Physiological tests for personality
Take a personality test - Open Source Psychometrics Project
This website provides a collection of interactive personality tests with detailed results that can be taken for personal entertainment or to learn more about personality assessment. These tests range from very serious and widely used scientific instruments popular psychology to self produced quizzes. A special focus is given to the strengths, weaknesses and validity of the various systems.
Recommended tests
Big Five Personality Test: The general consensus in academic psychology is that there are five fundamental personality traits. This model is assumed in most personality research, and is the basis of many of the most well regarded tests employed by psychologists who maintin close connections with academia. The "big five" tend to not be popular in consumer focused personality assessment or self-help because to many people the feedback of the model seems relatively basic.
This test uses public domain scales from the International Personality Item Pool.
Statistical "Which Character" Personality Quiz: This tool will compare your answers to a database of 2,000 fictional characters. The database is made by crowd-sourcing ratings of the characters, and the goal is to match people to characters they will agree are similar to them using techniques from recommendation engines. There also is a peer report verison, which is even more advanced. And a version for couples.
Other tests
Fisher Temperament Inventory: The FTI is general measure of personality that traces human behavior back to the function of the neurotransmitters in the brain. It categorizes people into one of four temperaments, each of which is associated with specific neuro-chemicals.
Inventory of Phonetic Associations (Experimental): Humans are biased towards making associations between sound and meaning in specific ways that appear to be consistent across cultures. This test measures how strongly you show the typical bias, and explores what that means. Research has indicated that individuals with autism show less of this bias than neurotypicals.
Firstborn Personality Scale: This test was desgined to produce the maximum possible difference between scores of first-born (oldest) and later-born children. It correlates with birth order more than any other self-report scale, but the correlation is still extremely small because most of the common claims about the effect of birth order on personality are exaggerated and wrong.
Analog to Multiple Broadband Inventories: Most personality tests ask the same kind of questions, they just organize their results in different ways. This one computes all the scores you would likely get if you took 8 different well regarded personality tests, from just one bank of items.
Multidimensional Introversion-Extraversion Scales: The idea of introversion and extraversion is one of the oldest and most well known ideas in personality psychology.
The evidence indicates that people can mean several different things when they describe themselves as an introvert or extravert, so the trait of introversion-extraversion should actually be broken down into a couple different, though related, traits.
Open Extended Jungian Type Scales: The system of personality types proposed by Carl Jung (1921) and later refined by C. Myers and I. M. Briggs has become an extremely widely used personality theory in self-help, business management, counselling and spiritual development contexts, but it is not commonly used in academic research where, like all type theories, it is treated skeptically. The system produces 16 personality types on the basis of four dichotomies and is the system used in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and Keirsey Temperament Sorter instruments, among many others. The OEJS is a free and open source measure of the four dichotomies which yields an equivalent result to the usual tests.
OSPP Enneagram of Personality Scales: The Enneagram of Personality is a system of nine personality types organized by a geometric diagram. It has been promoted as a spiritual and self-help tool by many authors and there exist several different popular tests of Enneagram type. The OEPS was developed by this website and reflects the average idea of what each type is in the population of on-line Enneagram enthusiasts.
Zodiac-sign Associated Personality Scales: The ancient practice of astrology connects the way a person is to their date of birth. This survey will determine if your personality matches the stereotypes for your astrological sign.
Multifactor General Knowledge Test: A test of general knowledge measuring four facets of general knowledge.
Artistic Preferences Scale: Rate paintings to find out what your preferences are for art in terms of style and content.
Full Scale IQ Test: An IQ Test measuring across the full spectrum of human abilities.
Woodworth Psychoneurotic Inventory: Often cited as the first personality test, the WPI was developed by the United States military during World War I to screen for recruits at high risk of developing shell shock.
Finished too late to be put to such use, the WPI instead found its place as the dominant self-report personality measure in academic psychological research during the 1920s and 30s, but has mostly been forgotten since then.
Nonverbal Immediacy Scale: This scale measures individual differences in the use of body language in communication.
Evaluations of Attractiveness Scales - Male / Female: The EMAS and EFAS measure individual differences in preferences for the looks of men and women respectively.
