Good questions for a friend

257 Juicy Questions to Ask Your Friends

People love to talk about themselves. Studies show that talking about oneself activates the same parts of your brain as food, drugs, and sex! 

Self-disclosure (and getting other people to open up) is scientifically proven to make you more likable and help you form deeper social bonds.

So how do you get past boring small talk and into the good stuff? 

The secret to threading conversation into something deeper is simply asking others excellent questions. 

Open-ended questions are beneficial for learning more about somebody because they may evoke a story. However, you can also use follow-up yes/no questions with “why” or “tell me more” to encourage people to elaborate. 

Here are 250+ juicy and thought-provoking conversation starters to get to know someone better and (hopefully) create an intriguing and memorable conversation. 

Random Questions to Ask Your Friends About Their Interests

When you’re trying to bridge the gap between small talk and deep conversation, the most accessible place to start is asking about what someone likes.  

  1. What’s the best birthday party you’ve ever had?
  2. Where is your favorite place you’ve ever visited?
  3. How do you like to spend your free time? 
  4. What’s one of your favorite bands?
  5. What is the cutest animal you’ve ever seen in person?
  6. How would you describe your style?
  7. If your wardrobe could only be one color, what would it be? 
  8. What was the first concert you ever went to?
  9. What is the best book you’ve ever read?
  10. What’s your favorite movie of all time? 
  11. What’s the stupidest movie or TV show you’ve ever seen?
  12. If you could only have one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
  13. What are your biggest pet peeves?
  14. Are you more into brains or looks?
  15. Do you celebrate any holidays? What’s your favorite?
  16. What’s your guilty pleasure? 
  17. Which meal is your favorite: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
  18. What do you do when you want to chill out after a long day?
  19. How would you spend your ideal weekend?
  20. Do you listen to podcasts, or mostly just music? What’s your favorite podcast?
  21. Do you prefer to go to the movies or watch movies at home?
  22. What was your favorite TV show growing up?
  23. What’s your favorite TV show now?
  24. How would you spend your birthday if money was no object? 
  25. What’s your favorite season? What do you love most about it?
  26. Do you prefer camping or going to the beach? 
  27. Which phone app do you think you use the most?
  28. Would you instead cook, order delivery, or go out to eat? 
  29. How do you drink your coffee?
  30. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose? 
  31. Do you enjoy being alone? How do you spend your alone time?  
  32. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  33. Are you more of an extrovert or introvert? 
  34. How would your closest friends describe you? 
  35. When you’re in a bad mood, is there something or someone that can instantly make it better? Who or what?
  36. What is the best gift you’ve ever received? 
  37. What is your favorite part of your daily routine? 

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Yes or No Questions to Ask Your Friends

For a quick introduction to someone, yes/no questions are low-pressure and leave room for elaboration. These are also quick-fire ways to get to know someone quickly. 

Want to have fun? Answer at the same time and see if your answers match!

  1. Have you ever kept a journal? 
  2. Do you have a best friend?
  3. Do you pay attention to the news?
  4. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? 
  5. Do you live alone?
  6. Do you have any kids?
  7. Do you like your job?
  8. Did you ever go to college?
  9. Have you ever been on TV?
  10. Do you believe in ghosts?
  11. Do you like cilantro? 
  12. Do you ever talk to yourself in your head?
  13. Do you sing in the shower?
  14. Have you ever had deja vu? 
  15. Do you believe in aliens?
  16.  Do you like chocolate?
  17. Do you own bitcoin? 

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Questions to Ask People About Their Job

Asking someone about their job doesn’t have to be super bland. There is a lot more to a career than meets the eye. Use these questions to understand more about someone’s interests, motivations, and goals in the professional realm. 

However, if someone clarifies that they don’t enjoy their job (for example, they give concise answers or make negative comments), you may want to move on to a different topic of conversation or only focus on questions related to their dream job or future aspirations. 

  1. What do you enjoy most about your career?
  2. What was your greatest accomplishment in the past year?
  3. What motivates you to work hard at what you do? 
  4. How long have you been doing this job? 
  5. What was your first job? Did you enjoy it?
  6. How do you define success?
  7. What’s your least favorite thing about your job? 
  8. Have you ever had “imposter syndrome”? What did you do about it? 
  9. Would you instead make a lot of money at a job you hate or make less money doing something you love? 
  10. Are there any exciting projects you’re currently working on?
  11. Do you prefer working remotely or in an office?
  12. What career did your parents try to get you to pursue?
  13. Is your career path the same as your college degree?
  14. What does the average week look like for you?
  15. Do you prefer a time-block schedule or a simple to-do list?
  16. What are your career aspirations?
  17. What is one job you’ve always wanted to try?
  18. Do you think your personality matches your current job?
  19. What was the worst interview you ever had?
  20. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next 5 or 10 years?
  21. When you were a kid, how did you answer the question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?”
  22. Did you ever expect yourself to end up in the job you have now?
  23. Do you consider your job fulfilling? Why or why not?
  24. Do you think it’s possible to have your passion and job be the same thing?
  25. What is the wisest business advice someone has ever given you?
  26. Who do you admire most in your professional circle?
  27. Who was the most influential mentor in your career so far? 

