Anxiety attack sweating

What Happens When You Have a Panic Attack

Medically Reviewed by Jennifer Robinson, MD on September 14, 2021

Your body's "fight or flight" response kicks into high gear. It can seem to come from nowhere -- maybe as you walk down the street or do the laundry. It can even wake you out of a sound sleep. There's often no obvious reason for your combination of symptoms. That's part of why it's called an "attack." It can be so sudden and intense that you feel helpless, unable to move or think clearly.

A jolt of adrenaline gets your heart racing or pounding -- or both. Your chest might hurt. You could even have trouble breathing.

Your throat tightens up, and you can't swallow. Or you might think you're going to throw up. These feelings can make it harder to catch your breath.

We're not talking about the fear you feel in the normal course of life, when you stand on the edge of a cliff, bring up a difficult subject, or start a new job, for example. During a panic attack, you may have an overwhelming sense that something really terrible is about to happen -- or that you're going to die -- despite knowing it's not true.

Sometimes you can get so lightheaded that the whole room starts to spin. Or it seems like you're disconnected from your surroundings.

This classic sign of anxiety can also be a symptom of a panic attack. You may sweat in other places, like under your arms, as well -- sometimes quite a lot. And you could get chills or hot flashes, too.

Your whole body may start shaking. With blood going to your heart and muscles, your fingers or toes can tingle or go numb.

One can come on suddenly, and it may be gone just as quickly. Like the other symptoms, this alone doesn't necessarily mean you're having a panic attack.

A panic attack usually hits all at once and builds to a peak in about 10 minutes. Then you'll slowly start to feel better. Attacks rarely last more than an hour, and most are over in 20 or 30 minutes. They aren't always the same.

The symptoms are similar: Chest pain, breathing problems, dizziness, sweating, even the feeling of losing control. If it's the first time you've felt like this, and you or a close family member have had any heart problems, go to the emergency room -- just to be safe.

You probably don't need to worry if you have just one or two incidents and they go away without other problems. But if it happens more often than that, or if you're concerned, you should see your doctor. They can help you figure out what's triggering your attacks and how to manage them. They'll also want to rule out a heart condition call mitral valve prolapse.

Panic attacks tend to run in families and are often related to stress. Sometimes, there's a physical reason: Your thyroid gland makes too much hormone. You don't have enough sugar in your blood. You drank too much caffeine, or you took a stimulant drug like amphetamines or cocaine. Or you're abusing or withdrawing from drugs or alcohol.

If your doctor can't find a physical cause yet you keep getting panic attacks, you may have panic disorder, especially when you can't stop worrying about the next one coming. You may change the way you live day-to-day to avoid them.

The first step is what you're doing now: understand what's going on. When you realize that it's unlikely to hurt you, only lasts a few minutes, and happens to other people, too, you may be less worried about it. Simply knowing that there are ways to treat them, including therapy and medication, can be a relief.

Anxiety thrives when you feel alone. It's best to see family and friends in person, but by phone or computer is better than nothing. If you don't have people to turn to, consider joining social groups, like a book club or sports league, to meet folks with common interests and start building relationships.

Aim for 7-9 hours a night. If you have trouble going to sleep, keep your room cool, dark, and quiet. Don't watch TV or use the computer or your smartphone right before bed. It also helps to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even weekends.

Get 30 minutes on most days -- even if it's 10 minutes at a time -- and you're less likely to be stressed. That can lower your odds of having a panic attack. Any exercise helps, but it's better if you do activities that move both your arms and legs in rhythm: walk, run, swim, dance.

They can cause panic attacks or make one worse, if you get them regularly. Lots of medications -- including allergy pills, diet pills, and cold medicines -- have drugs in them that could have a similar effect. Talk to your doctor if you need help cutting these things out of your life.

Techniques like meditation and yoga can help you release tension and train yourself to be at peace and centered. Deep, controlled breathing is a great way to calm yourself down when you feel on edge with attack symptoms coming on.


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Helpguide. org: "Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder."

Cleveland Clinic: "Panic Disorder."

Harvard Health Publications: "Understanding the stress response."

Mayo Clinic: "Panic attacks and panic disorder: Symptoms."

Anxiety and Depression Association of America: "Am I having a panic attack or a heart attack?" "Sleep Disorders."

Medical Clinics of North America: "Mitral valve prolapse, panic disorder, and chest pain."

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Anxiety and Sweating: What’s the Connection?

