Expressing of gratitude
Expressing Gratitude -
What determines happiness? Together with fellow scientists Ken Sheldon and David Schkade, Sonja Lyubomirsky discovered that the components affecting happiness can be divided up like pieces of a pie:
1) A natural “Set Point” that you are born with (50%),
2) Life Circumstances (10%), and
3) Intentional Activity (40%).
Of these three, the one area that we have the most power to change is the last one: our behavior. Lyubomirsky’s book, The How of Happiness, is all about that 40 percent. In the book she describes twelve activities – shown to be successful through science, rather than conjecture – that can increase our happiness. She describes “why these strategies work and how precisely they should be implemented to maximize their effectiveness using evidence from the latest research. In every grandmotherly bit of advice lies a kernel of truth.” She’s chosen “the biggest kernels, established what the data show, and sought to determine for whom these truths might work best and how and why.
Apply these activities to your own life, and you will harness the promise of the 40 percent solution, for such is the amount of wiggle room you have to remake yourself.” The very first Happiness Activity is “Expressing Gratitude.”
Happiness Activity No. 1: Expressing Gratitude
By definition, the practice of gratitude involves a focus on the present moment, on appreciating your life as it is today and what has made it so.
The expression of gratitude is a kind of metastrategy for achieving happiness. Gratitude is many things to many people. It is wonder; it is appreciation; it is looking at the bright side of a setback; it is fathoming abundance; it is thanking someone in your life; it is thanking God; it is “counting blessings.” It is savoring; it is not taking things for granted; it is coping; it is present-oriented. Gratitude is an antidote to negative emotions, a neutralizer of envy, avarice, hostility, worry, and irritation. The average person, however, probably associates gratitude with saying thank you for a gift or benefit received. I invite you to consider a much broader definition.
The world’s most prominent researcher and writer about gratitude, Robert Emmons, defines it as “a felt sense of wonder, thankfulness, and appreciation for life.”(1) You could strive to feel grateful by noticing how fortunate your circumstances are (and how much worse they could be), by calling an old mentor and thanking him for guiding you through one of life’s crossroads, by relishing moments with your child, or by recalling all the good things in your life at present. By definition, the practice of gratitude involves a focus on the present moment, on appreciating your life as it is today and what has made it so.
Expressing gratitude is a lot more than saying thank you. Emerging research has recently started to draw attention to its multiple benefits. People who are consistently grateful have been found to be relatively happier, more energetic, and more hopeful and to report experiencing more frequent positive emotions.
They also tend to be more helpful and empathic, more spiritual and religious, more forgiving, and less materialistic than others who are less predisposed to gratefulness. Furthermore, the more a person is inclined to gratitude, the less likely he or she is to be depressed, anxious, lonely, envious, or neurotic.(2) All these research findings, however, are correlational, meaning that we cannot know conclusively whether being grateful actually causes all those good things (or inhibits bad things), or whether possessing traits like hopefulness, helpfulness, and religiosity simply makes people feel grateful. Fortunately, several experimental studies have now been done that solicit expressions of gratitude from unsuspecting individuals and then record the consequences.
In the very first such set of studies, one group of participants was asked to write down five things for which they were thankful – namely, to count their blessings – and to do so once a week for ten weeks in a row. (3) Other groups of participants participated in the control groups – instead of focusing on gratitude every week, these individuals were asked to think about either five daily hassles or five major events that had occurred to them. The findings were exciting. Relative to the control groups, those participants from whom expressions of gratitude were solicited tended to feel more optimistic and more satisfied with their lives. Even their health received a boost; they reported fewer physical symptoms (such as headache, acne, coughing, or nausea) and more time spent exercising.
Other studies have prevailed on both students and adults with chronic illnesses to try the count your blessings strategy, with similar results. These studies have shown that on the days that individuals strive to express their gratitude, they experience more positive emotions (that is, feelings like interest, excitement, joy, and pride) and are more likely to report helping someone, to feel connected with others, and even to catch more hours of quality sleep.
These investigations show for the first time that expressions of gratitude are causally linked to the mental and physical health rewards that we have seen. However, the goal of this research has been to determine the extent of gratitude’s
real-timeinfluence on positive affect and health – that is, whether you feel happier on a day that you are trying to be more grateful. My laboratory, by contrast, is interested in the question of how people can become happier over time. When my graduate students and I were deciding what to do for our very first happiness “intervention” (that is, an experiment aimed to make people happier), testing the strategy of counting one’s blessings seemed like the obvious choice. Building on these findings, we conducted a new experiment, in which we measured participants’ happiness levels, then implemented our gratitude intervention, and, once it was over, measured their happiness levels again immediately. The gratitude intervention was very similar to the one I just described. We directed our participants to keep a sort of gratitude journal – that is, to write down and contemplate five things for which they were grateful. Their exact instructions were as follows: “There are many things in our lives, both large and small, that we might be grateful about. Think back over the events of the past week and write down on the lines below up to five things that happened for which you are grateful or thankful.” Five blank lines followed, headed by “This week I am grateful for:”
…those participants who counted their blessings on a regular basis became happier as a result.
