Tests for people
14 Free Online Personality Tests to Figure Yourself Out
I’m an introvert *and* an extrovert!
I’m sensitive, but strong-minded!
I’m destined to marry rich!
Alright, that last one’s my horoscope, but the others are results of personality quizzes. There’s something wonderful about personality tests—the idea that you can put yourself into a category (or categories), just like that, is so relieving and satisfying.
And while we can understand that these quizzes will not be completely accurate, a lot of them do provide us with some insight into who we are, how we act, what our potential is, and where our ambition might take us. The more you know and understand about yourself, the more likely you are to find a career path you’ll love.
So if you’re looking for some great personality quizzes—or even just something fun to do over lunch, keep scrolling.
Based on Carl Gustav Jung’s study of psychological traits (for example, introversion and extroversion) and the famous Myers-Briggs test, 16 Personalities covers the “big five” personality traits of individuals: mind, energy, nature, tactics, and identity. As one of the most popular personality quizzes online—taken more than 500 million times—it’ll cover everything from your basic qualities to your romantic relationships to your workplace habits, strengths, and weaknesses.
The “Who Am I?” Visual DNA test is one of the most fun personality quizzes you’ll come across. Formatted less like a Q&A setup and more like a “pick a photo that you think is pretty” system, it’ll show how your character defines your outlook on and approach to life.
The HEXACO PI-R measures six major dimensions of personality: Honesty and humility, Emotionality, eXtraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to experiences. You’ll rate how much you agree or disagree with 100 different statements and as a result, gain some insight into how you relate to other people and react to different kinds of scenarios.
An IQ test is typically something you have to pay for and have professionally administered to get a truly accurate score (and even then it only measures one specific type of intelligence). But there are some great, free resources out there like 123test. Their free IQ tests are just shortened versions of the real deal and they even have a “culture fair” test which is great if English isn’t your first language.
If you think you’re smart enough to join the prestigious and oldest high-IQ society, Mensa International, take this free exam and try to score in the 98 percentile. Then, you might consider taking their official test and if you ace that, it’s off to have some intellectual conversations!
Emotional intelligence is just as important as IQ—in and out of the office. EQ is the ability to process and manage your own emotions, as well as understand and influence the emotions of others. IHHP asks short, straightforward questions about how you act around others and how you handle certain situations. It’ll not only tell you where your emotional intelligence (EQ) currently is, but also suggest ways to improve weak areas.
This test is inspired by Daniel Goleman, psychologist and science journalist who wrote for The New York Times, as well as author of Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, a book discussing the many reasons why EQ shapes who we are. Instead of being direct, this quiz presents stories and asks you to answer how you’d normally respond in those circumstances.
Skills You Need covers four major components of interpersonal skills: listening, verbal communication, EQ, and teamwork. Your answers will determine if you’re above, at, or below average, and give you some direction on how to better interact with others.
This awesome, in-depth assessment takes you through various career situations, gauging both your skill level and interest. Then, it provides you with several options for your ultimate career. (OK, it might not know you perfectly, but you may enjoy knowing which jobs you could totally pull off.)
Do you know what your “dream job” even is? Let BuzzFeed decide for you—based on what outfit you put together. (Obviously, you shouldn’t take this one too seriously.)
If you’ve dreamed about going to Hogwarts your whole life (childhood and adulthood, I won’t judge), now’s your chance to know which house you truly belong in—and maybe learn a bit more about your personality along the way.
Just by choosing your favorite and least favorite colors (yup, that’s it), this test will tell you about your leadership, your management skills, your imagination, and more. But keep in mind, you’re just picking colors from a limited (and kind of ugly) selection here—so this one’s more for fun than it is an accurate assessment of who you are as an individual.
You’ve likely seen a “which character are you?” quiz for everything from Jane Austen novels to the Marvel Cinematic Universe to Mean Girls—but what if you could take all those quizzes at once? This quiz draws on a crowd-sourced database of the personality traits of more than 2,000 characters across film, television, and literature, so you can see which fictional character you’re most like. Or, after you take the test, you can filter your results by individual properties and scroll through your top characters for all your favorites.
Aesthetic can be hard to define, but this BuzzFeed quiz—that’s been taken more than one million times—makes it easy. While your external aesthetic revolves more around your fashion and design preferences, your inner aesthetic is more about your personality. Find out if your personality aligns with an aesthetic like cottagecore, dark academia, or something else.
If you were wondering, I’m ENFJ, I have high emotional intelligence, and I’d be in Hufflepuff (go badgers!). What’d you learn?
Regina Borsellino contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.
Updated 5/13/2022
Previously an editor for The Muse, Alyse is proud to prove that yes, English majors can change the world. She’s written almost 500 articles for The Muse on anything from productivity tips to cover letters to bad bosses to cool career changers, many of which have been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, Inc., CNBC's Make It, USA Today College, Lifehacker, Mashable, and more. She calls many places home, including Illinois where she grew up and the small town of Hamilton where she attended Colgate University, but she was born to be a New Yorker. In addition to being an avid writer and reader, Alyse loves to dance, both professionally and while waiting for the subway.
