How to fight intrusive thoughts
9 Ways to Cope With Intrusive Thoughts
Becoming aware of your thought patterns is the first step toward breaking the cycle.
Our thoughts are never entirely within our control, and it’s natural for our minds to skew negative from time to time. But for some people, intrusive thoughts can become a daily challenge.
If you experience intrusive thoughts, it’s important to remember that a thought has no power or significance in itself.
Having a violent or disturbing thought doesn’t mean that you’re a “bad” person. In most cases, intrusive thoughts can be managed, and the first step is recognizing them for what they are.
It may not always be possible to stop intrusive thoughts, and that’s not necessarily the goal.
Instead, you might consider focusing on ways to make them less overwhelming and create some distance between you and the thought. The goal is to feel that you’re in control of your thoughts, not the other way around.
Mindfulness meditation
One of the core principles of mindfulness is learning how to calmly observe your thoughts, without judging or becoming emotionally tangled up in them.
This can make it a great way to cope with intrusive thoughts because you’re not denying that the thoughts are present — just changing your relationship with them.
You don’t need any special equipment to start meditating, just a few spare moments, and somewhere quiet to practice, if possible.
There are also lots of meditation apps available, with courses specifically geared toward beginners and people living with intrusive thoughts, that may help you.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
CBT is a type of psychotherapy that can be effective for all kinds of thought disorders.
It can be especially helpful for intrusive thoughts that become obsessive because it helps to create distance between a person and their thoughts.
CBT is based on the idea that our thought patterns can be unlearned or changed. A CBT therapist can work with you to identify your intrusive thoughts, process them, and reframe them so that they aren’t as powerful.
Remember, ‘This too shall pass’
This is a simple but powerful mantra that may help you to regain perspective.
When an intrusive thought occupies your brain, it can sometimes feel like it will never go away. But thoughts are always temporary, and there is no such thing as a permanent state of mind.
Identifying a mantra like “This too shall pass,” or “My thoughts are temporary” could be helpful in reducing their power.
Visualization techniques
Visualizing your thoughts can allow you to feel more in control of them.
For example, you could picture your mind as a blue sky, and your thoughts as passing clouds. Some of the clouds are light, and some dark, but none of them are permanent.
This is a mindfulness technique known as thought clouds, but it can be used outside of meditation practice.
Spend time with a pet
Animals can be incredibly calming to an anxious mind. They have no understanding of our complex, troubled thoughts, so they can provide distraction and uncomplicated emotional support.
A large 2019 study involving animals showed that interacting with them can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which plays a role in many mental health conditions.
In addition, animal-assisted therapy for trauma is becoming more common.
A small 2018 study with animals, which consisted of 60 female university students in Germany, found that therapy dog intervention can help to reduce stress and anxiety following a traumatic event.
Externalize the thought
Our brains can be incredibly good at telling us stories that feel like reality. So, an intrusive thought can take on outsized power when it only exists in your mind.
Consider externalizing the thought, by journaling or even just speaking it out loud, and see whether the impact of it changes.
Ground yourself in the present
Intrusive thoughts can often lead you to focus on the negative and create stories that aren’t based on reality.
Without even realizing it, you may be spending a lot of your time living in the past, or obsessing about the future.
Focusing on the present moment can be a powerful way to manage this. Grounding techniques that can help you center your focus may include:
- deep breathing
- active meditation
- body scan meditation
Take a walk in nature
According to the American Psychological Association, there’s a lot of evidence that spending time in nature can boost mental health and sharpen cognitive abilities.
Taking a walk or jog in a green space can help you to break a cycle of rumination, by engaging your body and your senses in a way that gets your mind off your thoughts.
Approach the thought with curiosity
Not all of these tips will be practical in every situation. But one thing you can always try to do is reframe the intrusive thought you’re having.
Consider observing your thoughts without judgment, and approaching them with curiosity by turning your attention to how your body responds to certain thoughts that may arise.
Distressing thoughts could be your brain’s way of processing something.
Intrusive thoughts are unwanted, involuntary thoughts that are usually disturbing or distressing in nature. They usually seem to appear out of nowhere and may reoccur again and again, which makes them feel even more powerful. The thoughts are often out of character and may be against the person’s values or beliefs.
