Good things about aspergers

Positives of Asperger’s: 7 Benefits

Living with Asperger’s may not give you “superpowers,” but you may find you have some really positive attributes that help you shine.

Mental health experts no longer consider Asperger’s an independent diagnosis. Instead, in 2013, the American Psychological Association updated their “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition” to place Asperger’s as part of the autism spectrum disorder diagnosis.

Removing Asperger’s as a formal diagnosis resulted in some backlash. Critics of the decision say it doesn’t make sense to eliminate the decision because many folks with Asperger’s share common characteristics. This makes it an easy way to help classify where on the spectrum a person lands.

And it’s these fundamental characteristics of Asperger’s that someone with the diagnosis may view as their greatest strengths.

Whether you agree, disagree, or feel indifferent about the change in diagnostic status, one thing is clear: Living with Asperger’s symptoms has some potential positives that can be worth noting.

Before getting into the positive traits associated with Asperger’s, it’s important to note that not everyone will have the same traits, experience them the same way, or have good or bad experiences because of them.

It’s part of what makes everyone unique. People with Asperger’s may also have other traits that make them special that aren’t listed here. The following list offers insight into some common traits associated with people living with Asperger’s.


One trait that people may often attribute to autistic people is honesty. People can sometimes view honesty in autistic people as extreme, in which they might perceive an autistic person as brutally honest with their thoughts and opinions.

However, many people might also appreciate this degree of honesty. For instance, knowing exactly how a person feels can bring a certain level of security to a relationship. In that sense, many may view an autistic person’s potentially extreme honesty as refreshing and authentic.

Strong focus

Strong focus, particularly on enjoyable tasks, is another positive trait people often associate with Asperger’s. An autistic person might be more naturally equipped to focus on reading, writing, or working on a hobby for longer periods of time than what may be common for a neurotypical person.

This strong focus on a particular task also allows many autistic people to feel more comfortable being alone for long stretches of time compared with others.

An autistic person may find that people consider their interests somewhat unusual. They might experience people who believe that those interests don’t always align with the interests of a neurotypical person.

However, an autistic person may also find that their unique ability to concentrate can allow them to thrive in a work or school environment, especially if they show interest in the topic.


If you live with Asperger’s, you may be more detail-oriented than a neurotypical person. You may be able to focus well on mundane tasks, pick up on small details, or commit yourself to a quality of work and accuracy. This can be a very helpful attribute at home, school, and work.


People might often associate Asperger’s with strong intelligence in certain categories.

In general, people may categorize Asperger’s as imbalanced intelligence, in which an autistic person scores high in certain categories and low in others, such as social or linguistic intelligence.

A 2016 research review found that autistic people with a higher IQ tend to have exceptional spatial awareness, concentration abilities, decision making skills, and mathematical intelligence, among other skills.

Strong morals

People with Asperger’s might often have a strong moral code. A small 2014 study found that high functioning autistic children tend to be more rule-oriented when it comes to morality. This can often provide autistic people with a deep sense of moral justice and fairness.

This desire to protect others may translate into the autistic person or their loved one(s) getting involved in charities or other causes that help others.

Unique sense of humor

Although people may not typically associate humor with autism, people with Asperger’s do have their own unique sense of humor. In general, autistic people tend to approach humor from a more intellectual perspective, and the topics of humor that they enjoy generally center around their specific interests.

Autistic people tend not to use humor as much for social purposes. They may not think to share something they find funny, but instead may enjoy an amusing topic on their own.


Loyalty may be another aspect people associate with Asperger’s. If you live with the diagnosis, you may find it difficult to learn social skills and interact with others.

But once you find friends, you may find that you are incredibly loyal to your friends. And while you may have a difficult experience fitting in, you may find that you can bounce back fairly easily from rejection.

While Asperger’s may no longer be an official diagnosis, many people still recognize it and talk about some of the more common characteristics associated with it.

That may be for good reason. Many of the traits associated with Asperger’s have positive implications.

