Conspiracy theory pick up lines
Magi oneshots, pickup lines, & puns - Sinbad(Conspiracy theories)
Magi oneshots, pickup lines, & puns
Stupid things I think of when I'm half asleep. Btw I don't own Magi.
#aladdin #idk #kouen #magi #muu #sinbad #stupidstuff
by girl161723
Spoilers Ahead Beware (Sab)
Again beware
Has anyone ever thought about how Sinbad doesn't want kids? Maybe it's because he's the reincarnation of David and David's son started a revolution.
Also David called his people his children and family just like Sinbad. Like I know this might be far fetched, but think about it for a while and then you'll understand where I'm coming from.
Another topic, why is Sinbad treated so highly? He manipulated Judar into emotional vulnerability and has killed people like why? He also manipulates Kougyoku and uses against the Kou Empire like "Wtf dude even that's low for you."
Sorry I just had to get that out. I'll probably do another rant soon about him and if anyone starts reading these you can message me if you want me to post something specific. Bye have a nice day people.
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New study provides insight into the best pick-up lines to use on Tinder
New research published in Computers in Human Behavior sheds light on the most effective pick-up lines to use on dating platforms such as Tinder. The findings indicate that women tend to prefer receiving pick-up lines that contain either humor or a compliment.
“My co-author, Robert Robbins (who was my graduate advisee when the research was conducted), was really interested in this topic. He used Tinder to date and noticed that the outcomes were different when he used different opening lines to chat with others. That made us wonder about how dating profiles and pick-up lines influenced dating outcomes,” explained Minhao Dai, an assistant professor at Kennesaw State University and the corresponding author of the study.
In the study, 237 heterosexual Tinder users between 18 and 24 years old viewed an opposite-sex profile along with one of four pick-up lines. The participants then answered a series of questions about the person featured in the profile, including their desire to date the person as a long-term or short-term partner.
One pick-up line was complimentary but not humorous: “You have a very nice smile.” Another pick-up line was a humorous but not complimentary: “Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?” The third pick-up line was both complimentary and humorous: “Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only 10 I see!” Finally, the fourth pick-up line was a generic greeting: “Hey! What’s up?”
The researchers found evidence that the pick-up lines with either humorous or complimentary content were better received by women than the generic greeting. The pick-up line with both humorous and complimentary content, however, was not well received by female participants.
“For a successful dating experience, do not use ‘cheesy’ or ‘cliché’ pick-up lines. Simple humor or a simple compliment works well. However, when you cramp too much into one pick-up line, Tinder daters, especially female users, found it off-putting,” Dai told PsyPost.
Among men, however, the pick-up lines appeared to have no impact. Perceived physical attractiveness — based on the photo attached to the Tinder profile — was the only predictor of both long-term and short-term dating intentions among male participants.
“Since the article was published, I have gotten many questions and comments from the press and people interested in the nature of the profile pictures,” Dai added “Many were curious about whether and how different types of profile pictures would make a difference in Tinder dating. We collected new data on that, and hopefully, we would share the interesting new findings on that soon. ”
“I am glad we can conduct research relevant to people’s dating life and show that you can use scientific research methods to answer everyday life questions, such as what kind of profile picture to use on Tinder.”
The study, “Exploring the influences of profile perceptions and different pick-up lines on dating outcomes on tinder: An online experiment“, was published December 16, 2020.
Why do conspiracy theories attract people?
During the pandemic, many conspiracy theories have been linked to the name of Bill Gates. In the photo: a demonstration in Berlin. Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved According to a study by the University of Basel, approximately 30% of respondents in Germany and German-speaking Switzerland believe at least to some extent in one or another conspiracy theory related to the coronavirus pandemic. Why is it so, and even in our time of total availability of any information? We turned to a professor of social psychology for clarification.
Igor Petrov prepared the original Russian version of the material.
