Self righteous people
Righteous vs. Self-Righteous | Psychology Today
Source: Tatiana Gladskikh / 123RF by permission
Investigating the literature on this subject yields a teasingly twofold result. Traditionally, the two personality categories have been examined in a predominately theological light. They’re now, however, being considered along noticeably more secular lines.
In both instances, self-righteousness emerges as more culpable, or less to be respected, than righteousness. Still, if these two existential stances are viewed through the lens of contemporary moral psychology, independent of scriptural dogma, the ultimate distinctions between them become somewhat blurry.
The Theological Perspective
Let’s explore first how righteousness and self-righteousness have been differentially defined from a doctrinal vantage point. Biblically speaking, righteousness is about being in right standing with God—vs. self-righteousness, recognized as giving final authority for one’s decisions not to God but to one’s self.
So self-righteousness becomes, paradoxically, a kind of self-trusting sacrilege: The person isn’t serving God’s will but profaning God by serving, or taking final direction from, themselves.
To one writer, Jesus was 100% righteous and, too, 100% right. And since we’re all sinners, when we deign to see ourselves as righteous, we’re actually being self-righteous. This notion is absolutist, as this author’s repetition of “100%” clearly implies. And, of course, such authoritarian teachings don’t allow for any exceptions or modifications.
Similar to other religious interpreters of canonically accepted tenets, self-righteousness is seen adversely as unrighteous. Consider the words of another sectarian author:
The irony of self-righteousness is that it trust[s] in itself, its feelings, its emotions, its desires, its logic, and its understanding. So it never sees the error in its own ways.
In short, as deemed by many theistic writers, self-righteous individuals have a bad attitude: They’re intolerant, smug and sanctimonious, and—overly confident about their righteousness or moral superiority—they attempt to “lord” it over others, unjustifiably putting them down as weak, dependent, and indiscriminately placing collective faith over individualized, non-religious experience.
Compare this to the often-quoted biblical line: “Judge not that ye be not judged” (Matthew 7:1). Or, if you’re going to judge anyone, you ought to first judge yourself. (Otherwise, because it’s premature to “throw stones” at others, you have no business doing so.)
On the contrary, the righteous are assumed to be humble, devoutly and dutifully revering God as He’s worshipfully depicted in Holy Scriptures. Moreover, it’s not the righteous but the self-righteous who implicitly (and unjustifiably) declare themselves “holier than thou.”
The Secular Perspective
Those perceived as self-righteous don’t really fare any better when seen in a more secular light. But it also needs to be added that the righteous (or so-called “godly”) are themselves typically viewed less positively when placed under this more worldly microscope. In fact, the two types don’t diverge anywhere as much in this context. In some ways, they’re almost as complementary as they are contrasting.
Here, people labeled as self-righteous are negatively identified as characteristically vainglorious and self-deceiving; gratuitously feeling superior; and being arrogant, elitist, and self-aggrandizing (sometimes falling headlong into the pitiable pit of narcissism).
Beyond that, the self-righteous are also regarded as hypocritical in that they employ a double standard when it comes to “right” behavior. Despite their being just as prone to displaying faulty judgment and acting in a blameworthy manner as those deemed righteous, they nonetheless proclaim that their morality is more enlightened and moral than these more pious individuals (sometimes sarcastically described by them as self-righteous “goody-goodies”).
Applying far more lenient standards for assessing their own personal behaviors, they exhibit a favorable self-bias that itself may be eminently deserving of criticism. And as already suggested, they can be highly judgmental of, and disputatious with, others.
Yet unmitigated righteousness may not, at least viewed secularly, fare much better. Once again, pondering the irony of many of the routine distinctions that writers have come up with to distinguish between the two orientations to reality, here’s how one author endeavors to separate—and maybe not separate—the two:
Merely holding the view that the righteous are superior to the non-righteous, whatever that means, strongly hints that you consider yourself in the former category. If so, you’re self-righteous. [Or, in other words, if you’re not truly humble about your righteousness, then you can’t really be regarded as righteous at all.]
There are definitely times when a person sincerely believes that they have more authority to judge themselves than do others, even if there exists a broad consensus that their behavior is reprehensible. And in this regard, consider the biographical movie Monster, in which the serial killer (played by Charlize Theron) says—and with utter conviction—that she’s “good with the Lord,” absent any remorse for all the men she’s ruthlessly murdered.
