Introverts meaning in hindi
Introvert Meaning In Hindi, Extrovert, Selectively Introvert Meaning in Hindi
Introvert Meaning In Hindi is शर्मीला व्यक्ति| ‘Introvert’ का मतलब होता है “एक ऐसा शांत, शर्मीला व्यक्ति जो अन्य लोगों की तुलना में हमेशा अकेले रहना पसंद करता है और लोगों से बहुत ही कम बात करता है |
कुछ मानव व्यक्तित्व सिद्धांतों में बहिर्मुखता और अंतर्मुखता के लक्षण एक केंद्रीय आयाम हैं। अंतर्मुखता और बहिर्मुखता शब्द कार्ल जंग द्वारा मनोविज्ञान में पेश किए गए थे, हालांकि लोकप्रिय समझ और वर्तमान मनोवैज्ञानिक उपयोग दोनों अलग-अलग हैं। बहिर्मुखता निवर्तमान, बातूनी, ऊर्जावान व्यवहार में प्रकट होती है, जबकि अंतर्मुखता अधिक चिंतनशील और आरक्षित व्यवहार में प्रकट होती है। जंग ने अंतर्मुखता को “व्यक्तिपरक मानसिक सामग्री के माध्यम से जीवन में उन्मुखीकरण द्वारा विशेषता दृष्टिकोण-प्रकार” के रूप में परिभाषित किया, और बहिर्मुखता “बाहरी वस्तु पर रुचि की एकाग्रता द्वारा विशेषता एक रवैया-प्रकार” के रूप में परिभाषित किया।
- English: she is an introvert so she likes to stay alone.
- Hindi: वह अंतर्मुखी है इसलिए वह अकेले रहना पसंद करती है |
- English: He is an introvert so he tries to avoid social gatherings.
- Hindi: वह एक अंतर्मुखी है इसलिए वह सामाजिक समारोहों से बचने की कोशिश करता है |
- English: He is an introverted type of guy.
- Hindi: वह अंतर्मुखी किस्म का लड़का है |
- English: People think that most writers are introverts.
- Hindi: लोग सोचते हैं कि ज्यादातर लेखक अंतर्मुखी होते हैं |
- English: Parents worry about his future because he is an introvert.
- Hindi: माता-पिता उसके भविष्य की चिंता करते हैं क्योंकि वह अंतर्मुखी है |
- English: Introvert person and the extrovert person never be a good friends.
- Hindi: अंतर्मुखी व्यक्ति और बहिर्मुखी व्यक्ति कभी भी अच्छे मित्र नहीं हो सकते |
- English: In real life, extrovert persons are more successful than Introverts persons.
- Hindi: वास्तविक जीवन में, अंतर्मुखी व्यक्तियों की तुलना में बहिर्मुखी व्यक्ति अधिक सफल होते हैं |
- English: In school, teachers pay more attention to students, who are introverts.
- Hindi: स्कूल में शिक्षक अंतर्मुखी छात्रों पर अधिक ध्यान देते हैं |
- English: Being an introvert I am always hesitant to talk with strangers.
- Hindi: अंतर्मुखी होने के कारण मुझे हमेशा अजनबियों से बात करने में झिझक होती है |
- English: Normally Introvert people are calm, shy, alone, creative and they like indoor activity mostly.
