Pro ana quiz
Do I Have an Eating Disorder? Quiz
Do I Have an Eating Disorder? Quiz | Psych Central- Conditions
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Medically reviewed by Bethany Juby, PsyD — By Christina Ward — Updated on June 6, 2022
This quiz can’t replace a clinical diagnosis. If you believe you might have an eating disorder or another condition after taking this test, consider reaching out to a qualified professional about your symptoms.
Despite media depiction, eating disorders can affect anyone, regardless of race, gender identity, sexuality, or body weight.
According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), an estimated 30 million U.S. adults will have an eating disorder at some point in their lives.
Eating disorders can affect your mental and physical health, as well as influence your behaviors around food and body image.
There are different types of eating disorders, each with its own unique symptoms. Common types of eating disorders include:
- anorexia nervosa is a condition marked by restricting how much food you eat
- bulimia nervosa involves binge eating and purging or non-purging (fasting or obsessively exercising) behaviors
- binge eating disorder involves eating large amounts of food and feeling like you can’t stop
- avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is a condition that involves restricting the amount and type of food you eat
- pica involves eating things that aren’t food such as paint
- rumination disorder is a condition marked by rechewing, reswallowing, or spitting out your food
The type of eating disorder you have will determine the type of treatment that’s best for you.
This brief, time-saving questionnaire is designed for anyone who thinks they may be living with an eating disorder.
The items below will help you determine whether you may need additional help navigating a condition.
A mental health professional can also help figure out if your issues might be a symptom of another condition or recommend treatment or other interventions if needed.
This online screening is not a definitive screening tool. However, it can be useful if you’re concerned about your eating habits and body image and want to determine if seeking out professional support is the next best step for you.
Only a trained medical professional, such as a healthcare or mental health professional, can help you determine the next best steps for you.
Ready to start therapy? Our Find a Therapist resource may help.
Last medically reviewed on June 6, 2022
2 sourcescollapsed
- Eating disorders. (2016). - What are eating disorders? (n.
Medically reviewed by Bethany Juby, PsyD — By Christina Ward — Updated on June 6, 2022
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All About Eating Disorders
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Online Anorexia Test - Do I Have Anorexia?
It takes long for me to eat than others
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
I feel guilty after eating
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
People tell me that I'm too thin
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
My loved ones tell me that they want me to eat more
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
I weigh myself and measure certain body parts obsessively
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
I eat diet and low fat foods
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
I am scared of being overweight
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
I think about burning as many calories as possible when I exercise
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
My mind is busy thinking about and desiring to be thin
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
I look up the calorie content to food that I eat
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
I avoid food that has high levels of carbohydrates
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
I avoid foods with high sugar when possible
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
Food controls many aspects of my life
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
When I'm hungry, I avoid eating
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
I find myself cutting my food into small pieces before I eat
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
I like my stomach to be empty
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
I eat large amounts of food in a short period of time with little control of stopping myself
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
I make myself vomit after eating
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
I am consumed with thinking about the fat on my body
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
I think about food more than other people
Not true at all
Sometimes true
Often true
Usually true
Always true
90,000 Victor "Professional Game" for students I, II and III Course by profession Master aboutfor students I , and Courses
9000,000 In the profession, Master of General work2019 - 2020 academic year
Professional cycle teacher Sadykova T.
Within the framework of the new teaching paradigm, the importance of extracurricular work increases dramatically. Quite effective types of extracurricular work are various intellectual and interactive games.
The game arouses the interest and activity of students and gives them the opportunity to express themselves in activities that are exciting for them, contributes to a faster and more durable memorization of the material being studied. Knowledge of the material is a prerequisite for active participation in the game, and sometimes a prerequisite for winning. The game provides an opportunity not only to improve, but also to acquire new knowledge, since the desire to win makes you think, remember what has already been passed and memorize everything new.
Group activities also have a positive effect on the student's personality. A key feature of the interactive quiz from seemingly similar simulators and games is the focus on collective work with the object. The quiz is designed for the work of several users at once and is able to highlight various aspects of the work of people in a group: both competitive and uniting.
Methodological development is an extra-curricular activity, which is held among students of the first, second and third year. The event is held as part of Special Items Week. The quiz includes questions on such disciplines as "INTRODUCTION TO THE PROFESSION" and "Fundamentals of Materials Science".
Participation in the quiz does not require in-depth knowledge of the specified subjects, however, a broad outlook, knowledge gained in the course of studying the discipline, extracurricular activities, and general erudition are required.
During the quiz, students acquire communication skills, behavior skills in a difficult situation, long-term memory is activated, students' activity, the ability to switch attention from one subject to another. Increased erudition, both players and spectators.