Regrettably, it’s all-too-easy for certain individuals to vindicate themselves apart from evidence that would make their “righteous” self-justification seem almost psychotic. For a person’s deeds can betray their “divine” righteousness as a total sham.
Reconciling the Religious With the Secular
If righteousness pinpoints a person’s allegiance to a moral code without their feeling compelled to self-advantageously compare it to another’s, then we can conclude that—whether seen monastically or materialistically—it involves a humility free of self-righteousness. And it may well be that, first and foremost, authentic righteousness is best perceived as portraying a truly humble attitude.
The quotation below, from New Testament theologian Darrell Bock (1994), makes a forceful case for seeing humility as at the core of what’s missing from the self-righteous:
Pride preaches merit; humility pleads for compassion ... Pride separates by putting down others; humility identifies with others, recognizing we all have the same [essential] need[s].
Pride destroys through its alienating self-service; humility opens doors with its power to sympathize with the struggle we share. Pride turns up its nose; humility offers an open and lifted-up hand.
Jonathan Haidt, in his book The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion (2012), attempts to reconcile the enduring dissension about what constitutes righteousness by resorting to contemporary moral psychology. Utilizing this subjective but non-prejudicial approach to better apprehend divergent ethical viewpoints, he believes we can foster an understanding that, potentially, could bridge the gap among people whose biases markedly differ.
With greater comprehension such age-old conflicts might be made more congruent, offering themselves up to a mutually adaptive resolution—which unfortunately has yet to occur. As Michael Hogan (2012) puts it in his essay “The Righteous Mind,” Haidt’s goal “is to drain some of the heat, anger, and divisiveness out of political and religious debate and replace them with awe, wonder, and curiosity” [what secularists themselves typically view as “spiritual”]. Admittedly an idealistic solution, this viewpoint is supported by scientific procedures for appreciating the “deeply emotional, intuitive, selfish, and groupish nature of our moral psychology.”
So, to conclude this discussion, taking God or a higher authority out of the equation permits us to focus on essential matters of justice and fairness as most (though not all) humans recognize them. And looking for values that are universally shared, even by individuals who differ in their religious and political priorities, might at last connect us by centering on what, without betraying our ideals, we can agree upon. Only then can the gulf be bridged between views based on orthodox religious teachings and those grounded in the scientific study of unchangeable human nature.
Doubtless, the sooner we can effect this reconciliation the better, since we’re all in this disjointed, embattled, and chaotic world together. And whether we like it or not, our destinies are inextricably entwined.
© 2021 Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.
It's All About Me: Self-Righteousness
We are continuing our blog series, “It’s All about Me.” In the series, we are looking at many commonly held belief systems and terms used by our culture. Our aim is to see if our preoccupation with self is helpful for living a happy and successful life. Today, we are looking at self-righteousness.
Have you ever had a conversation with someone who acted holier-than-thou?
Did the individual act as though he or she was right and everyone else was wrong?
I’m guessing the answer is yes. We’ve all encountered these people.
How did these encounters make you feel?
Did they make you want to change your ways, or did they make you want to do just the opposite?
Seldom do conversations with self-righteous people make us want to be like them.
But, here’s the burn. You may be self-righteous without even realizing it because self-righteousness is something no one sees in the mirror.
Many people act self-righteous, but they don’t see it that way. Why? Because they see it as being right.
For example, if you catch yourself putting down others’ behaviors and justifying your own, you might be self-righteous.
By the time you finish reading today’s blog, I hope you will recognize your own self-righteousness, if it exists in you, and more importantly, find the cure.
What Does It Mean to Be Self-Righteous?
Here are a few definitions of self-righteous:
Merriam-Webster – “Convinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others: narrow-mindedly moralistic.”
Urban Dictionary – “A self-righteous person acts superior to his peers because he believes his moral standards are perfect. This ‘moral smugness’ is condescending by nature and is usually found offensive by others.”
Cambridge Dictionary – “Believing you are better and more moral than other people, often expressed in an annoying or offensive way. ”
In short, a self-righteous person is someone who believes he or she is better than, and morally superior to someone else..
I’m sorry to say this, and please keep it between us, but I think that sounds like a lot of “Christians.” If you call yourself a “Christian,” you really need to examine your heart on the subject. Christian self-righteousness is the worst kind and so repulsive. The exact opposite of what Christ really meant for us to be.
A true Christian never boasts of his own righteousness because a true Christian knows he doesn’t have any through his own initiative. A true Christian knows from where his righteousness really comes.
Self-Righteous Does Not Belong at all to the “Righteous”
Often, people only associate “self-righteousness” with people who are Christians.