- Hindi: आम तौर पर अंतर्मुखी लोग शांत, शर्मीले, अकेले, रचनात्मक होते हैं और वे ज्यादातर इनडोर गतिविधि पसंद करते हैं |
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Introvert होने के फायदे
अकेले रहने वाले लोगों की बात करें तो ऐसे लोगों को ज्यादातर समय अपने साथ ही गुजारना पसंद होता है। ऐसे समय पर ही प्रकृति हमारे अंदर positive बदलाव को लेकर आती है। जिस कारण ऐसे लोग प्रकृति के काम करने के गहरे राज को समझ पाते हैं।
अकेले रहने वाले लोग यानी इंट्रोवर्ट लोग अपने बारे में सब कुछ जानते हैं। ऐसे लोगों को अपनी सारी खासियत है और कमजोरी सही से पता होती है। इसी कारण या किसी भी काम को बहुत सोच समझकर करते हैं। जिसकी वजह से यह सफल और सही साबित होते हैं।
Introvert ऐसे लोग होते हैं जो सबसे ज्यादा अपने दिल की आवाज को फॉलो करते हैं। आपने जरूर कहीं ना कहीं सुना होगा हमें अपने दिल की बात माननी चाहिए क्योंकि वह हमेशा सही होता है। Introvert लोग ज्यादातर अपने दिल की आवाज सुनते हैं। साथ ही वह दिमाग के साथ फैसले लेते हैं। कई बार अपने दिल की आवाज मारने के कारण ही लोग इनको सनकी या पागल भी कहने लगते हैं।
अंतर्मुखी लोगों का दिमाग पूरी तरह से खुला रहता है। मतलब वह हर छोटी से छोटी चीज को बारीकी से समझते हैं। साथि ही अंतर्मुखीलोग खुले विचारों के भी होते हैं।
Introvert लोग अपने समय को बहुत ज्यादा कीमती समझते हैं। ज्यादातर इंट्रोवर्टे लोगों से इसलिए बात नहीं करते क्योंकि उनका समय बर्बाद हो जाता है। यह अपने समय को ऐसे जगह इन्वेस्ट करना जानते हैं जो उनके लिए सही होता है।
Introvert लोग बहुत ही ज्यादा पागल और निडर किस्म के होते हैं। इसका अंदाजा आप ही के बात करने के तरीकों से लगा सकते हैं। क्योंकि यह लोग किसी भी तरह के रिश्तों की काम को करने में बिल्कुल नहीं डरते हैं।
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Introvert Meaning In Hindi: Other Details
एक ऑस्ट्रेलियन साइकोलॉजिस्ट के मुताबिक ज्यादतर introvert लोग बहुत ज्यादा excitement और nervous जैसी स्थितियां creat करता है। जिसके कारण वह life की किसी situation मे बहुत slow react करते है। जबकी extrovert लोग बहुत जल्दी किसी situation को grab करते है। कमाल की बात तो यह है की दुनिया में जितनी भी खोजें हुई है इनके पीछे किसी introvert का ही दिमाग़ रहा है।
psychologist के अनुसार introvert लोग अधिकतर दूसरे लोगों के life मे कोई interest नहीं दिखाते है। वह जल्दी किसी से बात करना पसंद नहीं करते है। लेकिन अगर आप कोई deep और meaning full बात उन्हें बताते हैं। तब वह घंटो बैठकर सुन सकते है।
रिसर्च के मुताबिक introverts लोगों को अकेले रहना बहुत पसंद है। ऐसा करने में introvert लोगो को खुद को rewards देने जैसा लगता है। जैसे – अकेले घूमना, अकेले मूवी देखना, अकेले खाना या फिर अकेले रहना जैसी चीजें शामिल है।
introvert लोग किसी भी काम को करने से पहले 5-10 बार सोचते हैं। ताकि वह adventure और उससे जुड़े रिस्क को calculate कर सके। शायद यही कारण है कि introverts लोगों के अधिकतर निर्णय सही होते है।
अंतर्मुखी लोग डीप thinker होते है। मतलब वो किसी भी बात को बहुत गहराई तक सोचते हैं और फिर उसे समझने का प्रयास करते हैं। अकेले रहने के कारण introvert लोगो के पास बहुत ज्यादा समय होता है। बहुत सारी बातो का deep think करने का। और किसी भी situation का एक से ज्यादा answer और solution निकालने का।
introvert लोग बहुत ज्यादा creative होते है। ज्यादातर artist और writers जो introvert होते है। उनकी कलाकृतियां Masterpiece होती हैं। अकेले में Introvert लोग safe और secure महसूस करते हैं जिसके कारण उनके creative ideas बढ़ जाती है।
अंतर्मुखी लोग यदि extrovert जैसा बनने की कोशिस करते है तब वह काफी slow हो जाते है। मतलब उनकी performance बहुत slow हो जाती है। शायद यही कारण है कि जिन कामों को extrovert लोग बहुत तेजी से करते हैं। उसी काम को करने में introvert बहुत सारी गलतियां करते है।
introvert लोग शर्मिले और शांत किस्म के होते है जबकी extrovert लोग ठीक इसके विपरीत होते है।
introvert लोग अधिकतर समय खुद के thought process मे लगे रहते है। मतलब बाहरी दुनिया से उनका ज्यादा लेना देना नहीं होता है। इसी कारण यह लोग खोये खोये से रहते है।
