Anxiety muscle pain
10 Most Common Physical Symptoms of Anxiety : Intrepid Mental Wellness, PLLC: Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners
10 Most Common Physical Symptoms of Anxiety : Intrepid Mental Wellness, PLLC: Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners10 Most Common Physical Symptoms of Anxiety
Anxiety and panic disorders can produce a wide range of distressing physical symptoms. Many people are unaware that their symptoms are caused by anxiety, which can make the problem worse, as many people worry that their symptoms are caused by an underlying disease, leading to further anxiety. This vicious circle can be broken by learning about anxiety and being able to recognize the physical symptoms. Here are the 10 most common physical symptoms of anxiety.
Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms associated with anxiety, panic disorder, chronic stress, depression and other mental health disorders. Chronic anxiety leaves the body and mind in a constant state of tension and high alertness. The mind is constantly scanning the external and internal environment for threats, leading to emotional distress and physical tension. This constant state of high alertness leads to mental and physical exhaustion, which will often persist even after a long sleep.
Increased Heart Rate
Anxiety is a natural response to danger and is needed for humans to survive. High levels of anxiety trigger changes in the body to help prepare for dealing with threats and danger, also known as the fight or flight response. However, if you're living with chronic anxiety, your body and mind are often unable to tell the difference between real and imagined dangers, which means that the fight or flight response may be continually active. One of the first changes to occur during the fight or flight response is an increase in heart rate.
Heart Palpitations
Heart palpitations are often one of the most distressing symptoms associated with anxiety, as they can feel scary and many people worry that they are having a heart attack, particularly when palpitations are combined with chest pain. Heart palpitations can feel like your heart is pounding, fluttering, beating too fast or missing beats. Some people can even feel their heart beating in their throat, neck or head. While heart palpitations can be scary, they usually pass within a few seconds.
Shortness of Breath
Shortness of breath is another distressing symptom that leads many people to worry that they are having a heart attack, choking or experiencing problems with their lungs. Shortness of breath is usually caused by breathing too quickly (hyperventilation), as the body is inhaling too much oxygen and exhaling too much carbon dioxide. Hyperventilation will not harm you, but you may feel as if you are choking, have a lump in your throat or are unable to take in enough air.
Feeling dizzy, faint or unsteady is often the result of hyperventilation, although it may also be caused by other issues related to anxiety, such as muscle tension in the neck and shoulders. Many people feel lightheaded and worry that they might pass out during a panic attack, but some people with an anxiety disorder also experience chronic dizziness and problems with balance.
Muscle Aches
Muscle aches and joint pain can be caused by tension, as well as general poor health. Anxiety causes the muscles to tense up, which can lead to pain and stiffness in almost any area of the body. Constant stress and worry can also prevent the immune system from working properly, leading to decreased resistance to infection and disease. Infection increases inflammation in the body, which can cause a range of symptoms, including joint pain.
Muscle Weakness
Another common symptom of chronic anxiety is weakness in the muscles, most commonly experienced in the legs and sometimes the arms. During the fight or flight response, the body is preparing to take action against danger. One of the ways in which the body prepares for this action is to redirect blood flow to the areas most needed, including the legs, which are needed to run away from danger. Increased blood flow to the legs can make them feel weak, tingly or like jelly.
Headaches and migraines are often caused by tension, particularly in the neck and shoulders. Teeth grinding, facial tension, poor posture and hyperventilation can also cause headaches and migraines. Sharp pain, a dull ache or a feeling of pressure around the head and eyes are common symptoms associated with anxiety. As anxiety can also upset the balance of hormones in the body, some women notice an increase in migraines, as they can be triggered by changes in hormones.
Digestive Discomfort
Excess gas, bloating, stomach cramps, acid indigestion, heartburn, constipation and diarrhea can all be caused by stress and anxiety. Several digestive problems, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), have been linked to chronic stress and mental health problems. Anxiety can also increase the symptoms of food intolerance and sensitivities in some people.
Tingling Sensations
Pins and needles, tingling and numbness are common symptoms that mostly affect the extremities, but can also be experienced anywhere in the body. Tingling of the lips, face and arms can be particularly distressing, as many people worry they are having a stroke.
Odd sensations in the body, including tingling and numbness, are usually the result of hyperventilation, but can also be caused by physical tension.
