How to protect my energy
How to Protect Your Energy in a Chaotic World • Asana
There’s a lot going on in the world, but you can still take steps to safeguard your energy and your time. Try these research-backed strategies to cut out the clutter and focus on what really matters.
Research suggests that we all have a finite amount of mental energy. Every time we use our brainpower to focus and make decisions, we deplete our daily mental reserves a bit more—making it harder to exercise self-control later on. That means if you waste energy on less important decisions and tasks, it can be hard to double down on what’s really important.
Protecting your energy is about preserving those valuable mental resources—cutting out the clutter so you can stay focused on what really matters.
What does it mean to protect your energy?
Protecting your energy is the practice of working sustainably and removing negativity and distractions from your life. It’s a way to safeguard your mental and emotional reserves in the long run, so you can pace yourself and stay motivated over time.
Why is it important to protect your energy?
Forty percent of all workers think burnout is an inevitable part of success. But we’re human beings, not robots. Nobody can keep grinding 24/7—eventually, we all need breaks or we’ll crash and burn.
Taking proactive steps to protect your energy helps you work in a more sustainable way, which actually helps you accomplish more over time. Instead of falling into a cycle of overwork (and dreading coming to work each day), it’s better to pace yourself and stay excited about the projects and initiatives you’re responsible for. Or in other words: work is a marathon, not a sprint.
Read: Toxic productivity is no good—here’s how to stop it9 research-backed ways to protect your energy
Feeling drained, down, or unmotivated? Try these strategies to preserve your energy and focus on what’s really important.
1. Limit distractions
The modern workplace is filled with distractions. Notifications from our phones and computers rule the day, with 80% of knowledge workers working with their inbox or other communication apps open. We’re trying to focus on tasks, keep an eye on notification banners, and make sure we respond instantly to messages—all at the same time. With all that noise, it’s nearly impossible to get things done. Plus, when you check notifications it can take upwards of 20 minutes to regain momentum.
Distractions are a huge drain on our mental energy, but they don’t have to be. Here’s how to rein in the noise:
Turn off notifications for apps like email, Slack, social media, or project management software.
Close browser tabs, windows, or applications you’re not using for the work at hand.
Put your phone in “do not disturb” mode. Better yet, put it in a drawer or out of sight—research suggests that just seeing your phone nearby can be a distraction, even if it’s turned off.
Block off time on your calendar to focus on a single task at a time. Set a status (like “do not disturb” or “in a focus block”) to let your coworkers know you’re in heads-down mode.
2. Take breaks
Taking breaks is one of the best ways to avoid burnout and protect your energy over time. When you’re really busy, it’s common to feel like breaks are a waste of time—but they actually boost productivity in the long run by helping you focus and think more creatively.
Instead of trying to push through and conquer task after task, build breaks into your schedule. To do this, cognitive neuroscientist Dr. Sahar Yousef recommends the 3M framework, which divides breaks into three categories:
Micro breaks: A few minutes multiple times per day—like time to stretch, meditate, or go for a short walk.
Meso breaks: 1–2 hours per week—like an art lesson, sports practice, or long walk.
Macro breaks: A half or full day every month—like a day trip or family visit.
To get the most out of this framework, you have to disconnect from work entirely during breaks. That means no checking messages, composing emails in your head, or running through your to-do list for the next day. Disconnecting helps tell your brain that you’re doing fine and work isn’t everything—no matter what chaos is going on.
3. Set boundaries
To protect your energy, it’s important to set boundaries and decide what you will—and won’t—do. Studies show that job stress is by far the leading source of anxiety for American adults, and one of the biggest reasons is that technology keeps us connected to work around the clock. Boundaries help you stand up for yourself, reclaim your free time, and prevent overwork—rather than just saying “yes” to every request.
Here’s how to set clear boundaries:
Practice saying no.Saying no at work is hard, but sometimes it’s the right thing to do. Instead of defaulting to “yes” for every request, pause and seriously consider if you have enough bandwidth and energy to do a good job.
