Talking to your angel

7 Shocking Ways Angels Speak To You Every Day

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Angels. The very word conjures up mental imagery of translucent beings attached to wings. But are angels real?

If you have followed this blog for any amount of time, you likely know that I will write about topics that touch upon the supernatural. Thats because there exists an intersection between human spirituality and general psychology.

Recently, I had the opportunity sit down with a Native Indian healer named Ben who regularly infuses elements of spirituality into his practice as a shaman.

He explained to me that while the term angel may subjective, its meaning is universal.Heres how he defines an angel. Your definition may or may not be the same.

A messenger from a higher power that some call God. Angels are sent to guide us and teach important life lessons. Angelsspeak to us each day.

Intrigued, I asked him to tell me more.What Ben shared was fascinating!In fact, I was so caught up with his insight that I decided to jotit all down.

What follows are 7 shocking ways angels speak to you every day.

Check this out.

Angels very often come to you in your dreams, but you may not recognize them or remember the dreams upon waking. To heighten your awareness of dream time communications from your angels, spend a few minutes speaking to your angels before you go to sleep.

Ask your angels to visit you in your dreams and share important insights that you may need to know. Keep a notebook and pen by your bed, and upon waking try to recall your dreams. Jot down any details you can remember, even if they don’t seem to be related to angels

Over time, you may start receiving messages from your angels while you dream, and you will improve your ability to recall anything of importance.

For example, if you have been dreaming about someone with brown eyes, it may be a message from beyond that suggests you need to become warmer and more open to someone you love.

Sometimes your angels will try to get your attention through physical sensations like tingling, a feeling of warmth spreading over you, a light touch on your hand, a feeling of someone gently stroking your hair, or even a tangible presence in the room with you.

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This often happens when you are frightened or sad about something and your angels want to comfort you. When you feel sensations like these, be sure to acknowledge them.

Say, “Thank you angels, I can feel you here with me and I’m grateful for your love and support.”

Your angels may also communicate in more obvious ways, like speaking directly to you. You may hear a voice, either inside your head or a voice that seems to come from outside of you, even when no one else is around.

Very often this will happen when your angels need to share some vital information to keep you safe. They may say things like, “Obey the speed limit,” or “Don’t take the freeway today.” This kind of communication can be difficult to believe at times.

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You may wonder if you are just imagining the voice, and you may even be tempted to dismiss it. Even if you have doubts about whether your angels are really speaking to you, it’s a good idea to follow the advice you hear because most of the time it will help you avoid some unpleasant experiences.

Angels can also communicate with other sounds besides voices. You may hear faint vocalizations that sound like angels singing, soft bells chiming, or music with no apparent source. When this happens, acknowledge it and ask your angels to make it clearer.

You might say something like this: “Angels, I think I hear you, but it’s very faint. Can you make it a little bit louder?” Then sit quietly and concentrate, and most often you will be able to tune in better.

If you are a visual person, you may see mental visions while meditating or in the last few minutes before you fall asleep. You may see swirling colors, sparkles of light, or even a clear image of one of your angels standing before you.

It is also possible to see visual phenomena in your surroundings as you go about your daily routine. You may see little flashes or streaks of light, or catch a quick glimpse of a glowing figure that looks like an angel, but it disappears when you turn to look directly at it

This usually means that you are becoming more sensitive to the presence of your angels. They are always around you, but you may not have been tuned in enough to notice it before.

Your angels may also communicate by giving you little signs or symbols throughout the day. These signs can vary widely, and they will usually be very personal to you.

Some examples might be finding white feathers wherever you go; seeing a bumper sticker that reads, “You Are Loved” just when you needed such a reminder; or a perfect flower growing in a place you least expected it.

The best way to tell whether these experiences are truly signs from your angels or mere coincidence is to pay attention to how you feel. A sign from your angels will always have a strong feeling attached to it, like a heightened sense of awareness or a strong feeling that someone is trying to tell you something.

Angels can also communicate with you through human or animal “helpers”. For example, you might ask your angels for advice on a particular subject before you go to work, and then one of your co-workers will utter the exact words you needed to hear.

