Dreaming of another world meaning
Dreaming of Another World Meaning
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Dreams are messages from your subconscious, so what does dreaming of another world mean?
Is it merely your higher self showing you how you feel like you do not belong in this world or how you have a buried wish to live in a different world? Is it a glimpse into another world from another dimension? Did you just have access to your other self or were you bestowed a gift to preview the events of another world?
Depending on how you got there and what the other symbols that appeared in your dream mean, the interpretation of a dream of being in another world will be different from you compared to another person.
Dreaming Of Another World – What It Means
Pay close attention to the details that stood out in your dreams, and merge their interpretations to this interpretation.
You wish to explore other possibilities
You are focused on understanding the bigger picture more than the micro view. You are creative, and even in your dream life it seeps through. You may be on the brink of changing careers or you may be about to start a new hobby in your waking life.
You may also be detaching yourself from the mundane and desiring to focus on livelier options.
If your dream specifically had you observing life on another world, it is your subconscious telling you that you have a lot of options on how to live in this world.
The things you observed are showcases of things you could be, and a symbol of the many faces you can take on and decide to live by. Your higher self is reminding you that you can be whoever you want and live however you want.
You do not feel like you belong in this world
You may dream of another world because you feel like you do not belong in this world. You may have a quiet social life, mundane workplace, and meaningless relationships.
You may feel like an outsider in your waking world, and that feeling makes itself known in your dream world as well.
You may also have this yearning to know your ultimate purpose, and your subconscious is showing you other worlds in your dreams in an attempt to leave a trail for you to follow, piece together, and figure out. Recall as much as you can about your dream and interpret it accordingly.
Your subconscious is reassuring you of your importance
You may feel like you are but one small thing that makes up this big world, but your subconscious begs to differ. It is reminding you in your dream of another world that every piece of the puzzle is just as crucial in creating the whole.
This is especially true if your dream shows that you helped someone there, or have felt highly valued.
You need to accept some things in your life
You may feel detached from the world right now. You may have even dreamt you were floating in the other world, and that is a sign that you need to think about the positive instead of focusing on the negative.
You may not have the exact thing that you want, but you do have some things that you can use to your advantage.
You need to remember to ground yourself regarding your reality
Dreaming of another world can also mean you require some grounding regarding reality. You may be reaching too high, and dreaming of being on the way to and almost entering another world cements that.
If you dream about successfully setting foot on the other world, though, it means that whatever goal you have set right now, no matter how big, is within your reach.
If you do not know where you are in your dream
Not knowing where you are in your dream but knowing that you were definitely in another world signifies you are entering a new phase and would need to develop a trait that will help you thrive in the new stage. It may also mean that you are trying to escape something in your waking life.
Since you are in a different world and to get there obviously meant taking a risk, this is a sign that you would need to consider taking a risk in your endeavor as well for any kind of progress to be done.
If you dreamt you were living in that other world
Dreaming of living in another world means you have been feeling discontented by your daily life and have been wishing to take a break. If you dreamt of taking a holiday towards the other world, it highly suggests that your higher self wishes you would take a holiday as well.
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It may also indicate that change is coming to your work environment, so brace yourself for that, too.
If you were preparing to leave your world for that world
Preparation for travel dreams mean upcoming new adventures and garnering new experiences from those. Dreaming of preparing to leave your world to travel to another world denotes good times ahead.
This is especially true if you have had a rough time lately and have just recently settled. Things will fall into place for you and you will be able to mend the things that broke or at least get past them.
If you dreamt of traveling to another world
Traveling in a dream, though, especially to another world, means you are wishing to escape something from your daily life.
You may have had enough of the treatment you have been receiving, or things may seem to be continuously unlucky for you. You may not be able to just pack up and go in your waking life, but your dream self can give you that.
If you dreamt about coming home after going to a different world
Dreaming about coming home after going to a different world shows your desire for a safe haven. Things may be tough for you in your waking life and you are just wishing to have a place to come home to and rest without judgments or worries clouding over you.
Recall why you left in the first place and how you ended up coming home, as well as the feelings that you had while in the dream. Note the symbols that you have seen, too, and interpret and then merge them accordingly.
If you cannot understand the language in that world
If you dream about being in another world where you cannot understand their language, this means you may feel like you have been given an excellent opportunity and yet you are highly limited on the things you can do.
If you dreamt of learning that or a new language, it means you are going to change your workplace and you will be much happier for it.
