How to know if someone is psychopath
Meaning, Signs, and vs. Sociopath
Psychopathy, while not a clinical diagnosis, often refers to someone with antisocial personality disorder.
Few psychology terms stir up confusion like “psychopath.” Even though it’s commonly (though incorrectly) used to describe someone who has a mental health condition, “psychopath” is not an official diagnosis. Instead, it’s an informal term often used for a condition called antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5) does not list psychopathy as an official clinical diagnosis.
The true definition of a psychopath in psychiatry refers to someone with ASPD, explains Dr. Prakash Masand, a psychiatrist and co-founder of the Centers of Psychiatric Excellence. ASPD describes a condition marked by patterns of manipulation tactics and violation of others.
Masand says one thing that can be confusing about ASPD is the phrase “antisocial.”
“Most people might assume this describes someone who is reserved, a loner, keeps to himself, etc. However, this is not the case in ASPD,” he explains. “When we say antisocial in ASPD, it means someone who goes against society, rules, and other behaviors that are more commonplace.”
While some clinicians regard psychopathy as a more severe subtype of ASPD, the general consensus is that psychopathy falls under the umbrella of ASPD. In this article, we refer to information about ASPD.
Read on to learn more important information about ASPD, such as the signs, diagnostic criteria, and treatment options.
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Since the term “psychopath” is not an official diagnosis, experts refer to the signs described under ASPD. According to Masand, some of the more common signs of ASPD can include:
- behavior that conflicts with social norms
- disregarding or violating the rights of others
- inability to distinguish between right and wrong
- difficulty with showing remorse or empathy
- tendency to lie often
- manipulating and hurting others
- recurring problems with the law
- general disregard toward safety and responsibility
- expressing anger and arrogance on a regular basis
Other possible signs of ASPD include a tendency to engage in behavior that’s reckless, impulsive, or may lead to harmful consequences.
Masand says someone exhibiting this behavior may also:
- lack deep emotional connections
- have a superficial charm about them
- be very aggressive
- get very angry sometimes
Additionally, people with ASPD may not react as if they have hurt someone, and they may be impulsive or abusive and may lack remorse. In the case of ASPD, abusive doesn’t necessarily mean violent.
In addition to the signs and behaviors, Masand says there are certain characteristics that are more prevalent in people with ASPD:
- ASPD is more common in men than women.
- Technically, to receive an ASPD diagnosis, you have to be at least 18 years old. But some children will show signs of conduct disorder, which may be an early indicator of ASPD.
- ASPD is a chronic (long-term) condition that seems to improve with age, and remittance (no longer showing signs of antisocial behavior) is possible.
- Mortality rates are higher in people with ASPD because of their behavior patterns.
Since psychopathy is not an official mental health condition, the condition experts diagnose is ASPD. This is one of four cluster B personality disorders outlined by the DSM-5, and the other three are:
- borderline personality disorder (BPD)
- histrionic personality disorder (HPD)
- narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)
Before explaining the criteria used to diagnose ASPD, it’s important to mention that diagnosing and treating ASPD presents some unique challenges.
According to Masand, ASPD can be difficult to treat because the person who needs help often doesn’t believe there is a problem with their behavior. As a result, they rarely seek treatment.
That said, according to the established guidelines used to diagnose ASPD, the behavior generally begins by age 15 or in the teenage years. However, Masand says a true ASPD diagnosis is not made until the age of 18.
“For most people, the worst of the behavior occurs in the late teen years throughout the twenties,” he explains.
Diagnostic criteria
To get a proper diagnosis, a mental health professional will conduct a full mental health evaluation. During this process, the mental health professional will evaluate a person’s:
- thoughts
- feelings
- behavior patterns
- relationships
The mental health professional will identify symptoms and compare them with the ASPD criteria in the DSM-5.
In order to receive a diagnosis of ASPD, a person must show a pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others. This is indicated by three or more of the following criteria, according to the DSM-5:
- failure to conform to social norms concerning lawful behaviors, such as performing acts that are grounds for arrest
- deceitfulness, repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for pleasure or personal profit
- impulsivity or failure to plan
- irritability and aggressiveness, often with physical fights or assaults
- reckless disregard for the safety of self or others
- consistent irresponsibility, failure to sustain consistent work behavior, or honor monetary obligations
- lack of remorse, being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another person
The mental health professional will also look at a person’s medical history. This full evaluation is a critical step since people with ASPD often have other mental health and substance use disorders.
