Dreaming about saving someone
Dream of Saving Someone Meaning: 11 Scenarios
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Have you ever had a dream about saving someone, only to wake up in a fog of confusion? This can be a relief in real life, but it can be terrible if you fail to save that person.
Dreams of saving another person from danger are common. Yet, they are interpreted differently depending on the context.
In this post, we’ll take a look at some potential meanings behind dreams of saving someone else. You will understand how they can provide insight into your real-life actions.
Dreaming of Saving Someone Meanings
There are a few different meanings to dreams about saving someone. Dreams like this mean you want to help others who are struggling or in a difficult situation.
This dream can also mean that you are concerned for someone’s well-being and that this worry reflects onto your own life.
Finally, if you have a dream about saving someone and are currently struggling in life, you will soon find success and happiness.
Desire to Get Attention
Secondly, dreaming about saving someone can reflect a craving for attention. People might dream about this because they want to feel important or helpful.
Another interpretation is that this dream symbolizes the dreamer’s need to care for themselves and feel secure. Dreams like this might also show fears that the dreamer has.
You Must Act Quick for a Specific Situation
Lastly, having this dream could be a deep desire to protect or support someone and show how much they mean to you.
Alternatively, it could also be symbolic of a fear of some sort, such as being unable to help or make changes. Often, dreaming of saving someone indicates that you should take action quickly to avoid possible harm.
While the meaning can depend on your interpretation, the general message is the same. Be proactive and take protective measures for those important to you.
Situations of Dreams of Saving Someone
Dream of Saving a Child From Danger
People who dream of saving a child from danger usually don’t express their feelings very often. They might be seen as cold or unemotional by other people. This dream could be telling them that it is important for them to show their true selves to the people around them.
Maybe the child in your inner self needs to grow and find the courage to speak up, hence the child represented in your dreams.
Show the people in your life that you appreciate them and that you care on a deeper level. Your dream might be what unlocks the secret of communicating better with others.
On the other hand, if you don’t feel comfortable saying what you think, then it might be time to grow the child and speak up more, no matter the situation.
Dreaming Of Saving Your Partner From Dying
Dreaming of saving your partner from dying suggests that you feel the relationship is in danger.
The dream might be a way of warning you that things are not going well. The dreamer might feel like they are losing connection with their partner, which causes problems in the relationship.
To fix it, it’s important to communicate and work on rebuilding the connection between the two of you.
Dreaming Of Saving Your Mother From Death
Dreaming of saving your mother from death is a representation of your deep-seated fear of losing her. On top of that, it reflects the immense gratitude and appreciation you feel for her.
This dream means you want to show appreciation for all the love, care, and sacrifices she’s made for you. It’s also a sign that you try to make up for any wrongs you have done in the past by being more thoughtful and responsible.
In short, this dream reminds you to appreciate the people you love while they are still around, especially your mom.
Dreaming Of Saving a Stranger
This dream is all about trying to escape an issue. This dream may point to the fact that rather than running away from difficult situations, facing them head-on is essential.
It requires practice, but having the right set of skills that allow you to approach challenges calmly is key. Being able to do so will help you better handle pressure, both in work and in other areas of life.
It might take time to master this skill, but gaining control over these struggles will be worth it.
Dream Of Saving Someone Who Is Already Dead
Despite being a shocking dream, saving someone already dead can be a potent symbol of your subconscious. In fact, it represents striving to spread goodness and understanding in the world.
It indicates that you have gained a sense of clarity concerning your goals and objectives. It’s time for you to start a new beginning and impart them to those around you.
This dream can also signify that you are missing the person you saved and that you should move on. Dead is a normal phase in life, and you should be confident that your loved one is in a better place.
Dream Of Saving Someone From Falling
Saving someone from falling is a great ending to a potentially dangerous situation. And having this dream is a sign from your subconscious that you are seeking more harmony and peace in your life.
This could suggest considering alternative plans or widening your scope and thinking beyond the boundaries you’ve created for yourself.
The person you’re saving represents these boundaries, and it is time to overcome them.
Additionally, it may serve as a reminder to open up communication with those around you and strive to make meaningful connections. All this is part of the process that will help you succeed professionally and personally.
Dreams of Saving Someone from Being Kidnapped
Dreaming of a kidnapping means you feel stressed or trapped in a relationship and, therefore, need to start a new life.
Saving someone from a kidnapping symbolizes that you have a strong feeling of responsibility.
You are likely tapping into new social dynamics and emotions and starting to understand yourself better. These dreams suggest being kind to yourself by allowing time and space to reflect on your feelings.
This can bring about a more fulfilling life experience for all who come into contact with you.
Dreaming About Failing to Save Someone
Dreaming of saving someone from death is a powerful symbol of protection. It can express a deep desire to help or rescue someone from a difficult situation and signal personal distress.
However, failing to save someone is your subconscious mind trying to show you something else. Not all situations can be controlled, and it is important to accept uncertainties.
It can be difficult to face challenges, but understanding you are sometimes powerless can bring peace of mind.
Dreaming of Saving Someone From Fire
A fire in a house can be scary, even though it’s only a dream. Dreaming of saving someone from a fire can indicate that you feel overwhelmed by your emotions.
You may feel anger, aggression, or anxiety in reality. And it could be because you feel like you have lost control over someone or something important to you.
Don’t let these emotions get the best of you – with time, everything will eventually turn out alright. This type of dream may also appear as a result of fear of potentially losing someone or something dear to your heart.
However, if you’ve experienced fire trauma in your waking life before, then this could be why you’ve been dreaming of fire. Why not try meditation, mindfulness, or even therapy if that’s the case?
Dream Of Saving Someone From Hanging
In these common dreams, it is usually the dreamer in the role of savior, racing to the rescue before it is too late. The need to save the other person provides a sense of purpose and can be incredibly motivating.
Despite feeling great in the dream, once awake, many people feel empowered by their courage.
