Common things people dislike
101 Things I Hate
1. Birthday dinners.
2. Splitting the check at a birthday dinner.
3. That one rich friend who says, "OK let's just split the bill evenly" when you all got differently priced things.
4. Dropping your phone in front of people (it draws more attention to it).
5. Not knowing how to spell someone's name if it's something like Katie. Like is it Katie, Catie, or Katy?
6. The price of couches.
7. Any sign of Christmas after December 31 or before Thanksgiving.
8. When a car or motorcycle is loud on purpose.
9. The last 30 minutes of any workday when you're just sitting there doing nothing.
10. Thinking you were lucky that you didn't get bitten by any mosquitos, until the next day, when you discover you're covered in 'em.
11. When you wake up in the middle of the night and see that it's exactly 3 a.m. (demon hour).
12. When you're high AF and someone knocks on your front door.
13. When anyone knocks on my door.
14. Spilling olive oil on my clothes.
15. Dust.
16. When I'm watching Olympic figure skating and my skater falls.
17. Snacks that leave a residue on your hands (like Cheetos).
18. When you sneeze while you're driving.
19. Puddles.
20. Your mom's social media presence.
21. When someone says you look like a celebrity you really don't want to look like.
22. The people Facebook/Twitter suggests you follow (you don't follow them for a reason).
23. Waiting to get on a flight.
24. Waiting to get off a flight.
25. Seaweed (not the food).
26. Ants.
27. When people start Facebook posts with "I never do this on social media but..."
28. Waking up and realizing that you forgot to charge your phone the night before.
29. Being hungry hours before someone should "acceptably" eat lunch.
30. The month of March.
31. People who are 27 and say they're "so old. "
32. People who say they grew up in the '90s, but they were born in 1996.
33. When you walk into a store and five employees ask you what you're looking for that day, but you're really only just browsing.
34. The line at Walgreens or Rite Aid (there always is one).
35. The amount of calories the wrap of a Chipotle burrito has.
36. When people come into your room when you're sleeping, leave, and don't close the door.
37. When your phone changes "omw" to "On my way!" like you're really enthusiastic about it, but you're not.
38. When you forget to bring your phone into the bathroom and you just have to sit there doing nothing like a chump.
39. Having to print something.
40. Cutting big watermelons.
41. Taking the seeds out of seedy vegetables like squash.
42. Finding seeds from the seedy vegetables days later in a crevice in the kitchen.
43. Dogs that smell.
44. Spilling stuff on my couch.
45. People who don't know which side of the sidewalk to walk on.
46. People who stand on moving walkways in airports.
47. When someone on Facebook says, "And now for some personal news."
48. Going to the dentist.
49. Getting yelled at by the dentist.
50. A 30-second ad before a 20-second video.
51. Trying to Instagram a picture that's not a square, so it won't fit.
52. When your friend is on a juice cleanse and won't stop talking about it.
53. When your friend is doing "dry January" or some shit and won't stop talking about it.
54. Rooftop bars (I like the idea of them, but the drinks are always SO expensive).
55. When people in LA won't stop talking about how much better their Mexican food is.
56. Looking at yourself in the mirror while you're getting a haircut.
57. When people reply all to an email that didn't call for a reply all.
58. When the waiter asks, "How's your meal?" and you're taking a big bite.
59. When people constantly post engagement photos on Facebook for what seems like months.
60. Remembering your Apple ID password.
61. When someone asks, "What do you like to do?" Like, for fun.
62. When you're controlling the music and someone's like, "Hold up, let me play a song."
63. Cheap paper towels (they run out easily).
64. Cheap garbage bags (they break).
65. Humidity.
66. Being bad at a board game.
67. When someone doesn't clean a machine at the gym after they used it.
68. Outer space (it freaks me out).
69. Flying over oceans for an extended period of time (it's scary).
70. Wind.
71. Paper straws (metal or none!).
72. Passwords that require an uppercase letter, number, AND a punctuation mark.
73. When you can't see the bottom of a large body of water.
74. The fear of stepping on sting rays.
75. Spelling Jake Gyllenhaal.
76. When YouTube videos are "not available in your country. "
77. People with Wi-Fi passwords that are like this: JKLGKL234ou234.
78. When you see that someone is texting you and it's all "…" and then they stop and you're waiting there like "…WHAT?"
79. Your friend who is always cold and doesn't bring a sweatshirt.
80. Your friend who always asks for a bite.
81. When there are no ripe avocados at the grocery store.
82. Food poisoning.
83. When you think about buying something on Amazon, you go to the page, and then you leave the page only to be followed by ads for the thing all over the internet.
