How to make friends with guys
How to Become Friends With a Guy (As a Woman)
“I’d like to have close friends who are guys, but in the past, I’ve had guys cut contact with me once they realized I wasn’t interested romantically. How can I be a good friend to a guy without leading him on?”
Do you ever come across a guy you barely know and get a feeling that you could be great friends? It’s difficult enough to approach people and form new friendships without the extra difficulty of trying to approach a man as a woman without leading him on.
Some people will go as far as to say that men and women can’t be friends, but that’s not universally true at all. While sexual or romantic attraction can be an obstacle in some male-female friendships, it’s entirely possible to find close friends who are men or even a male best friend.
1. Find common interests
The easiest way to make new friends of either sex is through shared interests. Consider joining a weekly activity you can meet people through, like a Dungeons and Dragons group, a language class, or volunteering.
We have a list of 25 social hobby ideas that can help you meet new people. Try to pick activities that are likely to have a mix of men and women, but make sure you’re choosing something that you’re actually interested in. There’s no use in going to a board game night just to meet people if you won’t be enjoying yourself.
If you know someone you think you may want to be friends with, ask them about their hobbies or interests. Don’t pretend you share the same hobbies if you don’t. Express an interest in learning if you are open to trying new things.
Related: How to find things in common with someone.
2. Show that you are open to making new friends
The best way to make friends is to be friendly and open to everyone around you, not just the one person you want to get closer to. You can learn how to be more approachable and seem more friendly if this is something that you struggle with.
3. Look for men who treat women with respect
You’re more likely to be able to form a close, long-lasting friendship with guys who already have other female friends, or at least speak respectfully about other women.
If you receive compliments such as “you’re not like other women,” this may be a warning sign that they don’t think so highly of women in general and that if you end up disappointing them (by rejecting them, for example), they may feel the same about you.
At the same time, don’t gossip or put down other men or women around them. You aren’t trying to compete with other women. You don’t want them to feel like you’re comparing them to other men, either. Particularly avoid saying things like, “I wish I had a boyfriend like you.”
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4. Do things together
While women often meet “just to catch up and talk,” men tend to build their friendships through mutual activities. Through working on a shared goal, whether it’s hiking, building something together, or playing video games, men tend to have more of a “why” to meet up.
Suggest activities like going out to play pool or doing a project together. When you’re in the beginning stages of getting to know each other, make it sound casual so that your new friend will understand it’s not a date. Suggest that you can both bring other friends along. Over text, don’t use too many emoticons, as some people may read that as flirty.
You can send a message like, “I’m thinking of checking out the new food market. I invited my friends Anna and Joe, but I’m not sure if they’re coming yet. You are welcome to come along and bring anyone you want as well.”
Humor can also help you have fun together and bond. Read our tips on how to be funny in a conversation.
5. Take your time to build the friendship
If you want to make sure you don’t lead someone on and give them the impression that you’re interested romantically, it’s best to avoid spending too much time together in the early stages.
For example, hanging out several evenings each week can give the impression that you are keen to connect deeply as quickly as possible and can be mistaken for romantic interest. Meeting up once or twice per week would be more appropriate.
6. Avoid sending signals of romantic interest
Being just friends may be easier if one of you is in a relationship or isn’t attracted to the opposite sex. Otherwise, the possibility of a romantic relationship may hang over your friendship, even if you aren’t doing anything to lead him on.
Many men are taught that they have to pursue women. Because they assume women won’t let them know when they are interested, they will be looking for signs that a woman is interested in them. It’s a good idea to make sure that your behavior is consistently platonic and to make sure that your words (e.g., “I’m just looking for friends”) match your actions.
To make it clear you are looking to stay friends when you’re a heterosexual or bisexual woman befriending a heterosexual or bisexual man:
- Avoid complaining about your partner if you’re in a relationship. Your friend may get the impression that you are looking for a new boyfriend.
If you talk about your partner, keep your tone light and positive, or at least avoid criticizing them.
