Thank you is not enough to express my gratitude
How to Show Appreciation and Express Gratitude in English • English with Kim
Take a moment and think about how many times you’ve said “thank you” today.
If you’re living in the United States or another English speaking country, you’ve probably said it more times than you can count.
“Thank you” has become such a common response that we often don’t notice when we’ve said it.
As a non-native speaker, you may be surprised by how much Americans say “thank you” for doing something that’s common courtesy, or expected because of your personal or professional relationship.
Here it’s polite to say “thanks” when someone does a small favor for you, shows you kindness, or helps you out, even if it’s expected.
Although thanking someone may seem simple, you want to make sure your sincere feelings are clear.
In this video, you’ll learn how to go beyond thank you and find out more ways to show appreciation and express gratitude in American English.
You’ll practice useful English expressions that will help you be more specific about what you’re thankful for.
You’ll also find out how to show sincere gratitude through your intonation.
And remember, it’s not just about the words!
Being grateful can actually improve your mood, your attitude, and even your life.
Let’s get started!
Difference Between Thanks, Appreciation, and Gratitude
First things first, let’s go over the language we use in order to talk about giving thanks.
Saying thank you describes the simple, clear act of using a phrase like “thanks,” “thank you,” “thanks so much,” or the other common expressions we’ll talk about in this video.
When we appreciate someone or something, we perform an action.
We recognize the value of something we received, the time someone spent with us, or their contribution to our lives.
Appreciation goes beyond words: it’s a deeper feeling that we experience.
When we show appreciation, we demonstrate these feelings through words or actions or both.
This usually involves saying a genuine thank you, either publicly or privately, and being clear and specific about what we appreciate.
Gratitude can be considered an attitude or an approach to living a good life.
The word “gratitude” describes the state of being grateful or thankful due to a consistent awareness of the positive aspects of your life.
For many people, gratitude is actually a practice, something you may choose to do on a daily basis.
In short, thanks are simply words, appreciation is an action, and gratitude is a practice. You can be thankful, appreciative, and grateful all at the same time!
Why Saying Thank You is Important
As I mentioned a moment ago, saying thank you more often and giving thanks as part of a daily gratitude practice can have an important impact on your personal well-being.
(Check out this Psychology Today article for more information.)
For non-native English speakers, regularly saying thank you can also have a major impact on how people view you, and how they interpret your meaning and your message.
First of all, saying thank you shows good manners.
It’s one of the quickest and easiest ways to ensure that someone sees you as polite.
(For more tips about politeness, you can read these articles!)
Admit it – we’re more likely to remember when someone doesn’t say thank you after we’ve invested time and energy into helping them.
(You can probably think of a few examples right now!)
Besides sounding more polite, saying thank you indicates that you understand and respect that the other person offered you their time, energy, knowledge, or assistance.
Showing appreciation has an additional benefit: it enables us to connect with others.
When we sincerely appreciate how other people contribute to our lives, this creates a deeper shared bond between us.
In turn, this often leads to a stronger friendship, or a more supportive work relationship with more opportunities to work together and collaborate in the future.
Remember, the key word here is sincere.
When you’re being sincere, you truly mean what you say, your feelings are authentic, and your attitude is genuine, not fake.
We definitely know when people truly appreciate us!
Now that we’ve discussed the importance of saying “thank you,” let’s talk about how to genuinely show appreciation through both your words and your intonation.
Guidelines to Saying Thank You
When expressing gratitude in American English, there are four guidelines that you can follow in order to show sincere appreciation:
- Choose an appropriate expression to say thank you.
- Show appreciation through your intonation.
- Be specific about what you’re thanking the person for.
- Follow up with another appreciative phrase or compliment.
Simple, Classic Expressions to Say Thank You
Let’s start off with some simple, classic expressions you can use to say “thank you.”
If you’re in doubt about the best way to show your appreciation, don’t worry.
A simple “thanks” or “thank you” is always enough as long as it’s genuine.
For more variety, choose one of these common expressions:
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
- Thank you so much.
- Thanks so much.
- Thanks a lot.
- Thanks a ton.
- Thanks a bunch.
- Thanks a million.
- All I can say is thanks.
- All I can say is thank you.
- I appreciate it.
- I really appreciate it.
Use Intonation That Expresses Your Appreciation
When saying thank you, be sure to use intonation that expresses your appreciation.
Your tone of voice is key to making sure the other person understands you’re being sincere.
Showing enthusiasm through your intonation helps people understand you mean what you say.
