What to do when you feel left out by friends
SAMHSA’s National Helpline | SAMHSA Your browser is not supportedSwitch to Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari Main page content SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year tr...
Accepting love relationship
Teach Yourself to Receive Love in 5 Steps The holiday season is here, which means there’s more than enough love to go around. Families and friends are coming together to share the holiday spirit. It i...
Cutting ties with someone
What is a Cord Cutting Ritual? How to Perform One to Get Over an ExI once heard someone refer to breakups as a "luxury problem," and I would like to respectfully disagree. When you deeply love someone...
A person values
20 Personal Values Examples to Help You Find Your OwnJump to sectionPersonal values 10120 core value examples6 tips for defining your own core valuesLiving by your valuesMoving forwardIt’s a Sunday mo...
Is cheating ever acceptable
Can Cheating Ever Be Okay?How you answer the question “Is cheating ever okay?” may depend upon whether you are the cheater or the one being cheated on. And perhaps by your own moral compass. Some look...
How to deal with personal attacks
How to deal with personal attacks • Expert NegotiatorNewt Gingrich has repeatedly called Mitt Romney a liar. And Romney has incessantly focused on Gingrich’s personal ethics and effectively accused Gi...
Black and white thinking quiz
How to Assess Black-&-White Thinking in Yourself and OthersPolarized, black-and-white thinking is a big problem. It distorts our understanding of realities involving shades of gray, which most human r...
Best eating disorder recovery podcasts
10 Best Eating Disorder Podcasts Of 2022Reading Time: 4 minutes Whether you’re And on the train, in the car, at work or cleaning the house podcasts are an excellent way to learn access and consume new...
Support group website
Find Support Groups | Mental Health America Find Support Groups Many people find peer support a helpful tool that can aid in their recovery. There are a variety of organizations that offer support gr...
Self discovery writing prompts
35 Journaling Prompts for Self-Discovery and Personal Growth – Silk + SonderHaving journal prompts for your self-discovery journey can be incredibly helpful. There are so many aspects to understanding...