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von 1007 people with whom we will one day have to part
218 265
Know yourself A man among people
Losses in our life are inevitable - the whole question is how we will be able to survive and comprehend them. Here are a few types of loss that all of us face sooner or later.
1. A friend who turned out to be unreliable
Each of us experienced this at least once, and some more than once. A friend with whom we could laugh or cry together, work side by side, and yet somewhere deep down, purely intuitively, we felt that he was not entirely on our side. nine0003
He could be a very good person. Maybe he didn't want to hurt us. And yet he did it.
So it was with Helen 15 years ago. Once she came to me with a friend whom I saw for the first time. And that's when my little son had a typical childhood tantrum. Oddly enough, I was overjoyed. The fact is that in early childhood he was seriously ill, was literally on the verge of death. He didn't have the energy for tantrums, which are completely normal for a small child. And the fact that the tantrum happened, in my eyes, was evidence that the baby was on the mend. He blushed, squealed, stamped his feet - a living, healthy child! nine0003
I grabbed him in my arms and out of the corner of my ear I heard a whisper from my friend Helen: she was asking how old my son was. In the mirror, I saw Helen, whispering “Two years” back, roll her eyes and shake her head. It was terrible. She judged and judged without showing the slightest empathy. Then I told her this, she apologized, I accepted her apology ... But I knew that there was no return to the previous relationship. It was just one lesson in a series of lessons that taught me how to choose who I can safely let into my life. I've learned the lesson. nine0003
2. A friend we didn't appreciate
Sarah and I met in college and became fast friends. I thought it was a friendship for life. But after college, our paths diverged. I went to New York to build a career. Sarah went home and got married and became a mother much earlier than me.
As the years went by, we seemed to have less and less in common. I distanced myself from her, stopped answering her calls. I was too young to understand that old friends are the ones who can remind us of who we once were. It didn’t dawn on me then that none of our successes, no progress cancel our closeness with those who remember us at the start and help us see what path we have traveled. I did not yet know that there are more important things in friendship than the similarity of life paths. The same career growth, life in the neighborhood, the same school that our children go to - this is not the main thing. Our soul connection with Sarah was much more important. nine0003
I missed it. How I regret it!
3. The person we cannot let into our lives
Close your eyes for a minute and imagine him. There is no need to say his name out loud. Perhaps you are married. Or he is married. Or both of you are not free. In your fantasies, you sometimes picture to yourself what life could be like with him. However, in reality, they are not ready to destroy their well-being for his sake. When your eyes meet, you both understand.
Sometimes you think: what is so terrible if we allow ourselves something more? But you know the answer and keep your distance. Let go of this fantasy. It won't last long. Now open your eyes and think about how lucky you are. nine0003
4. The loss you did not expect
As the Buddha said, life is suffering. To love is to lose. The natural order of things is that we lose our parents, as a rule, when we ourselves are already adults. But this is not always the case. I was very young when my father died in a car accident. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to him. And he could not see how I turned from a difficult teenager into a completely reasonable woman. I know he was worried about me, and I always remember that. However, his death changed me, helped me choose the right path. I lived so that he could be proud of me. nine0003
These sudden losses, traumas remain in us, become part of our being. Any sound or smell can instantly bring us back to that terrible day. Our vulnerability hasn't gone away, and it's so beautiful, so human.
5. A loss that is getting closer and closer
When my mother died, I was already a mother myself. Her dying was slow, we understood what was coming. But that didn't make the loss any easier. This is death, stretched out in time, we foresee it in advance and imagine life without this person. We get used to living with this sorrow. We are forced to live feeling helpless. It's the same vulnerability, beautiful and human. nine0003
6. Our therapist, teacher, guru, whom we no longer need
There are relationships that have a “shelf life”, or at least should be. Our relationship with a psychotherapist (teacher, guru) has a very specific goal - they should help us grow, and when this happens, the relationship should end. In some cases, this close connection with the person who has done so much for us can develop into something else, such as friendship. Relations with a therapist or teacher are initially unequal, new relationships will (if at all) be built on equality. nine0003
7. The person we wanted to be
As a child, I dreamed of becoming an actress. I thought that I would live in New York, in a skyscraper, with my husband and five or maybe six children, that I would not count money. Maybe I'll even have my own plane. And so I grew up. I prefer to live outside the city. I got married, but I only have one child. My husband and I work hard to make ends meet.
