How to decode a dream
Can You Analyze Your Own Dreams? Yes, and Here's How
Dream interpretation can offer new perspectives into the nature of your mind, but it isn’t backed by research and might be best practiced with the help of a psychotherapist.
Dreams may reveal information about your emotions and thoughts, although in ways open to interpretation.
A good starting place for dream analysis is identifying common symbols and understanding what they might mean for you specifically.
Interpreting your dreams is likely to result in better results when you work with a psychotherapist specializing in dream analysis.
To interpret your dreams is to identify specific elements and try to understand if they hold any significance to you.
Dream interpretation has been used as a therapeutic tool. It may serve as a self-awareness resource when digging deeper into your subconscious and emotional state, and when you’re working on finding peace of mind.
Both Jungian theory and Gestalt therapy, for example, have included elements of dream analysis in their therapeutic approaches.
Jungian dream analysis considers individual symbols of each dream to be of great importance. These symbols may relate to your childhood experiences, spiritual perspectives, or culture.
For example, dreaming of a red hat lying on the floor of your high school could represent a present concern about your appearance or a need for social appreciation, something that you may have also felt when you were a teen.
A large aspect of dream interpretation considers your associations and what each symbol means to you personally. In that sense, interpreting your own dreams can be very effective.
In Gestalt therapy, dreams may be considered messages from your subconscious mind. In this approach, dreams may be viewed as expressions of your personality that could require unification or attention.
Contrary to the Jungian analysis, Gestalt dream interpretation may not be about working with specific symbols but rather identifying the aspects of your personality that may need attention and bringing awareness to them.
Research on symbols or interpretations of dreams is limited and inconclusive, however.
The relationship between your mental health and what you dream about hasn’t been established yet, but some evidence suggests there is indeed a connection.
A 2018 study indicated that someone’s waking mental well-being might influence the content of dreams.
For example, researchers found that experiencing peace of mind before falling asleep was linked to a higher chance of pleasant dream experiences. On the other hand, anxiety typically led to negative dream affect.
Study authors suggested that based on these preliminary findings, dreams have the potential of being mental health markers, giving you insights into your mental well-being.
And since dreams do often involve emotional responses, it’s also been hypothesized that they may help you process and manage emotions. They would serve as a way to emotionally reset and could prepare you for any emotional challenges you may face the following day.
Some experts believe there’s a connection between the sleep cycle and your emotional state.
Lack of sleep may lead to mental health symptoms while achieving the REM cycle — a stage where you tend to experience vivid dreams — could be linked to mental health benefits.
In any case, more research on this topic may be needed.
You can explore dream interpretation by becoming familiar with common symbols. These symbols may mean many things, so keeping context and personal significance in mind is recommended.
Consider asking these questions when identifying symbols in your dreams:
- What was the symbol or object doing in your dream?
- What did it look like?
- Where was it?
- How did you feel about it while you were dreaming?
- How do you feel now when you think of it?
- What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of this symbol in your dream?
Here are some of the most common symbols in dreams and what they could mean:
House or room
Houses and rooms can represent unexplored aspects of yourself.
For example, if the house or room was frightening, it could represent an aspect of yourself that you may feel fearful about exploring.
Looking into other symbols in the same dream scene may help you develop possible personal meanings.
As a source of affection for many people in the waking state, dogs can represent a need for love or affection.
If you’re fearful of dogs or dream of an aggressive one, it may mean you’re sensing danger about a specific situation or person, or you may feel hurt by someone and haven’t yet become aware of it.
Teeth can be symbols of aggression, assertiveness, or your “bite.”
Dreaming of falling teeth may indicate you’re experiencing intense stress or anxiety. It could also mean you’re fearful or concerned about a lack of control and power in your life.
Weapons such as guns typically involve themes surrounding personal power or control.
Dreaming of using weapons may be linked to the desire to hurt someone or have them disappear from your life. If you’re being hurt in the dream, it could mean you feel vulnerable in a situation or with a person.
Friends and family
People who appear in your dreams may reflect parts of your own personality. Analyzing these dreams may help to think about what the person was doing in the dream and what part of yourself you think may be shown to you through the other person.