In many cases, intrusive thoughts are violent, disturbing, sexually graphic, or reflect beliefs that the person finds abhorrent.
This can make them even more distressing, because the person experiencing those thoughts may judge themselves harshly.
The subject matter of intrusive thoughts can vary, but here are some common themes:
- harming a loved one
- harming themselves
- sexually graphic fantasies
- driving a car into oncoming traffic
- catching an illness
- their loved ones dying
Intrusive thoughts can be a symptom of mental health conditions, such as:
- anxiety disorders
- obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
But people without mental health conditions can also experience intrusive thoughts. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), some 6 million Americans are affected by intrusive thoughts.
People with anxiety or another condition may be more likely to fixate on an intrusive thought, and see it as a negative reflection on themselves.
They may also worry more about the implications of the thought, which in turn only gives it more power.
So, while intrusive thoughts can happen to anyone, they may be more severe for people who live with mental health conditions.
Intrusive thoughts can be alarming and distressing for a number of reasons. These thoughts often seem to come out of nowhere and may be completely at odds with your usual beliefs and behaviors.
It’s important to remember that a thought only has as much power as you give it. It’s just a sentence in your mind, and it doesn’t necessarily reflect anything about you or your true character.
There are self-help techniques available to you that can allow you to regain power over your intrusive thoughts, including:
- meditation
- visualization exercise
- reframing
- spending time in nature or with animals
You may also want to consider speaking with a mental health professional, who can help to identify what’s behind your thoughts.
Managing intrusive thoughts - Harvard Health
Disturbing thoughts that pop into your mind unbidden may make you feel uneasy, but they are common — and there are strategies you can use to manage them.
It seems to come out of nowhere — a strange, disturbing thought or a troubling image that pops into your mind. It might be violent or sexual, or a recurring fear that you’ll do something inappropriate or embarrassing. Whatever the content, it’s often unsettling and may bring on feelings of worry or shame. The more you try to push the thought from your mind, the more it persists.
Intrusive thoughts, as these are called, are thought to affect some six million Americans, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
Sometimes intrusive thoughts are associated with a mental health disorder, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, where thoughts become so bothersome that they prompt repetitive behaviors or compulsions to try to prevent them from occurring. They are also common in post-traumatic stress disorder, which can be triggered by a life-threatening or extremely stressful event, such as an accident or violent attack. But many people who experience these thoughts don’t have a mental health disorder, says Dr. Kerry-Ann Williams, a lecturer in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
Intrusive thoughts are often triggered by stress or anxiety. They may also be a short-term problem brought on by biological factors, such as hormone shifts. For example, a woman might experience an uptick in intrusive thoughts after the birth of a child.
"Any life stressor, if big enough, can increase your risk of having intrusive thoughts," says Dr. Williams.
Periods of stress and isolation
These days many women have experienced significant stress from the isolation caused by the pandemic, says Dr. Olivera Bogunovic, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Anxiety symptoms may also commonly occur as women transition to a different stage of their life. They may become more isolated, or develop a fear of aging or of developing physical ailments, she says. This can lead to an uptick in anxiety, and in some instances, obsessive thinking.
While intrusive thoughts may be disturbing, they aren’t harmful or a sign that you have a secret desire to do the things that popped into your mind.
People are often too embarrassed or ashamed to talk about it, says Dr. Williams. "A lot of times when patients bring it up to me, they might preface it with something like, ‘I’m not crazy, but this weird thought comes into my mind,’" she says. "They might think about hurting a family member, such as a baby. When the thought happens, they’re horrified—‘I can’t even believe that came into my mind. I shouldn’t tell anyone; they might think something is wrong with me.’"
Identifying intrusive thoughts
So, how can you tell if you are experiencing intrusive thoughts? There are some signs to look for.
The thought is unusual for you. An intrusive thought is usually very different from your typical thoughts. "For example, it might be uncharacteristically violent," says Dr. Williams.
The thought is bothersome. If a thought is disturbing and it’s something you want to push out of your mind, it might be an intrusive thought.
The thought feels hard to control.
Intrusive thoughts are often repetitive and won’t go away.