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Questions to Ask Your Friends About Yourself

See how well your friends know you with fun questions about yourself and their perception of you.

  1. How would you describe me in 3 words?
  2. What was the first thing you thought of me when we met?
  3. What’s the most annoying trait I have?
  4. Where do you see me in five years?
  5. What attracts you to people? 
  6. What is my favorite food?
  7. What job do you think I would be perfect for? 
  8. Where can you always find me?
  9. What is the most fun memory we’ve had during our friendship? 
  10. Do you know my middle name?
  11. Do you know about my birthday?
  12. What’s my favorite color? 
  13. If I called you in the middle of the night, would you pick me up?

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Questions to Ask About Hobbies

How someone spends their leisure time is an essential clue as to what kind of person they are. Asking a passionate person about their hobbies can get them talking. 

These questions are broad openers that you should follow up with more topic-specific questions if someone has a particular hobby that they are excited about.  

  1. What are you passionate about outside of work?
  2. If you had unlimited free time, how would you spend it?
  3. Do you have any hobbies?
  4. What do you do for fun? 
  5. How did you get into your hobby? 
  6. What lights you up about your hobbies?
  7. Do you collect anything?
  8. What’s your favorite sport?
  9. Have you ever been in a sports league? 
  10. Do you think hobbies are important? 
  11. Would you consider yourself a creative person?
  12. Have you ever tried a creative endeavor like painting, writing, or acting?
  13. Do you like to sing or dance?
  14. What hobbies did you try as a kid? Which ones did you love and which did you despise?
  15. What is your idea of a perfect vacation?
  16. What’s your favorite type of workout or exercise? 
  17. What is your favorite thing to learn about?

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Funny Questions and Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends

Research shows that shared laughter brings people together. If you’re looking for some lighthearted conversation or opportunities for witty banter, these questions let you explore your goofy side. 

  1. Have you ever waved at someone thinking you know them, only to realize they are the wrong person? 
  2. Do you eat or drink soup?
  3. What is a song you pretend you don’t like because it’s embarrassing to enjoy it? 
  4. Have you ever tried to look cool in front of someone and failed?
  5. What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen someone do in public? 
  6. When was the last time you had a big fail moment? 
  7. If you could live anywhere in the world but had to stay naked all the time, where would you choose?  
  8. What voice accent impersonations can you do (British, Australian, country, etc.)? 
  9. What’s your favorite corny joke?
  10. Have you ever tripped or fallen in front of a vast crowd?
  11. What is the weirdest fact you know?
  12. What is the strangest joke someone has asked you? 
  13. If you could have one useless superpower, what would it be?
  14. Which sport would be funniest if it had mandatory alcohol?
  15. If animals could talk, which would be the most sarcastic?
  16. What is one thing that people consider trashy but you consider classy?
  17. What’s the most awkward first date you’ve ever been on? 
  18. What’s your favorite white elephant gift?
  19. Where is the worst smelling place you’ve ever been? 
  20. What is the most fruitless talent you have? 
  21. If you got banned from the library, what would be the reason behind it?
  22. Do you think penguins have knees?
  23. Why is it called lipstick if it doesn’t stick your lips together?
  24. What’s the silliest way you’ve accidentally injured yourself?
  25. What would be the worst bio for a dating app? 

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Questions About Family

Family relationships and upbringing have a significant impact on who people become as adults. Showing interest in someone’s family demonstrates that you want to get closer to them and understand their origins.   

  1. Who is your closest family member?
  2. Do you have a best friend that you talk to daily?
  3. What kind of relationship do you have with your parents? 
  4. How much time do you usually spend with your family?
  5. Who in your family do you most enjoy being around, and why?
  6. Which family member cooks the best food?
  7. What’s the most challenging part about spending time away from your family?
  8. Do you have any siblings? Tell me about them?
  9. Are you close with your brother(s)/sister(s)? What drives you crazy about them?
  10. Do you ever wish you had more or fewer siblings?
  11. Who gives the best gifts in your family?
  12. Which holiday did you celebrate most with your family when growing up?
  13. What’s your favorite story your grandparents have told you?
  14. Have you ever looked into your family lineage? Do you know anything about your ancestry?
  15. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  16. What is the best piece of advice your grandparents or parents have ever given you?
  17. Were you a rebel or an obedient kid growing up? Did you hide things from your parents?
  18. How would you describe your family now?
  19. Does anyone in your family have a nickname for you?
  20. What’s your favorite tradition in your family?
  21. What will always bring your family together?
  22. Is anyone in your family a “character”? What makes them so unique?
  23. Who is the “black sheep” of your family?
  24. Do you think friends or family are more important?
  25. How do you deal with arguments in your family?
  26. What’s something your family doesn’t know about you?
  27. Do you look more like your mom or dad?
  28. Do you know how your parents met?
  29. What was your favorite story your family members told you as a kid?
  30. What was the most challenging part about growing up in your family?
  31. What are you most grateful for about your family?
  32. Who in your family makes you feel the safest?
  33. Is there a particular food your family always makes when they get together?
  34. What kind of music does your family listen to? 
  35. What was the house like that you grew up in? 