अल्बर्ट-आइंस्टीन, वारेन बुफेट, एलन मस्क, मार्क ज़ुकेरबर्ग यह सभी लोग introvert लोग के groups मे आते है। अगर समय मे पीछे देखे तो इतिहास को एक नया मोड़ देने मे introvert लोगो बहुत बड़ा योगदान रहा है।
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Introvert Meaning In Hindi: Introvert’ व्यक्ति के लक्षण
Introvert (अंतर्मुखी) व्यक्ती अधिक समय सक्रिय रहने से जल्दी थक जाते है |
अकेले में Introvert (अंतर्मुखी) व्यक्ती अधिक आनंद में रहते है |
एकांत में लिखने का काम करना उन्हें अच्छा लगता है |
भीड़ में खुद को अकेला महसूस करते है |
सामाजिक आयोजनों में शामिल होने से बचते है |
इनका मित्र परिवार बहुत ही कम होता है |
Introvert Meaning In Hindi: Obsessed’ के अन्य अर्थ
- self-obsessed- स्व-आसक्त
- coffee-obsessed- कॉफी के दीवाने
- future obsessed- भविष्य जुनूनी
- obsessed lover- जुनूनी प्रेमी
- no obsessed- कोई जुनूनी नहीं
- obsessed life- जुनूनी जीवन
- I am so self-obsessed- मैं बहुत आत्ममुग्ध हूँ
- obsessed with this song- इस गाने के दीवाने
- obsessed with you- आपका जुनून सवार है
- become obsessed- जुनूनी हो जाना
- obsessed person- जुनूनी व्यक्ति
- obsessed with these lines- इन पंक्तियों से रूबरू
- self-obsessed girl- आत्ममुग्ध लड़की
- customer-obsessed- ग्राहक-आसक्त
- kinda obsessed- थोड़े जुनूनी
- obsessed artists- जुनूनी कलाकार
- low key obsessed- कम जुनूनी
- beauty-obsessed- सुंदरता के दीवाने
- obsessed up- जुनूनी
- obsessed with me- मेरे साथ जुनूनी
- I am obsessed with you- मैं तुम्हारे प्रति आसक्त हूँ
- obsessed with tacos- टैकोस के प्रति जुनूनी
- obsessed with media- मीडिया के प्रति जुनूनी
- weirdly obsessed- अजीब तरह से जुनूनी
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IPA: ɪntroʊvɜrtHindi: इन्ट्रवर्ट / इन्ट्रोवर्ट
noun- अंतर्मुखी
- अन्तर्मुखी व्यक्ति
- अंतर्मुखी व्यक्ति
- अंतर्वर्त
- अंतःसारी
- अन्दर मोड़ना
- अन्दर मुड़ना
introvert Word Forms & Inflections
introverts (noun plural)
introverted (verb past tense)
introverting (verb present participle)
introverts (verb present tense)
Definitions and Meaning of introvert in English
noun- (psychology) a person who tends to shrink from social contacts and to become preoccupied with their own thoughts
(मनोविज्ञान) एक व्यक्ति जो सामाजिक संपर्कों से बचता और अपने विचारों में व्यस्त रहता हो
अंतर्मुखी व्यक्ति, अन्तर्मुखी व्यक्ति
verb- turn insideExample
- "He introverted his feelings"
- fold inwardsSynonyms
Example- "some organs can invaginate"
Synonyms of introvert
Antonyms of introvert
extravert, extrovert
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More matches for introvert
introverted person | अंतर्मुखी व्यक्ति |
introverted individuals | अंतर्मुखी व्यक्ति |
introverted tendencies | अंतर्मुखी प्रवृत्ति |
introvert tendencies | अंतर्मुखी प्रवृत्ति |
introverted girl | अंतर्मुखी लड़की |
introverted temperament | अंतर्मुखी स्वभाव |
introverted disposition | अंतर्मुखी स्वभाव |
introvert tends | अंतर्मुखी प्रवृत्ति |
introvertive tendencies | अंतर्मुखी प्रवृत्ति |
introverted personality | अंतर्मुखी व्यक्तित्व |
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What is introvert meaning in Hindi, introvert translation in Hindi, introvert definition, pronunciations and examples of introvert in Hindi. introvert का हिन्दी मीनिंग, introvert का हिन्दी अर्थ, introvert का हिन्दी अनुवाद
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Who is an introvert and what kind of occupation suits him
An introvert does not like noisy companies and prefers to spend time alone. We tell what kind of personality type it is, what are its advantages and why modern psychologists try not to use this term
Who is an introvert
