoffman, the proprietor of the eponymous Alphy’s Soda Pop Club, a sort-of Soho House for kids that was popular in the late 1980s. In an appearance on The Dr. Oz Show in 2017, Feldman also accused his former assistant John Grissom of sexually molesting him. Grissom also worked as an actor for a short time, appearing in the 1988 film, License to Drive and 1989’s Dream a Little Dream with Feldman and Haim. All three men are mentioned again in the film, along with Dominick Brascia, a bit-actor that befriended Haim and Feldman in the Eighties.

Neither Grissom nor Hoffman have commented on the allegations, nor were they interviewed for (My) Truth. Weiss, meantime, has been actively defending himself on Twitter, accusing Feldman of changing his tune, while also disclosing that he was a victim of CSA (Child Sexual Abuse) himself.

Brascia isn’t interviewed in the film either, though a clip is shown of a Dr. Oz interview where Judy Haim identifies the actor as her son’s rapist, and not Sheen. In the film, Feldman claims that she has been part of a calculated movement to bury both the truth about Sheen’s involvement, and Feldman’s efforts to expose other abusers. In one particularly dramatic scene from the documentary, Feldman accuses Judy Haim of not defending and protecting her own son. “It’s your responsibility, Judy Haim, and not anyone else’s,” Feldman shouts, body visibly tensing, “so stop putting the blame on me!”

Judy Haim does not appear in (My) Truth, and it’s not clear if she was asked for comment. The two have publicly battled for years; Judy Haim has repeatedly called for Feldman to stop telling these “lies” and has accused him of creating the story to further his own career.

Feldman’s long-held belief that Judy Haim is out to tarnish his reputation — and potentially threaten his life — is one of the more puzzling aspects of the film. Together with the film’s director, Brian Herzlinger (who also appears in the doc), Feldman details the antagonism between his fans, who he affectionately refers to as his “FeldFam,” and a group of detractors dubbed the “Wolfpack.” Feldman refers to Judy Haim as the “queen” of the Wolfpack, and accuses her of actively fueling efforts to silence him though intimidation tactics and an online propaganda campaign. It’s a theory he’s shared before, though the film suggests that the Wolfpack’s attempts to steamroll Feldman are actually hurting victims of child sex abuse, and preventing other victims from speaking up.

(My) Truth positions Feldman as a whistleblower of sorts, drawing comparisons between Feldman’s activism to the voices that brought down Jerry Sandusky, Larry Nasser, and even Jeffrey Epstein. Though Harvey Weinstein’s name is not mentioned explicitly, the director, Herzlinger, casts the film under the guise of the #MeToo movement, suggesting that recent events have made it easier to finally bring Feldman’s allegations to light. The hashtag they’re using: #Kids2.

In an interview toward the end of the documentary, Feldman calls out the studio system for not providing a safe environment for minors. “They’re liable for what happened [to Haim],” he says. Still, he insists, “I’m not outing a bunch of executives. It’s not the executives [that are the problem],” placing the blame instead on “the little guys… like publicists, managers, parents” and other people who are with child actors on a daily basis. “It’s time for them to stop looking the other way.”

It’s unclear as to what impact (My) Truth will have on Hollywood, and its handling of child actors. In one scene, Feldman tells the camera that he has just met with SAG-AFTRA president Gabrielle Carteris, and asked her to revoke Sheen’s actor card. Her response, Feldman paraphrases, is that more people need to come forward with allegations so it can be proven in court. The interaction convinces Feldman to work with lawmakers on legislation to extend the statute of limitations for victims of childhood sexual assault. A montage in the film later credits Feldman’s lobbying for helping to move many of these bills forward (his home state of California signed a new law last fall that would give victims of childhood sexual abuse until age 40, or five years from discovery of the abuse, to file civil lawsuits).

Introducing the film Monday, Feldman said his goal was not to make the moment about himself, but rather to use his platform to speak for the voiceless — Haim included.

“The most important topics are the ones you hear about the least,” he said. “When you don’t hear about it, is when you should worry.”

Some will question whether the story of Haim’s alleged rape is appropriate for Feldman to tell, given a grieving mother’s vehement opposition to the film and the fact that we’ve never actually heard Haim comment on the allegations himself. While Feldman insists that his friend wanted this to come to light, it’s ultimately hard to know who said what when one of the parties involved is deceased. But after years of vowing to speak the truth, it seems the actor is finally relishing in its release.

