Feeling strongly about something
STRONGLY Synonyms: 22 Synonyms & Antonyms for STRONGLY
See definition of strongly on Dictionary.com
- adv.powerfully
synonyms for strongly
- actively
- energetically
- firmly
- fully
- greatly
- heartily
- heavily
- resolutely
- robustly
- solidly
- staunchly
- steadily
- vigorously
- completely
- decidedly
- forcibly
- indomitably
- invincibly
- mightily
- securely
- stoutly
- sturdily
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
On this page you'll find 37 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to strongly, such as: actively, energetically, firmly, fully, greatly, and heartily.
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I connect strongly with his concept of making medicine that is both useful for public health and conducive to building a successful company.
The part of the document that Pierik disputes strongly suggests that Assemblyman Todd Gloria, who’s running for mayor, knew what was going on.
Their chapter was almost like an ethnography about this group of parents in New York that felt really strongly about the fact that they didn’t want their kids to be surveilled.
The study quotes Google’s Gary Illyes who said, “If you were paying attention to actually writing for your users instead of machines, then I strongly believe that you are already optimized for voice search. ”
The model might use these data sets to spit out a list of voters ranked on a scale from 1 to 100, with 100 being those most likely to strongly support the cause.
The other is that it will determine, or at least strongly influence, your risk of injury.
As I’ve mentioned before, I strongly believe that people know best.
Whichever one you choose we strongly recommend you stick to that one.
In 25 years of studying public opinion in the UK, I’ve hardly ever seen seven in ten Brits strongly support anything.
Many of us, when we feel strongly about something — an environmental issue or a social or economic issue — we’re inclined to put forth a moral argument.
- absolutely
- by all means
- clearly
- decisively
- determinedly
- distinctly
- downright
- emphatically
- flat out
- for a fact
- in spades
- no catch
- no holds barred
- no ifs ands or buts
- no mistake
- no strings attached
- of course
- positively
- powerful
- really
- right
- straight out
- strongly
- sure
- surely
- terribly
- terrifically
- unequivocally
- unmistakably
- durably
- enduringly
- fast
- fixedly
- hard
- inflexibly
- like a rock
- motionlessly
- rigidly
- securely
- solid
- solidly
- soundly
- stably
- steadily
- stiffly
- strongly
- substantially
- thoroughly
- tight
- tightly
- unflinchingly
- unshakeably
- by force
- coercively
- compulsorily
- effectively
- energetically
- hard
- mightily
- powerfully
- strongly
- under protest
- vigorously
- energetically
- fiercely
- frantically
- frenziedly
- heatedly
- hotly
- indignantly
- infuriatedly
- intensely
- irately
- madly
- quickly
- rapidly
- savagely
- sharply
- strongly
- violently
- wild
- wildly
- actively
- angrily
- animatedly
- boisterously
- briskly
- brutally
- cruelly
- earnestly
- energetically
- ferociously
- fiercely
- forcibly
- frantically
- furiously
- heavily
- intensely
- keenly
- like fury
- madly
- meanly
- painfully
- powerfully
- relentlessly
- rigorously
- roughly
- rowdily
- savagely
- seriously
- severely
- sharply
- spiritedly
- sprightly
- stormily
- strongly
- tumultously/tumultuously
- turbulently
- uproariously
- urgently
- viciously
- vigorously
- violently
- vivaciously
- wildly
- with all one's might
- actively
- angrily
- animatedly
- boisterously
- briskly
- brutally
- cruelly
- earnestly
- energetically
- ferociously
- fiercely
- forcibly
- frantically
- furiously
- heavily
- intensely
- keenly
- like fury
- madly
- meanly
- painfully
- powerfully
- relentlessly
- rigorously
- roughly
- rowdily
- savagely
- seriously
- severely
- sharply
- spiritedly
- sprightly
- stormily
- strongly
- tumultously/tumultuously
- turbulently
- uproariously
- urgently
- viciously
- vigorously
- violently
- vivaciously
- wildly
- with all one's might
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Experiencing and Expressing Emotion | University of Illinois Counseling Center
Emotions are part of our everyday lives. Sometimes, it can feel like our feelings control how we think and act to the point where we feel like we’re not in control. Experiencing and expressing emotions are integral parts of life. But, for many people, emotions remain mysterious, confusing, and difficult to express constructively. This brochure provides information about learning to incorporate emotions into your life in healthy ways, including how to express them in ways that are conducive to building healthy relationships.
