Meaning of insecure person
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[ in-si-kyoor ]
/ ˌɪn sɪˈkyʊər /
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subject to fears, doubts, etc.; not self-confident or assured: an insecure person.
not confident or certain; uneasy; anxious: He was insecure about the examination.
not secure; exposed or liable to risk, loss, or danger: an insecure stock portfolio.
not firmly or reliably placed or fastened: an insecure ladder.
3 risky.
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Origin of insecure
From the Medieval Latin word insēcūrus, dating back to 1640–50. See in-3, secure
synonym study for insecure
3. See uncertain.
in·se·cure·ly, adverbin·se·cure·ness, nounWords nearby insecure
insectivore, insectivorous, insectivorous bat, insectology, insect wax, insecure, insecurity, inselberg, inseminate, insemination , inseminator Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
What does
insecure mean?Insecure means subject to fears and doubt, as in Sally was such an insecure person that she didn’t believe she did anything well, even when she got A’s on her tests.
Insecure can also mean anxious or uneasy, as in Tom was insecure about his chances for a promotion, worrying about it so much that he couldn’t sleep at night.
Insecure can mean not secure, that is, exposed to danger or risk. A safe with a broken lock would be an insecure safe. Anyone could open the safe and take what was inside.
Lastly, insecure can refer to something that is not firmly placed or fastened, as with a fire escape that is not completely fastened to a building.
Example: The bankrobbers easily broke into the insecure vault and escaped with all of the money.
Where does
insecure come from?The first records of the word insecure come from around 1640. It comes from the Medieval Latin word insēcūrus, which combines the negative prefix in- and the word secure, meaning “safe.”
When we’re talking about objects, we use insecure to mean the object lacks security (like your bank account) or is unstable (as in a ladder). Insecure, like the word uncertain, is used to describe something as risky or unpredictable. The word insecure often implies that the thing is likely to fail or come to harm.
When we use the word insecure to describe people, we often mean people who lack self-confidence or who need validation. Interestingly, some mental health experts argue that social media has made many more people feel insecure because of the amount of criticism they receive online or because they are constantly comparing themselves to others.
Did you know … ?
What are some other forms related to insecure?
- insecurely (adverb)
- insecureness (noun)
- insecurity (noun)
What are some synonyms for insecure?
- anxious
- apprehensive
- unsure
- unstable
- wobbly
What are some words that share a root or word element with insecure?
- secure
What are some words that often get used in discussing insecure?
- anxiety
- doubt
- security
- data
- person
How is
insecure used in real life?Insecure is a common word. Social media often makes people feel extremely insecure.
i can’t believe girls stay with boyfriends who make them feel insecure, he’s supposed to be your #1 fan or he’s weird
— Michelle Caroline (@michcarolinelo) October 30, 2020
An insecure person always looks for a fight. When there’s no one left to fight, they fight themselves.
— Jay Jordan (@misterjayjordan) October 26, 2020
Ahhh yes, another night of me feeling insecure and feeling like I am not good enough
— marty mcfly williams (@talisaxrose) October 28, 2020
Try using
insecure!Which of the following words would NOT be a synonym of insecure?
A. apprehensive
B. unsure
C. confident
D. anxious
Words related to insecure
afraid, anxious, apprehensive, hesitant, shaky, touchy, troubled, unsure, uptight, frail, immature, unreliable, unstable, vulnerable, wobbly, unsafe, choked, diffident, jumpy, on thin ice
How to use insecure in a sentence
The spread of Covid-19 among housing-insecure and homeless populations didn’t stay there — it affected entire communities through increased transmission rates and strained hospital resources.
Covid-19 caused a recession. So why did the housing market boom?|Jerusalem Demsas|February 5, 2021|Vox
The proceeds will support grants for nonprofits in the community, programming at the Nationals Youth Baseball Academy and meals for food-insecure residents.