Coronavirus was created in a laboratory by the world government in order to put everyone in the world under its control. No, you do not understand anything, the virus does not exist at all. The real motive behind the lockdown is to stop massive immigration from the global South to the global North and implement a mass human surveillance system along the way. Yes, it's all bullshit! It is clear that it was Bill Gates who created the virus in order to reduce the population of the planet in alliance with the reptilians who have long ruled over humanity.
Approximately 10% of respondents strongly believe in at least one of the conspiracy theories just listed. These are the results of the surveyExternal link , which was attended by approximately 1,600 people from Germany and German-speaking Switzerland. The survey was conducted by a team of experts from the University of Basel led by Sarah Kuhn and Thea Zander-Schellenberg. The survey also showed that another 20% of respondents support one of these theories at least "to some extent", 70% of respondents do not believe in any of these theories.
“Not surprising,” says Pascal Wagner-Egger ( Pascal Wagner-EggerExternal link ), a professor at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) who studies conspiracy theories as a social psychology phenomenon. Similar polls conducted at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 showed approximately the same percentages: 10% of respondents are convinced of the truth of at least one of the similar theories, and 20% believe in them "to some extent." Moreover, even before the start of the pandemic, all sociological studies of conspiracy theories showed approximately the same, if not higher, numbers.
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“After a year of the pandemic, I'm even surprised that the percentage has not increased. Perhaps this is good news for us,” says Pascal Wagner-Egger, who nevertheless warns against overestimating this kind of data. No matter how interesting and tempting these figures are from a journalistic and political point of view, it would not be too responsible to simply extrapolate these proportions to the whole of society as a whole. Sociology as a science does not trust such surveys too much, because when someone answers “I believe”, you first need to understand what the respondent means.
How dangerous are conspiracy theories?
But even without scientific research, one only needs to look at social networks to understand how widespread this phenomenon is. When it comes to news related to the coronavirus, it's hard not to find at least one commentary based on at least one of these crazy theories. And it's not nearly as harmless as it might seem. “In the course of our research, we found that these kinds of beliefs often go hand in hand with generally anti-scientific attitudes towards reality, correlating, for example, with a negative attitude towards vaccination. During a pandemic, of course, this becomes a particular problem, because we all want to end the pandemic as soon as possible, and this can only be done with the help of vaccinations,” says P. Wagner-Egger.
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The sphere of politics and democracy in general also suffers. If you think that the majority of the media lie, and not only those media that I personally trust, if politicians are bought and experts are corrupt, then this is a sign of a systemic loss of trust in the institutions and structures of society, which is both a cause and a consequence of strengthening really extremist forces in society, both extreme right and extreme left, striving not just, say, to overcome the “climate crisis” or release the conditional “Assange”, but immediately “dismantle the system”, destroy democracy with its own, democracy, tools. The same thing happens with the so-called "coronaskeptics".
Online defamation and slander
At this point, it is important to be clear: we are talking about how dangerous belief in conspiracy theory is, but both history and current events show that conspiracies of various kinds do exist in reality. A lot of things in society really "go wrong." Switzerland, for example, cannot finally establish a normal vaccination process. An ammunition depot blows up in the Czech Republic. But is it possible on this basis to conclude that any event is the result of a "conspiracy of the world government"? If you believe in "Occam's razor", then, probably, such conclusions should not be drawn.
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Moreover, it is worth taking this or that theory and considering it more carefully, as it will most likely turn out that there are simply no rational proofs here. But on the other hand, such theories help, without particularly studying anything and without reading any texts “where there are a lot of letters”, not only quickly create a scientific picture of the world, but also try to earn political capital on this. “Such coronaskeptic beliefs lead nowhere and are counterproductive, even if you are truly sincerely opposed to the system. Why?
Pascal Wagner-Egger is Professor of Social Psychology and Statistics at the University of Friborg (Switzerland).
“Because such beliefs are usually not based on any evidence, and therefore here, as nowhere else, the risk is that you will adhere to false positions and beliefs,” says P. Wagner-Egger. In other words, suspicions of a conspiracy may turn out to be true (even if most of these suspicions turn out to be, as a rule, false assumptions), but specific accusations of conspiracy without presenting specific evidence are already slander, that is, a crime.