“I didn’t want to do this [film],” Feldman told the crowd at the glitzy premiere. “But this is the shindig of a lifetime. This has literally been a lifetime in the making.”


Update: This story has been updated to include additional comment from Sheen. 

Corey Feldman accuses Charlie Sheen of sexually abusing Corey Haim in '(My) Truth' documentary

Corey Feldman

Credit: Michael Bezjian/WireImage

In his new documentary (My) Truth: The Rape of Two Coreys, which debuted on Monday night at a screening in Los Angeles, Feldman listed the men who he says sexually assaulted him and his friend Corey Haim when they were child stars. Among the names, Feldman alleged Haim had said actor Charlie Sheen raped him while making the 1986 film Lucas.

Sheen categorically denied ever engaging in improper behavior with Haim. "These sick, twisted and outlandish allegations never occurred. Period," Sheen said in a statement provided to EW.

"This wasn't like a one time thing he said in passing. It wasn't like, 'Oh, by the way, this happened.' He went into great detail," a crying Feldman said in the documentary about Haim, who died from pneumonia in 2010. "He told me, 'Charlie bent me over in between two trailers and put Crisco oil on my butt and raped me in broad daylight. Anybody could have walked by, anybody could have seen it.'"

Haim was 13 and Sheen was 19 when they worked together on Lucas.

Several other people featured in the documentary also claimed either Haim directly told them he had been abused by Sheen as a child or they had heard word of it from others years later.

"He shared with me that on the set of Lucas that he was raped as a little boy," Feldman's ex-wife Susannah Sprague, said in the documentary, which was produced by Feldman. "He told me that it was his costar and he told me that it was Charlie Sheen that did it," she alleged.

Corey Feldman

LICENSE TO DRIVE, Corey Haim, Corey Feldman, 1988" TM and Copyright (c) 20th Century Fox Film Corp. All rights reserved. Courtesy: Everett Collection

| Credit: Everett Collection

In the doc, Feldman first named three men he had previously accused of sexual abuse himself: Jon Grissom, an actor who had small roles in License to Drive and Dream a Little Dream costarring Feldman and Haim, nightclub owner Alphy Hoffman, and former talent manager Marty Weiss. He also said Dominick Brascia, a former actor and one-time friend of both Coreys who died in 2018, had sexually abused Haim.

Grissom reportedly previously denied the allegations in a YouTube comment. "I said it's not me I'm sick and tired of saying that when no one listens. So goddamnit I'm not repeating it anymore," he reportedly wrote, according to Page Six. Hoffman has not publicly addressed the allegations since Feldman first named him on The Dr. Oz Show in 2017 and EW has been unable to reach him for comment.

Weiss has also previously denied the allegation, writing on Twitter last month, "Corey Haim would never grandstand sex abuse for profit nor would he have thrown innocent names around due to personal vendettas. The fact that Feldman uses me to convince ppl that CH was a sex fiend is horrific and exposes both his jealousy of Haim & CF's friendship with me."

The documentary was billed as a pay-per-view event online beginning at 11 p.m. ET for $20 a ticket, but 45 minutes after the hour the stream had still not begun online, with viewers seeing an error message or a black box instead. Later, the site was updated to read "Please be patient. The hackers are trying to prevent the stream from airing. The program will begin momentarily. We appreciate your patience and support!"

However, Feldman was in attendance as the movie was streamed in full to a group of friends and members of the media, including EW, in a theater in Los Angeles. Celebrity guests at the screening included Rosanna Arquette, Dave Navarro, Chris Kattan, Ron Jeremy, and Jamie Kennedy.

Feldman first opened up publicly about what he calls rampant pedophilia in Hollywood during a 2011 interview with ABC, and later in his 2013 memoir Coreyography. In his book, he alluded to who Haim's alleged abuser was without including his real name.

In Coreyography, Feldman reminisces about the day he met Haim and how the pair bonded instantly over their similarities. Feldman says in the passage, "Haim started to confide in me, about some intensely personal stuff, very quickly after that. Within hours of our first meeting, we found ourselves talking about Lucas, the film he made in the summer of 1985, the role I had wanted for myself. At some point during the filming, he explained, an adult male convinced him that it was perfectly normal for older men and younger boys in the business to have sexual relations and that it was what all the 'guys do. '"

In 2017, Brascia—who was accused by Feldman of abusing Haim in the documentary—reportedly told the National Enquirer that Haim had confided in him that he and Sheen "smoked pot and had sex." Sheen denied the allegations and sued the Enquirer for libel.

