The five personality patterns
Understanding Ourselves and Others (Part 2) — Thrive Mind
There are 5 basic personality patterns that humans develop in response to early childhood wounds. They are unique ways of seeing the world, experiencing our bodies, containing and expressing our energy, responding to threat, etc. They each represent adaptive strategies to surviving environmental failure. Most of us employ two- a primary and a default strategy when feeling unsafe.
Here is a synopsis of each pattern. This information is taken directly from the book The 5 Personality Patterns by Steven Kessler, which I recommend highly to anyone who wants to develop self-understanding, self-compassion and gain control of their lives & relationships.
Leaving Pattern:
Seeks safety through: Leaving
Age of wounding: utero to 6 months
Typical parent: frightened or angry, insufficiently grounded
Typical wound: hostility shattered attention of the incoming spirit
Effect of wound: self is left fragmented and fragile
Difficulty with: embodiment
Defensive action: limits contact and incoming energy, leaves body, leaves situation
Result of defensive action: self is unable to anchor in body
Flow of energy: away from others
Fears: living in a physical body and going crazy
Orients to: the psychic realm
Default emotion: fear
Values: safety, alone time
Patterned thought: “I don’t matter. No one cares.”
Patterned behavior: freeze, dissociate, leave
Human need: to individuate, to decide to live in a human body
Spiritual need: to experience individuated essence
Gifts: awareness of energy, creativity, playfulness, sensitivity
Complimenting the pattern: use a light touch, be soft and warm, note their beauty, fun, originality, creativity
Getting yourself out of pattern: re-enter your body, reference your core, ground and reassemble yourself
Merging pattern:
Seeks safety through: Merging
Age of wounding- 6 months- 2.5 yrs
Typical parent: depriving, ill, absent
Typical wound: unable to take in enough nurturance and love
Effect of wound: can’t get full, feels needy and empty, fears deprivation
Difficulty with: needs, receiving, holding, digesting
Defensive action: looks to others to fill own needs or compensates by filling others’ needs
Result of defensive action: unable to source, hold and metabolize own energy, collapses easily
Flow of energy: toward others
Fears: abandonment, rejection, depravation, not enough of anything
Orients to: connection
Default emotion: shame
Values: relationship, love, being needed
Patterned thought: “I’m not enough. I can’t.” or “I’ll help you.”
Patterned behavior: manipulate, cling, collapse, play victim or rescuer
Human need: to nurture self, to know self is enough
Spiritual need: to experience the infinite source within
Gifts: caring, nurturing, loving, generous, giving
Complimenting the pattern: make it personal and emotional, speak to their heart, tell them you love what they did
How to get yourself out of pattern: find your core and reference it, act from there
Enduring Pattern:
Seeks safety through: hiding self, resisting others
Age of wounding: 1.5-3 yrs
Typical parent: intrusive, dominating, authoritarian,
Typical wound: invaded, humiliated, punished for expressing autonomy
Effect of wound: can’t control own body, space, fears self-expression and action
Difficulty with: expressing self, taking action, claiming own space
Defensive action: resists others, turns will against own self, pulls in and hides self deep inside
Result of defensive action: resists everything, can’t express self or take own action, self-sabotage
Flow of energy: in and down, stops
Fears: invasion, exposure, humiliation, being controlled
Orients to: space
Default emotion: resentment, guilt
Values: private space
Patterned thought: “I have to hold it all. ”
Patterned behavior: hunker down, resist, endure, complain
Human need: to claim own space and safety to express self
Spiritual need: to recognize individual essence as valid and divine
Gifts: grounding, stamina, steady, patient, diplomatic
Complimenting the pattern: don’t invade their space, softly leave your compliment at the edge of their space
How to get yourself out of pattern: move your body, claim your space and fill it
Aggressive Pattern:
Seeks safety through: power
Age of wounding: 2.5-4
Typical parent: one parent seductive, one authoritarian
Typical wound: during survival fear, no one was there for them, willed self to survive
Effect of wound: feels powerful, but alone, fears own needs, fears betrayal
Difficulty with: trusting others, containing self
Defensive action: rejects needs, idealizes power, dominates and controls others
Result of defensive action: must guard self, unable to need others, trust others, or ask for help
Flow of energy: up and out, inflates
Fears: weakness, domination, betrayal, trusting and letting go
Orients to: truth
Default emotion: anger
Values: control of situations
Patterned thought: “I can and I will.