The teacher's role is to prepare questions for the quiz, to select participants in the game, to prepare leaders and students who take breaks between rounds. The role of the teacher in the emotional mood of students for the game is great, which is necessary for the event to be interesting, fervent, and give a positive emotional charge to students.
EDUCATIONAL: improving, generalizing and consolidating the knowledge of students in the disciplines of the professional cycle, the implementation of interdisciplinary communications.
DEVELOPING: development of thinking, memory, erudition.
EDUCATIONAL: development of cognitive interest, education of a culture of communication, as well as education of students' independence as a personality trait, without which the activity of a modern specialist is impossible.
Repetition and generalization of previously acquired knowledge
Formation of general educational and general cultural skills of working with information
Formation of skills and abilities that are of a general scientific, general intellectual nature in modern conditions.
1) Questions are being prepared on the following disciplines "INTRODUCTION TO THE PROFESSION", "Fundamentals of Material Science".
2) Players are selected. For the game, 1 leader is required, a jury for calculating the points of the players.
PROGRESS OF THE QUIZ – (3 minutes)
Presenter: Hello, dear students and teachers!
It's a week of special disciplines, and I invite you to show off your knowledge and erudition. I am glad to welcome you to the quiz "PROFESSIONAL GAME".
The purpose of our quiz is to popularize knowledge in special disciplines. The quiz will be held among first, second and third year students. Our goal is to find out which of you has the most knowledge in these subjects. Of course, the winners will be awarded and receive positive marks in the subject.
Host: Allow me to introduce our counting commission.
Presenter : So let's start our quiz.
The game consists of six contests. Three groups take part in the quiz. Each group should introduce participants. The points received by participants in all competitions are summed up, thus, the group is determined - the winner.
Let's start the game!
1 competition “WARM-UP” – 5 points for correct answers.
3 questions are asked for each team.
Time for the competition 6 minutes.
“Nine A”. All nine proposed words contain the letter “A”. Using the definitions, guess these words and write the letters in the empty cells:
Questions on the topic “MAIN PARTS OF BUILDINGS”.
1. The first “A” serves to absorb the load from the building (FOUNDATION)
- - - - A - - - -
2. This “A” divides the interior of the building into rooms (WALL)
- - - - A
3. This “A” protects the building from rain, snow, wind (ROOF)
- - - - A
4. Use this “A” to level the mortar over the masonry, fill the vertical joints and cut off the excess mortar in the joints (trowel)
- - - - - A
5. This “A” is needed to check the front surface of the masonry ( RULE)
- -A - - - -
6. With these “A” the seams are processed, i.e. they are given a certain shape (JOINTING)
- A- - - - -A
Questions on the topic “BINDERS AND FILLERS”.
7. This “A” defines the hardening property of the binder and the retention of its qualities in a humid environment (HYDRAULIC)
- - - - A- - - - - - - - -
8. This “A” refers to lightweight aggregate (EXCELLENT)
- - -A - - - -
9. This “A” refers to one of the mortar components that does not shrink. (FILLER)
- А - - - - - - - - -
2nd contest “WE ARE MASTER OF GENERAL CONSTRUCTION WORKS” - for correct answers 5 points each.
Each team is asked 4 questions to which it is enough to answer (yes or no). When clarifying the answer, an additional point.
Time for the competition 6 minutes.
“Am I right that…”:
Questions for the first team
(Yes, they are all fired from clay.)
2. Are delivery to the workplace, installation, alignment and fixing of finished parts and elements included in the installation work? (Yes).
3. Sound transmission, thermal conductivity, frost resistance and fire resistance refer to the physical properties of materials? (Yes.)
4. Are gypsum, clay, lime classified as hydraulic binders? (No. These binders lose their properties in a humid environment).
Questions for the second team
1. Are bricks, logs, slag concrete, sleepers considered wall materials? (Yes. Walls are built from the listed building materials.)
2. Does the erection of stone structures from piece stones and blocks belong to slinging works? (No. These works are stone).
3. Alkali resistance, corrosion and acid resistance are the mechanical properties of building materials? (No. These properties are chemical)
4. Is a solution with an excess of binder called lean? (No. A solution with an excess of astringent is called fatty.)
Questions for the third team
Are sand, clay, lime, wood materials of natural origin? (Yes.)
Digging holes, pits, trenches, soil loosening, site planning, soil compaction are land works? (Yes.)
Are light aggregates mountain sand sea sand and river sand? (No. Sand is a heavy aggregate.)
Mortars that begin to harden in air and continue to harden in water and in humid conditions are called air? (No. Mortars that begin to harden in air and continue to harden in water and in humid conditions are called hydraulic.)
- 2 marks for correct answers.
Image of the item. It is necessary to name at least 7 specialists who participated in its creation. (Model of the plastered, painted brick surface of the building). Time for competition 3 minutes.
Spectators may participate if teams find it difficult to answer.
