Am i empathic test
Are You an Empath? I Psych Central
Empath Test: Are You an Empath? I Psych Central- Conditions
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Medically reviewed by Kendra Kubala, PsyD, Psychology — By Ari Howard on June 9, 2022
This quiz can’t replace a clinical diagnosis. If you believe you might have a mental health condition after taking this test, consider reaching out to a qualified professional about your symptoms.
When you see someone in distress do you feel emotional? Do you feel as if you’re experiencing their pain? If your answer is yes, you could be an empath, or at least partly an empath.
People experience empathy to varying degrees. In fact, some people may be incredibly empathetic in some ways but have trouble being empathetic in other instances.
Other people might fall under the concept of “dark empathy” because they can identify what you feel and use it to their advantage.
This is because there are three different types of empathy and just because you’re highly empathetic in one category, doesn’t necessarily mean you’re empathetic in the other two categories.
In a few cases, people can also have low or no empathy.
The three empathetic categories include:
- Cognitive empathy: the ability to identify how someone else is feeling
- Emotional empathy: being able to feel someone else’s emotions
- Compassionate empathy: actively wanting to help someone in need
A full empath has developed skills in all three categories. But just because you score low in all three categories doesn’t mean that you can’t develop skills to be more empathetic in the future.
If you’d like to increase your empathy, you can speak with a mental health professional. They can provide tools and strategies to help you cultivate empathy.
This brief, time-saving quiz is designed for anyone who wants to learn more about their empathy levels.
Your score will help you determine whether or not you’re an empath and, if you are, to what degree.
The results of this quiz are not a diagnosis of a mental health condition. But people who score low on the empath quiz may find it helpful to speak with a mental health professional to help develop their empathy skills.
The empath quiz can help you determine how much growing you may still want to do in this area.
Last medically reviewed on June 9, 2022
Medically reviewed by Kendra Kubala, PsyD, Psychology — By Ari Howard on June 9, 2022
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Are You an Empath? I Psych Central
Empath Test: Are You an Empath? I Psych Central- Conditions
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Medically reviewed by Kendra Kubala, PsyD, Psychology — By Ari Howard on June 9, 2022
This quiz can’t replace a clinical diagnosis. If you believe you might have a mental health condition after taking this test, consider reaching out to a qualified professional about your symptoms.
When you see someone in distress do you feel emotional? Do you feel as if you’re experiencing their pain? If your answer is yes, you could be an empath, or at least partly an empath.
People experience empathy to varying degrees. In fact, some people may be incredibly empathetic in some ways but have trouble being empathetic in other instances.
Other people might fall under the concept of “dark empathy” because they can identify what you feel and use it to their advantage.
This is because there are three different types of empathy and just because you’re highly empathetic in one category, doesn’t necessarily mean you’re empathetic in the other two categories.
In a few cases, people can also have low or no empathy.
The three empathetic categories include:
- Cognitive empathy: the ability to identify how someone else is feeling
- Emotional empathy: being able to feel someone else’s emotions
- Compassionate empathy: actively wanting to help someone in need
A full empath has developed skills in all three categories. But just because you score low in all three categories doesn’t mean that you can’t develop skills to be more empathetic in the future.
If you’d like to increase your empathy, you can speak with a mental health professional. They can provide tools and strategies to help you cultivate empathy.
This brief, time-saving quiz is designed for anyone who wants to learn more about their empathy levels.
Your score will help you determine whether or not you’re an empath and, if you are, to what degree.
The results of this quiz are not a diagnosis of a mental health condition. But people who score low on the empath quiz may find it helpful to speak with a mental health professional to help develop their empathy skills.
The empath quiz can help you determine how much growing you may still want to do in this area.
Last medically reviewed on June 9, 2022
Medically reviewed by Kendra Kubala, PsyD, Psychology — By Ari Howard on June 9, 2022
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(Not) sympathize: determine your type of empathy
(Not) sympathize: determine your type of empathy
Empathic people are able to respond to other people's feelings, empathize with them, form strong connections, and be aware of their own emotions. Human beings are empathic by nature. However, some empathize with their hearts, others with their heads, some practically do not feel other people. T&P have compiled a test that can determine your type of empathy.
Start test
If I see a person who is very upset or crying, it hurts me too
Yes, it is. I feel almost the same as him, and I feel myself in his place I not only feel his pain, but I can also imagine and understand what feelings he will experience later It’s hard for me to feel the pain of another I worry about this person and understand his pain, but I don’t feel it on myself
If someone is nervous, this state is easily transmitted to me
Yes, I quickly become infected with anxiety and feel it in the same way as others I see and understand that other people are nervous, but this state is not immediately transmitted to me I feel this tension and understand how the mood of others will change I do not always notice that others are nervous
I often feel that something is wrong with a person close to me, even at a distance
I live this state with him and I can predict what emotions we will experience later Yes, I don’t even I need explanations, I am immediately conveyed his condition I understand that something happened to a loved one, but still, without explanations, it is difficult to realize what state he is in Unfortunately, without explanations, I will not even notice this
I feel strong emotions when watching a movie or reading a fiction book and often worry about the characters
I understand the feelings of the characters and I know what they will experience in this or that situation Yes, I definitely feel and endure everything for your life. Just a movie, just a book. Characters are fictitious, coincidences are random I see the experiences of the characters and observe them, but I do not always feel them
When I make a decision that affects other people, I am very worried about how it will affect them
No, I don't care about others and focus only on my decisionI understand that my decision has consequences, but emotionally I don't empathizeI feel like "in front" and I know how others will feel in a given situationYes, it's hard for me to predict that they will feel, but I feel that I am responsible for others
I often feel embarrassed if a friend tells me about his problems
No, I immediately start to worry about my friend Yes, really embarrassing , it is not easy for me to listen to other people's problemsI am always ready to listen and find ways to solve the problem, to look at it from the sideI know what my friend will experience if the problem is not solved
Someone else's laughter is contagious
Not really, you still need to understand why they laughYes! I don’t even always understand why others laugh, but I start laughing myself No, not contagious! Definitely! And you can laugh for a long time if other people pick up this mood
If I see a sick animal, I feel incredibly worried
Of course, I worry about the animal, but first of all I try to understand what is wrong with him Yes, I as if I feel his pain and live it No, I don’t feel any strong emotions It becomes incredibly painful for me for him
When I see betrayal.