This dream can also portray your generous and kind attitude for giving and accepting love.
Whatever happens during the dream is a good sign that you saved someone from misery. Now, you can work together to overcome any challenge.
Oppositely, if you dream about hanging yourself and someone saves you, it signifies the right time to open up and be loved. It might state that you need to be aware of some areas in your life, and it would be wise to dig deeper for more insight.
Dream About Saving Someone From Drowning
Seeing or interacting with water in your dreams means emotions – maybe you’re processing them or struggling with your inner feelings in your waking life.
Dreams of saving someone from drowning can state possible gains available to the dreamer. In particular, if the saved person is an adult, they may point to your spiritual development.
Another thing that can mean something in your dream is a sign related to swimming pools. This might mean that people are looking for your advice on something. Dreams about pools can also be related to parental anxiety and children’s well-being.
Dream of Saving Someone from Being Murdered
Dreams of saving someone from being murdered symbolize a solid inner compulsion to protect and defend loved ones. It reflects your dedication and commitment to strive for a better life for everyone you care about.
In addition, it shows your ambition and determination to overcome any obstacles that may lie in the way. It inspires us all to take greater responsibility for ourselves and those around us, empowering us with a sense of pride and purpose.
Dream of Saving Someone from a Snake
Dreaming of saving someone from a snake indicates success in your efforts. It symbolizes pushing yourself to exceed your expectations and move beyond self-imposed constraints.
This dream shows that you are determined to pursue and conquer any challenges that might be standing in the way of your goals. The vision bequeaths courage and positive energy, providing the strength to persist with your ambitions.
Dream of Saving Someone from a Crocodile
Dreams are powerful signs of our core motivations and interests. A dream about saving someone from a crocodile suggests that you have a passion for projects which involve protection or rescue.
It could be related to the actions you take in your daily life or to your ambition for something greater beyond the present moment.
Such a dream could signify that you feel like an individual with great potential but need assistance from others to realize it.
Dream of Saving Someone from a Shark
Dreams about saving someone from a shark can symbolize our natural instinct to protect ourselves and others. It could indicate that you are consciously or unconsciously aware of emotional difficulties.
Potentially even within yourself and your dream could imply a desire to be the provider and protector of those around you.
In such cases, holding back our feelings is simpler than confronting them directly.
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- Dream About Plane Crash: What Does it Mean?
- Car Accident Dream Meaning
- Dreaming of Looking for Someone Meaning
Saving someone often signifies qualities such as bravery, heroism, and strength. It can also be interpreted to suggest that the dreamer has what it takes to overcome difficult challenges.
These dreams present an opportunity for growth and reflect on the dreamer’s personality.
You likely feel overwhelmed if you have dreams about saving people from dangerous situations. These dreams may represent some of your fears or anxieties and provide a way to confront them head-on.
Remember that you have the power within yourself to face these fears and work through them.
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Dream of Saving Someone? (10 Spiritual Meanings)
Saving someone in a dream is generally a creation of your subconscious mind. But more often than not, this gives you that sense of fulfillment even if you know that it’s not real. And if ever you stumble upon this rather fascinating vision one of these days, it’s best that you know the meaning behind your dream.
Liquids and SolidsSo, what does it mean to have a dream where you save someone?
Although saving someone in your dream appears to be a heroic dream―in both reality and your fantasy, this isn’t the case in real life. Why? It’s because dreaming of being a hero generally means that you need help in your waking life, perhaps there’s an issue that you want to escape from.
Even with the negative notion, don’t fret because there are other meanings associated with this dream. The symbolisms may be altered according to the manner in which the dream occurred as well as the elements featured in your vision.
What are the other interpretations related to this dream?
The implication of a dream largely depends on the events and emotions generated by your brain during the sleeping cycle. Therefore, it’s crucial that you are able to identify what happened in the dream for you to easily interpret its meaning with the help of our list below.
1. You are dealing with a big problem in real life.
Sometimes, dreams are the opposite of your waking life, and this relatively applies when you dream of saving someone. Therefore, if you’ve been going through a difficult phase in your life and this dream occurs, maybe it’s time for you to take it slow and reassess your goals.
What are the main reasons for your burdens? Can it be solved with the aid of the people around you? It’s pivotal for you to have a strong support system when it comes to handling problems that are beyond your control.
Having a go-to support group such as your family, close friends, and trusted colleagues makes it easier for you to overcome these difficult times. So, don’t be afraid to ask for assistance from people who value you.
Liquids and Solids2. You are desperate to escape an issue.
In relation to the first interpretation, this dream relates to overwhelming emotions because of a looming disaster. You are trying your best to break away from the situation that causes you great distress. However, even with anguish and unwillingness, it’s important that you face your problem.
Your dream points out the relevance of not escaping from these predicaments. Instead, tackle them with grace and aptitude. Try to master the art of having a calm demeanor even in the midst of trouble.
This may take some time to practice, but it’s downright pivotal, especially if you are handling pressure at work. Moreover, having the right set of skills allow you to manage challenges thrown at you with ease.
3. You are torn between something you want to do and not to do.
Ever felt troubled because you are required to make a choice? Dreaming of saving someone could be linked to a certain aspect of your life wherein you are bound to make a difficult decision. This situation could bring discomfort and even anxiety to your waking life.
So, if you are stuck in this circumstance, it’s highly suggested that you base your decision on what you believe is best for you. Don’t let emotions get a hold of how you determine the right path for your life. Because if you fully focus on your feelings, there’s a tendency that you’d regret your choices in the future.
4. You will be rewarded with your sacrifices.
If you managed to save someone from the brink of death, then it signifies the achievement of your goals. According to the dream book, this vision often happens to those who are trying their best to accomplish a certain goal.
Thus, if you work hard and do your best in completing an aspiration of yours, it won’t be long for you to get your rewards. Your dream portrays that your efforts will soon be compensated. So, try to hang in there and keep a positive attitude even if you are on the verge of giving up.
