Foot in my mouth
put your feet up idiom
put your finger on something idiom
put your foot down idiom
put your foot in it idiom
put your foot in your mouth idiom
put your foot in your mouth idiom
put your hand in your pocket idiom
put your head over/above the parapet idiom
put your heart and soul into something idiom
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Foot in one's mouth, put one's Definition & Meaning
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Say something foolish, embarrassing, or tactless. For example, Jane put her foot in her mouth when she called him by her first husband's name. This notion is sometimes put as having foot-in-mouth disease, as in He has a bad case of foot-in-mouth disease, always making some tactless remark. The first expression dates from about 1900. The variant, dating from the mid-1900s, is a play on the foot-and-mouth (sometimes called hoof-and-mouth) disease that afflicts cattle, causing eruptions to break out around the mouth and hoofs.
Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. Good luck!
Question 1 of 7
Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Words nearby foot in one's mouth, put one's
foot in both camps, have a, footing, footing piece, foot-in-mouth, foot-in-mouth disease, foot in one's mouth, put one's, foot in the door, get one's, foot-lambert, footle, footless, footlet
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
How to use foot in one's mouth, put one's in a sentence
To put it rather uncharitably, the USPHS practiced a major dental experiment on a city full of unconsenting subjects.
Anti-Fluoriders Are The OG Anti-Vaxxers|Michael Schulson|July 27, 2016|DAILY BEAST
Added to drinking water at concentrations of around one part per million, fluoride ions stick to dental plaque.
Anti-Fluoriders Are The OG Anti-Vaxxers|Michael Schulson|July 27, 2016|DAILY BEAST
In his view, a writer has only one duty: to be present in his books.
Houellebecq’s Incendiary Novel Imagines France With a Muslim President|Pierre Assouline|January 9, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Yet this, in the end, is a book from which one emerges sad, gloomy, disenchanted, at least if we agree to take it seriously.
Houellebecq’s Incendiary Novel Imagines France With a Muslim President|Pierre Assouline|January 9, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The fear of violence should not determine what one does or does not say.
Trolls and Martyrdom: Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie|Arthur Chu|January 9, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Practise gliding in the form of inflection, or slide, from one extreme of pitch to another.
Expressive Voice Culture|Jessie Eldridge Southwick
He alludes to it as one of their evil customs and used by them to produce insensibility.
Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce|E. R. Billings.
There was a rumor that Alessandro and his father had both died; but no one knew anything certainly.
Ramona|Helen Hunt Jackson
He was voluble in his declarations that they would “put the screws” to Ollie on the charge of perjury.
The Bondboy|George W. (George Washington) Ogden
Truth is a torch, but one of enormous size; so that we slink past it in rather a blinking fashion for fear it should burn us.
Pearls of Thought|Maturin M. Ballou
Ruben Gallego. I'm sitting on the shore, I can't lift my leg.

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Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego. I'm sitting on the shore, I can't lift my leg. Not a leg. And the leg. I still can't.
This funny children's saying, or rather its second part, is not a funny rhyme for the main characters of the book, but a statement of fact: both of them are disabled children, left by their parents in an orphanage, eventually transferred to a nursing home and disabled people. Ruben and Misha are friends, in the whole wide world each of them has only a friend. He is an indispensable assistant, the only interlocutor, hope and support. nine0005
“I was lucky. I live in the Novocherkassk nursing home. My legs don't move at all. And yet I was lucky. I can do almost everything with my hands. I can leaf through books, put a spoon to my mouth. I am happy because I can take off my pants and turn the wheels of my stroller by myself. I am a happy person. Because Misha needs me. If I die, Misha will be very ill. Misha is lucky. Misha has me. Misha's illness is much more serious than mine. Compared to Misha, I am an athlete, almost a superman.0005
Autobiographical book: Ruben David González Gallego has a terrible biography. His mother, Aurora Gallego, was the daughter of the Secretary General of the Spanish Communist Party, Ignacio Gallego. My father belonged to the Venezuelan freedom fighters. Both mother and father at one time studied at Moscow institutes. In 1968 they had two twin sons. But one baby died immediately, and the other fell ill with cerebral palsy. The second was Ruben. Kremlin doctors fought for Ruben for more than a year. But they failed to cure the grandson of the leader of the Spanish communists. And the sick boy was eventually sent to one of the Moscow orphanages. When Gallego was fifteen years old, he was transferred to Novocherkassk. (1) Action time: 70s - 80s. The reader is presented with an absolutely bleak, naturalistic reality of the Soviet orphanage and nursing home. The bed is not changed for weeks, the set of medicines is minimal, the staff is not sober - the norm, the nanny needs to be called for help several times, and very persistently. “I knock on the door of the nannies' room. I knock hard. Nobody answers me. The nannies think that if I don’t answer, I will think that there is no one in their room.” The existence is so difficult that Misha has a longed-for dream - "to die quickly and painlessly." When Ruben refuses to help Misha, he calls him a traitor. And yet Misha found a way to "win". nine0005
