Everyone i don t like is

Everyone I Don't Like Is Hitler


Part of a series on Adolf Hitler. [View Related Entries]
Facebook group Useless, Unsuccessful, and/or Unpopular Memes. Author: Joey Miller
adolf hitler, photoshop, book, donald trump, russiagate, russian spy


Everyone I Don't Like Is Hitler is a photoshopped children's book cover featuring a picture of Adolf Hitler sliding down a rainbow, which is often used as a reaction image in online political discussions when Godwin's Law is invoked.


On November 21st, 2015, Facebook user Joey Miller created the meme and posted it to original-content only Facebook group Useless, Unsuccessful, and/or Unpopular Memes. [5] An already existing drawing of Hitler sliding down a rainbow was used in the creation of the meme, made by user Laurann for the site drawception. com [10]
On November 22nd, 2015, the conservative blog Bookworm Room[6] posted a compilation of political internet memes, which included a mock children's book cover with Adolf Hitler sliding down a rainbow titled "Everyone I Don't Like is Hitler: The Emotional Child's Guide to Political Discussion" (shown below). On November 23rd, 2015 blog Cramulus posted the image, crediting the original Facebook post [11]


On November 15th, 2012, DeviantArt u[12] ser razzicr7 posted an image of Hitler riding a sled on a rainbow. They captioned the post, "Was bored so painted using Photoshop." The post received more than 3,000 views (shown below).

On January 14th, 2016, the Daily Telegraph staff writer Tim Stanley tweeted the mock children's cover along with the caption "required reading for the internet age."[7] On February 27th, Redditor Knollsit submitted the image to /r/The_Donald. [8] On June 8th, Redditor Quaestorian_Guard submitted a photoshopped version of the cover with Hitler riding a sled through the sky to the /r/funny[3] subreddit, where it gained over 7,400 votes (89% upvoted) and 150 comments prior to being archived.

2016 United States Presidential Election

On June 21st, 2016, a photoshopped book cover featuring an illustration of Donald Trump titled "Everyone I Don't Like is a Cuck" was uploaded to Imgur[1] (shown below, left). On October 6th, Redditor Dagon1213 uploaded a similar edit with Pepe the Frog titled "Everyone I Don't Like is Alt-Right" to /r/The_Donald (shown below, right).[2]

On October 28th, the Occupy Democrats Logic Facebook[9] page posted an MS Paint illustration of a Hillary Clinton children's book cover titled "Everyone I Don't Like Is a Russian Hacker" (shown below, left). On November 4th, Redditor viralijzad submitted another version of the children's book image (shown below, right). Within one month, the post gained over 750 votes (77% upvoted) on /r/russia.[7]

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External References

[1] Facebook – Occupy Democrats Logic

[2] Reddit – Everyone I dont like is a Russian hacker

[3] Reddit – Online political discussion

[4] Reddit – Smash dat upvote if dis true

[5] Facebook – Useless, Unsuccessful, and/or Unpopular Memes

[6] BookWormRoom – The Bookworm Beat

[7] Twitter -@timothy_stanley

[8] Twitter – I found the playbook of the lefties

[9] Imgur – The emotional childs guide to MAGA

[10] Drawception – Happy Hitler Sliding Down a Rainbow

fn.11 Cramulus -Everyone I Don't Like is Hitler

[12] DeviantArt – Nein Hitler

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'Everyone I don’t like is Hitler' and why everyone we don’t like is not

George Korda hosting his "State Your Case' radio talk show. (Jack Lail / News Sentinel)

George Korda

Posted: March 16, 2016

Posted: March 16, 2016

The Facebook meme depicts a children’s book cover illustration of man about halfway down a multi-colored slide. He’s wearing a brown uniform and sporting a swastika armband.

The title: “Everyone I Don’t Like is Hitler; The Emotional Child’s Guide to Political Discussion.”

That’s a pretty fair summary of much of the talk surrounding Presidential Campaign 2016. The media, social and otherwise, is decorated with various complaints, particularly about Donald Trump being, acting like, reflecting, emulating, mimicking, or portending a return to the policies of Adolf Hitler.