” “You’re not enough.”
Patterned behavior: challenge, fight, intimidate, dominate
Human need: to trust others, to have needs and still be safe
Spiritual need: to feel held by a bigger, stronger, loving presence
Gifts: big energy, will, charisma, strong, competent, resourceful
Complimenting the pattern: speak from your core to their core, note their competence and achievements
How to get yourself out of pattern: ground yourself, allow something good and bigger than you to contain you
Rigid Pattern:
Seeks safety through: containing and correcting self
Age of wounding: 3.5-5
Typical parent: rule-bound
Typical wound: taught to ignore or distrust inner experience and trust only outer rules and forms
Effect of wound: fears own inner experience and loss of control
Difficulty with: feeling self, trusting self
Defensive action: controls experience, references rules instead of self, acts appropriately
Result of defensive action: unable to feel self and trust inner guidance
Flow of energy: flow is constricted
Fears: chaos and disorder
Orients to: rules and words
Default emotion: criticism, blame, resentment
Values: forms, rules, facts, competence
Patterned thought: “Something is wrong. Someone is to blame.”
Patterned behavior: get busy, work hard, clean, organize
Human need: to feel real self, trust it and act from it
Spiritual need: to experience both unitive and individuated essence within
Gifts: order, form, structure, highly functional and high achiever
Complimenting the pattern: put it in words, make it factual, specific and verifiable
How to get yourself out of pattern: focus on feelings and sensations as your guidance
What Are The Big 5 Personality Traits?
Many modern and traditional studies in psychology point to 5 basic dimensions of personality. Evidence of this theory has grown over the years with the principle theory emerging in 1949. The five broad personality traits described by the theory are extraversion (also often spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.
The five basic personality traits is a theory developed in 1949 by D. W. Fiske (1949) and later expanded upon by other researchers including Norman (1967), Smith (1967), Goldberg (1981), and McCrae & Costa (1987).
Researchers had spent years before trying to pin down character traits as a way of analysing people’s behaviour. At one point, Gordon Allport found over 4000 traits. Even when this was reduced to 16 it was seen as too complicated. This is where the five big personality traits began.
These broad categories have been researched and developed over the years and, whilst there is extensive study into each area, researchers don’t always agree on the definition of each characteristic.
What are the big five personality traits?
Openness is a characteristic that includes imagination and insight. The world, other people and an eagerness to learn and experience new things is particularly high for this personality trait. It leads to having a broad range of interests and being more adventurous when it comes to decision making.
Creativity also plays a big part in the openness trait; this leads to a greater comfort zone when it comes to abstract and lateral thinking.
Think of that person who’s always ordering the most exotic thing on the menu, going to different places and having interests which you would never have thought of… that is someone who has a high openness trait.
Anyone low in this trait tends to be viewed with more traditional approaches to life and may struggle when it comes to problem solving outside their comfort zone of knowledge.
Conscientiousness is a trait that includes high levels of thoughtfulness, good impulse control, and goal-directed behaviours. This organised and structured approach is often found within people who work in science and even high-retail finance where detail orientation and organisation are required as a skill set.
A highly conscientious person will regularly plan ahead and analyse their own behaviour to see how it affects others. Project management teams and HR departments regularly have highly conscientious people working in their teams to help balance out the structural roles within the overall team development.
A good example of a conscientious person would be someone you know who is always planning ahead for the next time you meet - and in the meantime, regularly staying in contact, checking in on your wellbeing. They like to organise around certain dates and events and are focused on you when you meet.
