How to lose your emotions

How to Control Your Emotions: 11 Strategies to Try

The ability to experience and express emotions is more important than you might realize.

As the felt response to a given situation, emotions play a key part in your reactions. When you’re in tune with them, you have access to important knowledge that helps with:

  • decision-making
  • relationship success
  • day-to-day interactions
  • self-care

While emotions can have a helpful role in your daily life, they can take a toll on your emotional health and interpersonal relationships when they start to feel out of control.

Vicki Botnick, a therapist in Tarzana, California, explains that any emotion — even elation, joy, or others you’d typically view as positive — can intensify to a point where it becomes difficult to control.

With a little practice, though, you can take back the reigns. Two studies from 2010 suggest that having good emotional regulation skills is linked to well-being. Plus, the second one found a potential link between these skills and financial success, so putting in some work on that front may literally pay off.

Here are some pointers to get you started.

Intense emotions aren’t all bad.

“Emotions make our lives exciting, unique, and vibrant,” Botnick says. “Strong feelings can signify that we embrace life fully, that we’re not repressing our natural reactions.”

It’s perfectly normal to experience some emotional overwhelm on occasion— when something wonderful happens, when something terrible happens, when you feel like you’ve missed out.

So, how do you know when there’s a problem?

Emotions that regularly get out of hand might lead to:

  • relationship or friendship conflict
  • difficulty relating to others
  • trouble at work or school
  • an urge to use substances to help manage your emotions
  • physical or emotional outbursts

Find some time to take stock of just how your uncontrolled emotions are affecting your day-to-day life. This will make it easier to identify problem areas (and track your success).

You can’t control your emotions with a dial (if only it were that easy!). But imagine, for a moment, that you could manage emotions this way.

You wouldn’t want to leave them running at maximum all the time. You also wouldn’t want to switch them off entirely, either.

When you suppress or repress emotions, you’re preventing yourself from experiencing and expressing feelings. This can happen consciously (suppression) or unconsciously (repression).

Either can contribute to mental and physical health symptoms, including:

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • sleep issues
  • muscle tension and pain
  • difficulty managing stress
  • substance misuse

When learning to exercise control over emotions, make sure you aren’t just sweeping them under the rug. Healthy emotional expression involves finding some balance between overwhelming emotions and no emotions at all.

Taking a moment to check in with yourself about your mood can help you begin gaining back control.

Say you’ve been seeing someone for a few months. You tried planning a date last week, but they said they didn’t have time. Yesterday, you texted again, saying, “I’d like to see you soon. Can you meet this week?”

They finally reply, more than a day later: “Can’t. Busy.”

You’re suddenly extremely upset. Without stopping to think, you hurl your phone across the room, knock over your wastebasket, and kick your desk, stubbing your toe.

Interrupt yourself by asking:

  • What am I feeling right now? (disappointed, confused, furious)
  • What happened to make me feel this way? (They brushed me off with no explanation.)
  • Does the situation have a different explanation that might make sense? (Maybe they’re stressed, sick, or dealing with something else they don’t feel comfortable explaining. They might plan to explain more when they can. )
  • What do I want to do about these feelings? (Scream, vent my frustration by throwing things, text back something rude.)
  • Is there a better way of coping with them? (Ask if everything’s OK. Ask when they’re free next. Go for a walk or run.)

By considering possible alternatives, you’re reframing your thoughts, which can help you modify your first extreme reaction.

It can take some time before this response becomes a habit. With practice, going through these steps in your head will become easier (and more effective).

If you’re trying to get better at managing emotions, you might try downplaying your feelings to yourself.

When you hyperventilate after receiving good news or collapse on the floor screaming and sobbing when you can’t find your keys, it might seem helpful to tell yourself, “Just calm down,” or “It’s not that big of a deal, so don’t freak out.”

But this invalidates your experience. It is a big deal to you.

Accepting emotions as they come helps you get more comfortable with them. Increasing your comfort around intense emotions allows you to fully feel them without reacting in extreme, unhelpful ways.