84. People who save empty liquor bottles and display them in their kitchen.
85. The "mother" in kombucha (the floating turd).
86. Sharting.
87. The amount of fat in nuts.
88. Having to pee in New York City.
89. Feeling something touch your leg while you're swimming in the ocean or a lake.
90. When people don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom.
91. How much water it takes to make ONE almond.
92. When it's really hot during the day and really cold at night and you forget to bring a light jacket.
93. When celebrities or super-rich people ask you to donate money.
94. Really close-up microscopic pictures of normal everyday options (no one needs to see things that close up).
95. The "friends" you make during your first week of college (not real).
96. Math.
97. The iCloud (what is it?).
98. Cleaning spoons with peanut butter on them.
99. Cracking an egg and getting some of it on your hands so you're just standing there covered in salmonella.
100. Wrinkled clothing.
101. And lastly, John Travolta's chin nubbin.
102. Honestly, any time John Travolta has facial hair.
A Definitive, Exhaustive List of Things I Hate
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It's a Friday! In August! It's sunny out! Truly, it's a great day to be alive. But despite all the birds chirping, flowers blooming, and hot celebrities taking their shirts off, there are things that are still the worst. Literally. Like people who exaggerate. And misuse the word literally. The worst.
Here, a definitive list of all the things I hate—and love! (c'mon guys, I'm not a feelingless monster)—to celebrate this gorgeous summer day. Because it's good to get it out. It's cathartic. Join in.
Things I Hate
1. Talking on the phone
2. People who tell you that you look tired
3. Pistachios that don't open
4. Choosing the restaurant
5. TV finales that are "to be continued..."
6. People who don't know what they want to order after spending 20 minutes waiting in line
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7. Taking off my makeup
8. Clowns
9. Licorice
10. The one sock
11. When the people walking in front of you are so. Slow.
12. Unrealistic suggested serving sizes
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13. Showering
14. Everything in my closet
15. Doing dishes
16. Doing laundry
17. Doing anything
18. The last sip of water in the water bottle
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19. When you get into bed at 11P.M. but spend two hours amnesia-trolling Instagram
20. Waiting for the check
21. People who ask questions during movies
22. One-ply toilet paper
23. Trying to get the bartender's attention
24. Everyone
25. Pants
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26. The movie Dirty Dancing
27. Secondhand embarrassment
28. Fizzy water that is no longer fizzy
29. Adam Sandler
30. The weird hard bits in chicken
31. Uber surge pricing
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32. My alarm clock
33. The dentist
34. When your text messages fail to send
35. When the person you're talking to has something in his teeth
36. When the person you're talking to doesn't tell you that you have something in your teeth
37. The hairs around my ankle that somehow never get shaved
38. Photos that highlight my at-risk chin
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39. 3 percent battery life
40. When restaurants forget to include ketchup in your delivery
41. When you can hardly hear the TV show you're watching, but the commercials almost blast your eardrums out
42. People who say "on accident" by accident
43. The phantom vibrate
44. Elevator conversations
45. When the machine with the fro yo flavor you want is "being serviced"
46. People who use Internet speak IRL
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47. The Big Bang Theory
48. Soggy burger buns
49. Things that need triple A batteries
50. When a fitness instructor says, "You're here, the hardest part is over!" at the beginning of class
51. When your computer says you have Wi-Fi, but your browser says there's no Internet connection
52. "Moist"
53. "Crusty"
54. When my knee clicks when I walk
55. People who hate things for no reason
Things I Love
1. Wine
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Sally Holmes
Editor in Chief
Sally is the Editor in Chief of Marie Claire where she oversees coverage of all the things the Marie Claire reader wants to know about, including politics, beauty, fashion, and celebs. She came to Marie Claire from, where she was the Executive Editor. Before that, Sally was at's the Cut and graduated with an English major from Boston College. Her favorite Harry Potter is 'Order of the Phoenix.'
I'll be as original as ever and I won't write 100 facts about myself, I'd rather write 100 things I hate. "I hate" is still a very strong word, so I will still write about things that I just don't like or that I don't like to some extent.
1. Let's start with food. Since childhood *here I just hate* the red game. I was starting to get sick just from her smell.