Because a true ASPD diagnosis is typically delayed until the age of 18, adolescents and teens who display similar symptoms are often evaluated for conduct disorder (CD) or oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).
Of the two behavior disorders, CD is more severe than ODD.
When determining if a child has ODD, mental health professionals will look at how they act around people they know. Typically, someone with ODD is more likely to act oppositional or defiant around family members, teachers, or a healthcare professional.
If an adolescent or teen shows an ongoing pattern of aggression toward others and regularly makes choices in opposition to the rules and social norms at home, at school, or with peers, a clinician may decide to evaluate for CD.
To receive a diagnosis of ASPD before the age of 18, a teen must also have a previous diagnosis of CD by age 15.
“Psychopath” and “sociopath” are often used interchangeably to informally describe someone with ASPD. Since sociopath is also not an official diagnosis, it typically joins psychopath under the umbrella diagnosis of ASPD. There is no clinical difference between the two terms.
Both psychopathy and sociopathy are other terms or ways to describe ASPD. The behaviors that are often seen in both tend to fall under the criteria of ASPD.
While the exact cause of ASPD is not known, researchers believe that its development may involve a combination of environmental and genetic factors.
More research needs to be done to understand the genetic aspects of ASPD. Previous research estimates that between 38 and 69 percent of cases may be hereditary.
Additionally, some of the environmental triggers of ASPD may include childhood neglect and other adverse experiences, such as childhood abuse.
ASPD may also be seen in people who previously received a diagnosis of CD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Like the diagnostic process, treating someone with traits that fall under the ASPD diagnosis can be difficult. Typically, a doctor may recommend a combination of psychotherapy (talk therapy) and medication.
While no evidence supports that any medication or form of psychotherapy can cure ASPD, these methods may still help manage some of the symptoms, like impulsivity and aggression, and improve quality of life.
According to a 2015 review, early interventions in adolescents and teens who received a diagnosis of CD may also help prevent ASPD.
The researchers in the 2015 review also found that for some people with ASPD, the condition may improve or remit as they get older — with improvement occurring at a median age of 35. They also found that people with stronger social ties and support, such as a spouse or family, were more likely to experience remission.
Psychotherapy may be helpful in understanding how the disorder can impact your life and relationships. A mental health professional will work to develop strategies that help decrease the severity of the symptoms.
If medication is part of the treatment plan, a doctor might prescribe medications that treat related mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, or symptoms of aggression.
Options may include:
- antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or bupropion
- antipsychotics
- anticonvulsants
The word “psychopath” is often informally used to describe someone with ASPD.
ASPD is notthe same as being “antisocial.” It primarily involves behavior that conflicts with social norms, as well as a general lack of disregard for others.
Despite the complexities surrounding ASPD, a mental health professional may be able to identify this condition and offer treatment that can help.
Read this article in Spanish.
5 Ways to Spot a Psychopath
The term psychopath is used often, but many people don’t know its true meaning. So what does it mean, and how can you recognize the signs of psychopathy?
Many people think a psychopath is someone who’s inherently violent, but this isn’t always the case. Psychopathy is also often confused with being a “sociopath,” or having sociopathy.
In reality, neither psychopathy nor sociopathy is a true mental health diagnosis. In the world of psychiatry, both fall under the umbrella of a condition called antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).
Eric Patterson, a licensed professional counselor based in Cabot, Pennsylvania, explains that there’s a lot of misinformation out there about psychopathy: “Calling someone a ‘psycho’ comes with a very negative connotation.”
“Shifting to a diagnosis like antisocial personality disorder allows experts to use a set of diagnostic criteria to make a diagnosis,” says Patterson.
With so much confusion about the term psychopathy and psychopath, how can you tell if someone has antisocial personality disorder? Here are some signs and symptoms:
A disregard for others is one of the most prominent signs of ASPD, says Patterson. This behavior involves violating other people’s rights and the laws set in place by society.
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5), people with ASPD show a pattern of disregard for the rights of others. When diagnosing ASPD, experts look for a pattern of behavior starting around age 15.
But the onset of symptoms for this personality disorder often occur earlier.
A person with ASPD may not follow societal norms, and they might do things that other people consider unlawful. In some cases, they may be arrested for their behavior.
People with ASPD are unaffected by how their actions impact others.