To practice accepting emotions, try thinking of them as messengers. They’re not “good” or “bad.” They’re neutral. Maybe they bring up unpleasant feelings sometimes, but they’re still giving you important information that you can use.

For example, try:

  • “I’m upset because I keep losing my keys, which makes me late. I should put a dish on the shelf by the door so I remember to leave them in the same place.”

Accepting emotions may lead to greater life satisfaction and fewer mental health symptoms. What’s more, people thinking of their emotions as helpful may lead to higher levels of happiness.

Writing down (or typing up) your feelings and the responses they trigger can help you uncover any disruptive patterns.

Sometimes, it’s enough to mentally trace emotions back through your thoughts. Putting feelings onto paper can allow you to reflect on them more deeply.

It also helps you recognize when specific circumstances, like trouble at work or family conflict, contribute to harder-to-control emotions. Identifying specific triggers makes it possible to come up with ways to manage them more productively.

Journaling provides the most benefit when you do it daily. Keep your journal with you and jot down intense emotions or feelings as they happen. Try to note the triggers and your reaction. If your reaction didn’t help, use your journal to explore more helpful possibilities for the future.

There’s much to be said for the power of a deep breath, whether you’re ridiculously happy or so angry you can’t speak.

Slowing down and paying attention to your breath won’t make the emotions go away (and remember, that’s not the goal).

Still, deep breathing exercises can help you ground yourself and take a step back from the first intense flash of emotion and any extreme reaction you want to avoid.

The next time you feel emotions starting to take control:

  • Breathe in slowly. Deep breaths come from the diaphragm, not the chest. It may help to visualize your breath rising from deep in your belly.
  • Hold it. Hold your breath for a count of three, then let it out slowly.
  • Consider a mantra. Some people find it helpful to repeat a mantra, like “I am calm” or “I am relaxed.”

There’s a time and place for everything, including intense emotions. Sobbing uncontrollably is a pretty common response to losing a loved one, for example. Screaming into your pillow, even punching it, might help you relieve some anger and tension after being dumped.

Other situations, however, call for some restraint. No matter how frustrated you are, screaming at your boss over an unfair disciplinary action won’t help.

Being mindful of your surroundings and the situation can help you learn when it’s OK to let feelings out and when you might want to sit with them for the moment.

Getting some distance from intense feelings can help you make sure you’re reacting to them in reasonable ways, according to Botnick.

This distance might be physical, like leaving an upsetting situation, for example. But you can also create some mental distance by distracting yourself.

While you don’t want to block or avoid feelings entirely, it’s not harmful to distract yourself until you’re in a better place to deal with them. Just make sure you do come back to them. Healthy distractions are only temporary.


  • taking a walk
  • watching a funny video
  • talking to a loved one
  • spending a few minutes with your pet

If you practice meditation already, it might be one of your go-to methods for coping with extreme feelings.

Meditation can help you increase your awareness of all feelings and experiences. When you meditate, you’re teaching yourself to sit with those feelings, to notice them without judging yourself or attempting to change them or make them go away.

As mentioned above, learning to accept all of your emotions can make emotional regulation easier. Meditation helps you increase those acceptance skills. It also offers other benefits, like helping you relax and get better sleep.

Our guide to different kinds of meditation can help you get started.

When you’re under a lot of stress, managing your emotions can become more difficult. Even people who generally can control their emotions well might find it harder in times of high tension and stress.

Reducing stress, or finding more helpful ways to manage it, can help your emotions become more manageable.

Mindfulness practices like meditation can help with stress, too. They won’t get rid of it, but they can make it easier to live with.

Other healthy ways to cope with stress include:

  • getting enough sleep
  • making time to talk (and laugh) with friends
  • exercise
  • spending time in nature
  • making time for relaxation and hobbies

If your emotions continue to feel overwhelming, it may be time to seek professional support.

Long-term or persistent emotional dysregulation and mood swings are linked to certain mental health conditions, including borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder. Trouble controlling emotions can also relate to trauma, family issues, or other underlying concerns, Botnick explains.