"The more you think about it, the more anxious you get and the worse the thoughts get," says Dr. Williams. Instead of fighting intrusive thoughts, it’s better to learn to live with them. When these thoughts emerge, try taking the following steps:
1. Identify the thought as intrusive. "Think to yourself, ‘that’s just an intrusive thought; it’s not how I think, it’s not what I believe, and it’s not what I want to do,’" says Dr. Williams.
2. Don’t fight with it. When you have an intrusive thought, just accept it. "Don’t try to make it go away."
3. Don’t judge yourself. Know that having a strange or disturbing thought doesn’t indicate that something is wrong with you.
When to seek help
See a mental health professional if unwanted thoughts are starting to disrupt your daily life, particularly if they’re impairing your ability to work or to do things you enjoy. However, even if intrusive thoughts aren’t affecting your life in a significant way, you can still see someone to get help.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is one strategy that is often successful in helping people manage intrusive thoughts. The process may help you to shift some of your general thought patterns, which can enable you to better manage these thoughts when they do occur and might lessen their frequency.
Intrusive thoughts can also be managed by addressing the underlying problem, such as anxiety, stress, or a personal history of trauma. While it may be helpful to share the particular thoughts you are having, keep in mind that even if you aren’t comfortable talking about them in detail, a therapist can still help. Women should also know that intrusive thoughts typically respond well to therapy, says Dr. Bogunovic.
"Keep in mind that you might not need help forever," says Dr. Williams. "It may be a very short-term thing."
Image: © Aleutie/Getty Images
How to get rid of obsessive thoughts: 6 life hacks
© Baran Lotfollahi/Unsplash
Author Irina Rudevich
October 23, 2020
Sometimes it’s hard to stop the flow of unpleasant thoughts that seem to burst into your head and haunt you. We tell you how to eliminate the anxiety that has arisen and not dwell on this state
What are obsessive thoughts
Excessive experiences and repetitive dialogues arise spontaneously. You can go about your daily activities or get ready for bed, but suddenly a thought appears that draws all attention to itself. For many, it seems to get stuck in place, causing discomfort, disrupting biorhythms and disrupting plans. Obsessive thinking is a series of images that are repeated in combination with negative perceptions. The severity of their influence can range from mild but annoying to severe and all-encompassing. Particularly debilitating cases that prevent a person from living a full life are considered in psychiatry as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). nine0003
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Why do we think about unpleasant things
Psychologists do not have a clear answer to the question of where obsessive thoughts come from. According to one theory, repeated anxious thoughts indicate that a person has an unresolved issue and a life stage that has not been completed. It could be stress at work, relationship problems, or an unpleasant conversation with a stranger that happened a few days ago. But they are not always based on real events. nine0003
© Cottonbro/Pexels
Everyone at least once left for work with the thought: “Did I turn off the iron?”, which haunted until the evening. “Thinking can be a problem because it rarely offers new ideas or solutions to fix a situation,” writes psychotherapist Jody Virgo [1]. Instead, they emotionally capture the person and reinforce negative feelings.
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It’s not easy not to think
It would seem that you just need to switch and forbid yourself to play the same record in your head. But our minds are built differently: when a person tries to avoid thinking, being under the influence of obsessive thoughts, the brain continues to remind us of them with greater force. It's the same principle that when you hear "don't think about the pink elephant" the first thing you do is imagine it. At the same time, thoughts without decisions and actions only take time and emotional resources. “They have no practical consequences, and in themselves they are unimportant,” says physician and writer Deepak Chopra [2]. But that doesn't change the fact that people suffer from obsessive thinking. Here are a few principles to help you deal with it:
- Recognize the thought pattern
- Transfer your thought to paper
- Think about a solution
- Accept separateness of thoughts
- Practice meditation and mindful thinking
- Contact a specialist
Recognize the thought pattern
To overcome intrusive thoughts, you need to identify them. The patterns may vary, but most of them are repeated over and over again. If a person often gets stuck in a cognitive cycle, then they turn into a habit that is more difficult to get rid of. It's like biting your nails or checking your email every few minutes, that is, actions (or thoughts) occur unconsciously. Caught yourself in a compulsive cycle - study it carefully. As Bruce M. Hyman and Cherry Pedrick write in The OCD Workbook, it pays to “examine these thoughts to understand how they arise and how you respond to them” [3]. nine0003
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Transfer your thought to paper
As soon as you write down an obsession in a notebook or phone notes, it will no longer be cyclically spinning in your head. But the work is not over yet. It is important to determine the root cause of the negative experience.