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Questions About Values and Goals

Finding out someone’s morals and values is more complex than simply asking, “what are your values?” You can get to the root of what someone believes in by asking things about their motivations, life philosophies, and what drives them forward daily.  

It is also helpful to ask some thought-provoking questions about hypothetical scenarios like “If you could time travel, what time period would you go to?” This allows them to talk about their values in a hypothetical situation without feeling pressured to reveal more profound stories if they don’t want to.

  1. How do you hope people feel when they’re around you?
  2. What are the most important values that you have always stood by?
  3. How would you define a “good person”? 
  4. What are the most essential qualities you want in a friend?
  5. What life lessons did you have to learn the hard way?
  6. If you only had one of your five senses, which one would you choose?
  7. Have you ever volunteered?
  8. What are causes important to you? 
  9. Who do you admire the most and why?
  10. What is your life motto or mantra?
  11. What was your most proud accomplishment in the past year?
  12. If you could choose one thing that would make the world better, what would it be?
  13. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
  14. What is your astrological sign?
  15. Do you believe in giving people second chances?
  16. How can someone earn your trust?
  17. What has someone done to lose your trust?
  18. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets?
  19. What do you think about manifestation? Have you ever tried it? 
  20. Do you have vivid dreams? 
  21. Do you think dreams have a deeper meaning?
  22. Where have you always dreamed of going?
  23. Do you believe you should do one thing every day that scares you?
  24. What does getting out of your comfort zone look like for you?
  25. How do you define beauty in a person or life?
  26. What is a boundary you have that you’ve always upheld?
  27. What boundary do you have a more challenging time reinforcing?
  28. What do you think holds people back the most from achieving their goals and dreams?
  29. When you want to give up on something, what keeps you moving forward?
  30. When was the last time you had a regret?
  31. Do you live by any particular words of wisdom?
  32. Is it easy or difficult for you to accept help from people?
  33. If money were no object, what would you devote your life to? 
  34. Have you ever wanted to start a business? What kind would it be and why?
  35. If you could live forever, would you want to? Why?
  36. If you could time travel, what period would you go to?
  37. If you could go back in history and spend a day with one famous person, would it be?
  38. Do you have a vision board? If so, what is currently on it?
  39. A genie in a bottle randomly gives you three wishes– what are they?
  40. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose? Why?
  41. If you found out today was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it?
  42. If you find yourself stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you? 
  43. What is your number one goal for the coming year?

Pro Tip: There is a certain balance you have to strike between expressing interest in someone versus being too nosey. You don’t want to violate their privacy or go too deep too quickly. 

It’s usually best to steer clear of certain types of questions early on in a friendship: for example, “who did you vote for?”, “what are your religious beliefs?” or “what’s the worst thing that ever happened to you?” are probably best saved for someone you’ve known for a while. 

On the other hand, if you notice someone is sharing more about themselves, move on to more profound questions like the ones below.

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Juicy Questions About Romance and Relationships

Finding out about someone’s perspectives and experiences with relationships is a powerful way to get a little closer to their heart. But there is a time and place for everything. 

It’s best to avoid asking these questions to professional colleagues, new acquaintances, or on a first date. Instead, dive into the relationship realm with friends and significant others that you’ve known for a little while. 

  1. Have you ever been in love?
  2. What is the most attractive quality in a man/woman?
  3. Do you’re a good kisser? 
  4. What is your idea of a perfect date? 
  5. Do you believe in love at first sight? 
  6. What was it like the first time you met your significant other? (if they have one) 
  7. Do you think people fall in love because the right person shows up or because the time in their life is right? 
  8. What did your past relationship teach you?
  9. Do you believe in soul mates? Why or why not?
  10. Would you ever take somebody back who cheated on you? 
  11. Would you uproot and relocate your life for someone you love? 
  12. What is a relationship deal-breaker for you?
  13. Do you ever want to have a family of your own someday?
  14. Have you heard of love languages? What is your love language?
  15. What is your favorite book or romantic movie?
  16. What is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you?
  17. Which is more romantic: flowers and gifts or a candlelit meal?
  18. Do you think that people meet for a reason or by chance?
  19. What’s the best advice an older person has ever given you about relationships?
  20. How do you get over heartbreak?
  21. How old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
  22. What are your top 3 most essential qualities in a romantic partner?
  23. What is the longest relationship you’ve been in? 

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Deep Questions to Ask Your Friends

When you want to get to know someone deeper, it is often helpful to open up about your own stories and viewpoints.

Psychologists have found that an equal amount of give-and-take is essential to make both people in a conversation feel comfortable to disclose more intimate details about their lives.

However, over-sharing can lead to awkwardness or embarrassment. Self-disclosure requires trust that you can only build through time and conversation. So only dig into these types of questions once you’ve already started to form a relationship with somebody.