Water may be a symbol of your emotions. If the water appears still and murky, it could represent a disconnect from your emotional state or the need to explore your own emotions.
Driving can be thought of as a type of forward momentum. If the car doesn’t start, you may feel stagnant or stuck. If the car is running smoothly, maybe you feel you’re making good progress on your life path.
If you dream about falling, you may be dealing with control challenges in your life.
If you felt relieved about falling, or it was a pleasant sensation in the dream, you may be letting go of some emotional weight and may now feel relieved.
If you felt scared while falling in your dream, you could be having a hard time not being able to control everything around you. It could also mean that you feel you’re letting someone down.
Interpreting your dreams takes patience, practice, and an open mind. It may be a good idea to remember that you give meaning to your own dreams by identifying symbols and thinking about what they mean to you personally.
The same dream can mean different things to different people in this sense. The same dream could also mean different things to you, depending on when you dream it.
Here are some tips to start analyzing your dreams:
1. Try to recall your dreams every day
The best time to recall your dreams is as soon as you wake up, while the dream is still fresh.
If you tend to wake up during the night, it might help to have a notebook next to the bed to record your dream before you fall asleep again. Recording a voice memo on your phone may also help.
It’s natural to only remember fragments of your dreams at first. They may seem vague or meaningless. The more you practice recalling them, the more details you’ll remember from your dreams.
2. Consider keeping a dream diary
In addition to writing or recording aspects of your dreams as soon as you wake up, keeping a more in-depth diary may help you with dream interpretation.
Based on your notes when you wake up, try to write down as much detail as you can remember. As you write every aspect of the dream, include how you feel or felt about those symbols or scenes.
If any ideas or memories come to you while you write about your dream, make a special note. These ideas, memories, or emotions give you more clues about what the dream may mean to you.
3. Telling someone about your dreams can help
Sometimes, it’s about how you describe a dream more than the dream itself.
As you tell someone else about your dream, try to become aware of how you describe specific symbols that may not be as clear at first.
Talking about your dreams with a psychotherapist may be particularly beneficial when trying to analyze them. They may be able to give you feedback about specific words you used or facial expressions you made, which could also add to the dream interpretation.
4. Try to identify symbols and associations
Once you write details about your dreams, try to read your notes again to identify hidden symbols that you may have missed at first.
Maybe you dreamed about cooking with your grandmother, which you wrote in your notes.
On a closer look, you may remember it wasn’t your grandmother’s kitchen or that all the windows were open and the wind was blowing inside the kitchen.
These aspects of your dream may also hint at the possible meaning of the dream.
Dream analysis can become an interesting tool for exploring your mental and emotional health.
You can interpret your dreams by learning more about common symbols, keeping a dream diary, and trying to identify personal associations.
Dream analysis may be better achieved by working with a psychotherapist. They might be able to link different aspects of your dreams and ask you specific questions that could lead to more profound insight.
How to Interpret Your Dreams
By Katie Arnold-Ratliff
Photo: Kladyk/iStock/Thinkstock
During REM sleep, your subconscious puts on a fantastic show—but the plot can be tough to follow. (Why were you on a trampoline in Indonesia?) "A central function of dreams is to allow us access to thoughts and feelings we may not be aware of," says Mark Smaller, PhD, president of the American Psychoanalytic Association. We asked Smaller to explain the dream-deciphering process. Just grab a pencil and take a dip into your subconscious.
Step 1
As soon as you wake up, write down everything you can recall about your dream, recording as many objects, people and locations as possible. Says Smaller, "One of Freud's greatest discoveries was that tiny elements of your dreams can point to big issues. A lot of information gets condensed into a small detail."
Step 2
Write down the association each detail carries for you. For example, if the dream took place in your childhood home, consider what's significant about that place and how it might relate to the larger premise of the dream.
Step 3
Write down the emotions the dream sparked. Were you exhilarated, afraid, upset, giddy? How about when you woke up?
Step 4
Ask yourself what else in your life inspires these same emotions. For example, if your childhood home reminds you of being bullied by your older brother, think about what's happening in your life now that parallels that experience.