People low in conscientiousness tend to dislike structure and schedules, procrastinate on important tasks and fail to complete tasks as well.
Extraversion (sometimes referred to as Extroversion) is a trait that many will have come across in their own lives. It’s easily identifiable and widely recognisable as “someone who gets energised in the company of others.”
This, amongst other traits which include, talkativeness, assertiveness and high amounts of emotional expressiveness, have made extraverted people widely recognisable over many years of social interaction.
We all have that one friend or family member - or several - who aren’t exactly wall flowers in a social interaction. They thrive on being the centre of attention, enjoy meeting new people and somehow tend to have the biggest friends and acquaintance group you have known.
The opposite is, of course, someone else in our lives we may know, an introvert. They prefer solitude and have less energy in social situations. Being at the centre of attention or making small talk can be quite taxing.
Extroverts tend to have very public facing roles including areas such as sales, marketing, teaching and politics. Seen as leaders, extroverted people will be more likely to lead than stand in the crowd and be seen to not be doing anything.
People who exhibit high agreeableness will show signs of trust, altruism, kindness, and affection. Highly agreeable people tend to have high prosocial behaviours which means that they’re more inclined to be helping other people.
Sharing, comforting and cooperating are traits that lend themselves to highly agreeable personality types. Empathy towards others is commonly understood as another form of agreeableness even if the term doesn’t quite fit.
The opposite to agreeableness is disagreeableness but it manifests in behaviour traits that are socially unpleasant. Manipulation and nastiness towards others, a lack of caring or sympathy, a lack of taking interest in others and their problems are all quite common.
Agreeable people tend to find careers in areas where they can help the most. Charity workers, medicine, mental health and even those who volunteer in soup kitchens and dedicate time to the third sector (social studies) are high in the agreeableness chart.
Neuroticism is characterised by sadness, moodiness, and emotional instability. Often mistaken for anti-social behaviour, or worse a greater psychological issue, neuroticism is a physical and emotional response to stress and perceived threats in someone’s daily life.
Individuals who exhibit high levels of neuroticism will tend to experience mood swings, anxiety and irritability. Some individuals who experience sudden changes in character from a day-to-day perspective could be highly neurotic and respond to high stress levels in their work and personal lives.
Anxiety, which plays a large part in the makeup of neuroticism, is about an individual's ability to cope with stress and perceived or actual risk. People who suffer with neuroticism will overthink a lot of situations and find difficulty in relaxing even in their own space.
Of course, those who rank lower on the neurotic level will exhibit a more stable and emotionally resilient attitude to stress and situations. Low neurotic sufferers also rarely feel sad or depressed, taking the time to focus on the present moment and not get involved in mental arithmetic on possible stress-inducing factors.
Who developed the big 5 personality traits?
Originally developed in 1949, the big 5 personality traits is a theory established by D. W. Fiske and later expanded upon by other researchers including Norman (1967), Smith (1967), Goldberg (1981), and McCrae & Costa (1987).
It’s suggested that as early the late 19th century social psychologists were trying to gain a more scientific understanding of personality but it wasn’t until the first official study in the 1930s by Gordon Allport and Henry Odbert that personality had some sort of scientific acknowledgement. They took 18,000 words from Webster’s Dictionary to describe personality traits and found adjectives that described non-physical characteristics creating a 4500 word bank of observable behaviour markers.
Later studies were able to identify many overlaps and specific traits per person which has allowed a more condensed and comprehensive review of personality traits. The big 5 are still widely used today as the basis of global study.
Why are the big 5 personality traits important?
When thinking about the big 5 personality traits, hiring managers, CEOs and even the candidates are wise to think about why they are important when it comes to joining a team. Before we go into the reasons why they are important, let’s quickly remind ourselves of what they are.
The five broad personality traits described by the theory are extraversion (also often spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.
The five basic personality traits is a theory coined in 1949 by D. W. Fiske (1949) and later expanded upon by other researchers including Norman (1967), Smith (1967), Goldberg (1981), and McCrae & Costa (1987).