Personality Test #1 Free and Scientifically Valid Big Five Personality Test
I am a 'worrier'
I make friends easily
I have a vivid imagination
I trust others
I complete tasks successfully
I get angry easily
I really enjoy large parties and gatherings
I think art is important
I sometimes deceive others to get my own way
I don't like things to be a mess - I like to tidy up
I often feel sad
I like to take charge of situations and events
I experience deep and varied emotions
I love to help others
I always keep my promises
I find it difficult to approach others
I am always busy - always on the go
I prefer variety to routine
I love a good argument - a good fight
I work very hard
I will overindulge at times
I love excitement
I enjoy reading challenging books and articles
I believe that I am better than others
I am always prepared
I panic easily
I am a really cheerful person
I tend to support progress and reform
I sympathise with the homeless
I am very spontaneous - I act without thinking
I 'fear for the worst'
I feel comfortable around people
I enjoy 'wild flights of fantasy'
I believe that people basically have good intentions
When I do something, I always do it well
I get irritated easily
I always chat to lots of different people at parties
I see beauty in things that others might not notice
I don't mind cheating to get ahead
I often forget to put things back in their proper place
I sometimes dislike myself
I try to be in charge - to lead others
I am empathetic - I feel others' emotions
I am concerned about others
I tell the truth
I am afraid to draw attention to myself
I never sit still - I'm always on the go
I prefer to stick with things that I know
I shout and yell at people
I do more than what's expected of me
I rarely over-indulge
I go out of my way to seek adventure
I avoid philosophical discussions
I think highly of myself
I get the job done and carry out my plans
I become overwhelmed by events
I have a lot of fun
I believe that there is no absolute right or wrong
I feel sympathy for those who are worse off than myself
I make rash decisions
I am afraid of many things
I avoid coming into contact with people if I can help it
I love to daydream
I trust what people say
I handle tasks methodically
I frequently lose my temper
I prefer to be alone
I do not like poetry
I sometimes take advantage of others
I sometimes leave the place in a mess
I sometimes am down in the dumps
I take control of situations
I rarely notice my emotional reactions and feelings
I am indifferent to the feelings of others
I break rules
I only really feel comfortable with friends
I do a lot in my spare time
I dislike changes
I insult people
I do just enough work to get by
I easily resist temptations
I enjoy taking risks
I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas
I have a high opinion of myself
I waste my time
I feel that I'm unable to deal with things
I love life
I believe laws should be strictly enforced
I am not interested in other people's problems
I rush into things
I get stressed out easily
I keep others at a distance
I like to get lost in thought
I distrust people
I know how to get things done
I am not easily annoyed
I avoid crowds
I do not enjoy going to art galleries or exhibitions
I sometimes am un-cooperative - I hinder other peoples’ plans
I leave my 'bits and pieces' and belongings around
I feel comfortable with myself
I wait for others to take the lead
I don't understand people who get emotional
I don't have time for other people
I sometimes break my promises
I am not bothered by difficult social situations
I react slowly
I am attached to conventional ways
I always even the score with others
I sometimes put little time and effort into my work
I am able to control my cravings
I like action and danger
I am not interested in theoretical discussions
I like to talk about my qualities
I have difficulty starting tasks
I remain calm under pressure
I look at the bright side of life
I believe that we should be very tough on crime
I try not to think about the needy
I act without thinking
Personality and character tests
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Personality and character tests have always been especially popular due to their effectiveness and informativeness. Among them, there are both powerful professional psychological tests and techniques that can see in you the most secret nooks and crannies of your character, as well as simple quick "time killers" that, thanks to associations, will help draw your attention to something that you did not notice before. Here you can choose any of the many personality and character tests, and take them online absolutely free.
10 psychological tests that will help you get to know yourself better
March 12, 2021Education
Questionnaires to test intelligence, anxiety levels, conflict levels and more.
01. Raven IQ test
This test will help you determine how smart, quick-witted and logical you are. It consists of 60 tasks, the complexity of which gradually increases.
Each question is a picture with symbols or shapes connected to each other. Your task is to understand how they are located, and then insert the missing element into the image.
Pass the test →
2. SMIL test
This questionnaire will be useful to make your comprehensive psychological portrait. You will be able to find out the type of personality, dominant character traits, communication style, propensity to take risks, level of self-esteem ... And that's not all!
True, to get the coveted result, you have to work hard: the full version of the test consists of 567 statements. You will have to choose whether you agree with them or not. But there is also an abbreviated version for express diagnostics of 65 questions.
Take the full test →
Take the short test →
3. Thomas-Kilmann test
Find out how prone you are to conflict and how you behave when things get heated. Check which style of disagreement resolution suits you best: confrontation, compromise, or silence.
The questionnaire consists of 30 pairs of statements. In each question, you will need to choose the answer that most accurately characterizes your behavior.
Take the test →
4. Test "House, tree, person"
Drawings of a person can tell a lot about his inner world. Check it out for yourself: draw a house, a tree and a person on paper, and then find out what it all means.
After interpreting the results, you will receive information about what lies in your subconscious, how comfortable you feel in society, what worries you and other interesting data.
Take the test →
5. Interpersonal Relationship Questionnaire
This test will help you determine your level of socialization. Check how easy it is for you to get close to people, how much they influence you, and how great your need for communication and attention is in general.
Be as honest as possible when taking the test. Answer the way you really think, not the way others expect you to. Then the results will be more reliable.
Take the test →
6. Activity style questionnaire
Activity style is the means and techniques by which a person achieves the set results. Answer questions about your temperament, character and interests, and then find out if you are an activist, thinker, theorist or pragmatist.
After passing the test, you will receive a detailed description of your type, and also find out what can reduce and increase your effectiveness in achieving your goals.
Take the Test →
7. Taylor Anxiety Scale
Sometimes healthy anxiety can be helpful. It helps to be more attentive and more careful in unforeseen situations. But if anxiety arises for no reason and exceeds reasonable limits, it greatly complicates life. The test will help you find out if you are prone to this disorder.
Take the test →
8. Boyko's test for diagnosing burnout
Fatigue, irritability, poor sleep and inability to concentrate on the task at hand are true companions of emotional burnout. If you find yourself experiencing at least some of these symptoms, take the test and see if it's time for you to take a vacation and have a good rest.