The participants engaged in this happiness exercise over the course of six weeks. Half of them were instructed to do it once a week (every Sunday night), and half to do it three times a week (every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday). The things that our participants recorded covered quite a wide range, from “mom,” “a healthy body,” and “having a Valentine” to “getting tested on only three chapters for my midterm” and “AOL instant messenger. ”
As we expected, our simple exercise was effective in producing higher levels of thankfulness and appreciation. More important, those participants who counted their blessings on a regular basis became happier as a result. Compared with a control group (i.e., people who did not practice any kind of exercise), the gratitude group reported significantly bigger increases in their happiness levels from before to after the intervention. Interestingly, this effect was observed only for those who expressed gratitude every Sunday night. The participants who counted their blessings three times a week didn’t obtain any benefit from it. This finding might seem puzzling at first, but we believe there is an explanation: The average person made to express his or her gratitude every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday appeared to have become bored with the practice, perhaps finding it a chore, whereas the person made to express gratitude only once a week likely continued to find it fresh and meaningful over time. We’ll return to this specific finding later; it has important implications for how to carry out the gratitude activity – or any happiness-increasing activity for that matter – with success.
All Articles in the Series:
Expressing Gratitude
Eight Ways that Gratitude Can Boost Happiness
How to Practice Gratitude
Sonja Lyubomirsky (A.B., Harvard, summa cum laude; Ph.D., Stanford) is Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside. Her honors include a Faculty of the Year Award, Faculty Mentor of the Year Award, a Templeton Positive Psychology Prize, and a million-dollar grant from NIMH to conduct research on the possibility of permanently increasing happiness. Her book, The How of Happiness, was released in January, 2008 by Penguin Press and translated into 17 languages, from which the above excerpt is posted with the author’s kind permission.
The How of Happiness is available on
1. Emmons, R. A., & Shelton, C. M. (2002). Gratitude and the science of positive psychology. In C. R. Snyder & S. J. Lopez (Eds.), Handbook of positive psychology (pp. 459-471). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2. (1) McCullough, M. E., Emmons, R. A., & Tsang, J. (2002). The grateful disposition: A conceptual and empirical topography. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,82, 112-127. (2) McCullough, M. E., Tsang, J., & Emmons, R. A. (2004). Gratitude in intermediate affective terrain: Links of grateful moods to individual differences and daily emotional experience. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86, 295-309. (3) Algoe, S., & Haidt, J. (2006). Witnessing excellence in action: The “other-praising” emotions of elevation,
gratitude, and admiration. Manuscript under review. (4) Bartlett, M. Y., & DeSteno, D. (20042006). Gratitude: Helping when it really costs you. Psychological Science, 17, 319-325. (5) For an accessible review, see Robert Emmons’ recent book: Emmons, R. A. (2007). THANKS! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.
3. Emmons, R. A., & McCullough, M. E. (2003). Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 377-389.
How to Express Gratitude | Psych Central
Many experts believe that negative or unhelpful thought patterns and cognitive distortions may contribute to some mental health conditions, like depression and anxiety.
Addressing cognitive distortions and unhelpful thoughts is a key principle behind cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which aims to help people identify and change their thinking patterns.
In a sense, gratitude is a positive cognitive distortion. Instead of focusing on adverse aspects of life or assuming the worst, expressing gratitude encourages you to redirect your attention to the people, places, things, and experiences that make your life richer.
Plus, a gratitude practice can help boost your mood — especially if you express that gratitude to others.
Consider starting your gratitude practice by taking a few moments to think about everything that you’re grateful for in your life — large and small.
Some examples might include:
- your health and wellness
- having enough food to eat
- the home you live in
- your loved ones and pets
You could also turn your gratitude to small things, like:
- a sunny day
- the smell of fresh coffee
- wearing cozy slippers on a cold morning
- a warm smile from a stranger
You may also choose to express your gratitude directly to the people in your life who have made a real difference, such as:
- family members
- friends
- colleagues
- neighbors
- anyone who’s been a source of support for you
Think about the particular ways they’ve helped you, and then consider how you’d like to express your gratitude.
Here are 10 creative ideas for expressing gratitude, either privately or to those you love and care about.
1. Write a letter
Gratitude letters can be incredibly beneficial for the person writing them, as well as the recipient.
Writing a gratitude letter can be a form of narrative writing, which may be an effective therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to one 2015 study.
Writing things down often helps the mind to consolidate and process them. By putting your gratitude on the page, you can amplify the emotion for yourself.
You can try writing a letter to someone special, yourself, or even things you feel grateful for.
If you are writing a letter letting another person know how much you value them, those warm feelings of gratitude can be heightened.
Plus, getting a letter in the mail might be a welcome treat that feels special in this day and age of instant communication.
2. Be an active listener
With so many things demanding your attention, it’s easy to slip into the habit of only half-listening to your loved ones.
Active listening means you make a conscious effort to really hear, understand, and retain what someone is saying to you.
Making someone feel truly heard is an excellent way to express your gratitude to them, particularly if they’ve been a good listener for you in the past.
3. Take a mindful walk
“Stop and smell the roses” might sound like a cliche, but there’s real truth in how helpful getting outside can be, especially for mental health.
According to the American Psychological Association, spending time in nature may boast cognitive benefits, including:
- improved mood and memory
- reduced stress
- higher levels of compassion
Try combining a nature walk with a gratitude practice by taking note of a few small things that give you joy during your walk, such as:
- hearing birdsong
- a blooming flower’s fragrance
- the way the sun dapples through trees
Focusing on your physical surroundings and giving thanks for them can be a powerful way to ground yourself.
