Pooping in your sleep
Nocturnal diarrhea: Causes, treatment, and symptoms
Nocturnal diarrhea refers to diarrhea that happens at night. Chronic nocturnal diarrhea can be a sign of a more serious health condition, such as diabetes, a bowel disorder, or an infection.
Persistent diarrhea can also interrupt sleep and affect the quality of life. Treatment depends on the severity of the symptom and its underlying cause.
Diarrhea is defined as loose, watery stools. It may be acute and last for a few days, or it can be chronic and continue for 4 or more weeks. In this article, we discuss the possible causes of nocturnal diarrhea and how to treat them.
Share on PinterestSymptoms of nocturnal diarrhea may include fever and stomach pain.Nocturnal diarrhea symptoms commonly includes the following:
- bloating
- fever
- interrupted sleep
- nausea
- stomach pain
- the urge to pass stool
Symptoms range from mild to severe, and they will also typically be present during the day. People with mild diarrhea often experience symptoms for just a few days, and these can usually be managed with home remedies.
Serious cases of diarrhea can cause additional symptoms, such as:
- blood in the stool
- severe pain
- otherwise unexplained weight loss
Diarrhea that occurs several times a day for a month or longer is classed as chronic.
Long-term nocturnal diarrhea may also lead to sleep problems, which can affect mood and energy levels.
Diarrhea may be caused by:
- allergies
- foods
- infections
- medications
- stress
If any of these factors are responsible, nocturnal diarrhea typically clears up once the infection is treated or the trigger is eliminated.
However, chronic nocturnal diarrhea is likely to have a more serious underlying cause, such as:
Secretory diarrhea
Share on PinterestCauses of diarrhea may include foods, infections, and stress.
Secretory diarrhea occurs when the intestine cannot properly absorb electrolytes. This is a common cause of both acute and chronic diarrhea.
Secretory diarrhea can result from:
- alcoholism
- bacterial toxins
- medications
- intestinal surgery
- other medical problems that interfere with intestinal function
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
IBS is a functional disorder, which means that the digestive tract seems to be regular but does not function correctly.
Symptoms include:
- bloating and gas
- diarrhea
- constipation
- mucus in the stool
- stomach pain and cramping
Most people with IBS do not experience nocturnal diarrhea or severe symptoms. Typically, watery stools occur during the daytime, often after eating.
Nocturnal diarrhea is considered an “alarm symptom” in people with IBS. This means that it requires prompt medical attention.
Other alarm symptoms include:
- blood in the stool
- progressive pain
- unexplained weight loss
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
IBD refers to several chronic conditions that cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
Up to 1.6 million people in the United States experience IBD.
IBD causes inflammation, unlike IBS. It also leads to changes in the gut that can increase the risk of bowel cancer.
Some people with IBD experience nocturnal and daytime diarrhea. Other symptoms include:
- blood or mucus in the stool
- fatigue
- fever
- loss of appetite
- nausea
- pain during bowel movements
- stomach pain and cramps
- vomiting
- weight loss
The exact cause of IBD is unknown, though risk factors include having a family history of bowel conditions, being a smoker, and taking certain medications.
Most people with IBD are diagnosed before the age of 30.
Microscopic colitis
Microscopic colitis causes inflammation of the large intestine and leads to persistent diarrhea. The inflammation associated with this condition can only be observed using a microscope.
Older adults are more commonly affected by microscopic colitis, but anyone who continues to experience nocturnal diarrhea, even when fasting, should be tested for this condition.
Other symptoms include:
- fecal incontinence
- nausea
- stomach pain and cramping
- weight loss
The cause of microscopic colitis is unknown, but taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for 6 months or longer may increase the risk of developing it.
Diabetes affects the way the body uses glucose, which is sugar in the blood. Unless treated, it causes high levels to build up in the blood, which can lead to several complications.
Individuals with poorly controlled diabetes and insulin-dependency are at risk for nocturnal diarrhea. It may also affect those with nerve damage caused by diabetes, which is known as diabetic neuropathy.
Diabetes symptoms include:
- blurred vision
- fatigue and irritability
- frequent infections
- increased hunger
- increased thirst
- unexplained weight loss
- slow-healing wounds
- urinary frequency
The cause of diabetes varies and depends on the type. Type 1 diabetes is linked to an overactive immune system, while type 2 occurs when the cells become resistant to insulin, a hormone.
Gestational diabetes affects some people during pregnancy.
Mild diarrhea can clear up on its own within a few days. During this time, the focus of treatment is to alleviate symptoms and keep a person hydrated.
Severe or chronic diarrhea should be reported to a doctor, who will investigate the underlying cause and formulate a treatment plan.
Some treatment options may include:
- taking medications, such as antidiarrheal drugs and antibiotics
- avoiding problematic foods, medications, or allergens
- changing the diet, for example by eating more bland foods and avoiding high-fiber and fatty foods
- managing stress through relaxation techniques and a healthful lifestyle
- staying hydrated, with water, juices, and clear broths
- reducing the intake of caffeine and avoiding alcohol
Underlying conditions that contribute to nocturnal diarrhea will also require treatment.
