Am i too empathetic quiz
Are You an Empath? I Psych Central
Empath Test: Are You an Empath? I Psych Central- Conditions
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Medically reviewed by Kendra Kubala, PsyD, Psychology — By Ari Howard on June 9, 2022
This quiz can’t replace a clinical diagnosis. If you believe you might have a mental health condition after taking this test, consider reaching out to a qualified professional about your symptoms.
When you see someone in distress do you feel emotional? Do you feel as if you’re experiencing their pain? If your answer is yes, you could be an empath, or at least partly an empath.
People experience empathy to varying degrees. In fact, some people may be incredibly empathetic in some ways but have trouble being empathetic in other instances.
Other people might fall under the concept of “dark empathy” because they can identify what you feel and use it to their advantage.
This is because there are three different types of empathy and just because you’re highly empathetic in one category, doesn’t necessarily mean you’re empathetic in the other two categories.
In a few cases, people can also have low or no empathy.
The three empathetic categories include:
- Cognitive empathy: the ability to identify how someone else is feeling
- Emotional empathy: being able to feel someone else’s emotions
- Compassionate empathy: actively wanting to help someone in need
A full empath has developed skills in all three categories. But just because you score low in all three categories doesn’t mean that you can’t develop skills to be more empathetic in the future.
If you’d like to increase your empathy, you can speak with a mental health professional. They can provide tools and strategies to help you cultivate empathy.
This brief, time-saving quiz is designed for anyone who wants to learn more about their empathy levels.
Your score will help you determine whether or not you’re an empath and, if you are, to what degree.
The results of this quiz are not a diagnosis of a mental health condition. But people who score low on the empath quiz may find it helpful to speak with a mental health professional to help develop their empathy skills.
The empath quiz can help you determine how much growing you may still want to do in this area.
Last medically reviewed on June 9, 2022
Medically reviewed by Kendra Kubala, PsyD, Psychology — By Ari Howard on June 9, 2022
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What % Empathetic Are You?
Image: DjelicS / E+ / Getty Images
Empathy, that ability to imagine what someone else is going through and share in their feelings, provides the bedrock for healthy relationships between individuals and communities. If we can’t imagine someone else’s experience, we’re more likely to simply pursue our own interests at the expense of others. For the world to be a pleasant place of mutual harmony and not just a dog-eat-dog arena, we need empathy.
Empathy has been expressly valued in American culture since the mid-20th-century. After World War II, “social scientists and psychologists started more aggressively pushing the concept into the culture” as a way to avoid mutually-assured destruction by nuclear warfare, according to the NPR story “The End of Empathy. ” However, social scientists have been noticing a decline in people holding empathy as a personal value starting in the 1960s. For decades, researcher Sara Koranth studied people’s agreement levels to claims like “It’s not really my problem if others are in trouble and need my help” and “Before criticizing someone, I try to imagine how I would feel if I were in their place.” Her research found that young people today are 40% less empathetic than youngsters in the 60s (NPR). Yikes. Does that bode well for our future?
While empathy is learned from infancy, it’s not too late to develop greater empathy as an adult. “Psychology Today” author David F. Zwink offers that some “roadblocks” to empathy can be overcome. For one thing, in order to feel the pain that another person is experiencing, he says we must notice that the person is in pain (duh, right?). Turning off devices and tuning into each other may be powerful building blocks for building empathy (um, that’s a little more difficult).
What about you? Do you need remedial empathy instruction, or are you going to train the next generation? Let’s find out with this quiz!
If you’re stopped at a traffic light and someone has a sign that says, “NEED HELP,” what do you do
Empty out my wallet in their hand
Select a small bill out of my wad of bills
Look the other direction, but feel bad about it
Don’t even see them
If someone was being bullied on the playground when you were a child, how would you react?
Physically go to the child being bullied and try to stop the bully
From the periphery, shout at the bully to stop it
Go tell a teacher what was happening
Join in the fun
When you notice a stray cat beneath a bush by your house, what is your reaction?
Put on some gloves and a thick shirt, pull the cat out and get it spayed or neutered.
Bring it a bowl of food
Call the city animal rescue operation
Call pest control
When you hear a story on the radio about a dire refugee situation unfolding in another country, what are your thoughts?
Figuring out how to get to that country to personally be a part of the relief work
Finding out how to donate to the relief work
Worrying about how those people are surviving
Find another station
When you accidentally knocked over your sibling when you were a kid, what did you do next?
Stop in my tracks to help them up and made sure they were OK
Turn around and ask if they’re OK
Say sorry as I run on and also “don’t tell mom!”
Pretend I didn’t notice
If you were driving and saw a turtle crossing a busy street, what would you do?