An introvert is a person who is focused on his inner world. He does not like crowds of people, prefers silence and a calm environment. In solitude, an introvert restores energy, and when communicating with people, it consumes it. This is the collective image of an introvert, although there is no unambiguous interpretation of the term "introvert": scientists from different schools interpret it differently. nine0003
Carl Jung was the first to propose the concepts of "extroversion" and "introversion" in the 1920s. In Psychological Types, he elaborated on how scientists before him tried to distinguish between sociable party-goers and shy stay-at-homes. And then he offered his own interpretation. In his opinion, the difference between them is in the direction of vital energy, libido. For introverts, this energy is directed inward, while for extroverts, it is directed outward. That is, the attention of extroverts is directed to the world around them and other people, while introverts, on the contrary, are immersed in themselves, their fantasies and introspection. nine0003
After Jung, Hans Eysenck took up the study of extraversion and introversion. In his opinion, introversion has several stable features: perseverance, rigidity, subjectivism, modesty, irritability. Introverts are shy, introspective, cold people. They love order, don't follow sudden impulses, and can be relied upon. Eysenck considered the parameter of extraversion/introversion to be one of the most important dimensions of personality, along with neuroticism and psychotism. Deriving his three-factor theory of personality, Eysenck put these three dimensions at the basis. nine0003
In the 1970s, based on the types identified by Jung, the Soviet-Lithuanian researcher Aushra Augustinavichyute created her own typology of personality - socionics. According to it, people are divided into 16 types according to 4 parameters. One of these parameters is the introversion-extroversion scale. A similar division exists in the Myers-Briggs system. At the same time, both socionics and the Myers-Briggs system have features of pseudoscience.
The German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard distinguished between extroverts and introverts in terms of their attitude to information. According to his theory, an introvert is a strong-willed person with clear values. Thanks to them, a person is able to resist society and remain true to his point of view and principles. An extrovert according to Leonhard is a conformist. A weak-willed person subject to outside influence. nine0003
According to modern research, each of us has traits of both personality types. Psychologist and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist Elizaveta Muratova told RBC Trends that modern psychologists prefer to avoid the terms "introvert" and "extrovert". These are too general terms. But there is still a division into personality types in modern psychology:
“In psychological and psychiatric practice, there are many models of personality typology. First of all, we are talking about how healthy a person is. Before typing a personality, you need to understand what state it is in. Even before choosing a typological model, we are talking about health, about the quality of a person,” says Muratova. nine0003
However, the term is still in use, and research into extraversion and introversion continues. For example, in 2011, introverts were divided into four types. This model was proposed by Jonathan Cheek, a psychologist and researcher at Wellesley College (USA). He called his model STAR, after the first letters of the types: social (social), thinking (thinking), anxious (anxious) and restrained (restrained).