Accepting and Valuing Your Feelings
Often, there is a strong relationship between the events in your life and your feelings–for example, to feel sadness in response to loss, or to feel happiness in response to something desirable. Sometimes, feelings relate to past events or even to expectations for the future. For example, sorrow about something that happened recently may bring up sadness about other past losses. Many students may feel anxious about their future career choices. Rather than ignoring or impulsively expressing your feelings, it is important to think about them so you can learn and improve your reactions. When you are feeling something, consider asking yourself the following kinds of questions:
- What is this feeling?
- What is this feeling telling me about this situation?
- Why is this feeling happening now?
Identifying Feelings
Learning to identify the connection between your feelings and specific events (or stressors) in your life can take time, but it’s important in learning how to address emotions in a healthy manner. Here are some things to consider when learning to identify your feelings:
- You may notice a physical or bodily reaction to an emotion (for example, fear may feel like a knot in your stomach or tightness in your throat; embarrassment may cause you to blush).
- Your bodily responses may indicate a pattern (for example, feeling jittery prior to beginning every exam).
Feelings are also connected to your behavior. If you aren’t sure how you feel, but you realize that you are acting in a way that sends a clear message to others, you may be able to infer what you are feeling from your behavior. For example, if you have an angry facial expression or tone of voice when you are talking with a particular friend, it may be that you are angry or frustrated with that person without recognizing it. Making the connection between life’s events and your feelings is very useful. Continuing with this same example, once you recognize your feelings, you may then more clearly understand and articulate your concerns with your friend.
Interpretations and Perceptions
Often feelings relate to your interpretations of events more than to the events themselves. While it’s natural to think that you are responding only to the events of your life, you make interpretations or judgments of these events based on your perceptions of the event or person. When you stop to think about it, each event could yield a variety of emotional responses; your interpretation of the event helps link a particular emotional response to that event.
Your interpretations can seem so rapid (or automatic) that you may not realize they are happening. When your emotional reaction is disproportionate to the event, it is likely due to your rapid, undetected interpretation of that event, more than to the event itself. Examining this further may help you gain perspective of your emotional reactions. Here are some common, recurring self-defeating interpretations:
- Dichotomous thinking. In this way of thinking, you interpret events as in extremes (all or nothing). In other words, events are wonderful or terrible, with no recognition of the grey areas in between.
- Excessive personalization. Here, someone concludes that another’s behavior or mood is because of them. So when a friend is in a bad mood, the person assumes it must be their fault.
Overgeneralization. This is when someone gives more impact to something than it really has. For example, someone may assume they are a horrible student because they do poorly on one test.
- Filtering. This is when we magnify negative events and discount positive ones. For example, a student may only pay attention to one negative comment after a class presentation rather than considering many other positive ones.
- Emotional reasoning. This involves confusing your emotions with the truth. For example, if you feel lonely, you determine you’re not worthy of relationships or friends.Acknowledging these self-defeating tendencies can be difficult but do not define you as a person. They can help us learn how to express our feelings more accurately and productively.
Expressing your Feelings
Cultural backgrounds, family values, and many other factors can influence how we express emotions. Typically, we learn to express our emotions in two primary ways: either directly expressing them to someone else (e.g., in a personal confrontation), or hiding the feelings and keeping them to ourselves. Learning ways to express our emotions that are aligned with our cultural values, while still attending to our need and feelings, can be helpful both for ourselves and in our relationship with others.
For example, consider the scenario of a close friend planning to move away. You may feel sad, disappointed, or even frustrated about this change. There are numerous ways you can react:
- You may be so upset you want to avoid the friend until they move.
- You can stay busy, or anxiously pursue new friendships so you will not feel lonely or sad.
However, you also have options for expressing your emotions more productively:
- You may tell your friend you will miss them.
- You may make special effort to see them more before they move.
Here are some useful questions to consider when deciding how to respond to your feelings:
- Does the intensity of my feelings match the situation?
- Do I have several feelings that I need to pay attention to?
- What interpretations or judgments am I making about this event?
- What are my options for expressing my feelings?
- What are the consequences of each option for me?
- What are the consequences of each option for others?
- What result am I hoping for?
- What do I want to do?
- What if I do nothing?
Even doing something like taking a deep breath or going for a walk to think can be a way of responding to your feelings. Remember that you have many options when it comes to expressing emotions.