- If you are single and looking for a partner, do not tell your friend that you’d like to meet a man like him because he may take this as a sign that you are interested in him even if you just mean it as a compliment.
- If your friend is single and you have a single friend who could be a good match for him, offer to introduce them to one another.
- If your friend has a partner, ask to meet them. You don’t all have to be great friends, but if you show a sincere interest in their partner and make an effort to get on well with them, you will make it clear that you aren’t trying to turn your friendship into a relationship.
- Avoid “couple” activities with your friend, such as quiet dinners in romantic restaurants, and try mixing group outings with one-on-one time together.
- Do not touch them any more frequently than you’d touch any of your female friends.
- Avoid excessive texting.
Try to text only if you want to suggest meeting up or if you have something specific to say. Avoid talking or texting for long periods of time late at night, as this can feel more intimate than talking during the day.
7. Limit physical contact until you know them well
You may be used to hugging your female friends when you see them, but some men aren’t as comfortable with physical touch. Wait to get to know your male friends before initiating physical contact. It’s also wise to hold back on physical touch until you’ve established a platonic friendship because some men may interpret touch as a sign of romantic interest.
See how they greet other people. Some people, male or female, aren’t comfortable with hugging as a greeting, for example. However, after becoming close friends, there’s no reason to avoid physical contact if you’re both comfortable with it.
8. Know that one of you may develop a crush
When you have friendships with people of the gender you’re typically attracted to, sometimes crushes happen. This can happen even if you are careful not to give any signs you are interested romantically. If a man finds a woman they can talk to, who shares their interest, and that they’re attracted to, he may develop romantic feelings.
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You may develop a crush on your guy friend and be disappointed that he’s not attracted to you in that way. If you want to know if he’s interested in you, here’s a guide on how to tell a friend you like them.
Or perhaps you find out that they have a crush on you, and you feel hurt if they try to hit on you or become distant as a way of coping with their feelings. If your friend has a crush on you, but you don’t return his interest, you may need to have a frank conversation and tell him you are not interested in a romantic relationship. Our guides on how to tell if a guy likes you and being honest with friends may be helpful.
Remember that if someone is uncomfortable being close friends with you because you’re a woman and they find you attractive, it doesn’t mean anything negative about you. Some people are comfortable being friends with someone they have some attraction to. Others find it more difficult.
9. Treat every guy as a unique individual
Remember that the tips included in this article are generalizations. Don’t assume that someone should like certain things, or act in a particular way, just because of their gender.
For example, some men aren’t comfortable talking about emotions, but some have deep conversations with their male and female friends. Likewise, some men have hobbies that are considered traditionally feminine, like cross-stitch, sewing, baking, or dancing.
While it’s important to keep in mind how men and women are brought up differently and how that can influence the way we feel, think, and act, it’s good to remember that we are all individuals, and there is so much more to our identity than being a man or a woman.
Learning how to get a guy to be your friend is not much different than learning how to approach people and make friends in general. Accepting people as they are and taking time to understand their perspective is the best way to become close with them, whatever their gender.
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Why making friends with men may get easier over time
If you’re in your early 20s, know that it will probably become easier to be friends with men in a few years. As time passes, more men will start serious relationships, so they may be less likely to see a woman who wants to spend time with them as a potential girlfriend.
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And as you get older, you’ll meet more men in various places: through work, hobbies, friends of friends, partners of friends, and so on. You’ll get better at recognizing who wants to be your friend because they genuinely want to be your friend and who wants to be your friend in the hopes that it will turn into something more.
Related: How to make new friends.
What do you talk about with male friends?
You can talk to your male friends about almost anything, such as work, hobbies, favorite movies, shows, or games. Some men may feel uncomfortable talking about their emotions, sex, or personal relationships, but some love having female friends to talk to about these issues.
Show references +
- Winstead, B. A. (1986). Sex Differences in Same-Sex Friendships. Friendship and Social Interaction, 81–99.