Shift your mindset into something that would give you moral satisfaction and peace of mind. Above all, have faith in yourself and believe that you can achieve your objectives with hard work and perseverance.
Liquids and Solids5. You might be full of sexual desires!
Another possible interpretation of the dream stems from Sigmund Freud’s famous dream book. If you dreamt of saving someone you know, that is of the opposite sex, it represents your sexual innuendos towards that person.
You may be interested in taking your flings to the next level. But of course, make sure you don’t just give yourself to someone. Getting physical may be considered essential, but it’s still crucial that you set certain limits. The willingness of both parties is pivotal, so as a compromise.
And before you forget, practice safe sex as always. If possible, be honest about your sexual past and even your preferences. Open communication and understanding are very decisive, especially with the rise of sexually transmitted diseases.
6. You need to allocate your time properly.
When you saved your own child in the dream, this indicates that you have been too busy with other things in real life. As a result, you no longer spend enough time with your children. And when you constantly neglect your child, this could lead to distant feelings and possible rifts.
So, as much as possible, try to squeeze in some family time. There are a lot of ways to increase your bond like dining together, going for a walk, cooking a meal, or even planning out your next trip. In addition, it’s best that you create a routine that both of you can keep track of.
And, make sure you constantly remind them of your love and affection. All these little things may seem irrelevant, but these actually give them comfort and assurance, which are very important for growing kids.
7. Your financial situation will improve.
Meanwhile, if you saved an unknown child, this can be interpreted as getting through a tough financial situation. The dream serves as a messenger of hope in times of despair, so don’t lose your optimism because better things are coming.
And while eradicating poverty is quite unrealistic, you can get past this unfortunate state if you persevere. Education, for one, is a vital element to help you compete and stay relevant in your chosen field. Aside from that, you should learn how to be more open-minded.
Accept new challenges that would give you the opportunity to reinforce your skills. More than that, you should focus on your own growth and try not to compare your success with others. Why? It’s because every person is different, and so is the timeline of victory.
Liquids and Solids8. You need to take action to save your health.
The dream also emphasizes the importance of taking care of your body. Forgo all the bad habits as soon as possible because these will take a toll on your health in the long run. If you’re unsure where to begin, start by preparing healthier meals.
Limit your calorie and sugar content and reduce your alcohol consumption. It’s also highly recommended to stay active by doing exercises regularly. And of course, smile often and surround yourself with people who give you positive energy.
9. You created a problem that you don’t want to solve.
In another category, saving someone in a dream could refer to a problem that you caused to happen. And because of your unwillingness to solve the issue, it has become more serious and difficult to manage.
Thus, the dream serves as a reminder that it’s definitely a bad time to disregard the troubles that you have created. Take responsibility and put aside your pride in the meantime to avoid things from getting out of your hand. You may also ask for help from relevant people to clear the issue as soon as possible.
10. You are trying your best to save someone.
Lastly, this may be the most literal interpretation, but also the most realistic. Saving someone in your dream could mean that you are trying hard to save someone in real life. This may be related to a friendship that is plagued by doubt and guilt.
Or it might be linked to a family member or a relative whom you value a lot and you’re hoping that they would change. Because of this dream, you continue to believe that they are not bad people but rather persons who just took the wrong path.
In life, it’s important to give chances for people to correct their mistakes. Giving them this opportunity enables them to reflect on their wrongdoings and helps them become more mature. However, you should also learn when to cut ties if these individuals are continuously dragging you down.
Saving someone and risking your life are both rare occurrences that deserve to be lauded. And when you encounter this dream, this could give you a remarkable sense of gratification. But more than the fleeting emotions, learning how to decipher this experience is imperative in your waking life.
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why dream of saving in a dream according to the dream book Astroscope
Victoria 2023-01-26 15:32:12
I also had a very strange and rather realistic dream about 3-4 days ago, in a dream I tried to save not a girl I know, she was used for something like experiments, I didn’t understand this, but I found a girl in my school, I don’t know how it’s connected, on a surgical table, some hoses were connected to her that pumped blood out of her, she was almost white, in the end it turned out that she has the same blood type as me, very rare, and in order to save her there was a very difficult choice, to give her the blood that was pumped out of her, but she would become half like me, and I was also some strange creature there😆 I had to steal her, put some kind of T-shirt on her and I actually tried to run away with her from this school to save her, I managed to escape with her, but I don’t remember what happened next, I started to wake up , but the dream actually described without any nuances, it was very long and I still can’t forget it . .
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Polina 2022-12-21 23:03:41
I had a very strange dream. It was very similar to the astral one, but at the same time I could not get out of it, I did everything consciously. There was a war that looked very strange. I saved myself and my mom but the problem was my mom looked exactly like she did when she was young. Everything happened in my city. The dream was abruptly interrupted when I suddenly felt that I was falling from a high tower. Tell me why such a dream?
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Slava 2021-11-19 03:29:06
I was standing on the roof of a skyscraper with my girlfriend (there is no such thing in real life). And there was not much, but with a slope of the roof. I stand behind the railing, and she walks along the slope. She used to be an acrobat. We started talking, and she loved to show all sorts of tricks and decided to do the splits. The moment she sat down on him, she rolled down. I saw how she was afraid to make an extra move. She thought she had a chance, she shouted to me "save me, help me," and I just stood, leaning on my elbows, and watched. She broke, and I heard her scream and the final slap on the asphalt, and I continued to stand and already look at the rest of the houses, hearing the sound of sirens.