- If you dream of Jupiter, you may be in search of more understanding regarding an event or a person. You may also simply want to grow as a person and gain more wisdom.
- If you dream of Mars, your subconscious is warning you to tread carefully. What you do to others shall be done to you, too, so you may want to base your actions on that.
- If you dream of Mercury, you are in deep thought about something, and it would be useful for you to weigh in both emotions and logic before making your verdict.
- If you dream of Venus, you may want to ask yourself if you are giving and receiving equally in all your relationships. You may also want to look into your communication skills.
- If you dream of Saturn, you need to start identifying your limits and setting them.
- If you dream of Neptune, your subconscious is reassuring you that you should not fear monotony, because your creativeness is saving you from it.
- If you dream of Uranus, you are seeking a significant change in your life.
- If you dream of Pluto, you may be feeling powerless at the moment.
Dreaming of another world generally signifies your desire for change. You may be feeling like you do not belong in this world, like you have slipped into monotony, or that you simply want something new.
It is a positive dream symbol as it denotes new things, or changes that need to be done in your life.
Note the other details of the dream, like the actions you have committed in the dream as well as symbols that stood out, then interpret them accordingly and merge their meaning with this.
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What Dream About Different World Means
Another world seen in a dream often symbolizes new information, feelings, changes in circumstances, radically different from the usual knowledge or tasks that need to be solved. This dream also indicates the willingness of the sleeper to accept change.
Did you have such an unusual dream story about a different world? This means: there will be some kind of long journey that will bring a variety of emotions - from negative to very positive. Or the dreamer's life will change very much: everything around him will become completely different.
Seeing your own journey through other world in a dream and your long wanderings means there will be some routine of useless work, but you cannot refuse it.
Did you travel to another planet and saw how its inhabitants live in a dream? The dream interpretation explains: you will learn unusual information that will clarify many obscure points soon.
Why dream of a transition to a different world? You will soon get a new experience and experience new sensations.
The dream plot informs, according to the dream book: you have to learn completely unfamiliar information, something different from the previous knowledge. Your mind needs to be open for the perception of the new.
Such a vision in a dream about other world portends: something will contribute to a better understanding of cause and effect relationships by the dreamer soon. The facets of reality hidden until now will be revealed to him.
Have you got to the afterlife? The interpretation of such a dream is as follows: soon you will find out information related to deceased relatives, which will be very useful for your further actions.
Did you dream of a different world – that was so beautiful that you would like to stay there forever? The dream book indicates: you are so unhappy with the current circumstances of your life that you would like to run away somewhere. However, remember: you can change everything yourself, so if you want to live differently, go for it.
- Remember how you felt when you got there in a dream:
- delight – you will perceive all that is ahead with pleasure;
- calm – you will overcome the difficulties that arise confidently;
- fear – you are afraid of changes, difficulties;
- wish to return – you want to get rid of annoying problems quickly, but beware of mistakes.
Why do you dream of going to another planet? In reality, the dreamer is quite ready to accept the new that he will encounter in life.
Did you have a chance to get into another world, completely unfamiliar? Something will be imposed on the dreamer, which must be resolved without delay. It can be burdensome, but you need to deal with these tasks, warns the dream book.
To see a portal that takes you to parallel worlds, but to be afraid to go in there in a dream, means: you are not yet ready to accept the changes. However, you need to properly prepare yourself, as they are inevitably approaching.
Why one dreams of boldly stepping into the portal of passage? The dream book tells you: you will be able to perceive the upcoming changes and news adequately and successfully adapt to them.
The dream portal, transferring to another reality also promises an interesting adventure, expansion of horizons of life.
Sergii Haranenko
Fortune cookie!
Collect memories, not things.
Dream Interpretation Another World Why does another world dream in a dream?
Another world in a dream often symbolizes new information, sensations, changes in circumstances that are radically different from the usual knowledge or tasks that need to be solved. This dream also speaks of the sleeper's readiness to accept change. Our dream book, considering the details, will orient what the vision is dreaming of.
Cardinal changes or useless work
Did you dream of such an unusual plot? This means: there is some kind of long journey ahead, which will bring a variety of emotions - from negative to very positive. Or the dreamer's life will change very much: everything around him will become completely different.
Seeing one's own journey through another world in a dream and one's long wanderings is a routine useless work ahead, but one cannot refuse it.
Interesting information
Traveled to another planet, saw how its inhabitants live? The dream book explains: you will soon find out unusual information that will clarify many incomprehensible points.