Related: Do you have a spirit animal?

Or you might see an animal in nature and it seems to grab your attention very strongly, so you’ll look up the symbolism of that animal and find that it holds significance for you.

Your angels can communicate with you in endless ways, but the key is to simply pay attention. The more you work on heightening your awareness of your angels and following the insights and hunches you receive from them, you will become much more confident in knowing when your angels are trying to get your attention.

Below I have included a book below entitled Angels 101 by Dr. Doreen Virtue. Sheexplores the topic of angels in detail. What’s great about this read is the non-denominational approach the author takes in exploring this topic.

The question of rather whether angels are real or not is up to you. If you are a person who likes to include elements of Jungian psychology and psycho-spirituality into your daily wellness routine, this might be something you want to check out.

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How To Talk To Your Angels

Want to speak to your guardian angels? Read this blog post to learn how to talk to your angels in 5 steps.

Can You Communicate With Your Angels?

Yes. You can communicate with your angels. 

Angels are beings of love who are here to offer you divine wisdom and deepen your connection with the Universe.

Angels reside in the spiritual realm, which means you must transcend the physical plane to reach out to them.

You can choose to connect to archangels who have specialized roles or to your guardian angel who is the angel that’s specifically assigned to you.

You do not have to walk through life alone because all these angels are on standby waiting for you to initiate contact with them.

How Do You Communicate With Your Angels?

The way you communicate with your angels is through your thoughts.

Your angels are always by your side and they are listening to your every thought.

Every thought you have is fully received and responded to by your angels.

Angels respond to your thoughts by sending you intuitive nudges, creative ideas, and inspiration.

How Do You Listen To Your Angels?

The way you listen to your angels is through your intuition.

Your intuition (or higher self) is the part of you that is non-physical and connected to the spirit realm.

Your intuition has the ability to receive intuition downloads from your angels.

Your job is to tune in and listen to the guidance from your intuition no matter how strange it may seem to your logical brain.

Trust that your angels are always guiding you towards the solution of the highest good through your intuition.

Follow these 5 steps below and talk to your angels.

Step 1: Initiate Contact

The first step to talking to your angels is to initiate contact with the spiritual realm.

The seven archangels and your guardian angel are always ready and willing to offer you guidance and support.

But you must be open to receiving it.

To receive spiritual guidance, you must make contact with your angels by welcoming their presence.

Begin your conversation with this prayer to tell the angels you are ready to receive guidance, “Thank you, guides of the highest truth and compassion for your love and support. I welcome your guidance and wisdom right now.

If you have a specific angel or archangel you want to pray to, you can replace guides of the highest truth and compassion with his or her name.

Step 2: Ask Through Prayer

The second step to talking to your angels is to ask through prayer.

A Course In Miracles says that prayer is the medium of miracles. Prayer may sound intimidating but it is simply thoughts or words directed to your higher power.

As I teach in my self-help book, Feeling Good, there is no wrong way to pray. Even a simple prayer like, “Thank you,” is a prayer in and of itself.

Pray to your angels as if you were talking to a close friend that you’ve known for years.

Pour your heart out to your angels and trust that they will always have your back no matter what.

You can ask your angels for advice, guidance, opportunities, miracles, and more!

A simple prayer like, “Archangel Michael, I need your help right now. I step back and let you lead the way,” is a powerful call for divine guidance.

The key to prayer is to do it often, and not just when you need something. Are you more likely going to respond to that friend who only reaches out when he or she needs something or a friend who is always here for you?

Treat your relationship with your angels like a two-way street and you will feel supported in your daily life.

Step 3: Receive In Stillness

The third step to talking to your angels is to receive the answer in stillness.

If praying is asking, then meditating is receiving.

Every spiritual person practices meditation because meditation is how you connect with your higher power.

When you sit in stillness, you quiet the chatter of your mind which allows divine wisdom and spiritual guidance to come through.

An average person has over 60,000 thoughts a day, so it is imperative to carve out time to be still to hear your angels.