© Lisa Fotios/Pexels
For example, you are worried about not getting a response from a friend, or you are worried that you weren't good enough during your presentation. Formulate a problem: “I’m upset because I think I offended a loved one in some way” or “I’m afraid that they didn’t take me seriously because I was very nervous during the speech. ” nine0003
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Think about a solution
Sometimes obsessive thoughts are justified and require certain actions. If you seriously think that you have not turned off the iron, ask a family member or neighbor to come in and check if everything is in order. When you're worried about relationship problems, it's easier to ask your partner directly if everything is okay, rather than oppressing yourself with destructive thoughts. Sometimes thoughts cling to the past or rush into the future, and you worry about the future. Try to learn from the experience and evaluate what can be done to minimize stress in the coming changes. nine0003
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Accept Separateness of Thoughts
A difficult but important step in dealing with a problem is to recognize that thoughts are not always in your control. This is a series of neurons that fire in the brain as a result of not always obvious reactions, associations and experiences. Attempts to avoid obsessive thinking, to forcibly get rid of it, can only aggravate the situation. Acceptance can be the key to liberation, but not in the sense that you should give up and leave your mind to be torn apart by disturbing ideas. It is necessary to allow these thoughts to exist, to evaluate them, but not to try to control them. nine0003
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Practice meditation and mindful thinking
Obsessive thoughts cause discomfort because they are accompanied by negative emotions. Meditation and mindfulness exercises will help you get rid of oppressive experiences while you study the “enemy”. Psychologist Seth Meyers, in an article for Psychology Today, defines conscious thinking as “clearing and focusing on what your mind and body are feeling in the present moment” [4]. nine0003
© Cottonbro/Pexels
If you have obsessive thoughts, try a few simple breaths, counting slowly to five as you inhale and exhale. You can supplement the practice with physical exercises for "grounding": fix yourself in space, standing on the floor and focusing on the sensation in your legs. Look around, identify five things in turn that you feel with your senses in order to linger in the state of “here and now”.
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Consult a specialist
If obsessive thoughts are firmly planted in your mind, you cannot find their root cause and eliminate them, you should consult a psychologist. This must be done when you can’t cope on your own, and suffering and worries cause problems: you don’t get enough sleep, you can’t concentrate on work, or you are constantly in a bad mood. Obsessive thinking is a normal part of the human psyche. But it can also be a sign of medical conditions, including anxiety disorders, that require more careful consideration. The therapist will select appropriate practices to free the mind for pleasant and necessary thoughts. nine0003
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treatment, causes, how to deal with obsessive thoughts
Obsessive thoughts (obsessions) are images or urges that uncontrollably, against the will of a person, invade consciousness. Attempts to get rid of these thoughts lead to outbreaks of anxiety and bring great discomfort. A person experiences constant fears and bad thoughts. If you do not seek help in time, obsessions lead to psychological exhaustion, social isolation and depression. nine0003
Obsessive thoughts are found in many diseases: neurosis, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessive-compulsive disorder) and even schizophrenia.
Features that distinguish obsessive thoughts syndrome:
- a person cannot influence the appearance of such thoughts, thoughts arise against desire;
- obsessive thoughts are not connected with the usual thoughts of a person - they are separate, alien images; nine0040
- the syndrome of obsessive thoughts cannot be overcome by an effort of will;
- the disorder is associated with intense anxiety, irritability;
- clarity of consciousness and critical perception of one's condition are usually preserved.
The disorder is extremely difficult to bear. Usually a person realizes what obsessive thoughts mean, understands all the irrationality of the images that arise in the head, but cannot fight them. Attempts to stop the appearance of thoughts and the coercive actions associated with them are unsuccessful and lead to even greater experiences. nine0003
It is not difficult to convince people who suffer from this disorder that their obsessive thoughts have no basis. But it doesn't help to get rid of the problem. Situations repeat themselves over and over. A necessary step to get rid of painful conditions is to seek help from a specialist before complications arise.
