Horse therapy for anxiety
Anxiety Therapy & Therapists | The Healing Power of HorsesOvercome your anxiety with Integrative Equine Therapy (IET), a horse-centered, natural therapy that builds new neural pathways and changes hab...
How insane am i quiz
Am I Insane Test - Personality QuizzesStart QuizTake this Am I Insane Test to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.Mental illness, often known as m...
Be a little selfish
When It’s OK to Be a Little SelfishSource: ArtFamily/ShutterstockWhen making joint decisions with someone else—choosing a movie to watch with your spouse or a restaurant to visit with a friend—you may...
Free grief support
SAMHSA’s National Helpline | SAMHSA Your browser is not supportedSwitch to Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari Main page content SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year tr...
How much time apart is healthy in a relationship
How Much Alone Time is Normal in a RelationshipIs it OK to have alone time in a relationship?Coming off of the pandemic, the amount of alone time those in a relationship have become accustomed to is m...
Narcissistic mother in law and husband
The Signs of Narcissistic Parents-in-Law and How to Deal With ThemNarcissistic parents-in-law are incredibly cruel, often going out of their way to make sure their son or daughter's spouse doesn't fee...
How to embrace change
How to Move Forward – SoulSaltWith the right strategies, you can begin embracing change and build the life you’ve always dreamed of. Not in his goals but in his transitions man is great.Ralph Waldo Em...
I feel so much pain
If You Feel It Hurts to Live, This Is for YouYour feelings are valid. You’re not alone and support is available.Maybe you feel that life is too painful, or you question why you’re here and whether you...
Can anxiety cause ocd tendencies
Could OCD Be the Cause of Your Stress and Anxiety?You have probably heard people casually refer to themselves or someone they know as having OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder, usually in reference...
Friend is holding a grudge against me
Why We Hold Grudges + What to Do When Someone Has a Grudge Against YouWhy We Hold Grudges + What to Do When Someone Has a Grudge Against YouConditionsFeaturedAddictionsAnxiety DisorderADHDBipolar Diso...