Set clear start and finish times for your work day. Instead of working around the clock, pick a consistent time to wrap up tasks and sign off for the evening.
It may seem counterintuitive, but clear start and finish times actually help you get more done because they help you avoid Parkinson’s Law—the idea that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion.
Avoid sending and responding to messages outside work hours. Set the precedent that when you’re offline, you’re really offline. In most cases, messages can wait until you log on the next day.
Normalize longer response times.Fifty percent of managers and 42% of individual contributors feel like they have to respond to notifications right away. Instead, set more realistic expectations around response times—let your team know that if you don’t respond right away, that just means you’re focusing on something else.
4. Take control of your calendar
It’s hard to protect your energy when your schedule is peppered with meetings—with only 15 or 30 minutes between syncs to actually get things done. Sometimes dubbed a “swiss cheese schedule,” this type of fragmented workday can quickly drain your energy and focus.
Host a meeting doomsday. This is more than a simple meeting audit. During a meeting doomsday, team members delete all recurring meetings from their calendars for 48 hours—and then reschedule syncs from scratch. In fact, when we conducted a meeting doomsday at Asana, participants saved an average of 11 hours per month.
Keep meetings short (especially virtual ones). Not all syncs need to be 30 or 60 minutes long. Let your agenda determine the required meeting length instead of just picking a standard time block. Shorter meetings are almost always better, because the longer the meeting, the harder it is for everyone to stay focused and engaged. This is especially true for remote teams, since video fatigue sets in around the 30-minute mark.
Try meeting management. Meeting management is the process of coordinating and running a meeting in order to get the most value out of your time. When you manage your meetings well, you need fewer meetings to get things done.
Free meeting agenda template
5. Pay attention to your emotions
Your emotions are valid, and they matter. As human beings, we can’t just flip a switch and ignore negative feelings, no matter how much we might want to. Instead, it’s important to acknowledge and address how we’re feeling, especially if those feelings are draining our energy and interfering with our daily life.
Here are some ways to acknowledge how you’re feeling and protect your energy when negative emotions strike:
Practice emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence helps you understand your own emotions and recognize the emotions of other people. Brushing up on your emotional intelligence skills can help you practice self love and recognize when negative emotions are draining your energy.
Take action when you feel overwhelmed at work. When you feel overwhelmed, it’s a sign that something isn’t working.
Instead of ignoring the problem or just trying to push through, take steps to address your emotions, talk to someone, and ask for help if you need it.
Learn to cope with work anxiety. A bit of anxiety about work is normal, but it’s a problem when that anxiety happens chronically over a long period of time. If that’s the case, take steps to uncover and cope with the underlying reason for your anxiety. For example, common causes for anxiety include poor work-life balance, unrealistic deadlines, and unclear goals or expectations. While it’s not always possible to completely eliminate the source of your anxiety, you can still take steps to get perspective and prioritize your own wellness.
Try meditation. When life feels hectic, it’s hard to practice self care and focus on what’s going on inside your head. Meditation is a powerful way to turn your focus inward—whether that just involves taking a few deep breaths, listening to a guided meditation, or practicing visualization techniques.
6. Understand what drains your energy
A big part of protecting your energy is understanding what drains it. Everyone is different—for example, someone who’s more introverted might feel mentally exhausted after meeting lots of new people, while someone extroverted might feel drained after spending the day alone. Regardless, understanding what drains your energy can help you take the time you need to reset and recharge. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything that feels draining—it just helps to pace yourself and rest when you need it.
For example, imagine you’re worried about a big presentation. Instead of planning to work on a complex project right after the presentation is over, take some time to enjoy lunch, go for a walk, or do something relaxing.
7. Declutter your space
Our physical environments influence how we feel and behave. Research shows that cluttered spaces negatively affect our stress and anxiety levels—along with our ability to focus. In fact, one study from Princeton demonstrated that participants who cleared clutter from their work environment could focus and process information better.