Research from 2018 suggests that people with psychopathy have the capacity to see things from another person’s perspective — but they’re not skilled at this, which contributes to their disregard for those around them.
People with ASPD are also likely to participate in deceitful behavior that involves frequent lying. They may even lie about their name and use aliases or other identities.
Typically, the lies represent an effort to get something out of someone else, such as sex or financial gain.
They may manipulate people by turning on charm and using flattery. The manipulation may also involve emotional abuse or blackmail.
It’s important to note that not all psychopaths are physically aggressive. But a common trait among people with ASPD is that they act in aggressive or very irritable ways.
Although this aggression can involve physical fights, the aggressiveness doesn’t have to be physical. It can also involve verbal abuse.
People with ASPD may act impulsively. This means they do things without considering the consequences.
When behaving in “risky” ways, they might not think about their own safety or the safety of others.
Partly because of this impulsiveness, people with ASPD are more likely than others to have substance use disorders.
People with ASPD also have a higher chance of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) due to impulsive sexual behaviors, and may have earlier mortality than people without the disorder — due to accidents, injuries, and suicide.
Whether a person with ASPD manipulates, lies, or does something illegal, the overarching theme is that they lack remorse for their actions. In other words, they don’t feel guilt about what they’ve done.
People with ASPD may also try to rationalize the harm they’ve caused.
Patterson points out that not all people have all the symptoms of ASPD. “One person may aggressively confront and harm people physically, while another could covertly manipulate others,” he says.
So psychopathic traits may vary from person to person.
And although violence may be a symptom of a person’s aggression, not all psychopaths are physically violent.
Ultimately, people with ASPD use others to get what they want. For people with ASPD, the end justifies the means to the extreme.
Psychopathy is not an official diagnosis in the DSM-5. Instead, experts diagnose people who have the above symptoms with antisocial personality disorder.
“Some think that since antisocial personality disorder affects loved ones and others in the community more than the person with the actual condition, that the condition is not a mental health condition,” says Patterson.
But this is a poor way to categorize a mental health condition, he adds, citing that other conditions like oppositional defiant disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may also affect those around the person more than the person with the condition.
Patterson explains that professionals who assess for antisocial personality disorder include:
- professional counselors
- psychologists
- psychiatrists
An assessment typically involves a semi-structured interview.
Patterson adds that because people with ASPD are likely to blame others for their behaviors and decisions, a mental health professional may also talk with family members or other people in the person’s life.
This type of history-taking may provide a better understanding of the person than just the interview itself. That’s because a person with ASPD is likely to lie and manipulate during this type of interview.
Another diagnostic tool is the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R). It’s extremely important for those using this assessment tool to use it correctly. Researchers initially devised this checklist to diagnose specific male adult populations, such as males in correctional institutions.
Evidence suggests that qualified mental health professionals may also use it with female and teen offenders, as well as sex offenders.
The DSM-5 outlines that to receive a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder, a person must display a pattern of at least three outlined behaviors since the age of 15. However, professionals only diagnose the disorder in people over age 18.
According to the DSM-5, to receive a diagnosis of ASPD, a person’s antisocial traits must not happen only during schizophrenia or bipolar disorder episodes.
ASPD, or psychopathy, is a lifelong disorder.
Experts have found that ASPD is a difficult mental health condition to treat. But some treatments, such as antipsychotic medication, may help with certain symptoms such as aggressiveness.
That said, because people with ASPD often rationalize and blame others for their behaviors and problems, it’s unlikely they will go looking for treatment on their own.
If you’ve been affected by someone with ASPD, you may not be able to help that person. But resources are available to help you heal.
The nonprofit organization Aftermath: Surviving Psychopathy Foundation offers resources for people who have been victimized by someone with psychopathy.
Resources include:
- workshops
- a survivor forum
- web conversations with psychopathy experts
- tips for recovery
Another helpful resource is PsychopathyIs, another nonprofit that aims to raise awareness about psychopathy and its interventions. They also offer resources for parents and a useful list of professionals with experience treating personality disorders.
You may also find it helpful to reach out to a mental health professional for help in the aftermath of abuse.
And remember that just because someone with psychopathy has harmed you, it does not mean there’s something wrong with you. You aren’t at fault.
90,000 how to recognize a psychopath?In society there are always people with non-standard thinking, impulsive, perky character - favorites of the public, playing a specific role, hidden behind a mask of fictitious feelings. Emotional openness or psychopathy - a deliberate plan of action in achieving goals? You can determine the subtle play of nature, you just have to wait for the right moment.