This life - rich, imperfect, complex, satisfying - I built myself. I like her. But in order to build it, I had to part with my fantasies gleaned from glossy magazines. Let go of the far-fetched notions of who I am. nine0003
In order to live life to the fullest, we have to lose the version of ourselves that we fantasized about ourselves, discard it, because we no longer need it. And replace it with another - our own.
About the author: Dani Shapiro is a writer, screenwriter, and non-fiction author.
Text: Alina Nikolskaya Photo Source: Getty Images
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Why employees leave
An employee who hits a career ceiling is first in line for a “voluntary” application. Work seems boring to him, and tasks turn into a daily routine. If the boss does not want to lose an experienced employee, it is worth considering how to expand or change the list of responsibilities.
The manager may not notice the professional growth of his subordinates. For example, an employee came to the company as a student, but in three years he grew into a real professional and learned everything. And the boss still perceives him as young and inexperienced. nine0003 If you have such people on your team, take a closer look at them, evaluate their achievements over the past year or two. Perhaps some of them are already teaching beginners with might and main and are ready for more complex tasks than before.
Yesterday's graduates may also think about dismissal. Especially if they came to the company for an initial position and dream of changing jobs to a more promising one. But starting from scratch is more difficult than trying to get a job in your specialty at an already familiar company. When a boss ignores the growth of his subordinates, respect for him inevitably falls. Such a conflict does not have to be open. Another thing is a conflict between colleagues. The manager can act as an arbitrator: listen to both sides and offer a solution. For example, clearly define the responsibilities of each and make sure that they overlap as little as possible. And employees, for their part, can try to remove unnecessary emotions from the work process. For example, if quarrels most often arise due to mutual criticism, it is worth expressing remarks in a more businesslike, neutral tone. nine0003 The most difficult thing is to deal with a provocateur. If a negative person appears in the team, then he will quickly infect others with his skepticism. And the most motivated and positive employees will be forced to think about dismissal. Find out the reasons for the provocateur's discontent. In the case when the problem is in the content of the work, personal hostility and other points that you cannot change, it is better to isolate him from the team, for example, transfer him to another team. No matter for what reason, an employee suddenly needs more money. And he understands that the salary does not cover new expenses. The first thing that comes to mind is that you urgently need to look for a new job with a higher income or get hired somewhere in addition to your main job. These steps may be the solution to the problem. But, firstly, it takes time, and, secondly, not everyone can come to a new place and immediately receive a salary of 30% more than they received before. If your request for a raise comes too unexpectedly, don't turn it down right away. Offer to return to this conversation in a couple of days, Elena Londar suggests: perhaps you will find tasks in the company that an employee can take on and start getting more. If a young employee comes to you with such an initiative, listen to him, collect the recommendations of his colleagues. You can get a good specialist if you support him in time. nine0003
You can always leave for another company and start from scratch. You can look at the opportunities that are at the current place of work. My friend, being a student, began her career as a secretary. After graduation, she planned to become a financial analyst, so she wanted to quit and find a job in her specialty. I encouraged her to approach the company's CFO, take the initiative, and offer her help in an entry-level position in finance. A colleague asked me to give her a task and see how she copes, and the financial director agreed. She worked for this company for several years and had a good career in finance. nine0087 Elena Londar, consultant of the HR Brand Award and Russian Employer Rating
It's just that the employee loses enthusiasm, tasks are performed more slowly and he does not try to fix it.
Or honestly say that there will be no changes. Perhaps the provocateur himself will decide that it is worth looking for another, more suitable and less annoying job: parting with him will cost less than spoiling the atmosphere in the team. nine0003