Don’t let clutter and mess overwhelm you with negative energy. Instead, check out these resources for some inspiration on how to organize your work space:
8. Don’t aim for perfection
It’s normal to want perfection, but in reality perfection just isn’t realistic. In fact, constantly trying to be perfect drains a lot of energy over time. Perfectionism makes it hard to get things done, especially if you feel the need to do everything yourself or constantly double-check your work. Plus, studies suggest that extreme perfectionism is bad for your mental health, putting you at a higher risk for burnout, job dissatisfaction, and depression.
Our imperfections are what make us interesting, and making mistakes at work is how we learn and become more capable over time. Instead of trying to be perfect, create processes that let you iterate on work over time—like asking for feedback on an initial draft or building a review stage into your product development process.
9. Practice gratitude
If you’re like most people, it’s much easier to focus on what you want instead of considering what you already have. That doesn’t mean we’re negative people by nature—it’s just how humans evolved over time. We had to focus on the things we needed—like food, water, and shelter—in order to survive.
But in the modern world, this tendency can actually harm your well-being by prompting you to ignore all the good things in your life. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, try listing everything you’re grateful for—like your loved ones and family members, your health, or even the water from your tap and the roof over your head. By practicing gratitude, you can create positive energy instead of focusing on the negative.
Energy is important
Protecting your energy isn’t about good vibes, balancing your chakra, buying tourmaline crystals, or visualizing your energy field. Instead, it involves using research-backed strategies to work sustainably and save your brainpower for what’s really important—so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and overworked at the end of each day.
Don’t let “work about work” drain your energy
If you’re feeling stretched thin, Asana can help you do more with less. Instead of wasting time on “work about work”—tasks like searching for information, communicating about work, and switching between apps—try consolidating everything in one central tool. That way, you can cut out the clutter and focus on what really matters.
Try Asana for free
12 Powerful Ways To Protect Your Energy From Negativity
We all know how important it is to eat right, exercise, sleep well and balance work with relaxation. One thing we don’t often talk about is why all that is so very important, but it’s all about protecting your mental energy. You can be in the best shape of your life, but if something (or someone) is draining you mentally, you’re going to feel terrible.
That job you thought you’d love? It looks good on paper, but the office is a gossip-laden minefield, and you dread going in. That “friend” you’ve had forever? She does nothing but complain about life, and makes sneaky little comments that have you questioning yours. You leave every hangout feeling exhausted.
That job is bad for you, and so is the friend who isn’t really your friend. To really be living your best life, you need to know how to protect your energy from their negativity.
1. Tune in to how you’re feeling.
Stressed? Know the signs, so you can chill out better and faster. Irritability, tension headache, feeling out of sorts or just not like yourself are all signs of stress lurking somewhere in the background. We all deal with so much during the day that it’s easy to stop paying attention to these signs, but it’s such an important thing to do. You’re not a machine. Things upset you. Cultivating an awareness of your emotions is the first step to protecting your energy, not wasting it on stress.
2. Set boundaries to conserve energy.
Learn to say that doesn’t work for me, maybe some other time, no thanks. Drawing a line beyond which you simply can’t extend yourself is a powerful protective measure that lets you husband your energy, and keeps the draining influences of other people’s demands at a distance. Don’t feel bad for saying no. Your needs are just as important as the next person’s.
3. Use mindfulness to limit your exposure to negativity.
This is all about policing your thoughts and intentions. We are what we think we are, so when you constantly focus on how stressed or tired you are, how busy this awful day is, then stressed, tired and busy are all you’ll be. Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of what you’re thinking and how you’re talking to yourself, as well as how the attitudes of those around you affect you. When you achieve this awareness, tuning into positivity, and away from negativity (inside and out), becomes so much easier.
4. Find your happy place.
Then close your eyes and go there in your mind. No joke! Visualizing a place you love, where you feel safe and calm, is a strong tool to use when it comes to protecting your energy. Maybe you think of your bed, all cozy and piled with comfy blankets. Maybe it’s that trail you love to hike. Taking one full minute to sit with your eyes closed, breathing deeply, imagining that space in as much sensory detail as possible, recharges your battery like you won’t believe.