Anxiety can cause a wide range of distressing physical symptoms, but recognizing and accepting that these symptoms are temporary and harmless helps to alleviate fears and prevent further anxiety. The most common physical symptoms of anxiety include fatigue, increased heart rate, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, muscle aches, muscle weakness, headaches, digestion, discomfort and tingling sensations.
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How Anxiety and Muscle Pain Relate
Anxiety can affect many different parts of your body. It's not just mental - it can cause very significant physical symptoms and reactions that can drastically change your ability to live and function normally and comfortably.
It should come as no surprise that anxiety can be incredibly distressing. But what you may not know is that anxiety can also affect you indirectly by, for example, causing physical reactions that sideline you from the things you love. One example of this type of response is muscle pain, which affects many people with anxiety and can, in some ways, lead to further anxiety. Furthermore, muscle pain can stop a person from going out, seeing friends, or playing sport, for example, making it harder for that person to enjoy recreational activities that others normally engage in.
Muscle Pain is a Complicated Issue
So many different issues can cause muscle pain. But there's no denying that anxiety can have a very significant effect on your muscles. Just a small sample of explanations for the links between anxiety and muscle pain include:
- Muscle Tension The most common cause of muscle discomfort from anxiety is tension. Muscle tension is a common anxiety symptom, occurring especially when you're experiencing stress. Tension puts strain on your muscles and hardens them, which over time can cause your muscles to experience both dull and sharp pains.
- Stress Adjustments In ways you may not realize, anxiety may also cause you to change the way you sit, the way you stand, how often you stretch, and more.
It's not uncommon for those with anxiety to be constantly moving or acting differently than they used to in minor ways they don't even realize - from slouching to shifting to ticks or pacing. These adjustments may lead to their own muscle stress, which in turn can cause muscle pain.
- Notice All Pain Muscle pain is a common problem that can potentially affect everyone - even people who don’t have anxiety. Most people can ignore the pains, but those with anxiety are more prone to noticing all types of pain and experiencing it more strongly because their minds tend to automatically interpret things in a negative way. They are also highly vigilant about what’s going on in their body and may pick up on sensations that others might not have noticed. This is known as "hypersensitivity/hypervigilance" and it is very common in those with anxiety disorders.
- Nutrition, Exercise, and Hydration When you have anxiety, you may also find yourself exercising less, eating poorly, and not drinking enough water.
All of those can lead to further anxiety, which can cause or exacerbate muscle pains. Eating healthily, exercising frequently, and drinking more water is likely to improve the way that you feel, although this will not necessarily eliminate your anxiety.
Those are just a few of the potential reasons that anxiety and muscle pain are related. Some people also find that their hyperventilation (a symptom of panic attacks) causes muscle pain. Others toss and turn at night or sleep in uncomfortable positions because of their anxiety. There are a lot of different causes that are either linked directly to anxiety or occur because of anxiety symptoms.
Checking Your Health - Living With Muscle Pain
If you haven't been to the doctor for a while and your pain is significant enough that you’re being severely affected, it's never a bad plan to visit a doctor. Remember, aging itself is associated with muscle pain as well, so there may be a perfectly understandable explanation for what you’re going through.
For you to overcome your own muscle pain, you need to address that pain the same way that you would with muscle pain caused by exercise, exertion, or even sleeping in an uncomfortable position. For example:
- Stretch often and make sure you're moving around.
- Hydrate and eat healthily to nourish the muscles.
- Exercise regularly so as to keep your muscles toned.
- Get plenty of rest and make sure you're sitting and standing with good posture.
You could also consider massages and other calming ways to address muscle pain. Anxiety may cause or worsen muscle pain, but it’s still just muscle pain after all - the same as that experienced by people who don’t have anxiety. However, if anxiety is truly causing all of your muscle pain, you’re likely to get a large degree of relief by tackling the issue at its core and getting treatment for your anxiety.
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Muscle pain - treatment, symptoms, causes, diagnosis
Muscle pain (myalgia) is a pulling, sometimes painful or spastic muscle pain : the term myalgia consists of the Greek words Myos muscle and Algos pain. Muscle pains can be localized both in a certain area of the body, and radiate or be diffuse. In principle, pain can occur in any of the more than 600 muscles in the body.