Understanding the Impact of Your Culture and Family
As previously mentioned, our families and cultural background help shape our attitudes about emotions, our abilities to identify emotions, our ways of interpreting events, and our ways of expressing emotions. Many people do not recall being taught “family rules” concerning emotions, but such teachings occurred, whether directly or subtly. A subtle example might be where a parent distanced themselves from you or left the room whenever you got angry, thus indicating that expressions of anger were unacceptable. In other families a parent may yell, “Don’t raise your voice at me,” suggesting a rule against the child’s expressing anger, but subtly conveying the rule that expressions of parental anger are permissible. Sometimes, by learning or identifying your family’s and culture’s rules can help you begin recognizing your own reactions and beginning to make changes.
- Some common examples of learned/unproductive rules for emotions:
- Always treat other people’s feelings as more important than your own.
- Never do anything that might cause conflict or negative feelings for someone else.
- Don’t express anger.
- Use anger to get attention.
- Ignore your feelings.
- Don’t trust others with your feelings; keep them to yourself.
- Never trust your feelings; trust only your logic.
- Be happy all the time.
Sometimes, we also learn “acceptable” emotional reactions based upon our gender or sexual identity from our families when, in reality, healthy emotional expression is important for everyone. As an adult you have more options, including replacing those rules which are not helpful.
Final Note
Learning to experience your feelings fully and expressing them in ways that are adaptive and healthy is not a simple process, but there are some key components that can help. In general, it is important to become a good observer of your feelings, to accept and value them, and to attend to what they signal to you. Pay attention to how your interpretations and thoughts affect how you feel and also how the lessons learned in your family about emotional expression continue to influence your behavior. When deciding how to express how you feel, give some thought to all of your options. And most importantly, be patient. Don’t become discouraged when you find yourself struggling with this process. Learning to experience and express your emotions is a life-long process.
Want to Know More?
Firestone, Lisa (2018). How Emotions Guide Our Lives. Psychology Today. Retrieved from psychologytoday.com/us/blog/compassion-matters/201801/how-emotions-guide-our-lives
Beck, Julie (2015). How to Get Better at Expressing Emotions. The Atlantic. Retrieved from theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/11/how-to-get-better-at-expressing-emotions/416493/.
David, Susan (2017). The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage[video file]. Retrieved from ted.com/talks/susan_david_the_gift_and_power_of_emotional_courage.
treatment, how to get rid of anxiety, how to deal with anxiety for no reason
Anxiety is a negatively colored mood with feelings of worry, tension, and fear. In moderation, such emotions are useful: they help to mobilize forces and find a way out of extreme situations. But there must be grounds for concern, and normally it lasts a limited period of time.
If a person constantly experiences a feeling of anxiety and anxiety for no reason, this may indicate the presence of a mental disorder. In the absence of help, constant tension wears out the nervous system and the body as a whole, which leads to a breakdown in adaptation mechanisms and the development of chronic diseases. nine0003
If you notice that you cannot relax for a long time, then you should think about visiting a specialist.
In pathological cases, a state of anxiety and restlessness without a cause manifests itself both mentally and physically.
Mental symptoms:
- constant feeling of fear and excitement for no reason,
- poor concentration and attention,
- sleep disorders,
- emotional lability, irritability, tearfulness,
- inability to relax and fully engage in daily activities or communication,
- the need to reassure others that everything is okay. At the same time, words of support do not bring relief.
Physical symptoms:
- rapid breathing and heartbeat,
- headaches, pain in the abdomen and in the region of the heart,
- excessive sweating,
- eating disorders: increased or loss of appetite,
- weakness,
- shivering, chills,
- stool disorders: frequent urge, constipation,
- feeling short of breath,
- nausea,
- muscle spasms and pain.