5. Be aware of your triggers.
Does too much stress make you anxious? Of course, it does. Protect your energy from the wasting effects of both anxiety and stress by learning, and working with, your triggers. If deadlines make you curl into the fetal position, learn to become a maven of organization. Social nerves? Limit your encounters to ones you find actually enjoyable, rather than those you feel pressured to attend. Again, there is such power in saying no, no thank you, pass.
6. Create a sanctuary.
Create a soothing home full of textures, colors and scents that you love. Designate areas just for your favorite activities, and dedicate time to doing those things you love. Cooking, crafting, learning: whatever your hobbies or interests, take time to indulge in them. Knowing you have a lovely space to return to at the end of a hectic day will offset a lot of stress and negative energy. It can even be the happy place you take time out to visualize.
7. Clean your physical and mental spaces.
De-cluttering your zones at home, at work and in your head is a powerful way to protect your energy. Maintaining a solid, grounded mental state is difficult when you’re hemmed in on all sides by physical and emotional stuff. That kind of environment lends itself more to disorder, chaos and stress.
Clear the dross. Get rid of things (and, yes, also people) that just aren’t doing you any good. From old clothes you’ll never wear again to anxiety-inducing social media you follow and especially to toxic people: donate, un-follow, un-friend. Difficult? Sometimes. But also totally worth it.
8. Trust your gut.
Dealing with a person or situation that feels unhealthy? Protect your energy by listening to your instincts. You’ll learn who or what isn’t good for you by how you feel after dealing with them. If they leave you feeling drained or just distracted and a little overwhelmed, there’s a reason for that. Pay attention and limit your exposure to anything and anyone that causes you to feel off.
9. Build a solid social circle.
Go toward people, groups and activities that make you feel good. Just as someone draining you negatively affects your energy, so being around happy people that make you feel comfortable will have a positive effect.
At work, this can mean seeking out coworkers whose vibes you really like and finding ways to spend more time together. Coordinate lunch or coffee breaks, after-work drinks or even a weekend hangout. Tuning in to folks who leave you feeling energized makes it that much easier to protect yourself from the influences of those who don’t.
10. Build a “wall.”
When it comes to protecting yourself from negative energy, creating a barrier is a super useful practice. Much the same as thinking about your happy place, doing this taps into the power of visualization. Take a breath, close your eyes and surround yourself with a soft white positive light. Think of it as a protective bubble, a force field or some good old-fashioned light therapy. Whatever you call it, it’s a solid way to block out negative vibes.
11. Stop giving away your energy.
The fact is, you feel drained because you allowed someone or something to take all that happy healthy energy from you. When it comes to saying no and setting boundaries, you have to want to do so. Not because you know you should, but because you understand the benefits of protecting and feeding your own energy, as well as the consequences of always feeding someone else’s. A difficult idea to put into practice for a lot of us since we tend to want to help our coworkers, friends and family more than ourselves. But that old adage is true: you have to love yourself, first. You have to really want to.
12. Control that ego.
How much energy do you waste reacting to negative influences, throwing it away on things that just don’t matter? Be honest with yourself about just how much you obsess over that perfectly Instagrammed life, or how easily you’re drawn into an argument over some gossip. Your ego is at work any time you react to toxic energy, worry about looking as good as someone else or try to “fix” someone’s opinion of you. Before you react, pause. Don’t let your ego run your mouth or waste your energy. Ask yourself, first, if this issue is even worth your valuable energy. Chances are, it isn’t.
Protecting your energy is crucial to your mental and physical health because it is the ultimate determinant of your overall happiness. We give a lot of ourselves away every day, at work, to our friends, our loved ones. We need to recognize that our needs are just as important as everyone else’s. Protect your energy. Give yourself the gift of a truly healthy headspace.