What if it is IBD?
IBD cannot be cured, so treatment aims to reduce symptoms and achieve and maintain periods of remission.
Medications for IBD include anti-inflammatory drugs, immune suppressors, and therapies that target inflammation.
In some cases, surgery is needed to widen a narrow bowel or remove damaged parts of the digestive tract.
How is microscopic colitis treated?
Discontinuing medications that cause problems and making dietary adjustments can treat persistent or severe cases of microscopic colitis.
If these approaches do not work, anti-inflammatory drugs and medicines that block bile acids can be used.
In rare cases, a surgeon will need to remove part or all of the colon.
Share on PinterestTo prevent mild diarrhea., it is recommended not to eat for 2 to 3 hours before bed.
Mild diarrhea is a common experience. It may be possible to reduce the frequency and severity of diarrhea episodes by trying the following:
- making dietary adjustments and eliminating problematic foods
- avoiding IBS or IBD triggers
- not eating for 2 to 3 hours before bed
- quitting smoking
- establishing a healthful sleep routine
- managing stress with meditation, exercise, and deep breathing techniques
- maintaining a healthy weight
- following the treatment plan prescribed for chronic conditions, such as diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is treated with insulin injections or an insulin pump. A person must also check blood sugar levels frequently and monitor their intake of carbohydrates.
Type 2 diabetes can be managed with lifestyle changes, blood sugar monitoring, and medications.
Untreated diarrhea can lead to complications, including dehydration.
Dehydration can cause:
- loss of electrolytes
- muscle weakness
- abnormal heart rhythm
- lightheadedness
- nausea
- kidney failure
- shock
- coma
When an underlying disorder is responsible for nocturnal diarrhea, additional complications can arise. For example, untreated diabetes may lead to vision loss or nerve damage.
Nocturnal diarrhea may clear up in a few days or become chronic. The outlook typically depends on the underlying cause.
A person should see a doctor right away if they also have any of the following:
- symptoms of dehydration
- blood or mucus in the stool
- a high or persistent fever
- other symptoms that suggest a more serious condition
If symptoms persist for more than a few days, it is important to see a doctor for a diagnosis.
Incontinence While Sleeping and its Psychological Impact
Incontinence While Sleeping — or “pooping” the bed — isn’t as uncommon as you may think. While this unexpected night time activity may be embarrassing, it doesn’t have to completely derail your mental health.
There can be many causes for sleeping incontinence but you’ll never discover what they are if you’re unable to move past the psychological trauma. This week we’re sharing honest, personal experiences discussing how to cope without dying of embarrassment. Listen Now!
(Transcript Available Below)
About The Not Crazy Podcast Hosts
Gabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations, available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from Gabe Howard. To learn more, please visit his website, gabehoward. com.
Jackie Zimmerman has been in the patient advocacy game for over a decade and has established herself as an authority on chronic illness, patient-centric healthcare, and patient community building. She lives with multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, and depression.
You can find her online at JackieZimmerman.co, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Computer Generated Transcript for
“Sleep Incontinence” EpisodeEditor’s Note: Please be mindful that this transcript has been computer-generated and therefore may contain inaccuracies and grammar errors. Thank you.
Announcer: You’re listening to Not Crazy, a Psych Central podcast. And here are your hosts, Jackie Zimmerman and Gabe Howard.
Gabe: Welcome to the Not Crazy podcast. I’d like to introduce my co-host, Jackie, who not only lives with depression but has not seen Die Hard. Are the two connected? It’s your decision.
Jackie: And I’d like to introduce my co-host, Gabe, who lives with bipolar, his wife Kendall, and has also never seen the movie Now and Then, and I don’t know if that’s like a generational thing, but that was a pivotal movie in my youth.
Gabe: Nobody’s ever heard of it. Like, I keep thinking that you say “Now & Later,” the 80s candy. Because some for now and some for later. Unlike now where it’s just all for now and then you whine.
Jackie: No. No. If you have seen Now and Then, dear listener, please let us know. Comment somewhere. Right, somewhere. Send Gabe hate mail about how he should see this movie with incredibly famous actresses in it.
Gabe: Sure, sure. I’ll check my email. I’ll check my email.
Jackie: Ok, OK. Gabe? Sure. Gabe, you called me this weekend and you had a very serious tone in your voice and you said that you had something to tell me. What did you call me about, Gabe?
Gabe: I told you, I shit the bed.
Jackie: You did, indeed you did. And I, although very respectful of your situation, was thrilled that you called me because I am the person that people call when they have poop issues.
Gabe: The listeners are probably just now starting to realize that I’m not using the phrase shit the bed. I actually shit the bed
Jackie: You did? You did.
Gabe: Like literally and I’m not using literally, figuratively. It was a traumatic experience, to say the least. I have a friend who is a doctor. She was unavailable. Which left you?
Jackie: And I promptly was like, Gabe, this needs to be a podcast episode.
Gabe: And I was promptly no, because that’s just not the kind of thing that you talk about polite society ever at all.