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How To Make Male Friends (As a Man)
In high school and college, guys usually become friends through taking shared classes or extracurriculars together. Beyond college, when men are not provided with opportunities to make friends organically, they tend to struggle. That’s because a man approaching another man is often considered weird. If you’ve ever thought, “Either this guy is going to think I’m robbing him or hitting on him” when trying to make friends with a man, you’re not alone. This is sad considering the importance of platonic friendship for the mental and physical health of both men and women.[1][2]
The hardest part about making friends as a guy is putting yourself out there and being vulnerable—something men have been taught to avoid.[3] In this article, in addition to learning how and where to make friends as a guy, you’ll learn how to overcome mental barriers around approaching other guys for friendship.
- How to find and make male friends
- Overcoming barriers to making guy friends
- How to approach another man for friendship
- Common questions
How to find and make male friends
If you are serious about making friends as a guy, then you need to show up in the right places. When you know where other guys hang out, then by hanging out in these places regularly, you can increase your chances of making male friends.
Below are 7 ways to find and make male friends:
1. Join a hobby group
Making friends through shared activities is a great idea because common ground is established right away. This makes starting conversations with other guys much less threatening compared to a cold approach.
Make a list of hobbies you’d like to try out. Maybe you’ve been curious about them for a while, or perhaps you’ve tried them before and would like to get back into them. Decide on your top 3, and do a Google search to see if there are any organized groups in your area. If you’re a college student, you can probably find a list of these on your university website.
Here are some examples:
- Rock climbing
- Kayaking
- Photography
- Mixed martial arts
- Board games
If you need more ideas, you might like to take a look at these 25 best social hobbies to meet new people.
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2. Join a social group
Much like joining a hobby group, joining a social group will help you connect with like-minded guys who you could develop good friendships with.
There are loads of social clubs for people who share similar interests and passions. If you’re at college, you can look into joining a fraternity. If that’s not an option, there’s always is a site where people can create groups or clubs to connect with others in their local area. The groups are diverse and can include everything from meditation groups, to food lovers groups, to social justice groups, networking groups, and more! If you can’t find a social group that appeals to you, you can create your own one for a small monthly subscription cost.
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3. Join a sports club
Sports clubs are a great place to meet other men because, statistically speaking, men play sports about three times as often as women do.[8] Also, in sports clubs—unlike hobby or social groups—men are less likely to be looking to meet women.
So, if there’s a sport you played in school and you still like it enough to join a club, then bingo! Not only would joining a sports club be a great way to reconnect with an old passion and get some physical exercise, but it’d also be a good opportunity to meet some guy friends.
4. Join a place of worship
In the past, people attended places of worship, such as churches, synagogues, and mosques, more regularly.[9] Places of worship help connect people who share similar beliefs and values, and there is a big emphasis on welcoming and integrating new people. There are often many ways to integrate and meet people, for example, through joining small groups or planning outreach activities. So, if you’re spiritually inclined and are looking to make guy friends in an open and inclusive environment, a place of worship is a good bet.
5. Make professional relationships personal
The office is a convenient place to make guy friends. Since you already have a professional relationship with other guys at the office, asking them to hang out after work doesn’t feel that intimidating.
If there’s a guy at work who you really get on with, invite him for a drink after work. You could even be the instigator and invite a couple of colleagues out for after-work drinks if it feels more comfortable. Then, you can focus on growing friendships with the guys you hit it off with.
6. Discover local events
If you want to meet people, you’re going to have to venture out. Local events are good places to go since they attract lots of people. Also, people go to events expecting there to be a crowd and are more likely open to meeting others.
Do a Google search to see what local events are happening in your area. You can also try Facebook’s events feature, which lets you browse upcoming events. Find an event that interests you, make your way there, and be open to opportunities to start conversations with other guys.
7. Connect with guys you cross paths with
If there is someplace you go to regularly, you’re likely to start seeing other “regulars” there, too. For example, at the gym, at a cafe, or in a co-working space.