This article first appeared in FairyGodBoss.
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7 ways of energy protection | MARIECLAIRE
1. Enjoy life
Keep a positive attitude in all situations, understanding that everything that happens is for our good. Of course, this is not always easy, but the ability to transform negativity into the source of your strength helps a lot to stay in good condition without wasting yourself on negative emotions. In such situations, a simple practice helps: as soon as you feel that negative emotions are rising in you, imagine them as a brown or gray lump, take this lump with your right hand and throw it over your left shoulder with the words: “everything in my garden.” So you turn everything bad into fertilizer for your energy protection. Or breathe in, imagining negative emotions entering your heart, hold your breath, allowing them to transform into the light of love, and as you breathe out, give that love to the world. And one more practice. In the morning, before you go out into the world, mentally create a radiant protective sphere around you with a mirror shell on the outside. You can simply imagine yourself in this mirror sphere, repeating: "where it came from, there it went." And all the negativity that comes into your life will fly away from you without causing harm.
2. Balance your inner energies
Nature has endowed all of us with different talents. Someone has more fire and passion, someone has more emotionality and sensitivity, someone is dominated by analytics and rationality, and someone is practical and down to earth. In order to become energetically protected, we need to try to bring these qualities into balance and balance. How to do it? Take advantage of your strengths to improve what is lacking. nine0005
3. Tune into the creative flow
If you feel like you can't handle sadness, pain, or disappointment, transform it into something creative. You can write a poem. Do you remember from Anna Akhmatova: “When would you know from what rubbish poetry grows, not knowing shame ...”? It can be a drawing, a melody, a dance, plasticine modeling or a culinary experiment. And sometimes, to our surprise, it is this bunch of emotions, transformed and transfigured in the creative process, that can become a masterpiece, amazing and inspiring for many generations. Well, or at least your loved ones. nine0005
4. Keep in touch with the divine
If there is no contact with the divine, it is easy for a person to impose alien information, alien beliefs and patterns. The best way to protect yourself is to constantly stay in the creative flow that connects you with the Divine energy. When we create, we are in an altered state of consciousness, on a special wave. In this state, we are tuned to certain energy vibrations - usually very high, and all the negativity passes through us without touching us. Because usually negative words or emotions are on a different, lower frequency and no longer resonate with us. This means we are immune to them. nine0005
5. Stay in touch with the earth
For security, we need not only a connection with the Divine, but also a connection with the energies of the earth. If there is no good "grounding", then you can easily be "hooked" for anger and pride, and energy leaks are almost inevitable. In life, you need to learn to find a balance between the material and the spiritual. Grounding yourself means being present in your body, feeling the flow of life coming from Mother Earth. The easiest ways to ground yourself are any kind of exercise, house cleaning, cooking, playing with children, salt baths, gardening, or repotting houseplants. nine0005
6. Give up self-blame
Stop scolding yourself for mistakes and mistakes, or for something that once happened to you and that cannot be changed. Self-blame and self-accusation make us energetically weak and vulnerable. When inside ourselves we consider ourselves worthless and guilty, then the words and accusations of others achieve their goal faster and are perceived much more painfully, and also destroy us faster. Say to yourself often: “I fully and completely accept myself.” Learn to forgive and love yourself and you will become much more secure. And also any negative emotions that are inside us become time bombs that are ready to explode at any convenient moment. The less negativity inside us, the less we are subject to other people's influence and the easier it is to perceive the vicissitudes of life. nine0005
7. Get rid of unnecessary ties
Break all ties on the emotional, physical, sexual and intellectual levels with those people with whom you broke up. Very often, it is these connections that become the ropes that pull us and take us out of energy balance. Unrequited love, stolen money, sexual addiction or resentment destroy us from the inside. How to get rid of unnecessary connections? You can imagine in front of you the image of a person and a connection with him in the form of some image (rope, chain, ropes, tourniquet, etc.) and on the exhale with the sound "hu" cut off this connection, saying "I - mine, you - yours ". And mentally fill yourself with the golden light of love and gratitude. nine0005
About the author:
Psychologist, TV presenter, bestselling author and founder of the Academy of Private Life.