  1. How would you title this chapter of your life? 
  2. If you only had one month left to live, how would you spend it? 
  3. What is the best advice someone has ever given you? 
  4. What makes you feel alive?
  5. Do you typically follow your heart or your head?
  6. What are you most grateful for in your life? 
  7. If you could go back and change one thing about your past, what would it be? 
  8. Which is more critical – beauty, power, or money? 
  9. What’s your biggest fear?
  10. What makes you feel unstoppable?
  11. What is your biggest regret?
  12. Do you think people are mostly good or mostly evil? Why? 
  13. Where do you go when you need fresh inspiration?
  14. What’s your philosophy on life?
  15. Do you like diving into the deep end or easing your way into the water? (literally or figuratively)?
  16. What life-changing events have you experienced? 
  17. What’s one thing you would change about yourself? 
  18. Have you ever had a moment of deja vu? 
  19. What legacy do you want to leave on Earth once you’re gone? 
  20. What gives you hope? 

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Key Takeaways: How to Drive Conversation with Intriguing Questions

Everyone has differing levels of how much they’re willing to open up and share. Fortunately, there is a lot of ground to cover between “how was your day?” and “have you ever been in love?”

There are hundreds of questions you can ask someone without getting ultra-vulnerable, awkward, or nosey. Reading people’s body language and conversation cues is a great way to know what kinds of questions you want to ask next. 

A reciprocal give-and-take can make for an excellent deep conversation that brings you closer to your friends. 

If you want to become an expert conversationalist, Learn the 3 Steps to Amazing Conversation.

168 Questions to Ask Friends That Are Fun, Personal, and Deep


Time for a BFF quiz.

Photo: Jean Catuffe/GC Images

Ready to achieve BFF status? Take your friendship to the next level with these fun, personal, and juicy questions to ask friends.

No matter how many years you’ve known your friend, there’s always something new to discover about your BFF. And part of being a best friend, means finding new ways to show you care. Friendship questions are the perfect way of building on an already stellar friendship.

Quiz your pals with deep questions that allow you to understand what makes them tick. You can also find out more about their personality with fun questions that cover the basics, like favorite Hollywood superstar and current Netflix obsession. We’ve rounded up some of the best questions to ask friends, ranging from silly to serious, that are sure to bring out all the feels and spark a stronger bond.

But of course, your BFF didn’t become your ride or die overnight. Knowing what kinds of questions to ask your friend group, including your newest friends, will help you cultivate closeness with everyone in your circle. You’ll find the deep questions to ask a new friend are perfect for a bond that’s just beginning.

So, grab your bestie for a best friend questions video date, or pull up this list of 168 questions the next time you’re hanging with your friend group. You’ll be surprised by how much there is to learn about people, no matter how far into the friendship you are!

In this article:

Personal questions to ask friends

Fun questions to ask friends

Juicy questions to ask friends

Deep questions to ask a new friend

Personal questions to ask friends

1. What embarrasses you the most and/or what’s been your most embarrassing moment?

2. Who do you look up to the most, and what qualities do you love about that person?

3. What’s your biggest fear?

4. What’s your love language?

5. How do you like to be comforted when you’re sad or upset?

6. What’s your all-time favorite memory?

7. Who was the last person to make you cry and why?

8. Where do you hope to be five years from now? Ten? Fifteen?

9. When have you felt the most proud?

10. When have you felt the most challenged?

11. Have you ever been bullied?

12. Do you have any regrets? If so, what are they?

13. Out of all your family members, who are you closest to?

14. What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?

15. What do you think happens when we die?

16. Do you want to have kids one day? How many?

17. What's your earliest childhood memory?

18. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

19. Do you believe in soulmates?

20. When you can't sleep, what keeps you up at night?

21. What has your hardest goodbye in life been so far?

22. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?

23. What’s a talent you wish you had or that you’re working on?

Fun questions to ask friends

1. Which celeb would you want as your other BFF and why?

2. What do you do when no one else is around?

3. What's the best present you ever received? Who gave it to you and why was it so special?

4. What's the last thing you watched on Netflix?

5. What do you consider the ultimate comfort food?

6. If you could only have three things on your life bucket list, what would they be?

7. Would you rather be an expert at one thing, or pretty good at many things?

8. What’s your favorite thing you own and why?

9. Have you ever had your fortune told?

10. Would you rather order in or eat out?

11. What was the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?

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12. What’s your favorite TikTok video?