Step 5
Return to your list of associations and try to combine them into a single narrative. (Your childhood home reminds you of being bullied.... The orange you were eating reminds you of Florida. ... Your boss, who grew up in Miami, was pretty aggressive with you in that meeting yesterday....) Then go forth into your waking life armed with greater insight into what's going on in your head.
To kick-start your analysis, Smaller shares the meanings of three common dreams...
Dream: Your Teeth Fall Out
Possible meaning: "If in the dream you can't speak, you may be feeling in waking life that there's something you don't want to—or can't—say. If you can't eat in the dream, it may be about unfulfilled desires (in fact, some interpret this dream as inherently sexual). Perhaps there's something you're hungry for."
Dream: You Cheat On Your Partner, Or Vice Versa
Possible meaning: "First off, why now? What's happening in your relationship that's bringing this to the surface? The dream may be a measure of your anxiety about your partner—or it could also be that you saw someone attractive on the bus. Not all dreams have a deeper meaning."
Dream: Seeing a UFO
Possible meaning: "Maybe it sounds obvious, but the key word here is invasion. Is something unwelcome intruding on your space right now? And consider what we know about heavy machinery: It doesn't have feelings. Does that describe you—are you feeling dulled, like you're on autopilot?"
From the September 2014 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine
interpretation of dreams free online, the meaning of dreams for women and men
Dreams and dreams are still a mystery to modern science. What's this? Dreams, subconscious, dreams or all together? From time immemorial, they have haunted many of us, we strive to unravel them and use dream books for this.
Sleep is a mystery. And we are now not only about the interpretation of dreams, but also about the process itself. We can say that this is a state opposite to wakefulness and is characterized by a reduced reaction to the world around 1 . There is no doubt that rest has a beneficial effect on cognitive functions, helps to cope with stress and has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state 2 . But if we know at least something else about sleep, as a physiological process, then practically nothing about night visions.
The mystical properties attributed to night dreams have captured the minds of people since ancient times. How the interpretation of dreams developed, what interpretations of dreams are, and why dream books are needed, we will describe below. nine0003
Why we dream
It is not known for certain why we dream. Some suggest that this is the appeal of the unconscious to us. Others hit into mysticism and look for answers to their questions in them or make attempts to predict the future. Many eminent psychologists, whose names you have probably heard more than once, also turned to dreams in an attempt to find clues and help people.
So why do we have dreams? They, like any process, have several functions 3 :
- Physiological manifestation function.
Actually this is the time when the body rests and recovers.
- Compensatory is responsible for relieving psycho-emotional stress after an active day.
- Semantic is responsible for "recycling" everything that happened during the day. This function starts the process of saving information, creating images, meanings and the appearance of landmarks.
- Mythological or archetypal function reflects what is happening in life, "suggests" ways to solve problems. In other words, the brain in the form of dreams analyzes and builds various solutions to a particular situation. nine0022
- Religious function displays people's interpretation of their beliefs.
4th and 5th functions are important and interesting for the dream book.
Interesting facts about dreams
We have collected some interesting facts that will help you take a deeper and closer look at dreams and dreams.
The first science of sleep | Oneirotherapy was the name of the first science that healed with the help of dreams.![]() |
The importance of dreams | The body needs dreams. Almost everyone has them. At the very least, science doesn't know of healthy people who don't dream 5. |
Benefits for the brain | Based on recent research, the brain literally detoxifies during sleep. Research will continue, but this is another step towards understanding the physiology of sleep 6 . |
How we fall asleep | The hormone melatonin is responsible for the synchronization of circadian rhythms. In order not to delve into scientific research, we will call it a sleep hormone, which is not so far from the truth.![]() |
Popular dream books
Dream books are a controversial phenomenon. But using them wisely and scientifically allows you not only to "look into the future", but also into yourself. Learn a little more about your desires, fears, obsessions. Skillful analysis will allow not only to randomly predict the future, but also to help yourself in the present. nine0003
Miller's Dream Book
Miller's Dream Book was written by the famous psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller. Actually, he gained fame after writing the work "Dream Interpretation, or the Interpretation of Dreams." The peculiarity of the book is that there is an appeal not only to psychology, but also an attempt to single out the same from a series of images in thousands of people. The author analyzed the elements that people dreamed about and collected information about previous events, as well as what happened to the person next. nine0003
Islamic dream book
Islamic dream book, as it is quite obvious, is based on the interpretation of the Koran and is associated with it. For Muslims, dreams are sacred phenomena that are given to us for a reason.
