Car breaking down dream
Broken Down Car Dream Dictionary: Interpret Now!
Broken Down Car
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
A car in a dream symbolizes dignity, advancement, honor, and attainments that one may have in his life for a given period of time. So when it is broken down it suggests that work is required.
For those who have had this dream, the implication is the fact that some a part of your existence feels unfulfilling, and you'll possess a sense that something precious is lost or misplaced.
The broken down car is much like possible anticipation meaning and satisfaction which is inexplicably missing from your life at this time
When a sense of confusion arises in the dream, demonstrates how important and valuable missing elements actually are.
In your dream you may have seen
A car racing at a high speed before it breaks down suggests that one will be traveling in life but will have a lack of a plan or purpose. It can also mean financial gain. If one meets a hitchhiker and the vehicle then breaks down, it indicates that someone requires guidance.
A car which is carrying goods that has broken down in one’s dream suggests prosperity. To dream of carrying products or items in a vehicle, and it breaks down indicates a sudden change due to misfortunes in life. It can also indicate that you will have many relationships, but each one must be appreciated. To see cars breaking down in succession suggests a prosperous life.
A car carrying people that breaks down, suggests that someone will need to be the breadwinner in life. To break down on a highway, or at a crossroads means that you may encounter calamities that will hinder life. It is important to try to achieve goals. Certain people may hinder you or stop you from taking responsibilities and from helping those who depended on your support.
A car broken down badly that is in pieces that cannot be repaired may be a rather concerning dream. It means that one will end up in a position where it is difficult to coordinate activities or to achieve goals. You may not be able to work towards your goals as you used to do. You may also be rather disoriented in waking life.
People looking at the broken down car can mean a lack of disorganization. It also means that one must achieve goals to work well. Some may come to offer their help to others, while others may just come to witness your downfall.
Detailed dream interpretation
When one dreams of a broken down car, it also means that the help that he or she has been offering to others needs to cease. The dreamer needs to focus on themselves more. If the car belongs to the dreamer it means this person needs to think more positively. The driver in the dream has been providing useful help to others in waking life.
A car in a dream also means the method of accomplishing ones goals and objectives. It means the strategies and plans that one uses to achieve his goals and dreams in life. When the car is broken down, it means that the person’s actions, plans and strategies have failed and they therefore the dreamer will have to choose a new method or new ‘vehicle.
’ To see a mechanic in the dream fixing the car indicates that one needs to get away. Perhaps to fix their emotions.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of broken down car
Fear of loss and hardships, unhappiness, anxiety, stress and worry about the car.
By Flo Saul
Mar 19, 2013
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#25 Dream About Car Breaking Down – Meaning & Interpretation
A car is an important asset – and could be considered one of the most important assets that a person can own in his life.
It serves a lot of purposes. As a means of transportation, it helps you get from one place to another, and looking at this philosophically is one of the best ways to interpret your dream about a car breaking down.
Table of Contents
- What does your dream about a car breaking down represent?
- Symbolic of prosperity
- Symbolic of your goals in life
- Symbolic of pessimism
- Symbolic of envy
- Symbolic of a feeling of lack
- Symbolic of a time out
- Symbolic of a need to work on yourself
- Common Situations In Which You Dream of a Car Breaking Down
- Dream of the car you are driving breaking down
- Dream of a car of a friend breaking down
- Dream of driving a full car that breaks down
- Dream of a new car breaking down
- Dream of an old car breaking down
- Dream of fixing a broken-down car
- Conclusion
There are many possible meanings to your dream about a car breaking down. Here are some of them.
A car breaking down in your dream could be a symbol of prosperity. Simply owning such an important and expensive asset is a representation of your ability to afford it, drive it, and make it of use to you in your life.
Symbolic of your goals in lifeIt is important to set goals in life. You may already have these, and feel that you are somehow hampered or impeded in the pursuit of them.
This is a possible symbolism of your car breaking down. Maybe someone is making things hard for you, or there are circumstances outside of your control that are making it troublesome for you to just go with the flow.
It is also possible that you are looking at things in a way that doesn’t help you. The best way to deal with this is to focus on what you can control – and that is yourself alone, and how you react to the things that happen to you in life.
Once you get to master the management of your perspective as it relates to your emotions, you will find that everything flows much more easily for you.
Circumstances just fall into place, and people seem to behave towards giving you your best advantage. Cultivate this sense of control of your own self, and you will fall into your true power.