Anxiety is a normal symptom in a physical threat situation, "whereby adrenaline is injected into the bloodstream and prepares one with the flight, fight, freeze reaction, this can often lead to physiological symptoms, including sweating,” says Monica Vermani, PsyD, clinical psychologist and author of A Deeper Wellness: Conquering Stress, Mood, Anxiety and Traumas.

When some people become overly anxious, they are not aware of their body’s reactions. “Anxiety can impact your heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature, all of which contribute to sweating,” says Seth Feuerstein, MD, JD, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Yale University.

Why Do I Sweat More When I’m Anxious?

Debbie Hampton, author of Beat Depression and Anxiety by Changing Your Brain, explains it in scientific terms.

“Anxiety can absolutely cause sweating. When anxiety strikes, a fear signal zips to an ancient part of your brain, causing the instinctual freezing or jumping out of your skin behavior, and speeds on to the hypothalamus, which controls your autonomic nervous system,” Hampton explains. “That’s the system that produces the classic bodily fear responses—thumping heart, skyrocketing blood pressure, sweating, and rapid breathing.”

The adrenal glands pump out adrenaline and “glucose is released into your bloodstream,” she adds. “[Adrenaline] gives you a big boost in case you need to get the heck out of there or fight for your life, and cortisol floods your system keeping you ready for action.

In other words, yes, anxiety and sweating go hand—or rather, sweaty palm—in hand!

Other Common Causes of Anxious Sweating

Everyone has their own personal list of anxiety triggers—stressful events or experiences that make them sweat more than usual.

Here’s a list of common stressors that can really amp up the sweat and make people feel more anxious than normal:

  • Public speaking. Addressing a group is a frightening experience for most people.

  • Trying to control the uncontrollable. For example, a traffic-filled daily commute with road-rage drivers at the wheel.

  • Social anxiety. Meeting new people can be overwhelming for some. If you aren’t a fan of making small talk with strangers, that’s fine. But in some cases—at work, for example—it’s pretty tough to avoid interacting with new people.

  • Rejection. Fearing rejection—in all types of relationships—can be an anxiety trigger. Handling rejecting by learning to “let it go” is easier for some than others.

  • Uncomfortable situations. If you hate confrontation, you may dread giving negative feedback like complaining to a customer service representative or disagreeing with a colleague or peer.

  • First impressions. When you are trying to impress someone—be it your boss, a colleague, a potential employer, or a person you’d like to date—making a good impression can get the sweat glands working overtime.

Where Does Anxious Sweating Occur?

Anxious sweating can occur just about anywhere on your body. The places where excessive anxiety sweating can be most embarrassing are when they are visible to others. Wet areas under your arms, on your hands and palms (in a handshake, for instance), or beads of sweat on your forehead or running down your face.

Some people even feel this sweat on their feet.

Becoming self-conscious or ruminating about it only exacerbates the problem and adds to your insecurity, which of course produces even more sweat.

Other Mental Health Conditions Cause Sweating, Too

Many mental health conditions are linked to sweating. Vermani says some of the most common include:

  • Social anxiety disorder

  • Panic disorder

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • Specific phobias (fear of flying, anyone?)

“Your emotions are intricately expressed through your body. There is no separation,” explains Hampton. “Research suggests that people with hyperhidrosis—an excessive sweating condition—also seem to have higher-than-average rates of anxiety and depression. It’s important to understand that any emotion that activates a stress response could cause sweating, getting angry or becoming more stressed, for example.”

Does Anxiety Sweat Smell Different?

People often wonder if anxiety sweat has a different smell than regular sweat. “It can,” explains Dr. Feuerstein. “Much of this specific sweat can come from a set of glands that have ingredients that do not smell initially. But over time, as bacteria break them down, they can have an odor.”

Vermani agrees. “Stress-induced or anxiety-induced sweat can have a slightly different odor than when sweating from overheating. When you are stressed, the body is activated into a natural response to a perceived threat. This triggers a rush of adrenaline, cortisol, and other stress hormones which can make your sweat smell different. The scent may be subtly different in many cases, but some sufferers describe stress sweat as a stronger, more sulfur-like odor.”

Anxiety Sweat Treatment

Using a deodorant or an antiperspirant is a good first step in the battle against anxious sweating. But sometimes you need something a bit stronger.

Anti-anxiety pills can help reduce sweating caused by anxiety. Benzodiazepines (i.e., alprazolam or Xanax) can be prescribed for panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and social anxiety disorder. Doctors may also recommend a beta-blocker like propranolol, or using tools like mindfulness or deep breathing to slow the nervous system.