13. What’s been your most questionable haircut and/or fashion moment?

14. If money was no object, what would you buy?

15. When was the moment in your life you laughed the hardest?

16. What do you do when no one else is around?

17. Where do you want to travel the most?

18. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

19. What book has impacted you the most?

20. What’s your favorite movie romance? commercial?

21. What are the qualities that attract you most in a love interest?

22. You just won $10,000 — what are you going to do with the money?

23. What's the luckiest thing that's ever happened to you?

24. What's your favorite way to exercise?

25. Do you like roller coasters?

26. What is your most hated chore and why?

27. What's your favorite holiday and why?

28. If you were going to get some ink, what would you choose and why?

29. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

30. If you had to choose only one, would you pick a dog or a cat?

31. Do you believe in aliens?

32. If you were President, what's the first thing you would work to change in this country?

33. If you had to live in another time period, what would you choose?

34. What foreign language(s) would you want to master and why?

35. What's your all-time favorite dessert?

36. Do you believe in ghosts?

37. What’s your survival plan during a zombie apocalypse?

38 If you were an animal, what would you be?

39. If you had to create an alter ego for yourself, who would it be and what would you name them?

40. What’s your No. 1 karaoke song?

41. Have you ever been on a blind date?

42. What was your AIM screen name, or your first email address?

43. What’s your favorite piece of random trivia?

44. What was your first concert?

45. Which decade, in your opinion, had the best fashion trends?

46. If a song played every time you entered a room, what would it be?

47. What’s your skincare routine?

48. Did you ever go to summer camp?

49. When’s the last time you got to really experience nature?

50. Do you feel that you’re young at heart, or an old soul?

51. What does your name mean, and why was it given to you?

52. What’s an unexpected movie that makes you cry?

53. What flavor of ice cream best represents your personality?

54. What’s the one snack you can’t live without?

55. What’s the first place you’d go to in the mall?

56. What’s the scariest or most thrilling roller coaster you’ve ever been on?

57. What’s the last song you listened to?

58. Which item in your closet is your favorite?

59. What is your key to a cozy evening in?

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60. What’s the last video game you played?

61. What’s the last thing TikTok convinced you to buy?

Juicy questions to ask friends

1. What's the last lie you told?

2. Who was your very first crush?

3. What's the best compliment you've ever received?

4. What do you consider your best physical feature?

5. What are the top three things that stress you out?

6. What are the top three ways you deal with stress?

7. When was the last time you were jealous and why?

8. Do you believe in monogamy?

9. If you choose to get married one day, what would your dream proposal scenario be?

10. What would your dream home look like?

11. When’s the last time you felt inspired to create something?

12. How did your parents meet?

13. Who’s been your favorite teacher?

14. What are your favorite childrens’ names?

15. What did you dream about last night?

16. What do you think you’ll be like in old age?

17. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?

18. What’s something you’d consider unforgivable?

19. What’s the most loved you’ve ever felt?

20. Have you ever experienced a “friendship breakup”? What did it teach you?

21. Who was your first friend, and are they still in your life?

22. Would you ever consider being in a long-distance relationship?

23. What do you think the best way to resolve conflict is?

24. Do you feel that you have a healthy relationship with social media?

25. Is there a time when I made you feel particularly well supported?

26. How can I be a better friend to you?

27. What does friendship mean to you?

28. What qualities do you look for in a best friend?

29. What’s the most important thing I should know about you?

Deep questions to ask new friends

1. What are your pronouns?

2. What would be your perfect day? Plan it out from waking up to bedtime.

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3. What’s your zodiac sign?

4. What’s your Enneagram type?

5. On vacation, are you the relax-by-the-pool type or a get-up-and-go adventurer?

6. Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?

7. What college major are you thinking of choosing and why?

8. If you could only listen to one singer or band for the rest of your life, who would you choose?

9. What's your go-to dish when you have to make dinner?

10. Are you a superstitious person?

11. What’s your favorite board game to play?

12. Who’s the best movie villain?

13. Who’s your favorite follow on TikTok? On Instagram?

14. Did you have an imaginary friend growing up?

15. If you had to describe yourself in only three words, what would you choose? What words do you think your friends would choose to describe you?

16. Do you have any phobias?

17. What are your top three biggest pet peeves?

18. What's your favorite color and what's your least favorite color?

19. What would your dream vacay consist of?

20. Are you competitive?

21. What’s a tough experience that you learned and grew from?

22. What’s your relationship with your parents like?

23. Do you most often follow your heart or your head?

24. What’s the most unexpected or unusual thing on your bucket list?

25. What was your last romantic relationship like?

26. What’s a value you’re unwilling to compromise on?

27. What's your absolute dream job?

28. If you could have a superpower, what would you choose?

29. What TV show do you turn on when you just want to zone out and feel better?

30. What was the last movie you watched in a theater?

31. If you could time travel, where would you go?

32. What do you usually have for breakfast?

33. What's your favorite plant or flower?

34. What’s your favorite season and why?

35. Who always makes you laugh?

36. What do you think your best quality is?

37. What is your definition of success?

38. What’s your most-watched movie?

39. Do you have any hidden talents?

40. What’s the best thing you’ve dressed up as for Halloween?

41. Would you rather live by the ocean or in the mountains?

42. What’s the longest trip you’ve taken?

43. Are you a right brain or left brain person?

44. What is your most-used emoji?

45. What’s a bad habit you’re trying to break?

46. What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?

47. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

48. Do you like to recharge alone or around other people?

49. What’s the best museum you’ve ever been to?

50. When can we hang out again?

51. Which fictional character do you most relate to?

52. What would your ideal friend hangout include?

53. What food do you absolutely hate?

54. Do you believe in your horoscope?

55. What’s your most used emoji?

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Questions for Friends: Strengthen Friendships

📖 Content:

  • Relationship Questions
  • Questions about You
  • Fun Questions
  • “What would you prefer?” questions
  • Interesting questions
  • Deep questions

It's a fact that hours of talking help strengthen friendships. But if you don't know how to come up with conversation starters, don't worry.