Jackie: But I don’t live in a place of polite society, not to mention, as we talked about on the phone, this is something that happens to people, not just people like me with bowel diseases, but this happens to a lot of people.
Gabe: In my frantic Googling of this, I was surprised to find out just how common this is. You know, it has a million different names from nocturnal diarrhea, persistent diarrhea. A lot of what? A lot of diarrhea. Of course, we’ve all heard all of the commercials where they talk about a side effect of medication being anal leakage. The bottom line is, that while horrifying, it is almost routine how often the average person loses control of their bowels.
Jackie: And we wanted to talk about this, not to perpetually talk about shitting the bed over and over again. So if you’re listening and so far you’re like, wow, this episode is not going to be my bag. Hang in there, because the reason we’re talking about this is because it’s so common. The effect that it can have on your mental health afterwords and how you navigate that.
Gabe: I make my living, as people know, on this podcast and on the psych central podcast and standing up in front of people and talking about all of the things that happened to me because of untreated bipolar disorder. I wrote a book called Mental Illness Is an Asshole available on my Web site, gabehoward.com, because I wanted to talk about all of the awful things that have happened to me because of mental illness. And then this thing happened. And I immediately didn’t want to talk about it anymore. I was like, no, no, no, no, no. This is one step too far. This is not the kind of thing that you bring up that’s really interesting to me because people who know my work and you can just do a Google and find my work would think that I wouldn’t be shy of anything. That’s kind of how messed up this is, right? Even a guy like me who makes my living openly discussing things about mental illness and about health and about life that other people want to sweep under the rug, didn’t want to discuss it.
Jackie: But that’s what makes us a great team. You see, because I shit the bed and promptly told the whole Internet about it.
Gabe: And that’s very interesting because the reason that I called you, Jackie, is because of a story that you published a long, long time ago that I found to be stunningly relatable, even though it was pre bed shitting and it was about how you were in a new relationship. Wasn’t very old at all.
Jackie: And I was sleeping over at his house and I shit the bed in the middle of the night. I was horrified. I contemplated just leaving and never talking to him ever again because what is the alternative? It’s actually talking to somebody and saying, hey, you guy who thinks I’m amazing. I just shit in your brand new bed, by the way. Brand new bed. It was something I could not even dream, a conversation that was impossible to have. So I stayed up all night. I cried and I cleaned the bed. I woke him up and asked him to leave to the living room. And I contemplated all the ways that he was probably gonna break up with me the next day because he was likely just as horrified as I was. Well, he wasn’t and he didn’t. And instead, he broke up with me months later for a really dumb reason, but not because of this. And that’s important to remember.
Gabe: The phrase “shitting the bed,” of course, is a well-known phrase. It just means you fucked up. I have used this phrase probably my entire adult life. I try to run an event and it doesn’t go well. I shit the bed I get on stage and nobody laughs at any of my jokes. I’m pretty sure that if they had tomatoes, they would throw them. And I was like, you know, Gabe, how did your show go? Ahh, I shit the bed, it was awful. I’ve said it about so many people, Jackie. We talk about language a lot on this show, you know. Are you bipolar? Are you a person living with bipolar? You know, words matter. We need to change our speech patterns. And you and I have long held that. Look, we just need to talk about this, because getting it out in the open is what’s important. And I thought of the phrase “shit the bed,” everybody uses it, but the phrase, oh, you shit, the bed is actually quite problematic potentially for people. Well, like you, Jackie. People like you know me now. Yeah. We all do it. Not to make this a show about language all of the sudden, but it just shows you that there’s just a ton of phrases that have a meaning that you don’t realize until you realize.
I thought the phrase shit, the bed was just a phrase. It had no meaning and it had nothing to do with me. Now I want you to know I’m still gonna use the phrase. Love the phrase. The phrase is fantastic. And I hope that when people come up to me and say, Hey, Gabe, you shit the bed, they’re telling me I did a bad job because I don’t want this to be my thing. But yeah, just it’s it’s out there now. It’s out there now that this is something that happens to people.
Jackie: Well, you’re acutely aware of it now. Right. It’s personal at this point. Whereas before it was just a phrase. Now it’s something that you actually have lived through. That’s what made me feel like this would be a good episode because I have lived this many times. But as somebody who does not live with a bowel disease, you’ve experienced it now. And I think a lot of people who listen to our show, specifically those who take psychiatric medications, also may experience this because that is a common side effect of a lot of these medications.
Gabe: So that’s a very interesting thing that you bring up first we got to define the word common. We don’t want everybody to freak out. You know, common is something out there. You know, one in one hundred thousand is common because there’s three billion people in the world. So the word common, you know, can be problematic. I only say that because I don’t want everybody to stop taking their medications for fear of shitting the bed.
Jackie: It’s a good point. It’s not common in that it’s going to happen to everybody. But when you get your medication, it comes with that little piece of paper that has a bunch of teeny tiny words on it and it’s called the P.I, which is the package insert. And on that lists all the side effects, everything you could possibly ever know. And everybody I know promptly rips it off the front of their package and throws it in the trash. You could read it. I read them, which maybe makes me an overachieving nerd, but I read them. I want to know what could possibly happen. And I think if you read yours, there’s a chance that side effect is on there.