What is psychopathy?
The word psychopathy consists of two parts: "psyche" in Greek - soul and "pathos" - suffering. Psychopathy is a congenital or acquired in early childhood deviation in the functioning of the nervous system. Deformed development of volitional character traits that expresses the personality in society. Signs of psychopathy appear in early childhood, such behavior in psychologically healthy people does not occur in adulthood:
- high vulnerability of feelings, developing into an uncontrolled outburst of negative emotions - one of the main signs of psychopathy;
- unrestrained character, hard to adapt personality in social terms - quarrels with relatives and colleagues based on personal self-hypnosis of a psychopath, a tendency to embellish circumstances;
- indifference to the feelings and problems of other people, disregard for the norms of social behavior, the manifestation of violence and aggression to achieve personal needs; nine0012
- psychopaths do not have feelings of guilt, making mistakes that entailed punishment is not subject to analysis - experience.
Psychopathy in psychology
A psychopath is originally an egoist, it is important for him to be in the center of attention, and no matter for what reason. The desire of a person to become a leader and attract the attention of others is the norm for him. Emotionally unbalanced individuals suffering from psychopathy can easily betray, they are cowardly. A psychopath easily turns an important task assigned, but not completed, into a scandal. nine0003
Psychologists answer the question whether psychopathy is a disease or a character, a non-affirmative answer is the line between a healthy and pathological state of the psyche. Such personalities do not suffer from dementia or low intelligence, they are often successfully realized in creative professions that require expressions of an emotional state.
Psychopaths are great at manipulating the feelings of others, pretending to be a victim or expressing "genuine" sympathy. Symptoms of psychopathy are often confused with manifestations of neuroses. nine0003
Sociopath and psychopath - the difference
A distinctive feature that distinguishes a psychopath from a sociopath is remorse. A psychopath does not have such at all, and a sociopath has hesitations about bad deeds. A sociopath, unlike a psychopath, finds it difficult to pretend in society to achieve benefits; in communicating with others, he openly demonstrates personal interests, often makes rash spontaneous actions. A psychopath, on the contrary, never publicly recognizes a personal interest, and it is easy to pretend to achieve what you want, sometimes developing tactics of behavior. nine0003
Psychopathy - causes
Psychopathy occurs on the basis of birth trauma of the head, encephalitis, genetic predisposition and as a result of improper upbringing of the child, alcoholism of parents. If life circumstances that cause psychopathic syndromes in a person are minimized, then the manifestation of symptoms decreases. The first signs of psychopathy appear in early childhood and over the years become more pronounced - exacerbation of symptoms that form antisocial behavior of the individual. nine0003
Signs of a psychopath
There are a number of behavioral signs to recognize a psychopath. Ignoring the general norms of behavior for a person suffering from psychopathy is the standard. The psychopath lacks the skills to establish social connections, there are no long-term friendships. To determine psychopathy, a person must have several essential characteristics, congenital or acquired over the years, qualities:
- short sleep duration; nine0011 lack of gratitude;
- high rancor;
- inconsistency and a bunch of started unfinished business;
- frequent change of work and stereotypes of thinking;
- permanent false;
- own moral laws, far from legal norms;
- instant occurrence of states of rage;
- accusing the opponent of lies and shortcomings, at the slightest conflict;
- frequent change of character masks, convincing play on the feelings of other people; nine0012
- lack of long-term love relationships;
- extreme hobbies;
- sexual perversity;
- baseless jealousy;
- no danger reflex;
- possessing attractiveness and charm, the presence of high intellectual inclinations;
- non-standard points of thinking.
Psychopathy - signs in men
Thoughtful tactics of behavior in society, excellent disguise of real facts, is inherent in male psychopaths. It is difficult to recognize a man as a psychopath with a short acquaintance. High success at work and business, an attractive demeanor and high activity - thought out to the smallest detail behavior in society. A woman caught in the network of a psychopath sees the real face of her chosen one late - domestic violence is a norm for him that cannot be eradicated. nine0003
Psychopathy - signs in women
Psychopathy in women is manifested by signs of irascibility and emotional imbalance, frequent depression. Callousness of the soul and neglect of the feelings of loved ones are habitual for her. A psychopath woman is of interest to most men, her cold calculation is built on personal interests, there is no feeling of love, but selfishness is developed, which manifests itself in adolescence.