This detailed knowledge of Der Fuhrer’s life and history is interesting in a country packed with many people who struggle to identify America’s first president, who don’t know what nations won World War II, or who can’t find Israel or Iraq on a map if you spot them on which end of the Mediterranean Sea to start looking.

The probability is higher of an uncomfortable number of Americans knowing the dates that a Kardashian last took off her clothes, which team won a particular Super Bowl, or what we celebrate on July 4 (cookouts and fireworks).

It’s not as if such Hitlersteria is anything new. A lengthy list of U.S. political leaders have been said to behave in a manner that corresponds to that of the master of the Third Reich. Just last year, in a Jan. 13, 2015 Chicago Sun Times article, Chad Merda explored this tendency in a column headlined, “A brief history of politicians being compared to Adolf Hitler.

Listed in Merda’s column as being likened to Hitler by politicians, an educator, and various adversarial foreign leaders were President Barack Obama; President George W. Bush; and President Ronald Reagan.

This Hitler fetish has been noticed, and has occurred, north of the border, up Canada way. In the Sept. 12, 2012, Huffington Post Canada, Bernie Farber, identified as a human rights advocate, wrote a blog item headlined, “Before You Compare Something to Hitler and Nazis…Don’t.”

Wrote Farber: “And the past is replete with examples from both the left and right of the political spectrum of those who it seems temporarily lost their minds with visions of Hitler and Nazism.

“In accepting his Nobel Peace Prize a few years ago, former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore used the Hitler analogy to compare world leaders ignoring climate change to those who ignored the potential threat emanating from Nazi Germany's early days.

“Here at home, the leader of our Green Party, Elizabeth May, used similar hyperbole, comparing our government's environmental plan to former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of the Nazis in 1938.
When Donald Trump came to Knoxville on Nov. 16, 2015, he delivered a “speech,” so to speak, that was remarkably un-presidential. It was instead a stream of consciousness, and occasionally profane, subject-to-subject soliloquy that sounded more like what a bunch of guys would say while sitting around a bar after hoisting a few.

Sometimes Trump makes sense. Sometimes, his words and statements range from head-shaking to distressing. But Hitler he’s not.

Inevitably the evolution of the argument proceeds along this simple path: a candidate or politician a person doesn’t like is another Hitler, which is followed by the same person denying it and becoming angry if a politician they favor is equated with Hitler.

Several years ago at a demonstration in Washington D.C., a woman interviewed by a national cable television network said it was awful that detractors of President Barack Obama had depicted him with a Hitler mustache.

Asked how she felt about President George W. Bush being caricatured the same way, she said that if someone were to be characterized in such a fashion, “wouldn’t he be the right one?”

And therein is the problem. Take Bernie Farber’s advice: before comparing someone to Hitler and Nazism…don’t.

George Korda is political analyst for WATE-TV, appearing Sundays on “Tennessee This Week.” He hosts “State Your Case” from noon – 3 p.m. Sundays on WOKI-FM Newstalk 98.7. Korda is a frequent speaker and writer on political and news media subjects. He is president of Korda Communications, a public relations and communications consulting firm.

About George Korda

George Korda is political analyst for WATE-TV, appearing Sundays on “Tennessee This Week.” He hosts “State Your Case” from 5 – 7 p.m. (following Tennessee Titans game broadcasts; noon – 3 p.m. normally) on WOKI-FM Newstalk 98.7. Korda is a frequent speaker and writer on political and news media subjects. He is president of Korda Communications, a public relations and communications consulting firm.

Why don't you like everything that everyone is crazy about? And not because you are in a bad mood, but this is how it works? Well, you don't like the sunset, black caviar and the actor, from whom everyone is crazy. Is this good or bad?

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"What's wrong with me?" you ask yourself. "There's something wrong with you!" - add fuel to the fire around.
Let's figure it out. How did it happen that you live without loving - and is there even a ray of hope in this leaden sky.

