Facts about quiet people

8 Interesting Facts About Quiet People Most People Don't Know

Quiet people are often misunderstood, and they're the first to admit it. They're often more creative and sensitive to their surroundings than their more extroverted counterparts, which can make them appear shy or reserved. 

But don't let that fool you: quiet people don't dislike being around other people—in fact, some of them thrive on it! Quiet people just love observing before jumping into a conversation or activity.

Let’s have a look at the 8 interesting facts about quiet people that most people don’t know.

1# Quiet people tend to be better listeners

Quiet people are often better listeners. They tend to be more empathetic and understanding of the feelings of others, making them more likely to listen when someone else is talking. This can be helpful in a variety of situations:

  • When you need help with something difficult or complicated
  • When you want advice on a problem that's been bothering you for a while
  • When someone shares their story with you

2# They are more sensitive to the world around them

Quiet people are more sensitive to the world around them than others. They notice things that other people don't and are more likely to be aware of their surroundings.

They also tend to notice small details, which helps them understand other people better and make better decisions in life.

Another interesting fact about quiet people is that they pay more attention to how their bodies feel when something happens or changes around them rather than focusing on external stimuli like music or sound levels at work. 

This makes quiet people ideal person for those who have trouble concentrating due to constant distractions (e.g., loud music).

3# They are more creative

You might be surprised to learn that quiet people are more likely to be artists, musicians, and writers. In fact, many studies have shown that introverts tend to be more creative than extroverts. This is because they tend to think more before speaking and writing. 

They also have a better understanding of the world around them since they spend more time observing things rather than participating in conversations or activities with others.

In addition to being creative thinkers, quiet types are good at problem-solving because they don’t usually engage in small talk with other people in order to get along with them.

Instead, they prefer doing their own thing rather than joining in conversations about current events or politics (which tend not only to make listening difficult but also involve too much talking).

4# They prefer one-on-one conversations rather than large groups of people

It's no secret that quiet people don't like small talk. They are more interested in the substance of a conversation, rather than just making sure they have their place in a group. This can make it difficult for them to get along with those who prefer talking only about themselves or their own interests.

Quiet people tend to prefer one-on-one conversations, rather than large groups of people. When you ask them how they feel about a group activity, their answer is likely to be something along the lines of "I don't like being the center of attention.

They are more comfortable with smaller groups and tend not to enjoy being in charge or leading others.

They also love listening before speaking themselves, which makes for interesting conversations when you're talking with someone who likes listening as much as talking!

5# They can come across as shy, but they're just observing before they jump in

You might think that quiet people are shy, but they're not. They can come across as shy, but they're just observing before they jump in.

Quiet people are more likely to be introverts than extroverts and tend to be more creative and sensitive than the average person. They also tend to be private people who don't like being in large crowds or socializing much at all unless it's necessary for work or school.

6# They are slow to anger, but when they get there, watch out!

Quiet people are more likely to be thoughtful and sensitive, but they're also less likely to get angry or frustrated quickly. They may have trouble expressing their emotions at first because they're not used to showing them in public or in front of other people. 

This can make them seem cold or uncaring—but don't let that fool you! Quiet people can be patient when it comes time for an apology or explanation; introverts just take longer than extroverts do when it comes to making up after a conflict has occurred between two parties (or even just one).

7# They are more likely to have a handful of close friends than many acquaintances

Quiet people are more likely to have a handful of close friends than many acquaintances. There are several reasons for this, but one main reason is that quiet people tend to be very loyal and trustworthy. 

They also do not believe in gossip and other types of hurtful talk, which means they don’t spread negative things about others.

Another reason why quiet people are so loyal is that they enjoy being around those who make them happy. 

8# They tend to do well in leadership roles (think Abraham Lincoln)

You may have heard that Lincoln was a quiet person, but did you know that he was also a good leader? He had a knack for listening, writing, and speaking.  

He was an excellent listener because he didn't interrupt others or talk over them—he let everyone else finish what they were saying before speaking himself. 

His writing skills were also impressive: he had many essays published during his lifetime that expressed his thoughts on politics and other things (including one about how people in power should be humble).

As for speaking...well...let's just say that while some people may not be able to speak eloquently under pressure, there are plenty of examples from history where someone with no formal education has managed to stand up in front of crowds and make an impact on their listeners' lives—like Abraham Lincoln!

4 Powerful Facts About Quiet People

Quiet people stand out for their most prominent trait, which is being modest. Their soft-spoken nature stirs up many questions, pushing people to make antisocial vs. introvert comparisons on introverts.