Meet the Nats fan who won team’s World Series ring raffle — and received his prize on the field|Scott Allen|January 19, 2021|Washington Post
Raising awareness about Meals on Wheels and lonely and food insecure seniors is, because “the whole world loves it when you’re in the news.
Outkast’s André 3000 shines a light on food insecurity for the elderly with a quick lil’ apple pie|Aaron Hutcherson|December 18, 2020|Washington Post
You can’t just look at a person and know whether or not they’re food insecure.
‘What we’ve seen since covid has been a precipitous increase in need,’ says Feeding America CEO|KK Ottesen|November 10, 2020|Washington Post
Broad Street Ministry, a church in the heart of the city known for its social service work, serves as the mailing address for about 3,000 people who are homeless or housing insecure.
Pennsylvania’s New Vote-by-Mail Law Expands Access for Everyone Except the Poor|by Jonathan Lai, Samantha Melamed and Michaelle Bond, The Philadelphia Inquirer|October 22, 2020|ProPublica
“The bigger issue is that vendors are not held accountable for writing insecure code,” says researcher Rios.
How Your Pacemaker Will Get Hacked|Kaiser Health News|November 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
With its eastern borders under siege from Russia, Ukrainians feel cornered and insecure.
The Great Wall of Ukraine|Vijai Maheshwari|October 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I was horribly insecure, horribly shy, always feeling ugly and weak.
Jim Norton And His Many Vices|Lloyd Grove|July 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
If they do, the jobs are low-level, part-time, temporary, insecure, and require supplementing with freelancing.
How to Get Laid in Brooklyn a la Adelle Waldman’s Nifty Novel of Manners|Tom LeClair|July 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“We live in a society where there are girls who are in love with theirself and flaunt it but the majority are insecure,” says one.
Cara Delevingne Posts Protest Picture Of Her Boob (With Taped-Out Nipple)|Tom Sykes|July 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
So the ladder, a rather rotten and insecure one, was obtained, and after some difficulty placed against the wall.
The Doctor of Pimlico|William Le Queux
Such conjectures would always be insecure, and often erroneous.
A System of Logic: Ratiocinative and Inductive|John Stuart Mill
He swung up, breaking off the more insecure boughs, and was of the belief that we could get across in that way.
The Way of a Man|Emerson Hough
This fault must be corrected immediately, as it renders his gait not only uncomfortable to the rider, but very insecure.
Horsemanship for Women|Theodore Hoe Mead
There is no such inefficiency in the government as makes the lives of Turkish subjects always insecure and travel dangerous.
Silver Chimes in Syria|W. S. Nelson
British Dictionary definitions for insecure
/ (ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊə) /
anxious or afraid; not confident or certain
not adequately protectedan insecure fortress
unstable or shaky
Derived forms of insecure
insecurely, adverbinsecureness, nouninsecurity, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Insecure Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
in·se·cure ˌin-si-ˈkyu̇r
: deficient in assurance : beset by fear and anxiety
always felt insecure in a group of strangers
: not highly stable or well-adjusted
an insecure marriage
: not confident or sure : uncertain
feeling somewhat insecure of his reception
: not adequately guarded or sustained : unsafe
an insecure investment
: not firmly fastened or fixed : shaky
the hinge is loose and insecure
: unable to reliably afford or access what is needed to meet one's basic needs
families that are housing insecure [=that are at risk of losing their housing]
see also food insecure
insecurely adverb
insecureness noun
- lax
- loose
- loosened
- relaxed
- slack
- slackened
- unsecured
See all Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus
Example Sentences
I feel shy and insecure around strangers. One of the building's rear doors was insecure. The country's borders remain insecure.