2. I don't like fish. Especially the herring. As a child, I even had such a punishment: "I will force you to eat herring."
3. I don't like mushrooms.
4. I don't like chocolate and I don't understand people who say that chocolate makes you feel better and your mood lifts. If it doesn't work for me, then it's all fiction.
5. I don't like coffee. I don't like it very much. He's nasty.
6. I don't like food in general. The cult of food is also far from me. I only eat to survive. I don't live to eat, as sooo many people think. I don't care what I eat. Therefore, you will not be able to please me with food, even if you are a good cook. This will neither surprise nor delight me.
7. I don't like sports. None of the sports interests me.
8. I don't like games. None. Not computer, not desktop, not group.
9. I don't like annoying people.
10. But I also don't like people who don't know how to keep up a conversation and have to be "pulled out".
11. I don't like glamorous arrogant girls.
12. Can't stand smokers. This is without discussion. If you smoke, then, alas, you will never be my friend again. Unless you are far away from me, out of my range of touch.
13. I hate people who express their feelings in public. bluesteel_44 will understand me. And a couple kissing in the subway will not make me tender, but a feeling of nausea.
14. I don't like beer.
15. I hate drizzling rain or sleet.
16. I don't like Russian rock.
17. Yes, and Russian pop too.
18. I don't like music without meaning.
19. I don't like to watch TV.
20. And Russian serials, which are filled with all television.
21. I hate the METRO!!! God, how did I forget about that. It should have started with him. The subway is one of the things why I don't like this city. The subway is what spoils my mood every morning. And that's why I'm so angry all day.
22. I hate it when it's impossible to cross the road, because not a single creature car will stop and let me through.
23. In general, I really don't like our roads and their rules.
24. I don't like public transport either. * how to be? fly?*
25. I hate it when the roads are wet.
26. And dirty.
27. I can't stand perfumes and people who smell like they come from a chemical plant.
28. I don't like people who hate animals. To me, they are not human.
29. I will not write standard postulates about cruelty and other bad things that happen in life, but still I will give them all a point.
30. I can't bear insults to what I love.
31. I don't like arguments, although I often get involved in them. But they exhaust me mentally.
32. I don't like sharing my opinions with anyone. I don't need anyone's approval, if I think something is bad or good, then I think so , and you should not change my mind, even if I am *allegedly* wrong. This is just your point of view.
33. I don't like fashion.
34. And clothes as such. Convenience always comes first.
35. I don't like shoes with heels. And I don't wear it.
36. I don't like liquid and terribly shiny lipstick on someone's lips. An uncle once told me that she looked like someone had eaten scrambled eggs and not wiped their greasy lips.
37. I don't like Windows. The way "it" works, not out of principle.
38. I don't like parties.
39. Yes, and a group of people consisting of more than 5 people makes me feel uncomfortable. I love loneliness and when no one gets me.
40. I don't like restaurants. I'm afraid of them.
41. I also dislike bars, pubs and cafes.
42. I don't like clubs, nightclubs, discos.
43. I don't like to have fun in the conventional sense.
44. I am not interested in meeting friends *that I don't have*.
45. And there is nothing to talk about.
46. I don't like walking.
47. I don't like to take care of myself. Well, kind of in order to look good. I do not care.
48. I don't like all these women's things.
49. I don't like to take a bath and haven't taken it for several years.
50. I don't like herd mentality.
51. I don't like being forced to do something against my will.
52. I don't like being rude.
53. And ridiculed for no reason.
54. I don't like swearers in my presence.
55. I don't like it when someone gets something for free, when I put a lot of effort to get the same thing.
56. That's why I don't like to let you cheat.
57. And I don't like to write off myself, even though I already understood a couple of times that it's stupid and my neighbor always has more brains.
58. I don't like talking to people who don't understand what I understand.
59. And I don't like it when they don't even try to understand.
60. I don't like being judged on the basis of what I like.
61. I don't like to share everything that happens in my life, as girls-girlfriends like to do.
62. I don't like to ask anyone for help. And I resort to it only when I am no longer able to solve the problem myself. But this rarely happens, usually I find answers to my questions without resorting to the help of other people.