Photo: Getty Images
Larisa Renard
Psychovampires. How to communicate with those who steal our energy
People who communicate with you takes all your strength and energy are often called energy vampires. What kind of people attract this or that type of “victims”, what are the mechanisms of their influence and what are the ways to counteract? Read about this in a fragment of a new book published by Alpina Publisher, which will be released in November. nine0056
Psychovampires dress up in different clothes. For clarity, we will give each type a name-characteristic and briefly describe the characteristics of its victims. Among psychovampires there are both men and women, and this property - a tendency to psychovampirism - can be both more and less pronounced. For some people, these descriptions fit perfectly, while others have only some features of one type or another. But there are those who fit several descriptions at once. Someone who is perceived by some as a vampire may behave like a victim in relations with others. In a word, everyone is capable of being both a psycho-vampire and a victim at the same time. But both the vampire and his victim, as a rule, are forced to compensate for their flawed self-worth. This aspect is discussed in more detail in the chapter (“Therapeutic digression”). nine0005
Strangler Vampire
A vampire of this type is monstrously overestimated. It is impossible to argue or agree with him, he has the manners of a tyrant, and he is sure that he is irreplaceable. Most often, a vampire of this type is prone to narcissism. If this is a boss, he will suck the energy out of his subordinates dry - no matter what they do, everything will be “wrong” for him. The victim falls into his cunning trap, and a noose is tightened around his neck.
Vampire "Yes, but..."
This psycho-vampire, in response to any other person's statement, any other person's idea, starts: "Yes, but...", thus drawing strength. His position is based on stubborn denial, which requires serious energy costs from the interlocutor: the psycho-vampire fills him with arguments why, from his point of view, it will not be possible to do or change something. nine0005
He took the whole burden of the world on his shoulders and constantly walks with a suffering look. Everything is too hard for him, his very existence is the heaviest burden. He has a lot of time, but he does not bring anything to the end - not to mention his inability to arrange his own life. At the same time, he is egocentric, and his main life principle is this: I feel bad, and you must support me, inspire, encourage, please (etc, etc. ). He is constantly tormented and spoils everyone's mood with his whining. nine0005
Conservative Vampire
Such a vampire wants only one thing: for the world to stop developing. It follows the motto - "We've always done it this way." He hates change fiercely and clings to the old with both hands: “If this new idea were really good, it would have occurred to me long ago.” For the conservative vampire, time is frozen. His victims are creative people and colleagues with leadership potential who can just as well bang their heads against the wall as they can try to introduce at least some progressive ideas under such a leader. nine0005
Frozen Vampire
Everyone knows the scene: the wife sits at the dinner table and complains to her husband, sobbing: “If only you listened to me once when I have problems!” - and the husband, absently listening to her for a couple of minutes, suddenly reports that he still needs to walk the dog. Perhaps this emotionally cold vampire is highly valued at work, but in relationships with loved ones, he is more interested in dry logic than feelings. Their victims - usually very sensitive people - they deprive them of any support. nine0005
Indifferent Vampire
This vampire, of course, can ask the interlocutor how are you, but the most curious thing is that he is not at all interested in the answer. And it discourages his victims. For example, when an indifferent vampire tells you about something, as if urging you to take a stand and express your opinion, and then, as soon as you open your mouth, he turns his back and begins to talk with others. You, a potential victim of a vampire, the floor goes out from under your feet: you begin to think that you are boring and uninteresting. You blame yourself for not having a conversation. nine0005
Climbing Vampire
This vampire has high ambitions: he wants to conquer peaks again and again. Such requests are painful for his loved ones: he is able to simply strangle them with his demands. Whether it be his own children or subordinates, the climbing vampire constantly demands incredible achievements from them. And if, contrary to expectations, they still cope with the task, he immediately devalues their successes: “Any fool could do it here. It's a trifling matter." Losers, he deliberately ignores. He harasses others, and even himself, each time wanting to climb higher and higher, but he never reaches the goal, because he constantly raises the bar. He is not able to live in peace with himself and broadcasts his eternal dissatisfaction to others. nine0005
