How introverts can succeed in the workplace
How Introverts Can Succeed In The Workplace
As an introvert, I can honestly say that I had no idea how to even measure success for myself, or how to achieve success without putting myself in constant terrifying social scenes that weren’t me. Being in an office setting both excited me and frightened me all in one breath.
To make matters even crazier, I was a full-on introvert who was also a PR girl—a public relations manager. In case you’re unaware, doing any kind of PR work usually calls for extroverts, seeing as your constantly managing daily relationships for and with clients. I was wary about getting started in an extrovert-exclusive career path, but I loved the work. The longer I thrived in my job, the more I wondered if I could hold onto my career without trying to pretend to be an extrovert.
Luckily, I’ve been in the workforce for years, and I have to say that when it comes to all kinds of work, we introverts have a lot to offer. Introverts in the workplace are just as necessary as extroverts. It’s all about balance in functions and embracing your strengths while recognizing and working on your weaknesses.
Its time to celebrate your personality type, and stop seeing it as something holding you back.
Focus On What You Enjoy
Believe it or not, there are very famous and successful introverts out there. Being a successful introvert starts with doing the things that you’re good at and actually enjoy. How can you make these things work for you? As I started out in my career, I realized I enjoy anything involved with reading and writing. So I took on the projects that involved both, and I got better at it by doing it so often.
Eventually, anything related to writing was assigned to me, and I was being recognized for the work that I enjoyed doing.
Come Prepared
I hate being in any kind of situation where I feel caught off guard. Feeling unprepared at any level made me immediately anxious. Besides, we introverts are always best when we’ve done our research and feel like we’ve had a chance to sort out our thoughts. It’s also a terrible feeling to leave a meeting without saying something on my mind, or being completely silent the entire time.
That’s why I always like to stay ahead of anything coming my way. I jot down any notes so I know what to say, and sometimes, I even rehearse them so I don’t get flustered if I’m put on the spot.
Learn to Reflect
I’ve never been great with communicating outwardly, but I could always get out everything I needed when I was writing to myself. Doing weekly or daily reflections are a great way to look back at your day and accomplishments, and to also work out anything in your head that bothered you.
Be Yourself
Stop trying to be an extrovert. I cringe at the thought that plenty of us introverts, even myself, have been in situations where we pretend to be extroverted to blend in. Frankly, pretending is so exhausting and just not worth the upkeep.
I like to remind myself of all of the things I’ve been able to accomplish as an introvert and remind myself that it works for me.
Push Your Limits
Don’t pretend to be an extrovert, but don’t also stay in your shell because it’s comfortable for you. If you’re not doing something outside of your comfort zone, then you’re not growing. I love to challenge myself at least once a day to do something that pushed my boundaries.
I am the kind of person that needs to be alone for a significant amount of time to just unwind. I prioritize my alone time and make it clear to my boyfriend after a stressful workday that I need to do something for me. The everyday interactions are draining to me sometimes. So it’s essential for me to be alone to recharge.
Be sure to also read All The Things You Need To Have Your Most Productive Month, or How To Plan And Save Money In The Years Where You Have A Wedding Every Weekend!
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7 Small Steps Introverts Can Take to Succeed at Work
This story first appeared on The Muse, a Web destination with exciting job opportunities and expert career advice.
When you’re an introvert, it can be easy to beat yourself up for not being social enough, energetic enough, outspoken enough, or whatever else. With so many people talking about it being an extrovert’s world, you probably haven’t noticed how big of a deal it is when you do make an effort to get out of your comfort zone--which likely happens more than you give yourself credit for.
So, what if you’re not the strongest voice in that big team project? Let’s celebrate all your little victories that have you made you successful so far.
Obstacle #1: Getting Noticed in a Group of Extroverts
There’s nothing like a department-wide meeting, group project, or a large company lunch to make you feel like the quietest personality there. And I get it-;when you’re watching that one co-worker who always has the guts to speak what’s on her mind (
even if it’s a totally irrelevant or useless statement), you silently envy her confidence. There are a few times throughout the hour that you have a couple of things you want to add, but they don’t seem that helpful or insightful. So, you keep them to yourself.
Small Victory: Making at Least One Contribution
It’s helpful to weigh your possible outcomes with this one. The most exciting possibility is that your comments can fill the room with excitement--and you leave those meetings, working sessions, or events feeling nice and accomplished and special. The worst case scenario? Everyone takes in your thoughts and moves on.