Muscle pain (myalgia) occurs most often in the area of the shoulders and neck in the back. Approximately 75 percent of adults in Europe suffer from back pain, one way or another having a muscular origin. Muscles are divided into skeletal and smooth. Skeletal muscles include muscles that provide human movement and connect bone structures. Quite often, the pain is caused not by skeletal muscle, but by smooth muscles (for example, problems in the smooth muscle of the heart can be a source of pain in the chest). Smooth muscles are located in the walls of the hollow organs of the body, such as the stomach, bladder, and blood vessels, and play a large role in the normal function of organs. The cardiac muscle, which forms the heart, is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. nine0007
Muscles respond to commands from the brain and nervous system or other stimuli, for example reflexively when performing a neurological examination with a hammer. Muscles contract when stimulated and relax after contraction. Muscles can become a source of pain due to various diseases and conditions, including infections, injuries, autoimmune diseases, neurological and muscle diseases, malignant tumors (cancer), and even after taking certain medications. Muscle pain can also involve ligaments, tendons, and fascia, which are soft tissues that connect muscles, bones, and organs. nine0007
The person may feel muscle pain in certain muscles of the body, such as the muscles of the back or muscles of the legs, or the pain may be diffuse in all muscles, such as with the flu. In a patient during an angina attack, retrosternal pain is due to problems in the myocardium. Menstrual pain is pain caused by the smooth muscle of the uterus. Temporary skeletal muscle pain often occurs due to muscle tension due to awkward movement or excessive exercise. This type of pain often affects one or more muscles and is usually sharp and intense. Abstinence from the activity that caused the pain, rest, topical cold, and anti-inflammatory drugs usually help to reduce pain associated with overuse of the muscles. Muscle pain can be caused by serious conditions such as fibromyalgia, infections, or dermatomyositis. nine0007
Muscle pain may be a symptom of a serious condition such as a muscle tear or infection. Therefore, you should immediately seek medical help if muscle pain is persistent or worsens.
Not only muscle pain , but any pain is an important signal for the body. Various stimuli can cause pain, such as heat or cold, pressure or shock, as well as electrical stimulation and chemicals. So-called pain receptors are responsible for transmitting these stimulating sensations. Pain receptors are free nerve endings that are located both on the surface in the skin and in depth - in muscles, tendons and ligaments, as well as in various organs. When pain receptors are stimulated, the signal from them goes to the central nervous system, where the signal is analyzed, and a protective response occurs, which is aimed at preventing further damage. nine0007
Muscle pain may occur along with other symptoms, which vary depending on the underlying disease. For example, muscle pain that is caused by an injury may be accompanied by bruising and swelling around the injury. Additional symptoms that may accompany muscle pain include:
- Depression
- Diarrhea
- Acute respiratory symptoms (fever, chills, sore throat, fatigue, headache, cough)
- Attention disorder
- Loss of appetite
- Muscle cramps
- Numbness, tingling or burning (so-called paresthesias)
- Trouble walking
- Sleep disorders
- Swelling at the site of injury
- Abrupt weight loss
- Vomiting
Serious symptoms that may indicate a life-threatening condition
In some cases, muscle pain may occur in association with other symptoms that may indicate a serious or life-threatening condition, such as a heart attack (heart attack) or meningitis. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms:
- Changes in consciousness or attention, such as loss of consciousness or severe impairment of memory
- Changes in mental status, such as impaired perception of the environment
- Chest pain radiating to the arm, shoulder, neck or jaw
- Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath
- Inability to move in any part of the body
- Violation (loss) of vision
- Lack of urine
- Progressive weakness and numbness
- Seizure
- Stiff neck with high temperature
Cause of pain
Skeletal muscle pain is most often caused by direct trauma or injury resulting from muscle strain or muscle strain. Muscle tension occurs when several muscle fibers are damaged, while when a muscle is torn, a large number of muscle fibers are torn. A tear (tear) in the tendon can also lead to muscle pain. Muscles and tendons have the ability to regenerate, but with a severe rupture of a muscle or tendon, prompt restoration of the integrity of the damaged structures is required. Muscle pain can be caused by cramps that occur due to overload or abnormal nerve impulses that lead to excessive muscle contraction. In some cases, muscle pain can be a symptom of a serious or life-threatening condition such as a heart attack, meningitis, or cancer. nine0007
Traumatic causes of muscle pain
Muscle pain can be associated with any injury, including:
- Blunt force
- Muscle strain or tear
- Excessive or repetitive movements
- Nerve compression (due to disc herniation, spinal stenosis)
Neuromuscular diseases and conditions
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, Charcot's disease) is a severe neuromuscular disease that causes muscle weakness and disability
- Injury to the brain or spinal cord
- Dermatomyositis (a condition characterized by muscle inflammation and skin rash)
- Lyme disease (inflammatory bacterial disease transmitted by ticks)
- Multiple sclerosis (a disease that affects the brain and spinal cord and causes weakness, incoordination, balance and other problems)
- Muscle breakdown (rhabdomyolysis)
- Muscle infections such as abscess
- Parkinson's disease (disease of the brain leading to impaired movement and coordination)
- Polymyalgia rheumatica (disease characterized by muscle pain and stiffness)
- Polymyositis (inflammation and muscle weakness)
- Stroke
Other possible causes of muscle pain
Many other diseases and conditions can cause muscle pain, including:
- Cancer
- Depression
- Fibromyalgia
- Angina pectoris or myocardial infarction
- Hypothyroidism
- Influenza or other respiratory diseases
- Renal failure
- Electrolyte disorders (impaired levels of potassium or calcium in the blood).