“If a real conspiracy is revealed somewhere, it almost always happens thanks to the work of law enforcement officers or investigative journalists, and certainly not thanks to people who sit in their “information bubbles” in networks and believe in all possible and conceivable conspiracies ”, says P. Wagner-Egger.
Where do conspiracy theories come from?
Despite the fact that the phenomenon of "conspiracy theory" today is at the very center of public attention, it is not something completely new. “Conspiracy theories began to appear immediately after human society moved to a settled life, and immediately after stable structures and institutions appeared in these societies and the struggle for power began,” explains P. Wagner-Egger.
In his opinion, there are three factors that explain the current success of all these unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. The first is the socio-political factor, already mentioned earlier. People who are hostile to public institutions and to the existing "system" tend to justify their actions with conspiracy theories.
Our manual: "How to talk to a conspiracy theorist"?
How should social media comments that spread conspiracy theories be treated? Pascal Wagner-Egger regularly communicates with such "theorists" on social networks, and he admits that it is usually simply impossible to convince someone. “It's like arguing with a religious fanatic. If you tell him that dinosaur fossils exist in defiance of creationism, he will reply that the devil put them there to make us believe that everything in the Bible is a lie. The consciousness of a radical person cannot be changed,” he says.
Nevertheless, P. Wagner-Egger continues to engage in a dialogue with these people on the Internet, pointing out inconsistencies in their reasoning and warning them that serious allegations without evidence can become the subject of criminal proceedings. And even if the opinion of such an interlocutor is usually impossible to change, still P. Wagner-Egger does not consider the time spent talking with them lost. Why? For two reasons. Firstly, some “vague doubts” can be sown in the subconscious of conspiracy theorists with their arguments. Secondly, debates affect those who do not participate in them, but look at them from the side. Such people, as a rule, have not yet decided which camp to belong to and they are looking for the best arguments in favor of one side or another.
“People who tend to take a moderate position tend to react negatively to conspiracy theories,” says P. Wagner-Egger. The situation becomes noticeably more complicated if such a supporter of the "conspiracy theory" is someone close, for example, a family member or acquaintance. Sometimes the split line separates even spouses and parents with children on opposite sides of the barricades. In this case, you can use the technique of " epistemologicalExternal link interview", a kind of Socratic dialogue. The art here is to lead the discussion without expressing your own opinion.
“You do not state your own position, but you ask the interlocutor questions, forcing him to justify his position. Very often, these people themselves admit in the end that their beliefs have a rather fragile basis. Epistemological interview is often used in humanistic psychology, it is a method that allows you to treat another person with respect, while creating a positive atmosphere, in contrast to social networks, where those who are only looking for something to “offend” dominate - summarizes P. Wagner-Egger.
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Such beliefs are sometimes fueled by real social imbalances and real problems (the climate is indeed changing, and the problem of racism is real). It has already become a commonplace the thesis that the higher the degree of social inequality in society, the more prepared and fertilized the ground for the flourishing of the most incredible conspiracy theories, often combined with radical and extremist dreams of “revenge”, characteristic of the supposedly “infringed or "discriminated" social groups. “Although poverty in the world has been noticeably reduced, it still and by no means disappeared anywhere, and with the pandemic, its scale even began to grow again. In addition, the gap between the richest and the poorest is growing again. And this also feeds the so-called “conspiracy discourse,” says P. Wagner-Egger.
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The second factor is psychological in nature. Despite all the technological advances, we humans as a species tend to have a naive, anti-scientific mindset, especially in fearful situations such as a terrorist threat or a pandemic. P. Wagner-Egger gives the example of a man walking alone through the forest at night: if he hears some kind of noise, then he is inclined to immediately think that it is a predator or someone who wants to harm him. Such thinking was "hardwired" into the matrix of human consciousness in the course of evolution. Our most paranoid ancestors survived precisely because they preferred to react in case of a possible danger and not rely on chance! We inherited this character trait as a genetic gift, for which we should actually be thankful.