Recent Examples on the Web Years after it was proved vulnerable and insecure, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology said on Thursday that the SHA-1 cryptographic algorithm should be removed from all software platforms by December 31, 2030. —Lily Hay Newman, WIRED, 17 Dec. 2022 Isn’t a part of childhood feeling insecure and divining ways to resolve those feelings or else abide them? —Mitchell S. Jackson, New York Times, 14 Dec. 2022 Dana’s arrivals seem to coincide with moments of jeopardy for young Rufus Weylin (David Alexander Kaplan), son of boozy estate owner Thomas (Ryan Kwanten) and pathologically insecure Margaret (Gayle Rankin). —Daniel Fienberg, The Hollywood Reporter, 8 Dec. 2022 Cambodia had a brief moment of democracy but it was suppressed by the current dictatorship, which is far too insecure to tolerate an organized opposition. —Warren I. Cohen, Washington Post, 30 Nov. 2022 Though both Angela and Billy confirmed there was nothing romantic happening between them, Michael (who Angela has frequently accused of flirting with other women on social media) remained jealous and insecure. —Kelly Wynne, Peoplemag, 27 Nov.
2022 Those five years go by the nickname ottepel (thaw), a period of enormous liberalization of political life in the Soviet state, caused by the fact that power in the Kremlin was split and insecure. —WSJ, 4 Nov. 2022 The passkey argument is that passwords are old and insecure. —Ron Amadeo, Ars Technica, 12 Oct. 2022 But Tate’s style of posting is so strangely sincere, full of wildly insecure boasts and immature taunting, the vast majority of Twitter users read Tate’s response as an earnest expression of offense. —Dani Di Placido, Forbes, 28 Dec. 2022 See More
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Word History
Medieval Latin insecurus, from Latin in- + securus secure
First Known Use
1646, in the meaning defined at sense 2
Time Traveler
The first known use of insecure was in 1646
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Dictionary Entries Near
insecureinsect wax
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“Insecure. ” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 22 Jan. 2023.
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Kids Definition
in·se·cure ˌin(t)-si-ˈkyu̇(ə)r
: not confident or sure : uncertain
felt insecure about their response
: not well protected : not safe
insecure property
: not firmly fastened : loose
an insecure hinge
: lacking self-assurance
insecure people
insecurely adverb
Medical Definition
in·se·cure ˌin(t)-si-ˈkyu̇(ə)r
: characterized by or causing emotional insecurity
an insecure childhood
Legal Definition
: having a good faith belief that the prospect of receiving payment or performance from a party with whom one has contracted is impaired
insecurity noun
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Self-doubt - composition of the OGE 9.3 - arguments, examples
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One of the topics of the OGE essay is Self-doubt (task 9.3). Students have to write an essay-reasoning, answering the question "What is self-doubt?" or “How do you understand the meaning of the phrase Self-Doubt?” nine0007
Essay writing tips
- Give your definition of self-doubt.
- Explain why you define it this way.
- Give two examples to support your reasoning.
- One example must be from a literary text, the second example can be from life.
Among the texts there may be works by V.I. Odnoralova, N. I. Dubova, S.A. Lubenets and other authors.
Examples of essays (reasoning) with arguments
Self-doubt is a doubt about one's own qualities, abilities, skills. Insecure people have low self-esteem and are very dependent on the opinions of others, so they adapt to others. They are passive and indecisive, do not know how to set adequate goals for themselves and rarely achieve success in life.
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In the text of N.I. Dubov has an example that confirms my thoughts. Kolka and Pashka really wanted to surprise the world, to do something outstanding in order to become famous, but they have not yet decided on their choice. Kolka takes on something that he cannot do: he wants to write the history of his village, but he did not succeed, because this was not his life's work. He quickly got tired of it, the history of the village remained unwritten. The boy's self-doubt leads to the fact that the goal remains unattained. nine0003
In life, unfortunately, we also often meet insecure people. My friend is a smart and interesting person, but he does not study very well, because he is shy when he has to answer at the blackboard. He is very afraid of making a mistake, so he never raises his hand, even if he knows the answer to the question. Self-doubt makes life difficult for him. I think that my friend should definitely try to overcome himself and believe in himself.
Thus, uncertainty prevents a person from fully living and developing, is the cause of his failures and defeats. nine0003
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Self-doubt is a doubt in one's own qualities, abilities, skills. Insecure people have low self-esteem and are very dependent on the opinions of others, so they adapt to others. They are passive and indecisive, do not know how to set adequate goals for themselves and rarely achieve success in life.
