How long the first intake session be psychologist
The Intake Session — The Counseling Hub
You’ve done it! You’ve signed up for therapy and are awaiting the next chapter of your story to begin. You may have been to therapy before (or maybe you haven’t), but either way, it can be nerve wracking. Finding someone you fit with and (generally) it being someone you have never met can be daunting.
What should you wear? What should you say? Should you cry at the first session? How much do you really want to tell your therapist? What if you don’t like your therapist?
These questions are ones that people may ask themselves before their first session. The first session is unlike the following sessions, and therefore it can feel like a strange encounter. The first session is known in the “counseling world” as the intake session. The purpose of the intake session is for the therapist and you to create the most whole and accurate picture of you as possible.
In other words, this is a time where your therapist goes over all there is to know (as if that’s possible in one session) about you to help gather a picture to help you both out. One way in which your therapist gets to know you is through the use of forms. There are probably going to be a lot of forms you must fill out. These could include informed consent, intake forms, release of information, questionnaires, and so on.
This is the most important document that you want to read with a careful eye. We aren’t trying to slide anything past you, but we really want you to know what it says. An informed consent is super important to not only the therapist, but for you as well.
Essentially, the document lays out the framework for the legal and logistical parts of therapy. The informed consent will likely be packed with information such as social media policies, mandated reporting laws, what will happen to your file if your therapist expires, payment arrangements, cancellation policies, confidentiality statements, and anything else that your therapist may think is important.
This is likely to be the form that takes you and your therapist the most time to digest. The purpose of the intake form is to get as much information as possible about you that could inform the therapeutic process. For our team, the intake is online so you can take your time thinking of the answers! Then, we go over it together.
So many different domains are associated with mental health therefore your intake form is probably going to be longer than any other form you must fill out. Most of the time the form will begin with questions to gather basic information; What’s your name? Where do you live? What is your birthday? How do you identify your gender? Race or ethnicity? Therapists know that age, gender, and ethnicity can influence certain disorders differently than persons of differing age, gender, and ethnicity. Also, in the first part of the intake, you will find questions that inquire about work, living arrangements, and education. Our mental health can negatively influence these areas of our lives and it is good to know if these areas are ones that can be positively influenced by therapy.
The next sections are not necessarily in this particular order; however, they are all generally included in the intake forms.
Relationships are invaluable as social supports during times when you may feel like you are not feeling like you. Your intake form will want to know about all the types of relationships you have had since you were a child. Did you have supportive parents or siblings? If not, who were your role models? Do you have friends that you can talk to when you are feeling down? Do you have a significant other? If so, do you feel happy with that relationship? Do you have a relationship with spiritual or religious beliefs? All these various relationships can be important when discussing what supports you when you are not in the therapy office.
Being honest with your therapist is crucial. Therapists know how difficult it can be to talk about hard things you may have experienced (i.e., neglect, childhood abuse, family or parent substance abuse, couples conflict), but they also know how much of a need it is and relief it feels to get it off your chest. Although that doesn’t all (i.e. getting it out) come within the first session, we are prepping for the opportunity ahead of you!
There will be questions about previous therapy. Your therapist will want to know if you have been in therapy before. Did someone refer you to therapy? Were you ever hospitalized for psychiatric purposes? Do you take any psychotropic medications? If so, what are they? Most likely, your therapist will inquire what you liked and disliked about previous therapists and what previous goals were. Your therapist may also want to know what you expect from your new therapy. How long should it last? What do you want to see change from the beginning to the conclusion of therapy? Last, your therapist will want to know in your own words why you are coming in. What exactly is happening so that you sought out therapy? Knowing what you have accomplished in previous work and what you expect from current therapy will inform your therapists approach.
Typically, towards the end of the intake form, your therapist will want to know if there is anything else that you want them to know about you.
This is a great opportunity for you to expound on any of the answers your previously provided. Also, towards the end of the form, your counselor will ask you to write your strengths. You are so strong and have come so far in life! Your therapist will want to know how you have made life work and then help you find even more strengths within yourself.
Although release of information may not be discussed in every intake session, it is good to know about.
A release of information is a form that allows your therapist to speak with other professionals you may visit. In the therapy world when many professionals come together to help the health and well-being of an individual it is called collaborative care. Your therapist may ask you if you would like your other health-care professionals to be able to communicate with them. Collaborating with other professionals can enhance the effectiveness of therapy in many ways. Therapists often spend more time with clients than other health professionals. Because of this inequal amount of time, therapists can act as an advocate for their client if there are any concerns.