This is understandable because the word “righteous” is used throughout the Bible to describe those who conform their heart and lives to godly living.
However, the term “self-righteous” does not belong solely to those who follow God.
In fact, anyone can be self-righteous if they believe their ways are the right ways, and everyone else’s ways are wrong. Sound familiar?
Self-righteousness attitudes are rampant as people become intent on proving their moral superiority.
In the Los Angeles Times article Has Millennials' Self-Esteem Become Self-Righteousness? the author argues, “The indignation and dripping sanctimony we see from so many young activists isn't narcissism, or even the storied self-esteem this generation has been ostensibly mainlining since birth. Maybe it has undergone some sort of chemical conversion into something even more dangerous: self-righteousness.”
Whether you are or aren’t a Christian, you can easily fall into the trap of self-righteousness and the sin of justifying yourself.
The Sin of Justifying Yourself
The “self” tacked on to “righteousness” is the problem. When you start justifying self, you get into trouble.
For example, those who are self-righteous are quick to point out the sins in others to justify their own shortcomings, insecurities, and sinful behavior.
- Hypocrisy: Self-righteousness reeks of hypocrisy.
The Message describes self-righteous hypocrisy this way in Romans 2:1-2: “Those people are on a dark spiral downward. But if you think that leaves you on the high ground where you can point your finger at others, think again. Every time you criticize someone, you condemn yourself. It takes one to know one. Judgmental criticism of others is a well-known way of escaping detection in your own crimes and misdemeanors. But God isn’t so easily diverted. He sees right through all such smoke screens and holds you to what you’ve done.”
- Pride: Those who are self-righteous are often full of pride.
Self-righteousness focuses on the outward behavior of others rather than one’s own heart.
These want attention for their imagined “righteousness,” such as the Pharisees in the Bible. Jesus says, “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them (Matthew 6:1 NIV).
The Pharisees’ self-righteousness and pride prevented them from recognizing and seeing their need of the Savior.
- Judgment: Self-righteousness is fed by judging others.
Over the last 20+ years of pastoral work, the people who often tout “judge not” are often the people who judge the most.
Not only do they judge others, but they make up their own rules for judging others.
They think they are better than others based on actions. They blame others for their own sins, and they justify themselves by judging others.
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
– Matthew 7:3-5
The Problem with Self-Righteousness is You are Not God
The problem with self-righteousness is that it makes the person believe he or she is righteous.
They arrogantly put themselves in the position of God bestowing judgment on whomever they see fit. That’s a big problem.
As you read this, if you’re thinking of other people, stop. Consider yourself. Think through your own actions. Apply this to you. The self-righteous will have a difficult time examining their heart. That might be a clue that it’s you.
“Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?”
– Romans 4:11-12
Self-righteous people not only judges others’ sins, but they begin to believe their “self” is “better than” others. The result is they think they don’t need a Savior.
As Steven J. Cole explains, “But it’s a serious, damnable sin because it keeps people from seeing their need for the gospel. It believes the lie that we can be good enough in ourselves to qualify for heaven. Thus we don’t need a Savior who died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins.”
You Cannot Save Yourself. You Need the Savior.
Here’s the truth: no matter how good you are according to the world’s moral standards, you will never be good enough.
You are a sinner. We all are (Romans 3:23).
No matter if we follow most of the rules and keep most of the commandments, it’s impossible to “qualify for heaven” on our own.
Paul David Tripp writes, “Since sin is deeper than bad behavior, trying to do better isn’t a solution. Only grace that changes the heart can rescue us. There is a difference between a person in whom disappointment leads to self-reformation and someone in whom grief leads to heartfelt confession. […] The first person believes in personal strength and the possibility of self-rescue, while the second has given up on his own righteousness and cries out for the help of another. ”
That’s why God sent His son, Jesus.
God knew we couldn’t do it on our own.
The penalty for our sin is death. Thankfully, Jesus, who never sinned, came to earth to die for our sin on the cross.
It’s only because of His blood shed for our sins that we are forgiven (Hebrews 9:22).
Acknowledge and confess your sin to any party you injured and to the Lord. Begin with any self-righteousness in your heart. Believe Jesus died on the cross for your sin and place your faith in him as your Savior and Lord.
For those who already are Christians, confess and repent of any self-righteousness in your life, and don’t just confess that to God. Confess it to anyone you’ve been self-righteous toward.
To the Christians, 2 Corinthians 13:5 tells us to “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you -- unless, of course, you fail the test?”
