Service dog ocd
OCD Service Dog | CertaPet®
What is OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)?
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and occurs when a person gets caught in a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted, intrusive thoughts, images, or urges that trigger intensely distressing feelings. Compulsions are behaviors an individual engages in to attempt to get rid of the obsessions and/or decrease his or her distress.
Most people have obsessive thoughts and/or compulsive behaviors at some point in their lives, but that does not mean that we all have “some OCD.” In order for a diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder to be made, this cycle of obsessions and compulsions becomes so extreme that it consumes a lot of time and gets in the way of important activities that the person values.
The International OCD Foundation has a lot more to say on the subject; check it out.
Common Treatments and Coping Mechanisms for OCD
The most effective treatments for OCD are Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and/or medication. More specifically, the most effective treatments are a type of CBT called Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), which has the strongest evidence supporting its use in the treatment of OCD, and/or a class of medications called serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SRIs.
Exposure and Response Prevention is typically done by a licensed mental health professional (such as a psychologist, social worker, or mental health counselor) in an outpatient setting. This means you visit your therapist’s office at a set appointment time once or a few times a week.
Medications can only be prescribed by licensed medical professionals (such as your physician or a psychiatrist), who would ideally work together with your therapist to develop a treatment plan.
As more and more people seek holistic alternatives when developing their treatment plans, the use of assistance animals such as psychiatric service dogs and emotional support animals is becoming more commonplace. Therapy dogs are perfect for filling the gaps left by traditional treatment plans as the above discussed treatments will only work for about 70% of the OCD populus.
What are Psychiatric Service Dogs?
A psychiatric service dog (PSD) is a type of assistance animal that’s trained to perform specific tasks for individuals living with a mental illness. These unique tasks are directly related to the handler’s disability.
The ADA, Americans With Disabilities Act, has compiled Frequently Asked Questions and comprehensive, revised requirements, specifically about service animals, psychiatric service dogs, and more.
Most of us are accustomed to seeing guide dogs supporting those with physical disabilities like a hearing or sight impairment. However, a psychiatric service dog helps people with typically unseen, unnoticeable disabilities.
For example, men, women, and children who experience all-consuming OCD symptoms or similar challenges can greatly benefit from the service of a PSD.
Those who live with social phobia, depression or other depressive disorders can also find the service of a PSD to be incredibly beneficial.
CertaPet’s Blog is updated weekly and full of informative articles, testimonials, and data from mental health professionals. For a more in-depth overview of this complicated subject, read our full piece.
Click the below video to learn more about psychiatric service dogs.
How Can Service Dogs Help with OCD?
When someone is suffering from OCD, they will have many intrusive thoughts. A service animal will help combat this issue by tactile or deep pressure stimulation. Repetitive and compulsive behaviors are also helped by service dogs physically interrupting the compulsive behavior.
The website Wag Walking has many informative works on psychiatric service dogs, emotional support animals, and training handlers including this one.
Mental Health Benefits
There are dogs out there every day using their natural talents, from their incredible sense of smell to their caring and protective nature which, with extensive training, can be harnessed effectively by the medical or assistance industries.
Giving love to, and receiving love from, your service animal, psychiatric service dog or other, increases the release of hormones and cortisol levels which can result in a great many, positive outcomes. Thereby building an environment where the management of their symptoms: obsessions/compulsions, anxiety, an anxiety attack, PTSD, and other mental health issues, is more successful and more regular.
From reducing stress and calming episodes to bettering moods and bringing happiness to owners, handlers, and people in general, service animals, like a therapy dog, ESA, or psychiatric service dogs, can improve the livelihood of all by managing specific symptom needs.
Read what The Bark had to add about a specific service animal task, psychiatric service dogs, and how their owners can benefit right now as well as over time.
Physical Health Benefits
As mentioned in the beginning of this section, psychiatric service dogs, or any service animal, can target OCD symptoms and use their paws and bodies to illicit tactile stimulation which can curb intrusive thoughts and break cycles of repetitive compulsions.