What are psychopaths afraid of?
You can determine the type of behavior of a psychopath by applying the rules of behavior, they will help to establish communication in a team, smooth out the sharp edges of relations between relatives. The best way out is to avoid the manipulation of feelings, in the interests of the psychopath. The disease psychopathy is usually divided into groups, with the main symptom characterizing a particular type of personality disorder:
Paranoid psychopathy - individuals with this disorder suspect everyone of bad intentions, are extremely observant, meticulous and curious about someone else's life, the manifestation of emotions in others, who are prescribed insidious plans. nine0003
Schizoid psychopathy - such people do not like to express emotions and communicate, choosing a profession, they prefer work with minimal human contact.
Hysterical psychopathy - individuals with such a disorder are afraid to be left without attention to their person, creative abilities, they react sharply to criticism.
Excitable psychopathy - such psychopaths are characterized by groundless bouts of anger, jealousy, high demands on others, frequent dysphoria. Excitable psychopaths are rude and boorish, aggressive and easy to beat, prone to committing crimes. nine0003
Psychasthenic psychopathy - cowardice and insecurity, these individuals are far from reality - dreamy, prone to unreasonable self-criticism.
Affective psychopathy - characterized by constant mood swings, pronounced dissatisfaction with life, the search for artificial pleasure stimulants - drugs, alcohol.
Unstable psychopathy - lack of willpower, a high degree of suggestibility and obedience from others. Having agreed with the opponent completely, such a person does not fulfill these promises. nine0003
A psychopath in a relationship with a woman
Playing on the feelings of a partner is a psychopath's favorite thing, Getting away from a psychopath is not easy, he asks for forgiveness in an acting way, with tears in his eyes, makes a promise not to repeat or resorts to threats - a close look at the frightened sacrifice, gives him pleasure. In moments of aggravation of relations, one should not cry and justify one's behavior, insult in response to comments, make promises.
Wife and children, close relatives suffer emotionally from a psychopath husband. The decision to abandon the psychopathic tyrant must be final. Returning back to the psychopath, the woman in the following scandals will receive an enhanced method of pressure, she will be attacked by the tyrant with particular anger, she will receive psychological trauma that increases the self-esteem of the psychopath aggressor. nine0003
How to deal with a psychopath?
How to communicate with a psychopath if circumstances require contact? You need to know - he is not interested in someone else's point of view, the psychopath skillfully disguises his own interests behind an affirmative consent, followed by a surge of emotions. It is useless to enter into disputes with such personalities, if possible, listen to the arguments in the affirmative, redirect the conversation to a neutral zone, where the opponent is an ally.
Psychopathy - treatment
A diagnosis of personality psychopathy made by a doctor requires treatment. The initial stage will be explanatory conversations, family psychotherapeutic consultation, and the technique of hypnosis can be used. If after such methods of exposure there is no improvement in the condition, then drug therapy is prescribed. A strict selection of psychotropic drugs is carried out by a psychiatrist.
Famous psychopaths
Giftedness or madness of a person that influenced the course of history and the development of science - there is no clear division of the outstanding abilities of a talented person. However, a significant contribution to history was made by people with completely flawed characters, and those who had an unbearable character and a reprehensible reputation. Famous psychopaths who have contributed to the culture and history of mankind. nine0003
Vincent van Gogh - a brilliant artist with signs of psychopathy, had the technique of quick drawing and writing letters, cut off his ear during an exacerbation of psychopathy.
Ludwig van Beethoven - the famous composer fell into depression, bordering on psychopathy, tended to treatment with opium and alcohol.
Isaac Newton - physicist and mathematician suffered from sudden mood swings, it was problematic to communicate with him due to psychopathy. nine0003
Edgar Allan Poe - the author of psychological thrillers suffered from psychopathy, had an alcoholic addiction, published a fictitious news story about a balloon trip across the ocean.
Abraham Lincoln - President of the United States - an interesting personality, was prone to prolonged melancholy, developing into a prolonged depression.
15 signs that your partner is a psychopath0003
In everyday life, people with an explosive temperament or simply eccentric people are called psychopaths. But strictly speaking, psychopathy is a personality disorder. And statistically, most psychopaths are men.
They can be extremely charming, accommodating and sociable on the surface, but long-term relationships with them are very toxic for their partners.
