How to get help with anxiety

How to get help with anxiety
Anxiety disorders - Diagnosis and treatmentDiagnosisYou may start by seeing your primary care provider to find out if your anxiety could be related to your physical health. He or she can check for sig...

When someone invades your privacy

When someone invades your privacy
Invasion of Privacy - FindLawLet's say you accidentally leave a personal letter containing private information on a public park bench, and that letter is picked up and read by someone else. Even if th...

Talk to your friend

Talk to your friend
Tips for Talking with Your FriendIt can be difficult to know how to start a conversation with a friend about what's going on for them. Read on for a few tips to get started.Some first stepsSpeak up! S...

Why do people fall for conspiracy theories

Why do people fall for conspiracy theories
Why people believe in conspiracy theories, with Karen Douglas, PhDKim Mills: Over the past year as COVID-19 rocketed around the world, conspiracy theories quickly followed. Last spring, dozens of cell...

What type of cat are you personality quiz

What type of cat are you personality quiz
Which breed of cat are you? "" Image: Ryuichi Miyazaki/Moment/GettyImagesA lot of people that are not in the know think that all cats are the same, and never even think about how there are differences...

Enneagram type 4 borderline personality disorder

Enneagram type 4 borderline personality disorder
[Enneagram Type 4] - Type 4 and Borderline Personality Disorder Hi all, I have Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), and I am also a Type 4. I was wondering if any of you have also had a similar expe...

Being a new student in middle school

Being a new student in middle school
Moving to Middle School (for Kids)Is it good to be in the middle? Sometimes it's not, like when you're in the middle seat on a long car ride. But sometimes it is, like when you're in the middle of a g...

You have to let go of the past

You have to let go of the past
12 Tips for Letting Go of the PastOne thing that connects us as human beings is our ability to feel pain. Whether that pain is physical or emotional, we all have experiences of being hurt. What separa...

Getting over social anxiety

Getting over social anxiety
6 Ways to Overcome Social Anxiety – Cleveland ClinicIf you feel out of practice socializing after the last few years of social distancing, you’re not alone. If you feel more anxious than usual when le...

Meaning of no heart feelings

Meaning of no heart feelings
NO HARD FEELINGS definition | Cambridge English Dictionary Examples of no hard feelingsno hard feelings We have had our squabbles but certainly on my part there have been nohardfeelings. From the Han...