Complacency: how to calculate it and why it interferes😏😒
“The more a person is satisfied with himself, the less he can be satisfied with,” wrote Leo Tolstoy. Self-satisfaction of a person correlates with many shortcomings - egocentrism, self-confidence, stupidity . Is it true? Let's try to figure it out and not slide into moralizing (which would also be a consequence of complacency).
Self-satisfaction of a person correlates with many shortcomings - egocentrism, self-confidence, stupidity
What is it, complacency?
Close your eyes and imagine a self-satisfied person. He is probably proud and shiny from a sense of his own importance. He does not and cannot have mistakes and failures. He is right in everything and is glad to persistently carry his rightness to the masses.
In the cognitive sciences, complacency is primarily associated with the Dunning-Kruger effect. This is a cognitive distortion, which lies in the fact that people with a low level of qualification draw erroneous conclusions, make bad decisions and are unable to realize their mistakes due to their low level of qualification. nine0008
This effect is well illustrated by the case itself, after which Professor David Dunning and his graduate student Justin Kruger conducted their study.
In April 1995, MacArthur Wheeler rubbed lemon juice on his face and robbed two banks in Pittsburgh. He believed that lemon juice made his face invisible to CCTV cameras, similar to how lemon juice is used as invisible ink. Wheeler reported that he successfully tested his idea on his own Polaroid camera before the heists. Of course, such an absurdly stupid plan didn't work, and the police caught him in a matter of hours. "But I had juice on me," the perpetrator said, confused when the police showed up at his house. nine0004
The police concluded that Wheeler was sane and sober - he was simply deeply mistaken.
Dunning and Krueger became interested in this case and, as a working hypothesis, suggested that although most people positively assess their abilities in certain cases, some tend to mistakenly overestimate them. This hypothesis was supported by two studies.
In the first study, they asked students questions about grammar, logic, and humor, and then asked each respondent to rate their progress both overall and in comparison to other students. As a result, students who answered worse always overestimated how well they did. And vice versa - those who underestimated their assessment, answered better than two-thirds of the rest. nine0008
In the next study, the researchers went to the shooting range, where they interviewed amateur shooters about the safety of weapons. As before, those who answered worse were insanely overestimating their knowledge of firearms.
What prevents complacency?
First, it is impossible to communicate with self-satisfied people. Effective communication is an exchange of opinions. And why someone's opinion to someone who is sure that his is the only true one? It is difficult for such a person to be a friend or lover; there is no room for compromise in his world. nine0008
Secondly, self-satisfaction does not allow development. This is a ruthless killer career and creative growth . If a person thinks that he is too good to learn something new or expand contacts, his priorities are set wrong and one day (sooner than he thinks), the fool will be overboard.
Perhaps the scariest thing is that complacency leads to more complacency. If an adequate person fails, he analyzes his actions and the next time he acts differently. A self-satisfied person blames everyone for failure, but not himself. But, if success accompanies him, then he takes it for granted and is even more convinced of his superiority over the others. nine0008
When can complacency be a problem?
- When you start accepting things you don't like just to make others happy and have a great life.
- When you start to feel embarrassed about situations that turn you on because you feel they go against your principles.
- When you are tired of systematically passing others in front of you and you see that they do not return the favor.
- When you make up excuses because you don't dare to just say no.
How to stop being complacent?
The bad news is that in order to solve a problem, you have to admit it. For a self-satisfied person, this is impossible. Some kind of shock can, in theory, open his eyes to his mistakes, but in practice, for every mistake, a self-satisfied person will find a thousand excuses and dozens of people to blame. Therefore, we can say that there is a lot of work to be done.
The good news is that if you've wondered to yourself if you're not smug, then chances are you're not smug.
If you are happy to share joy, experience and hope with others, without opposing yourself to others, you are definitely not complacent. If you condescendingly explain common truths to fools, you are an inflated self-satisfied turkey.
To stop being one, doubt more often and ask yourself the question: “What makes me think that I am right?”. If you find the answer quickly - doubt more. nine0007
Some more advice
- Don't look down on people. Remember that there are more successful subjects than you. Take an example from them.
- Start talking to the people you consider successful. In this case, you will feel your failure in comparison with them and begin to develop.
- Identify your shortcomings and eliminate them. Remember that you are an imperfect person and you have a lot to learn from other people. nine0060
- Self-criticism is the best way to get rid of complacency. Remember that all people are imperfect. Therefore, you should work on yourself. Start doing this, and you will realize that you have a lot to learn. And this means that your complacency will disappear.