Without the appropriate intonation, your “thank you” can sound flat or even sarcastic.
To show appreciation through your intonation, you’ll use consistent rises throughout your speech, as well as a normal rise and fall to signal you’re done talking.
You can put extra stress or emphasis on the words that express these feelings of gratitude, such as “thanks,” “thank,” “appreciate,” “thankful,” and “grateful.”
Listen to the video and pay attention to how I emphasize the words in bold:
- Thank you.
- I appreciate it.
- I’m so grateful.
- We’re so thankful.
If you choose an expression that intensifies your feelings, put extra emphasis on that word by holding the stressed vowel sound.
Once again, listen to the video and pay attention to how I hold the intensifier:
- I really appreciate it.
- Thanks a million.
- Thanks so much.
The right intonation will help you sound even more sincere, whereas more flat intonation will make you sound bored or even annoyed.
When you feel truly grateful, you want to show it through your tone of voice!
Watch the video to hear me compare the difference between sincere and flat intonation on these examples:
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
- Thanks a million.
- I really appreciate it.
Intonation matters just as much as the words.
Fun Ways to Say Thank You
Besides the classic expressions that we just discussed, there are several fun expressions we can use to say “thank you” in more informal situations.
Native English speakers recognize these phrases as expressions of gratitude, especially when you use the right intonation.
Listen to how I express enthusiasm and sincere gratitude when saying these expressions and then practice along with me:
- You’re the best!
- You rock!
- Props to…Anna/my advisor.
- I’d love to give a shout out to… my brother/Sarah.
- Shout out to… my sister/my friends.
- Hats off to you.
- You saved my life.
- You saved my day.
- You made my day.
- You’re a lifesaver.
- I owe you.
- I owe you one.
- I owe you big time.
- I’ll pay you back.
- I’ll get you back.
The last few expressions show that you’re thankful for the other person’s help and indicate that you’ll be sure to help them out if they ever need it in a similar situation.
Vary Your Vocabulary When Saying Thank You
When thanking the same person for a number of things, be sure to vary your vocabulary.
We don’t usually say “thank you, thank you, thank you. ”
Instead, we may say something like, “Thanks a bunch. I really appreciate it. You’re the best.”
Or, “Thank you so much. I owe you one. You rock.”
Using a few different expressions to say thank you repeatedly will help you sound more natural!
Be Specific About What You Are Thankful For
When we thank someone, we want to make sure the person understands exactly why we’re saying it.
You strengthen your expression of thanks by
being specific about what you’re grateful for.Thankfully, it’s really easy to be specific: simply use the word “for.”
You can say:
- Thank you for your help.
- Thanks for coming to my party.
- Thank you for responding so quickly.
- Thanks for the coffee.
If you use the verb “appreciate,” you want to follow it with a noun or pronoun instead:
- I really appreciate it.
- I appreciate you.
- I appreciate your help.
- I appreciate your time.
- I appreciate your advice.
- I really appreciate your suggestions.
Once again, intonation matters.
Consider how you can express how grateful you feel through your tone of voice.
Expressing Gratitude
Similarly, when we express gratitude for another person or for the blessings in our lives, we need to be specific.
As I mentioned, gratitude is a practice and it helps to name what we’re grateful for.
Here are a few ways you can express gratitude:
- I’m grateful for your time.
- I’m thankful for your friendship.
- I’m truly grateful that you believed in this project.
- I feel blessed to have such great coworkers.
Saying Thank You in Specific Situations
In American English, we have quite a few expressions of gratitude that are more commonly used in certain situations.
You can start off with “thanks” or “thank you” in all of these expressions.
Here are some examples:
- Thank you for coming. This is used to appreciate that someone attended your party, performance, or meeting.
- Thank you for writing. Thank you for calling. These are used to thank someone for reaching out to you via email or by phone.
- Thanks for checking in. This is used to thank someone for following up if they knew the other person was feeling bad or stressed or sick.
- Thank you for letting me know. This is often used after you’ve received good or bad news.
- Thanks for getting back to me. This is used when someone responds to your inquiry or request.
- Thank you for the gift. This is used after receiving a present or donation.
- Thanks for the invitation. Thanks for the invite. These expressions are used to show appreciation for being included, even if you can’t attend.
- Thank you for the kind words.
This is usually used after receiving a compliment.
- Thanks for the support. This is often used to show appreciation when someone shows you compassion when you’re feeling sad, discouraged, upset or emotional. It can also be used to thank someone for having confidence in your ability to achieve something.