If you agree to a collaborative care approach, you will be signing a release of information. On a release of information form there should be specific information; who can the therapist speak with, when the form will expire, and what you can do if you decide to retract the form. As mentioned previously though, it might not be discussed in session because it might not be of interest to you. This is not required.
Not as if you have had enough papers to fill out, your therapist may ask you to fill out some questionnaires. These questionnaires may be completed at different time intervals such as weekly, monthly, or every three months. Questionnaires serve a purpose, but the purpose may vary.
First, to get a baseline. For therapists, they cannot know where to go if they don’t know where you are. A baseline is an understanding of where you currently are so that your therapist can help you move to where you want to be.
Second, questionnaires can potentially help identify what it is that you are experiencing. Sometimes it is hard to tell whether or not it’s anxiety, depression, obsessions, and so forth. Tentatively identifying what you are experiencing helps inform treatment.
Last, questionnaires can identify when you may need immediate help. It can be very uncomfortable to talk about thoughts of suicide or homicide, but it’s important to talk about it. Research has consistently backed up that directly questioning is the best way to help an individual who is at an extreme end of harming self or others. When you indicate that those thoughts are present, it’s important that your therapist can help you right away.
So, you have filled out the mountains of forms. You are ready to go in and spill your guts to your therapist. Before you do, it is important to know that the first session will mostly be information gathering. This will not be a normal therapy session. I repeat: this will not be a normal therapy session. This session is to gather more information from you, really a sense of who you are (and for you to meet and get a sense of your therapist), provide you an opportunity to elaborate on any of your answers on your intake form. During this session you may often feel the need to focus on the critical aspects that drew you to therapy; but, as urgent as those feel, you probably won’t get the chance to talk about them in depth. Not that your therapist doesn’t want to hear about the things you’re coming in for! They totally do (or should if they are a good fit).
They are also tasked with getting the biggest view of you as possible, that way they can pinpoint how to move forward and help you find what works for you. If you come in and talk about your problem before your therapist can fully understand you as a person, they may not be able to provide you the most individualized help. The intake session can feel like a weird encounter. You may hear your therapist say, “That sounds really important, and I want to come back to that, but for now, I need to know…” You are also welcome to say, “I know that we have to get through all this stuff, but I want to make sure we talk about…” That way your therapist knows that a specific topic is very important to you.
In summary, there are a lot of forms. These forms give your therapist a clear understanding of who you are so that both of you can make the most informed decisions as possible. You need to carefully read through the informed consent document and decide if there are any release of information forms you would like to fill out. Also, be prepared for more questions as your therapist may want to use a questionnaire. Finally, be prepared to talk about all the forms. The intake session can be quite nerve wracking, but hopefully, you will have a positive experience and you are able to begin your journey towards health!
Molly is currently in her final year of the Master of Science in Clinical Counseling at Central Methodist University (CMU) and is a student intern at The Counseling Hub and Boone County Mental Health Coalition, where she will assess and provide mental health interventions and resources for individuals and groups in Boone County schools. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in General Psychology with a minor in Child Development from Central Methodist University directly before enrolling in the counseling program. Prior to pursuing her counseling degree, Molly received an Associates of Science in Early Childhood Education from Moberly Area Community College.
Molly has experience in the Counseling Center at MACC's Columbia campus, providing counseling services for students around the topics of identity crises, school-related stressors, depression issues, and coping with anxiety. Molly has co-facilitated Safe Zone trainings which introduce its members to the LGBTQ+ community terminology and basic information. Molly has also completed on online course in LGBTQ+ Counseling Competencies (College and Career Readiness) through the American Counseling Association (ACA). Molly is an active member of both the ACA and the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD).
Molly enjoys working with diverse populations and seeks to always be open to new learning experiences. She works best with individuals who are trying to discover who they are and how they relate to their world, as well as others in their world. Molly believes that a person’s external factors can provide both barriers and resources towards growth and that one must discover these in order to thrive.
What Should I Expect at My First Counseling Session? What Happens at My Intake Appointment?