So, why are they important when it comes to candidate selection?
The big 5 personality traits help us to not only better understand how they compare to others and to put names to their characteristics, it’s also used to explore relationships between personality and many other life indicators.
Think about knowing how agreeable your personality is and what this means to co-worker relationships? Or how neuroticism may have an impact on work-life balance? Overall, however, we can begin to break down why they’re important in different areas such as;
Understand employee relationships
How will people get along? Are you building a team where communication or trust may be stifled or open? Will you have a member of the team who can relate to others and be conscientious with others?
More effective team building and management
High five tendencies in openness, agreeableness and even extroversion can lead to better team management and team building. Someone who exhibits high agreeableness for example is capable of being cooperative, trustworthy and straightforward, making them easy to work with but also, showing the necessary skills for effective team management.
Understand employee motivations
Low five tendencies in something like extroversion can be difficult for understanding employee motivations. Whilst having a high-five tendency in agreeableness which encompasses empathy, makes it easier to get to the root causes of motivations and even gain a better understanding of people generally.
Build diverse teams
Something such as high-openness where embracing differences and embracing challenges can lead to more openness about who is hired, and finding solutions in different ways and areas. Whilst a team made up of mostly conscientious individuals is a team formation with the highest chance of being successful.
These teams will often display a good work ethic, produce high-quality work and be cooperative. This in return will lead to more solutions being put forward about who is required and where diverse teams can be built over time to help answer these problems.
Optimise interactions and communication
Again, something like high extroversion personality traits would be essential in developing interactions whilst being highly agreeable is better suited to open communications.
What factors influence the big 5 traits?
From nature and nurture to age and maturation, the big 5 traits have been widely studied where we can see what influences their impact on a person’s behaviour and character.
Personality has often been hypothesised as a question of nurture or nature. One particular study looked at 123 pairs of identical twins and 127 pairs of fraternal twins. “The findings suggested that the heritability of each trait was 53 percent for extraversion, 41 percent for agreeableness, 44 percent for conscientiousness, 41 percent for neuroticism, and 61 percent for openness. ”
It has also been widely recognised that the older we get, the more our behaviour traits will change. We become less extraverted, less neurotic, and less open to new experiences whilst our agreeableness and conscientiousness will grow as we get older.
Do men and women differ with the big 5 traits?
The general consensus is that men and women are actually more alike than what normative social science would have us believe. But as the title would suggest, there are some exceptions.
Weinsberg and DeYoung in 2011 studied the big 5 traits and in particular Gender Differences in Personality across the Ten Aspects of the Big Five. They concluded that women tend to score higher on Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism than men.
Other studies have concluded that whilst the differences may be present, some traits are not extensively separate. Getting older will tend to align behaviour traits such as agreeableness and extraversion where both genders tend to score lower as time moves on.
Which big 5 personality types make the best leaders?
If you’re looking to build a great leader, then you need to consider the importance of the big 5 model as it will give you all the tools you need to understand where the leaders in your organisation may secretly be hiding.
For example, you may think that an extrovert may be a good leader. Although extraverts tend to show good leadership skills, be sociable and encourage discussions, research has suggested that too many extroverts in a team can actually cause a decrease in effectiveness.
Whilst extroversion is typically the strongest characteristic, followed by conscientiousness, openness to experience, neuroticism and finally agreeableness being the least common, you want to think about what makes a good leader.
For example, conscientiousness, or self-discipline, is one of the most important factors in a leader, particularly under stressful situations when responsibility and reliability is pertinent.
What you get with a conscientious leader is someone who is diligent over individual tasks, and will stay with them until completed and therefore, trust is put in their direction as someone who is reliable. Something like being a reliable individual is also closely related to intelligence on the matter at hand. While there may be many other forms of intelligence that the individual may lack, knowledge about the relevant situation is key.