- Pregnancy
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Vitamin B12 or vitamin D deficiency
Medicines and substances that can cause muscle pain, include:
- ACE inhibitors (used to lower blood pressure)
- Cocaine
- Statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs)
Questions to help find the cause of muscle pain include:
- Are there other symptoms such as a sore throat or fever?
- Do you feel pain in one specific area or throughout your body?
- How long does this condition last? nine0026
- In what parts of the body are the pains localized?
- What reduces pain or increases pain?
- What medications are currently taken or have been taken recently
Potential complications of muscle pain
Complications associated with muscle pain depend on the underlying disease or condition. For example, muscle pain associated with fibromyalgia or degenerative disease can lead to reduced motor activity and related complications. Many skeletal muscle pains, however, respond well to treatment. However, if muscle pain prolonged and associated with a systemic disease, this may lead to the following complications, including:
- Chronic pain
- Immobility and associated complications (such as bedsores and thrombosis)
- Persistent pain refractory to treatment
- Muscle atrophy
- Muscle contracture
- Permanent muscle or nerve injury (most commonly due to nerve compression), including paralysis. nine0026
- Decreased quality of life
Diagnosis of muscle pain (myalgia) is primarily based on the history of the disease and symptoms. Most muscle pain is associated with muscle tension (eg, due to poor posture or a sedentary lifestyle) or injury (eg, sprains, bruises, or muscle soreness from sports). Instrumental research methods, such as ultrasound or X-ray, CT, MRI, help confirm or differentiate cause of muscle pain .
Medical history (anamnesis).
The physician will be interested in the type of pain, the location of the pain, and the intensity of the muscle pain. This information can be key to finding out what causes leg pain. Information about the presence of muscle injuries, the presence of bruises, factors that lead to an increase or decrease in muscle pain, or the pain is persistent, for example, with a herniated disc, the time of occurrence of pain (day or night), is very important.
Inspection. A doctor's examination can look for areas of pain, changes in skin color, range of motion in muscles or joints, muscle strength, local tenderness in the tendon area, or identification of trigger points (for example, fibromyalgia). In addition, reflex activity, sensitivity and other neurological tests are important, which can detect the presence of neurological disorders. The time of occurrence of pain in the muscles is also relevant, as, for example, with osteoporosis or Bechterew's disease. Alcohol or drug abuse can be a possible cause of muscle pain and information about this is important in understanding the causes of muscle pain. Some medications can also have the side effect of muscle pain. nine0007
Laboratory research methods.
Blood tests can determine the presence of an inflammatory process or infections, autoimmune processes; biochemical analyzes allow to determine violations of the functions of internal organs (for example, the liver or kidneys).
Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). This research method allows you to visualize the presence of inflammation of the muscles (myositis), ruptures of muscles, tendons.
Investigations such as CT or MRI are needed to visualize problems in deep muscles where ultrasonography is not helpful or where neurological conditions or traumatic injuries need to be visualized. Electrophysiological research methods (EMG or ENMG) allow you to determine the presence of inflammatory or degenerative muscle diseases or impaired conduction along the nerves due to compression of the nerve roots or other neurological diseases. nine0007
Muscle biopsy is usually used as the last step in the diagnosis of muscle diseases, and only if there are clear signs of such diseases.