There’s even more ways a service dog can aid their handler, one the physical level. Just by going through the motions and processes of obtaining, training, and assimilating your service dog, other benefits will be occurring too. A service dog, or service dogs, can promote physical exercise, getting outdoors and staying out longer, weight loss and heart health; all of which will, in turn, improve your mental health as well.
Here’s additional details from a recent Huffington Post piece.
Specific Tasks Service Dogs Can Perform to Support Their Owner
The various types of obsessions and compulsions carry with them many symptom similarities between them but also some distinct differences in how they manifest, how long they last, and how to safely deal with them.
We have several issues on our website’s blog page to help gain greater understanding about the lengths service dogs can go towards improving your well being. This one in particular describes in great detail this topic.
Here are just some of the many ways that a PSD can help their owner:
- Tactile Stimulation, Deep Pressure Therapy, Pressure and Warmth Stimulation – Tactile stimulation and pressure therapy can help ground a person and offer a therapeutic distraction from anxiety, depression, or a pending panic attack. PSDs can also be trained to place pressure on their handler’s chest or lap to encourage emotional regulation, bring calm to a situation, or simply offer warmth.
- Grounding – When a person feels trapped by the thoughts in their mind, whether they stem from anxiety, flashbacks, or other types of distress, grounding techniques can be helpful in bringing a person’s focus to their physical body or surroundings.
A service dog can ground their handler through interaction, tactile stimulation, pressure therapy, or through another therapeutic means that assists their handler.
- Medical Alert or Reminder – A service dog can be trained to alert their handler to the beginning stages of a medical episode, such as a change in breathing patterns, an increase in heart rate, emotional escalation, or oncoming muscle tension. In addition, a psychiatric service dog can remind their handler when it’s time for medication, when it’s time for bed, or when the handler needs to perform other daily routines throughout the day.
Emotional Support Dog vs. Psychiatric Service Dog: What’s the Difference?
PSDs and ESAs are both a type of assistance animal that a licensed mental health professional or doctor can prescribe to someone as part of their treatment plan.
However, only PSDs are recognized as official ‘service animals’ under the Americans with Disabilities Act. As legally recognized service animals, they’re entitled to the following rights:
- Public Access Rights (under the Americans with Disabilities Act they can accompany their owner into grocery stores, restaurants, etc.)
- Travel Rights (under the Air Carrier Access Act, they can accompany their owner in the airline cabin and the owner does not have to pay a pet fee)
- Fair Housing (under the Fair Housing Act, they can live in housing units even if there’s a no pets policy)
- Educational Facility Access (under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, they can accompany their owner into schools, colleges, universities, etc.)
ESAs on the other hand, do not have the same privileges when it comes to public access and travel, due to new DOT regulations put into place on January 11, 2021. Many major airlines now only recognize ESAs as pets, which means owners will have to pay a pet fee. (More information on these regulations and the airlines that have changed the policies here: However, people can still enjoy fair housing rights with their ESAs, even if they live in a no pets unit.
The reason for this difference is that PSDs have to be specially trained to perform a certain task or type of work that helps support a person living with a disability (ESAs on the other hand receive no special training – they’re just meant to offer comfort through their companionship).
To be considered a service dog, a PSD must be trained to perform a specific task (examples here: ), which is why partnering with a professional trainer is the best option.
We’re currently onboarding our professional dog trainers and will be offering this option very soon. In the meantime, those interested in getting a psychiatric service dog can begin the process by seeing if they qualify for a PSD or ESA through our free screening here: https://www.
How to Get an OCD Service Dog
In order to obtain a psychiatric service dog, or therapy dog, you must receive a recommendation from a licensed mental health professional or a doctor. This ‘prescription’ takes the form of a letter, which will be written on your health professional’s letterhead and include their license number.