Gabe: And you can see why it would be on there. I mean, if you really stop and think about it. Medication interacts with your body and everybody is different and our bodies job. The whole reason that we expel waste is to get bad things and unnecessary things away from us. So it really kind of makes sense that a common medication side effect could be anal leakage or diarrhea or that kind of diarrhea that happens in the middle of the night when you’re not expecting it. And I was really surprised at how common it was. And again, when I say common, I mean, it’s just happened to everybody at least once. I thought that I was the only person that this ever happened to save for my friend Jackie. And I was kind of lucky. Right. And I’m being very sincere here because you were open and wrote the article about shitting the bed. And because we’ve talked about it before on the show, I’ve seen your speeches at conferences where you talk about this illness and all of the things that you went through. And it made me feel not so alone. But the reality is, most people don’t know a Jackie. The reality is, most people don’t know a Gabe. Most people don’t know anybody. A lot of people are managing these things all by themselves. They’re managing especially mental health issues, especially mental illness. And they don’t want to talk about it. And I want to be very clear that this is something that is going to happen to probably every adult. And when I say every adult, I don’t mean every 80 year old. I don’t mean every person in a nursing home. No, we’re talking 20, 30, 40, 50 year olds. We’re talking young people, middle aged people. It is the body doing what the body is supposed to be doing. You know, in the most scary and traumatic of ways.
Jackie: It’s true. This could happen to just about anybody for just about any reason.
Gabe: We’ll be right back after these messages.
Announcer: Interested in learning about psychology and mental health from experts in the field? Give a listen to the Psych Central Podcast, hosted by Gabe Howard. Visit PsychCentral.com/Show or subscribe to The Psych Central Podcast on your favorite podcast player.
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Jackie: And we’re back, talking about, ah, we’re talking about shitting the bed, that’s what we’re talking about. And the reason I really wanted to talk about it was not only just to be like, hey, you’re not alone. Shit the bed twins, right. But was also because I wanted to say this thing could happen and it could happen to any of us at any time. How do you make this thing not become a massive trigger to tank your mental health? Because it could if you let it right. If you bought into the stigma of the phrase shit, the bed, the embarrassment that’s associated with the digestive tract. All of these negative feelings around this natural thing that we do. It’s easy to see how that could have a really negative effect on you. And I think that it’s important to touch on that because one, we’re a mental health podcast. But two, because this is something that if it hasn’t already happened to you, could be in your future.
Gabe: And there’s nothing that you can do to avoid it. I hate to say it that way, but my, my, my. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it’s the middle of the night. You’re just waking up. It’s groggy. You realize something horrific has happened. You don’t know what to do because this is not something that people make a game plan for because nobody ever thinks it’s going to happen to them. And you know, you’ve got to be practical. You got to clean this up. But then you’ve got to decide, like, what to do. And as much as I hate to say that we’re going to cover, you know, post shit self-care methods. I think that we need to discuss it because when and if this happens to you, I don’t want it to derail your entire mental health plan because frankly, that would be worse. Nobody wants to shit the bed. But that’s a one time occurrence. That’s something that happens to you once every day of your life. You’re managing mental health and mental illness. And that is like your whole entire outlook. And you don’t want something that might happen or something that has happened once to become the focal point of your self-care routine. Jackie, as the expert, what do you do?
Jackie: Well, there’s a couple different things that I think you should do, especially if we’re talking about this in context of likely the cause being some kind of psychiatric medication. The first thing to do, well, not the exact first thing, but maybe after you do some other things, is probably to call your doctor. And that’s important for a couple reasons. One, to report to your doctor that this happened and put it in your file. So if it keeps happening, maybe you need to reassess your medication. The other reason is because this kind of event is so underreported. It does not become known as a side effect of medications because we don’t want to talk about it. So then we don’t talk to our doctors about it because whoa, embarrassing cannot possibly do that. And then they don’t know to tell the other patients. This could be a thing to happen, too. So call your doctor. And if you can do it over the phone, it feels less invasive when you’re not face to face having this conversation. Send an email if you have a patient portal. There’s a lot of ways that you can do this. Protect yourself. Potentially help other patients without having to be face to face, which I know I have done. It is a very uncomfortable conversation to have, even when this is something that happens to you on the regular.
Gabe: It’s also important to bring it up to your psychiatric service providers because it might not have anything to do with your medication. It might not have anything to do with your mental health. It might not have anything to do with your mental illness. It could just be bad luck. People do get sick. People do get diarrhea. You decide to eat at that sketchy joint that just opened and you’re like, hey, the prices are good. You get steak for $5.99. And it made you sick. Also, as we age, the foods that we can eat and not have issues surrounding really does change. My mom used to say that I had a cast iron stomach. Clearly that is no longer true.
Jackie: The next thing that I would do is find someone you trust in your life and tell this story to just verbal vomit. What happened? Get it out of you and then hopefully never talk about it again. And the reason why is because and this is maybe, maybe this is just me, but if I have something traumatic and horrifying and embarrassing that happens, I want to keep that shit inside. Ha ha.