4. Give a thoughtful gift
Gifts aren’t always the best way to express feelings, and they’re certainly no substitute for honest communication.
But a truly thoughtful gift can sometimes show how much you understand and appreciate another person.
A great gift doesn’t need to be expensive. In fact, the most meaningful ones are often homemade.
As you decide what to give them, think about what the person uses in their everyday life, or about your most special memories together. A gift could also be an experience, rather than a physical object.
5. Start a gratitude journal
Expressive writing through journaling can help to process negative events and emotions, but it can also help you to hone in on the positives in your life.
By making a habit of gratitude journaling, you can develop a stronger awareness of what you have, which may help you become more resilient to stress and hardship.
There’s no right or wrong way to write a gratitude journal. Some people write a simple list of the things they’re grateful for on a given day, while others may prefer to write a longer entry.
You could start your gratitude entry by noticing how you feel, both in your body and your mind. Then, try to list 5 to 10 things that you’re grateful for in this moment.
6. Be specific
Identifying specific, small things that make your life better is an important part of any gratitude practice.
It’s a good idea to be specific when you’re expressing gratitude to someone else, too.
Rather than just saying, “I’m so grateful for all of your help,” you might talk about a specific occasion when they lightened a burden for you or quote a piece of advice they gave you that really helped.
7. Offer your help
You can also express gratitude through your actions. Some people might find it difficult to ask for helpC or give support to others in lieu of taking care of themselves.
So if someone has helped you in the past, consider offering them help in return.
This could be logistical help, like running errands or assisting with DIY tasks around the house. It could also be offering advice on a subject you’re knowledgeable about.
Think about where your skills lie, and then ask the person what they need.
8. Cook something you love
Cooking is a calming and meditative activity for many people. If that sounds like you, then you might also consider putting your culinary skills to use as part of your gratitude practice.
Inviting someone over for a home-cooked meal is a nurturing act that can have mental health benefits for you both. But cooking for yourself can also be a wonderful way to experience gratitude.
Think about the foods that make you feel nourished, both physically and emotionally, and consider starting with those.
9. Try visual reminders
No matter how positive your mindset is, life is always going to throw you curveballs.
There will be days when it’s hard to focus on gratitude. But visual reminders can be a helpful way to keep yourself on the right track.
Visual reminders of what you’re grateful for can be just about anything, such as:
- photographs of loved ones
- a beautiful object that makes you happy
- tickets from an event you loved
- artwork drawn by your children
- Post-It notes or index cards with mantras or affirmations written on them
If you’re a visual learner, this can be an especially helpful technique. Place a couple of visual cues around your home, car, office, or anywhere else you could use a mood boost.
10. Return the favor
In an ideal world, people treat others the way that they want to be treated. So if someone has been a source of support for you, there’s a good chance that their behavior reflects how they want others to show up for them.
Think about the specific ways a person has improved your life, and then ask yourself if they might need the same kind of support in return.
Then, do your best to follow that same “golden rule” and pay it forward.
A growing body of research shows that consciously focusing on gratitude can be a powerful boost to your mental health.
It doesn’t necessarily matter what you focus on, as long as your attention is on gratitude. You could be grateful for something large, like your good health or loved ones, or something small, like seeing a sunset.
Expressing gratitude to others can strengthen your relationships and help you create a strong support network. The ways people choose to show appreciation for each other often vary from person to person. For example, you could:
- write a gratitude letter
- offer practical help
- tell them how they’ve made a difference in your life
Whatever method you choose, expressing gratitude is often a win-win for your mental health and mood.
Touching words of gratitude in prose
Thank you for being Thank you for your smile We just broke into an apartmentAll musical cards with gratitude
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Thank you very much! In fact, no words are enough to fully express my gratitude to you. I just want you to feel it. After all, real feelings are not in words, but in the soul!
Author: Yana Sergeeva
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CopyPermalinkBookmarkIt's hard to find a soul mate these days. Everyone is in a hurry, everyone is worried about themselves. In the bustle and routine, the most important thing is lost - understanding between people. I am very pleased and very valuable that the thread of understanding between us is strong, like a sea rope! Thank you for the minutes spent in conversation. Your every word fell on fertile ground! Thank you, I appreciate and value our communication!
CopyPermalinkBookmark A person is never lonely if there is someone in the world who treats him with sensitivity and care. After all, it is so important for our hearts to be wrapped in warming rays of kindness. With joy, with inexpressible gratitude, with a bright warm feeling in my soul, I say to you - thank you for your sincere attention. Let everything in your life turn out to be a happy, precious pattern!
There are people who make this world kinder. You are exactly like that. I am grateful to the fate that gave you. Thank you for shining a bright ray of goodness in my life and making it immeasurably better. How good it is to have you! This thought warms me in difficult moments and in moments of happiness. Remembering you, I mentally whisper: "Thank you!"
CopyPermalinkBookmarkThank you from the bottom of my heart for the touching attention paid to me, for the kind words, for the best wishes! I am very pleased that you remembered me and shared with me my joy over a significant event in my life. I also sincerely and from the bottom of my heart wish you health, indispensable good luck, fulfillment of your cherished desires, a joyful mood, worthy of well-being. May you always be surrounded by reliable friends, loving relatives and friends, may there always be comfort and kindness in your home!