There are no limitations to the breed of dog you can use as your psychiatric service dog. Your PSD can therefore either be a dog you already own, a dog you adopt from a shelter or rescue group, or a dog you receive from a service dog organization. Keep in mind, however, that the dog must be specially trained to perform certain tasks in order to be recognized as a service dog under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
CertaPet wants you to get a service dog as quickly as possible. And we know our services can do just that through our certified telemedicine evaluation and rapidly submitted recommendation letters. If you have additional questions, read these Healthline and Top Dog Tips articles.
How to Train an OCD Service Dog
In the sections above, we touched on the different training methods of an emotional support assistance dog. Here are some more details, along with a supporting blog post, regarding the typical training of a service dog, therapy dog, or support dog.
There are two components of an effective training regimen for all service dogs. First, the General Public Access Test is performed to instill good manners in service dogs, ensuring that they behave appropriately in public settings. The second step, the specialized task/work training is done, which satisfies the requirement of all PSDs to be able to perform a specific action that’s directly related to their handler’s disability.
No matter how your OCD manifests, or how it affects which aspects of your life, this two step training process can not only create a service dog out of any dog but tailor their abilities to combat each and every symptom the handler may encounter.
The Best OCD Service Dog Breeds
Any breed of dog could be transformed into an emotional support dog or psychiatric service animal. It could be a dog you have owned for years or one you just picked up from a shelter or adoption agency. But, like with most things, there are a handful of dog breeds that are superiorly adept than the rest.
The site Pet Guide made this comprehensive list with insights on each breed.
- Standard Poodle
- Labrador Retriever
- Havanese
- Miniature Schnauzer
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- German Shepherd
- Lhasa Apso
- Doberman Pinscher
- Boxer
- Border Collie
Are you interested in getting a psychiatric service dog?
Here at CertaPet, we can help. CertaPet is an online telehealth platform that improves access to mental health care in the U. S. with a focus on providing services to individuals who are seeking animal assisted interventions as part of their treatment plan.
We are currently coordinating with emotional support dog trainers who specialize in the service animal space and who will soon work in tandem with our network of licensed mental health professionals to make the process of getting and training a psychiatric service dog affordable, convenient, and hassle-free.
We’ll have more information available soon about our Psychiatric Service Dog Training options. In the meantime, you can take our FREE pre-screening below to see if you qualify for a PSD!
Can you have a service dog for a mental health condition?
Absolutely, yes. Service dogs are trained to assist in the activities of daily living for those who have one or more mental health conditions, including OCD, PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, and depression.
How do you qualify for a psychiatric service dog?
We have a fast, easy, and stress free way to determine just that. We start with a free screening, move on to a telemedicine evaluation from a licensed professional, and finish with a personalized plan and ESA letter of qualification.
What can a psychiatric service dog do?
Under the ADA, a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability.
Can I use any breed of dog as an emotional support dog or psychiatric service animal?
Any breed of dog can take to the psychiatric service training well and you can even use one you already own. However, there are particular breeds that excel in these kinds of emotional, stressful, and difficult situations.
How are support dogs trained?
Service dogs can be trained by you, the handler, or by you with the assistance of a certified trainer. A third option is to adopt a service animal from an accredited training organization for service dogs.
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Service Dog For OCD | How They Help & What You Need To Qualify
Can You Get A Service Dog If You Have OCD?
You may have heard the term obsessive-compulsive used a lot, but there are some individuals in this world whose daily lives are greatly impacted by the disorder. It may seem as if you can get a service animal for just about anything these days, and that is somewhat the case. These animals are so popular because they are so effective! Believe it or not, there is a service dog for individuals suffering from OCD.
What is the Difference Between a Service Animal and an ESA?
The terms service dog, service animal, and emotional support animal (ESA) are getting thrown around a lot these days. Due to the frequency with which these terms are used interchangeably, it’s no surprise that many people don’t know the difference between a service animal and an ESA.