For excessive sweating, Botox injected into the areas where sweating is a problem can block the nerves from communicating with sweat glands. While effective, Botox injections must be repeated every six months or so.

Expert Tips to Prevent Sweating from Anxiety

Vermani recommends this list of tried-and-true tips to her clients.

  • Pause and reflect: Focus on your breath to calm physiological symptoms when you are anxious to reduce the flow of sweating.

  • Cool down your body: Get some fresh air.

  • Hydrate: Balance your body's electrolytes with fluids.

  • Relax: Let go, surrender, and relax your body. Learn to accept that sweat is a normal physiological response to stress.

  • Dress strategically: Choose clothing that makes you comfortable and helps you sweat less and makes sweating less apparent. When possible, avoid synthetic fabrics like nylon and polyester, which don’t absorb sweat.

  • Manage sweat: Carry a handkerchief to control sweat, and use a prescription-strength antiperspirant.

  • Seek professional help: An anxiety medication can lower the incidences of anxiety and reduce incidents of sweating.

  • Work with a therapist: In therapy, you will learn to challenge negative self-talk, work on your self-esteem, and build confidence in feared and stressful situations.

Calming Your Anxious Brain

“It’s important not to completely dismiss and overlook your fears,” says Hampton. “They can be valid information that warrants further exploration. Reasonable concerns are in your best interest and can keep you from potentially dangerous situations. However, being consumed and paralyzed by fear is actually the opposite. The wear and tear anxiety puts on your mind and body undermines your health and safety. The goal is to manage and process your fear in a way that is good for you.”

Take a Deep Breath and Keep Moving Forward 

You never know when a stressful situation can lead to anxiety sweating. One minute you can be on top of the world, and then something happens to send you into a tailspin and feel out of control.

No matter what is taking place in your life, take a deep breath, relax, and keep moving forward.

Notes: This article was originally published August 16, 2022 and most recently updated August 31, 2022.

John Riddle

John is the author of 34 books, including several health and medical titles. His byline has appeared in major publications across the US, and he has written articles for over 200 websites.

Excessive sweating - Diseases - Medical Center Health Clinic

Under hyperhidrosis (from the Greek "hyper" - excessive, increased, "hidros" - sweat) in medical practice, it is customary to understand profuse sweating that occurs regardless of physical factors: increased motor activity, overheating, high ambient temperature or others. Sweating is a physiological process of secretion of watery secretion (sweat) by the sweat glands, constantly occurring in the human body. The process of sweating protects the body from hyperthermia (overheating) and helps maintain its homeostasis (constancy): evaporating from the skin, sweat, thereby, cools the surface of the body and lowers its temperature.

In a healthy person, sweating increases with an increase in ambient temperature to 20-25 ° C, as well as with physical or psycho-emotional stress. When the ambient temperature rises to 36 ° C and above, with the help of sweating, the thermoregulation of the body is carried out, it is not allowed to overheat. Low relative humidity and active physical movement contribute to increased heat transfer and cooling of the body. On the contrary, in a humid environment with still air, the process of evaporation of sweat does not occur, so a long stay in a hot bath or steam room is not recommended. Excessive fluid intake dramatically increases sweating, therefore, during increased physical activity or in a room with high air temperature, you should not drink a lot of water. As a result of psycho-emotional arousal, skin receptors, reacting, stimulate the release of sweat. Therefore, an increase in sweating occurs if a person experiences strong emotions, such as excitement, fear or pain.

Pathological disorders of the sweating process are expressed in its excessive increase or, on the contrary, decrease, as well as in a change in the smell of sweat, which becomes fetid. Excessive sweating can be common, when profuse sweating occurs on almost the entire surface of the body, and often accompanies functional disorders of the nervous, endocrine systems and a number of infectious diseases. In cases where sweating is limited to local areas of the body (soles, palms, axillary areas, elbows and knees), we are talking about local hyperhidrosis due to increased excitability of the nervous system.


Physiological sweating is an indispensable condition for cleansing the body of toxins and waste products. Bath, sauna, steam room contribute to the removal of these substances from the body with sweat and general recovery. Even in a healthy person, sweating increases with physical exertion, as well as with emotional experiences and nervous overload.

Hyperhidrosis can be one of the symptoms of a number of neuropsychiatric, somatic diseases or a consequence of non-observance of personal hygiene rules.