Another recent study states that covert narcissists often assume the introvert role. Such people consider themselves hypersensitive, but behind this there is an unhealthy thirst for attention. Recognizing such a person is quite difficult. Covert narcissists appear humble and reserved, but their ultimate goal is to gain admiration and attention from those around them. This is a consequence of neuroticism, not introversion. nine0003
Signs of an introvert
American scientists have formulated a number of signs of a typical introvert:
- dislike for large companies and crowds of people;
- unwillingness to initiate acquaintances;
- observation;
- the ability to focus attention on 1-3 objects maximum;
- the tendency to delve deeply into the issue under study;
- the need for a clear plan of action;
- small social circle; nine0030
- rich imagination and lively internal dialogue;
- built relationships with oneself;
- intolerance to someone else's bad mood;
- propensity to work alone.
Differences between introverts and extroverts
Tendency to control or impulsiveness
According to Eysenck, the typical extrovert is a cheerful, carefree optimist who aims to make as many acquaintances as possible. Extroverts have impulsive, emotional reactions. Some people have a tendency to be aggressive. An extrovert has poor control over his actions, his focus of attention constantly shifts. nine0003
The opposite is true for an introvert. Eysenck describes the typical introvert as a calm, shy person. He often engages in introspection. In companies, he behaves aloofly, he shows warm feelings only to close people. Takes a long time to make decisions. It is important for an introvert to plan and think things through in advance. He does not act spontaneously and on emotions. An introvert controls his feelings, it is difficult to piss him off.
Search for positive emotions in different sources
Due to their isolation, introverts are often perceived as sad people who are sad more often than extroverts. Extroverts do experience more positive emotions than introverts. This is confirmed by researchers at the University of Minnesota. But, according to them, extroverts and introverts get these positive emotions from different sources. nine0003
Thus, the true goal of an extrovert is the attention of others. Therefore, he is ready to be more involved in communication. An extrovert doesn’t care what the contact will be, he is interested in the “reward” in the form of attention - this is what is fixed in the brain as positive emotions. And for introverts, the “reward” is expressed as contact. Because of this, introverts need less communication. “Therefore, they talk less, are less enthusiastic, and generally less purposeful,” says Colin DeYoung, a psychologist at the University of Minnesota, commenting on the differences in the brains of introverts and extroverts. nine0003
Why modern psychologists do not use the term "introversion"
In social terms, introversion and extraversion mean human behavior. Sociable people are called extroverts, and secretive and reserved people are called introverts. However, introverted behavior can be caused by various reasons, which means that the label “introvert” itself does not help us understand what is happening to a person and why he behaves in a certain way.
Elizaveta Muratova:
“Pop psychology says that the effect is determined by the cause. For example, if a woman paints her lips with red lipstick, she wants attention. However, in clinical practice, we always look at what task a person implements with such an action. We call someone an introvert, an unsociable, withdrawn person, when we observe a particular behavior. However, there can be many reasons for such behavior.
For example, there is a stereotype that introverts don't like people. In fact, communication can be a difficult or painful process. It can also be so important that it is scary to start it. Communication may be avoided by trauma survivors. These may be people with a low need for communication. They just don't want to interact, they don't see the point in it. An introvert can be mistaken for a person with low communication skills. Most often, we call people introverts or extroverts because of their behavior, but we don't know why." nine0003
There is an opinion in society that extroverts work better than introverts in a team. But Elizaveta Muratova notes that the point is not in the type of personality, but in the needs of a person. “Almost in every resume you can see a mention of sociability and stress resistance. This is a matter of health, skills, not the type of personality,” says Muratova.