63. I don't like communicating with people in everyday life. I try to avoid it.
64. I don't like visiting. Yes, and I'm not invited in principle.
65. I don't like to do constant (regular) things and stick to some kind of routine. But it has to.
66. I don't like order at all. Chaos is just about me.
67. I don't like and can't cook. And I don't want to study.
68. I don't like summer.
69. I don't like the forest.
70. I don't like the sea.
71. Yes, and lakes, rivers and other water.
72. Because I don't like to swim.
73. I don't like sunbathing either.
74. I don't like userpics with children on them (with my own).
75. And yet I came back to the opinion that I don't like small children either. Their appearance does not touch me at all.
76. On userpics I also don't like inscriptions like: "Lisa and Paul 14/10/07", "Our love is forever and ever", "You're my life", "You have my heart", "We're perfect for each other", "I can't live without you", "You're the one I need", "You're my everything", "Let me be
the one who calls you baby", etc. .
77. The phrase "I love you more than life" is not our choice. Celestials don't exist.
78. I don't like naive people, no.
79. And I don't like too kind people.
80. And I don't like too correct ones.
81. Although I don't like it when laws are broken.
82. But most often I don't like positive characters in films.
83. I don't like films related to war and shooting.
84. In general, I don't like action.
85. I don't like having too much free time.
86. I don't like to just wallow and do nothing. I still lie and do nothing. But it's killing me.
87. I don't like weekends.
88. I don't like holidays either.
89. I don't like New Year. The most stupid holiday ever.
90. I don't like people. Yes. And let me be a misanthrope. And what?
91. I don't like both women and men equally.
92. I don't like compliments.
93. I don't like stupid flattery.
94. And when my real abilities are exaggerated.
95. I don't like flowers. Most of all those in bouquets.
96. I don't like racists. Although you can call me a racist to the fullest.
97. Because I don't like Russians. I do not care that among them there are both bad and good. I just don't like it.
98. I don't like software in Russian. I always use English-language programs, and the interfaces of my player and mobile are also in English.
99. I don't like everything Russian, especially Russian laws and permissiveness.
100. And no, I didn't forget and you heard right, I hate my country.
- current location: at home
- current mood: uncomfortable
- Current Music: Robbie Williams
Tags: revelations, i
45 things you don't need
September 2, 2016 Purchases
Look around - you are surrounded by things, without a significant part of which you could easily do without. But all this money is your money spent in vain. We tell you what you can and should save on.
1. Gym membership
If out of 12 visits you have mastered only three, and the validity period of the subscription is approaching the end, the conclusion suggests itself. This is not only your problem - many of those who buy memberships or club cards do not appear in the gym anymore. Don't waste your money, there are plenty of exercises you can do at home. Absolutely free and anytime. Alone.
2. Camera
Anyone with a smartphone can easily do without a separate device for taking photos. The latest models have great cameras, plenty of file storage, and a whole host of extra features for shooting. They can take really cool pictures. So why do you need a separate camera?
3. Multivitamins
Regular intake of vitamins is the easiest way to feel like a person who cares about health. Alas, it is often just a waste of money. Before buying another package of such drugs, visit a doctor and make sure what exactly your body lacks.
4. Gorgeous wedding dress
How is it, because ideally a wedding happens only once? Exactly, which is why spending crazy money on an outfit that you will never wear again is not very practical. If you marry again, it is unlikely that you will need an old dress. Add to its cost the cost of a garter, veil and other tinsel - then any budget will burst at the seams. To avoid overspending, rent a dress or choose a versatile dress that you can continue to use as a holiday outfit.
5. Bottled water
Putting tap water into bottles and selling it is a brilliant idea. Producers make big money on this. You can continue to support their well-being or simply buy a special bottle and pour filtered water into it before leaving the house.
6. Landline phone
Not everyone will agree with this, but in order to keep within the budget, you should give up everything superfluous - including the landline phone. If every member of your family has a mobile phone, then a landline phone is simply not needed. It will be useful only to people living in areas where there are interruptions in mobile communications.
7. Workout clothes
Yoga, CrossFit and gym outfits are very useful when there is nothing to fill the space on the top shelves in the closet. For the most part, this is just a scam for the money of fashionistas. Work out in ordinary T-shirts and shorts, you don’t have to go to the podium in them.
8. Precooked products
They often have a lower nutritional value and shelf life, and a higher cost and amount of unnecessary packaging. Semi-finished products and ready-to-eat products should be excluded from the shopping list in the first place. Purchase vegetables, fruits, and other foods with minimal pre-processing.
9. Toys
Children are accustomed to getting toys as gifts for birthdays and any holidays in general, but you should not buy them in large quantities at once. Very soon (weeks, if not days) the child will get bored and want something new. Try renting toys from specialized shops or trading them with other families for a while.