50 Positive traits of those with Aspergers

By Mark Hutton

Most kids, teens, and adults with Aspergers have a bunch of positive traits that more than make-up for any negative ones. One Aspie asserted, “Thank God I have Aspergers!” Let’s look at just a few of the positive traits that many with Asperger’s may have.

Most Aspies:

  • are able to easily forgive others
  • are conscientious, reliable, and honest
  • are enthusiastic and have a propensity for obsessive research, thus developing a broad and deep base of knowledge in subjects of interest
  • are free of prejudice
  • are intelligent and talented
  • are less inclined to be fickle or bitchy than their neurotypical counterparts
  • are more likely than those of the general population to pursue a university education
  • are not inclined to lie to others
  • are not inclined to steal from others
  • are not likely to be bullies, con artists, or social manipulators
  • are not motivated by an intense social drive to spend time with whoever happens to be available
  • are persistent, and when they set their minds to something or make a promise, they can usually be trusted to follow through
  • are unlikely to launch unprovoked attacks, verbal or otherwise
  • are untainted by the judgments that people often make regarding one another’s social position or social skills
  • are very accepting of the quirks and idiosyncrasies of others
  • bring a highly original perspective to problem solving
  • can be selective, choosing honest, genuine, dependable people who share their interests
  • can bring up a variety of interesting facts
  • can listen to people’s problems and provide a fresh perspective, offering pure assessments based on the information provided
  • can recall fine details that others miss
  • can relax and be themselves without fearing social censure
  • don’t attack the reputations of those around them
  • don’t discriminate against anyone based on race, gender, age, or any other surface criteria
  • don’t force others to live up to demanding social expectations
  • don’t have hidden agendas
  • don’t play head games
  • don’t take advantage of other’s weaknesses
  • don’t usually recognize hierarchies, and so are unlikely to give someone superior status simply because that person is wealthy or has attained a high position in an organization
  • have a good work ethic
  • have a lot of passion when engaging in activities they like, which may translate into a talent for certain athletic pursuits
  • have a tendency to adhere to routines
  • have above-average intelligence
  • have an acute sensitivity that supports creative talents
  • have exceptional memories
  • have extreme endurance
  • have high integrity
  • have no interest in harming others
  • have one or more highly developed talents
  • have talents for swimming, rowing, running, bodybuilding, or other activities that require sustained physical effort
  • have values that aren’t shaped by financial, social, or political influences
  • judge people based on their behavior – not the color of their skin or socioeconomic status
  • like to spend time alone and are perfectly capable of entertaining themselves
  • loathe small talk and trivialities, preferring instead to talk about significant things that will enhance their knowledge base
  • make very good employees if able to control their pace and work within either a solitary or socially supportive environment
  • pay attention to detail
  • stick to their positions, even in the face of intense social pressure
  • tend to become proficient in the technological media required for lucrative employment in the “information age”
  • tend to prefer individual sports to team sports, as there are no social demands and they can exercise complete control over the activity
  • who develop an interest in sport or fitness are likely to work at it every day, often for long periods of time
  • will not go along with the crowd if they know that something is wrong

Source of this article: www.

Permission to reprint given by Mark Hutton.

Mark Hutton, M.A. is a Counseling Psychologist, Home-Based Family Therapist and Online Parent Coach at

Header image: Wen of Zen “Brain on Spectrum”

50 Positive Characteristics of Asperger's Syndrome Carriers


Cognitive Features,

Asperger's Syndrome and ASD - Overview

Filed Under:

Myths and Facts About ASD

qualities that more than cover any negative ones. One Aspi claimed: "Glory to the Lord, I have Asperger's!" Let's take a look at a few of the positive traits associated with the condition of Asperger's Syndrome.