A therapist can offer compassionate, judgment-free support as you:

  • explore factors contributing to dysregulated emotions
  • address severe mood swings
  • learn how down-regulate intense feelings or up-regulate limited emotional expression
  • practice challenging and reframing feelings that cause distress

Mood swings and intense emotions can provoke negative or unwanted thoughts that eventually trigger feelings of hopelessness or despair.

This cycle can eventually lead to unhelpful coping methods like self-harm or even thoughts of suicide. If you begin thinking about suicide or have urges to self-harm, talk to a trusted loved one who can help you get support right away.

If you need help now

If you’re considering suicide or have thoughts of harming yourself, you can call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration at 800-662-HELP (4357).

The 24/7 hotline will connect you with mental health resources in your area. Trained specialists can also help you find your state’s resources for treatment if you don’t have health insurance.

Crystal Raypole has previously worked as a writer and editor for GoodTherapy. Her fields of interest include Asian languages and literature, Japanese translation, cooking, natural sciences, sex positivity, and mental health. In particular, she’s committed to helping decrease stigma around mental health issues.

16 Ways to Lose Feelings & Gain Control

You can learn how to be emotionless and heartless using these steps. But there are healthier alternatives to being cold-hearted and live a better life too!

It’s a strange place to be in, isn’t it? Wanting to know how to be emotionless and cold? On one hand, we have psychopaths and narcissists at one end of the spectrum who can’t empathize or experience normal feelings. And on the other hand, we have you, on the other end of the spectrum, wanting to learn ways to feel heartless and become emotionless.

It’s possible, and we’ll show you how to be emotionless and harden your heart like a rock. But where is this pain coming from? Why would someone who is gifted with empathy, love and emotions want to throw it all away to turn into a zombie without emotions?

Why you’re hurting and why it’s okay to feel hurt

Everybody hurts. And when that happens, we feel stupid and weak, and helpless. And you’d be willing to do anything to never feel this way again.

Is it because of your lover? Is it your friends who made you feel weak and stupid? Or is it someone at work? Or life, perhaps?

You need to remember that some of us are more sensitive than others, and that’s okay. It’s a gift of empathy and feelings you need to be proud of having. Experiencing feelings deeply doesn’t make you weak. It’s what makes you a good friend, lover and an overall better human being.

Yes, the world may be more shallow and narcissistic these days, and everyone focuses more on the superficial than real feelings. But do you really want to be one of them?

[Read: How to get over feeling unwanted in life and start feeling desirable again]

You’re sensitive, and you should love yourself for it

Remember this, you’re not too sensitive if you get hurt by someone else’s actions. Calling you “sensitive” is an excuse shitty people use when they want to hurt you and expect you to just accept it.

If you want to be happy, allow yourself to feel these emotions instead of trying to learn how to be emotionless. But on the other hand, if you do think you’re really sensitive and find yourself taking offense for the smallest of reasons, here’s something you need to check out – How to stop being so sensitive all the time. It can help you understand what makes you sensitive and how you can overcome it.

People care, they just pretend they don’t!

Before you go learning how to be emotionless below, here’s an honest truth you should know. Everyone cares! Everyone is emotional!

But they just hide it really well behind a veil of nonchalance. Do you ever wonder why so many of us spend every free minute furiously scrolling through the same apps, watching Netflix or staying distracted on social media? That’s because any time left to ourselves and our own minds makes us think and feel emotions. And people don’t want to do that. Instead, they just want to distract themselves and pretend their house isn’t on fire when the world around them is burning.

You feel emotions, so it means you’re able to connect with your thoughts without being distracted by them, and that’s a good thing to feel!

[Read: Why you feel unloved and the different ways to fix it yourself]

The first step in learning how to lose your strong emotions

There are some of us who are just more sensitive than others. Being highly emotional is a difficult way to go through life. Feeling like you are on an emotional roller coaster all of the time is not only tiring, it can leave you feeling lost.