10. USB flash drive
What is a flash drive for? To store or transfer data. Is it possible to do it in a different way and not waste money in vain? Of course. Send files by email, store them in the cloud - there are plenty of options, and using a flash drive today is even somehow ashamed.
11. Everything for detox
Let me tell you a secret: the body does not need help getting rid of excess. He copes with this perfectly, because the liver and kidneys are given to us for a reason. Advertisements for juices and herbal detox blends, colon cleanses, and the like are a brazen attempt to sell people what they don't need. The very idea of a detox is just a marketing gimmick with no medical explanation.
12. Bread maker
Everyone loves fresh bread, especially homemade bread, so buying a bread maker seems like a good idea. But don't let yourself be fooled - excellent bread can be baked in a conventional oven. Moreover, many people prefer bread from the oven - they say it is softer and softer.
13. Fabric softener
Another thing you can do without. The conditioner will replace regular baking soda. It is much cheaper, and the linen softens no worse.
14. GPS navigator
Unless you're roaming the wastelands outside of cell coverage, a separate navigation device is clearly not an essential. Any smartphone with a GPS-module will cope with determining the location just as well.
15. Books
We buy an interesting book, read it once, and that's it. Then she gathers dust in the closet, goes to the shelf for bookcrossing, or even ends her life in the trash. It is wiser to use the services of libraries or purchase books in electronic format.
16. Formal wear
It is unlikely that you need a tuxedo or evening dress every day. For almost the whole year, these things will hang in the closet, reminding you of the amount that you had to pay for them. If you can rent formal and weekend clothes - take it.
17. Magazines
Racks with them are located right next to the cash desks for a reason - impulsive purchases do their job. Just imagine how much money you spend on what you read at best a couple of times. If you really buy some kind of magazine on an ongoing basis, it is better to issue an annual subscription to it. In terms of one room, the cost will be less.
18. Lottery tickets
Everyone is well aware that the lottery is most often a waste of money, but the thought “What if!” does not give rest. The truth is that there is no such thing as "suddenly". Statistically, you are much more likely to face an angry shark, die from a candy bar machine, or become president than you are to hit the jackpot. The second name for lotteries is the "stupidity tax", and this is clearly not without reason.
19. CD and DVD
Yes, they are still being bought. Why is not entirely clear. There are many places on the web where you can find both movies and music in good quality. Subscribe to the corresponding service and save a good amount.
20. Baby shoes
Babies don't need shoes. At least until they started walking. Earlier attempts to shoe them end in failure in the truest sense of the word. All these tiny shoes and boots look very cute, but they are of no use.
21. Sandwich Maker
Let's call everything by its proper name: a kitchen appliance that performs only one highly specialized task is useless garbage. Don't waste your money on junk that will take up space in the kitchen.
22. Insurance of funds on bank cards
The possibility of fraudsters stealing money from your account looks quite frightening, so the desire to additionally protect yourself is quite understandable. Still, think before you pay a decent amount for insurance. Banks are already vigilant about security. You can get all the information about the movement of funds at any time, and if necessary, quickly block the card so that the scammers are left with nothing.
23. Pizza accessories
Pizza needs ingredients, oven, baking sheet and knife. All. Instead of a regular knife, you can buy a roller knife, but you should not spend money on baking dishes, special scissors with a spatula, a pizza oven and other items of dubious necessity.
24. Cute things for the bath
When we want to cheer ourselves up or give a gift that will definitely come in handy for the addressee, the hand itself reaches for a shower gel, cream or body spray. So-so idea, because these things tend to accumulate at an insane pace and litter all the free space in the bathroom. As a result, the shelf life of such products often ends before we have time to use them.
25. Specialty Kitchen Tools
These can evoke reactions ranging from “Wow, what a useful thing” to “Ummm, seriously?”. All in all, you don't really need all those onion and garlic chopping and slicing tools for bananas, peaches, and avocados. With vegetables and fruits, the good old knife and fork will do just fine.
26. In-app purchases
When you download a seemingly free app, and then it turns out that you still need to pay to get access to some features, it infuriates. In the case of games, the obvious uselessness of such purchases is also annoying - when you get bored with the game, what will you do with the acquired weapons and clothes for the character? Do not fall for the bait of developers - most paid applications and games have free counterparts.