Treatment of muscle pain depends on the cause of the symptom. Therefore, the most important factor in determining treatment tactics is an accurate diagnosis. For example, if muscle pain is caused by taking certain drugs, then in such cases it may be enough to stop taking these drugs or replace them with other medicines. Medical treatment for muscle pain can include both NSAIDs or analgesics, and even opiates. nine0007
Acute muscle pain
Acute muscle pain after injury requires rest and unloading, in some cases immobilization. In addition, a good effect in such cases is given by local cooling with ice wrapped in a towel, which reduces swelling, inflammation, and pain. In addition, it is necessary to stop the load that led to muscle pain. It takes a lot of time to treat muscle injuries, since early restoration of normal loads can lead to chronic pain and excessive scarring of muscle tissue, and in severe cases, to the development of ossifying myositis. nine0007
Chronic muscle pain
Treatment of chronic pain may include thermal treatments as well as other therapies such as:
- Acupuncture and acupressure
- Electrotherapy (therapy through electricity)
- Electromyostimulation
- Physiotherapy
- Manual therapy
Systematic exercises (exercise therapy) are especially relevant when chronic pain is caused by degenerative diseases of the spine, such as osteochondrosis, spondylosis, disc herniation. nine0007
Surgical treatments are used for severe traumatic muscle injuries or nerve root compression.
Prevention of muscle pain consists in the following rules: maintaining a healthy lifestyle, sufficient physical activity, balanced nutrition, proper ergonomics of the workplace, avoiding alcohol abuse, smoking.
Muscle pain: causes and symptoms. Diagnosis, prevention and treatment
Author, editor and medical expert - Klimovich Elina Valerievna. nine0007
Pediatrician and medical expert - Arutyunyan Mariam Arutyunovna
Views: 454 906
Last update date: 29.12.2022 9000
Causes of muscle pain
Muscle fatigue
Physical activity
Muscle inflammation
Diseases of the spine and joints
SARS and influenza
Other causes
Features of myalgia
Diagnosis of muscle pain
Methods of treatment of myalgia
Our whole life is in motion, and movement involves the work of about 400 skeletal muscles 1 , which, moreover, make up 40-45% of body weight 3 . Therefore, it is not surprising that every person during his life repeatedly experiences muscle pain in different parts of the body - neck, back, lower back and limbs 1 .
Muscle pain, or, scientifically, myalgia 5 , periodically occurs in 54% of women and 45% of men of working age - from 27 to 50 years, but such a complaint is not uncommon even in children 1 . Myalgia may be mild or very severe, intolerable 1 , depending on its cause.
Causes of muscle pain
Due to the large number of nerve endings, muscle tissue is sensitive to any damage or irritation. In response, it secretes substances that stimulate pain 4.5 . There are a lot of factors that provoke muscle irritation. We will describe the most common below.
Muscle fatigue
In our technological age, many are gradually forming a new "bad habit". Spending most of the day in front of a computer screen or holding mobile gadgets in our hands, we may not even notice that we are sitting in a completely uncomfortable and unnatural position. Especially "goes" to the muscles of the shoulder girdle, neck, back and right arm, which is constantly on the computer mouse of office workers 1 . Prolonged stay in one position or stereotypical movements can lead to overstrain of the muscles involved in the work, which we feel as pain 1 .
Physical activity
"Aches" in the body after physical activity can occur both in untrained people and in professional athletes 8 . And the cause of discomfort is the accumulation of under-oxidized metabolic products in muscle cells, in particular, pain is caused by an excessive amount of lactic acid (lactate) 2 . Less commonly, a microtrauma becomes the cause, but this can only be observed if the training rules are violated 8 .
Muscle soreness due to fatigue does not occur immediately, but after a few hours or within 1-2 days after training or unusual physical activity and disappears within a week 8 .
Severe pain can occur when muscle fibers and tendons are torn. This usually happens if the load is excessive, and the muscles are not prepared for it 1 . But they can also be damaged by sudden movements 3 . In contrast to the "ache" in case of muscle overwork, pain due to injury occurs immediately, at the peak of the load 3 .
It should be remembered that even a small, but untreated injury can cause even more pronounced sprain 3 . Therefore, if you experience pain during exercise, be sure to consult a doctor to rule out a serious injury.
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Muscle inflammation
Inflammation in muscle tissue (myositis) can occur due to hypothermia, infection or accumulation of toxic substances 16.17 . Sometimes inflammation is limited to one muscle group. When muscles ache all over the body, this can be a sign of autoimmune diseases and other serious illnesses 7 .