Advantages of introverts
If you continue to use the terms "introverts" and "extroverts", you can find some advantages for the former (despite the stereotype that extroverts are better placed in society). nine0003
The Yale University team claims that introverts understand people much better than extroverts. After polling more than a thousand volunteers, experts said that introverts are "born psychologists." Introverts, according to research, may not like interacting with people as much as extroverts, but they will understand them better. Introverts observe and notice minor details. They understand the psychology of others much more clearly than extroverts.
“We see that introverts spend more time observing human nature and reactions than those who are busy socializing. They are also accurate in introspection because they have fewer biases,” said Yale psychologist and study co-author Anton Gollwitzer.
A 2008 study found that introverts take longer to process information than extroverts. However, the author of the book “Introvert Leader. How to succeed in a society dominated by extroverts” Jennifer Kahnweiler says that this is actually due to the thoughtfulness of introverts. nine0003
Economy in spending internal energy
Since introverts communicate less, they use less internal energy. This led scientists from the Canadian University of Calgary to suggest that the stereotypes that open and sociable people are happier than introverts are wrong. Other scientists from Canada and Australia confirm that extraversion comes at a cost of energy and time. Instead of spending these resources on getting and keeping other people's attention, introverts use them to focus and achieve goals. nine0003
Extroverts are more physically at risk than introverts. They are more likely to get into trouble, join a criminal organization, or be arrested. This is written by scientists from North Dakota and Baltimore, USA.
Other advantages of introverts
According to scientists, introverts:
- easily cope with routine, monotonous work, study;
- bring what they started to the end;
- observe discipline and regularity in business; nine0030
- are effectively engaged in self-education;
- analyze well and dive deep into the problem;
- make informed decisions;
- attentively listen to the interlocutor;
- take care of other people and their problems;
- have a high level of insight.
Professions for introverts
Perseverance, patience and an analytical approach to business enable introverts to work in the exact sciences, scientists from Iceland and America believe. An introvert is suitable for a profession that does not require constant communication with people. For example:
- Information security specialist. IT sphere is a godsend for an introvert. All work in the computer, colleagues too. Any problem or inconvenience can also be solved with the help of technology.
- Business analyst. He rarely interacts with colleagues in person. The main tasks are performed on the computer. It is possible to work from home.
- Accountant. Suitable for those who like to work with numbers, and also want to be able to change the scope of work. Accountants are needed both in the restaurant business and in cultural institutions. nine0030
- Software developer.
One of the most common remote professions. Freelancers are often hired for this position. Comfortable for an introvert - you don’t need to go to the office with a large number of colleagues, unless you have to connect to online planning meetings.
- Virologist. Science loves concentrated, measured employees. Painstakingly analyzing samples and thoughtfully describing experiments is a calm, routine, but fascinating task for an introvert. nine0029 Editor, proofreader. Monotonous work with text, which requires maximum attention and perseverance, and these are the strengths of an introvert.
- Sound engineer. Instead of communicating with people - recordings of their voices or music. The main thing is not to get a job on the radio, where the presenters speak live around the clock. It will be easier for an introvert if it is possible to pause the voice in the headphones and take a break.
- Video, photo editor.
nine0072 Another profession where the employee is alone with the material and tasks. Focus and a slight form of perfectionism are also important here in order to give the perfect shots.
- Restorer. This work calms the introvert. A monotonous long process that would surely piss off a typical extrovert.
- Trucker. Long trips alone with your thoughts are not for everyone. But this profession gives maximum opportunities to think and enjoy loneliness. nine0030
How an introvert can become a leader
Psychologist Elizaveta Muratova notes that personality typing is often used in business practice.