Many individuals tend to misunderstand the life of an introvert for many reasons, which is why it’s essential to shed light on the uniqueness of this personality type.

If you’ve ever wondered, “Why are some people quiet? Why are introverts quiet?” or even more personally, “Why am I so quiet?” then you’re in the right place.

Here are some potent introvert facts that will help you understand the quiet personality of soft-spoken individuals.    

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4 Powerful Facts about Quiet People

  1. They’re full of ideas

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Quiet people have the loudest minds?” This statement is a notable fact about introvert people.

These individuals are also drenched with creativity and have profound cognitive content. From merely staring at a wall to engaging in thought-provoking activities, introverts are full of ideas, which is one of the major reasons they’re so quiet.

It’s impossible to unlock the mind’s hidden potential without silence. Therefore, introverts tend to connect with their inner reservoir of creativity with their quiet personalities. It’s also why some of the greatest minds in history had introverted characteristics.

Being quiet may not have visible advantages, but specific introvert qualities like silence keeps the brain operating at its peak. These qualities of an introvert and several other introvert characteristics wield heavy potential. Even though society approves of extroverts than introverts, it’s easy to see that the introversion personality is still powerful. 

Related: 11 Of the Most Powerful Attractive Qualities of Introverts

2. They observe like pros.

One of the most prominent characteristics of introverts is their ability to observe. They prefer minimally-stimulating environments because their minds crave to grasp little details about everything.

The reason why introverts prefer calmer environments and are naturally quiet people is because their ability to observe is limited to less-clamorous places due to its reduced rate of activity.

These silent characteristics of an introvert is what allows their minds to comprehend things without getting tired sooner than expected.

According to research, introverts also have more brain activity than most individuals because of their inward personalities. Their quietness helps them balance out the level of stimulation their brains experience, and is the reason why most introvert traits like keen observation needs silence to function.

Related: Am I Too Quiet? P.S. No, You’re Not. A How-To Guide to Using Your Introversion to Your Advantage

3. They are self-reliant.

The beauty of many introversion characteristics is the independence that accompanies it. Introverts are self-sufficient, and it’s why they’re so quiet.

A quiet person’s personality is inward, which means they naturally search themselves for comfort. Since they keep a small circle, they develop the habit of self-reliance by finding ways to cater to their needs.

Someone with an introvert personality would prefer to seek help from close friends than from outsiders, which is why they appear silent to others. But in reality, they are able to stand on their two feet.

Their level of independence is outstanding, and is why they talk less to get things done.

4. They speak only when necessary.

The most prominent reason why introvert people are quiet is that they speak purposefully. Every word from an introvert person comes from a carefully thought-out point of view, and it’s one of the introvert advantages that make them stand out from the crowd.

If you’ve ever wondered, “Why am I so quiet?” know that thinking intricately, even more than the average mind, is the reason for your silence.

You prefer to say something meaningful than merely talking to fill the void of silence. This example is what gives introverts power, and makes them unique.

Solitude helps a person express their hidden potential, which means your life as an introvert demands a degree of tranquility to reveal your inner introverts’ strength.

According to introvert statistics, introverts occupy some of the world’s technical professions, such as psychiatrists, engineers, architects, artists, psychologists, writers, mathematicians, and even scientists.

This record shows that the introvert’s lifestyle plays a vital role in society. Therefore, your quiet nature is a remarkable gift to the world.

How to Stop Being Quiet

Many introverts think to themselves, “Am I too quiet?” and try to search out ways to change. However, it’s essential to understand that your power as an introvert person lies in your quiet personality.

In other words, you don’t need to stop being quiet – you need to channel your introverted qualities to suitable sources.

The secret behind many successful introverts is knowing how to make the most out of the introvert life. The more you try to change your personality, the more you lose touch with your genuine character, and the harder it will be to find your place in the universe.

Therefore, understand that being introverted doesn’t mean you have a problem like many believe. It merely means you’re unique with something special to offer. Whenever you feel pressured to be different, remind yourself, “I’m quiet because I have great potential inside of me.

Benefits of Being Quiet 

The benefits of being a quiet person go beyond what the average eye can see. Being calm is the power of an introvert. It makes them different and also allows them to channel what’s buried within.

Being an introvert is also incredibly profitable because calmness itself comes with many benefits. It’s one of the advantages of introverts that can’t be refuted.