To start a conversation with a stranger you’ve never spoken to before, point to the fact that you’ve seen him around and use some cues from the environment to help you out. For example: “That ergonomic laptop stand looks like a game-changer! I keep seeing you using it, and I’ve been meaning to ask where you got it from?”
Once you have made initial contact, it will be easy to start up a conversation again in the future, and eventually—if you click—enough repeated interactions could develop into a friendship over time.
Overcoming barriers to making guy friends
Most barriers to approaching other guys for friendship exist in the mind. Overcoming these barriers takes a bit of mental effort. It’s about challenging old beliefs and testing new ones. If men do not change how they approach male friendship, then they won’t make the friendships they desire.
Below are 3 tips for changing your mindset when approaching guys for friendship:
1. Examine the odds
There is evidence to support the fact that men desire deep friendships just as much as women do.[4] In fact, research shows that men who have close friendships with other men can be more satisfied with these than with their romantic relationships.[5] That says a lot about the value that men can gain from male-to-male friendship.
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The next time you want to strike up a conversation with another guy, and you start to doubt yourself, remember the facts. Men do want friendship! Actively pursuing it just takes courage in a society that tells men that depending on others is weak and feminine.
2. Realize that someone has to make the first move
It takes courage to be vulnerable, so what often happens is that people tend to wait for someone else to act. When it comes to friendship, this could look like waiting for the person you get along with to ask you to hang out first. The problem with playing the waiting game is that you could be waiting indefinitely. Instead of viewing vulnerability as a weakness, try looking at it as a strength.
3. Consider the cost-benefit ratio
Approaching another man for friendship may seem intimidating. However, it’s useful to look at the real costs and how these compare to the potential benefits. If you tried to initiate a friendship with another man, he could either reject or accept you. Being rejected would hurt, but it wouldn’t have a considerable or lasting impact. Now, compare this to the potential benefits of having friendships in your life.
Research shows that people who have strong friendships are happier, experience less stress, and are more satisfied with their lives.[7][2] Whereas people who are lonely are more at risk for mental health problems, like anxiety and depression, as well as physical health problems, like heart disease.[1] Knowing this, it’s up to you to decide: do the benefits outweigh the costs?
This article might help you to perceive the differences between true versus toxic male friendships.
How to approach another man for friendship
Most heterosexual men are taught how to chat up women, not other men. This is part of the reason men find it hard to make guy friends outside of school and college. They do not know how to approach and start friendly conversations with other men.
Here are 3 tips for how to approach other guys for friendship as a guy:
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1. Remember the K.I.S.S. principle
K.I.S.S. is an acronym that stands for “keep it simple, stupid.” Although it was originally used in the 60s’ to refer to how mechanical systems should be designed,[6] it’s commonly used today across many contexts. It fits very well in the context of making friends with other men: there’s no need to overthink it.
As cliche as it sounds, be yourself and engage in the things that interest you. This will make it easy to meet men who you share common ground with. If you click with someone, extend an invitation to hang out. It might feel awkward at first, but if you want to make friends, you have to roll with the awkwardness.
2. Don’t act desperate
You may be super eager to make some new male friends, but when it comes to meeting other guys, some of the rules that apply to meeting women still stand. Specifically, the rule about not coming across as desperate.
To avoid this problem, focus your energy on making friends with guys that you actually vibe with. If you invite a guy to hang out after having a subpar conversation, it will probably come across as a bit strange and unexpected. Also, avoid using self-deprecating language like “I’m sure you have better things to do, but…” This can give the other person a false impression that you’re not worth hanging out with before they get the chance to get to know you properly.
3. Make low-pressure requests
If there’s a guy that you’ve met a few times who you think you could have a good friendship with, try to initiate plans with him in a low-key way. This will feel less risky for you, and it will also take the pressure off of him.
One way to do this is to extend an invitation but pose it in a way that you’ll be doing it whether he agrees to join or not. Here is an example:
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- After doing a shared activity, extend an invitation for lunch: “Hey, I was gonna grab some Mexican food after this—are you up for it?”
Common questions
How do I make guy friends fast?