Answer: Architect, project manager, builder-designer, fitter, welder, electrician, bricklayer, plasterer, painter, …
- 1 point for correct answers.
5 questions are asked to each team and they must be answered quickly.
Time for the competition 6 minutes.
Questions for team 1.
1. List binders. (Cement, lime, clay, gypsum)
2. List the material required for the work of a bricklayer. (Mortar, bricks, blocks)
3. Which building material is referred to as roofing? (Slate, tiles, metal tiles)
4. Which buildings are classified as civil? (residential premises, shops, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, cinemas…)
5. Which part of the building divides it into floors? (Overlap)
Questions for team 2.
1. List placeholders. (Sand, expanded clay, stone chips, sawdust)
2. List the tools and devices that a bricklayer uses in his work. (trowel, mortar shovel, pickaxe, level, plumb line)
3. What building material is used to build walls? (Brick, natural stone, cinder blocks, logs, sleepers)
4. Which structures are considered agricultural? (Farms, poultry houses, greenhouses, granaries)
5. What is the name of the part of the building that allows natural light to enter and ventilate the room? (Window)
Questions to the team 3.
1. List air binders? (Clay, gypsum, lime)
2. What is the job of a concrete worker? (In the manufacture of wall panels, floor slabs, flights of stairs)
3. What building material is used to waterproof the premises? (Roofing material, Tol)
4. Which structures are industrial? (Buildings of plants and factories, garages, electrical substations…)
5. What is the name of the part of the building in the form of an open area that protrudes beyond the boundaries of the facade and has a fence on three sides? (Balcony)
5th contest “Anagrams” - 3 points for correct answers.
An anagram is a literary technique that consists of rearranging the letters or sounds of a certain word ...
Decipher the anagrams and find words that can be composed from the original word or a set of letters. Time for competition 2 minutes.
Kinshkame, Zhomtankin, Karsvishch.
Answers: Bricklayer, Fitter, Welder.
6th contest “Assemble a picture from pieces” - The team that collected the first picture gets 10 points, the second 5 points, the third 3 points.
Assemble the picture from the pieces and you will find out the name of the type of professional activity performed by the master of civil works. Time for competition 2 minutes
The general construction foreman performs slinging work.
This concludes our quiz. There will be a calculation of points, which will determine the winner.
Pause: - (2 minutes)
"Let the work be hard,
Let the sweat pour from the face -
All the more joyful,
When you have done everything to the end"
"... The golden title of "handyman"
I consider it above all awards."
"All labor becomes art
In smart and attentive hands"
"Do not forget the worker's law;
Be ashamed to work somehow.”
People are not born with skill,
But they are proud of the skill they have acquired.”
"There is always something for skilled hands,
If you take a good look around. ”
“Every work is set by a man.
SUMMING UP: - ( 3 minutes)
Based on the total number of points scored, the winner group is announced.
Congratulations! (the award will take place at the school line).
Many thanks to the participants of the quiz, to everyone who was present at the game. Our quiz, I think, was fun, interesting, we learned a lot of new things and tested our erudition.
Deputy director for educational and methodological work: Ryasnyanskaya N.A.
Jury members:
Master of industrial training Fedorova V.N.
Master of industrial training SHASHKOVA N.A.0494 ADDITIONAL POINTS
1 WARM-UP contest – 5 points for correct answers.
Total for 1 competition
2 Competition “We Masters of Common-Treteum Work”- for the correct answers for 5 points
3 Competition “Whose hands are creation?” - 2 marks for correct answers.
Competition 4 “Blitztournament.” - 1 point for correct answers.
5 competition “Anagrams” - for correct answers 3 points each.
6th contest “Assemble the picture from the pieces” - The team that collected the first picture gets 10 points, the second 5 points, the third 3 points.
1 competition “WARM-UP”
Questions on the topic “MAIN PARTS OF BUILDINGS”.
Questions on the topic "BINDERS AND FILLERS".
5th Anagram Competition
Unscramble the anagrams and find the words that can be formed from the original word or set of letters.
Kinshkame, Zhomtankin, Karsvishch.
1 competition “WARM-UP”
Questions on the topic “MAIN PARTS OF BUILDINGS”.
Questions on the topic “BINDERS AND FILLERS”.
3rd competition “Whose handiwork is it?”
Unscramble the anagrams and find words that can be formed from the original word or set of letters.
Kinshkame, Zhomtankin, Karsvishch.
1 competition “WARM-UP”
Questions on the topic “MAIN PARTS OF BUILDINGS”.
Questions on the topic "TOOLS AND DEVICES FOR BRICKING".
Questions on the topic “BINDERS AND FILLERS”.
3 contest “Whose handiwork is it?”
5th Anagram Contest
Unscramble the anagrams and find words that can be formed from the original word or set of letters.