Countless introverts’ traits can’t be seen except people practice the introvert behavior of silence. That is, the power to observe, think critically, and be independent is only expressed in a state of speechlessness.

Therefore, you have access to numerous outstanding qualities by naturally being a calm person. This is the introvert advantage.

One of the perks of being quiet is staying calm amid all the buzz happening in the world, which is where your success as an introvert lies.

You’ll be more productive, creative, and have a higher sense of awareness and concentration level.

Talking to Quiet People

The most important thing to note about the life of introvert people is that they talk when it’s necessary and when they’re comfortable. 

If you have an outgoing personality, it might be challenging to get a soft-spoken person to be loosen up around you because of how overly-stimulated they’ll be by your energy.

Therefore, your primary aim should be to understand what introverted people like and don’t, to be able to make them feel comfortable around you enough to talk. Remember that you can’t force comfortability – it’s something that happens naturally.

Related: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Introverts (36 Things to Know)

The introverted personality isn’t a hindrance to building quality relationships because introverts are known to make the most worthwhile associations. You merely need to be sensitive around them to build the association correctly.



What is an introvert person?

The question, “What is a introvert person?” can be answered by observing several introverts’ characteristics and knowing their distinctive temperaments.

Above all, soft-spoken individuals are known for their unique quality, which is being calm. The introverts’ advantage of silence helps them operate optimally, which is why they easily stand out from the crowd.

What is an introverted person like?

Answering the question, “What is introvert person?” and knowing several introvert characteristics will help you identify the way introverts behave.

Introverts are calm, but can also be outgoing, depending on how comfortable they are around you. They are also loyal and trustworthy people that form worthwhile associations.

Why am I an introvert?

Many people have introvert personality traits without knowing its originality. Although there’s no proven cause of introversion, if you can say, “I am an introvert,” it shows you have a great degree of brain activity compared to most individuals. This process causes you to be withdrawn and to prefer less-stimulating environments.

Why are people introverts?

Scientists have not traced the root cause of introversion but have been able to identify what makes individuals with this personality type different.

Introverts live a self-examining life, and for this reason, avoid overly-stimulating surroundings to balance out the activities in their heads. They were also born that way, but some people can adapt several introvert characteristics.

What is an introvert personality?

The introverted personality is withdrawn one and demands a certain degree of comfortability for expression. This behavior isn’t secluded to only introverts as other individuals can exhibit signs of introversion. Can extroverts become introverts? Yes – in certain life circumstances,

Related: 20 Brilliant Ways to Know You're an Introverted Extrovert

Live Your Best Quiet Life

Get the Am I Too Quiet? book


Did you enjoy this article on what makes introverts quiet? If you’re an introvert reading this, never feel intimidated by other individuals’ loudness because your hidden power lies in your calmness. Kindly leave a comment below if you liked this article, or share it with others to see.  

100 facts from the life of a psycho: wellvocja — LiveJournal

  • Medicine
  • Society
1. I love quiet, calm people
2. I love BJORK
3. I think that bjork is quiet and calm
4. I think I think that quiet and calm people are capable of much more than aggressive and loud
5. I think that anything can be expected from quiet and calm people
6. I think that quiet and calm people are extremely dangerous.
7. I think that I think. give me an injection, for Christ's sake!
8. I thought that I thought that I thought. what a blessing - I didn't really think that!
9. I'd better think about myself. I will think better of myself
10. I am a good person
11. I guess I dance well. I would say for sure, but I have never tried it
12. I guess I can't swim. drowned several times, one - until he lost consciousness. if he could, he probably wouldn't drown such a good person as me
13. this fact is between the 12th and 14th. I'm afraid of him - it tells how three orderlies beat me last time
14. I love orderlies. Of course, they beat me and inject me with phenazepam, but they are good and kind. it's just such a job
15. once there were five of them. they stuck my head in the toilet. I decided that a goldfish had been dropped there and peered better. soon I saw her, but they pulled me out, undressed me and began to beat me with water from a hose. These fish have strange desires
16. I like quiet, calm people. our head physician is quiet and calm. sometimes he is not quiet and not calm - but he always calms down and calms down - as soon as he beats someone
17. I love our head doctor. he is good and kind. they're just patients like that
18. I'm afraid I won't be able to write a hundred facts from my life. I was always afraid that I wouldn't be able to finish the job. that's why I didn't finish it