Diseases of the spine and joints
Muscles respond to dysfunction of the joints associated with them 4 and vertebrae 5 . Therefore, myalgia is one of the symptoms of diseases of the spine 5.11 and the joints of the extremities 4 . For example, with osteochondrosis or scoliosis (curvature of the spine), pain in the neck, chest or lower back is associated with overstrain of the paravertebral muscles 5. 11 . And in advanced cases, when a vertebra compresses the nerve root coming out of the spinal cord, the pain can “radiate” to the arm or leg 11 . nine0007
Often, myalgia in osteochondrosis is combined with a feeling of numbness or "crawling". At the moment of acute pain, the person freezes, taking a forced position 11 .
Prolonged emotional stress affects the activity of brain regions involved in pain control. No muscle damage can be detected, but nevertheless, the person complains of discomfort or soreness, which is most often chronic 11 .
ARVI and influenza
Aches in muscles and joints with colds and flu 9 - the result of exposure to muscle receptors of bacteria, viruses and substances that are formed in tissues during infection 10 . Simultaneously with muscle pain, body temperature usually rises and symptoms of damage to various parts of the respiratory tract occur: runny nose, cough and sore throat 9 .
Other causes
Almost any disease of the internal organs can lead to myalgia 11 . When any organ is affected, it creates pain impulses, which are partially transmitted to the muscles located nearby 11 .
Myalgia can also be caused by:
- endocrine diseases, for example, deficiency of thyroid hormones 16.7 ;
- vascular pathologies that disrupt the nutrition of the muscles of the limbs 15.16 ;
- chronic fatigue syndrome 7 ;
- violation of the balance of trace elements in the body 16 ;
- taking cholesterol-lowering drugs 12 .
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Features of myalgia
Muscle pain, usually deep 6 . Acute myalgia is protective in nature, because it causes reactions aimed at eliminating the damaging factor 11 . Such reactions include, for example, muscle spasm 4 . But despite the protective nature, there is almost always a risk that the pain will become chronic 11 . There are 2 main causes of chronicity:
- Hypersensitivity. In response to irritation, substances are released in the muscle that support inflammation. They further irritate the pain receptors in the muscles. In response to frequent signals, the central nervous system lowers the pain threshold, so we can feel pain in the muscle even if it is not strongly irritated 11 .
- Spasm. When pain and spasm persist, a vicious circle is formed: pain causes spasm, and spasm maintains pain 1.5, 11 .
Diagnosis of muscle pain
Determining the cause of myalgia is not always easy. Only a doctor can understand the causes and choose a treatment that helps get rid of the disturbing symptoms or alleviate them. To find out the cause of myalgia, the doctor conducts a comprehensive examination, including a neurological examination, prescribes laboratory tests, ultrasound, computed tomography and other research methods 3 .
Myalgia is treated by different specialists. Depending on its cause, a traumatologist, rheumatologist, neurologist or endocrinologist can help you. nine0007
Treatments for myalgia
Treatment of muscle pain includes non-drug and drug treatments 5.13 . In each case, the doctor selects individual methods of therapy.
One of the main tasks is pain relief 5.13 . In the fight against pain, doctors are guided by the "pain ladder" developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). It recommends the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as the first step or step in the treatment of mild to moderate pain 6 such as MOTRIN® 14 . The drug is approved for use by adults and adolescents over 15 years of age 14 .
The active substance of MOTRIN® - naproxen - has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. The drug can be used as part of a complex treatment of mild to moderate muscle pain associated with trauma, inflammation and diseases of the musculoskeletal system 14 . One dose of MOTRIN® is enough for up to 12 hours 14 . The drug can be used up to 5 days 14 .
It is imperative to consult a doctor, as symptomatic treatment and taking painkillers do not replace the main therapy of the disease 5 . If acute pain persists, your doctor may use other methods of pain relief 13 .
Non-drug treatments for myalgia include 13 :
- manual therapy;
- massage; nine0026
- acupuncture;
- transcutaneous electrical stimulation;
- post-isometric relaxation;
- physiotherapy exercises.
These treatments aim to relax tight muscles and relieve the spasm that causes pain, breaking the vicious circle 13 .
Myalgia can disrupt the usual rhythm of life, interfere with work and rest.