A service animal (or service dog) is a specially trained animal that is able to perform some specialized tasks or tasks for their owner. The task these animals perform is often something the mentally or physically disabled owner would be incapable of doing for themselves. The task may also be something that aids the disabled owner in maintaining their safety or independence.
These tasks can vary from gently nudging their owner while walking beside them to make sure they don’t veer to the side to fetching the owner a bottle of water or a phone to place emergency calls. A service animal is highly trained to perform necessary tasks.
The key differentiating factor between service animals and emotional support animals is that service animals are trained for specific tasks and are utilized by owners with disabilities while ESAs are used primarily for the comfort their presence provides.
Emotional support animals (ESAs) do not need to have any sort of specialized training to perform their roles. Some owners simply find comfort in the presence of their animals and find their life is improved by being allowed to keep their animals beside them at all times.
In light of this reality, regulations have been put in place to protect the rights of those who take advantage of the benefits that can be provided by service animals and ESAs alike. In order to avoid any issues when using a service animal or ESA, it is advised that you ensure you qualify to employ a service animal and have taken the proper steps for approval and registration.
What You Need to Qualify
In all cases, in order to qualify for a service animal, you will need to get approval from a physician. The physician will need to verify if you have OCD and how severe it is. Generally, service dogs are used when a condition severely impacts a person’s well-being. Once you obtain qualification from a physician, you will be able to get a trained service dog. Unfortunately, service animals can be very expensive, so it is important to strongly consider if getting one is a good option for you.
Fully trained service animals can be quite expensive, but there are other options available for those who require a service dog or emotional support animal. There is nothing stopping a person from training their animal to provide them with support on their own. Training any dog for specialized tasks can be difficult and requires a lot of patience and knowhow, but it can be done by the owner at little to no cost. Another alternative would be seeking the aid of a professional trainer to improve the training process at a lower cost than purchasing a fully trained service animal.
Service animals, unlike ESAs, can be taken into any establishment or location in which a person is normally allowed to enter. This means service animals can be brought on planes, in taxis, and into restaurants without incurring any additional fees. Furthermore, service animals are also legally allowed to live with their owners in housing situations that otherwise have “no pet” policies.
Start Your Official Service Animal Registration
Federal laws permit service animal owners to take full advantage of their animals for their designated purpose while disallowing organizations from charging them additional fees for the presence of the animal. This cannot be said for ESAs across the board as ESAs do not have the same access to public establishments as service animals have. There are still regulations that aid ESA owners and allow them to bring their animals with them without extra cost in most places.
The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) protects the privacy rights of those with mental or physical disabilities. When you have a service animal, you are legally required to only answer two questions asked by employees, landlords, and managers of establishments: “Is this animal a service animal?” and “What tasks(s) does the animal perform?”
Answering these questions is your legal responsibility when prompted, but any other questions do not need to be answered. If an issue occurs, make sure you know your rights but remain calm and address the situation appropriately. Many people simply don’t know the regulations surrounding service animals and ESAs and a calm explanation will often result in resolving the situation. In these types of circumstances, registration of your service animal can help ease the process.
What are the Benefits of Registering a Service Animal?
While registering your service animal is not required by law, it can make owning one and explaining their purpose to others much easier. Registration of your service animal will enter yourself and your animal into a database that can be referenced by others to legitimize your claims if they put up resistance.
Furthermore, a service dog vest issued after registration will help others realize that your animal is not simply a pet but actually performing a needed service for you. The included ID badges and certificates will further legitimize you and your animal in the minds of others. While these things are not required by law, they can greatly aid you in the process of gaining entry to locations you are legally allowed to enter and help to prevent any potential issues that may otherwise arise.