Unreasonable anxiety and anxiety increase or smooth out from time to time. Exacerbations often accompany stress: conflicts, important events, illness. Normally, a person recovers quickly after the situation is resolved, but when upset, negative emotions do not go away. nine0003
The intensity of anxiety varies from mild to severe. The extreme is panic. If you ignore an anxiety state for a long time for no reason, then panic attacks can join it. They overtake unexpectedly and sometimes without a good enough reason, but after this episode, a person begins to avoid situations similar to the one in which it happened: public transport, an elevator, or just a crowd of people. This greatly reduces the quality of life and can lead to social isolation. nine0003
Causes of causeless anxiety and anxiety
The occurrence of anxiety disorder is influenced by heredity. It has been found that certain brain structures and features of biological processes play an important role in the emergence of fear and anxiety. Personal characteristics, somatic health problems, lifestyle and various types of addictions also matter. Sometimes there is no cause for causeless anxiety and worry. Negative feelings usually have a trigger - an event or thought that causes an anxious response. However, most people are not aware of their triggers and believe that their emotions are groundless. In this case, only a specialist will help to understand why excitement arises for no reason. nine0003
There are a number of diseases, the symptoms of which are constant anxiety. With causeless fear and anxiety, the reasons may be as follows:
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Persistent nervousness and worry over small things that are usually visible to others and last 6 or more months. It starts in adolescence and intensifies with age.
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder: obsessive thoughts and fears that are accompanied by obsessive actions that do not bring relief. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is distinguished - a person is indomitably haunted by memories that reproduce a traumatic situation. nine0014
- Phobias: irrational fear of any, even mundane, things.
Accompanied by uncontrolled panic and physical manifestations.
- Panic attack - an excruciating and sudden attack of panic, which is accompanied by a fear of death and vivid somatic symptoms. The regular occurrence of panic attacks means the development of a panic disorder.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder: occurs after a severe traumatic situation and is accompanied by high levels of anxiety, avoidance and flashbacks. nine0014
These are the most common examples, but pathological anxiety can be a symptom of other disorders or the result of a failed stress management. If you want to understand why there is a feeling of anxiety for no reason, you should consult a doctor. Without clarifying the main factor and working on it, it is impossible to restore health and peace of mind.
What to do with causeless anxiety and anxiety
It is difficult to live in constant stress. If you experience causeless anxiety and fear of what to do, the following list will tell you: nine0003
- Talk to someone you trust.
This could be a relative, a close friend, a therapist, or a helpline employee. People are social creatures, so communication is a good way to relieve internal tension.
- Find a way to calm down quickly. There is not always a person with whom you can share. Therefore, it is important to find a suitable method that will help you relax: breathing techniques, soothing music, aromatherapy, self-massage, and more. If you cannot independently choose a technique that quickly helps with anxiety for no reason, a specialist will tell you what to do. nine0014
- Add physical activity to your life. It is a natural and effective remedy for anxiety. Moderate sport relieves stress, lowers stress hormones, and strengthens the nervous system. Get at least 30 minutes of physical exercise a day.
- Normalization of lifestyle. Get enough sleep, eat well, give up bad habits. This stabilizes physical performance and neurotransmitter levels, which helps maintain emotional balance. nine0014
- Start keeping a diary.
Notes help identify patterns of anxiety flare-ups, understand the causes, and notice early signs of their occurrence. Also, thanks to this, you will begin to focus more on positive events that you might not have noticed before.
With excitement for no reason, everyone who regularly encounters this wants to know what to do. There is no universal method, however, the 5 steps listed above are recommended for every person with increased anxiety. This may be enough to alleviate symptoms. But if self-help techniques do not give the desired effect, then with a regularly occurring feeling of anxiety for no reason, you need to find out from a specialist what to do. nine0003
Treatment of causeless feelings of anxiety and restlessness
Regardless of the cause of pathological anxiety, professional help is the only complete method to eliminate the problem. If you have constant excitement and anxiety for no reason, you can quickly and effectively learn from a psychiatrist or psychotherapist how to get rid of this condition.
Due to the diversity of anxiety disorders, their therapy must be adapted to the individual clinical picture and diagnosis. Therefore, only a highly qualified specialist who has experience working with different types of anxiety conditions can tell you how to get rid of an anxiety state for no reason. For example, the therapy algorithm for a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is different from the help for panic attacks. nine0003
For a state of anxiety and anxiety without a cause, treatment includes the following approaches:
- Psychotherapy. The most promising direction, which not only eliminates the symptom, but identifies the cause and fights it. Therapy teaches when feeling anxiety for no reason, how to get rid of acute attacks of anxiety, relax, look at life situations differently. The doctor will help to uncover the main causes of your fears and work them out. The patient receives the tools to overcome anxiety and uses them successfully.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is usually used: in the course of treatment, the patient encounters an object of concern and gradually gains confidence that he can control the situation. nine0014
Medical therapy. Depending on the type of anxiety and the presence of associated mental or physical health problems, antidepressants, sedatives, sleeping pills, and other drugs may be prescribed. When anxiety is felt without a cause, drug treatment will alleviate the symptoms and improve the quality of life of the patient during his psychotherapeutic work on the underlying cause. Uncontrolled medication leads to dangerous side effects and withdrawal syndrome, so they can only be used according to the individual course prescribed by the doctor. nine0003
It is recommended to use a combination of psychotherapeutic and drug treatment, but sometimes only the first one is enough.