The analysis of dreams is not based on the images, feelings, thoughts and emotions that were caused by the vision, but on the basis of Holy Scripture and various interpretations.
Tsvetkov's dream book
One of the most popular dream books, written by Evgeny Petrovich Tsvetkov. A feature of the dream book is that dreams are divided into two categories: meaningless dreams that are quickly erased from memory and prophetic dreams. The correct interpretation will help not only to understand yourself and find additional motivation, but also to prevent unpleasant situations. According to the author, vivid and memorable dreams, inside which we experienced strong emotions, are of the greatest importance. nine0003
Wanga's dream book
It doesn't make much sense to talk about Vanga, the Bulgarian seer. Each of us at least once in our lives heard about her and her prophecies. But in addition to predicting future events, Vanga was engaged in the interpretation of dreams. And she was convinced that many people see future events in their dreams, but often not immediate, but very distant.
A feature of her dream book is that it describes the most common and frequent visions, their interpretation. An extensive and detailed analysis of each image is given. To interpret what you see, you must first determine the symbolism of sleep, then remember minor details, and lastly evaluate your emotions during and after waking up. And then you can watch the interpretation in the dream book. nine0003
Freud's dream book
If not the most famous psychoanalyst, then definitely one of them. Each of us has heard about jokes “according to Freud”. Dreams for him were a projection of our subconscious desires and, also often, sexual desires.
Freud noticed that dreams are a reflection of our thoughts and images from real life, combined into bizarre plots. Let's be honest and say that Freud, as such, did not write a dream book. He has a popular scientific work, The Interpretation of Dreams. The interpretation of dreams occurs with the help of the question "about what?" The meaning is influenced not only by the plot, but also by any, even seemingly insignificant, details. nine0003
Hasse's dream book
The creator of this dream book is a mysterious person. All that is known is that it is customary to call her Miss or Mrs Hasse, and she was born in Milawa in Poland on March 25, 1954.
The dream book is written in a simple language, as accessible as possible to the majority. In it, the details of the dream play an important role, and not just the main plot.
No less important role in the interpretation of what is seen is played by the theory of numbers. Miss Hasse believed that each number has its own meaning and influences fate in a certain way. Therefore, it is important to consider the date when the dream was seen. nine0003
Esoteric dream book
Written by Elena Anopova. The dream book is based on the interpretation of subconscious images transmitted to us through a dream. It is more suitable for someone who is not "new" in the interpretation of dreams. For an accurate and correct interpretation of sleep according to an esoteric dream book, experience and an intuitive understanding of one's night visions are required. And this requires painstaking multi-day work.
Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
Another very famous predictor on our list. Nostradamus, who lived in the 16th century, was engaged not only in the interpretation of dreams and the prediction of the future, but also in medicine and spent a lot of time fighting the plague. nine0003
From an early age, he noticed that his dreams predict future events, but this is done through associative images that need to be unraveled. Gradually, Nostradamus began to record dreams and their interpretation, which later resulted in a dream book. The author proposes to first analyze the dream as a whole, and then proceeds to particulars - details.
The dream book consists of two parts. The first gives an explanation of the individual images that can be seen in a dream. And in the second part, the pictures are explained, consisting of disparate images from the first part. nine0003 The mystical properties attributed to night dreams have captured the minds of people since ancient times. Photo:
Loff's Dream Book
Its author is David Loff, an American psychologist known for his theory of dream interpretation. A distinctive feature of the dream book is the author's belief that dreams are sent down to us by higher forces, which with their help transmit information to us. According to the author, each dream has two main characteristics that are important for interpretation:
- Human life stage - birth, education, etc.;
- Psycho-emotional state and everything that affects it - conflicts, self-doubt, neurosis, and so on.
Dream Interpretation Longo
Yuri Longo (Golovko) is another predictor from our list with a difficult fate. He was born in the Kuban in 1950 and died a mysterious death in 2006.