First and foremost, congratulations. You’ve decided to improve your life by working with a counselor. This is a huge leap that can benefit you in many ways, and you should be very proud of yourself. That being said, it’s likely that you have some reservations about working with a mental health counselor, too. This is totally understandable. While we can’t promise to help you conquer these reservations and feel completely confident in this journey, we can help to lessen your nerves by running through what your first session will look like!
Wendela Marsh, Therapist and Board-Certified Behavior Analyst, is here to help us explain everything you can expect from filling out paperwork at your intake appointment to meeting your counselor and building a successful therapeutic relationship:
What Should I Expect at an Intake Appointment?In the initial stages of counseling, you must first complete an intake appointment. As with any other doctors appointments, this will involve filling out some necessary paperwork, answering basic questions, and covering the basics of confidentiality. Marsh explains how exactly you can expect this to unfold:
- Filling out paperwork: “Your first counseling session doesn’t have to be awkward or uncomfortable. (Don’t worry, your therapist will not make you lie down on a couch.) Hopefully, you have already made a connection by getting to know your therapist online and during a consultation meeting or phone call, to see if you are a good fit. During the first session, you can expect to fill out paperwork, just as you would the first time you go to a new doctor or dentist. This will range from your family history and medical history to your insurance information. Fill it out as completely as you can, to give your therapist a good background and a feel for where you are coming from.”
- Answering basic questions from your counselor: Once you’ve filled out this paperwork, your counselor will run through it with you and maybe even ask you some of the questions to make sure they understand your needs.
“When you finally sit down across from your therapist, they will probably ask you again many of the same questions you answered on the paperwork. This is normal; they want to clear up any potential misunderstandings and hear some of your history from you, yourself, rather than just reading about it,” Marsh explains.
- Discussing and understanding confidentiality: “They will also discuss confidentiality and the limits of confidentiality. If you are an adult, they must not share your personal information, or anything you share with them, with anyone else. There are a few exceptions—if they are part of a therapeutic team that regularly discusses patient needs for the purpose of providing optimal services, they will ask you to sign a waiver of confidentiality within that team for only those purposes. If you were referred by your physician or another therapist, they will ask you to sign a release so they can thank the referring doctor and let them know that they have accepted you as a client.
During the course of your counseling, if your counselor believes that you may be a danger to yourself or others, they may be legally mandated to report the danger; how that is done depends on federal, state, and local laws and the ethical guidelines of their profession. For children under the age of 19, it may be that some information will be shared with the parents, as needed, and the counselor is legally required to report all suspected child abuse to the proper authorities.”
Your intake appointment will cover all of the normal bases of meeting with a new healthcare provider. It is an essential step in receiving counseling, and it will give you a better feel for the counselor you’ll be meeting with!
What Should I Expect at My First Counseling Session?Once you’ve taken care of all the paperwork and discussed confidentiality, it’s time to get down to business and discuss why you’ve decided to begin counseling. “Your therapist will want to spend the first session getting to know you,” says Marsh. Potential questions may include:
- What brought you to counseling at this time?
- What are you hoping to accomplish through counseling?
- Do you have any concerns about what counseling might be like, or questions you’d like to ask?
These questions and those of the like are designed to help your therapist gage where you’re at as well as where you want to be—and enable your progression to that desired destination. So long as you discuss, agree on, and map out a treatment plan, as explained by Marsh: “The first session is the time to plan for future sessions. Frequency will depend on both the therapist’s recommendation and availability, and your own preference, scheduling conflicts, and financial constraints. You will probably not be asked to come in two or three times a week; on the other hand, just once a month may be too long between sessions. It can be difficult to remember everything that happened in the last month to report how effective the counseling has been, and momentum is lost. Typically, once a week, or every two weeks at longest, is a good schedule for most people.”
In sum, “at the end of the first session, you should feel as if you and your therapist know each other a bit better, that you are comfortable working together, and that you have a plan going forward.” Hopefully you leave your counselor’s office feeling more confident about your decision to begin counseling and ready to get to work; however, if those nerves aren’t completely resolved, that’s okay too. It’s called a process for a reason!
Counseling Near MeIf you’re looking for a counselor or therapist near you, consider working with a mental health counselor at Thriveworks. Our counselors have the necessary skills, training, and experience it takes to help you find greater happiness or success. Additionally, they specialize in offering different types of counseling including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). You can schedule an appointment today at a location near you, or book an online counseling session.