- Ask your loved one to comment on you more often. Surely you behave not quite correctly with other people. Therefore, it is worth listening to the opinion of the outside. However, not only to listen, but also to correct mistakes.
- Try to think not only about yourself, but also about the people around you.
- Start helping animals that have been left without owners.
How complacency hinders your career
There is a huge difference between self-confidence and complacency. A self-confident person is attractive to others, his self-confidence, combined with a sober look at his own capabilities, is the key to his successful career. Self-confidence allows him to grow above himself and overcome obstacles. In short, confidence is the perpetual motion machine that ensures success in life and career. nine0008
Complacency is the opposite of confidence. A self-satisfied person makes an unpleasant impression in society, and in career terms, complacency is a direct path first to stagnation, and then to regression. But the worst thing about complacency is that it creeps up unnoticed. You may think that everything is fine, and, in the meantime, sink deeper into the abyss of complacency.
How to avoid turning from an adequate person into a pompous person, who can neither advance on the career ladder (since the boss is also a person, and nothing human is alien to him, including dislike for pretentious people), nor a new round of professional development? nine0008
Solve problems.
Illumination rarely comes in calm. As a rule, a storm is needed to generate a revolutionary idea. Be where the storm is! You don't have to interfere with the normal operation of the company or provoke colleagues into conflicts, but try not to stay away from the pressing problems of your own organization. This will allow you to avoid complacency, and, in addition, you will be able to distinguish yourself from other employees.
Be unhappy . When you are happy with everything, there is no reason to change anything. Progress is change. Therefore, progress can only come about through discontent. nine0008
Stay away. Do not try to hide from everything that is not part of your main duties. Help colleagues, cooperate with them, in a word, stay "included" in the common cause. Renegades are of no interest to anyone.
Stay passionate . Do not let even the most severe fatigue develop into apathy. Your keen interest in your own work is the main guarantee of its success.
Remember who you are . Jobs change, but you stay. Invest time and energy in yourself, and you will be rewarded. nine0008
Work on yourself. Think, for sure, in your field of activity there are certain knowledge and skills that you do not possess. If there are none, you are probably just ill-informed. Even if you are Stephen Hawking, crossed with Steve Jobs, you still always have room to grow.
Relax . Sometimes even the most passionate and enthusiastic employee turns into a boring person who does not care what happens at work. It happens when he gets tired. Rest is one of the important components of productive work. So take a vacation, dude. nine0007
The other extreme
Doubt is a sign of the mind, that's right. But if there are too many doubts, then the reaction to success may be the impostor syndrome, which will appear in the near future. This is the name of the psychological phenomenon in which a person is unable to attribute his achievements to the fact that he worked hard or revealed the innate talent of . Despite external evidence of their success, people affected by the syndrome think they are cheaters and do not deserve the success they have achieved because they feel like they have not really achieved anything. They attribute success to luck, a combination of circumstances, or the fact that they were able to convince people that they are more talented than "really." nine0008
Nine Tips for Dealing with Impostor Syndrome
If you are experiencing impostor syndrome, there are many ways you can help reduce the level of unpleasant emotions. The most important thing is to remember that you are not alone and that these feelings are normal.
Focus on the facts
Imposter syndrome makes you feel like you're not doing a good job. But often this feeling is based on fear, not reality. The best way to deal with impostor syndrome is to separate emotions from facts. nine0008
The Conscious Leadership group calls this technique Facts and Stories. Facts are something that can be observed or filmed. Stories are how you interpret those facts.
You can't stop your brain from creating stories, but you can focus on the facts. The next time you find yourself in a situation where you feel like an impostor, remember the facts and stories. For example, if you feel bad after speaking out in a team meeting, focus on what your colleagues said. nine0008
Fight impostor syndrome with facts. Regularly compare what you felt with what actually happened. So you can understand how to stop paying attention to what you cannot control.”
Be aware, check and let go
Just because your interpretation of what happened is a story and not a fact does not mean that your feelings can be discounted. Dealing with impostor syndrome doesn't mean ignoring emotions. On the contrary, the best way to deal with it is to admit to yourself that you feel bad, confirm that this is normal, and then let go of these emotions if they are not based on facts. nine0008
Tell me how you feel
Imposter syndrome makes you feel lonely. But above we have already said that this is a very common problem. Nearly two-thirds (62%) of knowledge workers have experienced impostor syndrome. So the next time you feel it affects you, try sharing it with someone.