Openness to experience is important when leading a team. Leaders will find themselves in situations that are out of their hands, a constantly evolving situation where if there is an unexpected issue or there is something coming down the pipeline, their ability to take executive decisions is only a positive. There is also a level of creativity that comes with openness and in difficult situations or confusing times, a resourceful leader - usually high in openness is a benefit.
The two of the big 5 least attractive to leadership roles are neuroticism and agreeableness. The former will find teams being led by someone unsure of the decisions being made and potentially worse, being scared about the decision being made so no decision is made at all. The latter may have more people skills but that doesn’t mean that they have leadership traits. They may find themselves pleasing people rather than actually keeping the task in mind.
One of the key components to all of this however is that the Big 5 is not definitive and does not mean leaders can be predicted based on personality types. Other factors are far more important to appointing and training leaders, but this is a helpful exercise for those looking to reach leadership positions.
Big 5 personality traits tests
We can successfully measure personality traits with different tools and techniques. All in all, these tests are trying to discover how much your behaviour varies from high to low in the five traits which include; Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism.
How are the traits measured?
Traditionally, a big 5 personality test is taken with a questionnaire and a multiple choice response.
For example, these questions will ask how much a person agrees or disagrees that he or she is someone who exemplifies various specific statements, such as:
- “Is open to trying new experiences” (for openness, or open-mindedness)
- “Is always thinking about others” (for conscientiousness)
- “Is the centre of attention at a party” (for extroversion)
- “Is trusting of others” (for agreeableness)
- “Is anxious about the future all the time” (for neuroticism, or negative emotionality)
The responses, Strongly agree to Strongly Disagree (with alternatives in between) will determine to what scale the person may be grouped into different personality traits.
Are big five personality tests reliable?
Assessments based on the big 5 personality tests are very reliable, provided that sufficient research has been carried out and substantiated.
It is, to date, the most scientifically validated and reliable psychological model to measure personality. It is used to help predict behaviour as well as personality.
It remains a dependable model that businesses and scientific studies have been able to use consistently over a long period of time in helping to create new models, which predict someone’s behaviour at work, response to stressful situations and even understanding aspects of recorded social studies.
How do the big five personality traits predict behaviour at work?
When hiring employees (or testing current ones), the big 5 personality traits help us understand behaviour in the workplace and accurately predict, in many cases, future performance. Each personality type will have an impact within the working environment and amongst other staff. Being able to identify where there could be a positive or negative impact can help influence decisions around hiring or retaining staff.
A candidate with a high openness score would be willing to learn new skills and tools. Presented with more abstract problems, they are more likely to think of abstract solutions and would be focused on tackling new problems that were perhaps previously overlooked.
Candidates with a high conscientiousness score wouldn’t necessarily be sat at their desk until midnight every evening! They would however be keen to get their work done, meet deadlines and be a self-starter; requiring little hand-holding to get the task done. Someone scoring low on the other hand, would need a lot more focus, time and attention to the task at hand.
The ideal extraversion scores would depend on the role you’re hiring for. Seen by many to be leaders in a team, a high extraversion score would do well in environments where they thrive off interaction with others:; sales, marketing & PR all require a level of people- facing skills. More technical job setups where specific focus or a degree of isolation is needed would, however, not be a good fit.
A candidate who shows high agreeableness would suit a role where personal skills and an ability to be at the service of others are needed. Of course, the opposite would be bad in a strong team environment and cause significant issues in order to work towards a common goal or task.
Finally, a candidate who exhibits high neuroticism will not be suited to a role where there are consistent changes, tasks that require strong self-starter tendencies or high stress levels. Those with low neuroticism scores will, however, thrive in these kinds of workplace scenarios.
These traits help us to understand how we may behave in the future, in our workplace and under certain circumstances as. For businesses, they can identify future talent, derailers and even potential for success.
How can Thomas help you find the right person for your role?
The Thomas Workplace Personality Test covers areas of personality testing based on Big 5 theory. Also known as the High Potential Trait Indicator (or HPTI), it provides valuable insight into a person's strengths and potential derailers, including their leadership potential.