A distinctive feature of the dream book is its bidirectionality to the scientific and esoteric base. The dream book helps to reveal the deepest fears, desires and fears of a person. But it also allows you to look into the future, which makes it related to esoteric works. nine0003
Popular questions and answers
We tried to find answers to a number of popular questions related not only to dreams, but also to sonic. After all, each of them has its own characteristics, which are important to consider when using.
How to use the dream book?
In general, it depends on what you prefer and what you lean towards. First you need to remember the dream and write it down. Then highlight the brightest and most memorable events. With the help of associations, describe each significant episode using one word. And only after that, take the dream book in your hands and look for the meaning of the meaning. nine0003
You may have to go through a few dream books, but what can you do, in order to unravel the mystery.
Why are there many dream books with different interpretations?
Actually, there are several of them for the same reason why there is, as a rule, more than one of everything else. There are different dream books with different directions. As we described above, there are works of an exclusively scientific orientation. There are esoteric dream books that will help you find answers not only to exciting questions, but also to look into the future. nine0003
Everyone chooses what he needs.
How to choose the right dream book?
It is best to choose a dream book based on your personal beliefs and preferences. After all, if you do not believe in predicting the future, especially in dreams, then why use the dream book of Vanga, Nostradamus or Longo? Refer to Freud or Loff.
What to pay attention to in a dream?
Here, first of all, you need to write down the dream in its entirety, as well as remember all the less significant details that you saw. And then follow the instructions in the dream book itself. nine0003
What is a dream diary?
Actually, this is a diary in which dreams are recorded. Here you can also add a description of feelings and emotions during and after sleep. You can write down your thoughts and conclusions about what you see.
Why don't you have dreams?
Dreams are a mysterious and not fully understood area of human life. More likely, you simply do not remember that you had dreams.
Whether you had them at all or not matters here. If not, and it doesn't bother you, don't worry. There are a number of external reasons due to which dreams can stop. First of all, these are injuries, both physical, especially head injuries, and psychological. In both cases, a doctor, neurologist or psychiatrist will help you. nine0003
The lack of dreams is also associated with excessively good imagination, when the unconscious is enough to connect with you through fantasies and it does not need to “sneak” into dreams.
Why do you have the same dream?
Feeling of deja vu after sleep? It is likely that you just had a dream that you already had. This phenomenon is not to say that it is frequent, but it still happens. The frequency is strictly individual.
In general, such a problem is also often associated with the sphere of the unconscious, which signals an existing problem: an unresolved conflict, an unresolved situation, and the like. Another possibility is a strong subconscious desire for something that remains permanently in the subconscious and comes out in dreams. nine0003
Why do I have nightmares?
And here we have not gone far from the sphere of the subconscious. Psychologically traumatic situations that have happened in your life can lead to nightmares. Internal conflicts, fears and complexes.
But a banal external “influence” can also have an influence here. Nightmares can be caused by illness, the use of stimulants of various kinds, fatty or spicy foods before bed, as well as excessive fatigue and exhaustion of the body.
- Dimitri Markov, Marina Goldman. Normal sleep and circadian rhythms: neurobiologic mechanisms underlying sleep and wakefulness // The Psychiatric Clinics of North America. - 2006. - Vol. 29, iss. 4. - P. 841-853; abstract vii. — ISSN 0193-953X
- Sleep and cognitive functions. [Electronic resource] -
- Shcheglova, A.D., Poida E.E., Psychology of dreams. WORLD SCIENCE: PROBLEMS AND INNOVATIONS. Collection of articles LXV International scientific-practical conference. Penza, 2022, pp. 107-108. nine0022
- Mazin Viktor. Oneirography: Ghosts and Dreams / Ch. ed. S. G. Uvarova. - Nezhin: Vidavnitstvo "Aspect-Polygraph" LLC, 2008.
- 304 p.
- Drongo, A.V., Krasnov, A.V. The relationship between the content of sleep and the mood of the dreamer. Issues of sustainable development of society. - 2022. - No. 8. — 203-207 p.
