I don t hear you
I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. Could you repeat that?
“I didn’t hear you.”
No, you weren’t listening.
“Our people need to listen better. “No, your people need to understand WHY they don’t listen.
REALITY: You quit paying attention for one reason or another, AND blame it on the person talking to you. Two rudes don’t make a right.
How do you listen? That’s both a question and an enigma. Listening is one of the BIG THREE in selling, the other two are asking (engaging), and being friendly.
If you ask most salespeople, they would admit that listening is their weakest quality. In part due to impatience, but mostly because they don’t know how. Or even deeper, they don’t know the components or factors that make up the “why” of listening.
To complicate the listening process even further, there are manners in which people listen — no, not “please pass the salt” manners — attitude and mood manners. These manners can affect the listening competence level by more than half.
There are 3.5 opposite sets of manners of listening:
- Active or passive.
- Positive or negative.
- Open or closed.
3.5 Distracted by other business or personal matters, or not distracted.
You can almost get the feeling and meaning of these manners without me explaining them.
Listening is also broken down into elements. Each representing a “why.” I have added some additional description to clarify each element. And defined a few.
The good elements of listening are:
- Listen with the intent to understand. A sermon. A movie. In a classroom.
- Listen with the intent to take action. Someone giving instructions.
- Listen with the intent to learn. A teacher. A trainer. A seminar leader.
- Listen with the intent to enjoy. Music. Sounds of nature.
Waterfalls. A crackling fire.
- Listen with the intent to remember. Driving directions. A website address. A phone number.
WHO you’re listening to can have a huge impact on the quality of your listening. Your mother, your boss, your spouse, your kids, your best friend, your favorite celebrity, someone you like, or someone you dislike, can affect the outcome of your listening ability. It’s their words, your mood, and your level of respect, that make up the listening effectiveness model.
The bad elements of listening are:
- Listen with the intent to respond. This is where interruptions occur. You have something to say, or think you already know the answer. You start responding BEFORE the other person has finished talking. The first “listen” should be: listen with the intent to understand. THEN you can respond with the full knowledge of what has been communicated. CURE: Just ask the person if they have finished their thought BEFORE you respond.
- Listen with the intent to figure out an angle (manipulate). Interacting with a customer during a selling situation.
- Listen because you have to obey (or try to worm out of it). Parents, teachers, and bosses top the list.
- Listen because you are forced to. Your boss, teacher, or parents yelling or disciplining you.
- Listen with the intent not to pay attention. Tuned out because of your unhappiness or ill feeling towards the person speaking.
- Listen with the intent to argue. Whenever you’re in an argument or fight, listening is overpowered by anger and negativity.
There is also the ever popular, pretending to listen, but in another world. You have other things on your mind that are more powerful than what is being said, so you tune out whoever is speaking.
Telltale signs of not listening?
- Asking people to repeat.
- Getting instructions wrong.
- Making mistakes on the job.
- Getting rejected.
Have you ever heard someone say, “Now everybody listen-up, this is important.” What does that mean? It means that without that preface to whatever is being said next, the odds are that very few, if any, are paying attention to the person speaking.
Think about it, does Bill Gates walk into the room and say, “OK everybody listen-up?” Billy Graham? Steven Jobs? Madonna? Michael Jordan? Ted Turner? No, they walk into a room and everyone says, “SShhhhhhhh, it’s..” A hush falls over the room like a magic spell, and everyone in the room is “all ears.”
The three best states to be in when listening are:
- the state of calm,
- the state of happy,
- and the state of willing.
These are “ear opening” states. (The worst listening states are the state of New Jersey and the state of New York. Many people there already know everything.)
FINAL SECRET: I know all of you are looking for the silver bullet that will make you an instant better listener. I’ve got it for you. Two words, and they’re not “shut-up.” The secret words and action of listening are: “take notes.” When you take notes, you show respect, always “hear,” and have a reference to help you remember what was said or promised.
I have a list of things that negatively affect the listening stream. A self-awareness list to help you understand WHY you’re a poor listener. Go to www.gitomer.com, register if you’re a first time visitor and enter the word WHAT? in the GitBit box.
Hear or listen (to) ?
Grammar > Easily confused words > Hear or listen (to)?
‘Hearing’ is an event; it is something which happens to us as a natural process. ‘Listening’ is an action; it is something we do consciously.
hearing is an event. | listening is an action. |
[on the phone]
Sometimes we can use either hear or listen to, depending on whether we want to emphasise the event or the action:
Did you hear that interview with David Beckham on the radio yesterday? (emphasis on the event)
Did you listen to that interview with David Beckham on the radio yesterday? (emphasis on the action)
I love hearing/listening to the sound of falling rain.
We don’t normally use hear in the continuous form. We often use hear with can:
[on an internet phone call]
I can hear you really clearly.
Not: I’m hearing you really clearly.
We use to after listen before an object:
Every morning I listen to my Mozart CD while I’m having breakfast. It prepares me mentally for the day.