Despite the fact that service animals are legitimate and scientifically proven to be effective, there can still be a fair amount of balking from some individuals who don’t fully understand or appreciate the functions that service animals are capable of. Service animals have been trained to effectively aid owners with all sorts of needs and disabilities—even those with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
How A Service Animal Can Help Someone With OCD
The type of service animal that an individual with OCD would have is classified as a psychiatric service animal (PSA). This classification of a service animal is great for individuals suffering from PTSD, panic attacks, depression, anxiety, and OCD.
OCD can overtake an individual’s life and completely derail them from the task at hand. A service dog would be trained to distinguish good behavior from the negative. If you dive into something and lose track of time and the world around you, your dog is there to bring you back to planet Earth.
Service dogs know when you have been consumed by something and they can paw at you until you snap out of it. This may sound blunt and to the point, but let’s give an example. It isn’t uncommon for someone with OCD to be in the middle of a meeting and instead of focusing on the discussion, they can be consumed by their stack of papers not aligning correctly. Your service animal is there to make you aware of your distraction and help regain your focus.
This probably seems like a minor situation, but these situations can repeatedly happen day in and day out. The meeting is just one example, but a task as simple as eating dinner can easily be derailed.
Many individuals with severe OCD typically have anxiety. Service dogs are able to provide companionship and protection. When someone suffers from an anxiety attack the service animal is right there to provide comfort in any way possible. Whether by bringing you your prescription medications or simply lying on you to provide body compression.
The bond between a person and their service dog is inseparable. Many individuals who obtain a service animal look back and have no idea how they made it this far without them. One of the most positive things about a service animal is that your everyday life can only be enhanced. A service animal is well-trained and never a burden. These animals don’t need much maintenance other than food and bathroom breaks, aside from those they are your lifeline and tend to all of your needs.
One OCD patient claims his dog cured his OCD and need for total control. Through getting a dog, it added some mess and disorder to his life, which helped him to relax and be okay with things not always being perfect. The dogs also provided love and comfort during the tough times along his recovery journey.
It is amazing just how much a service animal can enhance your quality of life. In addition to alerting you of your obsessive behavior, service animals can also help you put more of a routine into your life. You can look forward to walking your dog, feeding him, and simply enjoying time together. These moments with your service animal will help you forget about everything going wrong and focus and redirect your attention to your dog. It truly is amazing the difference a service animal can make in your life.
Related Articles
description, character and main features
- What can be called service dogs?
- Australian Shepherd (Aussie)
- Akita Inu
- American Staffordshire Terrier
- Beagle
- Boxer
- Border Collie
- Welsh Corgi (Pembroke & Cardigan)
- East European Shepherd
- Golden Retriever
- Doberman
- Caucasian Shepherd Dog
- Labrador Retriever
- Moscow watchdog
- German Shepherd
- Rottweiler
- Black Russian Terrier
- St.
- Terminals
Dogs are man's best friends and faithful helpers. Representatives of some breeds steadfastly serve on a par with people, participating in search and guard activities. A sharp scent, a strong psyche, courage and endurance are the qualities that a real service dog should have.
Of course, these dogs can also be kept as companions. Cynologists recommend that owners of service dogs take at least a general training course (OKD) in order for the pet to become obedient and well-mannered.
Does your heart belong to the service breed? On the eve of the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day - we have prepared material about the most popular of them.
What kind of dogs can be called service dogs?
Service breeds are divided into:
1. Hunting. Their task is to hunt down and pursue prey.
2. Shepherds. Help to graze livestock in all weather conditions.
3. Security. Guard objects and people.
4. Investigative. Carry out a search for people in danger, prohibited substances.
5. Customs. Find objects and substances that cannot be brought into or taken out of the country.
6. Bodyguards. Dogs guarding people.
7. Search engines. A keen sense of smell helps to find people who are missing, trapped under rubble, etc.
8. Guards. Protect the borders of the state.
9. Riding. Designed for transporting people and goods in difficult weather conditions.
10. Sappers. Find explosives, help clear the area.
11. Assistance dogs for people with disabilities (guide dogs, rehabilitation dogs, therapeutic guard dogs).
Australian Shepherd (Aussie)
Good-natured dogs that, despite their mischievous nature, will never offend themselves or family members. They prefer to dominate, so the owner will have to be patient to find a common language with the pet.