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Fenomen 2020-10-24 21:02:54
I remember a long endless wooden bridge with ropes. A man walked forward, and suddenly, like, he divided into two: the soul and the body. And one of them ran or fled further along the bridge, and the second began to climb over the rope of the bridge. It was something like a fence to hold on and not fall, oh-oh. And I, without hesitation, followed him. I started saving him. He can't move like he's paralyzed. I ask other people sitting below, at the table, for help. They looked like that! Some didn't even look at all. Well, in the end, in the end, this guy was easy. I myself lowered him from the bridge, since the bridge was, almost like me, almost 2 meters. Then he put it on an Uzbek couch (bed 4² without mattresses). The guy doesn't have both arms, and somehow he started to cover himself, and he succeeded. I helped him hide. Well, in general, the dream was unrealistically interesting ...
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Alexey 2020-09-20 09:15:27
I dreamed that I was catching fish while standing in the water. Saved a child with his mother and caught an unfamiliar fish. My girlfriend said that it was some kind of fish that I don’t know, and the girl with the child stood and thanked. And then her husband came and said thank you.
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Lilia 2020-08-03 08:03:07
There were many people from above and below. I was on top, but below the people were divided into two lines. There was a lot in one, much less in the second, and where there were fewer people, there was still some kind of iron thing. A young girl gave me something to throw down and where there are a lot of people, but I didn’t know what exactly. But intuition suggested that this was definitely something bad and threw him into a place where there were fewer people. Also on this iron thing, it was a big explosive. Thus, many people were saved, people practically did not suffer. And there were many trials, both about this girl and especially about the fact that I saved a lot of people with my act, doing the right thing, trusting myself, and not another person.
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Irina 2020-07-29 11:22:07
I am dreaming that in some unfamiliar place they poisoned either chickens, or someone ... They called some drugs, what they poisoned. Then, in a dream, out of nowhere I see a baby boy, he feels bad, supposedly his legs failed . .. And, they say, these are the consequences of this poison. I took him, put him on my arm and tried to induce a gag reflex in him. Moreover, he no longer showed any signs of life ... She opened her eyes and right before that she felt so uneasy ... After that, it was scary to close her eyes again.
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Tatyana 2020-02-08 08:36:40
I dreamed that I was sailing in a boat with a girl, on clear blue water, and I was saving a girl from a sinking ship, but when she got into the boat, she went to the bottom, and we all swam to shore.
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Iqbol 2020-01-23 17:51:27
I saved 4 people from troubled waters, and one of them was my brother. All of them remained alive.
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Sveta 2019-11-16 00:08:32
In my dream I see a solid, big house, children and a motley kitten (all of the above is unfamiliar to me in reality). The dark silhouette of a man who is afraid of the light is chasing us and trying to take the kitten. We run around the house from him and open the curtains and curtains on the windows so that daylight penetrates and scares away a dark figure, opening one of the curtains, I saw a reflection of a man who looked like a stately military man behind the curtain in the mirror, turned the mirror face down, opening one of the curtains. A window with a frame fell out, did not break, but fell on a tree branch outside, looking out the window, she saw the receding figure of a man, shouted something like - leave us alone! And woke up. What is it for? My Google did not give me certainty about sleep.
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Mr. D. 2020-01-23 06:12:01
This question is not about the dream book, but about witchers or sorceresses. An entity has come to you. You're not safe, but I don't see any reason to panic. More information about you in the real world is needed to make a statement.
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Elena 2019-10-13 12:42:30
Hello. I had a dream about saving people in mountain labyrinth tunnels from villains. She launched each person into a separate tunnel and masked each entrance from the outside so that it was impossible to detect them. They managed to get out through the labyrinth passages and escape from the pursuing danger.
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Zhenya 2019-05-20 12:04:43
I had a dream where I was building a well. I closed it from above, and the boards fell all the time and the children climbed on them, and I grabbed and pulled them out a minute before the boards fell. And it was a vicious circle... What does that mean?
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Olesya 2019-04-02 08:24:05
I dreamed that our house was under fire, and together with the children I dodged bullets, and then completely took away the gun and went to enemies. ) ) Why is this, I wonder?
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Vladimir 2018-09-26 06:55:56
Good day! Today I dreamed about how my friend went fishing with his friend, the ice began to crack, and they decided to leave. A friend's car fell through the ice, his door naturally jammed, he got out through the hatch of the car and began to call for help. I dived into the water and saved him, what's the point?
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Maria 2018-08-18 05:26:09
I dreamed that my friend met me at the entrance, and we went for a walk. Pipes were being repaired on the street, and a narrow and large pit with water was formed there. He jumped in and didn't come out. I started shouting it and then I looked at the workers, but they just stood there and watched. I ran and pulled him out of the water. I began to provide first aid, the workers already approached, but I did not manage to save him.
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Elena 2018-03-02 09:37:36
Hello.) My husband dreamed of a frozen ocean and a lot of dead fish, whales and sharks. And he has to swim through everything to save me. They told him that I was dead, but he got to the ship in which I was and found me alive in a red bathing suit ... Tell me, please, what is this for?
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Frida 2018-01-17 06:31:15
I dreamed that I was standing on a bridge. And below on the ice was a grandmother and fell through the ice. I jumped into the water from the bridge and swim towards it. Saved my grandmother. And I leave after that.
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Dna 2017-12-17 07:32:27
I had a dream today where I am saving my cousins and sisters from an explosion. I have 4 of them, and it was as if some woman tied us with tape to iron things (they were in the shape of the letter P, like horizontal bars, and stood in a row, so that our legs lay on the next one from us) and sealed our mouths. I managed to get out of there and told the children to wait, I think I let one out. It was very scary to run out of the room, because I was aware that she was watching the cameras, and when I ran down the corridor, I had large kitchen scissors in my hands. It was necessary to cut some wire with them, and there was very little time left. I ran and ran and found the wire. I cut it, but time passed, and I somehow realized that this was not the right wire. I ran further, and in the distance I saw a growing "mushroom" of an explosion like from an atomic bomb. I quickly cut the wire behind me, and the explosion disappeared, and with it all the electricity, i.e. all lights went out, but the children were saved. What does it mean?