Gabe: I see what you did there.
Jackie: Horrible pun. I want to keep it inside. I want to internalize it. I’m probably going to isolate about it. And that’s not good. I’m going to perseverate on it. I’m going to keep reliving it. It’s going to probably have a really bad effect on how I’m feeling about myself, how I’m feeling about life. It could really take things bad quickly. And I think that by getting it out into the world, it’s one of those things that maybe who you tell is like, oh my god, me too. I totally do that, too. You never know. I just think it’s really important to share it with someone. Maybe it’s your therapist. Maybe that’s the safest place for you. But I I would not keep this inside. I think to preserve mental health. It needs to sort of live on the outside.
Gabe: I think that’s exactly right because I know how I internalize it and catastrophize things. I’m still having arguments with my ex-wife in my head thinking, what if I would have said this? Then she would have said that. Then I would have done this and then I would have won the argument. And it would always start off this way. Oh, I’m sad that this happened. Oh, but that time, she said this. Oh, I could have said that. Oh, I am so angry. And it never ends in a good place. And when I finally started to talk it out with people, one of those people being my therapist, I stopped doing that. If you keep something this big in your head, you’re going to keep thinking, oh, my god, what if I wouldn’t have eaten this? What if I would’ve taken my pills at a different time? What if I would have just woken up? What if I would have? And you’re going to what if yourself to death? Because there is no end to your imagination. And if you are anything like me, my imagination is mean to me. I always think about all of the things I did wrong. And all of the reasons that I’m an awful person. And as much as I didn’t want this to happen and as much as I never want it to happen again, which is why I’m following up with my doctors and doing everything I can to make sure that this never happens again.
It was helpful to find out how common this is. It was also very helpful to find out that more likely than not, I’m not in any danger. The body was doing what the body does, and while it’s unfortunate and not happy, it’s not necessarily unhealthy. I need to follow up with my doctor to find that out 100 percent, but for the most part, shitting the bed, not life threatening.
Jackie: Much like Brene Brown, who I respect a boatload, says, this could create a shame storm. And the problem with the shame storm is that if you don’t get it out of you and maybe share it with somebody, God forbid it happens again, then what do you do? Right. You’ve already created this thing you can’t talk about. It already makes you feel terrible. Then it happens again. And just the potential for the downward trajectory is huge. So I feel like for you, for the people around you, for the other people in the world who also shit the bed. It’s very important to share this experience. You don’t have to do it on the Internet like I did multiple times at this point. You don’t have to share for the greater good in that sense, but preserve yourself and make sure that everything’s cool and that your mental health is going to be preserved regardless of this incident.
Gabe: Jackie also think it’s worth pointing out severe and persistent mental illness as a cause for incontinence, both urination and bowel issues. When I was so depressed, I was suicidally depressed. I did not want to get out of bed. And even though I knew that I was going to urinate, I did not have the strength to move. I just couldn’t. And I was so depressed, I didn’t care. I would rather lay there in my own waste than walk the 10 steps to the bathroom. And that was just the reality of where I was. The same thing can happen the other way. And when we consider psychosis, when you’re literally out of your mind, when you don’t know where you are, this can lead to all kinds of things that aren’t desirable. It’s not just thinking that you’re being chased by people that aren’t there. It’s also about not understanding the needs of your physical body, which going to the bathroom is some of those. It really just is common for many, many reasons. And the reasons are going to be individualized. I don’t think that I can state that enough. I don’t want anybody to listen to this podcast and say, hey, the Not Crazy people said that I did this because of X. No, the Not Crazy people said, tell your doctor, see your doctor, get to the bottom of it. But more likely than not, it’s not that big of a deal. That’s what the Not Crazy people said.
Jackie: Gabe, I know that talking about, we’ll say things of the disgusting nature, is not your forte. You have mentioned that on numerous occasions.
Gabe: I hate it.
Jackie: I think it was really brave of you to call me and to be willing to put this in a podcast. And I use the term brave rarely because it’s not my favorite term, but I do think that it was brave. So if you’re feeling the way that Gabe feels or you have shit the bed, the way that Gabe did and I have as well, let’s be real here. If you take nothing away from this episode, let it be these few things. One, you’re not alone. At least you know Gabe and I have also shit the bed. Two, please call your doctor, make sure that everything is ok. And three, do not internalize this. Share it with someone, someone you trust, someone who will not judge you and just make sure that you’re taking care of yourself both physically and mentally after something like this.
Gabe: And hey, after you’re done doing all of that, share this podcast everywhere. Thanks, everybody, for tuning into this episode, please. Wherever you downloaded this podcast, give us as many stars or hearts as humanly possible and use your words. Tell us why you liked it. Love something about the show? Hate something about the show? Want to give us an idea? Or hey, just like emailing strangers? Hit us up at [email protected]. Stay tuned after the credits for an outtake, and listen on a show like this, it’s probably going to be a good one. We’ll see everybody next week.
Jackie: See ya.