From fun, easy, ice-melting first time questions to deep, emotional questions, we've got a huge list of questions for you and your friends to suit all tastes!

60 questions to help friends get to know each other better

How well do you know your friends? Make your conversations meaningful by asking meaningful questions.

Questions about relationships

Use these questions to tell your friends about past and current relationships.

  • How old were you when you first kissed?


    What celebrity do I look like?

    Each of us has a celebrity doppelgänger. Who is yours?

    Start Quiz

  • Who was the last person to break your heart?

  • What is the most repulsive thing about a potential partner?

  • Do you like to be left alone or comforted after a fight?

  • What features must be present in your partner?

  • Would you choose intelligence despite someone's appearance?

  • How do you best connect with others?

  • Top 3 nos when it comes to relationships?

  • Do you regret your relationship decisions?

  • 5 things that make a relationship successful?

Questions about you

Get your friends to talk about you. This is the easiest way to truly get to know their innermost thoughts, values ​​and their personalities.

  • What do you love most about yourself?

  • Is there a person who inspires you?

  • Do you ever regret what you did in the past?

  • What makes you happiest? And the saddest?

  • Do you have a fear of speaking in public?

  • What household chores do you secretly enjoy doing?

    N e w !


  • Do you have a family tradition that you promise to continue?

  • What hobbies are on your to-do list?

  • What are you a specialist/expert in?

  • What is your favorite scent?

  • Are you comfortable going to a restaurant alone?

  • Do you have a culinary specialty?

  • Do you have a collection that nobody knows about?

  • Do you have a hidden tattoo?

  • Are you free to express your opinion?

  • What is your favorite place in the world?

  • Do you have a dream car?

  • What is your earliest memory?

  • What are you most afraid of?

  • What do you miss when you think about your childhood?

Fun questions

Use these fun questions if you need to break the ice a little before asking more serious questions.

  • Which game application do you use the most?
  • Do you have a favorite superhero?
  • What conspiracy theories do you believe?
  • Are you in love with a movie villain?
  • What's the strangest thing you've watched on the Internet?
  • What websites do you visit daily?
  • What is the dumbest thing you have ever agreed to do as a challenge?
  • Can you survive without social networks? If you only had one account, what platform would it be on?
  • Do you believe in the paranormal?
  • If a genie gave you 3 wishes, what would you wish for?

“What would you prefer?” questions

“Which would you prefer” questions are not only easy to ask, but also easy to answer. These questions reveal what your friends really like and don't like.

📖 Here are 250+ questions to get to know someone

  • Coffee or tea?
  • Cookies or cakes?
  • Cinema at home or at the cinema?
  • A grand wedding or a quiet ceremony with a round-the-world honeymoon trip?
  • Book or listening to music?
  • Diet or exercise?
  • Rubber boots or flip flops?
  • Write your thoughts on paper or speak out loud?
  • Skip breakfast or dinner?
  • Put on your torn shirt or buy a new one?
  • Dancing alone or with other people?
  • Pinterest or Twitter?
  • Beer or cocktails?
  • Go hiking or swimming?
  • Shark or zombie death?

Interesting questions

Want to know how your friend's brain works? These questions will give you clues.

  • Do you have a strange recurring dream?

  • If you could learn a language fluently, what would it be?

  • What day will you never forget?

  • How close are you to your colleagues?

  • If you could have a dinosaur or dragon as a pet, which one would you choose?

  • Did I do something for you that you will never forget?

  • What was the last thing you did for the first time?

  • If you were given the right to erase one holiday, what would it be?

    📖 We offer you: How well do you know me? Friendship test questions

  • Have you done anything on your wish list?

  • What was the most impressive event you attended?

Deep questions

It's hard to just blurt out questions about a friend's hopes and dreams, beliefs and opinions. Sometimes it takes the right time for this to get your friend ready to open up to you.

So, when should you start asking serious and deep questions? Are there any unspoken rules here? There are 3:

1. Nothing is forbidden

You can talk about anything from the most disgusting food you have ever eaten to the most unpleasant things you have ever done. If you and your friend have already bonded over boogers or what you'll be doing during a zombie apocalypse, then you can probably dig deeper and talk about serious topics.

2. You can cry, laugh or hiss at each other

If you or your friend let your emotions run wild without judging each other, this is also the perfect time to get to know each other better.

3. You kept each other's secrets for a long time.

There's a reason why some people consider socializing with friends to be free therapy.

Sometimes serious questions can open closed wounds or bring back an injury. Also, sometimes it can highlight a person's trust issues.

We offer you: 350 Good questions to ask

If you know deep down that you can be trusted with any secret a friend shares with you, then your friend will probably feel safe telling you what he/she is kept so dearly.