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Natalya 2017-11-23 12:20:13
The dream made a strong impression, the feeling that she accomplished a feat, did an important thing, without even thinking about it. I dreamed that I was walking with a classmate girl (we have already finished school for 20 years) along the road, but suddenly this girl jumps somewhere, thinking that there is water or sand, and I do not have time to warn that there is a swamp. And she screams and goes to the bottom. I run, on the shore of this swamp someone is even swimming, a woman in a diving suit is sitting. I ask people to help save the girl, she tries, but nothing comes out. I can’t swim, but I dive, I feel the girl’s nose under water, with someone’s help we pull it out, she doesn’t breathe. I shout: turn it upside down so that the water comes out, I shout to someone to call an ambulance. As a result, I do artificial respiration, heart massage, and the girl comes to life. I am glad, they take her away, and then I come to my friend and really want to share my joy with her: I saved a person, you understand! I'm crying. And I wake up...
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Lina 2017-10-22 06:21:38
Good day. From time to time over the past five years, in a variety of interpretations, I dream that I am saving someone. I can be in a group with a rescue operation, or I myself, alone, on my own initiative, save someone (or a group of people), or, in general, sacrifice myself, saving others. And these dreams are very common. Tell me, please, what does this all mean? I would be very grateful
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Molya 2017-08-25 17:09:59
Please tell me how to figure it out. I dreamed of a comfortable house, then everyone began to make noise and people asked me to save their children. And so, in turn, they gave me three. Trains were passing by on the street. Suddenly I remembered that the documents were left, I ran back to the house, I could not find the bag with the documents. At this time, an earthquake began and I woke up.
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Rushana 2017-08-25 06:50:45
Today I had a dream. There were my friends and girlfriends in it (I have a few of them, only 4 people). So, we were heading to a familiar doctor, but along the way I saved 2 children, a girl and a boy. I saved the girl first. She was with a friend, the ground collapsed under them and she began to sink into the slush, which looks like a swamp. Then we continued on our way, but after a few steps I saw that another boy was being carried away by the water in the canal. I saved him and kept him. My friends all this time looked at me with a surprised and strange look, something like, how is it possible that you saved two at once? When we got to the doctor (silently!), the doctor said that her friend, who is 43 years old, wants to marry me. She said 43 distinctly and clearly. Then something woke me up.
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Unknown 2017-10-08 19:13:30
Good sleep. You are very stable in your spiritual development in your group (4 friends). You managed to correct (save) the distortions in your energy. Moreover, both in the male and in the female part. For this, your spiritual teachers (doctor) promised you even more help in your spiritual development (43=4+3=7). Dare!
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Andrey 2017-05-14 09:37:17
Saved an unknown girl who fell from a horse. I called an ambulance. Later I saw her again and we sort of have a relationship. What is it for?
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Karina 2017-05-14 04:42:15
I dreamed that I saved my older sister. Quite drunk, she decided to swim at night. I noticed that she was drowning.
Although the whole family was on the shore (also drunk), they did not see anything.
I jumped after her, but I couldn't get her out right away. A strong current washed me over and I myself began to sink. My sister was unconscious, but I tried to keep her on the surface of the water so that she would not choke. I took a sip of water myself. When I asked for help and screamed, our whole family sat quietly and talked about something.
With great effort, I pulled her ashore, pumped her out and she did not remember anything. She said that she just took a swim and went ashore herself. The whole family laughed at me because they thought I made it all up.
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Elena 2017-04-18 06:23:32
Unfamiliar body of water. On one side of the coast are steep cliffs. I have three boys of 10 years old with me. Two of them are in the water and we all need to get across the strait to land. While I pull the middle one out of the water and pass it to the older boy, the younger one goes under the water and drowns. I dived after him, pulled him out and climbed one of the rocks with him. He was not breathing, his face was red, but I did something and he began to cough and breathe. I told him to catch his breath and let's go down. Looks like we've come a long way. It’s dangerous to jump, it’s shallow under us, but I can’t go down with him either. I decide to jump, and the closer I am to the water with him in my hands, the more I understand that it is too shallow and one of us will break. I try to decide something in a panic and wake up.
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Rita 2017-04-13 13:44:25
I dreamed that my friend and her mother and I went to another city. We were standing at the bus stop, I was standing very far from the road, my friend's mother was near the road, and the friend herself was also standing near the road, but for some reason she was far from us. Suddenly, two incomprehensible huge cars drove off from two sides at great speed, leaving the roadway. I ran and, grabbing my friend's mother by the hand, pulled her to me, thereby saving her. But she couldn't save her friend. I yelled at her and she didn't even know what was going on. One of the cars hit her. Her mother and I panicked and called an ambulance. She was taken away and rescued by doctors.
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Polina 2017-03-18 08:42:51
I dreamed that I was walking and I saw my idol, they tried to kill him, I saved him. What is it for?
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Nesibeli 2017-01-23 04:03:36
Hello! I saw a dream in which some unfamiliar child came to me and we played with him. It was good for us, I somehow nursed him and suddenly a woman attacks, sort of like a ghost, so all black. She wanted to take my child away from me, but I was against it, because she tortured the child. Woke up scared!
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Lena 2017-01-07 12:00:35
I dreamed that I was at some boat station and was being tested in the water. I saw a kitten in the water. He was alive. I started saving him. She took it in her arms and passed the test with him in order to get to the shore. We went with him to the bridge. I tried to put him down for the first time, but he could not resist and fell into the water, he was covered with something else, some kind of circle. I started to panic. I tossed the circle aside and started looking for the kitten in the water. He swam. Was alive. I picked him up again and asked some girl I didn’t know to help put the kitten on the bridge. We did it. Later, after the tests, I washed the floors in some room at the same boat station. Then I remember that the kitten stayed on that bridge. I open the door and see him. He sits at the door and waits for me. Fluffy, dirty, beige, with crystal blue eyes, wet. What could this dream mean?