I don't like animals

Girlfriend drives her into a frenzy by posting pictures of her cat on social media. “Lovely! Handsome!" - enthusiastic cat-lovers fire from all the cannons. And you quickly “flip through” photos of an impudent cat's muzzle. What is it about him, this Marquis? The eyes are stupid, the cheeks are thick, the mustache is like wire. And it meows disgustingly.

She took it and said what you think. Since then, relations with others, especially cat and dog owners, have become cooler. You are sad and offended, but sympathy for Murziks and Bobs is not increasing.

Doctor, what is this?

Psychologists say terrible things: people do not like animals because they cannot accept their sincerity, spontaneity and unconditional love. Let's make it clearer: perhaps some "dislikers" of cats in childhood simply did not communicate with purrs and, in general, with animals. They do not understand what kind of happiness it is to wag a dog behind the ear, treat a hamster with cabbage and cuddle with a cat. And what we do not know cannot be tempting - this is the first. Second: maybe once there was a sad experience. The tragic death of a pet dog, a serious illness of an affectionate cat - that left a heavy mark. And again, looking at mischievous purrs and watchdogs for the unfortunate means resurrecting those memories.

There is a third possible reason: animals embody certain character traits. Cats are independent, dogs are loyal - maybe it is with these qualities that the “unlover” has problems. He would like to gain independence, strengthen his character, but it doesn’t work, and here before his eyes is a living embodiment of pride ... Or vice versa: a person suffers because of his isolation, suffers from loneliness, but also cannot uproot. And seeing the same arrogant impregnability in a pet, he gnashes his teeth...

In general, animals are healthy. Think about what prevents you from being friends with them. Also, try to treat other people's pets through the prism of your attitude towards their owners: such wonderful friends have pets everywhere.

I don't like children

... You are a pariah or an outcast. Or "hello". Or... There are enough synonyms, the meaning is the same: obvious deep deviations in the psyche. About which others told, and you yourself guessed. The reason is serious - you don't like children.

... Become a mother? Yes you that, dismiss. These are sleepless nights, insomnia, diapers, torment from dawn to dusk. And for what, that is, for whom - a small creature with the disposition of a dictator and tyrant.

Older kids are annoying too. They scream loudly, climb everywhere, crackle incessantly - a nightmare. Unfortunately, your "fad" is known to others, so you are known as "a pretty girl, but a little crazy."

Doctor, what is this?

Immediately and directly: adults hate children because they themselves are still children. Feeling strong emotions is possible only for those whom we consider equal. And this fear (it is known that aggression is the “wrong side” of fear) comes from childhood. Perhaps someone in childhood was harassed and offended by peers, child cruelty is a frequent and well-known fact. Adults "outgrow" past grievances, and eternal children project hatred onto the baby. The second possible reason is the extreme egoism inherent again in children. The appearance of heirs completely changes life, shifts the center of the universe to the baby, makes you give up interests, leisure - and this causes frustration ... A sign of a mature psyche is a conscious desire to take care of someone, pass on experience, give love. If it does not occur, we draw conclusions. Don't be upset, accept it in yourself. You will probably still grow up, and if not, it's okay, just don't express your opinion on every corner.

I don't like my birthday

Every year this nightmare: a table, fake congratulations, stupid toasts, a cake, you in a stupid cap on an elegant hairstyle. "Don't-na-see-zhu!" - you cover your head with your hands, take a day off or leave from work, turn off your phone and sit at home in confinement. Or you are leaving somewhere where no one has a dream or a breath about your "jam day".

Fortunately, you are not alone, there are many of us.

Doctor, what is this?

It could be anything. The saddest option is a deep rejection of yourself. Everything that is connected with one's own person, any manifestation of it causes annoyance. Accepting congratulations at the moment of a feast means becoming the epicenter of attention - it scares and angers.

Another version is resentment against parents, especially mother. Everything connected with the birth is automatically attributed to the mother. And if the relationship is not cloudless, the birthday will reasonably become a "sad holiday."