You don’t have to be the person to respond to every single thing, and you’re not a failure if you spend most of the event listening or taking notes. But you do owe it to yourself to believe in your ideas and to give them a chance to impress people. Committing to making one contribution in each meeting or event you attend will only make offering your ideas in the next one feel that much more doable-;and that’s worth being proud of, too.
Obstacle #2: Making Office Small Talk
If you’re still experiencing a lot of awkward silences during brief moments of chit-chat with co-workers you’ve known for months, fight the urge to beat yourself up about it. Not everyone naturally knows how to transition from photos of your colleague’s new baby to last night’s episode of Scandal.
Small Victory: Checking in With Co-workers
Here’s where being an introvert can be to your benefit: Science says it means you “listen well and have great emotional empathy.”
The easiest way to get to know your co-workers is to simply ask how they’re doing, and making that extra effort each day to check in with them and learn more about their personalities and interests will make you better at understanding and working with them. So what if you’re not attending their birthday parties or wedding celebrations? You don’t have to be BFFs before you can recognize that you’ve already branched out more than you’re used to or normally would like to, and that’s worth recognizing.
Obstacle #3: Working on a Group Project
I’m not sure I know anyone who doesn’t hate group projects. And for introverts, part of the problem is that in brainstorming sessions, it can feel like everyone is moving a million miles per hour with half-ideas instead of fully-formed plans. With so many strong personalities involved, it can be easy to feel drained instead of accomplished by the end of the working meeting.
Small Victory: Contributing to the Project on Your Own Terms
So maybe you’re not giving the final presentation at the end, but it’s equally important if you’re the one who takes on a more silent leadership role in the background. Remember when everyone had those haphazard ideas? You were the one who listened, organized and delegated the tasks necessary to stay on schedule.
Here’s one great lesson everyone could learn from group projects: You don’t need to have the spotlight to have been vital to the team.
Obstacle #4: Celebrating Your Accomplishments
Have you ever met an introvert who likes to brag about himself? Me neither. Sometimes, it can feel like your boss is paying attention to your peers’ accomplishments way more than he is yours, or that Lisa from Sales is always receiving props for her cool ideas while yours are being left in the dust. Sure, you might be thinking, If my work was actually great, I wouldn’t have to explain to people how awesome it is. I shouldn’t have to tell people when I’ve done a good job. And maybe that’s true, but that doesn’t mean you can’t speed up the process a little.
Small Victory: Speaking Up and Taking Credit for Your Role
You don’t have to display every little accomplishment for the world on LinkedIn, but you can speak up when you were involved in bringing in new clients or played a key role in developing a new project. There are plenty of ways you can be confident and humble at the same time.
Keep in mind: Promotions aren’t the only sign of success in the office. And at the end of the day, you know what you were capable of to see something great through, and you shouldn’t devalue your accomplishments just because others don’t notice it.
Obstacle #5: Pulling Off Big Presentations
You’ve probably watched a lot of TED Talks in your spare time, so I’ll save you the trouble: No, your presentation does not have to be a 20-minute speech, with perfectly timed jokes throughout, that draws a standing ovation. It’s OK to have jitters beforehand, and it’s OK if you feel like you stumbled somewhere in the middle.
Small Victory: Doing Your Research Beforehand
Try to keep in mind that you’re giving this presentation because you’re informing people on something important-;not because you’re a semi-celebrity in your field. While it certainly helps to charm your audience, that’s not the standard you should hold yourself to.
The best way to impress your crowd is by being an expert on the topic you’re presenting on, and good news-;you’re in control of all the research and information you dig up in preparation. Sure, the random questions at the end might seem like the most stressful part, but there’s no better opportunity to show off your knowledge on the subject. Just answering them with confidence is worth celebrating.
Obstacle #6: Thinking on the Spot
You’re in the middle of something at your desk, and someone comes up to you and asks your thoughts on a project he’s working on. He’s stuck for ideas moving forward, and he wants to brainstorm with you. People around the office know you for having great ideas, so you feel pressed to come up with something good-;and don’t want to say anything until you’ve formulated that full thought.
Small Victory: Going With Your Gut for Once
What’s one of the scariest things you can do? Saying what’s on your mind-;before you’ve completely refined it. And that’s worth being proud of in itself. Introverts tend to want to think before speaking. But, sometimes that can have the opposite effect, and you end up thinking yourself into utter silence.