15 Serious Questions to Take Your Friendship to the Next Level

If you answered yes to all 3 of the above rules, then you are ready to challenge and go deeper. You can start with these big questions:

  1. What moment in your life are you most proud of?
  2. If you could quit your job today and do anything, what would it be?
  3. Were there certain moments in your childhood that have shaped you today?
  4. What do you regret the most?
  5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  6. What do you value most in friendship?
  7. Do you suspect what will be your future cause of death?
  8. Was your life hard?
  9. What keeps you awake at night?
  10. If you could choose your last meal, what would it be?
  11. Do you believe in miracles?
  12. Do you have a weakness that you are trying to overcome?
  13. Would you prefer burial or cremation?
  14. What are the 3 things you are most grateful for today?
  15. Are you satisfied with your life right now?

what can you ask a friend, girlfriend

  • Polischuk Oksana
  • Questions

No matter how many years you know your friends, you can always learn something new about your best friend or girlfriend. Questions for friends are a good way to strengthen your friendship and test yourself on each other's knowledge.

Knowing what questions to ask your friends will help you stay close to everyone in your social circle. You will find that the answers to the questions you ask a married couple of friends reveal them to you in a new way. And questions for introspection will help your bosom friend or best friend look at themselves from the outside.

If you've been friends with someone for years and think you've heard all their stories, laughed at all their jokes, and understand their thoughts, there's still a lot more to come. Make sure of this by asking friends, for example, difficult psychological questions. And you will see how smart, talented, amazing people your friends are. This is the beauty of friendship - to see the best in friends.

Questions to ask friends

  • Interesting and funny. These are questions that you can ask your friends to cheer you up, have fun, or laugh. They can be asked to a Vkontakte pen-friend or a friend on Instagram. But if you want to get to know one of your friends even better, then you need a different list of questions.
  • Questions to get to know them better. The purpose of these questions is to look into the depths of the thoughts and behavior of their friends, who will be able to tell more about themselves.
  • The last list is personal questions to friends. These personal questions are not asked to those who have recently met, but they are asked to those whom you know well. With their help, you can find out what is in the heart of your friend / girlfriend. Find out his anxieties and experiences and how you can help them.

Funny and interesting questions for friends

  1. Is borrowing money from a friend good or bad? Why yes or no?
  2. There is a saying: "To have a good friend, you must be a good friend yourself." What to do to become a good friend?
  3. Can a teacher be friends with his student? (We recommend reading interesting questions to teachers to interview them).
  4. Is it possible to have a best friend of the opposite sex without sexual relations?
  5. What do you do if a friend calls you but you suddenly forgot his/her name?
  6. Would you be able to continue being friends with the ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend you broke up with?
  7. Who is the most interesting person you have ever met?
  8. There is a saying, "to lose a friend, you need to start living with him in the same apartment." Do you agree? Why yes or no?
  9. Do you have a close group of friends? How do you usually like to relax? What do you like to do together?
  10. Do you think famous people are happier than ordinary people or not? Why?
  11. Total war between cats and dogs: who will win and why?
  12. Would you take part in a wife carrying competition? (For more sports-related questions, read the sports questions and answers).
  13. If you were a kitchen appliance, what would you be and why?
  14. Do you hear voices too?
  15. What do you think is the biggest animal you can defeat with your bare hands?
  16. If you could never sleep or eat again, which would you choose? Why?
  17. What is the funniest fact you know?
  18. Pencil, which color is better: white, black or colored?
  19. What did you do for the first time last time?
  20. What breakfast cereal has had the most impact on your life?

Questions to get to know your friends better

  1. What was the most interesting or cool thing your friends gave you?
  2. Did you have strange habits as a child?
  3. What does friendship mean to you?
  4. Can there be romantic feelings between friends of opposite sex?
  5. What is the most memorable event you had with your friends?
  6. Have you ever lied to your friends?
  7. What common interests unite your friendship?
  8. What separates friends from family?
  9. What is your favorite memory of your friends?
  10. Do you have any regrets in your relationships with your friends? What would you like to change if you could turn back time?
  11. Ever swore blood with friends?
  12. Why is friendship important to you? Do you still maintain friendships from the past?
  13. How to carry friendship through life?
  14. Is friendship the most important thing in life or not? Why yes or no?
  15. How often do you see your old friends?
  16. Have you made friends over the Internet? How often do you write to them? Have you ever met them in person?
  17. How are your friendships today different from childhood friendships?
  18. What do you do to keep your friendship strong?
  19. How do you make new friends?
  20. There is a proverb: "A friend is known in trouble. " Do you agree with this? What are you willing to do for a friend in need?
  21. What motivational quotes motivate you to do something? Can you quote them?
  22. Should parents be friends with their children? How to become them?
  23. What qualities do you value in friends? What makes someone special or best friend?
  24. What good can you say about the friends you have made in this country, city, area?
  25. What quality do you admire in people, and which one do you find most undesirable?