In the text of S.A. Lubenets is an example that confirms my thoughts. Venka was an insecure person. When his mother bought him a jacket, the boy really liked it. But soon Venka saw that only he was wearing a jacket. This upset him. He did not want to stand out among the guys, so he suffered and suffered while putting on a jacket. nine0003
In life, unfortunately, we also often meet insecure people. My friend is a smart and interesting person, but he does not study very well, because he is shy when he has to answer at the blackboard. He is very afraid of making a mistake, so he never raises his hand, even if he knows the answer to the question. Self-doubt makes life difficult for him. I think that my friend should definitely try to overcome himself and believe in himself.
Thus, uncertainty prevents a person from fully living and developing, is the cause of his failures and defeats. nine0003
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Self-doubt is a doubt in one's own qualities, abilities, skills. Insecure people have low self-esteem and are very dependent on the opinions of others, so they adapt to others. They are passive and indecisive, do not know how to set adequate goals for themselves and rarely achieve success in life.
In the text of V.I. Odnoralov has an example that confirms my thoughts. Vovka was unsure of himself. He was afraid to go to the abandoned office, but he went because Oleg said so. Vovka overcame his fear, and this act gave him self-confidence and helped him gain authority. nine0003
In life, unfortunately, we also often meet insecure people. My friend is a smart and interesting person, but he does not study very well, because he is shy when he has to answer at the blackboard. He is very afraid of making a mistake, so he never raises his hand, even if he knows the answer to the question. Self-doubt makes life difficult for him. I think that my friend should definitely try to overcome himself and believe in himself.
Thus, uncertainty prevents a person from fully living and developing, is the cause of his failures and defeats. nine0003
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Self-doubt: where does it come from and can it be overcome? We talk about the reasons and ways to overcome it
What is self-doubt
Self-doubt is a subjective feeling of doubt in one's abilities and potential for success in various areas of life. By and large, self-doubt is the fear of being yourself, which grows out of doubts about your competence. nine0003
Self-doubt goes hand in hand with low self-esteem, but there is a difference between the two. Uncertainty manifests itself pointwise and refers to how confident a person is in their qualifications in various areas of life: work, personal relationships, and so on. Self-esteem is a complex concept, a global opinion about oneself as a person. Personal insecurity, if a person experiences it regularly, strikes blow after blow to self-esteem, and in the end can greatly shake it.
Also, self-doubt is often confused with introversion . An introvert is a personality type proposed by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung to characterize people who direct life energy inwards. They prefer to think apart from the outside world, with immersion in the inner. But introversion is not necessarily a marker, much less a synonym for insecurity. The German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard saw strength in this individualism. According to his interpretation, the introvert has its own clear values, is not afraid to oppose itself to the environment, unlike the extrovert, whom Leonhard calls a conformist, susceptible to outside influence. nine0003
Another phenomenon that is sometimes confused with self-doubt is social phobia . Social phobia is included in the International Classification of Diseases and is an anxiety disorder. Affected people are afraid of attention from other people, public spaces and large companies - sometimes to the point of panic attacks, and therefore avoid social situations. Social phobia is a medical diagnosis that can be treated.
People who experience self-doubt tend to think that they have got a rare unfortunate ticket to this state. This is not so: everyone experiences this feeling in different life situations. It's natural to doubt yourself when you start a new endeavor or in a highly competitive environment. But sometimes insecurity becomes chronic and reduces the quality of life. According to Yulia Anpilogova, a psychologist and psychotherapist, a member of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, self-doubt, as a main or accompanying problem, is present in almost all appeals to a psychologist: “People who are capable of reflection or self-reflection are people of a certain order of organization of the psyche, who are in doubt. To doubt oneself for such a person is one of the steps, one of the forms of doubt. nine0003
Signs of self-doubt
Every person who has experienced self-doubt has experienced the accompanying emotions, thoughts and bodily reactions.