19. Now it's quiet time. I love quiet, calm hours
20. I love quiet, calm hours - because both doctors and orderlies have a rest during these hours. and no one hits anyone. only Vasya is strangled with pillows - he stole two buckwheat from Boar and does not want to give them back
21. I love Boar - he is quiet and calm. when sleeping. closer to the morning he hardly snores - and then I love him very much
22. On this day the War began. I don't like War very much - there were a lot of loud and violent people then. but bang-bang - and they became quiet and calm. I like quiet and calm people.
23. Vasya doesn't scratch anymore. I do not like him. when he is so quiet, it means that the orderlies will soon come running and shouting loudly
24. "I" have written so much, but have not yet written anything about myself. what am I? the orderlies say that he is handsome and smart, that someday Murulin Munro will come and take me away from here. she always takes the prettiest and smartest. I'm waiting. I have been waiting for four years0016 25. I don't know what "beautiful" is. but the orderlies have to believe - when you don’t believe, they beat and stick your head in the toilet. you have to believe
26. they say that beautiful or not - the Mirror can say for sure. I don't remember who the Mirror is. they say that if you break it, you can cut your hand and blood will flow from it. and it will hurt a lot. therefore the Mirror does not come to us. he is probably very kind and good
27. Olga Aleksandrovna, my attending physician, says that I am smart because I can write and write without mistakes. and even almost always correctly put punctuation marks. of course, I put them right - when I make a mistake, the orderlies kick me, it hurts, it hurts
28. But she says that it will take a long time to treat me - because I very rarely put capital letters and almost never at the beginning of sentences. she doesn't understand that the letters are screaming, and the Big Letters are screaming loud, loud! but I am very afraid that the orderlies will come running to their cries and beat me painfully, painfully
29. Olga Alexandrovna says that I would make a wonderful poet if I were not crazy. then she cries quietly, strokes my head and whispers that all poets are psychos, and I would still return to her.
30. I don't remember any of my verses. they are so scary that I forgot where I wrote them down. I always write them on scraps of paper and hide them where I can't remember
31. when they ask me to read something from mine, I blush and say that I'm not a poet. Everyone thinks I'm very shy. but I know that they want to know all my secrets and get into my soul
32. sometimes I walk in the shower. there is bright green grass, a blue transparent sky and white curly clouds. I lie down in the grass, inhale its smell and watch how multi-colored butterflies dance and enjoy life
33. Only an unfinished and abandoned construction site is visible through our window
34. I have already written a third of a hundred facts. therefore I am pleasantly excited and very afraid to write further
35. the orderlies love me very much. always bring me the best clothes. I like it very much, it is comfortable and much better in it than without it
36. they say that I am dressed according to the latest Fashion. there is something very pleasant about it, but scary, because this Fashion was the latest
37. when I am dressed, I don’t care what I am wearing at all
38. when I'm naked, I don't care why - I just really need to know when they'll let me get dressed again
39. when I take a shower, I'm always naked. there is no need for clothes. It's good to be completely naked. I don't understand why it's the opposite here
40. After breakfast and before afternoon tea, we are allowed to walk around the territory. I once heard that our neighborhood is called "post-industrial landscape". I don't know why these dull places are called so loudly. walks make me sad, and I go into the soul
41. today we played "chase me a brick". brick caught up with Tolstoy. now Tolstoy for some reason does not want to play, lies and groans all the time. he moans so loudly that you want to take a pillow and soothe him. I like quiet and calm people
42. Olga Aleksandrovna says that I draw well. before I had time to rejoice, an orderly came running and kicked me in the ribs, shouting that I had tarred the entire table with gravy
43. the pen writes worse and worse. told Olga Alexandrovna about it. she reassured me that polyarthritis is not a terrible thing, and she will cure me. someday. ink, however, still runs out
44. I thought about saving on punctuation marks. but Savely promised to beat me on the head with a stool for every missing comma. sorry for the stool - I glued it myself. after last time. so I will save on the letters "a" and "o"
45. Today I would like to write a poem. and sniters found where I hid the old ones. worse than tg - nshli where I pulled them out. now I see only the first glzm
46. they found these records too. you have to write the letters "o" and "a" again. and without them it was much faster to write
47. today they said that Murulin Munro came for me. ran to meet her, she was nowhere to be found, climbed onto the fence. I was dragged and beaten. beat for a long time, I'm tired of waiting for when it's all over
48. my friend Sasha says that a person is exactly as old as he thinks. I don't remember how old I think. I think I don't. because when I think that I think, Savely guesses about it and hits me on the head with a duck
49. The ink is almost out, and I haven't had time to tell anything about myself yet. I'll probably try when I'm cured. or when Murulin Munro comes for me. it's a shame to tears - again I could not bring it to the end. I think that now she will never come again


  • (no subject)

    when you stop feeling pain and getting any pleasure, it doesn't matter whether you are alive or not.