- Thanks for taking the time to [do something]. This is used to show appreciation for a busy person’s time.
Follow Up With Another Appreciative Phrase
As we talked about a moment ago, in order to emphasize your appreciation, you want to repeat or reiterate your gratitude without saying thank you several times in a row.
Instead, follow up with one of these expressions in order to show that the other person’s action, time, or gift truly matters to you:
- You didn’t have to do this.
- You didn’t need to do that.
- You are so thoughtful.
- You’re so generous.
- You’re so sweet.
- I’m so touched.
- That means so much.
- That means so much to me.
- That means a lot.
- You’ve gone above and beyond.
- What would I do without you?
- I couldn’t have done it without you.
- That’s so nice of you.
- You’re too kind.
- You’re amazing.
As usual, pay attention to your intonation.
Lengthening and holding key words can help you express how you feel.
Showing Deeper Appreciation
If words just don’t seem like enough to express the extent of your gratitude, these expressions demonstrate a deep appreciation for the person and their actions.
Be sure to only use these expressions for situations that truly merit your most sincere regards.
Your intonation will be
very respectful and deliberate in order to emphasize how much you mean what you’re saying.- I don’t even have the words to thank you.
- I appreciate this more than you’ll ever know.
- Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
- I’m eternally grateful.
- I can’t thank you enough.
- I’ll never forget your kindness.
- I don’t think I can ever repay you.
- You have my deepest thanks.
- You have my most sincere appreciation.
- You have my deepest gratitude.
- You have my utmost respect.
Your Turn
As you can see, there are many, many different ways to show appreciation and express gratitude beyond the words “thank you,” even though that’s a great start.
Now that you’ve learned all about saying thanks, you want to practice these expressions so that they start to feel more natural for you.
Choose three or four expressions that you can see yourself using, and practice saying them with the right intonation.
For a little extra practice, leave a comment below showing appreciation for anything you’d like.
Wondering what to say when someone thanks you? Learn how to say “you’re welcome” and find out more ways to respond to “thanks” in American English.
This article was originally published in November 2016, and was updated in September 2019.
20 Touching Ways to Say "I Can't Thank You Enough"
When people are good to us, it’s customary to thank them for their kind words or actions. When it’s something extraordinary that has a huge impact, some people say “I can’t thank you enough” for the action.
That is very fitting, because sometimes, words aren’t enough to express our gratitude. Nevertheless, we still try with the best words we can find.
Let’s discuss some of the most meaningful ways to thank someone and when they can be used. We’ll also throw in a few examples you can tweak and use for all the times you just have to say “I can’t thank you enough”!
A handwritten letter is a thoughtful way to express your gratitude. You can use it to go into detail about what you’re thankful for and the impact it has had on your life.
You can also use the letter to talk about plans, invite the person out, offer something in return, or to tell the person more about yourself if it’s a stranger. A handwritten note can be sent in the mail or delivered in person.
Before starting your letter, jot down the things you really want to say. This way the letter won’t be too lengthy or all over the place.
Once you have in mind what you want to say, and the appropriate length, you can start to put pen to paper. Here are four examples of handwritten letters you can send to say “I can’t thank you enough” for kind words or actions:
01Thanking someone for saving your life
I’ll never forget the day I met you because it’s the day you risked your own life to save mine. It was a day like any other to begin with, and I never thought the waters I’ve swum for my entire life would be the place I nearly met my end.
I’ve always heard stories about these things, but I never imagined I’d be the one in the headlines. Thanks to you, I get to see my kids grow up and I can spend more time with my friends and family.
If there’s anything I can ever do for you, please let me know. I know there’s no way to ever repay you, but I’d like it if I could try.
We could go out to dinner one day, or I could buy you a drink. You’ve earned it a hundred times over.
I can’t thank you enough. Thanks again for being my hero.
Photo by Gorodenkoff on shutterstock
02Thanking someone for saving the life of your loved one
I want to thank you once more for saving my cousin’s life. I don’t know what I would do if she didn’t make it, and it’s all thanks to you that she did.
I’m glad you were her doctor, because you took the time out to test every theory until you found the solution. I wish there were more doctors like you, willing to go the extra mile to get the right answers for patients and families who’ve suffered for years.
Now that she’s better, our family is planning to throw a little party to celebrate her recovery. We’d all love it if you could attend and be our guest of honor.
The rest of the family is yearning for the day they get to shake the hand of our miracle worker. It’s the last Saturday of next month.