Developed by Ian MacRae and Adrian Furnham in 2006, the HPTI has been designed based on an ‘optimality’ model, which assumes that personality traits can be considered ‘optimal’ based on the requirements of a particular job role or position, such as senior executive leadership.
Based on a self-report questionnaire, the answers have 7 levels of agreement on a 1-7 Likert scale (1 ‘disagree completely’ to 7 ‘agree completely) with 78 unique items, and the test takes as little as 8 minutes to complete.
If you are interested in finding out more about how our Workplace Personality assessment can help you and your business, please speak to one of our team.
"Big Five": what qualities really define our character
April 8, 2022 Likbez A life
One of the few psychological concepts whose personality tests can be trusted.
What is the essence of the "Big Five"
"Big Five" is a model for assessing individual differences in human personality on five indicators. These include extraversion, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism. These characteristics, to varying degrees, may or may not be inherent in any personality, and they can also be measured. However, they do not affect each other and are not interconnected in any way. nine0003
The first such classifications were developed in ancient times - for example, Hippocrates' theory of temperament. Later, the Carl Jung model, socionics and typology Myers-Briggs (MBTI) appeared.
These concepts have always been very popular, as they have been used by scientists to explain why people behave differently and how it affects their lives. They tried to answer questions about what qualities a leader should have, what makes some people psychologically more stable, or how temperament affects physical health. nine0003
However, today the five-factor model, or the “Big Five”, is still considered to be the most complete and accurate description of human character.
It was created by two groups of American psychologists in the 1970s. They interviewed thousands of people and came to the conclusion that it is possible to determine a person's temperament using the indicators listed above.
To understand how these qualities are developed in each individual, psychologists have developed special tests. They don't have right or wrong answers. The participant is asked to compare his character with the descriptions of the personality or answer how close the presented statements are to him. nine0003
Based on this, it turns out how strongly each of the qualities of the big five is developed in a person. You can take these tests too - here are the short and long questionnaires.
What is included in the "Big Five"
1. Extraversion
In fact, extraversion is not only sociability. This indicator reflects how sociable a person is, cheerful, proactive, independent. Is he able to finish what he started and is he ready for adventure. In general, this characteristic indicates how active an individual lives. nine0003
People with low extraversion tend to be introverted and more inclined to obey authority. They may also have problems with abstract thinking. Those who score high are sociable, assertive and tend to become leaders more often.
At the same time, extroverts and introverts in their pure form practically do not exist. The scores of the vast majority of people on the test will fall somewhere in between these extremes—this is commonly referred to as ambivalence.
2. Openness
This characteristic shows how open a person is to new experiences, and it can also serve as a measure of creativity. People with a low level of openness are usually more committed to traditions, they clearly distinguish between “right” and “wrong” for themselves, they tolerate the routine more easily or even prefer it. Those who are very open, on the contrary, do not accept monotony, are more curious, and they like to invent new ways to solve problems.
3. Goodwill
This sign shows how we treat other people, how much we trust them, how often we show sensitivity and warmth - a kind of measure of good nature. The most benevolent people are more likely to adhere to religious beliefs. They try to avoid conflict and help others. Those who are shy, suspicious, or self-centered tend to score low in this category. nine0003
4. Conscientiousness
This parameter helps to understand how organized a person is. A high level of conscientiousness is observed in those who are motivated, disciplined, productive, responsible. These people love order in everything. They usually plan ahead and take care not to break the promise. Therefore, they are more likely to be trusted. Low scores in this category go to irresponsible and easily distracted individuals.
Also, a study by Finnish psychologists showed that people with low scores in this category have a 14% higher mortality rate. As scientists say, the reason for this is the inability to control oneself and the general irresponsibility. They push a person onto the path of self-destruction. nine0003
5. Neuroticism
This indicator measures a person's emotional stability. A high level of neuroticism is observed in anxious, inhibited, moody or insecure people. They react more strongly to failures and life shocks, often suffer from low self-esteem. Those who score low in this category are calm, satisfied with life, and self-confident.