If you are someone who takes things to heart easily, don’t worry, you can learn how to be emotionless when it is called for. The key is to know when to invest the energy and when just to let it go. We’ll share the best ways you can use below. And as much as you’re using this guide to stop having emotions and grow a cold heart, always remember that having emotions is a good thing, as long as you can control it and your emotions don’t hurt others.

How to be emotionless and cold hearted

Emotions are pretty powerful things when used for the right reasons. If you have a hard time with them overpowering you, it can leave you feeling drained and in a constant state of stress. Learning to let go of things you can’t control is the best way to decipher when you should get wrapped up in something or to just walk away.

For a highly sensitive person, learning how to be emotionless takes practice and mindfulness. It is about catching yourself before you fall into the endless emotional pit. Here are some ways you can do it.

[Read: The raw psychological effects of being ignored by someone you love]

1. Cut your empathy down.

Empathy is a very important part of humanity, but being overly empathetic can leave you feeling like a weeping wound. There are things that you can feel for other people, and then there are times when you have to reserve feelings for yourself and your own situation.

You can’t possibly take the weight of the world on your shoulders, so don’t let everyone else’s misfortune weigh down on you so heavily. [Read: 20 signs you’re a people pleaser and just don’t know it]

2. Stop being everyone’s counselor.

When you are an emotional person, you have a tendency to put more thought and concern into other people. That can leave you feeling like a counselor to everyone you know. Because you are a good listener and care deeply for others, it can feel like all of your emotional energy is being spent helping out your friends and family members.

If you want to know how to be emotionless, sometimes, you just have to not answer the phone or not be the one who drops everything to help someone through their emotional crisis. Likely, you have enough on your own emotional plate. [Read: 16 signs you’re being taken for granted by the ones you love]

3. Stop internalizing.

When someone is in a bad mood or does something to you, emotional people have a tendency to take it on themselves or to internalize it. That can leave you with a whole lot of unresolved feelings, continual guilt, and doubt about who you are.

If someone is being crappy, rude, or downright nasty *and you haven’t done anything*, release them with love. You can’t be responsible for other people’s feelings or rude behavior. If you haven’t done anything wrong to them, then that is on them.

If you are a social-phobe, don’t stick yourself into situations that are going to provoke high stress. Being emotional makes it more difficult to be in tense or stressful social situations.

If you know that going to a family wedding is going to let out your emotional monsters, then skip it. You don’t have to do things that aren’t good for you. [Read: Too empathetic? How to detach yourself and have a better life]

5. Put yourself first.

For some people, hearing someone else’s emotional turmoil is cathartic. To those who are full of emotion, it can be like an endless roller coaster. If you are the person who puts everyone and their emotional needs above you, then it is time to make an oath to put yourself first.

People who are highly emotional have a hard time investing in their own well-being. You don’t have to be super human or put others before you. When you want to know how to be emotionless, you have to put your own needs above others’ in your life.

If you are knee-deep in something, stop bringing in more shovels to put you under. Figure out your own shit before you worry about other people. [Read: How self respect affects you and all your relationships with others]


Try to listen without feelings.

Emotional people have a tendency to insert themselves into a situation and navigate it imaginarily through emotions to check out all angles. If you have a problem, step back, and out, to see what is going on rationally, instead of trying to figure out the emotions of it.

Seeing a problem is much easier when you take all the feeling out of the scenario. It also saves you a whole lot of wasted emotional energy.

7. Break up with drama.

If you have someone in your life who is continually putting you over the emotional edge, then that may be more toxins than you need in life. Some people like to be the martyr and create drama to get attention.

They often turn to people in their lives who care, and that is likely you. If you have someone who always seems to be in crisis mode, stop letting them use your emotional energy to get their fill.

It is okay to cut someone loose if they are demanding too much of your energy. They will find someone else to listen to their woes and problems, and you won’t find yourself being sucked in.