Clinically distinguish between primary and secondary hyperhidrosis. Primary hyperhidrosis is more common in adolescence during rapid puberty and occurs in 1% of people. Secondary hyperhidrosis is usually the result of a neurological, endocrine or somatic disease. Identification of the factors that cause hyperhidrosis predetermines the program for further examination and treatment of the patient. So, with generalized hyperhidrosis, it is necessary, first of all, to exclude tumor, endocrine and infectious diseases.

Sweat glands form and secrete sweat through the pores on the surface of the skin, and the normal regulation of sweating in the human body is provided by the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible in the human body for the processes of metabolism, blood circulation, excretion, and reproduction. The autonomic nervous system is divided into two parts: sympathetic and parasympathetic.

Sweating is regulated by the sympathetic autonomic nervous system. With hyperfunction of the sympathetic nervous system, a change in the normal functioning of the sweat glands occurs: at the slightest excitement, a person immediately becomes covered with sweat. But what is the trigger of these interconnected processes and what are the causes of hyperhidrosis - modern medical science cannot yet give an exact answer to this question.

Treatment methods for hyperhidrosis

Non-surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis

Since sweat is a biological fluid that is formed in the human body, it is an excellent breeding ground for the reproduction of bacteria, which leads to a violation of the protective functions of the skin and the development of skin diseases: prickly heat, abrasions and diaper rash, as well as fungal and pustular diseases.

Therefore, the main postulate in the fight against hyperhidrosis should be careful observance of the rules of personal hygiene.

If hyperhidrosis is not a symptom accompanying the underlying disease, then the following types of conservative treatment are widely used in medical practice for its treatment:

  • psychotherapeutic methods

  • drug therapy

  • antiperspirants

  • physiotherapy methods

Psychotherapeutic methods of treating hyperhidrosis, in particular hypnosis, are aimed at eliminating the psychological problems of the patient. The ability to control their emotions and fears helps some people cope with the problem of hyperhidrosis.

For drug therapy of hyperhidrosis, different groups of drugs are used depending on the severity of the disease and contraindications.

Botox injections can be attributed to the modern method of treating hyperhidrosis. The pharmacological effect of this method of treatment is based on long-term (up to six months or more) blocking of the nerve endings that innervate the sweat glands, and a significant decrease in sweating.

Antiperspirants have a local effect and due to their chemical composition, which includes salts of zinc, aluminum, formaldehyde, salicylic acid, triclosan, ethyl alcohol, prevent sweating.

Among the physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, hydrotherapy (coniferous-salt therapeutic baths, contrast showers) is widely used, which has a general strengthening effect on the nervous system. Electrosleep also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - a therapeutic method of exposure to low-frequency pulsed current on the brain. The method of drug electrophoresis is based on a combination of direct current and ions of medicinal substances that reduce sweating.

Local surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis

All surgical methods of treatment pose a certain risk, therefore, it is worth resorting to them only after conservative treatment has been carried out, in the case when it turned out to be ineffective and did not bring the expected results. Local methods of surgery in the treatment of hyperhidrosis involve surgical intervention directly in the area of ​​increased sweating and are an intermediate step between conservative treatment and the central surgical method of dealing with hyperhidrosis (sympathectomy).

Currently, in the surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis, the following are successfully used:

  • liposuction of the armpit

  • closed curettage of the axillary zone

  • excision of the skin of the axillary zone.

The use of these methods of surgical treatment is the safest, gives a stable positive result, does not cause fear of side effects. They are less traumatic and do not cause cosmetic defects. the procedure is carried out through small punctures with a size of only 10 mm.

Consequences of non-intervention and complications

If you do not see a doctor, you can miss serious diseases that are the main cause of hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating can be a genetic predisposition, a feature of the body, and may develop against the background of certain diseases. For example, what diseases hyperhidrosis occurs in: it can be a symptom of tuberculosis, a sharp drop in blood glucose levels, damage to the nervous system, hormonal changes, vegetovascular dystonia, flat feet, emotional or physical overstrain, obesity.

Eucerin: Sweating | Excessive sweating

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    Factors Causing Hyperhidrosis

    Excessive sweating can be temporary or long term

    Even if the causes of hyperhidrosis are genetic, there are factors that can cause an outbreak of sweating. Just as in the case of an attack of temporary excessive sweating, they can be caused by anxiety or anxiety in a particular situation, meeting or event.

    Try to plan your daily routine and avoid stress.

    Changes in lifestyle, changes in general health or body weight, alcohol, medication or drug use can also cause flare-ups of excessive sweating, as can changes in climate or temperature.