CopyPermalinkBookmark I am grateful to every person that life has brought me into contact with. One for help and support, another for an example, and a third for a lesson. And a few - simply for the fact that they are.
No matter how strong we are, support increases our strength! She is like a breath of fresh air when difficulties pile up and do not let you breathe! Thanks for support! I will always remember and thank you!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkThank you so much for your attention, kind words, sincere wishes! I am very glad that you shared my joy with me. I also want to wish you the fulfillment of all your cherished desires, constant luck, energy and enthusiasm, well-being and peace in your soul. Be always surrounded by loving relatives and devoted friends, let your home be cozy and warm!
Author: Alina Letova
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CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you very much for supporting me in a difficult moment and helping me out of a difficult situation! Thank you that such sympathetic people like you meet in the world. Your spiritual strength, generosity of spirit and a wise word were very necessary to me! I sincerely wish you love and good luck, many joyful, bright gifts from life, be healthy and happy until you are 100 years old!
Author: Alina Letova
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CopyPermalinkBookmarkMy dear man, thank you for being you. Every day I thank fate for each of our meetings, for the opportunity to be near and enjoy communication with you. There are so few real, sincere, sympathetic and kind people in the world who come into your life with an open heart. I'm incredibly lucky to be by your side. Hope it lasts for many years.
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I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the conscientious work done, for the time spent, for the efforts and efforts made, and most importantly - for the excellent result! I wish you success in your future projects, creative ideas, physical strength, patience, and most importantly, time. There is no doubt about the quality of the work - it is just on top!
In life it often happens that simple human participation becomes more valuable, higher than all material goods. To each according to his works, as it is written in the Bible. Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your help, timely and so necessary. May goodness return to you with health, prosperity, generous helping hands at the right time. Thank you for your assistance!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkLet me express my sincere, deep gratitude for your support and help, for your invaluable attention and human warmth! May your sympathetic heart be rewarded with the most generous gifts of nature: love, faith, friendship, mutual understanding and trust! May goodness return to you with the blessings that your soul dreams of. Harmony and happiness to you!
CopyPermalinkBookmark How wonderful it is that there are people who sincerely wish you well and all the best! Thank you so much for your congratulations! I appreciate every word you said to me. Your attention and positive energize me and give me the strength to cope with any situation. With your wishes, you tone me up and let me open the wings of life to the fullest. Thank you for this!
I will never get tired of thanking the fate that gave me a meeting with you. Thank you for just being you. Your presence fills my soul with warmth. Let your sincere smile help those around you look to the future with optimism. I wish you love, beauty and prosperity.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkThank you very much for your attention! In our time, this is a special value, as we live at great speeds! Sometimes there is no time to stop and take a look! Sorry time! And I am guilty of this! Therefore, your attention is also an example of a real human relationship! It seems weightless, but it warms like a warm friendly hug! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you for not leaving me at a difficult moment and lending a helping hand! Thank you for your warmth, for taking part in my destiny. I will never be able to forget your valuable support, thank you for your time and soul for me. Please accept my sincere wishes for goodness, love and happiness, may everything be fine in your life!
Author: Alina Letova
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CopyPermanent linkBookmarkIt is not easy to express in words the degree of gratitude that a person feels for a timely substituted shoulder, for support. Understanding that you are not alone with the problem, the feeling that you can cope with trouble, that there is a person who is ready to share the severity of the moment is priceless. Thank you for your generosity, kindness and help.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkSincerely, from the bottom of my heart and soul, I thank you for your very benevolent, touching congratulations. It was nice to receive such inspiring wishes! Thank you for your warm care and attention. I thank fate and God for the fact that on my way I met such a wonderful, sympathetic person like you! I also wish you good health, a joyful, happy life, kindness, constant good luck, love, prosperity and good prosperity!
CopyPermalinkBookmark There are people on the path of life, from which the sun begins to glow inside, the soul becomes warm. You always smile, rush to help in difficult times. Very often in moments of sadness, I turned to you for wise advice. Thanks for being you! I wish you a happy and long life filled with success and good luck!
All musical thank you cards
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I am grateful for the wonderful, sincere congratulations, for the beautiful, sincere words, wonderful wishes, which I accepted with great pleasure. The touching attention that was given to me is especially important and pleasant to me. It gives me more positive energy, creates a cheerful mood and gives me hope for a successful future. I wish you peace, constant good luck, success and happiness.
CopyPermalinkBookmark It is very nice to receive gifts when they are not expected, when even the smallest detail can cheer up and improve well-being. Thank you for your generosity and attention. You brighten up everyday life and create a festive atmosphere at the expense of little things. You leave an indelible mark on the soul, because every present from you is filled with meaning and warmth. I really hope that my gratitude in return will make you at least a little happier.