IIP RIASEC Markers: The Holland Codes (the acronym RIASEC refers to the six Holland Codes) is a typology of occupations that groups jobs into six categories and describes the different personality characteristics of people who are inclined towards each category. Since its developed by John L. Holland in the 1950s the theory has become dominant one in the field of career counselling and it has been incorporated into most of the assessment you might take at a university career planning centre. The RIASEC Markers from the public domain Interest Item Pool were developed by James Rounds and colleagues in 2008 for use in psychological research.
Short Dark Triad: The "dark triad" is a name for three personality traits that are commonly seem as malicious or evil: narcissism, machiavellianism and psychopathy. The study of these three traits together as the dark triad became popular in the 2000s. In 2011, Delroy Paulhus and Daniel Jones published the Short Dark Triad (SD3) as a single short test to measure all three traits at once.
Protestant Work Ethic Scale: There is sociological theory that Northern European countries developed faster in the industrial revolution than southern ones because of the additudes towards work promoted by Protestantism (versus Catholicism). This idea has been taken by some psychologists who believe that individuals can have different levels of Protestant work ethic.
Nerdy Personality Attributes Scale: A measure of personality attributes that distinguish those who call themselves nerds from those that do not.
Open DISC Assessment Test: The DISC personality model is a system that divides people into four personality types. The model is promoted commercially by several different orginizations for use in the workplace.
Four Temperaments Test: If you had asked a well educated western person in 1850 to describe themselves, they would have responded using the language of the four temperaments, an extension of the ancient four humours theory of medicine to personality by Greek physician Galen (129–216 AD). The four temperaments as the accepted way to describe personality was vanquished by the development of psychology after 1900, but recently they have seen a resurgence and been promoted in spiritual and self-help contexts.
Cattell's 16 Personality Factors Test: In the 1940s Raymond Cattell proposed a model of human individual differences with 16 factors based on a statistical study of responses to personality questionnaires. Cattell's model has never been widely accepted and his statistical analysis that revealed 16 factors has never been successfully replicated, but the test he produced, the 16PF Questionnaire, has been very popular in applied psychology like contexts such as counselling and human resources. This test uses the public domain scales from the International Personality Item Pool that were developed by Lewis Goldberg to be equivalent to the 16PFQ.
Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale: Developed in the 1960s by Morris Rosenberg for a study of adolescent self image the RSES has become the most widely used general purpose measure of self esteem in psychological research.
Survey of Dictionary-based Isms (SDI-46): The SDI is a measure of sociopolitical attitudes developed by Gerard Saucier. Its name references the fact that it was derived from searching the dictionary for words describing different philosophies (which often end in "ism", e.g. liberalism, hobbism), which were then reduced down to underlying factors with statistical analysis. The SDI-46 revision was published in 2013.
Open Hemispheric Brain Dominance Scale: A measure of left-brain/right brain thinking, a scientifically discredited but still popular idea.
Generic Conspiracist Beliefs Scale: A measure of belief in conspiracy theories.
Exposure Based Face Memory Test: Measure of face memory and face blindness.
Vocabulary IQ Test: Vocabulary test giving an IQ score like result.
Nature Relatedness Scale (NR-6): The NR-6 measures the strength of an individual's psychological connection to nature, something that is presumed to be psychologically healthy.
All of these tests are provided for educational and entertainment uses only. They are not clinically administered and as such the results are not suitable for basing important decisions off of. These tests are also not infallible, if the results say something about you that you don't think is true, you are right and it is wrong.