Psychologist's appointment: how the first session goes : Blog Alter
Content hide Counseling scheme and professional ethics Counseling stages: a detailed plan How to prepare for your first session with a psychologist How long does your first session with a psychologist is your first step towards a better life. Therefore, you should definitely not be afraid of it. But getting ready to work more efficiently is a good idea. You may be nervous before
- Consultation Scheme and Professional Ethics nine0006
- Stages of psychological counseling: a detailed plan
- How to prepare for your first session with a psychologist
- How long does the appointment last
The first session with a psychologist is your first step towards a better life. Therefore, you should definitely not be afraid of it. But getting ready to work more efficiently is a good idea.
It is normal for you to feel nervous before your initial psychological consultation. After all, you finally decided to talk about your problem with a specialist and you see this person for the first time in your life. In this article we will cover:
- Why a professional psychologist will never judge you.
— What is psychotherapy and how does it work.
— What will happen at the first session with a psychologist.
— How to prepare for the first session with a psychologist.
— How and by what algorithms psychotherapy works.
Counseling scheme and professional ethics
Psychotherapy is a conversational practice. This means that most of the time you will be talking with a psychologist. Such a conversation will be different from a simple conversation with a friend. Therapy is all about you. The psychologist asks questions, structures the conversation, and helps you make sense of your own life. A friend is likely to refer to their experience and evaluate your words. Compare:
Talking to a friend
— I'm so tired, it's the same thing at work every day, I'm not sure I want to stay here anymore. And besides that, I can't do anything. I don't really know what to do.
— Oh, I had this two years ago! I went to India for a retreat, it helped. Do not lose heart, what are your years, you will still find yourself.
Talking to a psychologist
— I'm so tired, it's the same thing at work every day, I'm not sure I want to stay here anymore. And besides that, I can't do anything. I don't really know what to do. nine0003
- You say that you are very tired from work. When did you first realize this? What is this feeling like? Try to remember: has it ever happened before? In what situation?
The psychologist does not give advice or tell you what to do. Not because he is a bad professional, but because he cannot know it. Only you are the expert on your own life. Only you know what is good and right for you. A psychologist helps you feel empowered to do what you want and take responsibility for your own decisions. He will never judge or criticize you. nine0003
Stages of a psychological consultation: a detailed plan
Let's look at how a psychologist's consultation takes place, using an example. The client is Masha, a girl who suffers from panic attacks.
- Seeking help
*All therapy begins with the understanding that a person needs professional help. Psychotherapy will be ineffective if the person himself does not want to fix anything*
Masha had her first panic attack six months ago. Then she did not even understand what had happened: she was working at a computer, when she suddenly felt severe dizziness and tinnitus. She was afraid that something dangerous was happening, her hands began to shake and her heart began to pound. Masha wanted to call an ambulance, but she couldn't concentrate and dial the number. She lay down and tried to calm down - after 10 minutes everything really went away. Only fear and misunderstanding remained. nine0003
Over time, these symptoms began to recur: in public transport, in the supermarket, on the way home from the subway. Masha realized that something was wrong with her, and decided to check with the doctors. But neither the neurologist, the cardiologist, nor the endocrinologist found significant violations. So Masha got a diagnosis of VVD and recommendations to walk more and be less nervous. But the symptoms didn't go away.
Then Masha decided to look on her own to see if anyone else had encountered a similar problem. And almost immediately I came across the phrase "panic attacks." After reading a couple of articles, Masha realized that she was most likely suffering from them - and she needed to look for a psychologist. nine0003
In Alter you can find a psychologist for an individual request. It is enough to fill out a questionnaire - and the algorithm will select those who know how to work with such situations.
Fill out the questionnaire
- Registration for the first session and preparation
Masha found a psychologist who can work with panic attacks. She was afraid to sign up for the first session: what if she had to talk about something personal there? How can you talk openly with someone you see for the first time? And in general, they will prescribe pills for her and make her a vegetable! nine0003
*A psychologist without a medical education has no right to prescribe pills - only a Vla-psychiatrist can do this. For most requests (such as panic attacks), medication is not necessary. A 2013 study showed that talking therapy helps with anxiety disorders better than medication*
But panic attacks did not go away, but only became more frequent, so Masha decided to try. She signed up for the first session and began to wait for a meeting with a psychologist. nine0003
- Acquaintance with a psychologist
On the appointed day, Masha arrived at the psychological center, where her psychologist rented an office. It was quiet and peaceful there, and there were almost no people. When her time came, the psychologist came out, said hello and invited Masha into the office.