Please let us know if you can make it and if you have any special requests. My mom is a chef and wants to make sure you will enjoy your meal.
Give us a call when you’ve made up your mind. Thanks again Dr. Jones!
Photo by Anuchit kamsongmueang on shutterstock
03Thanking someone for being there for you when you needed them the most
A good friend is priceless- even when I lost it all, I knew all was not lost because I had you in my corner. Thank you for talking me through the tough times, and sticking by my side when all my so-called friends abandoned me.
Because of you, I kept pushing until I reached where I needed to be. You were my motivator, cheerleader and my shoulder to cry on.
Without you, I might not have recovered, and I would not be able to live the life I have now. Please allow me to honor you with a well-needed getaway to show you how thankful I am.
Just choose where you want to go, and we’ll go! I’ll make all the arrangements, and all you have to do is prepare to be pampered.
Thanks again,
Photo by View Apart on shutterstock
04Thanking someone for their kindness and generosity
Now that I’ve graduated from university, I want to thank all the people that helped me to achieve my goals. Your generosity in the form of a scholarship ensured I had all the tools I needed to succeed.
I’m currently doing an internship, and I’m working towards becoming a permanent hire at the company of my dreams. I now live in my own apartment in the city, and I’m able to help my family back home.
In the future, once I secure my dream job, I’ll be able to move my family into a better home, or even here in the city with me. I will be able to give my mother, especially, the life she deserves for all her sacrifices.
Thank you for taking a chance on me, and believing in what I could become. I hope to follow in your footsteps and help someone like me gain a proper education and move on to live a better life.
It’s all thanks to you, and I’m forever grateful.
Love always, Gregory.
Photo by Gorodenkoff on shutterstock
The best way to a person’s heart is through their stomach. Show the person your gratitude with a lovely home-cooked meal and a touching handwritten note on the side.
This is how you can say “I can’t thank you enough” with dinner for both kind words and actions:
01“Thank you for coming over and spending time with me. I hope you enjoy the meal I prepared for tonight. You are literally the best friend a guy/gal could ask for. You have stuck by my side through thick and thin, and have proved how much you love me. I am so lucky to have the back of someone like you.”
Photo by BalanceFormCreative on shutterstock
02“Not a lot of people know this, but I went through a very tough time last year. I’m just very good at hiding it. I had to deal with a lot during that time, and your kind words always took a weight off my shoulders. Thank you for being the person you are, because you’re the best. You are a man/woman who loves his/her steak cooked medium rare, don’t you? I’ve got just what your carnivorous soul needs – medium-cooked and red in color.”
03“When I was at the height of my crisis, your kind words got me through the storm with my head held high. Even though we weren’t very close, you treated me like one of your own and I really appreciate that. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend. I can’t thank you enough! I have made your favorite apple tarte tartin as tonight’s dessert. Please enjoy it.”
Photo by MarjanCermelj on shutterstock
04“Words can cut like a dagger, even if not intended that way, but I’ve never experienced that from you. I always enjoy your company. Thank you for always sharing kind words and thoughts with me. It has done me more good than you know! The ceviche and shrimp linguini are perfect for tonight. I know you love seafood, so enjoy!”
05“Thanks for all the help with my event. It would not have been such a success otherwise. Continue to lend a helping hand, and good things will always come your way. You’re one of the best people I know, and one day, I hope to be half as good as you are. I am so excited to cook for you today. There’s nothing like a good old-fashioned steak and wine session after all!”
Photo by Mikhaylovskiy on shutterstock
06“I just want to say I appreciate you and everything you do. You are the glue keeping things together and the voice of reason. You’re more than just words, and your actions back up all the things you say. You are an amazing human being who deserves the world. I remember how much you love my cooking, so today is all about giving back. Let me know what kind of toppings are your favorite – peppers and extra cheese for the pizza? Let’s have fun playing around in the kitchen tonight.”
07“You are nothing short of a miracle worker. I don’t know how you managed to pull that off, but somehow you did, and I’m super grateful. I hope to return the favor one day, but until then, accept my deepest gratitude for everything. I know you are vegetarian so tonight’s lasagne is all veggies. No meat here!”
Photo by Maslova Valentina on shutterstock
08“I’ve always wondered what I did to deserve someone like you, but I still haven’t come up with an answer. You are like my guardian angel or fairy godmother. My life would not be the same if you were not a part of it, and if you didn’t continuously do good things to help me on my journey. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done. I remember how much you love the Vietnamese pho we tried in that restaurant last time so this is for you tonight – a bowl of beef pho! Please, enjoy it.”