Polite Vampire
Excessive politeness can also drain energy. This vampire tries his best not to become a burden to anyone - but that is why he is a burden to everyone. With his eternal desire to help, he overstrains, and as a result only creates new problems for people. When he, knowing nothing about technology, refuses the help of a colleague offered from the bottom of his heart and buys a long-outdated computer himself, the same colleague then has to spend much more effort to exchange the purchased model for a new one. If a polite vampire is invited to a restaurant and asked what he will drink, he replies: “What are you going to drink? I don't care". He always has to be asked again until he finally chooses at least something. The excessive modesty of this psycho-vampire is often terribly tiring. nine0005
Curious Vampire
This vampire constantly sticks his nose where it doesn't belong. With his desire to pry into other people's affairs, he brings, albeit most often unwittingly, chaos and countless misunderstandings into the lives of numerous victims, whom he draws into various meaningless stories. In essence, a curious vampire just wants to sort things out and put things in order, but achieves just the opposite. Most often, he manages to get away with it - after all, he just secretly pulled the puppets by the strings. nine0005
Vampire "Wolf in sheep's clothing"
At first, such a person seems friendly, but inconspicuous, but in fact he is, so to speak, on his own mind. You get into trouble with him all the time. Often such a person is only seemingly sweet and accommodating, but in reality this is a mask, behind which is an unsightly entity. And the most unpleasant thing is that almost no one is able to recognize such psycho-vampires.
Vampire "I'm Not Involved"
Such vampires are innumerable among senior executives - say, some bosses who themselves have been clinging to the wrong strategy for years, manage to put all the blame on the team if the company does go bankrupt. Allegedly, these subordinates did not work well, "otherwise this shop would not have had to be closed." This type of vampire refuses to admit his own shortcomings: the inability to take responsibility and control the situation. nine0005
Vampire Expert
This person is rather clueless, but considers himself an expert on everything in the world. He has an answer ready for everything, in any situation he is clever and angers others with his stupid advice. The psycho-vampire expert devours the time of the victims with long and superficial reasoning, trying to demonstrate his imaginary knowledge. Woe to anyone who dares to point out to such a vampire his complete incompetence in the matter under discussion - relations with him will be ruined forever.
Have you ever been in such situations? As a victim, as a vampire, it doesn't matter. If yes, read on (if not, read on anyway). We will tell you how a potential victim can reliably protect himself from any psycho-vampire, no matter what type he belongs to. You will change your behavior, and the vampire will no longer see you as a victim - or, in any case, will lose power over you, although his own behavior will not change. If you yourself saw a psycho-vampire in yourself, then continue reading anyway to understand how others perceive you and why some situations are by no means what they seem at first glance. nine0005
How exactly the psycho-vampire detects the weak points of potential victims is still a mystery, despite all attempts to explain it in terms of psychology. This mechanism is comparable to the phenomenon of love at first sight - that is why it is so dangerous in the hands of a psycho-vampire. But, in the end, changing the situation depends on the victims themselves, and if they work on themselves, then everything is possible.
Paradoxically, psychovampires are most often found in our immediate environment. They are very close to the world of feelings of their victims - either as immediate superiors or as family members. That is why they so quickly find their way to the heart and weak points of the victim. It is this closeness that makes us so acutely perceive someone's actions or statements - if they were strangers, we would not even move an ear. nine0005
The same circumstance greatly complicates communication with psychovampires: they often cannot simply be hired and fired, as well as cut off all relations with them. And how do you “fire” your spouse, partner, children, boss, mother-in-law or neighbor? So there is only one thing left - to build their own defensive redoubts.
The image of a psycho-vampire helps to take a positive look at the imbalance in interpersonal relationships.