Most Aspies:
  1. Can forgive easily.
  2. Conscientious, reliable and honest.
  3. Enthusiastic and prone to intrusive research, thus developing a broad and deep knowledge base on subjects of interest.
  4. Free from prejudice.
  5. Smart and talented.
  6. Less prone to fickleness or bitterness compared to neurotypical people.
  7. More likely than the general population to have higher education.
  8. Not inclined to lie.
  9. Not inclined to steal.
  10. Probably won't become bullies, scammers or social manipulators.
  11. Not motivated to lead an active social life and waste time.
  12. Are obligatory (people of the word): they can be trusted if they have planned or promised something, they will do it.
  13. Unlikely to commit unprovoked attacks, verbally or otherwise.
  14. Are not subject to stereotypes that are often manifested in society regarding social status or social skills.
  15. Have a positive attitude towards the quirks and idiosyncrasies of other people.
  16. Bring highly original perspectives on problem solving.
  17. Selective in choosing honest, real, reliable people who share their interests.
  18. May draw attention to various interesting facts.
  19. Can listen to people and look at problems with fresh eyes, offering unbiased assessments based on the information provided.
  20. Able to remember the smallest details that other people overlook.
  21. Can relax and be themselves without fear of social stigma.
  22. Do not engage in slander and undermine reputation in relation to others.
  23. Do not discriminate against anyone based on race, gender, age or any other criteria.
  24. Do not force others to live up to social expectations.
  25. They do not have secret plans and "stones in their bosoms."
  26. Do not fuck the brains of others.
  27. Do not take advantage of other people's weaknesses.
  28. As a rule, they do not recognize the hierarchy, and therefore it is unlikely that a person will be highly appreciated simply because he is rich or has achieved a high position in the organization.
  29. Have a good work ethic.
  30. They engage in activities they enjoy with great enthusiasm, which can lead to some success in sports activities.
  31. Have a tendency to stick to routine.
  32. Intelligence above average.
  33. Have a keen sensibility that encourages creativity.
  34. Possess exceptional memory.
  35. They have extreme endurance.
  36. Possess exceptional integrity of nature.
  37. Not interested in success by "walking on heads" to the detriment of other people.
  38. Have one (or more) highly developed talent.
  39. Have the ability to swim, row, run, bodybuild and other activities that require constant physical effort.
  40. Have values ​​that are not subject to financial, social or political influences.
  41. People are judged on the basis of their behavior, not skin color or socioeconomic status.
  42. Likes to spend time alone and is quite capable of entertaining themselves.
  43. They hate small talk and idle chatter, preferring instead to talk about significant things that increase the level of knowledge.
  44. They become very good employees if they are able to control their pace of work within a team or in solitary activities and in a socially favorable environment.
  45. Pay attention to details.
  46. Stick to their positions even under conditions of intense social pressure.
  47. As a rule, become experienced and successful in the technical areas of knowledge necessary for profitable work in the "information age".
  48. As a rule, individual sports are preferred to team games, since there are no social requirements in them and it is possible to exercise full control over the activities.
  49. Those who are interested in sports are likely to work on it every day, often for a long period of time.
  50. Not subject to herd mentality and crowd phenomenon.

The above material is a translation of the text "50 Positive Characteristics of Aspergers" from the website of Mark Hutton, a psychologist and relationship coach in families with Asperger's syndrome.

What is Asperger's syndrome and how to notice it in time

November 25, 2019LikbezHealth

If the child does not look into the eyes and does not eat anything other than the usual dishes, these may be symptoms.



Asperger's syndrome is one of those amazing disorders that suddenly became fashionable one day. The popularization of this condition began with Rain Man, released in 1988, and continues to this day - suffice it to recall the famous “cute autists”: Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory or Saga Noren from the TV series The Bridge.

Brilliant mind, thoughtfulness, ability to think outside the box, combined with frankness bordering on tactlessness and inability to follow social norms - people suffering from Asperger's syndrome often really look like that. However, the movie, as always, does not show everything.

Asperger's syndrome is four times more common in boys than in girls.

Lifehacker found out the main points about the violation promoted by the series.

What is Asperger's syndrome

This is the name of one of the types of autism. Or rather, they called it. In 2013, the reference book of all psychiatrists in the world - the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) - changed the classification and the concept of "Asperger's syndrome" officially disappeared.

Technically, there is no such diagnosis today. Asperger's syndrome has become part of the broader category of autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

However, the name of the syndrome is still used colloquially. For the reason that it is different from many other variants of RAS. First of all, because it refers to highly functional types of ASD - that is, those in which the intellect is preserved, and "autistic" symptoms are not too pronounced. In most cases, people with Asperger's syndrome suffer from social function: it is difficult for them to understand and interact with others.