I'm thinking about you now and I can't help but smile. I am pleased with your attention. This makes my heart feel warm. The world seems cozy and kind when you know that there are people like you in it - attentive and caring. May this kindness return to you a hundredfold and warm your soul just as your attention warmed mine. Thank you very much!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkThe most precious happiness is unconditional understanding on the part of a good person, and this happens so rarely… I want to thank you with all my heart for the priceless gift of sympathy, understanding, attention! People with noble hearts generously share their kindness. I want to wish you: let the warmth return with joy, love, friendly smiles and faith!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful wishes, for sincere and sincere congratulations! Thank you for giving me your time and attention. Know that your words gave me hope for all the most beautiful things that can happen in life! In turn, I also want to wish you bright, joyful, happy days, health, prosperity and good luck in all matters!
Author: Alina Letova
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CopyPermalinkBookmarkThank you from the bottom of my heart for your understanding! I sincerely thank you for your heartfelt support and responsiveness in difficult times. How lucky I am to meet in my life such a wonderful person like you! I wish you light, peace and harmony in your soul, well-being and comfort in your home. Let your kindness and cordiality be appreciated and cause reciprocal love and care of relatives and friends!
Author: Alina Letova
I like it! ❤
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you so much for your understanding. It is so rare to meet a person who will listen, understand, help, and at the same time will not lecture and speculate on the problem. You have a truly golden heart and a kind soul. You deserve the very best: health, long and happy years of life, love, prosperity and prosperity. May there be more people like you.
I am very glad that in any critical situation, I can turn to you, thank you for your understanding and advice. It is not easy to find people who are able to understand perfectly, realizing that someone needs help a little more than themselves. I would like to express gratitude and respect for you, so that fate is favorable and sends people who are truly selfless and good-natured, you deserve it.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkPlease accept our sincere thanks! We wish you to always be in good shape and charge everyone with positive! Let your knowledge return to you from attentive students with a grateful return! May the hearth never go out in your house, and your loved ones surround you with love! Good health and prosperity to you!
CopyPermalinkBookmark The mere thought of you brings me into a joyful state. Your words, your actions, your precious attention are worth a lot to me. It is so difficult to set aside time and devote it to other people in the modern world ... Your positive is always inspiring, your words cheer up and vitality. Thank you for your participation in my life, for your support and understanding.
All musical cards with gratitude
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Let me express my sincere gratitude to you from the bottom of my heart and thank you for those priceless moments of joy that your wonderful, amazing gifts brought me, your touching and kind attention! May your wishes certainly return with fabulous happiness, magic and a wonderful mood. Be happy, take care of the good light in your souls!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you for being you. Thank you that your phone number is always available to me, and the door is open at any time. I do not want to abuse your time and attention, but the feeling that I have you, and I can dial your number to pour out my whole soul, makes me happier. Know that you have me too. And let your life consist only of joy.
Thank you very much for giving me a great mood! Good luck to you. All earthly blessings!!!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkDear Colleagues! I want to sincerely thank you for the invaluable work, efforts and endurance that you show every day, regardless of mood and circumstances. May your energy be inexhaustible, diligence - endless, and efforts - highly paid!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkIt's good that there are still such sympathetic and caring people in the world! And let fate express its gratitude, and not just me, so that on the way you will meet as many such sympathetic people as possible. Only happiness, only good luck and endless positive.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkThank you so much for the kind words addressed to me. They warm my heart and fill my soul with joy to the brim. Your congratulations are of great value to me, because they give a piece of the soul! Thanks for your love!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkThank you for your support! Thank you for the faithful friendly support, it allowed me to stay on my feet in difficult times and not fall! There is one valuable quality in these difficult minutes - they show us what we are worth and what kind of people we are surrounded by! Praise God for all trials! And thanks for the support!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Wherever we are, whatever we become, the most important thing for us is the presence of close, understanding people nearby. From their words, wings grow behind your back, and even when everything seems lost, there are strengths to start life anew. From the bottom of my heart, accept gratitude for the necessary support, invaluable participation, which allowed the sprouts of all-powerful hope to sprout!
I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart! I wish you to live your life in such a way that you have 1000 reasons to say “thank you” to fate and the people around you every day. May your life path be smooth, interesting and give you the opportunity to do many good deeds so that the gratitude of people will bring you joy, happiness and a long life!
Author: Alina Letova
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CopyPermalinkBookmark Your attention to us is very warming. It's so nice when, in the midst of haste, anger and misunderstanding, someone is not afraid to show sensitivity and participation. Let your life be filled with the melody of interesting journeys, pleasant meetings, kind people - just like you, ready to support you. Let our communication be long, pleasant and filled with mutual attention.
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When we see a job well done, we understand that we have the work of a man with a capital letter, a master of his craft. This is perhaps the highest achievement of a person - to be a master, to please people with the fruits of their labor. Thank you for the excellent work done, I express my deep respect and heartfelt gratitude!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkBeing at the right time in the right place is a talent. To be able to help a loved one at this time and in this place is a virtue. You are talented and virtuous! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help and support. May the Lord bless and richly reward you and your family!
CopyPermalinkBookmark The heart rejoices even at a kind word. And real help kindles the stars in the eyes, and the fire of love in the heart. Thank you for your kind heart and willingness to take responsibility for someone else's fate. May the Almighty bless you with all possible blessings!