You need to be prepared to invest enough time and effort. Make it a goal to talk to a few new guys each week. If you really click with someone, be bold and invite them to hang out.
Is it important for men to have male friends?
Yes, friendship has important benefits for both mental and physical health. Some research has found that men who have high-quality same-sex friendships can be more satisfied with these than with their romantic ones.[5]
Show references +
- Holt-Lunstad, J. (2016). Friendship and health. The Psychology of Friendship, 233–248.
- Amati, V., Meggiolaro, S., Rivellini, G., & Zaccarin, S. (2018). Social relations and life satisfaction: the role of friends. Genus, 74(1).
- Pappas, S. (2019). APA issues first-ever guidelines for practice with men and boys.
- Burleson, B.
R. (1997). A different voice on different cultures: Illusion and reality in the study of sex differences in personal relationships. Personal Relationships, 4(3), 229–241.
- Robinson, S., White, A., & Anderson, E. (2017). Privileging the bromance. Men and Masculinities, 1097184X1773038.×17730386
- Market Business News. (n.d.). KISS principle-definition and meaning.
- Mayo Clinic. (2019, August 24). Friendships: enrich your life and improve your health.
- Deaner, R. O., Geary, D. C., Puts, D. A., Ham, S. A., Kruger, J., Fles, E., Winegard, B., & Grandis, T. (2012). A sex difference in the predisposition for physical competition: males play sports much more than females even in the contemporary U.
S. PLoS ONE, 7(11), e49168.
- Inc, G. (2021, March 29). U.S. Church membership falls below majority for first time.
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How to make friends with a guy: 5 tips
How to make friends with a guy: 5 situations when it is appropriate + 5 tips from psychologists + a life story.
Want to turn a family dinner or a friendly get-together into something worse than a second-rate talk show for housewives? To do this, you do not need to ask your cousin when she, an atheist, was last in church, and dad - what he thinks about the political situation in our country. It is enough to ask if they believe in friendship between a man and a woman. And that's it - the discussion started!
However, if you, like the author of the article, think that such a relationship is possible, then you probably asked yourself the question: “How to make friends with a guy?”. And no, you really don't need any teddy bears or bouquets of scarlet roses from him. Well, let's figure it out ...
5 situations when you should think about how to make friends with a guy: the opinion of psychologists than the latest season of Game of Thrones.
So, psychologists say that it makes sense to think about how to make friends with a guy if:
you have common hobbies.
Eh, the author of the article has an amazing friend Dima, who, like me, is a fan of hiking, badminton and intellectual games. And it's just an endless sea to talk about! And how many kilometers were trodden together with backpacks, how many sandwiches were eaten at halts - neither in a fairy tale can be said, nor described with a pen!
Another friend, Sasha, we got along on the basis of our love for board games. Wow, sometimes we arrange battles in "Mafia" and "Uno"!
you study or work together.
This is where it's easy to make friends with a guy: you spend a lot of time together, there are a thousand and one topics for conversation: at least the harmful biologist Maria Ivanovna, at least the no less harmful chief San Sanych;
this guy is your best friend's husband or boyfriend.
But, here, young ladies, you need to be more careful than Stirlitz on a mission - no romantic background, no half-glance, no half-word, otherwise you will not see friendship with either a guy or a girlfriend.
Remember: a friend's husband is a sexless creature, although he can help move furniture, meet him at the train station at three in the morning, and even find a new job at his company;
you and your boyfriend are relatives.
Often the "voice of blood" brings together more than eleven years spent at the same desk. So, the author of the article, already in her adult, conscious age, made friends with three cousins: it turned out that they are smart, interesting, intelligent guys. It was necessary to somehow entertain yourself at family feasts!
you have known each other since childhood, but life circumstances have developed so that for some time you did not communicate.
Yes, he saw you covered in cherry juice up to your ears, and you saw him in holey children's shorts with Mickey Mouse. And these nostalgic memories can re-energize your friendship;
So, a suitable “victim” for friendship has been chosen? Then here are some good tips for you.