Another way to show your gratitude is to buy a thank you gift or token. You can personalize the gift with a heartfelt note expressing your thanks.
This is how you can say “I can’t thank you enough” with a gift:
01“As someone with self-esteem issues and anxiety, it means a whole lot to be uplifted by someone else in my lowest moments. Thank you for your kind words. Please accept this [gift] as a token of my appreciation.”
Photo by Mladen Zivkovic on shutterstock
02“This [gift] signifies the bond we’ve formed over the time we’ve known each other, and serves as a thank you for your words of motivation. You are an amazing person with a heart of gold. Keep being amazing!””
03“If there’s one person I can always count on for good advice, it’s you. You always have my best interests at heart and know how to support me. This [gift] is not even a fraction of what it means to me, but it’s a start.”
Photo by Prostock-studio on shutterstock
04“You deserve the best in life for being a kind and thoughtful individual. Since my love language is gifting, this should show you just how appreciative I am. ”
05“I know you said I don’t have to worry about repaying you, but I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t show you my appreciation. God will continue to bless you for all your good work. Please accept this [gift] as a thank you for your good deeds.”
06“We met at an integral junction in my life, and since then, you have gone above and beyond to serve as a true friend and loyal companion. Whenever you see this [gift], remember that you are loved and appreciated for your kind actions.”
Photo by Kamil Macniak on shutterstock
07“One thing I know for certain is that good friends are hard to come by. When you find them, you should hold onto them and never let them go. I will never take you and the things you do for granted. You deserve this [gift] and so much more.”
08“I know your job is to save people, but it takes a special type of person to do what you do. Thank you for your service and dedication, and for having a big heart. I hope the hospital and your patients know how lucky they are to have you. I know this is not the same as saving someone’s life, but I hope this [gift] will remind you of your invaluable contributions to my family and to all your other patients. Thanks again doctor.”
A lot of people struggle with expressing gratitude because it never feels like a fair exchange compared to what the person has said or done for you. However, if your message is heartfelt and genuine, the love and appreciation will be received well by the person.
These 20 ways to say “I can’t thank you enough” are just the beginning. You can show your gratitude by preparing a meal or buying the person a gift.
You can also say it in a handwritten letter if you have more thoughts to get off your chest. This works the same way as a text or email, and if you’re up for it, you can do it face to face.
how to express orally and in writing
The inscription in English letters "Thank you" on a yellow sheet of paper: Pexels Feeling gratitude to a person for one reason or another, we do not always know how to express it. What to say or write if a simple thank you is not enough? Why it is useful to thank people and how to express your gratitude, psychologist Susanna Koenig and experts from the journal Psychologies told.
Verbal gratitude
In her scientific work, Susanna Koenig writes that the habit of giving thanks for attention, help or compliments heard in one's address testifies to the wisdom and life experience of a person. A group of scientists led by Luzi Fofonka Cunha found that this skill helps to reduce stress levels and improve mental state. nine0005
Thank you for your help
How can I express gratitude? When the word "thank you" is not enough, when expressing your gratitude, emphasize what exactly you are thanking the person for.
I really appreciate that you spent your time with me and listened to my ideas. Thanks a lot!
I sincerely thank our team for their dedication, time and honest efforts. Together we have achieved what we want. Such a result will please all of us for a long time. Thanks for the work you've done! nine0016
I will never forget all the good things you have done for me!
Thank you so much for your help! She arrived just in time. I will always remember your kindness. I believe that it will come back to you a hundredfold!
Thank you for your kindness, sensitivity and interest. I am very grateful to you for the ability to listen, understand and delve into the situation. nine0016
I want to sincerely thank you for everything you have done for me. Thank you for your advice, kind words, support, understanding, responsiveness and for your desire to help me. I sincerely wish you long years, good health, bright happiness and wonderful moments in the circle of loved ones!
Thank you very much for your participation! Without your help, things would never have gone so well.
The above phrases will help express gratitude for help and support. When choosing words instead of a short “thank you”, consider the nature of the person, his position and degree of involvement.
Words of gratitude to people around us: NUR.KZThanks to relatives for their support
Most often, the most valuable help and support is provided by close people. Expressing gratitude to them with a simple thank you is very difficult.
How to say thank you in an original way? You can thank a person in an original way with the following phrase: “ The French express gratitude with a short phrase 'tu es' - 'you are'! I would like to add the word 'thank you' to it. Thank you for being you, and that fate brought us together. Thank you for our pleasant communication, meetings, help. May there always be only sincere and loving people next to you! ".
