Plato soul mate theory
What Plato can teach you about finding a soulmateIn the beginning, humans were androgynous. So says Aristophanes in his fantastical account of the origins of love in Plato’s Symposium.Not only did ear...
Vitamin 4 life
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Songs for broken friendships
10 Best Songs About Ex Best Friends, Ranked 2022Losing a best friend is never easy, although it’s prone to happen as people grow up and change over time. Thankfully, you’re not entirely alone if this...
How to deal with tension in a relationship
Managing the pressures of a relationship | Romantic relationships Have you ever wondered what the ‘ship’ in ‘relationship’ means? It refers to the fact that a relationship can either float or sink. Ok...
Fall asleep fast meditation
Meditation for Sleep - Headspace The benefits of sleep meditationRegularly sleeping fewer than seven hours per night increases the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, unhealthy eating habits t...
Self care reflection questions
87 Self-Reflection Questions for Introspection [+Exercises]Have you ever thought about your own thoughts or questioned your mental processes?Do you sometimes take time to clarify your values in a mome...
Lessons from high school
11 Things I Learned in High SchoolYikes. It’s time for my 20-year high-school reunion. I have the wrinkles and the gray hair to prove it. Although I look back and snicker at all the keg parties I thre...
Mental health and probation
What Is Mental Health Probation? MAR. 19, 2021 By Becky BrasfieldMental health probation is a court sentence that mandates mental health treatment for a defendant pleading guilty to an offense related...
Drawing how you feel
How To Express Emotions In Your Drawing Every artist has there own “thing” they work on. That aspect of their art that eludes them. It changes from time to time depending upon what season of their ar...