Many lightworkers report receiving hits of inspiration or what is commonly known as “spiritual downloads” during meditation.

Meditation may sound daunting but it’s a really simple practice once you get the hang of it.

Simply sit in stillness, witness any thoughts that come up without any judgment, and then guide your attention back to the breath.

The guidance from your angels may come to you in the form of a thought, an intuitive feeling, or a desire to take action.

Step 4: Thank Your Angels

The fourth step to talking to your angels is to thank your angels for their love and support.

After you have asked and received your guidance, it’s time to express gratitude for your angels.

End your conversation with this prayer of appreciation, “Thank you, for revealing to me what I need to know. I trust I’m being guided toward solutions of the highest good for all.”

Appreciation is the emotion with the highest vibration according to Abraham-Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale.

As I teach in my manifestation course, when you express appreciation for what-is, you put yourself into vibrational alignment with the loving presence of the Universe.

This energetic alignment strengthens your connection with your angels which allows for even more guidance to come through.

Step 5: Honor The Guidance

The final step to talking to your angels is to honor the guidance and take action.

The Universe and the angels are conspiring to lead you toward solutions of the highest good, but you must be willing to work with them to co-create your desires.

Honor the guidance you receive by acting upon the wisdom from a place of certainty.

This may involve stepping outside of your comfort zone a little bit.

Or this may involve taking a closer look at an old wound or a painful limiting belief that’s been with you for years.

Ultimately, you have to be willing to listen to the advice of your angels.

Think about it this way, if you keep ignoring the advice of a friend, do you think they will want to keep trying to help you?

Trust that whatever action you take, you will be supported and held.

Your angels didn’t help you come this far just to come this far.

You can know your angels are talking to you if you feel an intuitive nudge to do something, say something, or go somewhere.

Your intuition is the medium through which angels communicate with you.

But it is always up to you whether you want to honor the guidance or not.

Yes. Angels walk among us.

Angels are non-physical beings, this means they are everywhere all the time.

They are standing by our side, listening to our every thought, and ready and willing to assist us if we are open to it.

What language do angels speak?

Angels do not speak a specific language. They communicate with you through your intuition.

This way everyone, no matter how old you are or what language you speak, can receive guidance from angels.

How to learn to communicate with your guardian angel


In the Sacrament of Baptism, each person acquires a Guardian Angel - the most faithful and reliable friend, protector and heavenly patron, with the help of which one can bring a lot of good to the world around us.

The venerable elders of the past centuries taught that these incorporeal beings devoted to God have one purpose and two functions. The goal of the Angels is to help a person, to promote the development of virtues in him, to guide him on the true path leading to Salvation, and to enlighten us through the holy Teaching of Christ. And the functions: to pray for your ward, since their prayer is much stronger and more effective than ours, and to inspire a person with pious thoughts that indicate the right direction on our difficult life path.

By the way, Angels are assigned not only to every Christian who has been baptized, but also to entire nations and states, as the biblical book of the prophet Daniel tells about. Some churches also have them - John the Theologian told people about this, revealing the secret of the Seven Stars in the book "Apocalypse".

The Guardian Angel saves the Christian entrusted to his care from dangers. There is a lot of evidence of how events happened to people on the eve of accidents, thanks to which they were not where they planned to be, and where the tragedy happened, but in a completely different place.

Have you ever heard of the American researcher and sociologist James Staunton? This man, after many years of painstaking research, made a discovery published in 1958 in the American Journal of Sociology (American Journal of Sociology), the oldest scientific publication founded at the end of the 19th century on the basis of the University of Chicago. The discovery was that, according to inexorable and completely dispassionate statistics, the largest number of tickets for rail and air transport are rented precisely on those flights that crash! And these are not empty words: Staunton carefully examined all the data of transport accidents, starting from 1900 year. For decades, he studied and analyzed statistics for the 50 years preceding his discovery.