Elizaveta Muratova:
“We type people so that they occupy certain positions. Personal structure during life does not change dramatically, but can be somewhat adjusted. Personality type is how a person sees the world, what is important to him, what he gets physiological pleasure from. There are clearly paranoid people. Their main value is their own safety. They show themselves better in scrupulous work. The basic personal value of a person of the histrionic (hysterical) type is communication and seduction. What we call personality traits are, in fact, skills. When we talk about leadership qualities, we must understand that this is a whole complex of processes. For example, in a narcissistic person, leadership comes from the very structure of the personality. But other types of people are also interested in leadership and are able to exercise it. nine0003
Why introverts can be good leaders
It is believed that people tend to choose self-confident, charismatic people as leaders. But a study by the Yale University team says that an introvert in crisis situations outperforms an extrovert in a leadership position. The ability to deeply analyze what is happening and reflect after significant events allows the introvert to understand the situation in more detail. A few hours in silence, alone with your thoughts, will allow the introverted leader to understand what is happening and find the most effective solution. nine0003
According to a study by Brigham Young University (Utah, USA), students value tracking deadlines, providing feedback, and coordinating teamwork as leaders. Eloquence and charisma were much less frequently mentioned. “Those who take the time to pause and help others with their tasks are more likely to be seen as leaders,” said study co-author Cody Reeves.
Tips for introverts who want to become leaders
For those introverts who are interested in leadership positions, American scientists recommend:
- Talk more about your ideas, decisions, achievements. Introverts often remain in the background, even when the job is done perfectly. For this type of personality, the result is more important than the amount of attention drawn to the process and the performer. In addition, introverts, as a rule, are not motivated enough, they do not see a global goal in attracting the attention of others.
- To overcome isolation, but not to give up loneliness.
Participating more actively in planning meetings and brainstorming sessions, and even going out to lunch with colleagues, can be a good career boost. nine0030
- Get inspired by the goal. Understanding why you need to start a conversation and initiate meetings will help you not to be afraid and act. For example, Cambridge University professor Brian Little began to behave like an extrovert: “I am an introvert, but my main project is teaching. I am a professor and I love my students and my work. I look forward to telling them something new and exciting. And I act like an extrovert, because at eight in the morning students need a little humor, a little collaboration, so it’s much easier to get through a busy school day. ” nine0030
- Use your strengths. One study says that the best leaders are those who can plan and work ahead of the curve. Introverts have a well-developed awareness, they are ready to listen and empathize, to help solve the problem.
25 things only introverts will understand
March 25, 2021 A life
To determine your temperament, it is not necessary to pass psychological tests. You are prone to introversion if you notice these oddities in yourself. nine0003
1. You don't leave the apartment until the neighbor leaves.
Situation: you hear that the neighbor's door opens in the hallway or on the landing. In order not to once again intersect with a person, you calm down and wait until he leaves. Yes, it's strange, but sometimes introverts hide from even the nicest people, just to avoid having to exchange a few words with them.
2. You are secretly glad that your friends canceled the meeting
In order not to be considered a hermit, sometimes you have to go out to meet friends. But when the general plans are canceled, in your soul you rejoice: you can stay at home and not pretend to be a sociable type. nine0003
3. You feel uncomfortable at a party
Despite the dislike of noisy companies, there are events that cannot be avoided: a corporate party, a friend's wedding or a New Year's feast with relatives. The first thought that visits you at any meeting is: “What am I doing here ?!”
4. The Internet is not just a hobby for you, but a way of life
It is much easier for introverts to formulate thoughts on paper than to talk. It is difficult for you to communicate live, but in social networks you feel like a fish in water. In online correspondence, you can joke, and show off your mind, and leave a well-aimed comment. nine0003
5. You shy away from sales assistants while shopping
It's understandable: it's easier to find the right model and size yourself than to keep up a conversation with a stranger.
6. You try to be inconspicuous
You are not against communication, you are just not always ready for a conversation: it requires attitude and energy. In order to be less tired, introverts unconsciously limit themselves in communications, and in order to replenish their strength, they spend time alone.