You should not put off visiting a doctor if you feel that experiences are preventing you from living. Over time, the symptoms worsen and other severe mental illnesses join: depression, neurotic disorders, and more. If the normalization of lifestyle does not help, it means that you will understand how to get rid of unreasonable anxiety only from a psychotherapist. With a timely appeal to a competent specialist, only a few sessions of psychotherapy may be enough for recovery. nine0003
Thanks to modern psychotherapeutic approaches, hundreds of people are making great strides every day in the fight against anxiety disorders. There is no need to endure the painful burden of fear and anxiety, because timely assistance allows you to achieve excellent results: the patient will fully recover and return to a full life, and the improvement will be noticeable after the first session.
Unreasonable anxiety - why there is a constant state of anxiety
All people experience anxiety from time to time. For example, you can get nervous when you have a fight with a loved one or before taking an exam. Anxiety itself is not a very pleasant emotion, but it is completely normal. nine0003
Sometimes anxiety becomes persistent and uncontrollable. In situations where it interferes with everyday life, takes on a permanent or excessively acute character, the problem cannot be ignored. You should contact a specialist and figure out what anxiety means in your case. Perhaps you need qualified help.
Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental illnesses in modern society.
nine0007Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental illnesses in modern society. Usually a person cannot understand what anxiety means, from which it is impossible to get rid of. The disease makes you feel scared and restless for no apparent reason. If left untreated, it becomes a long-term problem and significantly reduces the quality of life. At the same time, no matter what form of anxiety disorder the patient suffers from, an experienced specialist will always select a therapy that will help to cope with the disease.
What is the alarm
Common signs of anxiety disorders to look out for include:
- Feeling nervous and uncontrollable restlessness that is not appropriate for the situation;
- Unwarranted panic, premonition of catastrophe or death;
- Increased activity of the autonomic nervous system: dizziness, sweating, trembling, rapid breathing, palpitations, pain in the heart, dry mouth, nausea, stool disturbance; nine0014
- Sleep and appetite disorders;
- Problems with concentration, inability to distract from the object of concern;
- Anxiety, irritability;
- Strong, uncontrollable feeling of fear in relation to ordinary situations (phobias).
Anxiety, whatever it may be, always has characteristic features and causes. The concept of "anxiety disorder" is general and corresponds to several diagnoses, each of which has its own characteristics. It is important to distinguish one from the other in order to correctly diagnose and choose the correct treatment.
Experience and high qualifications will allow a specialist to do this without difficulty. nine0003
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a mental illness characterized by so-called non-fixed anxiety. This is groundless anxiety, which does not depend on specific circumstances, but is persistent and uncontrollable. Physical manifestations in the form of vegetative symptoms are added to anxiety. All this greatly interferes with studying, working and communicating. Clinically significant is the presence of signs of GAD for 6 months.
A distinctive feature is the generalization of sensations: constant anxiety in GAD does not have a specific stressor, it is directed to life circumstances in general, including minor and unlikely situations. The course is permanent, the symptoms are always present, from time to time they intensify, but they never acquire an acute form, as in panic attacks. nine0003
The concept of "anxiety disorder" is general and corresponds to several diagnoses, each of which has its own characteristics.
Panic disorder (panic attacks) are abrupt episodes of panic and discomfort, which are accompanied by fear of death and physical manifestations: interruptions in the heart, feeling short of breath, dizziness.
Unlike GAD, panic attacks occur spontaneously and acutely. Patients are in constant expectation of an attack, they experience a debilitating feeling of anxiety. With GAD, a person is constantly in a state of anxiety, but it is not associated with the expectation of an attack, but with bad forebodings and fears about all kinds of life situations. nine0003
Panic attacks are also important to distinguish from phobic disorders. Attacks can be one of the signs of a phobia and speak of its severity. If there is a primary phobia, then it will be the main diagnosis.