Symbolic of pessimismIt is possible that you are looking at things so darkly that you are already setting yourself up for failure even before you start.
Your dream about a car breaking down could be a reminder for you to stop this negative attitude and to be your own cheerleader. You are the best person to help yourself, so give yourself all the leeway that you need.
Symbolic of envySometimes, a dream about your car breaking down could symbolize envy. It could be that you are looking too much towards other people and what they are doing, thinking, or saying.
Maybe you are also focused on what they are achieving and how this relates to you, or how this makes you less of a person.
You will not progress as long as you keep comparing yourself to other people, so make sure to let go of these envious thoughts and just do what you do best.
You may be feeling like something is missing in your life. It is possible that you cannot really pinpoint what it is, but there seems to be a hole in you that you do not know how to fill.
This could lead to you dreaming of a car breaking down. Try to do some more inner work for you to understand what it is that is making you feel this way.
Symbolic of a time outRunning at such a fast pace that you don’t get some time to breathe, relax, and reflect on your life is quite a dangerous place to be in.
Your dream of a car breaking down is telling you that going at this pace is not healthy for you, and you could very well crash and burn if you don’t get to balance it.
It is time for you to slow down, and maybe even consider a full stop, before you go any further. Try to evaluate if this is really the place that you want to be headed, and if you are really at home in this speed.
Symbolic of a need to work on yourselfYou may be focused too much on your responsibilities, your duties to others, or seeking other people’s approval.
You may be working so hard on achieving certain things for your boss, your spouse, your family, or your friends, and you are forgetting the most important person – yourself.
Your dream of your car breaking down is letting you know that you should take this time to focus on yourself – what you really want, your authentic goals – that are not shaped by other people’s influence on you, and what they want you to do.
Common Situations In Which You Dream of a Car Breaking DownDream of the car you are driving breaking downIf in your dream, you are driving your car and are enjoying yourself, and it suddenly breaks down, this means that there must be something amiss in your enjoyment.
Maybe you are not evaluating the costs of your perceived pleasure at the moment, and are missing out on what is truly important.
Maybe you are being misled into thinking that this is what is good for you, when you know deep in your heart that this is not where you belong, or this is not where you can blossom into your best self.
Listen to these prompts and try to get insight as to where they are coming from, and if they are speaking any truth.
Dream of a car of a friend breaking downIf you know the friend whose car broke down in your dream, then this means that this friend of yours in real life may be in need of help.
It is possible that they are not blatantly stating this, for reasons of their own – maybe they are shy; maybe they don’t know how to ask for help; maybe they feel that asking for help is something that they shouldn’t do.
Do your best to reach out to this person just to check on them and see if there is anything you can be of service for.
If the person whose car broke down in your dream is someone you don’t know, then this means that you may be craving to be of service to the world, and not to one specific cause or person in general.
It is possible that you have a talent that will be of great service to the world, and will fulfill you simultaneously. Tap into this and let it flourish – you never know if this is what will cause you ultimate fulfillment.
If in your dream, you are driving a car with a lot of people, and it suddenly breaks down, this symbolizes a certain responsibility that you are holding for a lot of people.
Maybe you are the breadwinner of the family. Maybe there is a project at work – the success of which is highly dependent on your actions and your decisions. If this is the case, you may be feeling heavy with the burden of duty that you are carrying.
Do what you can to let that burden go, or maybe even let go of the responsibility altogether. Reassess how you can be better at handling the situation.
Dream of a new car breaking down
This dream could pertain to some new transition you made, or some change that happened in your life, that you should think twice about.
Maybe it is a contract you are thinking of signing, that will bind you in agreement with another party for quite a long time. Maybe it is a new relationship.
Maybe it is a new pet that you are thinking of buying. Your dream is checking you to see if you are really up for this new responsibility.
It could also be a reminder to trust your gut on these new acquisitions or relationships – you already know where you are meant to be, even if it gets confusing sometimes.
Dream of an old car breaking downThis dream is an affirmation of the things you believe in, and is letting you know that you are on the right track in whatever you are doing.
Trust yourself and continue to go with the flow. Your best manifestations are one resistant-free moment away.
Dream of fixing a broken-down carYour dream of fixing a broken-down car is a reminder to stay in the moment and be as accepting and light as you can possibly be. This is the best way to turn any uncomfortable situation around.
This can be challenging, but learn to trust yourself and the universe fully. Once you are able to do this, you will find that things are so much easier than you have made them out to be.