Australian Shepherds have historically been used as herding dogs, making them responsible babysitters. They are often recruited into the border guard and also trained as guide assistants.
Akita Inu
These people from the land of the rising sun are owners of a difficult character who need training skills. It is impossible to bring up a “plush toy” from an Akita Inu - a proud and independent disposition will not allow this.
They do not like the presence of strangers, and they will growl at other dogs, clearly marking their territory. Spending time in nature, chasing a toy is their favorite pastime. The dog of the Akita Inu breed will become an excellent guard, to whom you can safely entrust your home and family.
American Staffordshire Terrier
Strong and hardy staffs are distinguished by high intelligence. Despite the formidable appearance, this dog never attacks just like that - it is quite difficult to get him out of himself. Aggression will be manifested only in case of a clear danger.
The training of the Staffordshire Terrier should begin at a very early age - the dog must be clearly aware of how to behave with family members and with other people. The character of the guard, laid down by nature, makes representatives of the breed reliable companions with whom you can feel completely safe.
The Beagle is a hound breed, so the presence of a small fidget in the house is guaranteed. The activity of this dog can only be envied. Beagles adore a large number of people, whose attention is attracted with pleasure. They do not like to be left alone, in the absence of the owners for a long time, they can begin to destroy the house, expressing their extreme indignation.
They get along with other dogs, but cats are not respected - the hunter's temper affects. The Beagle is an ideal breed for a large family, which will delight owners with optimism and inexhaustible energy until their advanced years.
Fearless boxers are excellent watchdogs, therefore they are often used by law enforcement agencies as service dogs. These are dogs that will be faithful to their owners until their last breath. With the right upbringing, a reliable family member, active and friendly, grows out of a boxer.
Another distinctive quality is increased alertness towards strangers. However, you should not be afraid of a boxer: he always feels those who pose a real threat. Boxers love children, they are happy to participate in their games, and in case of danger they will be the first to come to the rescue.
Border Collie
Border collies are considered to be the smartest dogs in the world. They are easy to train and able to learn complex commands. These are workaholic dogs who need someone to take care of all the time.
The ancestors of modern border collies were herding small livestock, so watchdog skills predominate in them at the genetic level. They will surround the whole family with their care, especially small children. These four-legged friends require constant exercise - a passive lifestyle is not for them.
Welsh Corgi (Pembroke & Cardigan)
"Big dog in a small body." This is exactly what the owners say about the Welsh Corgi. Active and cheerful shepherd dogs conquer with high intelligence and amazing artistic abilities.
They perfectly feel the mood of their owner, understanding when to insist on communication, and when to step aside. They need to keep abreast of events all the time, because they don’t want to miss something interesting! Corgis are inherently fearless, so if necessary, they will engage in a fight with an enemy that is significantly superior to them in physical data.
East European Shepherd
Our "compatriots" - East European Shepherd Dogs - are born guards and watchmen. With such a dog, you don't have to worry about your own safety. If you decide to get an East European Shepherd, be prepared for the fact that you will have to go through a training course with it, and more than one - they need to periodically consolidate the acquired skills.
Friendly to children and wary of strangers, this breed makes excellent companions.
Golden Retriever
The breed was popular among the English nobility, who spent their free time hunting. The dogs carried shot game, and it was not difficult for them to climb into thickets of thorny bushes or a cool pond.
To this day, many hunters choose a golden retriever as a four-legged companion. They also train search engines, rescuers and guides.
Graceful Dobermans only seem dangerous. A properly trained dog will never show aggression. The breed is highly intelligent and easily learns commands.