Why dream of moving to another world? Soon you will gain new experience, experience new sensations.
The dream plot informs, according to the dream book: completely unfamiliar information is to be learned, something different from the previous knowledge of the sleeping person. It is necessary that his mind be open to the perception of the new.
Such a vision in a dream about another world portends: soon something will contribute to a better understanding of the dreamer's causal relationships. He will discover the facets of reality hidden until now.
You can change everything
Got to the underworld? The interpretation of sleep is as follows: you will soon find out information related to deceased relatives, which will be very useful for further action.
Have you dreamed about another world so beautiful that you would like to stay there forever? The dream book indicates: you are so unhappy with the current circumstances of your life that you would like to run away somewhere. However, remember: you can change everything yourself, so if you want to live differently, go for it.
What emotions did you feel?
Remember what feelings you experienced when you got there in a dream:
- delight - you will accept everything that is coming with pleasure;
- calmness - confidently overcome the difficulties that arise;
- fear - changes, difficulties scare you;
- desire to return - you want to quickly get rid of annoying problems, but beware of mistakes.
Meaning according to Miller's dream book
Why dream of getting to another planet? In reality, the dreamer is quite ready to accept the new that he will encounter in life.
How prepared are you for the challenges ahead?
Did you dream of getting into another world, completely unfamiliar? The sleeper will be imposed some business that needs to be resolved immediately. They can be burdensome, but it is imperative to deal with the tasks - the dream book warns.
Seeing a portal that takes you to parallel worlds, but being afraid to enter there in a dream means: you are not yet ready to accept changes. However, one must properly set oneself up, as they are inexorably approaching.
Why do you dream that you boldly stepped into the transition portal? The dream book tells you: you can perceive the upcoming changes and news adequately and successfully adapt to them.
A dreamed portal that takes you to another reality also promises an interesting adventure, an expansion of life horizons.
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Dream Interpretation Another World Why is there another world in a dream?
Interesting information
Have you traveled to another planet, seen how its inhabitants live? The dream book explains: you will soon find out unusual information that will clarify many incomprehensible points.
Why do you dream of going to another world? Soon you will gain new experience, experience new sensations.
The dreamed plot informs, according to the dream book: you have to learn completely unfamiliar information, something different from the previous knowledge of the sleeping person. It is necessary that his mind be open to the perception of the new.
Such a vision in a dream about another world portends: soon something will contribute to a better understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships by the dreamer. He will discover the facets of reality hidden until now.
Cardinal changes or useless work
Did you dream of such an unusual plot? This means: there is some kind of long journey ahead, which will bring a variety of emotions - from negative to very positive. Or the dreamer's life will change very much: everything around him will become completely different.
Seeing one's own journey through another world in a dream and one's long wanderings is a routine useless work ahead, but one cannot refuse it.
You can change everything
Did you find yourself in the underworld? The interpretation of sleep is as follows: you will soon find out information related to deceased relatives, which will be very useful for further action.
Have you dreamed about another world so beautiful that you would like to stay there forever? The dream book indicates: you are so unhappy with the current circumstances of your life that you would like to run away somewhere. However, remember: you can change everything yourself, so if you want to live differently, go for it.
Why do you dream of a place. a dream place of residence, new, holy or working
The places that you dream of are of great importance in the minds of most interpreters. In most cases, it is a dwelling where people spend a lot of time, as well as work or a childhood home.
But sometimes public areas can be dreamed of, defines the dream book. Place will play an important role in any case, regardless of what it refers to.
We will consider the most popular interpretations of the image, which are found in various sources.
In the view of the subconscious interpreter , to see the place in a dream is the embodiment of what is happening in the human mind. Most often, the territory is related to the mood of the dreamer, to the period in his life that is associated with it. It is important to understand not only what kind of space it was, but also what was happening there, who was present next to you.
Remember exactly what you saw. For example, in dream book , the place of work is associated with something related to the service. Perhaps you are currently working on an important project that you often think about. Or there are some troubles and problems related to the professional sphere.
In the dream book, looking for a place for yourself is a sign that you are trying to find it in the real world. Most likely, you are not fully aware of what you would like to do. Do you feel lost, cut off from normal life? Do you feel that there is not enough sense in the events taking place?
Also, from the point of view of the subconscious, it is important to consider what kind of space appeared to you:
- unfamiliar, but at the same time causing pleasant feelings - in reality everything suits you in communication with others, as well as in business.