The symbolisms to your dreams of a car breaking down are often telling of your emotions about your goals in your waking life.
This is a good time to have an honest assessment of them and move forward with more peace and less resistance about them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article !
Dream Interpretation a car broke down why dream a car broke down in a dream?
Why dream that the car suddenly broke down? The dream interpretation believes that in a dream this is a sign of an unforeseen delay. In addition, the vision hints at the need to be careful. Details will give a more detailed decoding.
Loss or acquisition?
Did you dream that the car that you have in reality broke down? Probably, there will be an opportunity to earn smartly and buy a brand new car.
If you happened to see that a completely new car broke down, then you will face losses and significant losses.
Miller's Opinion
Mr. Miller confirms that a broken car in a dream marks the loss of a good friend. Most likely, this will happen because of a ridiculous quarrel or departure.
Prepare for difficulties...
Why else dream of a broken car? The appearance of the image marks the stop of the planned business and the conflict with partners.
Dreamed of your own broken car? You are destined for a strip of life's troubles and continuous failures.
Did you have to see a car smashed to smithereens in a dream? The dream book suspects that fate has literally turned its back on you.
To shocks
Why dream that the car broke down right on the road? Prepare for problems, delays, and complexities in an enterprise that has been running smoothly until now.
If the engine stalled on the road, then the dream book predicts a very deplorable end to the current situation.
Any, even a minor breakdown on the road symbolizes strong upheavals in life.
Don't risk it!
If in a dream you rented a car, and it stalled, then this means that you are in danger of disappointment in love.
If the problem happened due to an accident, then in real life you risk getting into an unseemly position.
Breakdown code
The interpretation of sleep is advised by the dream book, taking into account exactly how the car broke down.
- Scratches, dents on the hood predict a conflict with relatives.
- Broken / extinguished headlight - an oppressive situation associated with envy.
- A punctured wheel - an unsuccessful trip.
- Leaking gas tank - losses and troubles.
- Failed brakes - broken promise.
- A stalled engine is a disruption of a thoughtful event.
Bald tires mean that you lack sobriety and adequacy in assessing real life.
In a dream, did you intentionally ruin the car? Dream Interpretation considers this a sign that you are achieving your goal by any means.
Get money!
Why dream that your car broke down and you decided to fix it? The dream book is sure that you are in for troubles that will not bring tangible benefits. Moreover, with your own carelessness and imprudence, you drive yourself into a dead end.
Did you dream that you were digging into a car engine? Cash deposits will bring the desired profit.
If you happen to see an idle engine, then this means that in some case you have not thought through all the little things.
No help...
Why dream that the washing machine has broken down? This event in a dream promises unexpected worries and problems in reality.
If the washing machine is out of order, then you should not wait for outside help.
Did you dream that the washing machine refuses to wash? The dream interpretation considers this a sign that others do not perceive your opinion.
👉 Dreams come true by day of the week.
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Dreams on the topic 👇
- Jung Carl Gustav. Dream analysis. Seminars in 2 parts. - Publisher: Kastalia, 2014.
- 700 p. - ISBN: 978-5-519-60704-9.:
- Krause Claire. Dream Interpretation. - Publisher: AST, 2015. - 320 p. - ISBN: 978-5-17-0
- Krause Claire. Dream interpretation for women. - Publisher: AST-Press, 2016. - 320 p. - ISBN: 978-5-17-093700-4.:
- Artemidorus of Daldian. Dream Interpretation ("Oneirocriticism"). - Publisher: Crystal, 1999.-448 p. - ISBN: 978-5-8191-0015-8.:
What is the dream of the car: meaning, interpretation
What is the dream of the car: meaning, interpretationSergey Abramov news editor
Meaning of car dream
To dream that you are driving a car symbolizes your ambition, aspiration and your ability to move from one stage of your life to another. Consider how smooth or rough the car's motion is. If you drive a car, then you are taking an active part in how your life goes. However, if you are a passenger, then you are taking on a passive role. If you are in the back seat of a car, then this indicates that you are putting yourself down and allowing others to take over. This may be the result of low self-esteem or low self-confidence. In general, this dream symbol indicates your addiction and the degree of control over your life.
To dream that your car has turned over means that some important event is preventing you from achieving your goals. You feel like you have to put your life on hold.
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To dream that your car won't start means that you feel powerless in some situation.
To dream that you forgot or cannot find the place where you parked your car indicates that you are dissatisfied or dissatisfied with some aspect of your waking life.
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