How to understand that we have a psychopath, and not just a person with a complex character? Of course, only a specialist can make a diagnosis, but here are some alarming signals worth paying attention to. nine0003
1. He looks down on you
A psychopath directly or indirectly emphasizes his superiority over a partner who allegedly falls short of his level: "You are stupid and uneducated", "You are too emotional", "You are fat and notorious."
Next to the psychopathic personality, the partner feels like a "junior in rank", worthless and unworthy, whose task is to please and appease his idol.
2. His declarations of love are quickly replaced by indifference
He can look after you beautifully, and your honeymoon will be so romantic. .. But rather quickly he cools down and begins to treat you with disdain. Relationships with a psychopath are like a roller coaster: he either loves or hates, quarrels alternate with stormy reconciliations. Disrespect quickly turns into insults.
For his victim, this situation is truly traumatic and fraught with depression, neurosis, drug or alcohol abuse. And in any case - post-traumatic syndrome. nine0003
3. He does not know how to admit his own guilt
He is never responsible for what is happening and for his actions - others are always to blame. Even when his guilt is obvious, he deftly distorts and presents what happened as an involuntary mistake or joke. Or assures that he was misunderstood. Or that the partner is simply too sensitive. In a word, he does everything to minimize his responsibility.
4. He uses manipulation to win you over
For a psychopath, courtship is only a game or a sport: he seduces with manipulative tricks that are neither warm nor sincere. Kindness, attention, care, gifts, travel are just a means for him to get what he wants. He expects that later, when the candy-bouquet period is over, the partner will pay for all this with obedience.
5. One partner is not enough for him
A psychopath does not know how to build close, sincere relationships, he quickly gets fed up and starts looking for new adventures. This does not mean that he will immediately leave the annoying victim - such people know how to combine several novels at once. nine0003
6. He reacts aggressively to any criticism
Outwardly, he gives the impression of an imperious, narcissistic and soulless person who does not give a damn about the feelings of others. But how sharply and with what aggression he reacts when he is criticized, questioned or neglected!
The reason is not that he is not confident in himself or needs the approval of others. No, the whole point is that he believes in his superiority and power over others. And therefore, he cannot stand it if someone points out his weaknesses or “wrongly” communicates with him. nine0003
7. It is important for him to feel like a winner in everything
In his mind, the world is divided into winners and losers. And it is very important for him to be among the first in everything, even in small things. This attitude is incompatible with healthy relationships that involve cooperation, compromise, and the ability to repent.
8. Next to him you lose the ability to reason
With a sufficiently long relationship, a psychopath's partner begins to experience cognitive impairment: he may have problems with memory, concentration, attention, motivation and self-organization. He becomes distracted, less effective, and anxiety overwhelms him. nine0003
9. He wants to dominate
The psychopath likes to humiliate, control and devalue others - this is how he asserts his power over you. But he cannot stand it if they try to point out his behavior to him, and falls into a rage. Moreover, he tries to take revenge on the "offender".
10. He often hides the truth
This is another manifestation of his manipulative tendencies. He can only be silent about something or lie to his face. Moreover, a lie can concern both minor trifles and very important things - a child on the side, a permanent partner or marital status. nine0003
11. He has no moral principles
The psychopath disdains social norms and moral rules and easily oversteps them. Cheating of all kinds, theft, harassment, intimidation, revenge against those who stand in his way - all means are good for him.
12. He is incapable of deep feelings
On a superficial acquaintance, he can charm and demonstrate sympathy, which he is not really capable of. In communicating with a stranger, a psychopath can prove to be much better than he is used to behaving with a partner - especially if he needs to impress a strong person or cause envy. nine0003
13. He declares himself a victim
This is a typical form of manipulation when psychopaths communicate with an ordinary person who has empathy. They use our capacity for empathy and compassion, portraying themselves as unfortunate victims - and receive forgiveness for any transgressions. This allows them to avoid blame and responsibility and achieve their goals. 14. Kindness and respect are alien to him ! Please stop lying! Why are you so cruel and rude to me?” nine0003
15. You feel that you will never be good enough
The psychopath is prone to accusing, criticizing and thereby belittling his partner: “You dressed like a stroller! You didn't clean the house well! You are so dumb! Don't say a word to you! Think how vulnerable! How annoying!” He interprets any requests or demands of a partner as attempts to control him and perceives with hostility.
About the author: Rhonda Freeman is a clinical neuropsychologist.
Text: Alina Nikolskaya Photo source: Getty Images
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