The book begins and ends with scenes of an absurd performance, among the characters: Ruben, Misha, Doctor, Dog, young and old angels. Ruben: “The line between man and dog is so thin. A dog can turn out to be a man, a man can turn out to be a dog…”
Svetlana Bronnikova, head of the Karkateev Settlement Model Library
About the author: Gallego, Ruben
0005 White on black Only in one case, blood in Miller's dream book is interpreted positively: if it is spilled on the pavement. Heavy bleeding is a harbinger of work and health problems. If you cooperate with foreign partners, it is the unsuccessful transactions with them that will create problems for you. Bloody clothing symbolizes enemies that can shake your career. If shortly before such a dream you have new acquaintances, be careful with them. A pool of blood on the ground speaks of your secret enemies who are just waiting for you to make a mistake. Blood is a symbol of kinship, so all dreams related to blood will be related to your family or friends. The dream in which you defended yourself from the enemy, wounded him and got dirty with his blood, is a warning: it is better not to interfere in a quarrel between your loved ones, otherwise it will turn into serious consequences for you. Another warning dream is in which you drink pleasant cool water, and it turns into blood, and you smear yourself in it. Because of the generational curse, your fate will be unhappy until we pray for the forgiveness of the sins committed by your ancestors. nine0005 Basically, dreams about blood have a negative interpretation: to see blood on your clothes and not understand where it comes from - to fall under vain suspicions, to be slandered; stain clothes with blood - to "dirty" money; drinking blood - to receive some kind of wealth prohibited by Sharia; blood in a dream for a woman - to illness; going to the toilet with blood - to sinful intimate relationships. Bleeding is interpreted depending on how you feel about it in a dream: if you think it's good, then you will benefit from people in power; if you think that it is bad, then this benefit will ultimately be to your detriment. Dreams are interpreted in a positive way in which you fall into a pool of blood (to wealth and success), and blood flows from your nose in a thin stream continuously (to a stable cash income). The usual bleeding from the nose personifies anxieties, problems, sorrows. nine0005 A person who sees blood in a dream takes his sexual relationships seriously. The more blood in a dream, the more partners. Blood is interpreted negatively as a symbol of physical, material and moral exhaustion, even death. The only exception is the dreamed blood of your enemy, it promises you an unconditional victory. Get bloodied in a dream - to news from relatives. Earth soaked in blood predicts serious difficulties, catastrophes and conflicts with human casualties. If you injured someone, then such a dream advises you to stop acting carelessly when solving a serious problem and take the initiative into your own hands. Tsvetkov attaches importance to where the blood comes from in a dream. From the nose - to financial losses, from the mouth - to conflicts with loved ones over property issues, from the genitals - to a difficult and even scandalous parting with a husband / wife. The illness of the next of kin symbolizes blood on other people in a dream. But if you are smeared, then expect unexpected good news or benefits from the person whose blood is on you. Why dream of blood in a dream book: interpretation of dreams about blood
Blood in Miller's dream book
In this case, relatives will send you good news. In all other situations, you need to prepare for trouble. So, if you have stained your hands with blood, then the dream signals: urgently take care of yourself, rest, check your affairs. Otherwise, a black streak will come in your life. nine0005
Blood in Vanga's dream book
Just to see blood in a dream - to conflicts and attempts at revenge in the environment. Your reputation will be in jeopardy due to the behavior of a friend if you dream of your clothes spattered with blood. If you are trying to stop the bleeding (whether it is weak or strong), this indicates your longing for one of the deceased loved ones.
Blood in the Islamic dream book
Blood in Freud's dream book
Blood in Loff's dream book
Blood in the dream book of Nostradamus
To bleed - to temporary sorrows and loneliness. If blood flows in a dream from a wound of a person close to you, then your selfishness will cause discord in relationships. nine0005
Blood in Tsvetkov's dream book