- Coupled electrophysiological, hemodynamic, and cerebrospinal fluid oscillations in human sleep [Electronic resource] —
- Shcheglova, A.D., Poida E.E., Psychology of dreams. WORLD SCIENCE: PROBLEMS AND INNOVATIONS. Collection of articles LXV International scientific-practical conference. Penza, 2022, pp. 107-108. nine0022
when and on what days do you dream
The father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud said: “The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper meaning it carries”. It is not for nothing that we used to call night visions with subtext prophetic dreams. They, like an internal oracle, not only suggest what is wrong, but also indicate where to run. Human consciousness is critical: sometimes it devalues events that are important for his internal development, forcing him to perceive them as something insignificant.
Haven't called your parents for a long time? Nothing, then, - calms the mind. Didn't talk heart to heart with the children? Time is like that. But the psyche can not be deceived - recognizing an obstacle that creates problems for the inner "I", it sends us signals in a dream when consciousness loses its vigilance. She pushes the "owner" to concentrate on something, to rethink, hints at the correct outcome. After all, prophetic means predictive. nine0003
But a person cannot always distinguish when he has prophetic dreams, and when the brain simply draws meaningless pictures. Experts say it is possible to learn to recognize dreams with meaning and understand why they dream. You can even calculate when the "dream prophecy" will come true.
- It depends on what phase the dream was in, - explains numerologist and esoteric Anton Ushmanov . - It is conditionally possible to divide a dream into 3 intervals - the beginning, the middle and the end. If a prophetic dream had a dream in the first phase, then it will come true within a year. If in the second, in the middle of the night, then - within 6 months. If in the third, closer to the morning - for a month. If you saw a prophetic dream just before dawn, it will come true within 12 days. And if, before sunset - during the day. nine0003
In addition, it is useful to know on which days of the week prophetic dreams occur.
What is a prophetic dream
Prophetic dreams are usually viewed from two positions - scientific and esoteric. From the point of view of science, sleep as such is the result of the work of the brain, which, as you know, never sleeps. Throughout its life, the human supercomputer has been busy modeling reality based on experience gleaned through receptors, hearing, smell, sight. The human brain processes a million signals per second. But while we are awake, we cannot realize the results of this “revision” - consciousness interferes. nine0003
“At night, when our rational part is resting, the brain calmly processes all the information during the day through the subconscious,” psychologist Lyubov Ozhmegova explains the process. - And we see the images that the subconscious shows.
Just with their help, according to psychiatrist, psychotherapist, dream specialist, author of the first scientific Internet dream book in Runet Yaroslav Filatov , the brain helps a person understand how this or that situation will develop. In fact, the models that the brain builds are the very prophetic dreams. nine0003 Dreams are nothing more than information processing. Photo:
“Some people say that the brain predicts in a dream,” says Filatov. - But it would be more correct to say - it models: the state of objects, the reactions of people. Brain models are built constantly, and in a dream they appear to us.
Esotericists and followers of spiritual practices associate the phenomenon of prophetic dreams with reading information from space.
— It happens unconsciously, — Alena Arkina, an energy therapist, the author of the life reconstruction method, shares his thoughts , - Possible scenarios in real life are read.
— The most important thing in prophetic dreams is that, having seen them, a person can draw conclusions, realize the reasons for what is happening to him, get answers to questions, — summarizes the psychologist-hypnologist Alexandria Sadofyeva.
Why prophetic dreams occur
Mystic Denis Banchenko is sure that prophetic dreams occur for three reasons. First, when a person was too close to an important event. Secondly, when the "genius of the earth" directly pushes him to pay attention to this or that situation. And thirdly, when consciousness reaches such a level of development that it itself conducts an information signal from the outside. nine0003
- A person can capture the vibrations of space in the form of a beam of information (future event), - energy therapist Alena Arkina explains . - In parallel, there is an infinite number of options for the development of events. And a person catches one of them in a dream.
This happens when the brain and subconscious are trying to show the most probable scenarios for the future. But why does our supercomputer and inner self need this? Why should they show us where to go and where to spread the straw? nine0003
“The brain is busy helping us to survive every minute,” psychiatrist Yaroslav Filatov reminds . If nothing bad happens, it doesn't mean that there are no dangers. And the task of the psyche is to reveal our capabilities and abilities that will help in development. From the fulfillment of these tasks, prophetic dreams are born.