How to recognize Asperger's syndrome

Alarm bells can be noticed already in the first months of life. One of the most striking symptoms is the lack of eye contact. Also, the baby may be more awkward, clumsy than his peers.

But the main signs of Asperger's syndrome appear around the second year of life - when the child is expected to begin to communicate with others. Here are some of the most common symptoms that this type of ASD manifests itself in:

  • Mechanical speech. It lacks rhythm and intonation, the voice sounds even and monotonous. Some children always speak too loudly.
  • Stereotypes. So called repetitive activities or monotonous interests. For example, a child can play with cars for hours, lining them up in an endless row. The main feature of stereotypy in Asperger's syndrome is rigid orderliness. The objects that the child plays with are always placed in strictly defined places, numbered or classified in another way.
  • The tendency to create rituals and follow them methodically. A child, for example, always goes to the kindergarten in the same way. And throws a tantrum if mom tries to suggest another way. He eats soup from a certain plate and refuses to eat from another. He puts shoes in only one chosen place ... Any deviation from the ritual causes an uncontrollable emotional reaction.
  • Absence of emotions in ordinary communication. The child does not understand jokes and does not laugh at them. Doesn't smile when happy. It is impossible to "stir up".
  • Inability to recognize emotions in other people. Such a person does not notice social signals that are obvious to others. For example, he does not understand when they are angry with him.
  • Distance problems. A child with Asperger's Syndrome may not realize that they are getting too close to another person during a conversation. For other children, such tactlessness and invasion of personal space can be frightening.
  • Lack of role play. Thinking is built on logic, so imaginary games for a child are incomprehensible and uninteresting.

The listed symptoms can be both pronounced and blurred. Sometimes they become apparent only as they grow older - when the requirements of the human environment become more complicated.

Why Asperger's syndrome is dangerous

In general, this subtype of ASD does not pose any danger to life. Children with Asperger's syndrome most often grow up, albeit not quite standard, "with special needs", but adults capable of independent living.

However, there is also a dark side. American writer Lydia Netzer, mother of one of the children with the syndrome, comparing Sheldon Cooper's "cute autism" with a real disorder, described the phenomenon something like this:

“Characters (like Sheldon — Ed.) […] create an unrealistic expectation that autistic people will appear charming and quirky to others, which will ultimately make them socially successful. But in real life this will not happen. […] Autism can be beautiful, magical, even brilliant, but it also screams, hurts, and agonizes over and over again with the world.

Behind the screen of the syndrome are tantrums and nervous breakdowns — when something doesn't go according to the established rules. Children with a disorder often show aggression, including directed at themselves.

There will never be a scene with a young Sheldon in which the boy slaps his face until he is bloody bruised and sobs because his last friend thought he was too weird and turned away from him. The authors won't allow it.

Lydia Netzer


A frequent consequence of non-standard behavior is ridicule, rejection and rejection by others. This can aggravate the child's condition. Lead to the development of other disorders - anxiety or depression. Another nuance is low self-esteem, fear of people, inability to establish and maintain long-term relationships.

For these reasons, Asperger's syndrome needs to be corrected.

How to Treat Asperger's Syndrome

If parents think their child has symptoms of ASD, it is important to talk to the pediatrician as soon as possible. The doctor will conduct an additional examination, communicate with the patient himself. And if necessary, will issue a referral to a specialist. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, this may be:

  • Psychologist. It helps diagnose emotional and behavioral problems and recommends how to overcome them.
  • Neurologist. This doctor reveals various disorders in the brain.
  • Correctional teacher. Specializes in speech difficulties and other developmental problems.
  • Psychiatrist. He has experience in working with mental disorders and prescribes drugs for their treatment.

There is no universal approach to the treatment of Asperger's syndrome. For some children, it is enough to take a course of speech therapy correction, which will improve communication skills. Some may benefit from social skills training. Some people need cognitive behavioral therapy.

Medications are used infrequently for the treatment of Asperger's syndrome.

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