Next time you’re put on the spot, take a chance on yourself and spitball a couple things as they come to mind. After all, no one’s actually expecting you to come up with the next Facebook on your first try.
Obstacle #7: Actively Shaping Your Career
Saying no to a colleague or being assertive to your boss about what you want more or less of at work are both very intimidating conversations to have, but absolutely essential ones to your happiness and fulfillment in your career. Sure, one extra task here or there won’t hurt anyone, but they add up over time.
Small Victory: Being Honest
Obviously, you don’t have to quit tomorrow, but you know what they say: You are your own best advocate. Communicating with others about your needs and wants, especially in the office, is the only way you’re going to get them. And by starting small, like saying no to an extra project or asking to try something new, you’re standing up for yourself and prioritizing those tasks that matter most to you.
Sure, your boss might still have you do a few projects you aren’t passionate about, but at least you’ll have been honest about your interests. And, chances are, he or she will remember that for next time.
It can seem almost unfathomable to go from being that always-silent person in meetings to full-on running them, so let’s celebrate the baby steps along the way.
Jun 22, 2016
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How to succeed at work and in life as an introvert - a guide
If you are an introvert and think that you are not so successful at work, I understand you!
In the workplace, it may be widely believed that introverts are more important and advantageous. However, the reason why introverts tend to get more benefits at work is mostly due to their speaking ability and self-confidence. While you might think that organizations rely more on extroverts, you might be surprised to learn that introverts are nothing short of a gem.
American writer and lecturer Susan Cain says, "Everyone shines in the right light. "
Susan, who describes herself as an introvert, adds: , “You should never organize a society in such a way as to drain the energy of half the population. We discovered this in women decades ago, and now it's time to realize it in introverts. And, to our enlightenment, the world is now thinking about it.”
Employees and entrepreneurs who work hard to make something possible through their struggle and efforts in the right direction can outperform those who are extroverted.
The many introverts around us have gone a long way in preventing people from using their introspection.
If you want to succeed as an introvert, I highly recommend reading everything!
- Introverted motivation!
- What prevents introverts from working productively?
- shyness
- silent
- Antisocial
- How to succeed at work and in life as an introvert
- Smile
- Practice
- Work on solo projects
- Speak less, Speak correctly
- Observe and listen to
- Evaluate your introversion, see if this is a lack of confidence
- Recommended books for introverts
Let's first tell you about the introvert who rules the world today!
What if I told you that the second richest person is an introvert? It may come as a surprise to you right now, but you can be there too!
Elon Musk has been crowned the richest man in history and he has never shied away from sharing his journey.
The billionaire owner of Tesla once said in an interview, "I'm basically an introverted engineer, so it took me a lot of practice and effort to get on stage and not just stutter... As a CEO, you have to."
To take it from Elon: "When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor." To be successful in the workplace, you need to do your best, even if you think extroverts have an advantage.
What prevents introverts from working productively?
The only answer is "Nothing". Yes, nothing can stop introverts from working exclusively.
However, I can't deny that there are times when extroverts in an organization outshine reticent employees, leading to better opportunities. To learn how to succeed at work and in life as an introvert, it is important to figure out what stops the possible.
Here are a few things you may need to work on to become a successful introvert at work and in life.
If we talk about the most noticeable differences between extroverts and introverts, confidence comes out on top.
Introverts tend to be shy and not as confident as extroverts. Although many people believe in this concept, it is not entirely true. People are built differently, and not everyone should be equally confident in themselves by nature.
Extroverted people tend to present themselves better, which makes introverts feel bad.
But you need to know that introverts can also be as confident as others, it just doesn't happen overnight.
As introverts, shyness is limited not only to presentations or meetings, but also to conversations and brainstorming sessions.
I understand how difficult it is to find a way to avoid showing my ideas in front of everyone.
Where does it get worse? When you pitch an idea to someone alone, they get praise for bringing it to the meeting. Being an introvert naturally means being silent, which keeps you from many chances that others can take.
Introverts are not antisocial, but that's how people see them. You might think that you are hanging out with your friends and having a good time, how can someone call you anti-social?
But understanding that people around you expect you to communicate outside of your circle of friends allows you to understand how others see it.