What are the advantages of the "Big Five"
Reliability and accuracy
The main advantage of the "Big Five" is that it is better than all personality typologies formulated from a methodological point of view. And also confirmed experimentally. nine0003
The researchers emphasize that the characteristics of the "Big Five" are formulated most accurately and clearly, and they can be fixed by repeated tests. Such reliability of results, for example, cannot be achieved using the well-known Myers-Briggs typology (MBTI).
The "Big Five" demonstrates that attempts to create some kind of classification of human characters or personality types are most likely futile. Especially if in them any trait of temperament can take only one of two positions. nine0003
In addition, the behavior of each individual may differ within one of the characteristics. For example, he can be sociable but not very assertive, although both of these qualities are related to extraversion. Some questionnaires take this into account and break down the characteristics into smaller components.
We also need to understand that sometimes we can consciously and not really change our behavior depending on the circumstances or environment - for example, we communicate differently in different companies. nine0003
Practical benefits
The Big Five can be useful both for ordinary people and for researchers of the human psyche. First, it helps to better understand yourself and characterize your personality. The second is interested in how our temperament can be associated with physical health, financial well-being, social and professional success.
So, psychologists say that there is a strong relationship between what results a person receives on a five-factor scale, and his sense of self.
For example, we can already say with great certainty that people with high extraversion feel more prosperous. And those who are emotionally less stable are also less productive. True, all these data only show a statistical pattern.
The other side of research within the "Big Five" considers the question of what factors influence the formation of personality. So, Canadian scientists analyzed the test data of several hundred pairs of twins and came to the conclusion that our character is equally shaped by heredity and the environment. nine0003
Also, working with the indicators of the "Big Five" helped to understand how the character of people changes over time. So, with age, we basically become less sociable, less likely to want to change something. But at the same time we become more good-natured and more stable emotionally.
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Despite its popularity, the Big Five is not the only measure of character. For example, there is the six-factor model of personality, also known as HEXACO. In it, in addition to the five traits, the parameter of honesty - modesty is added: how much a person is ready to promote his selfish goals.
Some psychologists have criticized the Big Five for not doing enough theory and blindly following the data. There is also evidence that outside of industrialized Western countries, the Big Five questionnaires are less reliable. nine0003
Nevertheless, this concept remains dominant and has been shown to be effective in 56 different cultures. Therefore, the Big Five is a reliable and effective tool for understanding our minds.
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The Big Five Personality Model
When describing others, one often hears the following: “She is a big-hearted person”, meaning that she is cheerful, friendly and sociable, or: “He has a small soul”, which means a boring and boring person . In fact, of course, the soul can be neither small nor wide; Everyone just has their own personality type.
Personality is an important determinant of a person's thoughts, feelings and behavior. Researchers have spent a lot of time and effort trying to describe these types. One of the most significant ways scientists have found to study personality is to describe its traits. nine0003
Trait is a special personality trait that describes certain tendencies of a person in relation to his way of thinking, feeling and behaving, for example, a tendency to be shy or sociable, incredulous or gullible, obliging or careless. Thus, speaking of a person's personality, we are actually referring to the totality of traits that describe the general direction of a person's thoughts, feelings, and behavior.
Scientists have identified many personality traits, and most psychologists agree that the traits that make up a person's personality can be represented as a hierarchy. In the hierarchical model of personality - the "Big Five" - 9 can be placed on top0107 five basic traits : extraversion, neuroticism, accommodating, conscientiousness and openness to experience. Each trait of the Big Five is made up of different special traits. For example, extraversion (a tendency to have a positive attitude towards life) consists of such specific traits as a positive emotional attitude, sociability and sincerity. The Big Five traits, and the specific traits below them in the hierarchy, are universal. They can be used to describe a person's personality regardless of their age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic level, or country of residence. nine0003
Each of the general and specific traits is a continuum in which some aspect of personality can be placed. Any personality trait of a person can be located on this continuum above, below, in the middle, or anywhere. To better understand what the Big Five model means, we will describe the extremes inherent in each personality trait. But remember that a person's personality trait can be anywhere on its continuum.