27. Disposable drinking straws
It seems like a cheap thing, but if you use such plastic straws regularly, it can cost a pretty penny. In addition, it is worth being more humane to the environment and not multiplying the amount of garbage unnecessarily. It is better to buy a reusable stainless steel straw for each family member, in the end it will be much more profitable.
28. Warmer for wet wipes
Manufacturers simply love to cash in on young parents, slipping them seemingly necessary things, without which in practice you can safely do without. The napkin warmer is a prime example of such junk. Napkins can be warmed in your hands, for this you do not need to spend a penny.
29. Extended Warranty
In most cases, this service remains unclaimed. Warranty obligations imply free repair or replacement of the goods in case of breakage, but things break even after the extended warranty expires. In addition, repairs are often cheaper than the purchase of similar services.
30. Toasters with superpowers
Today, toasters can toast bread, make scrambled eggs, hot dogs, and even imprint animals, soccer balls, butterflies, and Darth Vader's helmet on a piece of bread. A joke, as you know, seems funny only the first time. These toasters are unlikely to please you for a long time.
31. Cable TV
It's time to cut the wires. If you have the Internet, television is clearly not a necessity. In order not to yearn without your favorite series, subscribe to one of the many video services.

Do you want to get a pet of an unusual breed - labradoodle or toyger? Prepare to throw money away. The irresponsible approach to breeding animals, which many breeders sin, leads to the fact that dogs and cats are born with serious health problems. Some breeds are declared as safe for allergy sufferers, but no one can give a 100% guarantee, so it makes no sense to overpay for it. Millions of animals are waiting for their owners in shelters. Maybe you should shelter one of them, and not unfasten a round sum for a pedigree?
33. Musical instruments
Children and some adults quickly get excited about the idea of learning to play a musical instrument, but then quickly forget about it. The desire to master the guitar, violin, or other expensive instrument melts away as you realize the need for regular practice and boring practice. Rent a tool and save your wallet from unnecessary expenses.
34. Vitaminized drinks
Water fortified with vitamins, minerals, flavors and sweeteners is not the best choice if you really care about your health. The benefits of such drinks are doubtful, because synthetic vitamins are not always able to replace those that we get from food. Plus, these liquids contain a large amount of sugar. Make better tasty water yourself, it will turn out no worse.
35. Invitation cards
When it comes to a large-scale event (for example, a wedding), sending out invitations to guests is quite an expensive undertaking. Although the guardians of etiquette insist on the need to comply with this formality, many will not agree with them. Send invitations by e-mail or create a group on the social network used by your guests, dedicated to the upcoming event. So that everyone can adjust their plans, this should be done in advance - about 6-8 weeks before the celebration.
36. High-octane gasoline
If your car's engine is not designed specifically for this kind of fuel, then why pay more? Use the gasoline recommended by the manufacturer, so everything will definitely be in order with the car.
37. Home popcorn maker
If you are not a commercial popcorn maker, you don't need a popcorn maker. Heat up a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil in a saucepan, pour the grains there, cover with a lid and wait. It will be noisy but tasty. The gif below demonstrates another interesting way to make popcorn.
Giphy.com38. Trinkets
Various souvenirs, memorabilia - these are all useless dust collectors. Proponents of minimalism believe that in the process of ridding the interior of unnecessary details, such things are the first candidates for departure. So do not buy them either for yourself or as a gift.
39. Diaper bin
It seems to top the list of the most unnecessary baby items. The drive is not the cheapest thing, but there is no point in acquiring it. Putting a used diaper in a bag and throwing it away is a task that does not require much mental and physical effort.
40. Fryer
A trendy device that you are still struggling with. The deep fryer is difficult to wash, it smells of burnt oil - in a word, you do not need to spend money or space in the kitchen on this thing. For frying and deep-frying, a cast-iron skillet and refined oil will suffice.
41. Newspapers
Subscribing to them can be quite expensive, and in the digital age it is a complete waste of money. To stay up to date with the news, you have the Internet and television. In extreme cases, you can subscribe to the electronic version of the publication, so it will definitely be cheaper.
42. Baby food maker
Are you sure that you need a separate unit (by the way, quite expensive) to sterilize bottles and turn fruit into puree? Our parents somehow coped without such equipment, and we can too. If you have a blender, a potato masher, or at least a fork, the process of turning vegetables and fruits into puree does not require other special tools. Bottles can be sterilized with steam.
43. Cookbooks
Recipe collections are a thing of the past.