Announcer: You’ve been listening to Not Crazy from Psych Central. For free mental health resources and online support groups, visit PsychCentral.com. Not Crazy’s official website is PsychCentral.com/NotCrazy. To work with Gabe, go to gabehoward.com. To work with Jackie, go to JackieZimmerman.co. Not Crazy travels well. Have Gabe and Jackie record an episode live at your next event. E-mail [email protected] for details.
Pooping in a dream. Why dream of defecation in a toilet or other place
People are often sure that pooping in a dream is a good sign, portending cash receipts. But dream books recommend not rushing to interpret this sign and paying attention to details when analyzing night vision. The meaning of sleep with excrement can vary depending on how they looked, who they belonged to, where the act of defecation took place, and other factors.
Interpretation Quick Jump
Total sleep defecation
Going to the toilet in a dream - to profit.
Dreams with feces are associated with the material sphere of life. This sign portends an increase in salary, a bonus, winning the lottery, receiving an expensive gift and other events that favorably affect the financial situation of the sleeper.
But it is worth interpreting a dream in this way only in those cases where it was not possible to remember its details. In other situations, when deciphering its meaning, any details preserved in memory should be taken into account.
Type and amount of faeces
To understand exactly why emptying in a dream in a big way, you need to remember the color of excrement:
- Light stools indicate that due to the problems that suddenly fell on the dreamer, there was no trace of his inherent optimism. Higher powers want to warn him that you should not be disappointed in life. Instead of falling into depression, it is better to think about how you can benefit from the current situation.
- A white pile promises a reprimand from the authorities. You should be more responsible for your obligations.
- Black feces portends severe physical fatigue. You don't have to take other people's worries on your shoulders. The next few days are better spent resting.
- Green feces indicate the approach of an opportune time to conclude a profitable deal. For a media person, such a sign promises popularity.
- Worms in the stool portend trouble in the professional field.
- Feces with blood means the emergence of a bad habit or enmity with relatives due to inheritance.
Dina Zalesskaya
An expert in the interpretation of dreams
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A dream in which a lot of poop was dreamed of is a harbinger of obtaining important information. It is possible that the dreamer will have access to information that is deliberately hidden from him by others. Possessing information, he will be able to achieve goals that were previously inaccessible to him.
A large pile of feces in night dreams can also mean that the sleeper will have additional sources of income that will bring considerable profit. Sometimes a dream indicates the dreamer's tendency to save money.
Going big into a bucket and seeing a lot of liquid excrement is a harbinger of shame.
Constipation or diarrhea during sleep
Constipation warns of possible financial losses.A dream in which a person feels the urge to defecate, but cannot go to the toilet, is considered by interpreters to be an alarming sign warning of the development of intestinal disease. Do not delay a visit to the doctor, otherwise health problems cannot be avoided.
If constipation in a dream brought suffering to the sleeping person, then in reality he risks incurring material losses.
Often, miserly people dream of difficulties with emptying. Fearing to lose their savings, they do not trust anyone, seeing in everyone they meet a thief or a swindler.
Diarrhea in night dreams, accompanied by physical discomfort, indicates that in reality the dreamer experiences negative emotions and fear due to an event that happened to him or his loved ones.
Severe diarrhea, the inability to keep feces in oneself is a sign of the sleeper's disinterestedness, his readiness to help, to give up his own benefit for the sake of the well-being of a loved one. People around often use the kindness and responsiveness of the dreamer to make life easier for themselves, so before offering someone help, you need to think about whether a friend needs it.
Who relieved himself - a dreamer or another person
Defecate yourself in a dream - a harbinger of success in an important matter. Often such a vision visits a person on the eve of a solemn event organized in his honor, and promises congratulations, recognition of professional merits. If the sleeper is in love, then he may have a dream before the wedding.
Sometimes a bowel movement in night dreams is not a portent, but a warning. For a person who is prone to overeating or who is on a long-term diet, vision can promise health problems. To avoid them, you need to adjust your diet.
Watching in a dream how another person is relieved, it is necessary to pay attention to his personality:
- acquaintance - the sleeping person will be able to fulfill his cherished desire;
- stranger - a spontaneous decision that the dreamer will make will cause bewilderment and misunderstanding among loved ones;
- girl - best friend independently admits to cheating;
- boy - the dreamer will be able to get rich without much effort on his part.
Who dreamed of relief
To correctly understand a dream, it is necessary to consider who dreamed it.Explaining what poop may dream of, dream books recommend taking into account the gender of a sleeping person. This detail can completely change the meaning of vision.
For married men, a dream promises a good deal. For a married representative of the stronger sex, a dream in which he empties his intestines portends financial prosperity. Material well-being can be achieved through the conclusion of a successful deal or rapid career growth.
A bachelor who wants to go to the toilet in his night dreams will have to spend time in the company of attractive girls in reality. But you don’t have to try to court everyone at once, otherwise you can earn a reputation as a womanizer.
A young man's dream promises a return to a long-forgotten hobby, which he was forced to abandon because of other things.
For single girls, a dream portends an ardent and secret relationship.The act of defecation warns a mature lady: she is too worried about what others will say about her. The dream interpretation recommends the dreamer not to pay attention to public opinion and act according to the dictates of the heart.