External (bodily) signs
- Rapid heartbeat, redness or pallor of the face, uneven breathing when talking.
- Confused speech, a person chatters and loses the thread of the narrative, jerky movements - a conversational sprint, just to finish the speech faster. nine0013
- Stooping, hunched figure, unconscious desire to take up less space and be less visible.
- The phrases “I suppose”, “it seems to me” - the person seems to be apologizing for being in his place.
Internal (mental, behavioral)
- Comparison of oneself with others - in a person who is not confident in himself, it almost always turns out to be not in his favor.
- The inability to say "no" - it is easier for a person to agree to work that is a burden to him than to refuse. nine0013
- Downplaying one's merits, inability to accept compliments.
- Shifting responsibility for one's life to circumstances or other people.
- Avoidance of initiative and responsibility.
- Arrogance, which serves as a defense mechanism - it helps to reject others before they could reject a person.
- Perfectionism - sometimes insecurity is well disguised, but still gives itself away in the eternal pursuit of unattainable perfection and hypercontrol. nine0013
Photo: Unsplash
How self-doubt arises
The very first environment in a person's life - family and school - has a great influence. Among the causes rooted in childhood are:
Parental strategies : emotional deprivation from parents, prohibitions and restrictions, excessive criticism or overprotection.
- Copying stereotypes of behavior that a child observes around him: according to the theory of the American psychologist Albert Bandura, parents' self-doubt is often inherited. nine0013
- School bullying : peers are quite tough in their assessments and judgments.
- Learned helplessness : Psychologist Martin Seligman believed that weak skills in controlling the outside world may arise due to insufficient development of the “action-consequence” link, which is often observed in children from orphanages.
But uncertainty can develop at any age. According to clinical psychologist and psychotherapist Yulia Khvorova, when people grow up, they come across various microgroups, and sometimes in a group relevant to a person, they face criticism. An authority may also appear that seems to a person more successful - this can also lay down self-doubt. The danger zone here is excessive parental approval in childhood: it plays a disservice when confronted with the real world. nine0003
Yulia Anpilogova adds that our “I” is most vulnerable in moments of crisis: “An earthquake happened, the walls fell down, and what was our support disappears, and the new one is not yet built. In this period of timelessness, it is difficult to be sure of anything. We are reborn many times in a lifetime, we go through this cycle of destruction-resurrection in a new quality. And this restoration is always accompanied by uncertainty, because what is being built is still very fragile.”
How self-doubt affects life
Block for career ambitions
Insecure people do not ask for a pay rise, do not express their ideas, even innovative and breakthrough ones, for fear of being misunderstood or rejected. They do not take the financial risks associated with investments, depriving themselves of the opportunity to earn more. They are also afraid to change unloved jobs and to undergo interviews. All this further fuels the uncertainty.
In career terms, self-doubt in some cases turns into impostor syndrome, when a person, having nevertheless taken a step forward and achieved success, stumbles upon a new fear. Here he no longer thinks that he will not be able to reach some goal. Now, having achieved it, he begins to consider his success as an accident and does not recognize his personal contribution to it. He is overcome by the fear of not holding on and not justifying new hopes. Psychologists believe that the mechanisms of formation of these two phenomena are similar. nine0003
At the same time, it is a mistake to assume that self-doubt and, moreover, the impostor syndrome, are inherent only to “mere mortals”. Famous people also face them, and not only at the beginning of their journey. Natalie Portman, speaking in 2015 to Harvard students as an honorary graduate, told them that she did not realize her achievements: “12 years after my graduation, I must admit that I still do not feel my own worth. I have to remind myself that I'm here for a reason. Today I feel exactly the same as when I first started at Harvard at 19.99 year. Then it seemed to me that there was some kind of mistake - I'm not smart enough to be here, and every time I opened my mouth, I had to prove that I was not just a stupid actress. Sometimes insecurity and inexperience can cause you to strive for the standards and expectations imposed by other people. But you can use your lack of experience to forge your own path - one that is not dictated by others, but determined by you.