Sociality is not limited to having a group of people with whom you can communicate, but to be sociable. Sociable is defined as “Someone who can communicate easily. He can have long conversations with people."
All of these qualities are natural to introverts and should not be overlooked. Being shy, silent, or unwilling to communicate with people is a personal choice of a person and should not be imposed.
However, if you're sitting in your comfortable chair and looking to succeed at work and in life as an introvert, I suppose you'd like to change yourself a bit.
How to succeed at work and in life as an introvert
The typical idea of an introvertAs an introvert, I understand that you must be wondering “But hey, I can’t change anything about being an introvert” .
It's not easy being in a position where you don't have the right to vote. But when I say "obviously," I want you people to know that you can make life easier for yourself in the workplace and in public places. It's okay if you don't want to go out and say hello and talk to everyone in the room.
But there are some simple and helpful tips you can use to blend in with the extrovert team in the workplace while still being yourself!
Have you ever watched the person you loved the most at work talking to everyone with a big smile on his face?
You got it! Everyone likes him because of that smile on his face.
Kenneth Branagh said and I preach: "Relax, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more and don't worry about trifles. "
Smiling is the easiest way to communicate, but the most effective.
Why do you think extroverts are more open and welcoming? They talk to people, and when their tongue doesn't speak, their lips speak. We all love to smile, so why not use it to make yourself available in the workplace.
If you think that one smile is not enough and you need to do a little more, go for it! Make your bedroom a stage and practice in front of a mirror.
Talk to any successful introverted celebrity and you'll find that they all have one thing in common: practice.
They practiced for hours to get one scene right or prepare for one interview. But the main thing is that in the end they succeeded!
If you have an important meeting where you have to put something on the table, practice! Ask yourself questions and answer them confidently.
Work on solo projects
Pablo Picasso said: "Without great loneliness, no serious work is possible. " ". While we don't mean that extroverts aren't great at work, introverts are great too! Each employee in the workplace has a different work pace and performs their work in a unique way.
Being on good terms with your boss can be extremely helpful, as you can ask him to let you do certain projects.
Once you prove your worth in one project, they won't hesitate to assign you another without a team.
Do your best on individual projects to avoid team meetings and brainstorming sessions with other employees. While not the best approach, it can benefit you as long as you practice with more confidence.
Speak less, speak correctly
The proverb says that one should speak less, but speak correctly. And I sometimes wonder if it wasn't specifically meant for us introverts.
It's not about the number of words you say, it's about the value they add.
Some people talk all day at work and at parties, but it doesn't make sense. While some others only speak once and outshine everyone. You can be that "someone".
Bob Newhart's very popular saying goes, “I'm a minimalist. I like to say more with less.” And why take more effort to say it when you can beat everyone with the fewest words.
Watch and listen
Most people think that watching is natural, but it really isn't. Compared to extroverts, introverts have better observation skills, and if used properly, this skill can be of great benefit to you.
You can observe the people around me and their working relationships to analyze how you can communicate with some of them with minimal interaction. Watching and listening is a deadly combination for success in the workplace.
"Introverts are natural listeners." said Beth Bulow, author of The Introverted Entrepreneur: Leverage Your Strengths and Succeed on Your Own Terms. Beth Bulow, according to TIME.
"We tend to be a friend or colleague to turn to when you are upset or have good news. "
When you are here just to listen, colleagues come to you to share their feelings and thoughts. This allows you to connect to them effortlessly.
Assess your introversion, see if it's a lack of confidence
Perhaps your feeling of introversion is a kind of self-doubt.
Make no mistake: introversion and self-doubt are two different psychological traits.
Insecurity can come from being afraid to be in the front row, and introversion means you don't mind sitting in the front row if you're not the center of attention.
There are many reasons why people distrust business and the workplace. Most cases show it's because of two things:
- Lack of knowledge
- Low self-esteem
The best way to increase your self-confidence is to start working on improving your job skills. When you improve in one skill (or several skills, but usually you only need to master that ONE skill), you automatically become a little selfish. Being selfish and proud of what you can do better than others is not necessarily a bad thing.
This allows you to keep your head high. But you need to train yourself to understand when the ego is useful and when you should be grateful. Just because you're good at something doesn't mean you can be rude and look down on others. Learn to channel this ego and get rid of it when you need it.
Recommended books for introverts
These books will not only help you overcome introversion forever, but also help you understand it. When you don't understand something, it scares you.