"Haim told me he had sex with Sheen when they filmed Lucas," the National Enquirer quoted Brascia as saying. "He told me they smoked pot and had sex. He said they had anal sex. Haim said after it happened Sheen became very cold and rejected him. When Corey wanted to fool around again, Charlie was not interested."

Brascia claimed the Lucas costars also had sex years later. "Haim told me he had sex with Sheen again," Brascia told the publication. "He claimed he didn't like it and was finally over Sheen. He said Charlie was a loser."

Sheen publicly denied the allegations and then sued the National Enquirer, its then-parent company American Media, Inc., former Enquirer editor Dylan Howard, and Brascia for defamation. He released a statement to TMZ at the time confirming the lawsuit and proclaiming his innocence.

"In my nearly 35 years as a celebrated entertainer, I have been nothing shy of a forthright, noble, and valiant courier of the truth," Sheen told TMZ. "Consistently admitting and owning a laundry list of shortcomings, wrongdoings, and indiscretions this traveler hath traveled—however, every man has a breaking point."

He added, "These radically groundless and unfounded allegations end now. I now take a passionate stand against those who wish to even entertain the sick and twisted lies against me. GAME OVER."

The case took an unexpected turn when Haim's mother Judy Haim sided with Sheen and then accused Brascia of being her son's sexual abuser during an appearance on The Dr. Oz Show, which aired two days after the National Enquirer article was published.

The complaint filed by Sheen in 2017 alleged that he had been the object of "a particularly egregious, hurtful, and disgusting campaign of defamations falsely asserting that Mr. Sheen sodomized a thirteen year old celebrity actor Corey Haim." It also included verbiage questioning Brascia's reliability since Brascia himself has been accused of abusing Haim.

Sheen voluntarily dismissed the lawsuit in 2018 after his lawyer had reported to the court that the parties were engaged in informal settlement talks, according to court records obtained by EW.

Correction: A previous version of this story listed Steven Spielberg as the director of Lucas. It was directed by David Seltzer.

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What is measles, symptoms, causes: what to do if you get sick. Vaccinations and vaccination against measles in Perm - December 12, 2018

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You can get vaccinated against measles at any clinic in your area


We've compiled the most important measles information everyone needs to know.

Measles is an acute infectious viral disease with a high level of susceptibility, which is characterized by high temperature (up to 40.5 °C), inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract, conjunctivitis and a characteristic skin rash, general intoxication. The source of infection is most often a sick person who transmits the virus by airborne droplets: when sneezing, coughing with droplets of saliva.

The disease is highly contagious. All people who have not been ill and not vaccinated against measles are susceptible to the virus.

The incubation period is 9-11 days. The disease begins acutely, with fever up to 38-39 degrees, runny nose, cough and general malaise. On the second day of illness, small whitish spots with a narrow red border around the edges appear on the buccal mucosa in the area of ​​the molars.

Exanthema (measles rash. - Note ed. ) appears only on the third day of illness: first on the face, neck and behind the ears. Then it gradually descends onto the body: rashes cover the surfaces of the arms, and then the legs, including the fingers. On the 5-6th day, the body temperature returns to normal, the rash darkens, turns brown, becomes pigmented and begins to peel off. The effect of dirty skin appears, but after complete recovery it disappears. After an illness, a stable lifelong immunity develops.

The doctor makes a diagnosis of measles only after laboratory confirmation


Measles is dangerous for its complications: otitis media, pneumonia, bronchitis, encephalitis (inflammation of the brain. - Note ed. ) and mental retardation. Complications may or may not occur. Their severity largely depends on the course of the disease of each individual patient and on the level of his immunity.

There are no specific medicines for the treatment of measles. In fact, doctors only relieve the symptoms of the disease. Vaccination is the only effective protection against measles.

In adults, the disease may be more severe. The symptoms are joined by tachycardia (more than 100 beats per minute), lowering blood pressure. The rash may be accompanied by subcutaneous hemorrhages.

A doctor makes a diagnosis of measles only after laboratory confirmation, therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In mild cases, measles is treated at home. With the development of complications, the patient is hospitalized.

If you've had measles or know you've had two measles shots, don't worry. Otherwise, the vaccination must be done within three days after contact with a sick person. To do this, you need to contact the local therapist, who will write out a referral.