In today's world full of events and information, almost everyone is busy with himself. Therefore, it is pleasant to realize that there are others - like you, who are always ready to help, putting their affairs aside. Thank you for your generosity and open heart.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkIn our harsh and pragmatic world, the help and support of others is so important. A shoulder to lean on in difficult times is more precious than any treasure. Thank you so much for the outstretched helping hand, for the support, for the golden heart in which kindness lives!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Neither difficult life situations nor vicissitudes of life are terrible when there are real friends. It's a blessing that I have you! You will lend a helping hand and give the right advice in difficult times and make joyful days even more colorful. I know that if necessary, you will fly even at night to help me. Thank you my dears, you are always in my heart.
My faithful friends, thank you for your support and participation. Thank you for the joy and fun you bring. For a good mood and the opportunity to help and be a participant in your lives. Thanks for friendship. Probably, without friendship, a person cannot be fully human, cannot realize himself. Without friends, we are like a lonely tree in the steppe, forgotten and uninhabited.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkA person experiences true happiness when he is truly understood, accepted without any conditions or reservations. The soul becomes calm, it does not need to depict anything, to seem better. There are no words to express sincere gratitude for just such a wise understanding, not everyone is capable of it. Thank you - you have given me a precious and important gift!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you very much for your help! It is important for every person to know that there is someone in his life who will help in difficult times. May fate reward you for your kindness and humanism with good health and prosperity. You can be sure that I, too, am always ready to render you a service!
All musical thank you cards
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I sincerely thank you for the fruitful, high-quality work done in a short time at a high professional level. This allowed us to achieve effective results. Thank you for your efforts, responsibility, conscientiousness, diligence, for successfully applied deep knowledge and vast practical experience. I hope for even more successful work in the future.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkWords of gratitude for your attention in prose
Thank you for being Thank you for your smile We just broke into an apartmentAll musical cards with gratitude
Look ♫ Audio wishes!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the touching attention paid to me, for the kind words, for the best wishes! I am very pleased that you remembered me and shared with me my joy over a significant event in my life. I also sincerely and from the bottom of my heart wish you health, indispensable good luck, fulfillment of your cherished desires, a joyful mood, worthy of well-being. May you always be surrounded by reliable friends, loving relatives and friends, may there always be comfort and kindness in your home!
A person is not lonely if there is someone in the world who treats him with sensitivity and care. After all, it is so important for our hearts to be wrapped in warming rays of kindness. With joy, with inexpressible gratitude, with a bright warm feeling in my soul, I say to you - thank you for your sincere attention. Let everything in your life turn out to be a happy, precious pattern!
CopyPermalinkBookmark How wonderful it is that there are people who sincerely wish you well and all the best! Thank you so much for your congratulations! I appreciate every word you said to me. Your attention and positive energize me and give me the strength to cope with any situation. With your wishes, you tone me up and let me open the wings of life to the fullest. Thank you for this!
Thank you so much for your attention, kind words, sincere wishes! I am very glad that you shared my joy with me. I also want to wish you the fulfillment of all your cherished desires, constant luck, energy and enthusiasm, well-being and peace in your soul. Be always surrounded by loving relatives and devoted friends, let your home be cozy and warm!
Author: Alina Letova
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CopyPermalinkBookmarkThank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful wishes, for your sincere and heartfelt congratulations! Thank you for giving me your time and attention. Know that your words gave me hope for all the most beautiful things that can happen in life! In turn, I also want to wish you bright, joyful, happy days, health, prosperity and good luck in all matters!
Author: Alina Letova
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CopyPermalinkBookmark There is nothing more precious than timely support, because the most precious thing we have is time. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your attention, which has become the most important incentive for the desire to follow the chosen path! Let my gratitude bloom with beautiful flowers in my soul and be the best reward for your kindness, endless thanks!
Thank you very much for your attention! In our time, this is a special value, as we live at great speeds! Sometimes there is no time to stop and take a look! Sorry time! And I am guilty of this! Therefore, your attention is also an example of a real human relationship! It seems weightless, but it warms like a warm friendly hug! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkThe most precious happiness is unconditional understanding on the part of a good person, and this happens so rarely… I want to thank you with all my heart for the priceless gift of sympathy, understanding, attention! People with noble hearts generously share their kindness. I want to wish you: let the warmth return with joy, love, friendly smiles and faith!
CopyPermalinkBookmark It's good that there are still such sympathetic and caring people in the world! And let fate express its gratitude, and not just me, so that on the way you will meet as many such sympathetic people as possible. Only happiness, only good luck and endless positive.
Thank you very much! In fact, no words are enough to fully express my gratitude to you. I just want you to feel it. After all, real feelings are not in words, but in the soul!
Author: Yana Sergeeva
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CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you for being Thank you for your smile We just broke into an apartmentAll musical cards with gratitude
Look ♫ Audio wishes!
I'm thinking about you now and involuntarily smiling. I am pleased with your attention. This makes my heart feel warm. The world seems cozy and kind when you know that there are people like you in it - attentive and caring. May this kindness return to you a hundredfold and warm your soul just as your attention warmed mine. Thank you very much!
CopyPermalinkBookmark My dear friends, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for having you, for your reliability, kindness and warmth. Thank you for always being there - in difficult times you provide the right shoulder, and on holidays you share fun and joy with me. It's a great honor for me to be with you! I wish you the most generous, most beautiful life gifts, may all your plans come true, love and prosperity reign in your homes!