5 tips on how to make friends with a guy once and for all: they don't make holy pots!
Those young ladies who manage to build warm friendships with men all unanimously say that there is nothing super complicated in this ("It's not like making contact with aliens!").
How do you know if a guy loves you?
As in any friendship, sincerity, common interests and willingness to invest time and energy in a person are important here. This is the base without which you will not go far in a relationship.
But still, in order to make friends with a guy, you should remember a few recommendations from psychologists:
Feel free to call for pizza, write messages in messengers, call first if the guy is interested in you as a friend and you clearly let him know .
There is nothing criminal in this, we assure you! And if you are interesting to him as a person, then he will not refuse to meet you. Well, on "no", as they say, there is no trial.
To make friends with a guy, be prepared for the fact that he does not understand hints or half hints, like your bosom friend Lenka.
So if you need him to help you move into a new apartment, just say so. You just want to complain about life? So say: “Listen, Igor, I'm upset, now I'm going to whine.
Hold on for half an hour, please, ok?”
Be prepared to act as an adviser to the guy in matters of the heart if you want to make friends with the guy.
Who better than you to explain to him that it was a bad idea to say to your beloved girl “You look 8 out of 10 today”? Can you help me choose a gift for March 8? Can you help me choose a bouquet?
For most guys, their work is very important.
Therefore, in order to really make friends with a guy, be prepared to listen to hour-long monologues about how freaks everyone at work is, and he is the only "handsome" one, or about the peculiarities of installing wooden stairs in two-story cottages. This means that you are really in the guy's trust zone.
By the way, you yourself can share some work problems and get good advice.
Be prepared for the fact that friendship with a guy is not based on sincere conversations (like with girls), but more on spending time together, pleasant emotions.
Therefore, if you want to make friends with a guy, you should muster up the courage and go with him to the pub, to football, in the end, to the next blockbuster in the cinema.
In a word, making friends with men is easy and pleasant. Here you just need to avoid one of the common mistakes.
How to make friends with a guy and not ruin everything: 5 common mistakes question.
However, you are not his girlfriend and should make this clear.
Although, if a man wants to please you on your birthday or March 8, then, as they say, he has the cards in his hands. Also, if a guy earns a lot more than you, there's nothing wrong with him occasionally paying for your cup of coffee or buying you a hot dog.
Do not show how close you are with a guy if he has a soul mate.
Don't make the poor girl nervous. At the same time, you, being in a relationship, emphasize to your boyfriend in every possible way that the guy with whom you made friends is just your friend.
Don't be too intrusive.
Hmm, that's 1-2 calls a week for you - catastrophically little, but what if the guy studies, and even works, goes in for sports? That's the same ... Sometimes it's enough just to know that you have a friend.
Do not climb into the soul without asking.
Guys, even the incredible guys you want to be friends with, often find it difficult to talk about personal things and share emotions. So do not drive the horses! Just quietly open up to a man, and he will definitely follow your example.
Keep your mouth shut if the guy you're friends with has confided something personal to you.
This girl will wave her hand, saying, “Well, what can I take from you? Itself such! ”, And the man, in most cases? does not forgive such things. He will simply move you from the category of friends to the category of just acquaintances.
And if you, as an experienced captain, guide your ship of friendship through these reefs, you will definitely get a real treasure - a strong male shoulder nearby.
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What to talk about with a young man? Tips for girls!
A real life story of how you can make friends with a guy once and for all
The author's friend Alina is a gentle and intelligent young lady. What was my surprise when I found out that she was friends with Andrei - a guy, of course, a good one, but, as they say, "from a bad area."
How to make a handmade gift for a guy?
As it turned out, Andrey just stood up for Alina when she was walking through that very bad area, and the local "masters of life" wanted to get to know her.
No, no, don't expect a romantic continuation here: the spark didn't fly between them, butterflies didn't flutter in the stomach, but, as it turned out, the guy just wanted to improve his English, and Alina worked as a tutor. Then the girl moved from one rented apartment to another and Andrei, puffed, but helped to carry the furniture. Then everything started spinning, spinning...