Drama queens want all the drama, but they never want to take steps to change their situation. They just use your emotional energy to fulfill their needs and then walk home happy as a clam, leaving you in their wake until they need their fill again. Ditch ‘em! [Read: 17 types of bad friends you need to unfriend from your life]

8. Clean your surroundings.

You may wonder how learning to be emotionless has anything to do with the clutter on your table or in your house. But it does play a big part. When you’re surrounded by clutter and find yourself unorganized, your mind stays unorganized, your thoughts are muddled and confused. Every waking minute is filled with confusion and chaos instead of a streamlined thought flow.

Clear the clutter in your life, and your mind will feel clear. You’d feel more in control of your life, and less controlled by your emotions. Inner peace is everything when it comes to getting a grip on your emotions.

9. Avoid helplessness.

This may be caused because of work, your relationship, or your friendships. But if there’s a part of your life that makes you feel overwhelmed by emotions in a negative way, it’s time to cut them out. You may be sensitive, but that doesn’t give anyone in your life the excuse to treat you like dirt.

When you feel helpless, you start to feel more emotional and distressed. Avoid the people who make you feel helpless, and regain control over your life again. You’ll find that learning how to be emotionless comes easier when you own your own feelings, instead of letting someone else control it.

[Read: How to find yourself again after a seriously low point in life]

10. Seeking validation from others.

No one knows you better than you. And yet, do you constantly go seeking validation from others to make yourself feel better? Love yourself, focus on yourself and believe in yourself. If the number of social media likes or how many friends you had around you on your birthday defines how emotionally happy you are, that’s a recipe for disaster. [Read: When your friends don’t wish you happy birthday – The power play games they’re trying]

As hard as it is, don’t rely on others to create the happiness in your life. Love yourself and learn to create happiness from within. Do this, and it’ll help you control your emotions a lot better. [Read: How to focus on yourself – 27 ways to create your own sunshine]

11. Apologizing and obsessing.

Do you apologize to others all the time, for the smallest slights? Do you find yourself obsessing over some mistake you did, even if it’s something the other person doesn’t care about? Maybe now is the time to learn to stop apologizing for things that aren’t directly in your control.

When you apologize for everything, you take the blame for everything that goes wrong. And that makes you more emotional, guilty, and sad. Own responsibility for the mistakes you make, but stop believing that everyone deserves an apology because you choose to put yourself first for once.


Implosive anger.

Do you hold everything that upsets you inside, until you can’t hold it anymore and then explode? Of course, if you’re doing this, you’d want to learn how to be emotionless! But you need to ask yourself here, do you want to be emotionless, or do you need to learn how to express your emotions better?

If you can learn to speak your mind, honestly and politely, in the first place, there would have been no reason for you to build your rage to the point where you have to lose it! Sometimes, it isn’t about learning how it be emotionless, it’s more about learning how to express your emotions better. [Read: How to express your feelings and get your point across the right way]

13. Distract yourself momentarily.

We’ve mentioned earlier that people use distractions to stop feeling emotions, and that’s a bad thing. But sometimes, 30 minutes of a healthy distraction can help you calm down and collect your thoughts. Remember, when you’re trying to figure out how to be emotionless, what you really want to know is how to stop feeling the pain of those emotions. So a healthy distraction can be a good escape, as long as you use it wisely.

14. Meditate.

Yoga kicks ass when it comes to controlling your feelings and emotions. Not into yoga? Just sit down anywhere you’re comfortable, set the timer on your phone for 10 minutes, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Literally, that’s all you need to do to start feeling in control again, and lose all the chaotic emotions you feel right now! [Read: 14 really quick stress busters to quickly recharge your mind and feel peace]

15. Don’t give power to unhealthy thoughts.

We’re human, we can think. But that doesn’t mean every thought that passes through your mind is healthy for you. Self-deprecation, self-hate, feeling like a loser, or hating yourself for feeling too emotional – these are the thoughts you don’t ever have to believe in, or give power to. Every time you think something negative about yourself, say something positive using your words to give strength to yourself and your self-belief.

16. Let go of control.

This is very important when learning how to become emotionless. Why do we become emotionless in the first place? It’s because something doesn’t go according to our plans. You imagine a scenario in your mind, and someone else screws it up and destroys your perfectly-built fantasy.