This disorder should be differentiated from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), in which panic attacks can occur only when trying to suppress intrusive thoughts, and from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
In the latter case, anxiety occurs only under certain circumstances that remind the patient of the cause of the trauma. nine0003
People suffering from this disorder do their best to avoid frightening circumstances, which can impose significant restrictions on lifestyle.
Phobic disorder (phobias) are acute episodes of panic that are associated with specific situations and objects. People suffering from this disorder do their best to avoid frightening circumstances, which can impose significant restrictions on lifestyle. nine0003
Among the phobias, there are social phobia - an overwhelming fear of social interactions, and agoraphobia, which is a complex of similar fears associated with the fear of open and closed spaces. There are other isolated phobias, but a distinctive feature of this type is that the fear occurs in strictly defined situations and is limited only to them.
Anxious depression. The usual signs of an anxiety disorder are characterized by nervousness, irritability, problems with sleep and concentration.
But, unlike other disorders, the depressive component is also mandatory - depressed mood, melancholy, lack of interest in life. In mixed anxiety and depressive disorder, the symptoms of anxiety and depression are present to an equal degree, without a clear predominance of one over the other, which does not allow them to be considered separately from each other. nine0003
Schizoaffective disorder is another disease in which mood disorders are observed: unreasonable anxiety, guilt, problems with concentration, irritability, and more. However, according to ICD-10, this diagnosis can only be confirmed when the psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia, such as delusions and hallucinations, are combined with affective disorders of a depressive or manic nature.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is obsessive ideas based on irrational thoughts and fears that force a person to perform certain actions - rituals (ritual behavior). nine0003
To alleviate concerns, a person can endlessly wash their hands, even if the skin on them becomes irritated and cracked.
Obsessions and compulsions greatly interfere with daily activities. If a person tries to ignore these thoughts, anxiety increases. Because of this, the patient is forced to continue to perform the ritual in order to relieve stress. OCD often centers around specific themes, such as the fear of germs. To alleviate concerns, a person can endlessly wash their hands, even if the skin on them becomes irritated and cracked. nine0003
Alarm causes. Diagnostics
The causes of anxiety disorders are varied, as are the types themselves. Usually, in the pathological state of unreasonable anxiety, the causes consist of a complex interaction of factors that may include:
- genetic predisposition;
- imbalance of neurotransmitters;
- personality traits: people with a labile psyche, sensitive temperament, prone to negative emotions; nine0014
- stressful situations, mental trauma, unfavorable living conditions, somatic diseases;
- use of drugs, alcohol, improper medication.
Only a qualified psychiatrist can correctly identify the causes of anxiety and provide assistance. You can not delay seeking help, as the condition may worsen and be complicated by social isolation, suicidal actions and various types of addiction. nine0003
To conduct a complete diagnosis of the condition, the doctor uses the following methods:
- Psychiatric examination - a specialist collects a detailed anamnesis, takes into account clinical manifestations and compares them with diagnostic criteria.
- Pathopsychological research is a modern technique that helps to understand the personal characteristics and psychological state of the patient.
- Laboratory and instrumental examination - Neurotest and Neurophysiological test system allow you to get an objective picture of the state of the nervous system and cognitive functions, EEG and other instrumental techniques help to exclude organic pathology
Treatment of anxiety and anxiety disorders
Treatment depends on the type of disorder and may include one or a combination of the following approaches.
Individual psychotherapy is the main treatment for any type of disorder. Allows you to find out why anxiety has arisen and whether it is pathological. Clinical signs are analyzed and problems are worked out.
One of the effective methods for correcting anxiety disorders, especially phobic ones, OCD and GAD, has become cognitive behavioral therapy. With the help of modeling problem situations, the patient, under the guidance of a doctor, learns to cope with panic and acquires skills that allow him to return to a normal lifestyle. nine0003
Drug therapy to eliminate acute symptoms, relieve anxiety and depression, if necessary, mild pharmacotherapy with antidepressants or modern tranquilizers can be used.
As additional methods that accelerate adaptation and help to cope with stress, physiotherapy, breathing exercises, art therapy, biofeedback therapy are used.
When to seek immediate help: nine0003
- When the condition interferes with work, relationships and other areas of life;
- If the person cannot control their fear or intrusive thoughts;
- If a person feels constantly depressed, disturbed in sleep and concentration, consumes large amounts of alcohol to cope with anxiety;
- There are suicidal thoughts.