So the best thing to do is to go down the rabbit hole, read the following books and understand it.
- Quiet
- How to Win Friends and Influence People
- Key Conversations
I recommend reading all three books in the order listed above. There are a huge number of different books for introverts and communication. However, these are my top 3 picks.
A must read. And how to win friends and influence people is an add-on, but very important to help you get out of your comfort zone. It will prepare you to take the steps and face the challenges mentioned in Decisive Conversation and Quiet.
Although being an introvert is hard in an extroverted society, always remember that you cannot become what you are not. However, using a few tips and tricks to communicate and connect with people can be very helpful and help you a lot in your work.
Maya Angelou said, "Nothing can dim the light that shines from within."
Believe in yourself and do your best. And, as I mentioned, “ Nothing can stop introverts from working exclusively, except for themselves.
And all you have to do is believe. Good luck!
How to quietly succeed in your career?
In one of the blogs on, the girl writes that she can't get along with her colleagues at work: “I'm an introvert and, unfortunately, I consider this a problem. If in my personal life I manage to cope, then with my work I'm really bad. If I realize that an introvert is not a diagnosis, not shyness, not isolation, not a sign of sociopathy, not a “dislike” for people, then those around me just count higher on the list. Yes, our world is for extroverts, and we - introverts - stand out in it. It's mostly about work, because we spend most of our lives there."
How to help a girl not only to establish contact with extrovert colleagues, but also to move up the career ladder? How can her colleagues learn to work productively with an introverted employee?
One of the easiest ways to explain the behavior of an employee is to understand what type of personality - an extrovert or an introvert - he is closer to. Understanding each personality type, as well as being aware of your personality type, can help you manage almost any situation at work.
If we look a little bit into history, we will see that the terms extrovert and introvert were introduced into wide circulation by Carl Jung in the first half of the 20th century. Unfortunately, these meanings have been distorted over time, and now we are inclined to believe that a person belongs only to the first or only to the second type of personality. However, initially these types are only two extremes of the scale. This means that most of us have traits of both an extrovert and an introvert, and some of them predominate.
Most likely, if you are asked at an interview what type of personality you classify yourself as, you will answer that you are an extrovert (even if in fact you are not). People do this because they think that employers are more likely to hire an extrovert because of their outgoing nature and openness to the outside world. However, it is not. Some professions require a person to be an extrovert, and some require an introvert.
There are many more distinguishing features of these personality types than shyness and sociability. They both have something to offer the leader.
Extrovert and introvert at work
Introvert | Extrovert | Introverts are charged with energy, and the time is spent, and the time is spent in the times, and the time is quickly lost. | Extroverts draw energy from the company of other people. Representatives of this type of personality usually “think aloud”, discuss an idea or a complex issue with colleagues. And when they come to a consensus together, the task is considered completed. |
Introverts prefer to avoid conflict, do not like to make people angry, but if they encounter a problem, they solve it and continue to move on. | Extroverts like to make friends with colleagues, always asking how things are going, watching colleagues' projects, collaborating, exchanging ideas. |
Introverted leaders always listen to the opinions of others and are open to discussing ideas. | As part of any team, extroverts will come up with a lot of ideas and arguments about why these ideas will work. |
Sometimes introverts doubt their abilities, even if they have a serious level of skill and excellent ideas that will work one hundred percent. | Being surrounded by other employees inspires extroverts and increases their productivity. |
Introverts, although quiet, have just as many ideas, opinions, and points of view as anyone else - they just need the right moment to demonstrate everything. | Being active and achieving goals are great incentives and great motivation for extroverts. |
Introverts are very interesting in communication, but in a large group they prefer not to be the center of attention. | Extroverts are able to respond quickly to ideas and tasks set by management without much thought before taking action. |
Introverts prefer to work in a quieter environment, without noise and fuss, as it distracts them a lot. This doesn't mean they have to stay cooped up in their personal office all day, but compared to extroverts, they can work non-stop for much longer. Introverts are the authors of many ideas that not only implement, but also monitor their further development. They can teach their co-workers a lot, they just might not be particularly open with them. | Extroverts develop their ideas through discussion and collaboration. Active interaction with other people excites them and makes them more productive. With excellent communication skills, extroverts are not afraid to voice their ideas and suggest ways to bring an idea to life. |
How to get along side by side
When working with an introvert, don't be surprised if he doesn't accept you as a friend right away. They will open up to you when the time comes, when they understand what kind of person you are and begin to trust you. In addition, introverts are highly intelligent, so don't mistake their calmness for incompetence. If you are working with an introvert, be sure to respect their desire to work in a relaxed environment. They may not give you a momentary answer to a question, but they will think three times before answering, and therefore you can be sure of the balance of their answer. On the contrary, if they are unbalanced, make them nervous, they can say the first thing that comes to mind, and then reproach themselves for words that have not been properly thought out.