“Cognitive distortions due to evolution fuel the belief not only in conspiracies, but also in the paranormal. Seeing ghosts or seeing some hidden motives in people's actions - all this was relevant a hundred and two hundred years ago, ”explains P. Wagner-Egger. The third factor is the Internet, in which conspiracy theories can not only spread with great speed, but also remain forever in the “global cache”, so to speak. Does the Internet forget anything? Sometimes this property is very useful, and sometimes not. As soon as you start searching for information about a particular conspiracy theory, you can very easily and quickly stumble upon materials that seem to have already been deleted from everywhere. But they still remain, whereas without the Internet they would be firmly forgotten.
Return to normal life?
How to deal with conspiracy theories? P. Wagner-Egger advises, in a Marxist way, “to start from the root causes and try to reduce the degree of social inequality, strengthen the fight against corruption, ensure the availability of impartial, competent and enlightened professional journalism, achieve a real implementation of the principle of separation of powers, when each of the branches of power (legislative, executive and judicial) is independent and independent in the exercise of its powers”. It is also desirable to have feedback between society and the authorities in the form of elections, the change of power, and even, as in Switzerland, in the format of direct democracy.
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These are all important things in themselves, but they are also very useful and effective methods of dealing with such a phenomenon as conspiracy theory. From the point of view of mentality, according to P. Wagner-Egger, the most effective way to develop immunity to conspiracy theories is modern education and educational activities: this is the only way to teach young people, and not only people, to think critically, not to believe everything at once and check the information . Terribly interesting is everything that is unknown, who would argue! But without concrete evidence, trusting incomprehensible "British scientists", we run the risk of falling into an endless dead end of obscurantism and lies.
The end of the pandemic will of course lead to fewer conspiracy theories on social media, but "fake news" and government propaganda, including foreign propaganda, will remain a problem for a very long time, if not forever. Social networks, being private companies, are already taking some kind of countermeasures, blocking the profiles of people who specifically distribute problematic content. “Censorship was and remains a negative phenomenon, but in this case I don’t think that we can talk about real censorship here, rather it is about media hygiene,” says P. Wagner-Egger.
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Social networks are private companies, in addition, blocked people can very quickly move to other networks or create new accounts. “It is therefore about banishing the ideas of conspiracy theories from public discourse and returning them to where they were before the advent of the Internet, that is, in pamphlets and books of various kinds of esoteric sects. That would be a return to normal life." But how real is this and isn’t the scientist naive, because, as you know, “minced meat cannot be scrolled back”, and social networks will remain with us forever?
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Conspiracy Theory author Andrey Sychev on why there is no politics in this show documentaries gave way to talk show politics.
The Conspiracy Theory series of documentaries, which has been airing on Channel One since this summer, is dedicated to consumer deception in trade and the service sector. Recently, the program changed its format: emphasis was placed on information useful to the audience, a new studio was built, and the gloomy and incredulous presenter Igor Savochkin was replaced by a more open Mikhail Mamaev, Nikita Olenev from the movie series about midshipmen. The new presenter continued to educate the audience - the issues that came out with him were about dummy drugs and the painful issue of import substitution, and the next ones will be devoted to edible fats and aggressive marketing. Gazeta.Ru talked to the author of the program, Deputy Director of the Directorate of the Documentary Film Channel Andrey Sychev about why it was necessary to close the "Habitat" and start "Conspiracy Theory" from scratch, why it was necessary to change the style of presenting the material, about the World Government, about the tasks documentary broadcasting and why documentary films have ceased to be relevant.
- What is the purpose of your Conspiracy Theory?
- Before that, we did the program "Habitat" (it came out until 2011. - "Gazeta.Ru"), and now, one might say, we resumed it with a different name and a slightly different message, added a situation where unscrupulous producers and sellers cheat buyers. That is, it is a conspiracy theory against us as consumers of goods and services.