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Bella 2016-12-14 02:40:37
Hello, I dreamed that I saved a friend from a yellow snake, the snake bit me, but I grabbed her by the head. what is it for?
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дарья 2016-12-04 09:23:48
Hello! Tell me, please, what is the dream about, in which I am trying to swim across the sea, and from land I clearly see the opposite shore, the water is clear, blue, warm to the middle, under water I see small, children without clothes, who swim towards and warn that there are crocodiles, when I see a familiar boat, I refuse help and start saving the children and transfer them to the boat, but I myself continue to swim and get the children, so how they swim under water, after I see that the crocodile killed several, someone is in the mouth and I continue to save everyone, since they may still be alive and unconscious, and I pass the boat that sailed to my cry for help, even parts of the body, they say it is necessary give the earth behind him when he sees a crocodile that swam up to a boat with children, I swim in his direction and try to injure him with something sharp, thereby allowing the children in the boat to escape, and water in the blood of children and an alligator . .. it seems that in the end I I myself become his victim..
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Astroscope.RU 2016-12-04 20:14:05
Saving children means saving your plans, deeds, projects.
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Inna 2016-12-01 15:02:39
Hello! I dreamed that I saw a snow avalanche that destroyed everything in its path, houses, people, and it rushed straight to my house. There were my close people, my mother, my daughter. I quickly ran into the house and warned everyone that we needed to save ourselves, but I realized that we would not have time, and I began to think where to hide my daughter, so that she would remain alive, and where to hide her mother. I saw the refrigerator, opened it and realized that I needed to hide in it and sit down so that the blow would be in my back, but my daughter was not touched. And at the same time, I understood that a blow would hit her from the front if the avalanche crushed us. She asked my mother to hide in the corner, but in my head I understood that I was choosing to save the child. Having hugged my daughter, I was waiting for the blow, I was scared, I kept saying God, God. Then I look in front of me and my mother came out from behind the shelter, I shout what are you, come back, and she waves her hand to me like "come on." I get out of the refrigerator and watch the avalanche move our house in front of it, and break the back. I understand now or not when we need to jump out of the house. I tell everyone we will jump, otherwise they will crush, they listened to me and we jumped, but together with the avalanche it moved towards us. And I ran fast, and got my daughter and other children and people out of the way, and saved them. At this time, the avalanche stopped. I exhaled, but the feeling of anxiety remained. For some reason, we ended up at the threshold of Sberbank.
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Diane 2016-11-28 13:35:45
, but those saved people just went about their business, did not help me save the rest, only when I pulled out half of the people, the rest began to help me save others. My girlfriend was also there, I couldn’t pull her out for a long time, but in the end I pulled her out. What can all this mean?
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Elnur 2016-11-26 18:38:12
Hello, I saw in a dream that I saved the girl I love, but in real life she is with another and I love her so much. It turns out that I love her in a dream and she was also with another in a dream. And she was drowning and screaming for help, but no one came up. I saved her, and she thanked her and said: I should not have chosen another ...
Please help me understand. why all this.
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Astroscope.RU 2016-11-27 17:25:16
It is hardly worth taking this dream seriously. You want to interest the girl, attract her attention, show your courage and courage. Here is the subconscious and fulfills your dreams, at least in a dream. But such dreams usually do not have predictions.
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Maria 2016-11-19 06:20:52
Good morning! I dreamed that I, with my 6-year-old daughter and mother, were standing near the bank of a muddy river. My daughter came very close, I took her by the hands and took her away, afraid that she would fall, it was very deep there. My daughter and I walked along the road and heard my mother scream. I turned and saw that my mother fell into the water and screamed that she had been bitten by a snake. I started screaming and calling for help, but there was no voice, everyone was passing by, I took my mother by the hand and pulled her out of the water, I saw a bite wound on her leg. I wanted to draw out the poison and woke up. Sleep is not good. Help him understand.
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Astroscope.RU 2016-11-19 12:37:11
Maria, tell your mother this dream. He promises her some gossip, unpleasant talk about her. Let him not share his problems and secrets now. Even with friends - it will turn against her.
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Angela 2016-10-21 13:51:37
Today I dreamed that I saved a big black dog with puppies. They lay dead under the water. I saved them all and they all came to life.
Please tell me what it is.
Thank you very much.
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Imana 2016-10-11 08:56:54
I always dream about the destruction of the earth and I arrange it as if I was, this time I saved my mother from the earthquake and I remember how I put sweets in my brother's pocket for fear that he would remain hungry . Why such a dream? And why do I always fight with my own father in a dream and I am very afraid of him as an enemy, very often I see such that sometimes I even wake up in tears, what is it for?
[Answer] [with quote] [Cancel reply] Imana, such dreams speak of internal aggression. Perhaps it is caused by the excessive severity of the father or his negative attitude towards the family.
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Alexander 2016-10-05 11:42:16
I dreamed of an old acquaintance who had been dead for several years, as if he drowned himself in a dream because of my brother, and my brother rushed into the water to save him and go somewhere then disappeared.....
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novel 2016-10-04 08:56:25
Hello, I dream several times that I am in a wheelchair, and I understand that I can then get up from it, I save a girl I know, then we are in the company and I say that it’s not her, and she immediately begins to turn into someone and I’m going back to the place where I saved and wake up on the chair. What is it for?
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Anastasia 2016-09-28 19:47:02
In my dream, I loved him very much. ..
The same man dreamed under other circumstances, and I also saved him..
What could this mean?
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Yuliya 2016-09-26 10:23:58
My dream begins when my dog and I find ourselves on a tree, but it cannot stand us and we fall into a muddy lake from a great height. My pet is starting to drown, but I saved him. After that, I went ashore and went for a walk in the field. I meet a huge dog, who dumped his teeth on me, growled. He jumped on me and wanted to bite, but I somehow strangled him. And that's it, I woke up.