In addition to obvious interference in a person’s life at times of danger threatening him, the holy teachers of the Church attribute to the action of angels their indication of the necessary decision in a difficult situation, help in solving problems, moments of “spiritual insight” (inspiration). Experienced confessors pay attention to the fact that angels are incorporeal spirits, and therefore they can easily enter the human heart to put a pious desire into it, or into the mind of a person to inspire a good thought, or into the physical body to heal him.

The Guardian Angel is able to instill courage and confidence in the soul of the person entrusted to him. Cypriots, for example, when raising children, often instruct them with the words: “If you are afraid, cross yourself and pray to your Angel!” In a similar way, they teach the younger generation to get rid of various phobias and fears.

In many situations, the spirits of Light assigned to us are able to provide help and support, but it must be remembered that they can also easily retreat from a person. Leave him because of the passion for evil deeds and the offense of others. In this case, as, again, the venerable elders testify, the angels depart from the person and await his repentance and correction, praying for his sinned soul to be cleansed, and they could approach the person again.


Unfortunately, for an ordinary person, the presence of an Angel is invisible, since these are spiritual personalities and they do not have a material body that could be seen with physical vision. Only deeply spiritual people can see the heavenly patron, who, through many years of ascetic life and complete repentance, have been so cleansed that they have practically completely weakened their earthly essence and themselves have become similar to the same spiritual personalities as holy angels.

When establishing communication with your Guardian Angel, you need to act extremely carefully. After all, probably, every believer knows that if he independently dreams and fantasizes, not relying on the dogmas established by the Church, then he can easily fall into delusion. The fact is that, as is known from the life of such great ascetics of piety as Anthony the Great and Seraphim of Sarov, as well as other righteous people, under the guise of luminous angels, servants of the evil one can sometimes appear to people in a dream and in reality. These dark entities can disguise themselves as anyone except the Savior and His Most Pure Mother. So, if you use the advice offered in myriad by various magicians and followers of non-Christian spiritual practices, you can enter into frank communication with just these fallen spirits who want to get and destroy the souls of inexperienced inhabitants, and become a toy in their insidious hands.

Therefore, wishing to establish a strong “friendly” connection with our heavenly patron, let us turn to the dogmas of the Orthodox Church.

What do spiritually experienced clergy advise their flock?

1. First of all, if a Christian wants to start communicating with his Angel, you need to develop the habit of talking with your Angel. And besides, every day. Even twice a day, at least. In the morning and in the evening. For this, in the church arsenal there are special prayers to the Guardian Angel, which are included in the morning and evening prayer rule.

Here are those prayers:

In addition to the above prayers, there is a canon to the Guardian Angel, which is read, as a rule, in preparation for Holy Communion, and an akathist to the heavenly patron, which should not be forgotten either. It would also be nice to have the image of the heavenly protector in the home iconostasis, so that it would be more convenient to refer to him.

2. We need to listen to the voice of our Angel when he talks to us.

It seems that many believers understand what is at stake. Indeed, as the ascetics of piety teach us, and as stated in the “Law of God” by Seraphim Sloboda, the main textbook for new Christians, the voice of an Angel constantly sounds in the depths of our hearts. This is the voice of our conscience, which reproaches us for our bad deeds and rewards us with peace and complacency for works of mercy. You don't need to silence that voice! It is not appropriate for a Christian to brush it off and not pay attention to it, because by doing so we “shut our mouth” to our Angel! This is an outrage against him, and he, speaking more and more quietly, in the end will completely stop communicating with us.

3. You need to monitor your lifestyle. The Christian life should be worthy and pious, should be an example for others. You must always fight for your spiritual salvation, purifying your soul with prayer, fasting, good deeds, and participation in the Church Sacraments.

4. There is also a special spiritual practice, bequeathed by wise schemists, so that people have the opportunity to enter into especially close communication with their disembodied mentors. This is the observance of fasting on Mondays, or, as the people say, "Monday".

Monday is a spiritual austerity that has come down to us from time immemorial. A person who observes it is endowed with strength exceeding the strength of an ordinary person. His prayer is more effective than the prayer of a simple man in the street. Such a person can even sometimes pacify the power of the servants of evil spirits and, as the holy elders affirm, he will never be torn out of earthly life unprepared, without warning about that by the Guardian Angel.