Not: Every morning I listen my Mozart CD …
We use listen without to if we do not mention the object, or if it is a discourse marker:
Meena, listen! I don’t want you staying out late!
Listen, I was wondering if you could help me. (discourse marker beginning a new topic or phase of a conversation)
The music was beautiful. We just sat there and listened.
See also:
Discourse markers (so, right, okay)
- 01 Either … or…
- 02 Since
- 03 Other, others, the other or another?
- 04 Table of irregular verbs
- 05 Prefer
- 06 Dates
- 07 Formal and informal language
- 08 Nouns: countable and uncountable
- 09 Present simple (I work)
- 10 Collocation
- I can't hear you, it's too dark in here ▷ Socratify.

Life is too short not to talk.
Janusz Leon Wisniewski (100+)When it rains in life, look at the rainbow. If it gets dark, look for the stars.
Unknown author (1000+)
I hear and I forget. I see and remember. I do and I understand.
Confucius (100+)
And when I hear this "you" where "we" should be, I first think about what will happen next.
Paper Towns (John Green) (30+)
I will understand! But forgiveness is too hard for me. I better forget.
Love thy neighbor (Erich Maria Remarque) (50+)
Every morning when you wake up, you must say: I see, I hear, I move, I do not suffer! Thank you! Life is Beautiful!
Jules Renard (100+)
Talking too much, loving too little, and hating too often.
George Carlin (100+)![]()
Love is not “you are to blame”, but “let's talk”.
Unknown author (1000+)
Not “where are you”, but “I am here”.
Not "how could you", but "I understand you".
Not "I wish you were", but "thank you for being you".
I woke up and thought... "Lord, give me..." And stopped... What should I ask Him for?... I have a family... I have friends... I hear and see... I eat and drink... They love me and I love... What do I need?... That's what... "God, thank you for everything"
Unknown author (1000+)
I'm leaving. Let it be dark
Let there be steps -
I didn't like the movie,
Return the money.Where it will die ten times -
Ekaterina Gorbovskaya (50+)
One hundred times more.![]()
I leave you to you -
I wish to cope.
- Show the best
- home
- ❤❤❤ Spongebob - 6 quotes
Lyrics Triada - Who's Here Give a signal-I can't hear you!
Who is there?
I can't see-
Thick layer of smoke too!
Who's here?
Give a signal-
I can't hear you!
Who is here?
I can't see-
Thick layer of smoke too!
Who's here?
Give a signal-
I can't hear you!
Who's here?
I can't see-
Thick layer of smoke too!
Who's here?
Give a signal-
I can't hear you!
Who is here?
I can't see-
Thick layer of smoke too!
Who's here?
Are you alive?!
Appreciate Southern Style,
Do you smoke dust?
Enter the vast world-
Take the main thing there,
If you have enough strength!
I see the Light through the smoke-
It will give me inspiration
Human modifications
Another dimension!
"Star Factory" - manure!!! -
Rotten question. ..
I'm thrilled to pin you up-
Another toast from the heart-
Pour, drink, Bro!
Your health!
Opportunities are equal to needs,
And most importantly, their cost!
Four portions:
Life, death, love, creativity!
The stone is sharpened with water -
Let the plan come true -
Enemies - for their sins,
My boys - a glass!
Which evening is drunk-
I choose my own path!
I'm five years old
Fate or bits under the air -
"Everything will pass ..."-
A prophet has spoken!
Without fees,
Elite bars
With major crime,
Tour schedules,
Superstar magazines!
Throw up!
Answer me with a rhyme to the question:
"What is Rap for you?!"
I stick a rusty nail in your ear!
Through September season -
Plan - the main diet!
Who's here tell me!
Hit the bone clearly with words!
Through September season-
Plan is the main ration!
Who's here tell me!
Hit the bone clearly with words!
Who is here?
I can't see-
Thick layer of smoke too!
Who's here?
Give a signal-
I can't hear you!
Who is here?
I can't see-
Thick layer of smoke too!
Who's here?
Give a signal-
I can't hear you!
Who is here?
I can't see-
Thick layer of smoke too!
Who's here?
Give a signal-
I can't hear you!
Who is here?
I can't see-
Thick layer of smoke too!
Who's here?
Are you alive?!
Close circle
Sadness does not suit!
From hand to hand -
Warming up. ..
Rumor is circulating around the area
About new solutions
Experimental Botany -
Everyone out -
One at a time and without panic...
Rolling, leaving
No wig save,
It's Skato hod-
The night city doesn't sleep,
It's easy to write text...
What's up, brother?
Is there anything?
Right now I would like a crystal clear canister-
I'll dry it up once-
Summer still dries,
And cannabis-
Take away the thunder,
Fearing injury,
Hip-Hop temple
Open to you-
Enter the state
Under the name - rubbish...
In general,
You saw -
But didn't blurt out,
We already fashioned and fell asleep -
I started...
Is there anything?
Let's smoke,
In short, look-
He wants exactly!
Closer to the night pulls relish-
He doesn't smoke,
So he doesn't put an end to it.