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Anna 2016-09-25 13:29:16
Was on a slowly sinking ship with her younger sister. Help came to our ship, and I helped my sister swim across. Why this dream? Also, the next dream, as it were, was overbearing. From this it was about pregnancy. There were many strangers there who were friendly, and the news of the pregnancy, which I was glad about, but decided not to advertise
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. 6 2016-09-25 09:20:12
Probably too personal. I dreamed of a dead relative and other strangers, they were driving together in a car, then they did something, they had to run away and hide in the house. He seemed very scary. Then I had to protect them, and pick up documents, such as a dossier. I went to an unfamiliar place in my hometown. I went into a huge building, into an office with a stranger. There was a huge bed and a table in the office. The man was very ugly, bald and fat. He had a terrible temper, and he seemed vile to me. He was lying on the bed, with another girl. Then I took all the documents and tried to run away. I had to run away to sleep with him, but I myself suggested. Then I went outside, it was dark there and I got lost. I came to the bus stop, there was my girlfriend (with whom we quarreled in life) and some unfamiliar guy. I immediately thought they were dating. I asked them to help me, I had no phone or money. Then a policeman came and helped. Suddenly I met a girl who was with that man, she was not noticeable, not very pretty. But we went home on the bus together. When we left, I realized that I was not far from my old house (from where I moved to another city.) And ended up in my apartment. There the guy rents an apartment from us. He was not home. Then I somehow watched all the neighbors, and suddenly the woman with whom I was climbed into the attic. (Which never was) there were about five people there, and the guy who rents an apartment. And they did something, like playing cards. Then I had a panic, and I did not know how to return home. And woke up
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Astroscope.RU 2016-09-25 19:25:45
6, such a pile of facts and events in a dream should not be taken seriously.
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Sasha 2016-09-21 18:32:38
There was a strange dream, as always. I'll start with the most important thing right away. I dreamed that I was riding a tank, and a ship was sailing up to me (as if a pool had formed behind it), the action was not near water bodies. The ship was very long, wooden, white, very beautiful and majestic. But it seemed to me that he wanted to attack me, and we entered into battle. I shot at him from a tank. As a result, he broke his karma, and he began to sink. But along with the NRM, I began to sink, as if the whole world was flooded. Somehow he ended up on a ship, and was looking for salvation. I saw how others were drowning, but I and some other girl rescued us for a very long time with her looking for a way up. When we got up, people on the deck were having fun, there was a noisy party, the weather was great outside. And of course we were saved0005
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Astroscope.RU 2016-09-22 12:11:38
Sasha, the dream is clearly caused by games or movies and has nothing to do with real life.
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natalia 2016-09-18 12:35:48
I dreamed that I did not have time to cross the railway tracks and consciously jumped under the train into the space between the rails. The train passed over me. I stayed alive. What is it for?
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Astroscope.RU 2016-09-19 10:19:22
Natalia, the dream could be a reflection of a recent dangerous situation that has passed you by.
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jenne 2016-09-15 08:49:04
I dreamed that I was walking around the cemetery with my son and people I knew. Then they begin to swim in the water and my son says that a friend does not emerge. I pull it out and pump it out, we leave the cemetery after. But the gate doesn't seem to want to let us go. But we're leaving. What would it be
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Julia 2016-09-13 08:37:18
I dreamed that an earthquake began, the stones began to fall underground, I grabbed a small child and ran down the forest road, away from the stones. I ran for a long time, I was very tired, but she continued to run. She kept looking for some kind of wooden gate .. found it and went out to a forest clearing, where everything was calm and quiet. Children were playing there and there was no earthquake. Please comment on my dream. I see them very rarely.
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Astroscope.RU 2016-09-14 11:15:41
Julia, most likely, the dream speaks of upcoming problems at work. Increase vigilance and attention, check everything for yourself. Do not be distracted by the conflict, keep track of your affairs.
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Maxim 2016-09-11 00:43:24
I dreamed that I helped a child who was hit by a car in front of a girl I like
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Astroscope.RU 2016-09-11 22:22:41
Maxim, like any man in love, you dream of showing your nobility and courage to a girl. The dream simply reflects your subconscious dreams.
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Susanna 2016-08-26 07:02:14
I saw in a dream how I was saving a little boy who fell into the sea and drowned, what would it be
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Umar 2016-08-24 08:56:22
Hello, I saved a large white-beige dog of the Husky breed from people who wanted to steal it for sale.
The dog was very kind. Brought to his home, fed his portion of food.
As a result, he gave the dog to the person to whom the thieves wanted to sell it. I could also fly in my sleep. Very interesting dream
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Dream Interpretation to save why dream of saving in a dream?
In real life, not everyone is capable of heroic deeds, but in a dream, many had to save someone from trouble, from inevitable death. Why dream of such a plot? Many dream books agree on one thing - if you helped, then in reality you need help.
But not everything is so unambiguous, a more accurate, and therefore more truthful interpretation can only be given by examining the dream in detail. Remember who you helped out in a dream - a stranger, a loved one, or maybe even an animal? It is also important that from which salvation was required.
Why dream of saving the life of a stranger
According to Freud's dream book, saving people in a dream is the personification of the sexual overtones of the subconscious. If the face of the rescued person is familiar to you, and even more so - of the opposite sex, then in real life you crave sexual contact with him.
Saving a person from death in a dream is a good sign of a dream book for those who are currently trying to achieve any goal. If you work tirelessly, then in just a few days you will get what you want, which will bring you moral satisfaction and revive faith in yourself.
If you managed to save the girl in a dream, then the dream book interprets what such a plot is dreaming of as an attempt to assert oneself at the expense of other people. It is unlikely that you will come up with such an insidious idea - most likely others will understand that your merits are the work of others.
For women who do not have children in a dream, saving a boy means a subconscious desire to give birth to a baby, or become a foster mother. Only the appearance of a child in the family will save you from boredom and disharmony, therefore, if possible, then the best time has come to replenish.