Stop the car and go across lanes of traffic to retrieve the turtle, then take it home and care for it.
Block the traffic with your car and call animal rescue
Call animal rescue while you keep driving
10 points!
When your neighbor is sick, what is your inclination?
Go over to their house to care for them
Make them soup and deliver it
Send them a text hoping they feel better
Stay clear of them
If a stranger asked you to borrow your cell phone, what would you say?
Here it is.
I’ll call a number for you.
Here’s money for a pay phone.
Which of the following do you most value?
Taking care of those in need
Taking care of my community
Taking care of family
Moving up in my career
What makes you happiest?
Seeing comfort on a suffering person’s face
Knowing that I’ve made a difference in someone’s life
Feeling that I don’t have to worry about a needy person anymore
Knowing that at least that horrible thing didn’t happen to me
How would you feel if a visitor in your home took a shower and used your towel?
I’d be glad they were able to get dry.
I’d wish I had remembered to set one out for them.
I’d be slightly annoyed.
I’d be disgusted.
What responsibility do you have to care for strangers in need?
The same as my own family.
If I’m able to do something, I should.
If I can help without too much trouble, I should.
It’s not my responsibility.
Who is your home for?
Whoever needs a roof over their head
My family and my neighbors
My family and friends
Just me and my family
When someone is telling you about their experience, what are you doing mentally?
Actively imagining what their experience was like and what they must have felt
Trying to put myself in their shoes and imagining how I would have felt
Alternately listening and thinking about what I’m going to say next
Waiting for the conversation to change
When you find out that a colleague has had a death in the family, what do you feel?
Deep grief
A vague sadness
A sense that I should feel sad for them
How do you approach someone whose views completely oppose your own?
I ask them questions to try to understand where they’re coming from.
I ask them questions to try to get them to see gaps in their perspective.
I debate with them about issues I feel strongly about.
I berate them for their views.
If a child is trying hard to tell you something, but you can’t understand them, what do you think?
I wish so much that I knew what they were saying so I could understand their mind better.
This sweet child is trying so hard.
Ok, little one, are you almost finished?
Enough, kid.
What is the purpose of relationships?
To grow through meeting the other person where they are
To face the joys and hardships of life together
To bring each other enjoyment
To get what you need from another person
If you hear someone say something that you disagree with deeply, what do you think about them?
They must have good reasons for how they feel.
Poor misguided soul
If they knew better, they woudn’t think that way.
That idiot
If you see a destitute person without a jacket, while you’re walking home with your designer jacket on on a cold night, what’s your next move?
Place the jacket on their shoulders
See if I have something warm in my car
Hope that someone can help that person stay warm
Walk faster
If a friend comes over in the evening unannounced, and you only have one drink left in the fridge, what do you do?
Offer them the drink
Offer them the drink, but hint that it’s the last one
Offer to split a drink with them
Save it for later
When you are in the midst of a heated argument with someone you love, where does your mind go?
I wonder what is making them feel so strongly about this.
I wish they could understand my point of view.
I am angry with them for not understanding me.
I think they are a hateful fool.
How do you see your role when someone you love is struggling emotionally?
I’m there to listen and join them in the struggle.
I’m there to comfort them with hugs and ice cream.
I’ll come over to take them out for some distraction.
I may just go underground for awhile.
What do you consider when you raise a complaint at work?
I think about how the person responsible for the complaint will feel about the issue I’m raising.
I word my complaint carefully so I don’t hurt anyone’s feelings.
I am very careful to give an accurate description of what happened.
I’m ready to throw an enemy under the bus.
When you answer the phone and it’s someone making calls for a political campaign you do not support, what is your line?
I’m listening.
Thank you for your call, but I’m supporting the other candidate.
Sorry, I’m for the other guy. Click.
What are you thinking? Don’t you know that...
What can tell you the most about a person?
Hearing them tell their personal story
Finding out about their childhood
Seeing a picture of them from childhood
People just show you what they want you to see.
In the story of the Good Samaritan, a man is beaten by thieves and left on the road. Two people see him and walk on the other side of the road. One man picks him up and takes him to an innkeeper to help him get well. Which one are you?
The one who helps him.
The innkeeper
I walk on the other side of the road.
The thief
What is your motto?
None of us is free until all of us are free
Treat others how you want to be treated
What goes around comes around.
Eat, drink, and be merry.
When you are on a plane, and a baby is wailing, what do you think?
That poor baby
Those poor parents
Poor me
Get the baby off the plane.
When someone has hurt you badly, what kind of self talk do you engage in?
I try to imagine what good reasons might have motivated their actions.
I try to tell myself that no one is perfect, remembering the ways I’ve hurt them too.
I brood over why this particular injury is so hurtful.
I think of how I can hurt them back.