What are obsessive thoughts
Obsessive thoughts torment a person, they are unpleasant and disturbing, you want to hide from them, run away. There are all kinds of obsessions. nine0003
Here are some examples of intrusive thoughts:
- concerns about pollution and disease;
- pathological need for order and symmetry;
- obsessive and uncontrolled account;
- obsessive thoughts about the bad: a person constantly thinks about accidents that can happen to him, to his loved ones, to his property, or even to humanity as a whole;
- groundless and unreasonable avoidance of certain actions or objects; nine0040
- thoughts of a religious, sexual, aggressive or any other orientation, which are alien to the thinking of the patient and arise against the will.
Constant intrusive thoughts cause unbearable discomfort. Of course, a person has a desire to succumb to these ideas and try to correct the situation. In this case, compulsions appear - actions that a person is forced to periodically perform, even if he does not want to, in order to control what is happening in his head. When obsessive thoughts (obsessions) and obsessive actions (compulsions) are present together, time-consuming, disruptive, and distressing, it indicates the presence of a disease such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). nine0003
A person begins to avoid cracks in the asphalt or touches every tree on the road because alien thoughts “tell” him that if he does not do this, something bad will happen.
Usually compulsions make you do something over and over again, like a ritual. By giving in to coercion, the person hopes that they can prevent or reduce the anxiety that accompanies obsessions. For example, he begins to avoid cracks in the asphalt or touches every tree on the road because alien thoughts "tell" him that if he does not do this, something bad will happen. Unfortunately, such actions do not bring relief and only get worse over time, taking the form of an endless ritual. nine0003
In addition to OCD, there are other diseases in psychiatry that are characterized by different types of obsessive thoughts. Here are some of them:
- phobias,
- neurasthenia,
- schizophrenia.
A phobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by panic and an uncontrollable, irrational fear of certain situations or objects. Strong anxiety can arise even when thinking about a frightening situation, so the patient tries with all his might to avoid a terrible object. All terrible obsessive thoughts and anxieties are associated exclusively with this object. nine0003
There are different types of phobias. The most common:
- agoraphobia — fear of open spaces or crowded places;
- social phobia - fear of social interactions. There are other specific phobias that can relate to anything: airplanes, specific animals, the sight of blood.
A phobic disorder may include panic attacks - attacks of fear, which are accompanied by a feeling of impending death and physical sensations: retrosternal pain, interruptions in the heart, dizziness, feeling short of breath, numbness of the extremities, intestinal disorders. All this significantly limits the personal life and performance of a person. nine0003
Neurasthenia is a disorder that is associated with exhaustion of the nervous system. It happens after a long illness, physical overload, severe or prolonged stress. Characterized by persistent headache, symptoms of cardiovascular disorders, indigestion and sleep.
Intrusive delusional thoughts may be one of the manifestations of schizophrenia, but the diagnosis is made only in the presence of other signs of schizophrenia.
nine0115The disease has three forms-stages that develop one after another. In the hypersthenic form, emotional lability, irritability and intolerance are observed.
In the second phase, which is called "irritable weakness", aggression and irritation are quickly replaced by emotional exhaustion and impotence. In the third, hyposthenic form, the patient arrives in a state of constant fatigue and bad mood. He focuses on his inner feelings, which depresses him even more. This phase is characterized by obsessive thoughts of a hypochondriacal nature. nine0003
Schizophrenia is a complex polymorphic mental illness characterized by a fundamental impairment of perception and the breakdown of thought processes. The clinical picture is varied and depends on the form of the disease: hallucinations, delusions, loss of natural mental functions, personality distortion, and much more.
A sick person who suffers from this disease needs full treatment from a psychiatrist. Intrusive delusional thoughts may be one of the manifestations of schizophrenia, but the diagnosis is made only in the presence of other signs that are specific, diagnostically significant criteria for this disorder.
Causes of obsessive thoughts
The occurrence of obsessions is directly related to the underlying disease. For treatment to be effective, an accurate diagnosis is essential. It is not always possible to accurately answer the question of where obsessive thoughts come from. Factors that contribute to the occurrence of this disorder have been identified:
- genetic predisposition;
- brain dysfunction due to organic or biochemical causes, including imbalance of neurotransmitters; nine0040
- mental trauma and stress;
- personality traits: people with sensitive and labile temperament;
- the presence of somatic and infectious diseases, disability, pregnancy are predisposing causes of obsessive thoughts.