Why dream of saving a child? If the child is an outsider, then the dream book interprets such a situation in a dream as a harbinger of an improvement in the financial situation. And saving your own baby is a symbol of the fact that in reality you devote very little time to him, and reproach yourself for this.
You will have the opportunity to really help a good friend if you had to save a drowning person in a dream. Do not refuse support, in the future all possible assistance will be generously rewarded.
Why dream of saving a drowning child? If you look from a psychoanalytic point of view, then you subconsciously need to show your affection and love. You need to support at least someone, and then you will feel happy.
According to another interpretation, if you managed to save a child from the water, and at the same time it was transparent, clean, then the dream book promises unprecedented luck - literally every business you start will succeed with a bang, fortune will follow you everywhere.
Why dream of saving a baby? If in a dream you spent a lot of effort to ensure the salvation of a newborn, and after fighting death, the baby smiles at you, then thanks to your own work you will ensure a comfortable existence for yourself.
If a girl in a dream saw that a man was saving her, then in reality she was sorely lacking male attention and care. Only new relationships will be able to save her from unbearable loneliness and depression.
According to the interpretation of the dream book, if the wolf saved in a dream, then in reality expect deliverance from all fears for the future. Very soon, an incident will happen to you that will completely turn your view of the world upside down and allow you to look into the future with confidence.
Saving loved ones in a dream
Saving a brother in a dream is a good symbol. The dream book interprets what such a plot is dreaming of as the saturation of life with positive fateful events. It can also be a harbinger of real help to the dreamer from the closest relatives.
For a guy, saving his girlfriend in a dream is the personification of sexual dissatisfaction. Perhaps the partner has become cold to him, and he no longer knows what measures to take to get emotional responses.
According to the interpretation of the latest dream book, saving a loved one in a dream is a bad sign. Difficult times are coming in the relationship of a couple in love, and difficulties will be associated with the ill health of one of them. Only love and trust will help to cope with the disease. In no case should you give up and fight to the last.
Saving your mother in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you are very grateful to her, and do not know how to repay her for this. Soon you will have a situation to prove to your mother how important it is for you what she did for your well-being.
If the dreamer dreamed of saving a drowning man of the same sex as him, then the dream book interprets this as a selfless desire to prove himself as a hero. No need to look for reasons to point out your merits, the opinions of others will only get worse.
Dream Interpretation considers a dream where you had to save your husband in a dream as prophetic. A man is really in serious danger, and it can be connected both with natural disasters and with his health. Take care of your spouse and support him in difficult times
Why dream of saving your son? The dream book warns: beware, a serious danger awaits you, you will be on the verge of life and death if you do not exercise due care.
Save the deceased in a dream - to experience a sense of duty to him in reality. The subconscious haunts you - you understand that you did not do everything possible in order not to feel obligated. Pray for the deceased soul, help his family, otherwise you will not make amends for this feeling.
If at the moment a black streak has come in life, then do not hesitate - it will come to an end in the near future if you had to save a friend in a dream. Such a prediction is especially true if you had to rescue a friend from a burning house.
For those who have recently started their own business, saving a drowned man in a dream is a symbol of trials. Obstacle one by one will appear on your way, and it will take all the strength of the spirit to overcome them.
Why dream of saving animals in a dream?
Why dream of saving a dog? The dream interpretation portends that friends urgently need help that only you can provide. It is better not to advertise your good deed - it’s not sweet for a friend, and if he is also obliged to someone, this will lead him to severe stress.
The bird is a symbol of peace and moral standards, and saving a bird in a dream means hotly proving one's point of view in reality. The dream book advises: remember that your opinion, in fact, cannot be the only correct one - accept the fact that someone will not adhere to your point of view.
Why dream of saving kittens? If at the moment you are experiencing financial problems, then the dream book predicts that they will end soon, and new prospects, surprising in their availability and profitability, will open before you.
A slightly different interpretation is given by the dream book about why one dreams of saving a kitten. Good news awaits the dreamer, which will help to understand the current life situation and take full control of the financial sphere of life.
Save a cat that resists, scratches, leaves wounds on the dreamer's body - a dream book symbol that the support of others can turn against you. The actions that you consider saving for a friend will be perceived from a completely different perspective. Of course, over time, everything will be resolved, but you will have to go through some very unpleasant moments.
If you remember the color of the animal, then the dream book may interpret in a different way what you dream of saving the cat. The red color will be a symbol of joy and triumph, white is a sign of spirituality and humility, and black is a harbinger of serious problems in the financial sector associated with the intrigues of competitors.
For pregnant women, saving fish in a dream means the threat of losing a child in reality. At the first sign of illness, rush to the doctor, and then you can easily save your unborn miracle.
For a man in a dream to save a fish with golden scales is a positive dream book prediction. you can safely go towards your goal, not paying attention to obstacles - fate favors you, all your plans will come true with a much greater result than you expected. But such an interpretation is completely reversed if the fish did not survive in the end.
Why dream of saving a dolphin? The dream interpretation interprets such a plot as disappointment in one's own actions. All the hopes that you have about a recently started business are not destined to come true. Accept this, or radically change tactics - then cruel disappointments in yourself and in life can be avoided.
If you know for sure that one of your loved ones is experiencing difficulties, then do not doubt why you dream of saving a puppy. The dream interpretation portends that you will have to take a direct part in the fate of a person who has fallen into a difficult situation.
For a married woman, saving a bear in a dream is a bad sign. The dream interpretation predicts that soon another woman will appear in the life of a spouse who can easily lure the faithful to her “for a light”, if you do not completely change the established model of behavior in relations with your husband.
To save a horse in a dream means to defend your priorities in reality. The dream interpretation predicts that after a while there will be a need to prove one's case, while relying on one's principles. Much that will happen in the future will depend on winning the dispute.
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