You Got:
Insomnia test
Questions Answer all of the questions listed. To answer a question, click on the appropriate option.I was told that I snore*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I have been told that I have pauses in breathing during sleep*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I have high blood pressure*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
My friends and family members often tell me that I am too grumpy and irritable*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I would like to be more energetic*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I sweat too much in my sleep*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
Sometimes I wake up with palpitations or heart failure*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I often wake up in the morning with a headache*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
Sometimes I wake up feeling short of breath*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I am overweight*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I seem to have problems with sex*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I often feel sleepy and try to fight this condition*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I often wake up with dry mouth*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I find it difficult to sleep*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I have thoughts “spinning” in my head that prevent me from falling asleep*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I have trouble sleeping several times a week*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I wake up and can't go back to sleep*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I am constantly worried about various things and cannot relax*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I wake up in the morning earlier than I would like*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I lie down before going to bed and cannot fall asleep for 30 minutes or more*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I often feel sad and depressed*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
It is rather difficult for me to concentrate on work or study*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
When I am angry or surprised at something, I feel my muscles go limp*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
Can fall asleep while driving*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I often feel like I'm in a dope*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I have visions while falling asleep or waking up*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I can fall asleep at the cinema, working at my desk or at a party*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
My sleepiness causes problems at work*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
Sometimes I dream right after falling asleep or during a short daytime nap*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
During the day, I have an irresistible desire to fall asleep, regardless of the efforts to overcome this state *
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
Sometimes when I sleep I feel paralyzed*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I wake up at night with a sour taste in my mouth*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I wake up at night coughing and wheezing*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I often get heartburn*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
At night I suddenly wake up feeling suffocated*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
During the period when I am not physically exerting myself, I feel tension in the muscles of my legs*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I notice (or have been told) that parts of my body twitch during sleep*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I was told that I twitch my leg in my sleep*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
Before going to bed I sometimes experience discomfort or pain in my legs*
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time nine0017
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
- almost never
- rare
- from time to time
- quite often
- almost all the time
I have cramps or pain in my legs at night*
Sometimes at night I can't find a place for my legs, I want to move them all the time to feel comfortable*
Even though I slept well at night, I feel sleepy during the day*
How tired are you? TEST by Frederic Fange and Saverio Tomasella.

Murzaeva Irina Yurievna
Endocrinologist, Preventive medicine doctor
No points. Only the answer is "yes" or "no".
1 part.
My lifestyle is exhausting me
I dream of retiring
I no longer have the energy that would allow me to act in the same rhythm
I am under pressure from material problems better when the current situation is resolved
All everyday problems are solved only by me
Vacation? I cannot afford this luxury
All my days are scheduled by the minute
I dream of a change of scenery.
2 part.
I suffer from lack of demand or emotional dissatisfaction
I constantly have conflicts at work or in my personal life
For some time now I have been overwhelmed with negative emotions (fear, sadness, anxiety, etc.)
I can no longer understand my feelings
Personal life now feels like a rollercoaster ride
I never managed to heal "old wounds"
My love affair takes a lot of strength and energy from me
They don't pay attention to me, they don't flirt, it annoys me
I feel disappointed / betrayed / offended
I am very worried about loved ones
Part 3.
I plan my life to the best of my ability
I excel in developing scenarios and alternative scenarios
I think too much, to the point of overworking
I find it difficult to follow the advice to trust people
My joy and enthusiasm are always accompanied by a slight anxiety
I am anything but an optimist
I cannot stop myself from fearing the future
Uncertainty I am scared
I am haunted by painful memories
Part 4 .
Every day I have to make a thousand decisions
It is not easy for me to delegate my powers to others
I'm always like a "squirrel in a wheel"
I'm constantly distracted
I don't have enough helpers to count on
My to-do list is constantly growing
I find it difficult to put off until later what I need to do now
I'm afraid making the wrong choice
Sometimes I am paralyzed by uncertainty
Solving too many secondary tasks takes me a lot of time
Part 5.
I help others before they even ask for it
I always have time for my loved ones
I am a very sensitive person
I often put others first and not myself
I try my best change life for the better
Help and care is in my blood!
I can't help but feel compassion when I see the suffering of others and the world in general!
I should have been more reserved, but I always respond to requests for help
Sometimes I want to be more selfish
I think there is never too much responsiveness
Part 6.
I feel exhausted and frustrated
My life today does not meet my expectations
I no longer have time to do what is interesting
I feel like I no longer belong to myself
I don't want anything
I it feels like I'm going the wrong way
I would like to change my life, start it from scratch
I live in a slow pace and I have no motivation at all
It seems that life is passing me by
Work sends me life
This test is necessary for those who have somatic problems.