Just starting to work with an extrovert, it's easy to get intimidated by the pace of their work and the active desire to make friends with all colleagues. Remember that they are just initially friendly to everyone. Listen to their ideas, offer your own, they will appreciate your involvement.
Extroverts, when working with introverts, need to learn how to express their ideas in writing so that introverts have time to think about them. In this case, e-mail correspondence can help.
Also, extroverts, when working with introverts, need to learn to listen, because if they do not give an opportunity to speak to introverts, the latter will not furiously interrupt and try to speak out, but will quietly listen to the entire speech of the extrovert.
When working with extroverts, introverts should not think that the first thing they say is already their final decision. You also need to be able to let them speak, but only in order to understand the final decision of extroverts.
What does it take for an extrovert or introvert to succeed in a career?
To achieve success in a career an introvert needs:
2. He was never confused in public;
3. He had time to get used to a new environment or situation;
4. They gave him time to think over the answers, and did not require him to answer immediately;
5. They did not interrupt his speech;
6. Let him know in advance about changes in workflow;
7. Before giving a new assignment, they gave him 15 minutes to complete the current affairs;
8. Reprimanded him personally, not in public;
9. Taught them new things also personally, not in public;
10. Respected his tendency to introversion and did not try to change him.
To achieve success in a career as an extrovert, it is necessary that:
1. Respect his independence;
2. They encouraged and thanked him in public;
3. Encouraged his enthusiasm;
4. Allowed them to talk to colleagues while working;
5. Periodically pleasantly surprised him with something;
6. They treated his workload with understanding;
7. Let him be carried away by the idea;
8. Offered him other opportunities;
9. When communicating with him, gestures and facial expressions were actively used;
10. Let them be the center of attention.
Which professions suit introverts and which extroverts?
Anna Benko , Leading Consultant, Banking&Insurance Practice, Recruiting Company Marksman : “The ability to quickly respond to an external situation, easily make acquaintances and acquire useful contacts gives an advantage to extroverts in front-office divisions: more often they build a career in sales, marketing, working with partners. Extroverts often move from one company to another, as they adapt more easily to changes. Introverts, on the other hand, are able to thoroughly approach the solution of a problem, carefully work it out, and conduct a deep analysis. Therefore, pronounced introverts usually develop in analytical departments, accounting, and audit. They may move up the career ladder more slowly, but at each stage they develop their professional abilities and gain new knowledge, becoming experts in their field. Therefore, if by a successful career we mean rapid growth in a position, we can say that it is easier for extroverted people. If we consider this concept as respect for the knowledge of a person and his fame as a high-class rare expert in the market, who is invited to conferences and major events related to the development of the industry in which he works, then it is easier for an introvert to go this way.
Who is in the top positions?
Alexander Kichaev , psychologist, states that in order to be a successful top-level leader, it is necessary to have character traits of both an extrovert and an introvert: “It is believed that a business leader, a leader, is an extroverted logician. After all, extraversion implies attention mainly to the outside world, initiative, a large circle of acquaintances, a craving for finding new objects. Logic allows you to make and break through decisions in which profit, pragmatism, prudence, and the expediency of actions come first. Sensory helps to manage economic and production cycles and people, skillfully using power, expanding and strengthening them. Intuition allows you to be strategists and choose effective priorities in business development. Irrationality helps to quickly rebuild and find new solutions in situations of uncertainty.
But a negotiation requires slightly different qualities. I have repeatedly observed how introverts were better able to build up in contact, mastered themselves well in difficult situations, and outplayed extroverts with concentrated energy. Logic is usually needed at the preparation stage, but ethics work well in contact, allowing you to feel the state of your opponent. Intuition is also good at the stage of preparing a meeting and makes it possible to predict different options for the development of contact, especially reinforced by irrationality.