Personal questions for friends

  1. Ever been jealous of your best friend? Why?
  2. What do you fear most in friendship?
  3. What nicknames do you call your friends?
  4. What are you willing to do for your friends?
  5. If you were to switch roles with your boyfriend/girlfriend, would you develop romantic feelings for them?
  6. How do you usually like to spend your weekends and with whom? (Recommended to get some ideas of what to do for the weekend during the quarantine).
  7. In the pool, which liquid would you like to bathe with?
  8. Have you been friends with anyone since childhood? What good do you find in childhood friends?
  9. Where do you like to meet your friends most often?
  10. Are you friends with someone from a distance? How do you keep in touch with them?
  11. Do you make friends easily?
  12. How close are your relationships with your friends?
  13. Do you trust all your friends? Why?
  14. How important is forgiveness in human relationships?
  15. When is the best time to make new friends?
  16. What was your childhood best friend like? Are you still friends? What lessons have you learned from these relationships?
  17. What helps you get to know a person better? Can the right questions for friends help?
  18. What behavior of others hurts you the most? When you upset someone with your actions, what are you trying to do?
  19. Do you consider your qualities to be good or bad?
  20. How do you usually respond when friends ask about your business? (Read 155 options for how to answer the question "how are you?".
  21. Do you think that a dysfunctional family life contributes to the deterioration of relations between friends?
  22. What is the difference between friendship and "kinship" (blood relatives)?
  23. you have different groups of friends who never meet each other?Do you think that if these groups are introduced to each other, they will be friends?Will you win or lose from such friendship?
  24. Are you in any way competitive with your friends?
  25. What do you prefer to drink with friends: coffee, tea or stronger drinks?

Questions for a friend

  1. Did your friend set you up?
  2. What qualities should people have for true friendship? (We recommend reading 94 quotes about friends that motivate you to appreciate friendship even more).
  3. What do you value in friendship?
  4. How do you like to spend time with friends?
  5. Do you like your friend's girlfriend? What will you do if you do not approve of his choice?
  6. What movie or concert would you go to see with your friends?
  7. Ever hurt your friends? How strong? What will you do if you offend your friends?
  8. Do you consider yourself a friend for life or for a while?
  9. After hard work, would you agree to hang out with friends often? (Read funny statuses and quotes about work that will cheer you up).
  10. Quarreling with friends? Because of which?
  11. What is the best proof of your friendship?
  12. How many people do you consider your best friends?
  13. What qualities of your friends do you admire and what do you dislike about them?
  14. Is there friendship between generations? What are the advantages or disadvantages of such a friendship?
  15. Do you have friends much older or younger than your age?
  16. What do you usually do with your friends?
  17. Why do you love your best friend?
  18. What do you like about your best friend?
  19. Why do you need a friend?
  20. How has your best friend been a positive influence in your life?
  21. If your friend is offended by something in your behavior, should he talk about it or is it better for him to remain silent?
  22. How long have you known your best friend? Where did you meet and what do you have in common?
  23. Do you tell your best friend everything?
  24. Is it easy for you to make friends?
  25. Are you good friends with your family members or not? Why?

Read more interesting questions for guys to ask.

Questions for a friend

  1. What do you do if you find out that your friend's boyfriend is cheating on her?
  2. What do you and your best friends have in common?
  3. Fantasized about a relationship with your friend?
  4. What is your favorite pizza? (We recommend reading interesting facts about pizza from around the world).
  5. Is friendship between a man and a woman possible or not?
  6. Has a friend ever let you down?
  7. What can lead to the collapse of a strong friendship?
  8. Who are you friends with the most and for the longest time?
  9. Who can be called a real friend?
  10. What should real friends never do?
  11. Do you think true friendship exists or not?
  12. What do you like most about your best friends?
  13. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? How do you imagine a romantic life with your loved one?
  14. What do you do or are ready to do if a serious misunderstanding has happened or will happen between you and your girlfriend?
  15. What is the connection between love and friendship?
  16. What kind of people do you get along with easily?
  17. What are friends for?
  18. What qualities help you to have good relations with others?
  19. What will you do if your friend (boyfriend), with whom you have been friends for a long time, invites you on a romantic date?
  20. Do you think it is possible to find true friendship through the Internet?
  21. What's the weirdest thing you've done in someone else's house?
  22. How can you sometimes relax with your friends, but not every day?
  23. What do you like to do when you don't feel like doing anything at all?
  24. What day would you like to relive over and over again? Why?
  25. What can you talk about with your friends for hours?

We recommend reading more interesting questions to ask a girl.

Closing Thoughts on Questions for Friends

The time we spend with friends should be enriched with conversation and fun in the form of questions and answers. This helps not only to have fun, but also allows each person to tell a little more about themselves than others know.

An evening spent with questions and answers can strengthen our relationships with friends for years to come. People love to talk about themselves. Research shows that talking about yourself activates the same parts of the brain that food, drugs, and sex do!

It has been scientifically proven that self-disclosure (and encouraging other people to open up) makes you a more attractive person and helps you form deeper social bonds.

Therefore, never forget that talking about these topics is very important in relationships with friends. After all, the right questions for friends will lead to new, funny, surprising, deep and very personal conversations with your girlfriend or friend.

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