We have been working on "Habitat" for three years, and during these years the market has come to, let's say, order. And now it has received a new shake-up due to the crisis, import substitution. And it turned out "Conspiracy Theory". Previously, in any chain store, the shelves were about the same, for years the same goods lay on the shelves. New products rarely appeared. And now there is a large flow of new goods - from abroad and from our country. In fact, stores get a pig in a poke, and many of them are not able to check the quality of the goods.
— And do you check for them?
The main idea of the “Conspiracy Theory” is probably the following: to lead the viewer through these shelves and explain what to buy and what not to buy, where they can cheat, how to find it yourself - not necessarily with the help of experts, just by reading the labels correctly and carefully examining the product itself.
After all, after the crisis began, the exchange rate of the ruble fell, but not everyone dares to raise prices directly, fearing that they will be slandered and criticized. But sellers have a few tricks - for example, not selling a kilogram, but less - 800 g. Or changing expensive ingredients inside the product to cheap ones. Recently, we found the same sausage, from the same manufacturer, in two supermarkets: in expensive quality and the price is higher, in cheap - both are lower. The label is the same for both.
- You've only been on the air with Conspiracy Theory for a few months and have already rebranded. What is the reason for changing the host of the program?
- It's just that we initially went too dark, into a real conspiracy theory. The program turned out to be too late. And I had to make it more suitable for the daytime broadcast of the weekend.
- Conspiracy theory has a very specific meaning, it is the extreme degree of elite theory - Bilderberg, the Americans flying to the moon, the Kennedy assassination and about 9/11. You are not guided by such a definition?
- This is politics, but we are not involved in politics in the program. We have a very clear segment - consumer protection. We protect the interests of our viewers.
- Are you going to expose the secret World Government?
— We are only scratching the surface of the conspiracies of large corporations, because all over the world there is a movement against the deception of consumers by monopolists, food concerns, pharmaceutical companies. And by the way, we use it. We have various experts speaking, including Nobel laureates. In the issue, which dealt with sugar, which increases sales, and school breakfasts, we cite the opinion of a very authoritative expert from the United States, who says bluntly: it is impossible to put children in a pre-diabetic state by the time they graduate from school. And it would be good for us to think about it at home. In the meantime, oddly enough, despite the crisis, we are waiting for a repetition of the path of America - in terms of the number of overweight people. And for politics, there are talk shows, the Vremya program, and documentaries are being released.
— Should documentaries on TV follow the news agenda or set some guidelines on their own?
- This is a very old dispute - whether television should teach or follow the viewer. In America, it was resolved in the 1950s, and in our country it is also resolved to some extent. Educational and directing programs have gone to a segmented, specialized market, where you can find dozens of them - "Culture", "Spas", Public Television. Majors, on the other hand, should satisfy the tastes and interests of the whole country, and not go into some kind of sect. So when choosing topics, we are guided by the interest for the audience.
First of all, the topicality is interesting. Yes, this is the agenda, but the appearance of such a product is quite justified. If you make a documentary a week after the event, everyone will watch it, and in a month nobody needs it. Or anniversaries of famous people - films about them always attract attention. We have a very large palette, but in recent years documentaries have been watched less.
— Why do you think?
In the 90s and early 2000s, interest in documentaries was explosive. Everything was classified in the Soviet Union, and a frank conversation began about what had happened in our country recently. And when all the secrets became more or less well known, interest was lost. Part of it was stolen by specialized channels, other channels began to promote their own directions - for example, TV3 began to show mysticism, and REN TV began to show investigations. And in the end, people got tired of the abundance of documentaries, but this is a normal cycle of movement of genres on television.
You know, there's a certain mixing of genres going on right now, and a good spoon for dinner. Part of what we did in documentaries went into talk shows. After all, an hour-long documentary film - and this is basically an hour-long format - is made for several months.