Masha expected to see an ordinary doctor's office, but it looked more like a small cozy living room. There was a subdued light, there were two armchairs and a table, pictures hung on the walls. Masha sat down in a chair and began to tell her story. nine0003
- Request generation
*The most important stage of therapy is the formation of a request. A request is something that you want to solve with therapy. It is necessary to formulate what worries you and how you would like to change it*
After listening to Masha, the psychologist said that she did well, and she really had to face difficult experiences. He added that in big cities and with the modern pace of life, many people begin to suffer from panic attacks - but, fortunately, psychologists know what to do about it. nine0003
The psychologist asked how Masha would understand that her problem had been solved and that therapy could be ended. Then he asked a few more clarifying questions: about the timing and frequency of consultations; Together they drew up a personal work plan. We agreed that Masha would come once a week, and at home she would perform psychological techniques and keep a diary of emotions.
*Psychologists often give clients homework. These are supportive techniques that help you apply what you learned in the office*
- Speaking and performing psychological techniques
In the remaining time, Masha told the psychologist about her life, her daily routine, and important events. It turned out that she had recently suffered a sudden dismissal from her previous job and an urgent search for a new one, in which she was not completely sure. Most likely, the body reacted with panic attacks to severe stress, which could not be worked out.
You can't change the past, but you can learn how to react to stress and cope with anxiety in a new way. This will help not only get rid of panic attacks, but also become more resilient to difficulties. nine0003
How to prepare for the first session with a psychologist
The effectiveness of psychotherapy depends on both the work of the psychologist and the work of the client. It is a mistake to believe that you will simply “go to psychotherapy”, and the specialist will solve your problems during this time. Both parties need to contribute.
This contribution begins with the preparation for the first session. It is not at all complicated and does not require much time, but it will help reduce stress and increase the effectiveness of the first psychological consultation. nine0003
- State your concern
As we already wrote, the first stage is a request. Try to understand as accurately as possible what exactly you do not like. If it doesn't work, no big deal. The psychologist will help formulate the request, this is one of his professional competencies. But if you do it yourself, perhaps the work will move faster.
- Find out what psychotherapy is
If you are nervous before your first session, try to learn as much as you can about psychotherapy:
- The podcast "I'm listening to you" will help you look at the work of a psychologist and a client from the inside. This is a recording of real therapy sessions with comments.
- A guide to psychotherapy specialties will introduce you to a variety of therapeutic methods and techniques.
- Blog and Instagram Alter will answer difficult questions like "What to rely on when choosing a psychologist" or "What to do if nothing makes me happy."
- Do not consume anything mind-altering the day before
Sobriety is a very important condition for psychotherapy.
How long is the appointment
The duration of a standard session is from 50 minutes to 1 hour . It is difficult to predict how many sessions you will need in advance - everyone has their own request, plan and pace. But clients manage to solve many problems on therapy within half a year . More complex requests (e.g. personality disorder) may take up to two years .
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why exactly this time is necessary for the course of therapy.
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Psychotherapy course: optimal duration
Immediately after making an appointment, clients usually ask: how many sessions should I attend to solve my problem? It is impossible to answer such a question immediately, even before the start of the course, but not all clients are ready to accept this fact with understanding. As a rule, the psychotherapist at the first appointment voices how many meetings it will take approximately to cope with the problem.
Some clients do not like exactly this approximation: how is it that a professional does not know exactly how much time he will need? Someone asks for help urgently, in a few days, because the person is already at the limit - unable to sleep, eat, work normally. When a psychologist talks about the unreality of an instant result, such a client is unpleasantly surprised. nine0003
We will look at what can be expected after a certain number of psychotherapy sessions, and why all the terms are approximate.
First consultation
At the first session psychologist establishes contact with his patient, who himself or with the help of leading questions tells about his situation. As a result, the contours of a problem that torments a person are outlined and a “request” for the work of a psychotherapist is indicated.
When talking with a client, the specialist focuses on many details:
- when exactly did the first warning symptoms appear and what was their nature;
- under what circumstances there are exacerbations, and when, on the contrary, it becomes easier;
- how the client perceives and evaluates his condition, what doubts torment him;
- what specifically he wants to fix, how he imagines his life after completing the course.