    If hyperhidrosis is caused by infection, disease, or hormonal changes, it is secondary hyperhidrosis and the cause itself is a factor in its occurrence. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    Small lifestyle changes can help if sweating is temporary

    Everyone sweats, because sweating is a completely normal function of the body. However, it can cause discomfort and psychological problems, and intense and uncontrolled sweating can seriously complicate life. Therefore, a condition called hyperhidrosis should not become a burden. Learn more about the different types of excessive sweating.

    Causes And Stimulating Factors

    Why sweating can become excessive

    Overactive sweat glands (so-called eccrine glands) appear to be the main cause of hyperhidrosis.

    Research has shown that in cases of primary or localized hyperhidrosis, the part of the brain that regulates sweating generates signals to the eccrine glands even when there is no particular need to cool the body. This dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system can lead to sweating, which occurs for no apparent reason, and brings trouble to a person.

    Alcohol can trigger an outbreak of excessive sweating. The main cause of hyperhidrosis is a genetic predisposition.

    Primary or localized hyperhidrosis is considered genetic: there is a tendency to be inherited (family history is present in 30-50% of people). Often, relatives currently or previously suffered from local hyperhidrosis. It occurs in otherwise healthy people during puberty and usually peaks in the second or third decade of life.

    Other causes of secondary hyperhidrosis .
    These may include:

    • Pregnancy
    • Menopause
    • Anxiety
    • Substance and alcohol abuse
    • Cardiovascular disease
    • Diabetes
    • Respiratory failure
    • Obesity • Hyperthyroidism
    0 • Gout
    • Use of certain drugs
    • Peripheral nerve injury
    • Parkinson's disease


    It is very important that any case of secondary hyperhidrosis be examined by a physician to properly diagnose its cause.

    Signs And Symptoms

    Excessive sweating is normal

    Sweating is a natural function of the body. Everyone sweats when the weather is hot or during physical activity, such as playing sports: Salty, clear liquid (99% water, 1% salt) is produced and excreted through the passages of the exocrine sweat glands, thus performing the important physical function of cooling the body.

    Sweat glands secrete sweat through our pores.

    In addition, sweating may increase in case of emotional stress or nervous tension: in addition to the eccrine sweat glands, the so-called apocrine sweat glands are activated, which produce a relatively small amount of sweat of various composition, rich in proteins and lipids. Bacteria on the skin break down apocrine sweat, which leads to unwanted body odor.

    Most people have also been exposed to excessive and unpredictable sweating, eg after exercise, in heat, etc. In such situations, the body produces and releases more moisture. If this occurs even under conditions that do not normally cause sweating (i.e. at a moderate temperature or when the body is at rest), this condition is called hyperhidrosis. People with hyperhidrosis may sweat profusely, and even changing the environment, such as exposure to the sun, may not help. The sweat glands of such people are hyperactive.

    Am I Excessive Sweating or Hyperhidrosis?

    You may sweat excessively if. ..

    You get large wet patches under your armpits, sweat drips off your face, and/or your socks get damp during exercise or in hot weather

    Normal antiperspirants don't protect you enough from sweating

    You feel better after use antiperspirant designed to prevent excessive sweating

    Changes in your lifestyle reduce sweating

    Excessive sweating may present with moderate to intense droplet formation, resulting in large wet patches on clothing, wet and smelly feet and shoes, and clammy and damp hands.

    About 1% of the population sweats excessively for no apparent reason.

    Two types of hyperhidrosis

    Medications can trigger symptoms of hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis can lead to stress, and stress can trigger these symptoms again - try to break the cycle and find a solution.

    The term hyperhidrosis is used when excessive sweating is beyond the normal level. There are two main types.

    • If excessive sweating is felt on some parts of the body, such as the arms, legs, parts of the face, or under the arms, this is called primary (idiopathic) or localized hyperhidrosis .
    • Although excessive sweating is not considered a disease, it can be a symptom of another disease. Sometimes even serious enough. In this case, it is called secondary hyperhidrosis , which means that increased sweating is a side effect of another disease or has hormonal causes (for example, pregnancy or menopause).

    People suffering from primary or secondary hyperhidrosis may feel awkward, anxious, sometimes even exhausted. Thus, heavy sweating can have serious psychological consequences, such as depression and anxiety caused by concern about other people's reactions.

    Symptoms - manifestations of excessive sweating

    There is no established way to evaluate excessive sweating in terms of "amount of sweat". However, if heavy sweating interferes with daily life and normal activities, it may be hyperhidrosis.