Kinshkame, Zhomtankin, Karsvishch.
create your own quiz to increase engagement in 2022
Use AhaSlides Online Quiz Creator Bring pure joy to any class, seminar or social event. Get huge smiles and total engagement, online or offline, by creating your own quiz with AhaSlides.
Get a free test! Watch video
What is an online quiz maker?
A live quiz or online quiz creator is any quiz submitted by a host and played by players. is currently .
Think about your favorite game shows. Jeopardy, The Chase, Who wants to be a millionaire? - they are all examples of live quizzes that use the same super basic format: the host asks a question, the player answers the question.
But live quizzes aren't just for big-budget TV shows. Present , you can make your own test, online or offline, which will lift the spirits of any audience and make any event memorable.
How does AhaSlides Online Quiz Creator work? Professional quiz company XQuizit uses AhaSlides as an online quiz creator.
AhaSlides is a free online quiz maker. , online quiz maker, live quiz software wherever you need a quiz.
You can create your own quiz with questions, select settings, and then host it for your players. Your players will join the quiz from their phones and answer each question as you present it.
Points are tallied for each player (or each team in a team quiz) and announced with a burst of color and confetti at the end!
💡 Find out more about how to pass the quiz with AhaSlides
A free AhaSlides account allows you to create and host amazing live quizzes for up to 7 players.
In a new presentation, choose Choose Answer, Choose Image, or Enter Answer as the first question slide.
Write your questions and answer options, then play with the settings that suit your style.
On their phones, your players join your quiz, write their name and, if possible, choose a quiz team.
Guide the players through each question. The system will calculate their points and announce the final winner!
Create your own quiz and post it live.
Free quizzes anytime, anywhere. Light up smiles, spark engagement!
Start free
Features of creating online quizzes
Team play
Ask the players to work together. 3 different team scoring modes to choose from.
Spinner Wheel
Choose at random with the spinning wheel! Great for bonus rounds and icebreakers.
Add audio
Make a song quiz or any trivia with sound. Embed audio clips to play on players' phones.
Have your players take the quiz they have at home at their convenience.
Edit points
Manually add points for bonus rounds or subtract them for bad behavior.
Guessing answers
Accept other answers on the fly. 100% protection against spelling mistakes!
Let players show their love with funny emoticons.
Automatic blocking of obscene words submitted by players.
Decorate your slides with your own images and GIFs or ours.
Display on phones
Players can see everything on their phones - no need to see the quiz wizard screen.
View the engagement rate, correct answers and hard questions of your quiz in one place.
User Link
Make your quiz your own by selecting a unique individual code for players.
Shhh , we are more than a creator of free online quizzes… 💡 AhaSlides is a program for interactive interaction in any situation. Along with the quiz features, we have a whole bunch of others for polls, ratings, brainstorming, and other cool stuff that your audience might be interested in.
Live quiz templates
Save precious time on trivia with pre-made quizzes. Sign up for free, instant access to 250+ questions through general knowledge, pop music, movies and TV and more!
3 ways to host a live quiz
Host a live AhaSlides quiz over Zoom. Simply share your screen with your players and explain each question to them while they answer their phones.
Take the quiz in person. Keep things automatic, organized and waste-free with AhaSlides.
No limits with AhaSlides quiz. You can host both personal and remote players as long as they have a phone and an internet connection.
When to play the quiz
Little things are an engagement. Whatever the subject, the best live quiz software brings it to life with color and cool competition.
SchoolUsing an online quiz maker in school is very useful as AhaSlides is actually a quiz maker or multiple choice quiz maker and online exam maker.
Break the ice with a new class or test to understand a new topic. And student quiz online or offline is one of the most productive student engagement strategies for using interactivity in the classroom. Use it as part of your online cool games, to set up a self-paced quiz for homework, and to keep track of progress reports.
At work
Using an online quiz maker at work is very beneficial. Is it difficult to energize the team every week? Try a live icebreaking activity quiz, team meeting or team building session. Start projects exciting with a kick-off quiz meeting or start a presentation (even if it's in PowerPoint!) with a little trivia to get the ball rolling. When you're done, use the live quiz to get feedback.
With community and friends
Using the online quiz maker with friends is definitely fun. Form your connections with the little things. Cheer up at any social event like a wedding, a friendship quiz, a personality test maker, a baby shower or a general meeting with a movie or TV quiz. Be a pro at your virtual pub quiz, with fully embeddable audio and picture features for the best, most versatile patrons! So AhaSlides is definitely an interactive quiz maker.
During the holidays
Whether it's live or virtual this year, the online quiz creator AhaSlides is always the best gift under the tech tree. Host a live quiz about Christmas Music, movies or photos to spark some magic at home or workplace. For the rest of the year, you can also find Easter Quiz and Halloween Quiz sitting comfortably in our template library.