Author: Alina Letova
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CopyPermalinkBookmarkI sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, want to thank you for your support. You can’t even imagine how important this was to me and how it touched me to the very depths of my soul. In our pragmatic time, there is little room for actions motivated by the movement of the soul. The more valuable your support for me. Thanks a lot! I hope and I will support you when you need it.
CopyPermalinkBookmark I would like to thank you for your help in every situation. Your support, optimism, kind words and a heart of gold help to overcome life's difficulties. Many thanks to you for the strong shoulder that you provide at the right moment, because the main thing is to feel support and be sure that you will be helped. I wish you well, the greatest optimism and may your affairs return to you like a boomerang.
Our everyday life is so busy and full of fuss that we often do not notice what is happening under our very noses. We pass by the problems and sufferings of our neighbors, and often do not even have time to pay attention to our own problems. Therefore, when you meet a person who saw you and treated you with attention, this is true happiness. Thank you for that. Well-being and happiness.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkThank you for your support, sensitivity and kindness that you show me. Thank you for your smile, understanding and outstretched hand in such a difficult situation. Your optimism and energy charge everything around, give hope and strength to resolve issues. Good luck on your life path and endless happiness. Let your heart not know what a lie is, and good spirits remain for many years.
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you with all my heart and soul for the sensitive, invaluable attention shown to me in a timely manner. For me, this is very important and especially pleasant because a cheerful mood has appeared, a bright faith in goodness has arisen in my soul, hope in the successful achievement of my goals, in a wonderful future. Thank you so much for your endless kindness and generosity.
Thank you for your responsive attitude towards me, for simple, friendly support and non-user interest, for sincere sympathy and attempts to help, for your kindness and truthfulness of statements.
CopyPermanent linkBookmarkFrom the bottom of my heart I sincerely thank my devoted, faithful friends for the kind, warm and attentive attitude towards me, for the interesting joyful moments that I managed to experience in your cheerful company, for sensitivity, timely help and necessary support in difficult situations for constant touching care. Thank good fortune that you are and are always there! This is a great blessing and joy for me.
CopyPermalinkBookmark Let me express my sincere, deep gratitude for your support and assistance, for your invaluable attention and human warmth! May your sympathetic heart be rewarded with the most generous gifts of nature: love, faith, friendship, mutual understanding and trust! May goodness return to you with the blessings that your soul dreams of. Harmony and happiness to you!
All musical thank you cards
Look ♫ Audio Wishes!
Your attention to us warms my soul very much. It's so nice when, in the midst of haste, anger and misunderstanding, someone is not afraid to show sensitivity and participation. Let your life be filled with the melody of interesting journeys, pleasant meetings, kind people - just like you, ready to support you. Let our communication be long, pleasant and filled with mutual attention.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkIt's not for nothing that they say: a kind word is also pleasant for a cat. And how important attention is for each of us, understanding that you are remembered and taken care of! Thank you for the sensitive attention shown to me, I really appreciate it and get inspired by it. Know that I will always come to the rescue, support in any way I can. Thank you and kudos!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your understanding! I sincerely thank you for your heartfelt support and responsiveness in difficult times. How lucky I am to meet in my life such a wonderful person like you! I wish you light, peace and harmony in your soul, well-being and comfort in your home. Let your kindness and cordiality be appreciated and cause reciprocal love and care of relatives and friends!
Author: Alina Letova
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CopyPermalinkBookmarkI want to thank you very much for the gifts! It was insanely nice to receive them, it's nice that you show such attention. Everything is very necessary and wonderful, I'm just delighted! And how beautifully designed, how magically presented! In general, I am happy and content. Once again, thank you!
Author: Yana Sergeeva
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CopyPermalinkBookmark Just thinking about you makes me feel happy. Your words, your actions, your precious attention are worth a lot to me. It is so difficult to set aside time and devote it to other people in the modern world . .. Your positive is always inspiring, your words cheer up and vitality. Thank you for your participation in my life, for your support and understanding.
I am deeply grateful for your attention, participation and help in difficult situations. Your selfless attitude makes the world around me more humane and fair. It's good that in life there are kind and sympathetic people who are able to spend their personal time and energy on other people. Thank you so much for taking good care of me!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkThank you so much for your understanding. It is so rare to meet a person who will listen, understand, help, and at the same time will not lecture and speculate on the problem. You have a truly golden heart and a kind soul. You deserve the very best: health, long and happy years of life, love, prosperity and prosperity. May there be more people like you.
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you very much! In fact, no words are enough to fully express my gratitude to you. I just want you to feel it. After all, real feelings are not in words, but in the soul!
Author: Yana Sergeeva
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CopyPermalinkBookmarkThank you for not leaving me at a difficult moment and lending a helping hand! Thank you for your warmth, for taking part in my destiny. I will never be able to forget your valuable support, thank you for your time and soul for me. Please accept my sincere wishes for goodness, love and happiness, may everything be fine in your life!
Author: Alina Letova
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CopyPermalinkBookmark I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the help rendered to me. Thank you for your kind heart and responsiveness, for your attention and understanding of the problem. For the fact that at a difficult moment for me, they did not turn away and did not turn out to be indifferent. For taking the time and energy to delve into the problem and find a solution. You have a truly golden heart and a pure soul. Happiness to you and all the best.