    Hyperhidrosis can also cause shyness, try to participate in social activities such as playing sports. Hyperhidrosis is always noticeable.

    Consider a method that can help diagnose hyperhidrosis:

    Primary hyperhidrosis most likely occurs when excessive sweating has been observed for more than six months. It mostly occurs in the armpits, palms, soles, or craniofacial areas. This process is quite symmetrical, does not happen at night and in most cases occurs at least once a week. Hyperhidrosis is genetically determined and manifests itself before the age of 25 years.

    In case of primary or localized hyperhidrosis (when only certain parts of the body are affected), the areas of risk are:

    • armpits (axillary hyperhidrosis)
    • back
    • palms (hands hyperhidrosis)
    • face (facial hyperhidrosis)
    • soles of the feet
    • chest
    • back of knees

    These areas have an unusually high concentration of exocrine glands responsible for sweating. Flashes of localized sweating, however, can occur simultaneously on several parts of the body.

    Frequency of hyperhidrosis

    One or more episodes of excessive sweating per week is normal for most of those who suffer from primary or localized hyperhidrosis (but not during sleep).

    For those who suffer from secondary hyperhidrosis (when such a condition has a definite cause), the frequency of sweating depends on the development of the disease that caused it.

    You may have hyperhidrosis if...

    You sweat a lot more than most people

    You have at least one episode of excessive sweating per week

    Have a history of hyperhidrosis in your family

    You suspect that you have a sweating disorder

    Dealing with flare-ups of excessive sweating can impair the quality of daily life:

    Frequent showering or changing clothes in one day is time consuming, reluctance to take off jacket or feeling awkward when shaking hands, for example, can lead to awkwardness in public, loss of desire to attend sporting events . This can even affect professional activities (for example, the maintenance of tools or the use of a keyboard can become problematic in case of localized hyperhidrosis on the hands). The result can be social self-isolation of people suffering from hyperhidrosis.

    Procedures and measures that help with hyperhidrosis

    There is no remedy that stops any form of sweating. After all, this is an important function of the body. However, people who suffer from hyperhidrosis can choose one of the ways to get rid of the disturbing symptoms of hyperhidrosis. From some of them - even for a long time.

    Treatment for hyperhidrosis varies and should be discussed with your doctor.

    A wide range of surgical and non-surgical methods are available that differ in cost, side effects and duration of action. Most of them act on the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands.

    Effective treatment can lead to a significant improvement in the lives of patients, provided that diagnosis and treatment are carried out carefully.


    The means used must also be agreed with the doctor.

    Topical application: antitranspirant

    Antitranspirants contain aluminum salts that act by partially and reversibly blocking the ducts of the sweat glands.

    antiperspirants (also called antiperspirants) are especially effective in reducing excessive sweating in the armpits due to the action of their main ingredient (based on aluminum salts) and are usually the first remedy recommended by dermatologists, as it is more of a "cosmetic" and non-invasive way to keep sweating is normal.

    As active substances, antitranspirants contain aluminum salts such as aluminum hydrochloride (ACH) or aluminum chloride (ACH). They act on the eccrine and apocrine sweat glands, partially and reversibly clogging the ducts of the sweat glands, thus reducing the amount of sweat they secrete. These seals are harmless. Since less sweat is produced, there is less hydration and noticeably less odor. Antitranspirants are available as sprays or roll-on deodorants and even in small amounts can significantly reduce sweating.

    In cases of excessive sweating, we suggest trying the following treatments:

    Use Eucerin Antiperspirant Roll-On Deodorant 48 Hours Protection in the evening before bed and in the morning. Using Eucerin Antiperspirant Roll-On 48 Hours Protection in the evening allows the active ingredients to clog the sweat glands. They don't wash off in the shower and stay on for at least two days. Therefore, the effect of the product increases with increasing frequency of use.

    If the effect is not enough for your individual needs, we suggest you try Eucerin Intense Antiperspirant Spray 72 Hour Protection for maximum effectiveness against heavy perspiration and odor. Please make sure you read the instructions completely and follow the instructions for use carefully and do not use it every day for a longer period than allowed to avoid irritation.

    Dermatological treatment options include:

    Botulinum Toxin Type A
    (Commonly known by the brand name Botox) Particularly useful for those suffering from underarm sweating, and considered one of the best treatments tested to date, it is injected with a neurotoxic substance and helps prevent excessive underarm sweating: the nerve pathways that stimulate the sweat glands are blocked and sweating stops.

    Learn more