Another obstacle is the fear of change. Each passing year is a symbol, newness, fresh successes, achievements and acquaintances sound in the wishes. But for some of us it is difficult to finish one thing and start a new one, hence the desire to drag out the old one and not celebrate the date.

Finally, a blockage of emotions prevents you from having a great time. A holiday is jokes, joy, fun. Not everyone can fully experience these strong feelings: alas, they themselves understand that "strangers are at the celebration of life." Understanding makes you worry, nervous. And instead of a good feast, a person receives suffering and torment - in his own honor.

In short, try to start celebrating with one or two closest friends. You look, you will get involved by the first anniversary.

I don't like men

Married friends are suicidal. How could you refuse your friendship, walks, etc. in favor of a gluttonous hairy barbarian? Moreover, bring him to your house. And in general - all men are terrible. We bend our fingers and toes: they are sloppy, boring, cruel, stupid, incomprehensible, tormentors and stranglers... They also love football and computer games.

So it turns out that you nip any attempts at flirting in the bud, you refuse male help, you don’t get married for any gingerbread.

Doctor, what is this?

This is an insult. For one or two men who hurt. Maybe it's the father who left. Probably a loved one who left an indelible wound. The resentment was so great that it grew to absurd proportions: if one person is bad, then everyone is like that. This is the voice of the unconscious, it is uncompromising, it recognizes only black and white. Meanwhile, the world is big, it is constantly changing, there are billions of men in it, including good and very good ones.

You can't change bad people, but you don't have to face them. While you hate them, the principle “if there are only bastards around you, then you are the center”, that is, you will attract negativity and potential offenders. But if you change the angle of view and attitude to at least a neutral one, the picture around you will also change.

I don't like people

Communication with others is seven circles of hell for you. They are slow, stupid, arrogant, greedy and envious. They also have bad manners, empty eyes, and primitive desires. You are a misanthrope - someone who hates humanity. How to live with it?

Doctor, what is this?

This is love tightly fused with hatred. There are finely organized personalities with a vulnerable soul, who initially saw the world as beautiful, and its inhabitants as worthy of the high title of Human. But time after time they were convinced that a person is weak, the Roman philosopher Seneca also warned about this. People continue to lie, to take someone else's, to be mean. There's nothing you can do about it, comrades shrug their shoulders, for whom it is easier to live in the world because of the "inoculation of cynicism." And for those who are vulnerable in soul and impeccable in thoughts, such a picture is unbearable. They try to change humanity, denounce, ridicule, call - and in response, a myriad of meaningless views and the verdict "you are a fool." So, in a nutshell: a misanthrope is a highly disillusioned romantic. He hates not people, but human vices. He cannot ignore them, on the contrary, he is "sharpened" for them: among the best qualities, he will see one wormhole - and become angry. In general, a sort of "nurse" and healer. And by the way: the most terrible people are not misanthropes, but indifferent. If you don't believe us, trust Julius Fucik, the author of the iconic "Report with a noose around his neck": "Fear the indifferent. With their tacit consent, all troubles are created on earth.

Actually, what are we to do with you, that is, what should you do with yourself? Change your focus: force yourself to see the good in people. Make it a habit to find pluses: an aggressive lady has a pleasant voice, a cunning taxi driver has a luxurious head of hair, but this rogue is a speaker from God. Increase the radius of positive, get rid of sad metaphors: "aggressive", "cunning", "rogue" - everything is overboard. Replace characteristics with neutral ones, add pleasant qualities. Keep in mind the law of mirroring: the world around you is what you are. You are good - and everything around is getting prettier, like attracts like.

Also, remember the immortal saying: “Before you judge someone, take his shoes and walk his path...” This is to the fact that people are not gods and not an organ of justice, we do not have the authority to divide others into bad and good ones. There are no bad people, according to the writer Bulgakov, there are only unhappy ones. They already got it - better have pity, be a Human.