All musical thank you cards
Look ♫ Audio wishes!
In the crazy rhythm of today, we so often deprive our loved ones of our attention. Thank you for stopping by and paying attention to me. It felt warmth, sincere interest and readiness to provide support if necessary. Thank you very much for your attention.
CopyPermanent linkBookmarkIn life it often happens that more valuable, above all material wealth is simple human participation. To each according to his works, as it is written in the Bible. Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your help, timely and so necessary. May goodness return to you with health, prosperity, generous helping hands at the right time. Thank you for your assistance!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul for the very timely assistance. Thank you so much for your kindness, understanding and responsiveness, for paying attention to my problem and spending your personal time to quickly help me. It's nice to feel that such a kind, noble person is next to me. Wish you all the best.
With heartfelt thanks for your support, I turn to you! In our age of vanity and selfishness, it is pleasant to realize that there are such caring and sincere people like you. Your open soul and warmth attract kind people, make the world brighter and lighter. I wish you true friends and family well-being.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkThank you so much! Your attention and participation is very important to me! I promise not to forget the good, and if necessary, I will definitely respond. This will be my greatest thanks!
Author: Yana Sergeeva
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CopyPermalinkBookmark In any situation, you give hope for the best, your simple human participation warms the soul and fills the heart with happiness and confidence that the world is full of kind people who are ready to help. Thank you for your kind heart. You give strength to cope with all adversity. Rest assured, your work is not in vain. Thank you for not passing by the troubles and troubles of other people.
Wherever we are, whatever we become, the most important thing for us is the presence of close, understanding people nearby. From their words, wings grow behind your back, and even when everything seems lost, there are strengths to start life anew. From the bottom of my heart, accept gratitude for the necessary support, invaluable participation, which allowed the sprouts of all-powerful hope to sprout!
CopyPermalinkBookmark They say that it is just as important to support a person in the right way as to help him solve a problem. It is sincere support that gives strength to move on, live and act. And not everyone is given this rare gift. Thank you for your generosity and for being by my side at a difficult time. Thank you for hearing and understanding, being able to choose the right words, inspire.
Neither difficult life situations nor the vicissitudes of life are terrible when there are true friends. It's a blessing that I have you! You will lend a helping hand and give the right advice in difficult times and make joyful days even more colorful. I know that if necessary, you will fly even at night to help me. Thank you my dears, you are always in my heart.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkWhere would we be if not for the best people around us? Each of them leaves its own indelible mark. And today, our dear, only, unique friends are nearby, for which we thank you endlessly! Thank you for your hot emotional drive, for sincere warmth, for great gifts and surprises. Cheerful mood and be happy!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you for being Thank you for your smile We just broke into an apartmentAll musical cards with gratitude
Look ♫ Audio wishes!
A person needs help much more often than he screams about it. But it happens that you get help exactly at the moment when you need it. In this case, gratitude knows no bounds. Thanks for the help offered, low bow for the help provided. Let's look back more often, look and see who to help, and do it.
I want to thank you just for being you! Thanks to you, I feel great, my soul is full of light and warmth, and I want to share these feelings with you. I hope you feel just as wonderful!
Author: Yana Sergeeva
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CopyPermalinkBookmarkDear teacher! You are doing an important job, giving work a lot of strength and energy. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We highly appreciate your patience and understanding, dedication and love for students! Good health, peace of mind, happiness, cheerfulness and well-being.
CopyPermalinkBookmark It's good that there are people who can listen and help in a difficult situation! My dear friends, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication, bestowal and kindness! The warmth of your words and hugs can work wonders. You, everyone, leave an indelible mark on my heart! Thank you for your generosity and ability to rejoice in the triumphs and achievements of your comrades!
Friends! You are the people with whom we have learned a lot in common. But most importantly, you know how to be happy for others. In trouble, many rush to help. Friendship is when the slightest envy is absent, and kindness for a loved one is sincere and real. Thank you for the years of loyalty, for mutual assistance, for interesting joint business and trips, for the knowledge and experience transferred. Live long and happily. Let's stay close and on.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkThank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me at a difficult moment and helping me out of a difficult situation! Thank you that such sympathetic people like you meet in the world. Your spiritual strength, generosity of spirit and a wise word were very necessary to me! I sincerely wish you love and good luck, many joyful, bright gifts from life, be healthy and happy until you are 100 years old!
Author: Alina Letova
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CopyPermalinkBookmark Dear class teacher! We are happy that next to our children there is a mentor, a dedicated Teacher with a capital letter, that you help them grow up, polish their personal qualities. We do not always notice the changes in our matured children, and it is you who tell us what to pay attention to. We are grateful to you for your dedication to the profession, for your love for children, for your dedication. Good health, patience and prosperity to you!
Author: Natalya Kuldoshina
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CopyPermalinkBookmarkI am very glad that in any critical situation, I can turn to you, thank you for your understanding and advice. It is not easy to find people who are able to understand perfectly, realizing that someone needs help a little more than themselves. I would like to express gratitude and respect for you, so that fate is favorable and sends people who are truly selfless and good-natured, you deserve it.
CopyPermalinkBookmark My faithful friends, thank you for your support and participation. Thank you for the joy and fun you bring. For a good mood and the opportunity to help and be a participant in your lives.