In other words, in order for a person to “receive a hat” less during wakefulness, the psyche tries to get through to him at night.
- Dreams are dreamed by all living beings who have a soul - assures esoteric Anton Ushmanov . - At night, we get the opportunity to live through some of the negative scenarios, "digest" them in a dream in order to avoid or learn how to cope live.
On what days prophetic dreams come true
It is believed that empty dreams are dreamed on the first day of the week. There can be many emotions and experiences in them, but not very prophecies. But if the dream that occurred on Monday is vivid and memorable, you can try to decipher it. Perhaps he will suggest a solution to some minor life task, but you should not look for a deep decisive meaning in it. nine0243
Dreams on Tuesday may come true. And, quite quickly - within two weeks. If the Tuesday dream is with a plus sign, it is better to make every effort to make it come true. And if with a minus sign, on the contrary, it makes sense to try to make sure that the dream does not come true. In fact, Tuesday is the day of choice, when you have to decide whether you want the dream to turn into reality or not. The consequences of inaction can be very unpleasant. nine0003
On Wednesdays, as esotericists say, there is not much trust in dreams. They are mostly empty. You don't have to trust them too much. In dreams that occurred on Wednesday, as a rule, there are no prophecies, but there are “bells” regarding your character and personal qualities. They can be a revelation. Try to figure out what the psyche signals: this will help to work on yourself.
If the dream you had on Monday is vivid and memorable, you can try to decipher it. Photo: pixabay.comThursday
"Dreams from Thursday to Friday are prophetic" - this is how people think. And experts say it's true: Thursday's visions openly hint at the future and indicate how this or that situation will develop. Prophetic dreams that appeared on Thursday will come true within three years. Often on Thursdays, romantic, fabulous visions come. But in fact, they are far from romance as such. She is just a symbol. Even in such dreams, you need to look for important life prophecies. nine0243
Friday dreams are usually very ordinary. Deciphering them is just a waste of time. But if you dream of a romantic plot on Friday, it directly hints at a relationship with your soulmate. A bad dream "about love" does not bode well in reality. So be vigilant and take action.
Saturday sleep should be analyzed more closely. It may come true before noon. In addition, esotericists say that a dream that occurred on Saturday can predict not only your future: you can see in it what awaits your loved ones. I often have nightmares on Saturdays. They do not need to be afraid, but worth taking into account. nine0243
Sunday sleep can be "ordered". If you concentrate well and formulate a desire (or question), you may dream of exactly the situation that worries you the most. Sunday dreams are often prophetic and come true quickly. Often on Sundays, good prophetic dreams are dreamed, predicting prosperity.
Popular questions and answers
What do you need to know about prophetic dreams in order to learn how to understand them? Here is what experts answer the most common questions about prophetic dreams. nine0003
Who has prophetic dreams?
According to psychiatrist Yaroslav Filatov, the most likely to see prophetic dreams are introverts - people who are closed and reasonable. They know how to delve into themselves, look at the little things and draw conclusions. In other words, prophetic dreams are for people who are sensitive to themselves, the signals of their body and to others.
— And prophetic dreams are often dreamed of by those who trust their intuition, — adds psychologist-hypnologist Alexandria Sadofyeva . — And for those who are going through a difficult situation, whose internal resources are focused on solving a vital task.
People of science are convinced that in order to see a prophetic dream, no special abilities are needed. At the same time, esotericists assure: a predisposition to extrasensory perception increases the chances of getting more prophetic dreams.
- The date of birth also plays a role, - says esoteric Anton Ushmanov . - People born on the 2nd, 9th, 15th, 18th, 20th of any month, as well as those born in February, September and October, are more inclined to perceive prophetic dreams than others. But there is a category of people who cannot have prophetic dreams. These are people who take intoxication, lead a dirty lifestyle in terms of hygiene and thoughts, in other words - in ignorance, greedy and prone to gossip. All this interferes with the perception of dreams or distorts their meaning. In addition, subtle entities can connect to such people in order to broadcast what is not really there. nine0003
How to understand that a prophetic dream?