Monday, according to the Seven Church Circle, is the day of the disembodied heavenly forces, that is, all the angelic ranks, which include both our Guardian Angels and the Guardian Angels of our loved ones.

There is a lot of evidence of how, through the prayers of people keeping a strict fast on Monday, their loved ones returned unharmed from the war and those who were missing were found. And one of the greatest fasters and ascetics of the last century, beloved by the people, Father Nikolai (Ragozin), a seer and miracle worker, to whom people from all over the former Soviet Union came for healing, blessed the “Monday” parishioners to help him during the reprimand of people tormented by demons. The fact is that not every priest can approach such people, but as soon as the parishioners who were in especially close communion with the Angels of Light approached them, they immediately calmed down, humbled their riot, and meekly did everything they were told.

5. If there are family quarrels or conflicts with superiors, you need to appeal to the Angels of the people around us.

Many clergy talk about this. There are moments in life when it is not possible to explain and agree with others. All persuasions and arguments seem to break against an invisible wall. At such moments, it makes no sense to scandalize and persist, insisting on your point of view (even if it is correct). When appeals to logic and reason do not help, an appeal to a person’s Angel can help.

6. The teachers of the Church assure that although the Angel cannot be seen and it is not easy to learn to hear his voice, nevertheless, his presence can be felt.

Everyone is probably familiar with the feeling of incredible heartfelt admiration when we encounter something inexpressibly beautiful: we see a wonderfully fragrant flower, we hear the sounds of music penetrating to the depths of the soul, we enthusiastically peer into the majestic starry sky - in all this, in everything grandiose and delightful. beautiful, sometimes you can catch how an angel flies next to us. Of course, if you try to look at the world not only with bodily eyes, but also develop your spiritual vision.

Christians will be able to see their Angel with their own eyes only after departing from the world, and what kind of meeting this will be depends only on us.

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How to talk with your guardian angel? Question

How to talk to your guardian angel? — Questioner


  • keeper
  • angel


Alena Knyazeva

Apparently you need to get into an accident.


Eduard Petrov

Mentally. Yes, he can hear you.

Elena {{{{

He hears you, but you don't hear him.
So it's up to you to learn to hear it.
First learn to talk to him (you can mentally) without expecting to hear an answer. Just like with a friend. And start paying attention to the signs. Usually angels communicate with people through signs. Gradually you will begin to understand the signs. Then you can slowly catch the quietest thoughts, which are from the angel. Then....

Ulan Bektemirov

In prayer.


Ilya Slesarev

he talks to you every day, in an inner voice, but you don't hear him.


@bdull@ ___

Why... he knows everything about you and your desires...


Roman Afanasiev

write a note, leave it in a conspicuous place overnight... -)))


Aizada Darieva

I hear mine every day. :)


Alexandra Ameryants

Why are you talking to him? If you do everything right, then he protects you ... If you start doing something wrong, he prevents you from doing it ... then nothing happens, falls out of your hands, circumstances arise that prevent you from meeting the person with whom you we need to meet (but according to fate, it’s not necessary). That's all. It happened to me many times when I really wanted to do something that contradicts normal life . .. and everything turned out so that I didn’t do it .... So the guardian angel is on the alert, and if a person does not obey him, problems arise.


Zhanna Parsegova



Olga Tolkacheva

If you want to get an answer, you can first use the pendulum.
Just read about it. Information exchange with the entities of the unmanifested plan is a serious thing.
The Guardian Angel will not deceive you, but it is not necessary that he will be in communication with you.
There is a lot of deceit on the other side.


Maxim Suvorov

Yes, very simple. When you are alone with him, tell your angel about your troubles, aspirations and be sure to share your joy. Ask the question that torments you. Give thanks. The answer will come within the next few days.

With Motor

can be mentally ....


Dear friend !!!To communicate with any beings of the spiritual or higher world, one must possess certain qualities and, of course, develop spiritually.

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