1. Extraversion
Extraversion, or a positive emotional attitude, is a character trait due to which a person experiences positive emotions, feels good in society and thinks about others in a positive light. Extroverts are people who score high on extraversion and are usually outgoing, gentle, and friendly. Introverts are people with a low extraversion score, they experience less positive emotions and interact less with other people. At work, extroverts are more likely than introverts to experience positive emotions, feel satisfaction from their work, and in general, their opinion about the organization and the people around them can be described as positive. Extroverts are quicker to connect with colleagues. They can work well in areas where frequent human contact is required, such as sales or customer service. nine0003
2. Neuroticism
In contrast to extraversion, neuroticism, or a negative emotional attitude, indicates that a person is prone to negative emotions, depression, and generally perceives himself and others negatively.
People with a negative emotional attitude feel a sense of unease and generally have a negative attitude towards themselves and others. People who are highly prone to neuroticism are more likely than others to experience negative emotions and experience prolonged stress on various occasions. People who are prone to neuroticism are more likely to experience negative emotions at work, more likely to experience stress, and generally have a negative attitude towards the environment in their organization. Often the term "neurotic" is used in the media and popular publications in relation to people with psychological problems. In fact, neuroticism is a character trait that, to one degree or another, is inherent in all normal and mentally healthy people. nine0003
People with a high degree of neuroticism are often more critical of themselves and their work than those with a lower score. This property allows them to perform better than others, and therefore they are able to excel in areas of quality control, where critical thinking and the ability to give a critical assessment are needed. People who score high on neuroticism can be sobering to colleagues by pointing out the flaws in a joint decision. People with a low degree of neuroticism rarely experience negative emotions and are not as critical and pessimistic as their highly neurotic counterparts. nine0003
3. Agreeableness
Agreeableness is a trait that places a person between those who get along well with other people and those who get along poorly with people. Pleasantness in communication in general and the ability to think about others are characteristic of people with high accommodating. People with low livability are intractable, distrustful, often rude, they do not know how to sympathize and do not like to be in a team. A low degree of accommodating can be useful in professions that require a person to be intractable, such as a tax collector or a sergeant drilling a company. It is easy to find a common language with accommodating people in general, they are "team players". Being accommodating can be a valuable quality in areas where you need to build good relationships with people. nine0003
4. Conscientiousness
Conscientiousness is how careful, scrupulous and persistent a person is. People with a high degree of conscientiousness are organized and very disciplined. People with a low degree of conscientiousness may lack purposefulness and self-discipline. Conscientiousness is important in many areas of activity and is considered a good predictor of quality work performance in many areas of activity. Roger Salquist ( Roger Salquist ), entrepreneur and leader of the successful Calgene Incorporated , is known for his meticulousness. For example, in an attempt to secure US Food and Drug Administration (FDA ) approval for his genetically modified tomatoes, Salquist made over twenty-five trips to Washington, D.C. get in support of the safety of their tomatoes. Salquist's conscientiousness paid off, as the FDA ruled that no special labeling or testing was required for such genetically modified products. nine0003
5. Openness to experience
The last of the personality traits of the Big Five model, openness to experience, shows how original a person is, how open to all kinds of stimuli, how wide his range of interests is, and how willing he is to take risks. People who are open to experience can gain an advantage in areas where there is a rapid change in the environment, where innovation is needed, or where there is a need to take significant risks. In order for this trait of an employee to manifest itself in creative and innovative behavior, the organization needs to remove obstacles from the path of innovation. In addition, the position and job responsibilities should be defined as broadly as possible so that openness to experience can serve to generate new ideas. Entrepreneurs who are described as risk-takers often start their own business because the large organizations they worked for placed too many restrictions on their activities, with little reward for risk-taking and innovation.