With the help of such questions, the psychologist gets a clearer idea of the work ahead, models the situation of his client and works out possible ways out of this “maze”. Only after such preliminary preparation can one move on to the question of the number of sessions required and the time frame. nine0003
During the first conversation, the patient can look at his situation as if from the outside. Perhaps it is at this consultation that a person will pay attention to those nuances that he had previously ignored, draw for himself a more accurate picture of what is happening, separate the “wheat from the chaff” and formulate his problem more clearly. In addition, the client needs to learn not to mix his personal perception of the situation and the real, already accomplished facts. Such an analysis can push the patient to look for ways out of a situation that at first glance seems to be a dead end. nine0003
After the first meeting, it becomes clear whether the specialist will continue working with the client. It happens that one consultation is not enough to work out all the nuances and thus determine the time needed to solve the problem, that is, the number of psychotherapy sessions. This happens for many reasons: the individual characteristics of the client, a large number of requests, etc. In such cases, the psychologist usually formulates the most urgent tasks, and offers to do a more detailed analysis of the situation during the next consultation. nine0210
Brief psychotherapy
A short course of work on one problem includes a minimum of three sessions, but as a rule, they require up to ten. In this case, psychotherapy is called short-term, and the course is designed to work out one aspect. A large-scale personality change, which entails a complete renewal of life, cannot occur in such a short time, but it is quite possible to “deal with” one problem. For example, it may be a conflict with a child, difficulties in making any decision, unsuccessful attempts to establish relations with superiors or colleagues, and so on. nine0003
It is possible to cope with psychological difficulties in a short period of time (within 2-2.5 months) if:
- Focus on a specific issue. You may have many pressing problems: disagreements in relations with your spouse, lack of confidence in your professional competence, psychosomatic ailments, and much more. But the psychotherapist will not be able to work on everything at once - this is simply unrealistic. You need to work on each request separately, scrupulously working through all the points, and this takes time.
- How old the problem is. Situations that have a long statute of limitations have time to acquire many protective mechanisms, provoke hard-to-correct personality changes, and penetrate literally into all aspects of life. For example, a child gets lost in the forest and spends half a day there, being sure that he will never be able to return home. From now on, he may acquire a persistent fear of loneliness, will panic, remaining without adults even for a short time. Over time, against this background, lack of initiative, the desire to "sit out in the corner", etc., may develop. So one old fear creates another. As a result, the personality may not change for the better. When does such a person turn to a psychiatrist? Almost always already matured, when the changes become sustainable.
Over the years, a person changes, develops and may well correct some acquired shortcomings, but some of them will develop into character. Hence various complexes, low self-esteem, or vice versa - excessive self-confidence, aggressiveness. There will come a time when these personal difficulties can be used to your advantage. nine0003
For example, a hysterical person often gets his way by influencing the nerves of loved ones, while a person with a psychosomatic illness easily shirks responsibility ("I'm sick, leave me alone"). Those who are afraid of everything can count on support, etc. In other words, people adapt to speculate on their psychological distress.
You can calculate a very approximate psychotherapy time in a simple way. True, the result will be very, very approximate. You need to determine the time during which this problem exists, and then divide this number by 4. nine0003
Suppose the situation has developed over the course of a year (twelve months). This means that its correction will require about two or three months or approximately ten sessions.
Long-term psychotherapy
If your goal is dramatic personal change, then you will need a course of psychotherapy lasting from six months (which corresponds to about twenty sessions). It's minimum. In this case, we are not talking about solving a single issue, but about a complete restructuring of self-awareness and worldview. nine0003
Situations that used to cause a person to panic will begin to be perceived in a completely different way; the endless feeling of personal guilt for everything that happens in the world is transformed into the need to answer only for one's own actions; difficulties with the arrangement of personal life begin to be recognized as the result of their own incorrect behavior. As a result, a person begins to try to change himself, and the world around him is gradually changing too.
Psychologist in working with the client will apply special techniques, use various resources, offer special exercises and tests. Little by little, the patient begins to realize what exactly provoked the situation, what is his own role in not being able to achieve what he wants. nine0003
The formation and development of personality does not stop throughout life.