When you try to control your surroundings, or the people in your life, it’s inevitable that you’re going to feel more emotional. You’re depending on others to keep you emotionally stable. How can that work when every human has their own thoughts, desires and there own dreams to follow? Go with the flow, let go of control, and you won’t feel the need to feel emotionless.

[Read: 20 glaring signs you have a control freak in you and need to fix it!]

How to be emotionless in a relationship

Being emotionless in a relationship is just like being emotionless in any other part of your life. You should stop seeking control, stop repressing your feelings, and learn to communicate your feelings openly with each other.

If you feel the need to become emotionless and heartless in a relationship, it only means one thing. There isn’t healthy communication between the two of you. Read this article for 14 tips on how both of you can learn to communicate better with each other.

Try it, and if it doesn’t work, perhaps, the two of you aren’t a good fit.

Learning to be emotionless and heartless vs. Learning to control and understand your emotions

Being emotional is something that some people are born with, but others lack it. If you are someone who admires the person who can walk away without a care in the world, who lacks empathy, and puts themselves first, there are things you can do to cut back on the emotions that you expend. You can stop the energy you put out and the continual roller coaster you find yourself on.

The good news is that although you feel for everyone else, and it can seem like a curse, it isn’t all bad. Feelings are good things, as is being empathetic. If you use your emotional energy in the right way, it can end up making not just everyone else feel good, but also yourself.

If you want to know how to be emotionless, it is all about learning when you should invest and when to shut it out. You can learn to be less emotional and more in control of your feelings while still being the person you were meant to be!

Want to read more about getting your emotions under control? Try these:

Why am I so emotional? Science has the answers you may not expect

The mysterious factors that play a big part in your emotional stability

19 signs of emotional damage and all the ways to get past them

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How to turn off emotions: practical advice from psychologists


  • Understanding our own emotions
  • Salvation balcony
  • We train our own imagination
  • Learning to Express Emotions
  • Trust your emotions to paper
  • Jogging
  • Meditations: ancient practices to help modern times
  • 10 by 10 by 10 rule

Often, emotions and feelings overwhelm you, trying to escape at the most inopportune or unnecessary moment for you. Not everyone knows how to hide or disable them. Practicing psychologists give some advice that will not solve the problem immediately, but will help gradually.

Different human emotions

Understanding your own emotions

First of all, understand the reason for your own state: analysis of emotions will allow you to take the path to correct the situation. As psychologists say, increased emotionality can be the result of the following:

  • you yourself are too emotional a person - this is your character trait;
  • a certain situation that provoked emotions reminded of negative events from the past.

Relevant observations should be carried out for at least a month or two, compiling your own statistics of the causes and situations that drive you crazy. And then analyze and apply the data in practice. nine0003

If you are in a situation that can provoke an attack of uncontrollable outburst of emotions, stay ahead of it. For example, move away from her to the side or switch your attention to other issues.

The main thing is to be proactive

Saving balcony

Work on control, and just turning off your own feelings and emotions is painstaking, but you can activate the "off" by simply going out to the balcony or street. This technique is suitable only for those , who can quickly switch their own consciousness from a problem to another.

"Wonder Balcony" will help at the very beginning of the conflict, and when emotions begin to overflow. Here it is important to step back from the situation and look at yourself from the outside. See the problem in black and white, without coloring the words and actions. In psychology, this practice is called self-reflection. Try on the eyes of a friend or an enemy looking at you from the side at the moment of the boiling of emotions.

Analyze the situation, ask yourself: “What exactly do I think about at the moment of an emotional outburst, how do I behave in society, in public?” This visualization of your explosion of feelings will allow you to muffle them, so to speak, by airing your head in the fresh air of your own balcony - an island of solitude and tranquility. nine0003

The way to turn off emotions is to go out to your balcony

We train our own imagination

If you encounter an explosion of emotions in the process of talking or experiencing a negative situation, if you want to suppress feelings, know how to fantasize. Replace your negative emotions with any picture: for example, how you walk through the forest or the seashore, the main thing is that it should evoke a positive attitude.