A vision for a young married woman promises that at the next event she will make a splash with her appearance or behavior.
For a lonely woman, a night story with defecation promises an affair with a passionate and ambitious man. It is possible that the relationship will have to be hidden.
For a young girl, a dream portends difficulties in the educational process. It is necessary to sit down for textbooks in order to get rid of gaps in knowledge, otherwise it will not be possible to pass the upcoming exams.
Dina Zalesskaya
An expert in the interpretation of dreams
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A pregnant woman dreams of a bowel movement in a dream to health problems. It is necessary to pass tests to prevent difficulties with bearing a child and childbirth.
Supervise animal defecation
If you dreamed of emptying the intestines not in a person, but in an animal, interpreters advise interpreting the vision differently. An important detail in such a dream is the appearance of the dreaming beast.
A person who, in his nightly dreams, dreamed of how an adult dog was going down in a big way, in reality will encounter a person who persistently tries to become friends with him. By letting her into his life, the sleeper risks incurring trouble. To avoid them, you do not need to be frank with a new friend. The less information he knows, the better.
Watching a puppy defecate is an alarming sign that portends financial difficulties that can lead to bankruptcy.
A cat sitting on a tray portends a reward for work, which will be a pleasant surprise for the sleeper. The cat promises new acquaintances. Pooping kittens dream of profit or expanding the circle of friends.
See a pig and feces for monetary constancy.Night vision value with livestock:
- cow feces dream of big profits that tedious work will bring;
- a goat that has shat predicts the appearance of a two-faced friend;
- horse excrement promises a journey in the company of parents, a rich harvest, prosperity;
- a defecating pig symbolizes financial stability;
- shat the rabbit - a good sign predicting the purchase of your own home or receiving good news from children;
- chicken droppings dream of prosperity, love and understanding in the house.
Wild animals
Pleasant surprises at work are promised by a dream in which a large wild animal defecated. Interpretation of night dreams with small animals:
- hare - you should not count on big profits, the income will barely pay back the funds invested in the business;
- fox - a new acquaintance wants to make money on the dreamer;
- bear cub - the sleeping person should ask an influential woman friend for help;
- mouse - you will have to face minor problems at work;
- rat - former colleagues spread rumors about the dreamer.
Where the relief process took place
Seeing yourself in a public toilet is an inevitable change in life.If the sleeper managed to remember the place where he or someone else emptied his bowels, then this detail can be used for a more accurate interpretation.
A bowel movement on a dirty toilet is a dream of a situation when it becomes necessary to solve other people's problems related to the material sphere. But you should not rely on gratitude, because the person whom the dreamer will help will begin to spread gossip about him.
The sleeper is not in danger of material problems if he went to the big clean toilet bowl. A good sign if after a bowel movement it was not possible to wash off the feces. A dream with such a plot indicates that any business that the dreamer undertakes will bring him great profit. You can safely invest in different projects and not be afraid of failure.
Emptying in a public toilet is a warning that changes in the usual way of life are coming, which cannot be avoided.
In the bushes
If the sleeper wanted to go big in a crowded place and, so that no one would notice him, hid in the bushes, it means that he wants to share his thoughts or developments with others, but does not dare to do this, fearing to be misunderstood and ridiculed.
Step into your own pile left behind the bushes - to unexpected profit. Perhaps one of the acquaintances will repay the debt, or the dreamer will be able to win in gambling.
Defecate in a dream in a hand - to a deterioration in relations with a person from a close circle due to a conflict of interests. Contradictions can be so strong that they lead to a complete cessation of communication.
In pants
Do not have time to run to the toilet and put a big pile in your pants - to major financial success, thanks to which you will be able to ensure your well-being for the rest of your life.
A dream in which a person has slightly soiled linen with feces promises him the appearance of a secret. It will turn out to be so delicate that the sleeper will not want to initiate loved ones into it.
Other options
I dreamed of going to the toilet in a bucket for a change of life. If a person dreamed that he relieved himself in the middle of the street, then he should be more active in order to attract good luck to his side. And also in a dream you can poop:
- on the floor in the apartment - to the deterioration of relations with relatives due to different views on the same things, according to another version - to receive an inheritance;
- on the floor in a private house - you have to move to another country for permanent residence;
- in a bucket - you will have to change the situation at the will of others;
- in a chamber pot - a quarrel is coming with a person on whom the sleeping person depends;
- on a plate - a sign portending a meeting with an old friend;
- in bed - in the near future the dreamer will go on an unplanned vacation;
- in the snow - soon the difficult situation at work will end.
Accompanying activities of the dreamer
If in night vision a person performs any actions with his own or other people's feces, then this moment must also be taken into account during interpretation:
- pick up excrement - to disinterested help from someone you know;
- hold for a long time - the efforts made will pay off with a large monetary reward;
- yes - to finding an additional source of income;
- sniff - to positive emotions associated with money;
- swim - an unpleasant event will lead to depression;
- wipe - a person runs the risk of getting involved in an adventure, participation in which will not lead to anything good;
- trying to wash off - to the desire to make a good impression on others.