There are two benefits to sharing your feelings:
Instead of storing emotions in yourself, you become aware of them and move on. When you keep the feelings associated with impostor syndrome under wraps, they become harder to deal with. Sharing them with someone is a good way to become aware of them and get one step closer to defeating the impostor syndrome. nine0008
You can find someone who is also experiencing impostor syndrome. Unfortunately, workplace impostor syndrome is very common. You may find that the person you confided in has also encountered him. This will help you understand that you are not alone.
Look for evidence
If you don't feel better after realizing your emotions and telling your colleagues about them, try to deal with them with facts. The impostor syndrome often has nothing to do with reality, so you should focus on the facts in order to overcome these feelings in yourself. nine0008
If you often feel like you don't get your work done on time, go back to recent projects. Review your work to see if these feelings are factual. If so, then you have specific aspects that need to be worked on to improve the situation. If not, remember these facts every time the voice in your head tells you that you're not good enough.
If you find it difficult to analyze your work, try using a work management tool such as Asana. Such tools help organize work, analyze completed projects, and tune in to the successful implementation of future initiatives. nine0008
Reframe your thoughts
Our thoughts are very powerful. The way we perceive the world can influence the formation of our reality in both positive and negative ways.
If you are suffering from negative self-talk, start tracking your inner voice and changing it as much as possible. This technique will not bring immediate results, but over time it will help you behave more positively in different situations. nine0008
For example, the next time you make a mistake, try thinking "I didn't do well, but I'll try to do better next time" instead of "That was terrible." By reformatting your internal dialogue, you rewire your brain, forcing yourself to think more positively.
Find a mentor
To combat impostor syndrome, try to work on developing professional and communication skills. Then every time the voice in your head whispers that you're not good enough at something, you can always reply that you're working on getting better. nine0008
A good way to develop yourself is to get a mentor. Find someone in your company or industry who can support you and give you practical advice. This may be the head of your or even another company.
Finding a healthy balance between confidence and insecurity is not a one-year task - many seek it all their lives. The main thing is to search. Find a place in your heart for doubts, but don't let them follow you all the time.
Self-satisfaction - quotes and aphorisms on the site Quote-Citation.Com
A fool does not tolerate superiority; a fool is not able to understand his mistake; a fool does not know remorse, respect for the feelings of other people, he is convinced of his irresistibility, success, in his rightness, and honors only his own stupidity. How do you make a fool believe that he is stupid? Such a subject does not see his own stupidity, just as he does not see his own ears. And the main advantage of a fool is the constant contentment with himself. nine0008
William Thackeray, "Dennis Haggarty's Wife"
His face is so self-satisfied that one might call it a mug.
Max Frei, "Tales of Old Vilnius"
A self-satisfied person is a hardened tumor on the chest of society.
Maxim Gorky, "Foma Gordeev"
— Tell me — what do you need to do to live in peace... that is, to be satisfied with yourself?
— To do this, one must live restlessly and avoid, like a bad disease, even the possibility of being pleased with oneself! nine0008
Maxim Gorky, "Foma Gordeev"
Complacency is the worst enemy in the world!
Sinclair Lewis, "Arrowsmith"
The proud man pouted - he is pleased with himself;
Stab him and a stinking poison will splatter.
John Wilmot
The less skill, the more conceit.
Japanese proverb
Always be dissatisfied with yourself if you want to become something more; for where you are content with yourself, there you will remain.
Walter Landor
If you do not look up, you can believe that you are the highest point. nine0008
Antonio Porchia
The one who is in love with himself is the easiest to deceive.
Robert Walser
You can't change fate in a new way.
Complacency is a bitter bliss.
The art of forgiving everything and the thirst to live -
unattainable perfection.
Bulat Okudzhava
Real character is always useful, self-satisfied pomposity is always useless.
Alexander Hamilton
Complacency does not exclude talent, but it compromises it. nine0008
Louis-Gabriel-Ambroise de Bonald
Whoever imagines that he is flawless -
Similar to the Heidelberg monkey.
Sebastian Brant, "Ship of Fools"
Liberty, Truth, Honor... You can pour out a hundred such words, and behind each of them there will be a thousand empty people, pompous and smug parasites, waving flags in one hand, at the same time while the second is stretched under the table, greedily moving fingers.
Hunter Thompson, The Rum Diary
When nature leaves a hole in someone's mind, she usually covers it up with a thick layer of self-satisfaction.