How a person perceives himself depends on many factors:
- natural temperament,
- family education methods,
- learned moral principles, 90,005 ideas about one's own personality.
And, most importantly, from the acquired unique experience of living in different life situations. nine0003
Experience value
When deciding on the commission of a particular act, we are primarily guided by our previous experience. Comparing the various situations that we have been in, we determine which resources of our personality should be used to solve a particular problem. In this case, you may encounter difficulties that you cannot get rid of.
We are talking about both circumstances (parting with a loved one, dismissal from work), and emotional states (constant anxiety, fearfulness, depressed mood), as well as problems with contact (shyness, insecurity). Moreover, these circumstances and conditions may not be new at all, but old ones. It’s just that a person at one fine moment realizes that it’s impossible to live like this any longer: the existing problem needs to be somehow resolved. nine0003
If a person is unable to independently find ways to change the situation, he seeks psychological help. The absence of productive mechanisms plays a role, as well as an unconscious manner of behavior that has been formed over the years. All this leads to the fact that the situation develops in this way, and not otherwise.
The reassessment of old and the design of new effective mechanisms cannot be done quickly. The human soul is a complex system, it cannot be “darned” or “redrawn” in one day. nine0210
It can be very difficult for people to open their soul before a psychologist for the following reasons:
- a person does not have the habit of “digging” into the nuances of his own personality, he never thought about the causes of his conditions;
- the client is very ashamed of some of his actions and therefore is not able to voice them;
- cannot bring himself to abandon stereotypes, etc.
Do not forget that psychotherapy involves the colossal spiritual work of the patient himself, so the forced acceleration of the process will only harm. A true professional always protects the soul of a person who trusts him, manipulates his feelings and emotions with extreme caution. nine0003
To conquer an outstanding mountain peak without having the skills of a climber, you will first need to climb many much smaller mountains, gradually gaining the necessary experience. The same thing happens in psychotherapy: in order to reach the goal, you first have to go through the same roads many times, moving forward very slowly.
Psychologist - your assistant for life
What is the end goal of a good psychologist working with a client? The most important thing is not just to improve his life at this stage, but also to create conditions under which in the future he will be able to independently find ways out of various difficult situations. nine0003
When the request is processed and the result is achieved, the specialist and the client, as a rule, no longer meet. But often the client, having received what he wants, wants to continue the sessions. In this case, it is necessary to form a new request, re-clarify the working conditions.
In the West, long-term (or even lifelong) continuation of psychotherapy is a fairly common phenomenon, but in Russia this almost never occurs.
Psychotherapists and psychologists who attach due importance to practical training, as a rule, communicate with a psychotherapist for at least a year. Sometimes such communication develops into permanent, and not at all because the specialist himself has some kind of psychological problem. nine0003
One day at one of the conferences, a well-known psychologist was asked if he himself had a personal psychotherapist and how long he had been visiting him. The professional replied that yes, he has been in contact with a personal psychotherapist for all 15 years of his practice. And for him it is not only a great experience, but also a great pleasure.
Many people who care about their state of mind strive to receive psychological support not just once, but constantly, over many years. In everyday affairs and worries, it is difficult to choose at least an hour to stop and immerse yourself in the contemplation and evaluation of your inner world. But this is necessary in order to better understand what is happening, to draw an objective picture of events, to plan a course of action. Therefore, people go to their psychotherapist. nine0003
We have had the opportunity to talk to many clients who have received psychotherapy. The duration of the course was different for each, but all clients agreed that the benefits of communicating with a specialist can hardly be overestimated. Such an experience first radically changes a person's sense of self, and then positively affects the quality of his life in general.
One woman who completed the course expressed her impressions as follows: “Amazing sensations! Everything around seems to be the same – the world and people. nine0033 I myself have changed: I began to perceive everything completely differently, to treat everything more calmly and easily.
Very soon I noticed that, it turns out, my relationships with people are also changing in a positive direction.
If you have come to the conclusion that you need a trip to a psychologist or psychotherapist, you should not put off the implementation of this idea on the back burner.
Of course, your problems will not disappear after the very first consultation, but you will take the necessary step towards improving the quality of life! nine0064
Everything always starts with the first step - remember this.
Make an appointment with a psychologist in St. Petersburg
+7 (911) 814-814-0
Psychologist Smirnova Maria Igorevna
Education: 2012 - 2016 Leningrad State University A.