  • (no subject)

    and the cherries were blooming this year. and bloom. the one opposite the kitchen has almost faded. Yes, and it’s hot for her, she wilts. and the one opposite the balcony is fluffy…

  • (no subject)

    Speaking of hedgehogs: a double boiler is cool, yes. but there is something even cooler - aerogrill)) the only problem is that I'm not a glutton...


Hint http://pics.livejournal.com/igrick/pic/000r1edq

  • (no subject) or not.

  • (no subject)

    and the cherries were blooming this year. and bloom. the one opposite the kitchen has almost faded. Yes, and it’s hot for her, she wilts. and the one opposite the balcony is fluffy. ..

  • (no subject)

    Speaking of hedgehogs, the steamer is cool, yes. but there is something even cooler - aerogrill)) the only problem is that I'm not a glutton...

what to say, usually silent.

And vice versa: each of us has charming acquaintances who constantly tell wild stories, laugh out loud and readily discuss any, even intimate details of their lives.

The problem is that they usually don't really remember what they talked about yesterday.

They spend a lot of time talking non-stop instead of spending a minute thinking about what they are talking about. They are too busy presenting themselves to hear what others are saying.

It is easy to assume that the most sociable and frank guy in the room is the smartest person in it. In fact, this is not always the case.

People who are actually smart don't usually appear that way at first glance. They patiently wait for others to finish. And they will only say what they have to say. They like to open their ears rather than their mouths.

Quiet people are smart people. Those who talk little think a lot.

These are introverts. These creative types, geniuses - they enjoy learning, from learning new things, and not from telling how cool they are (although they are not).

When you were in the same big company with them, you probably didn't even notice them. These people prefer to "fly under the radar", silently observe what is happening around.

And then all of a sudden it turns out that after you've talked, these quiet guys are not shy assholes, but the most interesting and amazing people in the company.

Isn't it? Here are some more facts about these silent geniuses.

Quiet people are too busy with their own thoughts to talk about anything.
Quiet people are those who care more about what goes on inside their own head. These are chronic thinkers who may want to join the conversation, but are always busy intellectually solving their problems.

In addition, talking about anything with most people is difficult for them. They seem stupid to them. And the fools themselves think that these quiet ones are "too serious."

Quiet people have a lot to tell you, but they often just don't care what you think.

Quiet people write and read more than they talk.
Smart people prefer to spend their mental energy not on talking, but on creation. They don't like to spend their free time in bars. They spend it on reading and writing.

Introverts know how to enjoy conversations, but only if they are meaningful.

Quiet people are not those who sit in libraries. These are those who prefer to read and create.

Silent people have strong brains because they have time to think.
The best thing you can do for your brain is to give it a break and absorb what is around you.

AARP Magazine states that solitude and silence are extremely beneficial for the brain. He has time to “wander” and think about something not very specific.

Quiet people often devote their time to meditation.
It makes their brains stronger. They not only analyze, but generally perceive new information better.

Quiet people are not alone; They just value learning over gossip.
Some of the smartest people on the planet are chronic introverts. Susan Cain, author of The Power of Introverts, writes:

“It's important to understand that introversion is not shyness. Shyness is the fear of receiving negative assessments of one's personality. But introversion is the conscious choice of silence.”

Shy people simply don't like being around strangers. Quiet intellectuals prefer book companies. These are people who have an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

Their curiosity makes them learn as much as they can. And just because they're quieter in a group doesn't mean they're sociopaths. They just like to expand the boundaries of their consciousness more than open their mouths.

Quiet people know how to choose their words.
When people are constantly talking about something, they almost never think about what they are saying. But the silent ones never say just that. They filter their speech.

They don't want to repeat the same meaningless phrases over and over. They want words to always have meaning and meaning.

Once you like such a quiet person, you will know that talking with him is a real bliss, a real pleasure. And their words can often be pulled apart into quotes.

Smart people don't talk; they are listening.
The most intelligent people are those who listen quietly and really understand what is going on around them. These are people who know the value of words.

Their thoughts are a reflection of their large, carefully selected and filtered knowledge. The more you listen, the more you know. The more you know, the more likely you are to make a smart decision.

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