Text: Natalia Grebneva

I don't like anything, nothing makes me happy.. Is this normal?



9000 #5



It is necessary to give birth, then there will be a meaning in life, when I gave birth, I was even afraid to cross the road so I wanted to live, to raise a child.



It is necessary to give birth, then there will be a meaning in life, when I gave birth, I was even afraid to cross the road so I wanted to live, to raise a child.



It is necessary to give birth, then there will be meaning in life, when I gave birth, I was afraid even to cross the road I wanted to live like that, to raise a child.



2.10 Jun 2.10












Author, are you a careerist?
I don't really like traveling or new clothes either. Although both of them are in abundance.
Two of my friends went to dinner at a restaurant. They posted a bunch of pictures and they were so happy in these photos. A week later I went with them, and I didn’t see ANYTHING special. I'm such an insensitive bastard. But there are pluses, it is almost impossible to upset me.



This is not the meaning of life, this is a compulsion to continue it in order to take care of offspring - at any cost and for a long time. So that this understanding does not lead to neurosis (or even suicide), the body arranges hormonal disruptions for itself, in which the real surrounding reality is seen in more pink colors.



This is not the meaning of life, this is no coercion for its continuation for the purpose caring for offspring - at any cost and for a long time. So that this understanding does not lead to neurosis (or even suicide), the body arranges hormonal disruptions for itself, in which the real surrounding reality is seen in more pink colors. Damn ... what a GORGEOUS answer! Now EVERYONE will answer the question why I don’t want children)))



#25,0002 Pupyrka

Author, you are not a Capricorn according to the horoscope?

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9000 #28 9000 #28 9000 #28 9000 #28 9000 #28 9000 #

Dear women, why is taste lost? Taste in general, take at least even gastronomic. Because the taste buds are dulled. So is the taste for life. The receptors are dulled, there is nothing to feel. That's why I ask: is there anything to hear? Great music and magical sounds of nature. Is there anything to smell? Aromas of the freshness of the forest and the sea. Is there anything to love?



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    Show? How can you show the soul?





    There is something to love. Show? How can you show the soul?
    I love other organs


    Dear women, why is taste lost? Taste in general, take at least even gastronomic. Because the taste buds are dulled. So is the taste for life. The receptors are dulled, there is nothing to feel.
    That's why I ask: is there anything to hear? Great music and magical sounds of nature. Is there anything to smell? Aromas of freshness of the forest and the sea.
    Is there anything to love?

    Probably nothing. Lost. Realizing this is bad and painful.



    I had something similar before. you understand that you live, and all this is pointless, all the more so, our life is getting closer not to life but to death. and more inclined to the opinion that I did not get everything I wanted. Well, of course, clothes and travel you provide yourself. But it's the dreams that don't come true. and therefore disappointed in life. this state is temporary. the changes that will help you look at life with conscious eyes have not yet occurred in your life



    27. Guest | 06/26/2014, 12:11:28 PM Guest [4033328379]

    Dear women, why is taste lost? Taste in general, take at least even gastronomic. Because the taste buds are dulled. So is the taste for life. The receptors are dulled, there is nothing to feel.
    That's why I ask: is there anything to hear? Great music and magical sounds of nature. Is there anything to smell? Aromas of freshness of the forest and the sea.
    Is there anything to love?

    Probably nothing. Lost. Realizing this is bad and painful.


    27. Guest | 06/26/2014, 12:11:28 PM Guest [4033328379]

    Dear women, why is taste lost? Taste in general, take at least even gastronomic. Because the taste buds are dulled. So is the taste for life. The receptors are dulled, there is nothing to feel.
    That's why I ask: is there anything to hear? Great music and magical sounds of nature. Is there anything to smell? Aromas of freshness of the forest and the sea.
    Is there anything to love?

    Probably nothing. Lost. Realizing this is bad and painful.

    Oh no! Once it hurts, all is not lost. Pain means alive).

    God forbid! So, in order not to drown, we will beat the butter.




    So, in order not to drown, we will beat the butter.


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