In life, it manifests itself like this: you need to get something out of the refrigerator, and at this time your neighbor with a friend or parents with guests are sitting in the kitchen. The way out is to act like this guy from the gif:
7. Instead of a noisy company, you choose solitude
You are invited to spend the weekend together, and you say that you are very busy. Everyone understands that this is not so: in fact, you will stay at home and enjoy being alone. For introverts, this is the norm: they are not in a hurry to party and are able to enjoy the time spent alone with themselves.
8. You answer questions in monosyllables
What's new? and "How are you?" you try to answer as briefly as possible so that, God forbid, a conversation does not start. Small talk about anything is easy for extroverts, and introverts do not like this format of conversation. nine0003
9. You try to sneak out of the party
And try to do it as early as possible. You have an escape plan in reserve, for this you get to a meeting in your car. This is especially true for parties that you don’t want to go to in advance.
10. You rarely answer phone calls
By default, you do not answer calls from numbers you do not know, and prefer texting to a conversation with a friend or colleague.
11. You like to go to the cinema alone
You enjoy watching a movie alone or with a loved one. Afternoon sessions on weekdays, morning sessions on weekends - you try to choose a time when the hall is almost empty. Together with you, there are 2-3 more people in the hall - the same introverts who avoid large crowds of people.
12. You pretend not to notice someone you know.
Situation: after work you went to the grocery store. Everything is going well until you notice a friend between the rows of buckwheat and pasta. Your standard reaction is to turn away and quickly leave before he sees you. nine0003
13. Never open the door if you are not expecting guests
Why? You never know: a too friendly neighbor came for salt and will complain about the management company for 15 minutes, or the manager of an Internet company obsessively asks you to connect their new tariff.
14. Are you afraid to be alone with strangers
Maintain a conversation with a person you see for the first time? Never! This is what you look like when your friends leave you for a few minutes alone with their acquaintances:

Why call when you can write?
16. You don't know how to behave when people sing the song “Happy birthday to you!”
You feel awkward and uncomfortable around people. Birthday becomes a special torture: you are talked to more than usual and paid too much attention. I want to hide under the table or run away!
17. Try to solve work issues through correspondence
While colleagues annoy you with phone calls, you prefer to solve everything by correspondence. Working in open space becomes a real tragedy: the noise and people around paralyze your work. "Please, can we have a quiet place?" - you think in especially difficult days.
18. Don't like to keep up a conversation with a stranger
You wish you could be invisible when someone in a bar or on an airplane starts talking to you. “Don’t start a conversation with me just because we are sitting next to each other,” you mentally tell your interlocutor. It's not that introverts do not like people and live communication. They are simply not ready to carry on a conversation with a stranger: this causes terrible discomfort. nine0003
19. An ideal day on the beach for you is a day on a completely empty beach.
Any person has such thoughts from time to time, especially when the beach is crowded, and you can safely swim only 50 meters from the shore. But for introverts, such a desire appears much more often: an empty beach is more comfortable for them by default than a crowded one.
20. You like to train alone
You hate personal trainers, group classes and chatters during sports because training time is your personal time. No joint runs and jokes with a trainer in the gym - why, when you can be alone with your thoughts and listen to your favorite tracks? nine0003
21. You don't reply to messages right away
Before you write a reply, you need to think about the content of the letter. Sometimes you completely forget to answer, and then justify yourself, coming up with stupid excuses.
22. You are not happy to meet new people
Even the very thought that you will have to meet new people is terrifying. This does not mean that you do not know how to make friends, it just makes it difficult for you to meet new people.
23. You shy away from too friendly acquaintances
Every time someone violates your personal space, you have an irresistible desire to disappear into thin air, disappear, run away, or give a good blow to the person who came to hug you.
24. You don't like large crowds
Concerts, parties, pub quizzes or work conferences make you feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. You, of course, do not panic, but subconsciously dream of leaving this place as soon as possible.
25. You are not a misanthrope, you are an introvert
You love people and understand the value of human interaction, so you quite consciously go out to parties and social events. But you are more comfortable alone with yourself: you value the time you spend alone or with loved ones.