Personality Test #1 Free and Scientifically Valid Big Five Personality Test
I am a 'worrier'
I make friends easily
I have a vivid imagination
I trust others
I complete tasks successfully
I get angry easily
I really enjoy large parties and gatherings
I think art is important
I sometimes deceive others to get my own way
I don't like things to be a mess - I like to tidy up
I often feel sad
I like to take charge of situations and events
I experience deep and varied emotions
I love to help others
I always keep my promises
I find it difficult to approach others
I am always busy - always on the go
I prefer variety to routine
I love a good argument - a good fight
I work very hard
I will overindulge at times
I love excitement
I enjoy reading challenging books and articles
I believe that I am better than others
I am always prepared
I panic easily
I am a really cheerful person
I tend to support progress and reform
I sympathise with the homeless
I am very spontaneous - I act without thinking
I 'fear for the worst'
I feel comfortable around people
I enjoy 'wild flights of fantasy'
I believe that people basically have good intentions
When I do something, I always do it well
I get irritated easily
I always chat to lots of different people at parties
I see beauty in things that others might not notice
I don't mind cheating to get ahead
I often forget to put things back in their proper place
I sometimes dislike myself
I try to be in charge - to lead others
I am empathetic - I feel others' emotions
I am concerned about others
I tell the truth
I am afraid to draw attention to myself
I never sit still - I'm always on the go
I prefer to stick with things that I know
I shout and yell at people
I do more than what's expected of me
I rarely over-indulge
I go out of my way to seek adventure
I avoid philosophical discussions
I think highly of myself
I get the job done and carry out my plans
I become overwhelmed by events
I have a lot of fun
I believe that there is no absolute right or wrong
I feel sympathy for those who are worse off than myself
I make rash decisions
I am afraid of many things
I avoid coming into contact with people if I can help it
I love to daydream
I trust what people say
I handle tasks methodically
I frequently lose my temper
I prefer to be alone
I do not like poetry
I sometimes take advantage of others
I sometimes leave the place in a mess
I sometimes am down in the dumps
I take control of situations
I rarely notice my emotional reactions and feelings
I am indifferent to the feelings of others
I break rules
I only really feel comfortable with friends
I do a lot in my spare time
I dislike changes
I insult people
I do just enough work to get by
I easily resist temptations
I enjoy taking risks
I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas
I have a high opinion of myself
I waste my time
I feel that I'm unable to deal with things
I love life
I believe laws should be strictly enforced
I am not interested in other people's problems
I rush into things
I get stressed out easily
I keep others at a distance
I like to get lost in thought
I distrust people
I know how to get things done
I am not easily annoyed
I avoid crowds
I do not enjoy going to art galleries or exhibitions
I sometimes am un-cooperative - I hinder other peoples’ plans
I leave my 'bits and pieces' and belongings around
I feel comfortable with myself
I wait for others to take the lead
I don't understand people who get emotional
I don't have time for other people
I sometimes break my promises
I am not bothered by difficult social situations
I react slowly
I am attached to conventional ways
I always even the score with others
I sometimes put little time and effort into my work
I am able to control my cravings
I like action and danger
I am not interested in theoretical discussions
I like to talk about my qualities
I have difficulty starting tasks
I remain calm under pressure
I look at the bright side of life
I believe that we should be very tough on crime
I try not to think about the needy
I act without thinking
Personality and character tests
- All tests
- Personality and character nine0005 Temperament
- Interpersonal relationships
- Diagnosis of deviations nine0006
- depression and stress
Educational nine0004 - History
- Biology nine0005 Physics
- Chemistry nine0005 Russian language
- Mathematics nine0005 Geography
- life safety fundamentals nine0005 Literature
- English nine0005 Social Studies
- Medicine nine0005 Other nine0047
- intellectual
- Career and business nine0005 Entertainment
- For men
- For girls nine0006
- Love and family
- For kids nine0005 Health
nine0006 -
Find out your mental age nine0018 Pro Schizophrenia Tendency TestEysenck test EPQ-R: find out your temperament nine0003
Rorschach ink stains: is everything okay with your psyche?
Suicide Risk Questionnaire nine0003
Express self-esteem test
Big five.
Test your mind! nine0003
Character traits - test in pictures
Load more
Personality and character tests have always been especially popular due to their effectiveness and informativeness. Among them, there are both powerful professional psychological tests and techniques that can see in you the most secret nooks and crannies of your character, as well as simple quick "time killers" that, thanks to associations, will help draw your attention to something that you did not notice before. Here you can choose any of the many personality and character tests, and take them online absolutely free. nine0003
40 psychological tests that you can take online and that will tell you everything about you (Even what you don’t even know about) / Bright Side
Psychological tests are very popular and can entertain you no worse than a series with a twisted plot. But they were still created to determine and identify important qualities and possible deviations in the human psyche. They also help to deal with their internal contradictions. But at the same time, one should not forget that only a psychologist can correctly interpret their results. Therefore, if you, after passing the test, find out something disturbing about yourself, then you should not immediately panic. First contact a specialist. nine0003
ADME knows the importance of exploring your inner self and gives you the opportunity to learn something new and exciting about your personality through authoritative psychological tests.