Do you feel comfortable;
- in dream book unfamiliar places , which are far from the city, personify the unconscious in a person. It is important to understand what you were doing and how you felt at that moment;
- see the territory at night - the embodiment of hidden fears;
- if you dream of rain, clouds, bad weather, it indicates despondency;
- a sunny area indicates happiness and joy.
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Folk dream book
In the classical interpretation, the image has one of the following meanings: vision;

Freud's dream book
The psychoanalyst described in his dream book that a public or private place is necessarily present in dreams. The subconscious always needs a location in order to embody the desired images. Most often in night visions there are several main territories where actions take place. This is the terrain that you have encountered or are facing in the real world.
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Any object that you dream of is of great importance. Be sure to try to remember all the little things that can help in interpreting the image. Each specific object present in a dream should be interpreted separately. Especially if you paid attention to him, or he performed some function in your dream.
Miller's dream book
To take a seat in this dream book with the help of a ticket is a symbol of the fact that there are many unpleasant moments to go through. You will probably decide to help people in need. But you should hurry in vain, because you will only suffer in this situation.
If you dreamed that you were paying a woman for some place - in fact, an unkind person will take advantage of your naivety and kindness. You will not be able to resist his resourcefulness and cunning.
In addition, the interpreter describes in the dream book a new workplace . If you dream that you are working tirelessly, then in reality you can achieve success. Although this will have to work hard and hard. If you only watch how other people work, you can count on the fact that circumstances will turn out in your favor.
Dream Interpretation English
In the presentation of this interpreter, familiar territories play an important role. People often return in dreams to where they once lived or rested. In most cases, this happens during difficult times in life, when you are under the influence of stress, or in need of help.
The interpreter suggests taking into account how you felt after waking up - do you experience calm or fear? Evaluate the objects that you saw in the dream, as well as the people present in it. Remember, was the space that appeared urban, or was it outside the hustle and bustle of the metropolis?
Dream Interpretation of Karatov
This interpreter also suggests taking into account how the site that appeared to you looked like. Was it a well-groomed garden with flowering plants, or an area completely covered with asphalt? It is important to remember the size of the area that you dreamed about. If she was small, then she can personify care, inner comfort, the desire to isolate herself from the outside world.
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- dreamed that a person unpleasant to you took a seat in a transport - in fact, you should prepare for problems and complications. Probably, the upcoming period will be very difficult for you. To make it not so unpleasant, do not hesitate to use the help of loved ones;
- in the dream book there is no place at the desk, because someone has taken it - a sign that you are in danger of being fired. You can't avoid it, no matter how hard you try. Management has already decided that you need to be replaced;
- if you dream that you yourself have taken someone's chair - luck will be on your side. You can gain what is not yours, but you can also easily lose it;
- dreamed that there were enough free places for everyone - to great deals.
It will be difficult for you to decide what to give preference to. But do not hesitate too long, so as not to miss all the chances;
- come somewhere and see that there is nowhere to sit - you risk losing all your savings in an instant. Try to act more decisively, otherwise competitors will be more successful.
Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
The esoteric believed that seeing the end of any dream in any territory is a sign that the vision will come true there. In dream book, latrine indicates trouble. If you fall into it, you will make a profit.
Why the place is dreaming Link to the main publication
Source: https://dreamfields.ru/sonnik/sonnik-mesto
Did you dream of entering another world, completely unfamiliar? The sleeper will be imposed some business that needs to be resolved immediately. They can be burdensome, but it is imperative to deal with the tasks - the dream book warns.
Seeing a portal that takes you to parallel worlds, but being afraid to enter it in a dream means that you are not yet ready to accept changes. However, one must properly set oneself up, as they are inexorably approaching.
Why do you dream that you boldly stepped into the transition portal? The dream book tells you: you can perceive the upcoming changes and news adequately and successfully adapt to them.
Dreaming of a portal that takes you to another reality also promises an interesting adventure, expansion of life horizons.
Parallel worlds and metaphysics
Do you understand what this means? There is a parallel world where Hitler started World War II by taking over Poland. In another, the British Empire never lost its American colony. And in the third, Soviet cosmonauts were the first to land on the moon. Joseph Dzhugashvili and Leon Trotsky. Any absolutely delusional fantasy is actually realized somewhere. Do you want to be the chief rabbi of Birobidzhan, the capital of Israel? Please! You just need to find a way to get to where your wildest fantasies come true.
The theory described above is called the Multiverse theory.