If complications develop, a patient with measles is hospitalized


Immunization of the population against measles is provided free of charge. Thus, according to the national calendar, vaccination against measles is mandatory for children at the age of 12 months. Then, when the child reaches the age of 6, doctors revaccinate: they vaccinate again. The measles vaccine is for children 1 to 18 years of age and adults under 35 years of age, unless they have been ill, vaccinated, or do not know of a measles vaccination.

Revaccination should be given to people aged 36 to 55 who are at risk. These are employees of medical and educational organizations, trade, transport, citizens working on a rotational basis, and employees of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation.

A vaccination is also required in case of close contact with a person with measles.

There are practically no vaccinations. Adverse reactions to vaccine administration are very rare. The measles vaccine lasts almost a lifetime. Diseases among those vaccinated against measles were registered in isolated cases and in mild forms.

— Atypical attenuated measles is most commonly diagnosed in previously vaccinated children. The disease is mild, and the incubation period is extended to three weeks. Such cases are usually associated with low immunity. A doctor in a polyclinic will be able to determine it, - Rospotrebnadzor experts say.

For those who have not been vaccinated or revaccinated, doctors recommend temporarily limiting visits to crowded places, including shopping centers. If you have not been vaccinated against measles or do not know whether you did or not, then you need to contact the clinic in your area.

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State budgetary healthcare institution of the Novosibirsk Region "City Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 1"

Measles is a highly contagious viral infectious disease, after which a person develops strong immunity.

Although measles is considered a childhood infection, people of all ages can get sick. And severe forms of measles are more common in adults than in children.

The measles virus is highly volatile, easily spreads through the air, so children living not only on the same staircase, but also on different floors of the house can get sick (due to the spread of the virus through ventilation ducts or elevator shafts).

However, the virus is not very resistant to the external environment: it is inactivated at temperatures above 50 C or when exposed to acids, and is also destroyed by detergents containing surfactants.

In 2021, measles was not registered in the Novosibirsk region. In 2020, 4 cases of measles were registered

Source of infection - person with measles.

Measles transmitted airborne.

Measles has three periods of clinical manifestations.

The first period, or catarrhal, begins acutely with general malaise, fever up to 40ºС, headache, runny nose and dry cough. Later, conjunctivitis appears with photophobia, swelling of the eyelids. White spots appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, surrounded by a border - Filatov-Koplik spots. The period lasts an average of 3-5 days.

The second period is the period of eruptions. It is characterized by a numerous maculopapular rash that tends to coalesce. First, the rash appears behind the ears and on the scalp, then on the face, neck and chest. Gradually, the rash covers the entire body from top to bottom.

After 3-4 days, the third period begins - the period of convalescence or the period of pigmentation. This period lasts an average of 5-7 days and is characterized by a gradual improvement in the general condition.

The patient is contagious 3-4 days before the onset of the rash and the first 4 days of the rash.

Among the complications of measles are pneumonia, encephalitis, meningitis, meningoencephalitis, polyneuritis, otitis media. Measles encephalitis, leading to swelling of the brain, develops in 1 out of 1000 cases.


significant increase in temperature up to 39-40 C o

runny nose


eye redness and lacrimation, photophobia

small white spots on the inside of the cheeks

rash from 4 to 5 days of illness, first on the face and upper neck, then on the body, arms and legs

The most effective measure to prevent measles is vaccination.

Vaccination is carried out in a planned manner in accordance with the National Immunization Schedule, which regulates the timing of the administration of drugs and provides for routine vaccination of the entire population under the age of 35 years and the adult population from 36 to 55 years old from certain risk groups (previously not vaccinated and not sick with measles) . Children are vaccinated at 1 year of age and at 6 years of age.

If the vaccination was not carried out on time or there is no information about vaccinations against measles, then it is also carried out by adults in 2 stages with an interval of 3 months. Adults vaccinated once should be vaccinated a second time.

After two injections of the vaccine, immunity is formed in 95% of cases.

In the event of a focus of infection, all people in contact with the sick person are under medical supervision.

For those contacts who have not been vaccinated before, have not had measles, have no information about vaccinations or have been vaccinated once, emergency immunization is carried out according to epidemic indications within the first 72 hours from the moment the patient is detected.

Children who have not been vaccinated against measles, who have not reached the vaccination age, as well as persons with contraindications to vaccination, are given normal human immunoglobulin no later than the 5th day from the moment of contact.

The measles vaccine can be given free of charge at the local health center.

Vaccination problems occur in all countries. And this is very worrisome. After all, the vital necessity of its implementation has been repeatedly proven.

Learn more