A distinctive character trait of any Doberman is vigilance. He is always on the alert, so you can not be afraid for the safety of the home. Attacking without warning is not about the Doberman: nature has endowed these dogs with a strong and balanced psyche.
Caucasian Shepherd Dog
They are also called wolfhounds - they are ready to defend their master to the last. The nature of Caucasians is complex, sometimes aggressive, so they need a firm hand. Despite the harsh disposition and outward brutality, these four-legged pets are infinitely devoted to their family, they treat children with sensitivity and care.
They are quite loyal to other pets, especially representatives of miniature breeds. They are wary of strangers, but they will show aggression only in case of a real threat.
Labrador Retriever
One of the most popular breeds in the world. Labradors are suitable for keeping in a large family where there are other animals and small children. Aggression is alien to them, and the positive disposition of the pet is able to cheer up anyone.
These dogs have innate hunting instincts, but in the modern world they are widely used as guides, searchers and rescuers.
Moscow watchdog
The name speaks for itself - this is a guard dog that will steadfastly carry out guard duty. The blood of St. Bernards and German Shepherds flows in their veins, so the character is quite controversial: sometimes "Muscovites" show ferocity, sometimes they amaze with their phlegm.
These large quadrupeds are hyper-responsible nannies, but kids need to be careful. A wild dog can accidentally knock a child down.
German Shepherd
They are distinguished by high intelligence, excellent security and search qualities. That is why representatives of this breed are most often used by government services as assistants. They are easy to train and enjoy learning new commands. The character is loyal and balanced.
The Rottweiler is a guard dog that requires responsible maintenance. A dog that has not completed a training course can grow aggressive and attack not only other animals, but also people. It takes a long time to raise an obedient dog. Recognizes the authority of only one owner, treats other family members friendly.
Black Russian Terrier
A hardy and prudent dog, bred by Soviet cynologists as a service dog. At the moment, representatives of the breed are used as rescuers, searchers and security guards. These are calm four-legged animals with an excellent memory. Responsibly protect their home, family members.
St. Bernard
Calm St. Bernards have historically been used by humans as rescuers - they easily found people under avalanches. Dogs are good-natured, peaceful, therefore ideal for keeping in the family.
Their character can be called imperturbable - they are indifferent to strangers, however, as well as to other animals. The Saint Bernards, despite their outward melancholy, love games and take part in joint fun with pleasure.
Our advice to future service dog owners:
1. Carefully study the information about the breed: character, features of maintenance and care, etc.
2. Buy a puppy only from trusted kennels that have the necessary certificates.
3. Prepare your home for the arrival of a new family member: purchase food and water bowls , bed or bed , toys .
4. Feed your dog only quality food premium, super premium and holistic . Such diets are fully balanced and have a high protein content.
5. You will need 9 for walking0003 Collar, leash and ID tag .
6. Consider who will train the dog. If you decide to train your dog yourself, take care of the appropriate equipment and accessories .
7. Do not forget to treat your pet regularly for parasites .
8. To prolong your pet's life, once a year go through a comprehensive examination at a veterinary clinic.
9. Follow the vaccination schedule.
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Service dog breeds with photos, names and descriptions
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List of service dog breeds includes guard, search, sled and sports groups. Some hunting and herding breeds can also be used as service dogs. This section presents service dog breeds with photos and names - an indispensable hint for crossword lovers. By clicking on the photo of the pet you like, you will be taken to the page of the breed with a detailed description.
It is important to understand that a dog becomes capable of serving through upbringing and training. In case you want to buy a service breed dog for your home and family, going through a general training course will be enough. In order for the dog to acquire specialization, you will have to work with professional cynologists and pass exams.
Service dogs have strength, endurance, poise, a keen sense of smell, developed intuition, courage and loyalty to a person. The more specific requirements for a pet vary depending on what kind of work it has to do.
The "universal soldiers" - German Shepherds - work diligently in the police. Dogs patrol the streets, work on crime scenes, and are useful on the wanted list.