American writer and Pulitzer Prize winner John Steinbeck wrote in his diary: “I am not a writer. I deceive myself and others." After finishing work on the novel "The Grapes of Wrath", which won him the award, he said: "Sometimes I think that I have done something worthwhile, but when the work is finished, it turns into mediocrity." nine0003
Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci doubted their abilities. The latter is credited with the phrase "Tell me, did I manage to do at least something?" Vincent van Gogh, according to contemporaries, suffered from permanent self-doubt, but once said: “If you hear a voice inside yourself telling you that you cannot draw, do it by any means, and the voice will be silent. ”
Problems in personal relationships
Insecurity in personal life is manifested in the fact that a person questions his ability to please someone. At the start of a new relationship, he may experience fear that the person next to him will “notice” his shortcomings and be disappointed. In the existing relationship, this is an infringement of one's needs, because it will be more convenient for someone, jealousy, and sometimes an endless shifting of one's anxieties and doubts to a partner. nine0003
Photo: Unsplash
How to overcome self-doubt
According to Yulia Khvorova, self-doubt is a reversible process if you start working with it. Obsessive thoughts about one's own inadequacy must be compensated by new positive attitudes and thinking techniques. At the same time, getting rid of uncertainty does not go away in a couple of weeks - this is a long work. Khvorova suggests the following steps:
- Formulate and write down your positive qualities and strengths, without touching on achievements .
This is necessary for the formation of a person's understanding that he has something to love for, regardless of achievements.
- Change self-criticism for self-validation. When a person is not self-confident, he is more sensitive to mistakes and failures, sometimes imaginary. Validation is normalization: you need to remind yourself that all people make mistakes, this is normal and appropriate. Self-criticism in this case is a useless thing that does not help in any way, only throws up a bunch of thoughts “why I am bad”, but not a single one about how to become better. nine0013
- Replace the concept of "error" with the phrase "growth zone": lack of experience or skill - this is not a reason to self-flagellate, because I discovered my growth zone and, therefore, I can work on it.
- Don't be self-centered. Insecure people are often very egocentric in looking for reasons for failure. In fact, it does not happen that the whole situation goes to dust just because of one person.
It is necessary to force thinking not to follow the trodden path of searching for the guilty one in oneself, but to look wider. nine0013
- Experiment. People with self-doubt often avoid trying things out of fear they won't succeed. But when a person refuses to perform an action, he absolutely receives reinforcement for his insecurity, because he remains there. Trying is always 50/50. If it is successful, this may be the first sprout of confidence.
- Write down achievements and praise yourself. This is an advanced level. Insecure people tend to underestimate their accomplishments. You should focus on the moments when something works out, and praise yourself, inspire yourself with the idea that this success is not an accident, but the result of the efforts made. nine0013
- Give yourself time. Uncertainty did not appear in a day, a week or a month, it was formed and consolidated over the years. To fix a new way of thinking, you also need to painstakingly create a habit.
It is important to be persistent in applying the described techniques regularly, and not expect quick results.
- Don't focus on the bad. Don't think that if something doesn't work, nothing will work at all.
- Pay attention to the body. nine0069 The human brain directly correlates with the body: it sends signals to it and collects information from it. The more a person reflects and maintains an uncertain posture, the deeper one can get stuck in this state. It makes sense to go from the opposite and work on posture, self-presentation and voice. The sooner you can get out of the pose of uncertainty, the easier it will be to let go of this feeling. Acting, singing or dancing courses can help with this.
When to seek professional help
According to Khvorova, one should definitely seek professional help when self-doubt begins to affect a person's life and blocks his personal and professional development. Yulia Anpilogova also lists the loss of healthy criticism as a reason — when a person’s self-image is totally at odds with the opinion of the environment: “In this case, it’s worth admitting that maybe not you are right, but everyone around.