The act of defecation is an ambiguous symbol that cannot always be correctly interpreted without a detailed analysis of the dream. Most often, such a dream promises good events. If a person is faced with an unfavorable interpretation, there is no need to be upset, because, knowing about the upcoming troubles, you can take measures to avoid them.
Why dream of pooping in the dream books of Freud, Miller, Tsvetkov
Sometimes our dreams seem strange to us, and sometimes not pleasant at all. Maybe you should not ignore, but rather try to find an explanation for such visions. Why dream of pooping, we will find out in proven dream books.
- 1 General interpretation
- 1.
1 in a dream, what else to expect from prediction
- 1.
- 2 Author's dream books
- 2.1 Gustov Miller
- 2.2 Gustov Freud
- 2.3 Evgeny Tsvetki
General interpretation
Pooping in a dream is often a sign of good change. It is associated with cash flows, victory in resolving property disputes, receiving an inheritance. The act of defecation can represent a protest against the pressure and influence of an authoritative person. Sometimes this reflects the dreamer's determination or his aggression directed at the opponent.
Defecation in a comfortable and pleasant environment in a dream is associated with a calm period in life, a sense of security and trust in others. The dreamer at this moment is not burdened by hard affairs, problems and worries. In some interpretations, pooping in a cozy toilet is in reality related to property rights, to the possession of material wealth.
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To feel the urge, but still not go to the toilet - in reality to be a rather restrained and stingy person. This characterizes the stubbornness, stinginess of the sleeping person. A person who has dreamed of such a plot is afraid of losing his acquired property, being fooled by a woman, or becoming a victim of scammers.
I dreamed of an upset stomach and the inability to keep something in myself - this personifies the disinterestedness of the person, his altruism and responsiveness. Such a person will never pass by someone else's grief or problem. Frequent diarrhea and a feeling of discomfort reflects depression, helplessness, impotence of the sleeper. Perhaps a situation has come that you are not able to manage and control. This may be accompanied by fear and insecurity due to the increased demands of others around you.
For a business person, to defecate in the director's office means to declare his rights and accumulated claims. You mustered the courage, the courage to confront the leadership. You are not afraid of the threat of dismissal, loss of a job. It is important for you to achieve your requirements.
Pooping in your own bed - in reality, become the initiator of a conflict with relatives and friends. Protracted quarrels with relatives may arise on the basis of property disputes, inheritance or a source of general additional income.
To feel great relief after defecation means to implement a complex project that took a lot of money, effort and time. In another interpretation, this may mean getting rid of something unnecessary that has long burdened your existence. It can be an established bad habit, an obsolete relationship, a job that does not bring much income. The moment when all unnecessary and unimportant life circumstances will go away forever.
Stepping into your own stool is a great sign. This promises favorable changes in your financial situation. There is a high probability of making unexpected profits, repaying a debt, receiving an inheritance or a big win. Easy money may not stay in your wallet if it is not invested in a promising project on time. Good time for investment.
Feeling the urge, but not finding a place to go to the toilet - reflects the dreamer's confusion in an unfamiliar environment. You are not flexible to changes, conservative to various changes. A change of scenery, place of residence, work causes you shock, a feeling of insecurity and fear. Accepting something new means changing the future for the better. Try to find positive moments in the proposed circumstances, and life will seem much more pleasant and more fun.
Watching your boss poop is a good omen. You will be given a high degree of trust. By accommodating management, you will receive a new position and responsibilities that will require a greater share of responsibility and attention.
Pooping in a dream, what else to expect from the prediction
- dreamed of a crappy baby - the onset of a favorable streak. Hurry up to solve all the problems and sort out the accumulated issues;
- the baby smears feces on the walls of the apartment - pleasant and warm meetings with relatives and friends await in reality;
- the child pooped and cries - get ready for difficulties in resolving issues. You will need maximum effort to change life circumstances;
- observed how their own child put feces into his mouth - in reality, you should pay special attention to your social circle, learn to restrain obscene language and control your own negative statements about loved ones;
- many people dreamed during the act of defecation - this is a reflection of the dreamer's fear of falling into an absurd and curious situation. Perhaps the situation and the atmosphere that surrounds you now does not inspire confidence. You are afraid to show excessive emotions, to be open and spontaneous;
- dreams of many different bowel movements - an unpleasant plot, but promising a great reward for diligence and diligence.
The moment when you will be appreciated and generously rewarded.
Author's dream books
Gustov Miller
Interpretation predicts a big profit for someone who poops in a dream. The dreamer will easily change his financial status even at the lowest paid job. And the reason for this will be a happy accident, your agility and quickness. Trust your own intuition, commercial flair and optimism. But you should not risk money by investing in dubious transactions. You may lose your last savings.
Gustov Freud
The predictor personifies this process with the greed, pedantry and intolerance of the dreamer. Such people often experience problems in sexual activity due to the lack of a permanent sexual partner. If the dreamer is a man, then it is difficult for him to maintain a relationship with a potential lover due to fear of losing money. You do not intend to spend finances on the one with whom you want intimacy. This repels applicants, depriving you of regular sex.