Personality and Character Types
© megantorbenson / instagram
Knowing your personality type and characteristics will help you understand yourself better. For example, how and with what people you build relationships, what type of activity suits you best and how to fulfill yourself correctly. nine0003
- The Luscher test will determine the causes of your stress and what psychophysiological symptoms it can lead to.
- Raven Progressive Matrices is a test that determines the level of intellectual development.
The Myers-Briggs test is designed to identify one of 16 personality types and will help identify individual preferences and inclinations.
Sondi's test provides answers to many questions, including explaining a person's choice of loved ones, friends, profession and indicating a predisposition to certain diseases. nine0003
The Eysenck test is aimed at determining the type of emotional behavior: are you more an introvert or an extrovert.
Yana Strelyau's Temperament Diagnostic Method will help determine the type of temperament and how you react to stressful situations.
Efremtsev's test - for determination of the leading type of perception : auditory, visual or kinesthetic.
Test SMIL of 566 questions psychologists use to compile the most accurate portrait of a person.
The Cattell Personality Questionnaire is used to determine the characteristics of the character, inclinations and interests of the individual.
The Hall test will help determine the level of emotional intelligence - a person's ability to recognize emotions, understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people and their own, as well as the ability to manage their emotions and the emotions of other people to solve practical problems. nine0003
Self-actualization test CAT will determine the level of success in different areas.
Test for determining the type of thinking : depending on the mental and physiological characteristics of a person, a specific type of thinking usually prevails - a method of processing and analyzing the information received. Types: verbal-logical, visual-figurative, abstract-symbolic, creative, subject-effective.
Types of social interaction
Tests for types of social interaction will help you understand how you build relationships with others, how aggressive you are, conflict and how well you can adapt in a team.
- Leary test to determine the characteristics of your relationship with others.
- Adaptability test will tell you how successfully and exactly how you adapt in a team.
Assinger test to determine the level of aggressiveness in a relationship will tell you how aggressive you are in communication.
Thomas Test helps to determine your type of behavior in a conflict situation.
The Communication Social Competence Test will help you determine how sociable you are and what type of communication you prefer.
Assessment of self-control in communication will tell you how open and direct you are, whether you know how to control yourself when communicating. nine0003
Personal Value Orientations
© alessioalbi / instagram
Value orientation tests will help you understand what values are your priority and what true desires are hidden behind your actions.
- Maslow's test will determine which values matter most to you.
Test for socio-psychological attitudes will tell you about your strengths and weaknesses.
nine0006 -
Rokeach test "Value Orientations" will tell you exactly what values your relationships, worldview and behavior are based on.
The Meaningful Orientation Test will help you determine your goals, as well as tell you how well and correctly you can achieve them.
Diagnostics self-esteem level personality will tell you how objectively you evaluate yourself.
Family tests
These tests will help you better understand your relationship with your partner and better understand the sexual side of your relationship.
- Test for the presence of masculine or feminine predominance .
The Love Test will help you figure out exactly how you feel.
- Test for family type will tell you who dominates in a couple. nine0006
Marriage satisfaction test .
Test for psychological and sexual compatibility of a couple .
Sexual satisfaction test .
Tests for the detection of mental disorders
© platon_yurich / instagram
Everyone is afraid to think about the possibility of a mental disorder, but if you suddenly notice or diagnose this or that deviation in yourself, it is better to contact a specialist first. nine0003
Oxford Happiness Inventory to measure psychological well-being.
- The Beck Depression Scale is used to diagnose the level of depression.
Test for anxiety level Spielberger - Khanina will tell you what type of anxiety prevails in you, how stressful you are and how it affects your life.