How to thank a person for what he is? Tell him how important and dear he is, emphasize what you appreciate and what good he brought to life.
I am grateful that you experience both happy moments and difficulties with me. You do not let morally lose heart and always support. Without you, the holidays would be dull, and difficult situations would be hopeless. I am grateful for your sensitivity and for the fact that you are in my life! nine0016
Life is beautiful because of people like you. Thank you for being around!
I want to say a huge thank you for being in my life! There are only a few such responsive and understanding people like you. Thank you for your support, help, patience and inexhaustible faith in all my undertakings.
There are very few people like you in the world. Thank you for your generosity and kindness. nine0016
Don't forget to thank your loved ones for their help and support. You can express gratitude in one of the phrases listed above or in your own words.
Ways to express gratitude in writing
According to Psychologies, gratitude encourages us to experience positive emotions more often, redirecting attention to joyful events. As a result, a person feels happier and looks at life more positively. nine0005
Letter of thanks to colleagues, acquaintances, friends
How to write words of gratitude? Replace the banal “thank you” in an SMS or on a postcard with thank-you verses.
I want to say thank you to you,
Helped, no doubt, very much,
You are the standard of kindness.
Thank you very much for your understanding! It's hard to find a like-minded person, but I'm lucky! Let only sincere people meet in your life. I wish that your kind heart and soul never grow old, be young and healthy! nine0016
My gratitude knows no bounds.
I can write hundreds of book pages,
Where I will say thank you many times from the bottom of my heart.
You are reliable, colleague, like granite or a block!
My faithful friends, thank you for your support and participation. Thank you for the joy and fun you bring. For a good mood and the opportunity to be a part of your lives. Thank you for your friendship! nine0016
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you! Thank you for your sensitivity and involvement. For the fact that you are near, for your bright smiles. Let life turn out to be the best side for you, and adversity will pass by. Thank you for having me!
My gratitude knows no bounds,
I love and appreciate you all.
Live without grief, keeping peace in your heart
And enjoy every day.
It's nice that you haven't forgotten me,
It's so great to understand!
Thank you family, thank you friends,
I'm going to hug everyone.
Your support has been very important to me. Thanks to her, I was able to achieve such great results! Thank you very much! Without your support and faith, none of this would have been possible. nine0016
Gratitude verses should be selected depending on the situation. Properly selected lines will help express your deep respect for the person and gratitude for the help, attention, time spent.
Words of gratitude in prose: NUR.KZLetters of gratitude to relatives
How to write words of gratitude beautifully? Use prose lines for this, which are suitable for a variety of situations.
Thank you honestly
For your helping hand,
May God reward you
And illuminate everyday life with happiness!
Thank you for your words of support. May all your wishes come true soon. Your attention and warmth will warm my soul and fill my heart with confidence for a long time!
I often forgot to say thank you to the people who made the biggest positive difference. Thank you! nine0016
Thank you for your congratulations.
Thank you for your patience and faith in me. I am eternally grateful for all the good things.
They say that it is just as important to support a person in the right way as it is to help him solve a problem. Sincere support gives strength to move on and act. Thank you for being there at a difficult moment, for hearing, understanding and finding the right words to support me and push me forward! nine0016
Thank you very much, huge
I want to say today
For help, support, patience,
May the heart be filled with joy,
The soul sings and dances,
May all wishes come true,
Banknotes rustle in pockets.
These lines will help express gratitude to people for their help, support, participation and time spent. It is important to select written versions of gratitude based on the situation.
It is important to be able to thank people for all the good things they have done or helped us. You can do this with a short thank you or words of gratitude in verse or prose.
Original article: nine0005
99 thank you words and phrases to use instead of "thank you" (as well as a list of thank you words in the world's most popular languages that can replace "thank you" in Russian)
by Grunya Sukharev 10 comments on the entry Words of gratitude, phrases and expressions instead of a simple "thank you"
The word "thank you" has firmly entered our lives. We use it everywhere and always, we almost automatically say it, even without thinking about what it really means. But if you don’t want to thank a person too banally, then we have collected more than fifty different gratitude options for you. Also here you will find a list of translations of the word "thank you" in different, the most popular languages of the world. nine0005
What can be said instead of thank you: 56 options

"Thank you" in the 47 most popular languages in the world
You can also thank a person in different languages from countries with which he may be somehow connected.