— A prophetic dream clearly echoes reality, says dream specialist Yaroslav Filatov . - It is about significant events for us. This is either a warning or a prediction.
But a prophetic dream may not come true. For example, if a person, having seen something terrible in a vision, in reality will actively influence events in order to avoid trouble. And then the prophetic night vision, as it were, is no longer prophetic.
- A prophetic dream can be recognized by the feeling with which you wake up - teaches psychologist-hypnologist Sadofyeva . - It is bright, lively and can be repeated with a certain frequency.
If a dream does not find parallels in everyday life, the recognition of the “degree” of its prophecy can be trusted to intuition and feelings. With this, mystic Denis Banchenko assures , women cope better than men.
“Women have a more developed right hemisphere of the brain and the sensory sphere,” he explains. - They usually feel that the dream is prophetic. And it's not just a feeling, it's a signal. nine0003
Well, if the signal did not happen, you can analyze additional signs: and prophetic dreams have them.
— A prophetic dream is distinguished by its detail, — energy therapist Arkina lists . - A person, waking up after a prophetic dream, can even remember tastes, smells, describe in detail events, textures. If a dream left an indelible imprint, an emotion, then it is prophetic.
When are dreams prophetic and when are they not?
People of science who follow Uncle Freud's ideas say: man himself can make his dreams prophetic. Suppose you dreamed of a classmate with whom you had not communicated for many years. To what? What for? What does this dream mean? If nothing is done, it will turn out that absolutely nothing. But, if you call an old friend and talk heart to heart with her, the dream will become prophetic. Another thing, what exactly did the brain and psyche want to say with this dream? Perhaps he is a hint of a lack of communication, or perhaps a reminder of a mistake that should be corrected long ago. By the way, for our inner "I" there are no small topics. This "oak" consciousness believes that the meaning of a prophetic dream is global, pretentious and terrible. For the psyche, which collects the human gut bit by bit, everything is important. And what devalues consciousness - especially. nine0003
“I urge you to actively transform what is happening in your favor, to rethink reality,” psychotherapist Yaroslav Filatov is campaigning for . - I dreamed of an old friend - we call him. You need to allow yourself to make dreams prophetic. Poke around in them, pull out meanings, interpretations from them. But remember, sometimes a dream is just a dream. That's what Sigmund Freud said.
Is it possible to distinguish a prophecy from a figurative picture? Psychiatrists and psychologists say yes.
— The feeling of sleep matters, explains Alexandria Sadofyeva . - If you woke up with a clear understanding of "this means something" - it makes sense to delve into the dream. And if your previous day was filled with a variety of events, then your REM phase (dream phase) will be a little longer than usual, and your dreams will be richer. Since the brain processes information during the REM phase, dreams are nothing more than processing information, sorting it by significance, redirecting it to one or another memory area.
"Not prophetic" dreams leave almost no emotional response in our souls. And very quickly forgotten. nine0003
- A simple dream - even if it was emotional, is erased from memory. - clarifies Alena Arkina . - Details are not remembered.
How to make a prophetic dream come true?
Esoteric Ushmanov advises to turn to god, guardian angel and ancestors for prophetic dreams. Mystic Denis Banchenko recommends resorting to meditation and sleeping in places with "displaced space", whatever that means. Psychologist Alexandria Sadofyeva sends hypnologists for installations for prophetic dreams. And dream expert Yaroslav Filatov answers this question as follows:
- You need to sincerely wish, tell yourself: I will try to remember everything and wake up with the memory of a dream. Might work.
When a person attunes himself in this way, a so-called sentinel center is created inside his psyche, which prevents the images that come in a dream from slipping away. He seems to cling to them and pulls them to the surface. In this state, with an activated sentinel center, a person can even influence what happens in a dream. Have you heard of lucid dreams? It's just about them. nine0003
— So that the brain does not wander anywhere, you can give it tasks before going to bed: for example, “let me dream about the resolution of this or that situation” — and describe it, — energy therapist Alena Arkina adds . - If you do this every night, then over time you will learn to control dreams and receive answers to requests. This is a painstaking, but very interesting work to unlock the potential of a person.