“Yes, I understand that you cannot discuss the next episode of The Bachelor with him over a cup of coffee, but if I need cold, sober, worldly advice, and not sympathy, this is for Andrey. Still, being friends with a guy is a great pleasure, ”Alina shared.
As you can see, with men you can not only build harmonious love relationships, but also truly friendly ones. And they will not be filled with “pink snot”, but with real mutual assistance, sincerity (they won’t be especially nasty with you here) and loyalty. So ask the question "How to make friends with a guy?" worth every girl.
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6 secrets on how to be friends with a man so as not to fall into love
of all individual characteristics, we can be each other's support and support. By the way, scientists from the University of North Carolina conducted studies that showed that a person who has friends is less likely to get sick, endure pain better, and generally enjoy life more. So why not take it as a motivation to make as many friends as possible? Speaking of male friends... Ladies, do you have any buddies with whom you have managed not to slip into a love relationship?
Is friendship between a man and a woman true or myth? Is it possible to just communicate with a guy without claiming to be his mistress in the future? Certainly. One has only to remember a few simple rules that will help both of you not slide into a romantic relationship or friend zone. Now we will tell you all about them.
1. Respect each other
Without mutual respect, no strong and lasting union will work. Photo © Freepik
Whether it is a love relationship or friendship, but without respect for each other, no strong and lasting union will work. Nothing prevents you from being friends, even if one of you got married, and the other is still in search of a life partner. It is important to remember: a woman and a man who are friends should not perceive themselves as a replacement for the other half of a friend / friend. Then there will be no jealousy on anyone's part. By the way, the lack of manipulation by friends is also about respect.
2. Agree on the boundaries of what is permitted
Do not touch a male friend too often - it is fraught with consequences. Photo © Freepik
To avoid misunderstandings or awkward moments in the future, it is best to sit down and seriously discuss personal boundaries from the very beginning. This is especially true for touch. A male friend should not be touched too often, even if he does not mind. Because at some point, he may interpret your embrace as a green light to something more.
3. Do not play family
Do not copy the behavior of couples on dates, spend leisure time with a male friend in a neutral way. Photo © Freepik
Another simple truth to avoid the risk of friendzone or falling in love is don't play family. What do we mean by this? Joint trips to the grocery, choosing furniture or decor in the apartment of one of you. Leave all this for the second halves, and with a friend you can go to the movies or take a walk in the park. Do not copy the behavior of couples on dates, spend leisure time with a male friend in a neutral way.
4. Don't spend too much time with each other
You shouldn't spend all your free time with a male friend. Photo © Freepik
Another important point that will help you avoid falling into a romantic relationship with a friend. Don't spend all your time with a male friend. Otherwise, you will both begin to unconsciously compare each other with potential partners and find only minuses in those. Because you already have emotional intimacy, as well as trust. Of course, someone will eventually fall in love. Therefore, you should clearly separate your and his space, as well as try not to intersect too often.
5. You shouldn't let your male friend know all the details of life
As soon as you start telling a man about everything that happens in your life, the risk of falling in love with him will increase. Photo © Freepik
Most of all it concerns problems and their solutions. Of course, you can ask a guy friend for advice, complain and ask for comfort, but not too often. As soon as you begin to devote a man to all areas of your life, and at the first stress you immediately start thinking about a particular friend, you can easily fall in love with him. In general, do not forget about the previous point: keep your distance.
6. No romance or flirting
Even jokingly, you should not show signs of sympathy for a male friend. Photo © Freepik
You shouldn't share your sympathy for a male friend even as a joke. Flirting and hints in the end will definitely end up with someone starting to have a sexual interest in another. In heterosexual couples of friends, this is normal and natural. But it is flirting, family games or imitations of dates that lead to inevitable falling in love. Do you need it?
Have you had such a thing in your life when a friend became a beloved guy?
Yes, at first he was in the friend zone, and now this handsome man is my husband.