There are many disorders in which this syndrome occurs, so the diagnosis should be carried out by a highly qualified psychiatrist who can understand the intricacies of the clinical picture and understand why obsessive thoughts arise.
When conducting diagnostics, the following methods are used: nine0003
- Psychiatric examination: a specialist will collect an anamnesis, understand the clinical manifestations and personal characteristics of each patient.
- Pathopsychological study: an effective and comfortable technique that, with the help of special experiments, surveys and observations, allows you to conduct a qualitative analysis of mental disorders and understand why obsessive thoughts come.
- Laboratory and instrumental examination: modern diagnostic tests, such as Neurotest and Neurophysiological test system, allow assessing the severity of pathological processes and making an accurate differential diagnosis. Functional methods will help to exclude organic pathology. nine0040
How to deal with intrusive thoughts
Mental illnesses that underlie the syndrome in question are a reason to immediately consult a psychiatrist. The symptoms vary greatly, and it is not always easy to notice the distinctive features.
Therefore, it is necessary to address the question of what to do with obsessive thoughts to an experienced specialist.
It happens that a person is afraid to seek help or tries to independently find a way to cope with obsessive thoughts that are so annoying. One of the most common decisions is the use of alcohol and drugs. If a person manages to be distracted, the illusion may be created for a short time that the problem has disappeared. In fact, the situation is only getting worse. You should not try to "kill" intrusive thoughts in this way, because it is likely that obsessions will only intensify when intoxicated. nine0003
Talk to someone you trust, such as your parents or friends. A great option is to go to group therapy, in a society of people with similar problems. This will allow you to share experiences and get support.
The consequences of drinking alcohol can be unpredictable. Even if there is a brief relief, thoughts will still arise again, and with even greater force.
As a result, new health problems are added, dependence on alcohol or drugs develops, and the disorder worsens. With neurosis of obsessive thoughts, only a specialist will tell you how to get rid of or alleviate the condition. nine0003
In addition to the stages of treatment that the doctor will select for you, you need to remember about self-control, rehabilitation and prevention. Here are a few tips beyond basic treatment to help you deal with intrusive thoughts:
- Learn more about your disorder. Learning about your condition will help you quickly accept the problem, calm down and motivate you to better adhere to the treatment plan.
- Talk to someone you trust, such as your parents or friends. A great option is to go to group therapy, in a society of people with similar problems. This will allow you to share experiences and get support. nine0040
- Normalization of lifestyle: proper sleep, diet, avoidance of alcohol and strong psychotropic substances, moderate physical activity.
- Do not give up your normal activities. Build a career, study, devote time to your favorite hobby. Spend time with family and friends. Don't let illness interfere with your life.
- Avoid Stress: The idea that a strong outburst of emotions will make the fight against obsessive thoughts more effective is false. It will be possible to be distracted only for a short time, but then the nervous system will become even more vulnerable. nine0040
Treatment of obsessive thoughts
With the help of modern medicine, it is possible to mitigate the intensity of manifestations, and often completely get rid of obsessions and compulsions.
For obsessive thoughts syndrome, treatment is most effective when combined with psychotherapy and medication. In some cases, one thing is enough. A competent specialist will select an individual program, which will depend on the clinical picture and the severity of the condition. nine0003
For obsessive thoughts, treatment may consist of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.
Psychotherapy allows you to fully analyze the situation and work out behavioral, psychological and social problems. Communication with a highly qualified psychotherapist teaches you how to manage symptoms, overcome fears and protect yourself from stress. The arsenal of a modern specialist includes cognitive behavioral therapy, hypno-suggestive techniques, auto-training and other effective approaches. Psychotherapy for obsessive thoughts is a key treatment that will help you understand the problem and deal with it. nine0003
Pharmacotherapy. Modern medicines help to correct neurotic symptoms, relieve fear and anxiety, and keep mood under control. Mild antidepressants, antipsychotics and tranquilizers are used.
Fortunately, modern psychiatry knows how to cure obsessive thoughts, reduce or completely eliminate symptoms. Thanks to effective treatment and rehabilitation provided by a competent specialist, patients return to an active life without fears and restrictions.