But don't go too deep into your own fantasies. Your consciousness, even if a part of it, must remain alert, react soberly and adequately to current problems. nine0003

Learning to Express Emotions

Choose a secluded, safe place to express your overwhelmed emotions. Give vent to your feelings, cry or punch a pear.

This way you will not only give vent to negativity, but will also be able to control it

Trust your emotions to paper

Yes, that's right: start a diary, make it a habit to write down your own feelings and emotions, everything that can provoke negativity. The analysis will allow in the future to find a method to suppress negative emotions, nullify and exclude the occurrence of such situations in the future. nine0003

In addition, according to psychologists, spelling and displaying thoughts on paper will help overcome nervous tension and negative emotions, and suppress unpleasant feelings.

Switching off feelings by putting them on paper


Either to the gym, or to the swimming pool, or just to the nearest stadium. Physical activity and activity will not only keep the body in great shape, but also increase the level of the happy hormone endorphin in the blood. And, as a result, it will help you control your own negativity, a negative reaction to people, words, events. Especially relevant for emotional people grounding technique : learn to be one with the earth, walk barefoot on the grass, listen to the sound of the wind in the leaves and the surf on the seashore.

Meditations: Ancient Practices to Help the Present

The ability to meditate is a great opportunity not only to disconnect from the world around you, but also to cleanse your own consciousness of accumulated negativity. The practice of meditation provides for the following points on the way to control your own emotions and feelings:

  1. Focus on the process of breathing - deep breaths in and out. Mentally get rid of all the negativity with the exhaled air. Does not work? Count your inhales/exhales by holding a rosary, for example. nine0006
  2. Combine meditation and yoga for best results.

But it is better not to study on your own, relying on materials from the Internet, but to enroll in courses where practicing meters will act as a teacher.

Meditation as a way to turn off emotions

Rule 10 by 10 by 10

If feelings overwhelm you, and the future is seen as in a fog, look at your own problems, the state of affairs, as if from the outside. And, as an option to deal with momentary negative feelings and emotions, apply the 10 by 10 by 10 rule. What is its essence? Just ask yourself three questions:

  1. What exactly will I think about my decision 10 minutes later?
  2. How will I feel about the decision/situation 10 months later?
  3. How will your opinion about your decision change after 10 years?

This will allow you to distract yourself from the negative for a while and align your own emotional aura

But the main thing to understand is that the answer given to the question will not always be correct, but the method can guarantee that momentary negative energy and nervousness are temporary. And after a while, when the storm subsides, and emotions recede into the background, you will be able to soberly and realistically assess the situation yourself. nine0003

Additional information on the topic in video:

5 effective tricks to control your emotions

Content of the article

Recently, more and more people began to talk about emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a set of human skills with which he can recognize his own and others' emotions, control and manage them. The ability to restrain your emotions will come in handy in almost any area of ​​life - from personal relationships with loved ones to working negotiations with colleagues, management, clients. Emotions can overtake at the most inopportune moment, preventing rational thinking from finding the right solution. Therefore, it is important to learn to control yourself in order to understand your true desires and motives. We have collected 5 simple tricks from the free online course "Emotional Intelligence" that will help you work through emotions in the moment and avoid unpleasant consequences. nine0003

Detachment from what is happening

Negative emotions in most cases arise at the moment when another person takes out his discontent, evil, bad mood or resentment on you. We automatically want to respond in kind, to protect ourselves from the flow of negativity. But such action can only exacerbate the situation. At this moment, it is better not to react to the emotional manifestations of a person, skip unpleasant words past you and not let emotions take over you. Get distracted by something, go somewhere else. Let the person cool down and try starting the conversation again. nine0003


Sometimes we are overcome by strong anger, at this moment it is difficult to quickly calm down and come to our senses. Try to look at the problem from a different angle. Think that this situation is another experience in life that just needs to be experienced. Emotional outbursts make us stronger and more resilient, so everything must be treated philosophically.

Learn more